win32kbase.sys.mui Pamata Win32k kodola draiveris 8a1527d9ed014ea9da801c189b0ca238

File info

File name: win32kbase.sys.mui
Size: 20480 byte
MD5: 8a1527d9ed014ea9da801c189b0ca238
SHA1: 1de77776be01f48c1dea4c8fac73c3148b2feb4e
SHA256: 1b4a345a7499f906e56ec38c7f604a78cc8615c78ebb9fc016e40827940493dc
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Latvian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Latvian English
00: Rietumu 0:Western
12: Simbols 2:Symbol
277:Mac 77:Mac
3128: japāņu 128:Japanese
4129:Hangul 129:Hangul
5130:Hangul (Johab) 130:Hangul(Johab)
6134: ĶĪNIEŠU_GB2312 134:CHINESE_GB2312
8161: grieķu 161:Greek
9162: turku 162:Turkish
10163: vjetnamiešu 163:Vietnamese
11177: ivrita 177:Hebrew
12178: arābu 178:Arabic
13186: Baltijas 186:Baltic
14204: kirilicas 204:Cyrillic
15222: taju 222:Thai
16238: Centrāleiropas 238:Central European
17255:OEM/DOS 255:OEM/DOS
18256: cits 256:Other
0x2Pattern Pattern
0x4CursorBlinkRate CursorBlinkRate
0x5SwapMouseButtons SwapMouseButtons
0x6DoubleClickSpeed DoubleClickSpeed
0x7SnapToDefaultButton SnapToDefaultButton
0x9Beep Beep
0xAMouseThreshold1 MouseThreshold1
0xBMouseThreshold2 MouseThreshold2
0xCMouseSpeed MouseSpeed
0xDKeyboardSpeed KeyboardSpeed
0xEWheelScrollLines WheelScrollLines
0xFWheelScrollChars WheelScrollChars
0x10DockTargetMouseWidth DockTargetMouseWidth
0x11DockTargetPenWidth DockTargetPenWidth
0x12WindowArrangementActive WindowArrangementActive
0x13DockTargetMouseDragOutWidth DockTargetMouseDragOutWidth
0x14DockTargetPenDragOutWidth DockTargetPenDragOutWidth
0x15DockTargetMouseSideMoveWidth DockTargetMouseSideMoveWidth
0x16DockTargetPenSideMoveWidth DockTargetPenSideMoveWidth
0x19PenVisualization PenVisualization
0x1APenArbitrationType PenArbitrationType
0x20Scrollbar Scrollbar
0x21Background Background
0x22ActiveTitle ActiveTitle
0x23InactiveTitle InactiveTitle
0x24Menu Menu
0x25Window Window
0x26WindowFrame WindowFrame
0x27MenuText MenuText
0x28WindowText WindowText
0x29TitleText TitleText
0x2AActiveBorder ActiveBorder
0x2BInactiveBorder InactiveBorder
0x2CAppWorkspace AppWorkspace
0x2DHilight Hilight
0x2EHilightText HilightText
0x2FButtonFace ButtonFace
0x30ButtonShadow ButtonShadow
0x31GrayText GrayText
0x32ButtonText ButtonText
0x33InactiveTitleText InactiveTitleText
0x34ButtonHilight ButtonHilight
0x35ButtonDkShadow ButtonDkShadow
0x36ButtonLight ButtonLight
0x37InfoText InfoText
0x38InfoWindow InfoWindow
0x39ButtonAlternateFace ButtonAlternateFace
0x3AHotTrackingColor HotTrackingColor
0x3BGradientActiveTitle GradientActiveTitle
0x3CGradientInactiveTitle GradientInactiveTitle
0x3DMenuHilight MenuHilight
0x3EMenuBar MenuBar
0x40IconSpacing IconSpacing
0x41IconVerticalSpacing IconVerticalSpacing
0x42IconTitleWrap IconTitleWrap
0x43Wallpaper Wallpaper
0x44WallpaperStyle WallpaperStyle
0x45WallpaperOriginX WallpaperOriginX
0x46WallpaperOriginY WallpaperOriginY
0x47(Default) (Default)
0x52(None) (None)
0x53TileWallpaper TileWallpaper
0x5BMouseHoverWidth MouseHoverWidth
0x5CMouseHoverHeight MouseHoverHeight
0x5DMouseHoverTime MouseHoverTime
0x5EMenuShowDelay MenuShowDelay
0x60MenuDropAlignment MenuDropAlignment
0x61DoubleClickWidth DoubleClickWidth
0x62DoubleClickHeight DoubleClickHeight
0x63ScreenSaveTimeOut ScreenSaveTimeOut
0x64ScreenSaveActive ScreenSaveActive
0x65LowPowerTimeOut LowPowerTimeOut
0x66LowPowerActive LowPowerActive
0x67PowerOffTimeOut PowerOffTimeOut
0x68Yes Yes
0x69No No
0x6AKeyboardDelay KeyboardDelay
0x6BDragFullWindows DragFullWindows
0x6CFocusBorderWidth FocusBorderWidth
0x6DFocusBorderHeight FocusBorderHeight
0x6FPowerOffActive PowerOffActive
0x70BlockSendInputResets BlockSendInputResets
0x71-1125 -1125
0x75Arrow Arrow
0x76IBeam IBeam
0x77Wait Wait
0x78Crosshair Crosshair
0x79UpArrow UpArrow
0x7CSizeWE SizeWE
0x7DSizeNS SizeNS
0x7ESizeAll SizeAll
0x80AppStarting AppStarting
0x81Hand Hand
0x82Help Help
0x83NWPen NWPen
0x84Icon Icon
0x85CoolSwitchRows CoolSwitchRows
0x86CoolSwitchColumns CoolSwitchColumns
0x87WindowMetrics WindowMetrics
0x88BorderWidth BorderWidth
0x89CaptionWidth CaptionWidth
0x8ACaptionHeight CaptionHeight
0x8BCaptionFont CaptionFont
0x8CSmCaptionWidth SmCaptionWidth
0x8DSmCaptionHeight SmCaptionHeight
0x8ESmCaptionFont SmCaptionFont
0x8FMenuWidth MenuWidth
0x90MenuHeight MenuHeight
0x91MenuFont MenuFont
0x92MinWidth MinWidth
0x93MinHorzGap MinHorzGap
0x94MinVertGap MinVertGap
0x95MinAnimate MinAnimate
0x96MinArrange MinArrange
0x97MinFont MinFont
0x98ScrollWidth ScrollWidth
0x99ScrollHeight ScrollHeight
0x9AIconFont IconFont
0x9CStatusFont StatusFont
0x9DMessageFont MessageFont
0x9EPaddedBorderWidth PaddedBorderWidth
0x9FLeftOverlapChars LeftOverlapChars
0xA0RightOverlapChars RightOverlapChars
0xB1Application Application
0xB3Question Question
0xB4Exclamation Exclamation
0xB5Asterisk Asterisk
0xB6Winlogo Winlogo
0xB7FeedbackToolEnabled FeedbackToolEnabled
0xB8Send Feedback Send Feedback
0xB9Shield Shield
0xC6DragWidth DragWidth
0xC7DragHeight DragHeight
0xC8FontSmoothing FontSmoothing
0xC9UserPreferencesMask UserPreferencesMask
0xCAForegroundLockTimeout ForegroundLockTimeout
0xCBActiveWndTrkTimeout ActiveWndTrkTimeout
0xCCForegroundFlashCount ForegroundFlashCount
0xCDLockScreenAutoLockActive LockScreenAutoLockActive
0xDCExtendedSounds ExtendedSounds
0xDDAutorun Autorun
0xE5Close Close
0xE6Minimize Minimize
0xE7Maximize Maximize
0xE8Restore Up Restore Up
0xE9Restore Down Restore Down
0xECshow status show status
0xEDEnableHexNumpad EnableHexNumpad
0x25EDdeSendTimeout DdeSendTimeout
0x25FLowLevelHooksTimeout LowLevelHooksTimeout
0x260MouseSensitivity MouseSensitivity
0x261CaretWidth CaretWidth
0x262ClickLockTime ClickLockTime
0x263FontSmoothingType FontSmoothingType
0x264FontSmoothingGamma FontSmoothingGamma
0x265MouseTrails MouseTrails
0x266SmoothMouseXCurve SmoothMouseXCurve
0x267SmoothMouseYCurve SmoothMouseYCurve
0x268SnapshotMonitors SnapshotMonitors
0x269FontSmoothingOrientation FontSmoothingOrientation
0x26AScreenSaverIsSecure ScreenSaverIsSecure
0x26BMinimumHitRadius MinimumHitRadius
0x26CMessageDuration MessageDuration
0x26DHungAppTimeout HungAppTimeout
0x26EWaitToKillTimeout WaitToKillTimeout
0x26FWaitToKillServiceTimeout WaitToKillServiceTimeout
0x270DragFromMaximize DragFromMaximize
0x271DockMoving DockMoving
0x272SnapSizing SnapSizing
0x273ContactVisualization ContactVisualization
0x274LogicalDPIOverride LogicalDPIOverride
0x275ConvertibleSlateMode ConvertibleSlateMode
0x276SystemDockMode SystemDockMode
0x277GestureVisualization GestureVisualization
0x278MouseWheelRouting MouseWheelRouting
0x10000031Atbildes laiks Response Time
0x30000000Informācija Info
0x30000001Sākt Start
0x30000002Apturēt Stop
0x400000F5Lietojumprogramma %2 bloķēja primāro virsmu %3 reizes. Application %2 locked the primary surface %3 time(s).
0x400000FARādītājierīce atbalsta tikai viena pirksta ievadi. A pointer device supports only single finger input.
0x4000010BSkārienaparatūras/skārienpaliktņa kvalitātes nodrošināšanas verifikācija izdevās. Touch/Touchpad Hardware Quality Assurance verification succeeded.
0x50000002Kļūda Error
0x50000005Izvērsts Verbose
0x800000F0Pieprasījumu aizturēt barošanu liedza %2. A request to suspend power was denied by %2.
0x800000F1Nereaģē uz Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Not responding to Microsoft (R) Windows(R)
0x800000F3Darbvirsmas sistēmas atmiņas iedalīšana neizdevās. A desktop heap allocation failed.
0x800000F4Neizdevās izveidot darbvirsmu darbvirsmas sistēmas atmiņas izsīkuma dēļ. Failed to create a desktop due to desktop heap exhaustion.
0x800000F6Skārienierīce neatbalsta maksimālā skaita rekvizītu. A touch device does not support the maximum count property.
0x800000F7Daudzskārienu ierīce neatbalsta obligāto saskares identifikatora rekvizītu. A multi-touch device does not support the mandatory contact identifier property.
0x800000FERādītājierīcei nav produkta virknes. A pointer device does not have a product string.
0x800000FFRādītājierīce neziņoja par saviem fiziskajiem izmēriem. A pointer device did not report its physical size.
0x80000100Lai kompensētu trūkstošo informāciju par rādītājierīces fiziskajiem izmēriem, tai tiks izmantoti noklusējuma izmēri. A default size is being used for a pointer device to compensate for the missing physical size information.
0x80000101Rādītājierīce ziņoja par nederīgu leņķa fizisko diapazonu. A pointer device reported a bad angular physical range.
0x80000102Rādītājierīce ziņoja par nederīgu leņķa loģisko diapazonu. A pointer device reported a bad angular logical range.
0x80000103Rādītājierīce neziņoja par nepieciešamo leņķa fizisko diapazonu. A pointer device did not report a required angular physical range.
0x80000104Rādītājierīce nenorādīja derīgu lineāro mērvienību. A pointer device did not report a valid unit of linear measurement.
0x80000106Rādītājierīce nenorādīja derīgu koordināšu mērvienību. A pointer device did not report a valid unit of coordinate measurement.
0x80000107Rādītājierīcei nav informācijas par monitoru, kurai tā ir pievienota. A pointer device has no information about the monitor it is attached to.
0x80000108Daudzskārienu ierīce norādīja nekonsekventu informāciju par saskari. A multi-touch device reported inconsistent contact information.
0x80000109Rādītājierīce nenorādīja derīgu leņķa mērvienību. A pointer device did not report a valid unit of angular measurement.
0x80000110Skārienpaliktņa ierīce neziņoja par kategoriju, kurā tā ietilpst. A touch pad device did not report the category it belongs to.
0xB0000104%1 mēģināja ielādēt fontu, ko ierobežo fontu ielādes politika.%nFonta tips: %2%nFonta ceļš: %3%nBloķēts: %4 %1 attempted loading a font that is restricted by font loading policy.%nFontType: %2%nFontPath: %3%nBlocked: %4
0xB00001A2PowerOnGdi PowerOnGdi
0xB00001A4UserResetDisplayDevice UserResetDisplayDevice
0xB00001A6PowerOnMonitor PowerOnMonitor
0xB00001A8DwmSyncFlushForceRenderAndWaitForBatch DwmSyncFlushForceRenderAndWaitForBatch
0xB00001ABŠo win32k sistēmas izsaukumu bloķē Win32k sistēmas izsaukumu filtrs: %1%nProcesa komandrinda: %3 The following win32k syscall is blocked by Win32k Syscall Filter: %1%nProcess Command Line: %3
0xB00001ACWin32k sistēmas izsaukumu filtrs bloķēja šādu SystemParametersInfo darbību: %1 The following SystemParametersInfo action was blocked by Win32k Syscall Filter: %1
0xB00001ADPowerWatchdog PowerWatchdog
0xB00001AFVideoPortCalloutThread VideoPortCalloutThread
0xB00001B1PowerStateCalloutWorker PowerStateCalloutWorker
0xB00001B3PowerEventCalloutWorker PowerEventCalloutWorker
0xB00001B5Ievietot Insert
0xB00001B6Noņemt Remove
0xB00001B7Atcelts Canceled
0xB00001B8Pabeigts Completed
0xB00001B9WaitForVideoPortCalloutReady WaitForVideoPortCalloutReady
0xC00000F8Rādītājierīce neatbalsta maksimālā obligāto gala rekvizītu. A pointer device does not support the mandatory tip property.
0xC00000F9Rādītājierīce neatbilst nepieciešamajam minimālajam skenēšanas laika lielumam. A pointer device does not meet the minimum required scan time size.
0xC00000FBRādītājierīce neatbalsta obligātās pogas. A pointer device does not support mandatory buttons.
0xC00000FCRādītājierīcei ir nederīgs koordināšu diapazons. A pointer device has an invalid coordinate range.
0xC00000FDRādītājierīcei nav obligātā koordināšu rekvizīta. A pointer device does not have a mandatory coordinate property.
0xC0000105Rādītājierīce norādīja par atļauto maksimumu lielāku maksimālo saskares vietu skaitu. A pointer device reported a maximum contact count higher than the allowed maximum.
0xC000010ASkārienu draiveris bloķēts, jo netika izpildītas logotipa prasības. Touch driver blocked due to failed logo requirements.
0xC000010CSkārienierīču kontaktpersonu skaita limits ir pārsniegts. The contact count limit for touch devices has been exceeded.
0xC000010DSkārienpaliktņa ierīce neatbalsta maksimālā skaita rekvizītu. A touch pad device does not support the maximum count property.
0xC000010ESkārienpaliktņa ierīce neatbalsta obligāto saskares identifikatora rekvizītu. A touch pad device does not support the mandatory contact identifier property.
0xC000010FSkārienpaliktnis pazemināts mantotajā režīmā, jo neizturēja logotipa prasību pārbaudi. Touch pad relegated to legacy mode due to failed logo requirements.
0xC0000111Skārienpaliktņa ierīce neatbalsta obligāto PTPHQA lietojuma rekvizītu. A touch pad device does not support the mandatory PTPHQA usage property.
0xC0000112Skārienpaliktņa ierīca tika atstāta darbojamies peles režīmā, jo konfigurācijas pieprasījums neizdevās. A touch pad device was left in mouse mode because the config request failed.
0xC0000184Ierīce %2 \"%3\" atrodas nereaģējošā stāvoklī. Device %2 \"%3\" entered a non-responsive state.
0xC0000416HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SessionManager\\SubSystems\\Windows reģistrs satur apakšvirkni SharedSection=.Vērtības šai SharedSection ir par lielu. Noklusējuma vērtības ir SharedSection=1024,3072,512Lūdzu, mainiet šīs reģistra vērtības, lai sistēma Windows tiktu pareizi ielādēta. HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SessionManager\\SubSystems\\Windows registry contains a substring SharedSection=.The values for this SharedSection are too big. The Default values are SharedSection=1024,3072,512Please change the registry values for Windows to load up properly.
0xD0000001SendInput SendInput
0xD0000002Ievades rinda Input Queue
0xD0000003Taustiņa stāvoklis Key State
0xD0000004Peles stāvoklis Mouse State
0xD0000005Neapstrādāta ievade Raw Input
0xD0000006Zema līmeņa aizķeres Low Level Hooks
0xD0000007Karstais taustiņš HotKey
0xD0000008Ziņojuma pēcapstrāde Message Post-Processing
0xD0000009SPI kopa SPI Set
0xD000000ABlockInput BlockInput
0xD000000BMainīt logu ziņojumu filtru Change Window Message Filter
0xD000000CŽurnāla aizķere Journal Hook
0xD000000DŽestu programma Gesture Engine
0xD000000EEkrānsaudzētāja taimauts Screen Saver timeout
0xD000000FDispleja notīrīšanas taimauts Display Blanking timeout
0xD0000010Konsoles slēga taimauts Console Lock timeout
0xD0000011Displeja spilgtuma samazināšanas taimauts Display Dim timeout
0xD0000012Laiksakritības optimizācijas Concurrency Optimizations
0xD0000013ScreenSaver procesa sākums ScreenSaver Process Start
0xD0000014ScreenSaver procesa beigas ScreenSaver Process End
0xD0000015Winlogon paziņojuma sākums Winlogon Notification Start
0xD0000016Winlogon paziņojuma beigas Winlogon Notification End
0xD0000017Sistēmas atmiņa System Memory
0xD0000018Ierīces bitkarte Device Bitmap
0xD0000019Uzkrātais novecojušais reģions kopš pēdējās tīrīšanas reizes Accumulated dirty region since last time it was cleared
0xD000001AUzkrātais novecojušais reģions kopš virsmas izveidošanas Accumulated dirty region since the surface was created
0xD000001BKlipa reģions, kas atvasināts no loga reģiona Clip region derived from the Window region
0xD000001CNo bitu blokpārraides atvasināts izgriešanas reģions Clip region derived from bit blit
0xD000001DDX uzkrāšanas reģions DX accumulation region
0xD000001ELasīt DX uzkrāšanas reģionu Read DX accumulation region
0xD000001FPārvietot reģionu Move Region
0xD0000020TokenStateCreated TokenStateCreated
0xD0000021TokenStatePending TokenStatePending
0xD0000022TokenStateCompleted TokenStateCompleted
0xD0000023TokenStateInFrame TokenStateInFrame
0xD0000024TokenStateConfirmed TokenStateConfirmed
0xD0000025TokenStateRetired TokenStateRetired
0xD0000026TokenStateDiscarded TokenStateDiscarded
0xD0000027Fails File
0xD0000028Atmiņa Memory
0xD0000029Attālais (printeris) Remote (Printer)
0xD000002AIerīce Device
0xD000002BRequestQueue RequestQueue
0xD000002CPoCallout PoCallout
0xD000002EDwmSyncFlush DwmSyncFlush
0xD000002FDrvSetMonitor DrvSetMonitor
0xF0000001Pavedienam bija ievades ziņojumi Thread had input messages
0xF0000002Pavedienam bija redzami logi Thread had visible windows
0xF0000003Pavedienam ir jauna ievade Thread has new input
0xF0000004Pavedienam ir redzami logi Thread has visible windows
0xF0000005Pavedienam ir logi Thread has windows
0xF0000006Pavedienam ir dubulti logi Thread has ghosted windows
0xF0000007Pavediens tiek iznīcināts Thread is being destroyed
0xF0000008Pavediens piegādāja loga ziņojumus Thread pumped per-window messages
0xF0000009Pavedienam ir ievades ziņojumi Thread has input messages
0xF000000APavediens griežas, veicot logošanas API izsaukumus Thread is spinning making windowing API calls
0xF000000BPavedienam ir loga fokuss Thread has window focus
0xF000000CPavediens ir priekšplāns Thread is foreground


File Name:win32kbase.sys.mui
File Size:20 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:19968
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Driver
File Subtype:7
Language Code:Latvian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Pamata Win32k kodola draiveris
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:win32kbase.sys
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Visas tiesības paturētas.
Original File Name:win32kbase.sys.mui
Product Name:Operētājsistēma Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is win32kbase.sys.mui?

win32kbase.sys.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Latvian language for file win32kbase.sys (Pamata Win32k kodola draiveris).

File version info

File Description:Pamata Win32k kodola draiveris
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:win32kbase.sys
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Visas tiesības paturētas.
Original Filename:win32kbase.sys.mui
Product Name:Operētājsistēma Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x426, 1200