termsrv.dll.mui 遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器遠端連線管理員 89cbf63ce0d1fe928932e3c66433a2ee

File info

File name: termsrv.dll.mui
Size: 23552 byte
MD5: 89cbf63ce0d1fe928932e3c66433a2ee
SHA1: 2c146fa7c4b3ef0c71da4df1dd82a4a319266f45
SHA256: 560d670ad8e71fd99be7f6b5056121f3752591345ad166184cb7c7eb54b24281
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
249閒置計時器到期 Idle timer expired
2 分鐘後會登出。
Session has been idle over its time limit.
Logoff will start in 2 minutes.
Press any key now to continue session.
251登入計時器到期 Logon timer expired
2 分鐘後會登出。
Session has now exceeded its time limit,
Logoff will start in 2 minutes.
Save all your files now.
253遠端控制要求 Remote Control Request
254其他使用者 Another user
is requesting to control your session remotely.
Do you accept the request?
258您的遠端桌面服務臨時用戶端授權將在 %1!d! 天後到期。
Your remote desktop services temporary client license will expire in %1!d! days.
Please contact your system administrator to get a permanent license.
259遠端桌面服務警告 Remote Desktop Services Warning
260所有使用這個通訊協定的網路介面卡 All network adapters configured with this protocol
261遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器已經超過允許的連線數目上限。 The Remote Desktop Session Host server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections.
2 分鐘後將中斷連線。
Session has been idle over its time limit.
It will be disconnected in 2 minutes.
Press any key now to continue session.
2 分鐘後將中斷連線。
Session has now exceeded its time limit,
It will be disconnected in 2 minutes.
Save all your files now.
264要求連線 Request for Connection
265正在嘗試連線到這部電腦。如果您允許的話,您將被中斷連線,但是您可以稍後再繼續連線。您要允許這個連線嗎? is trying to connect to this computer. If you allow, you will be disconnected, but you can resume later. Do you want to allow this connection?
266遠端用戶端正在嘗試透過遠端桌面服務關閉這部電腦 A remote client is trying to shutdown this machine through Remote Desktop Services
267允許使用者以互動方式連線到遠端電腦。遠端桌面及遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器都需要依賴此服務。若要避免從遠端使用這部電腦,請取清除 [系統內容] 控制台項目的 [遠端] 索引標籤上的核取方塊。 Allows users to connect interactively to a remote computer. Remote Desktop and Remote Desktop Session Host Server depend on this service. To prevent remote use of this computer, clear the checkboxes on the Remote tab of the System properties control panel item.
268Remote Desktop Services Remote Desktop Services
2 分鐘後會登出。
按一下 [確定] 保持連線。
Session has been idle over its time limit.
Logoff will start in 2 minutes.
Click OK to stay connected.
2 分鐘後會中斷連線。
按一下 [確定] 保持連線。
Session has been idle over its time limit.
It will be disconnected in 2 minutes.
Click OK to stay connected.
271遠端桌面授權問題 Remote Desktop License Issue
272您的遠端桌面授權發生問題,因此將在 %d 分鐘後將您的工作階段中斷連線。請連絡您的系統管理員以修正此問題。 There is a problem with your Remote Desktop license, and your session will be disconnected in %d minutes. Contact your system administrator to fix this problem.
273您的連線時間已達有遠端桌面授權問題之使用者的時間上限,因此系統將在 2 分鐘後將您的工作階段中斷連線。您可以重新連線,但在您的系統管理員修正授權問題之前,您的工作階段將限制為 %d 分鐘。 You’ve been connected for the maximum amount of time allowed for users with Remote Desktop license issues, and your session will be disconnected in 2 minutes. You can connect again, but your session will be limited to %d minutes until your administrator fixes the license issues.
1100系統管理遠端桌面 Remote Desktop for Administration
1101這個原則提供兩個同時的連線。 This policy provides two concurrent connections.
1200每一裝置 Per Device
1201此原則需要將授權發給連線到遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器的每部用戶端電腦 (裝置)。 This policy requires a license to be issued to each client computer (device) that connects to the Remote Desktop Session Host server.
1302每個使用者 Per User
1303此原則需要將授權發給連線到遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器的每位使用者。使用者授權的配置目前尚未管理。 This policy requires a license to be issued to each user that connects to the Remote Desktop Session Host Server. The allocation of licenses to users is not currently managed.
1306Windows Server 2003 - 終端機伺服器每一裝置的 CAL 權杖。 Windows Server 2003 - Terminal Server Per Device CAL Token.
1501遠端使用者 A Remote User
1503無法判斷 could not be determined
1601遠端桌面服務電源要求 Remote Desktop Services Power Request
2000The user %s\%s is logged on locally to this computer. This user has been idle for %s. %s If you continue this user's Windows Session will end and any un-saved data will be lost. Do you want to continue? The user %s\%s is logged on locally to this computer. This user has been idle for %s. %s If you continue this user's Windows Session will end and any un-saved data will be lost. Do you want to continue?
2001The user %s is logged on locally to this computer. This user has been idle for %s. %s If you continue this user's Windows Session will end and any un-saved data will be lost. Do you want to continue? The user %s is logged on locally to this computer. This user has been idle for %s. %s If you continue this user's Windows Session will end and any un-saved data will be lost. Do you want to continue?
2002The user %s\%s is logged on remotely to this computer. This user has been idle for %s. %s If you continue this user's Windows Session will end and any un-saved data will be lost. Do you want to continue? The user %s\%s is logged on remotely to this computer. This user has been idle for %s. %s If you continue this user's Windows Session will end and any un-saved data will be lost. Do you want to continue?
2003The user %s is logged on remotely to this computer. This user has been idle for %s. %s If you continue this user's Windows Session will end and any un-saved data will be lost. Do you want to continue? The user %s is logged on remotely to this computer. This user has been idle for %s. %s If you continue this user's Windows Session will end and any un-saved data will be lost. Do you want to continue?
2004使用者 %s\%s 登入這台電腦,且已中斷連線 %s。如果您繼續執行,這個使用者的 Windows 工作階段將結束,任何未儲存的資料都將遺失。您要繼續嗎? The user %s\%s is logged on to this computer and has been disconnected for %s. If you continue this user's Windows Session will end and any un-saved data will be lost. Do you want to continue?
2005使用者 %s 登入這台電腦,且已中斷連線 %s。如果您繼續執行,這個使用者的 Windows 工作階段將結束,任何未儲存的資料都將遺失。您要繼續嗎? The user %s is logged on to this computer and has been disconnected for %s. If you continue this user's Windows Session will end and any un-saved data will be lost. Do you want to continue?
2006桌面已被鎖定。 The desktop is locked.
2007桌面已解除鎖定。 The desktop is unlocked.
2008%d 天 %d days
2009%d 小時 %d hours
2010%d 分鐘 %d minutes
2011%d 天又 %d 小時 %d days and %d hours
2012%d 小時又 %d 分鐘 %d hours and %d minutes
2013超過 49 天 more than 49 days
0x3EB遠端桌面用戶端 '%1' 提供的授權無效。 The remote desktop client '%1' has provided an invalid license.
0x3EC遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器無法簽發用戶端授權。它無法簽發授權的原因包括: 用戶端授權變更 (不相符)、記憶體不足,或是發生內部錯誤。可能已在用戶端電腦上報告這個問題的進一步詳細資訊。 The Remote Desktop Session Host server cannot issue a client license. It was unable to issue the license due to a changed (mismatched) client license, insufficient memory, or an internal error. Further details for this problem may have been reported at the client's computer.
0x3F3無法從遠端桌面用戶端 %1 建立遠端工作階段,因為它的臨時授權已到期。 The remote session could not be established from remote desktop client %1 because its temporary license has expired.
0x42C尚未設定 RD 授權模式。 The RD Licensing mode has not been configured.
0x42DRD 授權寬限期已經到期,而且尚未設定遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器的授權模式。必須設定授權模式才能繼續操作。 The RD Licensing grace period has expired and Licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host server has not been configured. Licensing mode must be configured for continuous operation.
0x10000038傳統 Classic
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x400003F4來自用戶端名稱 %1 的遠端工作階段已超過登入嘗試失敗的最大極限。工作階段因此被迫終止。 Remote session from client name %1 exceeded the maximum allowed failed logon attempts. The session was forcibly terminated.
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000004資訊 Information
0x50000005詳細資訊 Verbose
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager
0x90000002System System
0xB0000002%1 %1
0xB0000100遠端桌面服務遠端連線管理員正在啟動 Remote Desktop Services Remote Connection Manager is starting up
0xB0000101遠端桌面服務遠端連線管理員已完成啟動。傳回碼 %1 Remote Desktop Services Remote Connection Manager has finished start up. Return code %1
0xB0000102接聽程式 %1 已開始接聽 Listener %1 has started listening
0xB0000103接聽程式 %1 已停止接聽 Listener %1 has stopped listening
0xB0000104接聽程式 %1 於接聽時發生失敗。錯誤碼 %2 Listener %1 failed while listening. Error code %2
0xB0000105接聽程式 %1 收到連線 Listener %1 received a connection
0xB0000106接聽程式 %1 收到停止接聽的要求 Listener %1 has been asked to stop listening
0xB00003EERD 工作階段主機伺服器收到大量未完成的連線。系統可能遭到攻擊。 The RD Session Host server received large number of incomplete connections. The system may be under attack.
0xB0000470未安裝 RD 工作階段主機伺服器角色。 RD Session Host Server role is not installed.
0xB0000471無法啟動遠端桌面服務的漫遊使用者設定檔快取管理員。錯誤碼: %1 The roaming user profile cache manager for Remote Desktop Services could not start. Error Code: %1
0xB0000472無法啟動遠端桌面服務的漫遊使用者設定檔快取管理員,因為指定的監視間隔值不正確。錯誤碼: %1 The roaming user profile cache manager for Remote Desktop Services could not start because an incorrect value was specified for the monitoring interval. Error Code: %1
0xB0000473無法啟動遠端桌面服務的漫遊使用者設定檔快取管理員,因為指定的快取大小上限值不正確。錯誤碼: %1 The roaming user profile cache manager for Remote Desktop Services could not start because an incorrect value was specified for the maximum cache size. Error Code: %1
0xB0000474已啟用「限制整個漫遊使用者設定檔快取的大小」群組原則設定,但遠端桌面服務的漫遊使用者設定檔快取管理員發生問題。錯誤碼: %1 The \"Limit the size of the entire roaming user profile cache\" Group Policy setting has been enabled, but the roaming user profile cache manager for Remote Desktop Services has encountered a problem. Error Code: %1
0xB0000475已停用「限制整個漫遊使用者設定檔快取的大小」群組原則設定,但遠端桌面服務的漫遊使用者設定檔快取管理員發生問題。錯誤碼: %1 The \"Limit the size of the entire roaming user profile cache\" Group Policy setting has been disabled, but the roaming user profile cache manager for Remote Desktop Services has encountered a problem. Error Code: %1
0xB0000476已啟用「限制整個漫遊使用者設定檔快取的大小」群組原則設定。 The \"Limit the size of the entire roaming user profile cache\" Group Policy setting has been enabled.
0xB0000477已停用「限制整個漫遊使用者設定檔快取的大小」群組原則設定。 The \"Limit the size of the entire roaming user profile cache\" Group Policy setting has been disabled.
0xB0000478遠端桌面服務的漫遊使用者設定檔快取管理員無法刪除使用者 %1 的漫遊使用者設定檔。漫遊使用者設定檔快取可能仍超過 %2 GB 限制。錯誤碼: %3 The roaming user profile cache manager for Remote Desktop Services could not delete the roaming user profile for the user %1. The roaming user profile cache might still exceed the %2 gigabyte limit. Error Code: %3
0xB0000479遠端桌面服務的漫遊使用者設定檔快取管理員已刪除使用者 %1 的漫遊使用者設定檔,因為漫遊使用者設定檔快取超過 %2 GB 限制。 The roaming user profile cache manager for Remote Desktop Services deleted the roaming user profile for the user %1 because the roaming user profile cache exceeded the %2 gigabyte limit.
0xB000047A遠端桌面服務: 遠端控制工作階段已起始:%n%n%1 已起始遠端控制工作階段:%n使用者: %2%n網域: %3 Remote Desktop Services: Remote control session initiated:%n%n%1 initiated a remote control session:%nUser: %2%nDomain: %3
0xB000047B遠端桌面服務: 遠端控制工作階段連線成功:%n%n%1 已起始遠端控制工作階段:%n使用者: %2%n網域: %3 Remote Desktop Services: Remote control session connection succeeded:%n%n%1 initiated a remote control session:%nUser: %2%nDomain: %3
0xB000047C遠端桌面服務: 遠端控制工作階段連線失敗:%n%n%1 已起始遠端控制工作階段:%n使用者: %2%n網域: %3 Remote Desktop Services: Remote control session connection failed:%n%n%1 initiated a remote control session:%nUser: %2%nDomain: %3
0xB000047D遠端桌面服務: 使用者驗證成功:%n%n使用者: %1%n網域: %2%n來源網路位址: %3 Remote Desktop Services: User authentication succeeded:%n%nUser: %1%nDomain: %2%nSource Network Address: %3
0xB000047E遠端桌面服務: 使用者設定資料已合併:%n%n使用者: %1%n網域: %2%n來源網路位址: %3 Remote Desktop Services: User config data have been merged:%n%nUser: %1%nDomain: %2%nSource Network Address: %3
0xB000047F遠端使用者的連線遭到已登入使用者的拒絕。%n%n使用者帳戶: %2%n網域: %1%n來源 IP 位址: %3 The remote user's connection was declined by the logged on user.%n%nUser Account: %2%nDomain: %1%nSource IP Address: %3
0xB0000480無法建立 KVP 工作階段字串。錯誤碼 %1 Failed to create KVP sessions string. Error Code %1
0xB0000481無法寫入 KVP 工作階段字串。錯誤碼 %1 Failed to write KVP sessions string. Error Code %1
0xB0000483遠端連線管理員已選取核心模式 RDP 通訊協定堆疊。 The Remote Connection Manager selected Kernel mode RDP protocol stack.
0xB0000484遠端連線管理員已選取使用者模式 RDP 通訊協定堆疊。 The Remote Connection Manager selected User mode RDP protocol stack.
0xB0000485接聽程式 %1 已修改某些組態設定。 The listener named %1 has modified some configuration settings.
0xB0000486遠端桌面服務接受了來自 IP 位址 %1 的連線。 Remote Desktop Services accepted a connection from IP address %1.
0xB0000500「遠端桌面設定」服務無法將使用者 %1\\%2 從系統管理員群組移除,錯誤碼: %3 Remote Desktop Configuration service could not remove user %1\\%2 from administrators group, error Code: %3
0xB0000501「遠端桌面設定」服務無法將使用者 %1\\%2 從 Remote Desktop Users 群組移除,錯誤碼: %3 Remote Desktop Configuration service could not remove user %1\\%2 from Remote Desktop Users group, error Code: %3
0xB0000502「遠端桌面設定」服務無法將 SID 為 %1 的使用者從系統管理員群組移除,錯誤碼: %2 Remote Desktop Configuration service could not remove user with SID %1 from administrators group, error Code: %2
0xB0000503「遠端桌面設定」服務無法將 SID 為 %1 的使用者從 Remote Desktop Users 群組移除,錯誤碼: %2 Remote Desktop Configuration service could not remove user with SID %1 from Remote Desktop Users group, error Code: %2
0xB0000504「遠端桌面設定」服務已經將使用者 %1\\%2 新增到系統管理員群組 Remote Desktop Configuration service has added user %1\\%2 to administrators group
0xB0000505「遠端桌面設定」服務已經將使用者 %1\\%2 新增到 Remote Desktop Users 群組 Remote Desktop Configuration service has added user %1\\%2 to Remote Desktop Users group
0xB0000506「遠端桌面設定」服務已將 SID 為 %1 的使用者從系統管理員群組移除 Remote Desktop Configuration service has removed user with SID %1 from administrators group
0xB0000507「遠端桌面設定」服務已將 SID 為 %1 的使用者從 Remote Desktop Users 群組移除 Remote Desktop Configuration service has removed user with SID %1 from Remote Desktop Users group
0xB0000508「遠端桌面設定」服務已將使用者 %1\\%2 從系統管理員群組移除 Remote Desktop Configuration service has removed user %1\\%2 from administrators group
0xB0000509「遠端桌面設定」服務已將使用者 %1\\%2 從 Remote Desktop Users 群組移除 Remote Desktop Configuration service has removed user %1\\%2 from Remote Desktop Users group
0xB0005000已啟動遠端桌面服務網路公平分享。 Remote Desktop Services Network Fair Share started.
0xB0005001遠端桌面服務網路公平分享已停止。 Remote Desktop Services Network Fair Share stopped.
0xB0005002已對使用者帳戶 %1 啟用遠端桌面服務網路公平分享 (權數為 %2)。 Remote Desktop Services Network Fair Share was enabled for the user account %1 with a weight of %2.
0xB0005003已對工作階段 %1 的連線啟用遠端桌面服務網路公平分享 (權數為 %2)。 Remote Desktop Service Network Fairshare has been enabled for connection on session %1 with weight of %2.
0xB0005004遠端桌面服務無法對使用者帳戶 %1 啟用網路公平分享,錯誤碼為 %2。 Remote Desktop Services could not enable Network Fair Share for the user account %1. The error code is %2.
0xB0005005遠端桌面服務無法對工作階段 %1 的連線啟用網路公平分享,錯誤碼為 %2。 Remote Desktop Services could not enable Network Fair Share for the connection on session %1. The error code is %2.
0xB0005006遠端桌面服務無法對工作階段 %1 啟用網路公平分享,錯誤碼為 %2。 Remote Desktop Services could not enable Network Fair Share for session %1. The error code is %2.
0xB0005007遠端桌面服務已對使用者帳戶 %1 停用網路公平分享。 Remote Desktop Services Network Fair Share was disabled for the user account %1.
0xB0005008已對工作階段 %1 連線停用網路遠端桌面服務公平分享。 Remote Desktop Services Network Fair Share was disabled for the connection on session %1.
0xB0005009遠端桌面服務無法對使用者帳戶 %1 停用網路公平分享,錯誤碼為 %2。 Remote Desktop Services could not disable Network Fair Share for the user account %1. The error code is %2.
0xB000500A遠端桌面服務無法停用工作階段 %1 的網路公平分享連線,錯誤碼為 %2。 Remote Desktop Services could not disable Network Fair Share for the connection on session %1. The error code is %2.
0xB000500B「遠端桌面服務」無法中斷使用者帳戶 (SID 為 %1) 的使用者磁碟連線。錯誤碼是 %2。%3 Remote Desktop Services could not disconnect a user disk for the user account with a SID of %1. The error code is %2.%3
0xB000500C「遠端桌面服務」無法中斷使用者 (SID 為 %1) 的使用者磁碟連結。錯誤碼是 %2。%3 Remote Desktop Services could not detach a user disk for the user account with a SID of %1. The error code is %2.%3
0xB000500D「遠端桌面服務」無法為使用者帳戶 (SID 為 %1) 套用使用者桌面。已強制為該使用者套用臨時設定檔。請確定使用者設定檔磁碟設定是正確的。錯誤碼是 %2。%3 Remote Desktop Services could not apply a user desktop for a user account with a SID of %1. A temporary profile was enforced for the user. Verify that the user profile disk settings are correct. The error code is %2.%3
0xB000500E「遠端桌面服務」無法取得使用者帳戶 (SID 為 %1) 的使用者設定檔磁碟。請確定使用者設定檔磁碟位置可供存取、伺服器的電腦帳戶具有該位置的讀取與寫入權限,且該位置中有使用者設定檔磁碟範本存在。錯誤碼是 %2。%3 Remote Desktop Services could not obtain a user profile disk for the user account with a SID of %1. Verify that the user profile disk location is accessible, the server's computer account has read and write permissions to it, and that the location has a user profile disk template file present. The error code is %2.%3
0xB000500F「遠端桌面服務」無法連結使用者帳戶 (SID 為 %1) 的使用者設定檔磁碟。錯誤碼是 %2。%3 Remote Desktop Services could not attach a user profile disk for a user account with a SID of %1. The error code is %2.%3
0xB0005010「遠端桌面服務」無法為 SID 為 %1 的使用者帳戶套用使用者桌面。無法為該使用者強制使用臨時設定檔。該使用者將取得標準設定檔,且該系統將在該使用者登出之後捨棄其狀態。請確定使用者設定檔磁碟設定是正確的。錯誤碼是 %2。%3 Remote Desktop Services could not apply a user desktop for a user account with a SID of %1. A temporary profile could not be enforced for the user. The user will get a normal profile, and the user's state will be discarded when the user logs off. Verify that the user profile disk settings are correct. The error code is %2.%3
0xB0005011「RD 授權」花太長的時間處理用戶端授權 The RD Licensing has taken too long to process the client license
0xB0005012「遠端桌面服務」花太長的時間完成用戶端連線 Remote Desktop Services has taken too long to complete the client connection
0xB0005013「遠端桌面服務」花太長的時間從伺服器 %1 載入使用者 %2 的使用者設定 Remote Desktop Services has taken too long to load the user configuration from server %1 for user %2
0xB0005014「遠端桌面服務」花了 %3 毫秒從伺服器 %1 載入使用者 %2 的使用者設定 Remote Desktop Services took %3 milliseconds to load the user configuration from server %1 for user %2
0xB0005015「遠端桌面服務」無法在配置的時間內關閉 Remote Desktop Services failed to shutdown within the time allocated
0xB0005016「遠端桌面服務」無法在配置的時間內抓取工作階段 %1 的連線相關資訊 Remote Desktop Services failed to retrieve information about a connection for session %1 within the time allocated
0xB0005017陰影檢視工作階段已啟動%n%n電腦 %2 上的使用者 %1 正在檢視使用者 %3 (工作階段識別碼: %4) Shadow View Session Started%n%nUser %1 on computer %2 viewing user %3 (Session ID: %4)
0xB0005018陰影檢視工作階段已停止%n%n電腦 %2 上的使用者 %1 正在檢視使用者 %3 (工作階段識別碼: %4) Shadow View Session Stopped%n%nUser %1 on computer %2 viewing user %3 (Session ID: %4)
0xB000501A陰影控制工作階段已啟動%n%n電腦 %2 上的使用者 %1 正在控制使用者 %3 (工作階段識別碼: %4) Shadow Control Session Started%n%nUser %1 on computer %2 controlling user %3 (Session ID: %4)
0xB000501B陰影控制工作階段已停止%n%n電腦 %2 上的使用者 %1 正在控制使用者 %3 (工作階段識別碼: %4) Shadow Control Session Stopped%n%nUser %1 on computer %2 controlling user %3 (Session ID: %4)
0xB000501C陰影檢視權限已獲授與%n%n使用者 %1 (工作階段識別碼: %3) 已獲授與檢視使用者 %2 的權限 Shadow View Permission Granted%n%nUser %1 (Session ID: %3) granted permission to user %2
0xB000501D陰影檢視權限已遭拒%n%n使用者 %1 (工作階段識別碼: %3) 已被拒絕檢視使用者 %2 的權限 Shadow View Permission Denied%n%nUser %1 (Session ID: %3) denied permission to user %2
0xB000501E陰影控制權限已獲授與%n%n使用者 %1 (工作階段識別碼: %3) 已獲授與控制使用者 %2 的權限 Shadow Control Permission Granted%n%nUser %1 (Session ID: %3) granted permission to user %2
0xB000501F陰影控制權限已獲授與%n%n使用者 %1 (工作階段識別碼: %3) 已被拒絕控制使用者 %2 的權限 Shadow Control Permission Denied%n%nUser %1 (Session ID: %3) denied permission to user %2
0xB0005020陰影工作階段失敗%n%n使用者 %2 嘗試陰影化為使用者 %1 (工作階段識別碼: %4) 時發生錯誤 %3 Shadow Session Failure%n%nUser %2 encountered error %3 trying to shadow user %1 (Session ID: %4)
0xB0005021陰影工作階段失敗%n%n由於群組原則設定,使用者 %2 無法陰影化為使用者 %1 (工作階段識別碼: %3)。 Shadow Session Failure%n%nUser %2 was unable to shadow user %1 (Session ID: %3) because of group policy settings.
0xB0005022陰影工作階段失敗%n%n由於工作階段已陰影化,使用者 %2 無法陰影化為使用者 %1 (工作階段識別碼: %3)。 Shadow Session Failure%n%nUser %2 was unable to shadow user %1 (Session ID: %3) because that session is already being shadowed.
0xB0005023工作階段 %1 的閒置時間已超過其時間限制,因此已被登出 Session %1 has been idle over its time limit, and was logged off
0xB0005024工作階段 %1 的閒置時間已超過其時間限制,因此已被中斷連線 Session %1 has been idle over its time limit, and was disconnected
0xB0005025工作階段 %1 超過其時間限制,因此已被登出 Session %1 has exceeded its time limit, and was logged off
0xB0005026工作階段 %1 超過其時間限制,因此已被中斷連線 Session %1 has exceeded its time limit, and was disconnected
0xB0005027工作階段 %1 超過其中斷連線時間限制,因此已被登出 Session %1 has exceeded its disconnect time limit, and was logged off
0xB0005028將從網域控制站載入此 %1 連線的使用者設定資訊 User config info will be loaded from domain controller for this %1 connection
0xB0005029將從本機電腦載入此 %1 連線的使用者設定資訊 User config info will be loaded from local machine for this %1 connection
0xB000502A陰影工作階段剪貼簿複製要求%n%n電腦 %2 上的使用者 %1 控制使用者 %3 (工作階段識別碼: %4) 剪貼簿格式: %5 Shadow Session Clipboard Copy Request%n%nUser %1 on computer %2 controlling user %3 (Session ID: %4) Clipboard format: %5
0xC00003FETermService 叢集無法將用戶端重新導向到替代的可叢集伺服器,ntstatus=%1。 TermService clustering failed to redirect a client to an alternate clustered server, ntstatus=%1.
0xC0000400TermService 叢集無法初始化,因為工作階段目錄提供程式無法初始化,hresult=%1。 TermService clustering failed to initialize because the Session Directory Provider failed to initialize, hresult=%1.
0xC0000404無法從遠端桌面用戶端 %1 建立遠端工作階段,因為它的授權無法更新。 The remote session could not be established from remote desktop client %1 because its license could not be renewed.
0xC000040BRD 工作階段主機伺服器接聽程式堆疊已經停止了。相關的狀態碼是 %1。 RD Session Host Server listener stack was down. The relevant status code %1.
0xC000040CRD 工作階段主機伺服器工作階段建立失敗。相關的狀態碼是 %1。 RD Session Host Server session creation failed. The relevant status code was %1.
0xC0000411由於驗證失敗,因此自動重新連線無法將使用者重新連線到工作階段。(%1) Autoreconnect failed to reconnect user to session because authentication failed. (%1)
0xC0000413此遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器無法與遠端桌面授權伺服器 %1 通訊。請確認此遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器的電腦帳戶是授權伺服器上之 RDS Endpoint Servers 群組的成員。 The Remote Desktop Session Host server cannot communicate with the Remote Desktop license server %1. Ensure that the computer account for the Remote Desktop Session Host server is a member of the RDS Endpoint Servers group on the license server.
0xC0000416無法載入 RD 工作階段主機伺服器設定檔路徑。請注意,設定檔路徑的長度必須小於 256 個字元。使用者名稱: %1 網域: %2 Failed to load RD Session Host Server Profile path. Note that the profile path must be less than 256 characters in length. User Name: %1 Domain: %2
0xC000041ARD 工作階段主機伺服器接聽程式 %1 設定了不一致的驗證及加密設定。「加密層級」目前是設定為 %2,而「安全性階層」是設定為 %3。這些設定會自動進行修正,以允許連線繼續進行。請變更 [群組原則] 中的「安全性階層」及「加密層級」設定,或是使用 [系統管理工具] 資料夾中的 [遠端桌面工作階段主機設定] 工具。 The RD Session Host Server listener %1 is configured with inconsistent authentication and encryption settings. The Encryption Level is currently set to %2 and Security Layer is set to %3. These settings were automatically corrected to allow connections to proceed. Please change the Security Layer and Encryption Level settings in Group Policy or by using the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool in the Administrative Tools folder.
0xC000041BRD 工作階段主機伺服器已設定為搭配使用 SSL 與使用者選擇的憑證,然而,伺服器上找不到可使用的憑證。現在開始將使用預設的憑證來進行 RD 工作階段主機伺服器驗證。請使用 [系統管理工具] 資料夾中的 [遠端桌面工作階段主機設定] 工具來檢查安全性設定。 The RD Session Host Server is configured to use SSL with user selected certificate, however, no usable certificate was found on the server. The default certificate will be used for RD Session Host Server authentication from now on. Please check the security settings by using the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool in the Administrative Tools folder.
0xC000041CRD 工作階段主機伺服器已設定為使用將在 %2 天後到期的憑證。%1 憑證的 SHA1 雜湊位於事件資料中。請使用 [系統管理工具] 資料夾中的 [遠端桌面工作階段主機設定] 工具來檢查安全性設定。 The RD Session Host Server is configured to use a certificate that will expire in %2 days. %1 The SHA1 hash of the certificate is in the event data. Please check the security settings by using the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool in the Administrative Tools folder.
0xC000041DRD 工作階段主機伺服器已設定為使用已到期的憑證。%1 憑證的 SHA1 雜湊位於事件資料中。現在開始將使用預設的憑證來進行 RD 工作階段主機伺服器驗證。請使用 [系統管理工具] 資料夾中的 [遠端桌面工作階段主機設定] 工具來檢查安全性設定。 The RD Session Host Server is configured to use a certificate that is expired. %1 The SHA1 hash of the certificate is in the event data. The default certificate will be used for RD Session Host Server authentication from now on. Please check the security settings by using the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool in the Administrative Tools folder.
0xC000041ERD 工作階段主機伺服器已設定為使用未包含「伺服器驗證」的「增強金鑰使用方法」屬性。%1 憑證的 SHA1 雜湊位於事件資料中。現在開始將使用預設的憑證來進行 RD 工作階段主機伺服器驗證。請使用 [系統管理工具] 資料夾中的 [遠端桌面工作階段主機設定] 工具來檢查安全性設定。 The RD Session Host Server is configured to use a certificate that does not contain an Enhanced Key Usage attribute of Server Authentication. %1 The SHA1 hash of the certificate is in the event data. The default certificate will be used for RD Session Host Server authentication from now on. Please check the security settings by using the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool in the Administrative Tools folder.
0xC000041FRD 工作階段主機伺服器已設定為使用憑證,但是它無法存取與此憑證相關聯的私密金鑰。%1 憑證的 SHA1 雜湊位於事件資料中。現在開始將使用預設的憑證來進行 RD 工作階段主機伺服器驗證。請使用 [系統管理工具] 資料夾中的 [遠端桌面工作階段主機設定] 工具來檢查安全性設定。 The RD Session Host Server is configured to use a certificate but is unable to access the private key associated with this certificate. %1 The SHA1 hash of the certificate is in the event data. The default certificate will be used for RD Session Host Server authentication from now on. Please check the security settings by using the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool in the Administrative Tools folder.
0xC0000420已產生新的自我簽署憑證,它將用來在 SSL 連線上進行 RD 工作階段主機伺服器驗證。此憑證上的名為 %1。憑證的 SHA1 雜湊位於事件資料中。 A new self signed certificate to be used for RD Session Host Server authentication on SSL connections was generated. The name on this certificate is %1. The SHA1 hash of the certificate is in the event data.
0xC0000421RD 工作階段主機伺服器無法建立用來在 SSL 連線上進行 RD 工作階段主機伺服器驗證的新自我簽署憑證。相關的狀態碼為 %1。 The RD Session Host Server has failed to create a new self signed certificate to be used for RD Session Host Server authentication on SSL connections. The relevant status code was %1.
0xC0000422RD 工作階段主機伺服器無法取代用來在 SSL 連線上進行 RD 工作階段主機伺服器驗證的已到期自我簽署憑證。相關的狀態碼為 %1。 The RD Session Host Server has failed to replace the expired self signed certificate used for RD Session Host Server authentication on SSL connections. The relevant status code was %1.
0xC0000423RD 工作階段主機伺服器驗證憑證設定資料無效,且服務已將它重設。如果電腦已設定為使用特定的憑證,請確認它位於憑證存放區中,然後使用系統管理工具來再次選擇它。 The RD Session Host Server authentication certificate configuration data was invalid and the service reset it. If the computer was configured to use a specific certificate, please verify it is available in the certificate store and use the administrative tools to select it again.
0xC0000424未設定遠端桌面服務「使用者主目錄」,因為指定的路徑不存在或無法存取。已改用預設的「主目錄路徑」。使用者名稱: %1 網域: %2 The Remote Desktop Services User Home Directory was not set because the path specified does not exist or not accessible. The default Home Directory Path was used instead. User Name: %1 Domain: %2
0xC0000425遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器無法從 AD 抓取使用者授權資訊。錯誤 %1 Remote Desktop Session Host server was unable to retrieve users Licensing information from AD. Error %1
0xC0000426RD 工作階段主機伺服器設定為使用傳輸層安全性 (TLS) 1.0 的範本型憑證\\安全通訊端層 (SSL) 驗證及加密,但憑證上的主旨名稱無效。%1 憑證的 SHA1 雜湊位於事件資料中。因此,RD 工作階段主機伺服器將使用預設的憑證來進行驗證。若要解決此問題,請確定將用來建立此憑證的範本設定為使用 DNS 名稱做為主旨名稱。 The RD Session Host server is configured to use a template-based certificate for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0\\Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication and encryption, but the subject name on the certificate is invalid. %1 The SHA1 hash of the certificate is in the event data. Therefore, the default certificate will be used by the RD Session Host server for authentication. To resolve this issue, make sure that template used to create this certificate is configured to use DNS name as subject name.
0xC0000427已安裝 RD 工作階段主機伺服器進行傳輸層安全性 (TLS) 1.0\\安全通訊端層 (SSL) 驗證及加密所要使用的新範本型憑證。此憑證名為 %1。已在事件資料中提供憑證的 SHA1 雜湊。 A new template-based certificate to be used by the RD Session Host server for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0\\Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication and encryption has been installed. The name for this certificate is %1. The SHA1 hash of the certificate is provided in the event data.
0xC0000428RD 工作階段主機伺服器無法安裝用在傳輸層安全性 (TLS) 1.0\\安全通訊端層 (SSL) 驗證及加密的新範本型憑證。發生下列錯誤: %1。 The RD Session Host server cannot install a new template-based certificate to be used for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0\\Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication and encryption. The following error occured: %1.
0xC0000429RD 工作階段主機伺服器用來進行傳輸層安全性 (TLS) 1.0\\安全通訊端層 (SSL) 驗證及加密的範本型憑證已到期,且無法由 RD 工作階段主機伺服器取代。發生下列錯誤: %1。 The template-based certificate that is being used by the RD Session Host server for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0\\Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication and encryption has expired and cannot be replaced by the RD Session Host server. The following error occurred: %1.
0xC000042ARD 工作階段主機伺服器無法處理工作階段仲裁要求。錯誤 %1 RD Session Host Server was unable to process session arbitration request. Error %1
0xC000042BRD 工作階段主機伺服器無法登錄要用於伺服器驗證的 'TERMSRV' 服務主體名稱。發生下列錯誤: %1。 The RD Session Host server cannot register 'TERMSRV' Service Principal Name to be used for server authentication. The following error occured: %1.
0xC000042E已拒絕登入要求,因為 RD 工作階段主機伺服器目前在排除模式,因此不接受新使用者登入。若要設定伺服器允許新使用者登入,請使用 [遠端桌面服務設定] 工具。 A logon request was denied because the RD Session Host server is currently in drain mode and therefore not accepting new user logons. To configure the server to allow new user logons, use the Remote Desktop Services Configuration tool.
0xC000042F已拒絕連線要求,因為 RD 工作階段主機伺服器目前已設定成不接受連線。若要設定伺服器允許連線,請使用 chglogon 命令列工具。 A connection request was denied because the RD Session Host server is currently configured to not accept connections. To configure the server to allow connections, use the chglogon command-line tool.
0xC0000468RD 授權寬限期已經到期,而且服務尚未向已安裝授權的授權伺服器登錄。需要 RD 授權伺服器才能繼續運作。遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器首次啟動之後,可以在沒有授權伺服器的情況下運作 120 天。 The RD Licensing grace period has expired and the service has not registered with a license server with installed licenses. A RD Licensing server is required for continuous operation. A Remote Desktop Session Host server can operate without a license server for 120 days after initial start up.
0xC0000469RD 授權寬限期即將在 %1 到期,而且服務尚未向已安裝授權的授權伺服器登錄。需要 RD 授權伺服器才能繼續運作。遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器首次啟動之後,可以在沒有授權伺服器的情況下運作 120 天。 The RD Licensing grace period is about to expire on %1 and the service has not registered with a license server with installed licenses. A RD Licensing server is required for continuous operation. A Remote Desktop Session Host server can operate without a license server for 120 days after initial start up.
0xC000046A遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器未指定遠端桌面授權伺服器。若要為遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器指定授權伺服器,請使用遠端桌面工作階段主機設定工具。 The Remote Desktop Session Host server does not have a Remote Desktop license server specified. To specify a license server for the Remote Desktop Session Host server, use the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool.
0xC000046B遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器無法連絡遠端桌面授權伺服器 %1。請確認授權伺服器正在執行遠端桌面授權服務、授權伺服器接受網路要求,且授權伺服器已在 WINS 與 DNS 中登錄。 The Remote Desktop Session Host server could not contact the Remote Desktop license server %1. Ensure that the Remote Desktop Licensing service is running on the license server, that the license server is accepting network requests, and that the license server is registered in WINS and DNS.
0xC000046C遠端桌面授權伺服器 %1 不支援遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器上執行的作業系統版本。 The Remote Desktop license server %1 does not support the version of the operating system running on the Remote Desktop Session Host server.
0xC000046D遠端桌面授權伺服器簽發給遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器的憑證無效。授權伺服器將不會簽發遠端桌面服務用戶端存取授權給連線至遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器的用戶端。若要解決此問題,請刪除遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器上的憑證,然後重新啟動遠端桌面服務。 The certificate issued by the Remote Desktop license server to the Remote Desktop Session Host server is not valid. The license server will not issue Remote Desktop Services client access licenses to clients connecting to the Remote Desktop Session Host server. To resolve this issue, delete the certificate on the Remote Desktop Session Host server and then restart the Remote Desktop Services service.
0xC0000480遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器無法簽發用戶端授權。它無法簽發授權的原因包括: 用戶端授權變更 (不相符)、記憶體不足,或是發生內部錯誤。可能已在用戶端電腦上報告這個問題的進一步詳細資訊。 The Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server cannot issue a client license. It was unable to issue the license due to a changed (mismatched) client license, insufficient memory, or an internal error. Further details for this problem may have been reported at the client's computer.
0xC0000481RD 授權寬限期已經到期,而且尚未設定遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器的授權模式。必須設定授權模式才能繼續操作。 The RD Licensing grace period has expired and Licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server has not been configured. Licensing mode must be configured for continuous operation.
0xC0000482RD 授權寬限期已經到期,而且服務尚未向已安裝授權的授權伺服器登錄。需要 RD 授權伺服器才能繼續運作。遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器首次啟動之後,可以在沒有授權伺服器的情況下運作 120 天。 The RD Licensing grace period has expired and the service has not registered with a license server with installed licenses. A RD Licensing server is required for continuous operation. A Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server can operate without a license server for 120 days after initial start up.
0xC0000483RD 授權寬限期即將在 %1 到期,而且服務尚未向已安裝授權的授權伺服器登錄。需要 RD 授權伺服器才能繼續運作。遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器首次啟動之後,可以在沒有授權伺服器的情況下運作 120 天。 The RD Licensing grace period is about to expire on %1 and the service has not registered with a license server with installed licenses. A RD Licensing server is required for continuous operation. A Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server can operate without a license server for 120 days after initial start up.
0xC0000484遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器未指定遠端桌面授權伺服器。若要為遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器指定授權伺服器,請使用 Windows PowerShell 的 RDS 模組。 The Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server does not have a Remote Desktop license server specified. To specify a license server for the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server, use the RDS module for Windows PowerShell.
0xC0000485遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器無法連絡遠端桌面授權伺服器 %1。請確認授權伺服器正在執行遠端桌面授權服務、授權伺服器接受網路要求,且授權伺服器已在 WINS 與 DNS 中登錄。 The Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server could not contact the Remote Desktop license server %1. Ensure that the Remote Desktop Licensing service is running on the license server, that the license server is accepting network requests, and that the license server is registered in WINS and DNS.
0xC0000486遠端桌面授權伺服器 %1 不支援遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器上執行的作業系統版本。 The Remote Desktop license server %1 does not support the version of the operating system running on the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server.
0xC0000487遠端桌面授權伺服器簽發給遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器的憑證無效。授權伺服器將不會簽發授權給連線至遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器的用戶端。若要解決此問題,請刪除遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器上的憑證,然後重新啟動遠端桌面服務。 The certificate issued by the Remote Desktop license server to the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server is not valid. The license server will not issue licenses to clients connecting to the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server. To resolve this issue, delete the certificate on the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server and then restart the Remote Desktop Services service.
0xC0000488此遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器無法與遠端桌面授權伺服器 %1 通訊。請確認此遠端桌面虛擬主機伺服器的電腦帳戶是授權伺服器上之 RDS Endpoint Servers 群組的成員。 The Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server cannot communicate with the Remote Desktop license server %1. Ensure that the computer account for the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host server is a member of the RDS Endpoint Servers group on the license server.


File Name:termsrv.dll.mui
File Size:23 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:23040
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器遠端連線管理員
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:termsrv.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:termsrv.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is termsrv.dll.mui?

termsrv.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file termsrv.dll (遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器遠端連線管理員).

File version info

File Description:遠端桌面工作階段主機伺服器遠端連線管理員
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:termsrv.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:termsrv.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200