mferror.dll.mui 媒體基礎錯誤動態連結程式庫 8971d15c5d755ba4e3698ebd3ffa301f

File info

File name: mferror.dll.mui
Size: 22016 byte
MD5: 8971d15c5d755ba4e3698ebd3ffa301f
SHA1: 99624524b3e50bd72017b98466e0871652707b75
SHA256: e5893356d3687f06f4c520f614febf66b2e2292b6943d3a0823c67ecdad6904b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
100必須更新電腦上的下列元件,才能使用受保護的內容 The following components on your computer must be updated before protected content can be enjoyed
101檔案名稱 Name of file
102檔案的雜湊 Hash of file
103憑證公開金鑰的雜湊 Hash of certificate's public key
104進行更新的原因 Reason for update
105要更新的 WU GUID WU GUID for update
106檔案描述 Description of file
107產品名稱 Product name
108公司名稱 Company name
109 None
110Windows Media 撤銷及更新 Windows Media Revocation and Renewal
111必須重新啟動電腦才能繼續處理內容。 You must restart the machine to continue content processing.
114尋找新的 DVD 應用程式 Find a new DVD app
115市集 Store
0x000D36D8之前已將這個回撥及狀態傳入這個事件產生器。%0 This callback and state had already been passed in to this event generator earlier.%0
0x000D36FD無法在遠端處理程序中建立啟動,因為它已由空項目取代。%0 The activate could not be created in the remote process for some reason it was replaced with empty one.%0
0x000D4A42關機前沒有結束接收器。這可能會造成接收器產生損毀的內容。%0 The sink has not been finalized before shut down. This may cause sink to generate corrupted content.%0
0x000D61AD內容已取消。%0 The context was canceled.%0
0x000D61AF無法更新拓撲旗標。%0 Cannot update topology flags.%0
0x000D6D75呼叫者不應將這個事件傳播到下游元件。%0 The caller should not propagate this event to downstream components.%0
0x000D7150不需要資料流保護。%0 Protection for stream is not required.%0
0x000D7168在引發 MEPolicySet 事件前,不會保證執行這個資料流的保護。%0 Protection for this stream is not guaranteed to be enforced until the MEPolicySet event is fired.%0
0x000D7169因為這個視訊資料流已傳送到不明的軟體輸出,所以已停用視訊資料流。%0 This video stream is disabled because it is being sent to an unknown software output.%0
0x000D7173信任受保護環境。%0 The Protected Environment is trusted.%0
0x000D9C44如果在計時器停止時呼叫 Timer::SetTimer,就會傳回這個成功碼。在時鐘開始執行之前,計時器不會中斷連線。%0 Timer::SetTimer returns this success code if called happened while timer is stopped. Timer is not going to be dispatched until clock is running.%0
0x400D3A98正在進行剖析,尚未完成。%0 Parsing is still in progress and is not yet complete.%0
0x400D4272Proxy 設定是手動設定。%0 The proxy setting is manual.%0
0xC00D36B0未初始化平台。請呼叫 MFStartup()。%0 Platform not initialized. Please call MFStartup().%0
0xC00D36B1緩衝區太小無法執行要求的動作。%0 The buffer was too small to carry out the requested action.%0
0xC00D36B2此要求在目前狀態下無效。%0 The request is invalid in the current state.%0
0xC00D36B3提供的資料流號碼無效。%0 The stream number provided was invalid.%0
0xC00D36B4指定給媒體類型的資料無效、不一致或這個物件不支援。%0 The data specified for the media type is invalid, inconsistent, or not supported by this object.%0
0xC00D36B5被呼叫者目前未接受進一步的輸入。%0 The callee is currently not accepting further input.%0
0xC00D36B6需要先初始化這個物件才能執行要求的作業。%0 This object needs to be initialized before the requested operation can be carried out.%0
0xC00D36B7這個物件不支援要求的呈現方式。%0 The requested representation is not supported by this object.%0
0xC00D36B9物件已用完建議的媒體類型,因此將無法完成一連串的要求串流物件。%0 An object ran out of media types to suggest therefore the requested chain of streaming objects cannot be completed.%0
0xC00D36BA物件不支援指定的服務。%0 The object does not support the specified service.%0
0xC00D36BB要求的作業發生意外的錯誤。%0 An unexpected error has occurred in the operation requested.%0
0xC00D36BC名稱無效。%0 Invalid name.%0
0xC00D36BD類型無效。%0 Invalid type.%0
0xC00D36BE檔案與相關的檔案格式規格不符。%0 The file does not conform to the relevant file format specification.%0
0xC00D36BF索引無效。%0 Invalid index.%0
0xC00D36C0指定的時間戳記無效。%0 An invalid timestamp was given.%0
0xC00D36C3不支援指定的 URL 配置。%0 The scheme of the given URL is unsupported.%0
0xC00D36C4不支援指定的 URL 位元資料流類型。%0 The byte stream type of the given URL is unsupported.%0
0xC00D36C5不支援指定的時間格式。%0 The given time format is unsupported.%0
0xC00D36C8媒體樣本沒有時間戳記。%0 The Media Sample does not have a timestamp.%0
0xC00D36C9媒體樣本沒有持續時間。%0 The Media Sample does not have a duration.%0
0xC00D36CB因為資料流中的資料已損毀,所以要求失敗。%0 The request failed because the data in the stream is corrupt.%0
0xC00D36CF無法使用即時服務。%0 Real time services are not available.%0
0xC00D36D0不支援指定的速率。%0 The specified rate is not supported.%0
0xC00D36D1這個元件不支援影像傳送薄切。%0 This component does not support stream-thinning.%0
0xC00D36D2因為無法使用反向播放率,所以呼叫失敗。%0 The call failed because no reverse playback rates are available.%0
0xC00D36D3無法在目前的狀態中發生要求的速率轉換。%0 The requested rate transition cannot occur in the current state.%0
0xC00D36D4要求的速率變更已被優先佔用,且不會發生變更。%0 The requested rate change has been pre-empted and will not occur.%0
0xC00D36D5指定的物件或值不存在。%0 The specified object or value does not exist.%0
0xC00D36D6無法使用要求的值。%0 The requested value is not available.%0
0xC00D36D7指定的作業需要時鐘,但沒有任何時鐘可使用。%0 The specified operation requires a clock and no clock is available.%0
0xC00D36D9已將這個回撥傳入這個事件產生器。%0 This callback has already been passed in to this event generator.%0
0xC00D36DA某些元件已在接聽這個事件產生器上的事件。%0 Some component is already listening to events on this event generator.%0
0xC00D36DB這個計時器在到達回撥時間前都是處於孤立狀態。%0 This timer was orphaned before its callback time arrived.%0
0xC00D36DC狀態轉換已被擱置。%0 A state transition is already pending.%0
0xC00D36DD不支援要求的狀態轉換。%0 The requested state transition is unsupported.%0
0xC00D36DE已發生無法復原的錯誤。%0 An unrecoverable error has occurred.%0
0xC00D36DF提供的樣本緩衝區太多。%0 The provided sample has too many buffers.%0
0xC00D36E0無法寫入提供的樣本。%0 The provided sample is not writable.%0
0xC00D36E2指定的金鑰無效。%0 The specified key is not valid.%0
0xC00D36E3您使用了錯誤的 MF_VERSION 來呼叫 MFStartup。位元不相符嗎?%0 You are calling MFStartup with the wrong MF_VERSION. Mismatched bits?%0
0xC00D36E4不支援指定 URL 的標題。%0 The caption of the given URL is unsupported.%0
0xC00D36E5不允許目前位移上的作業。%0 The operation on the current offset is not permitted.%0
0xC00D36E6找不到要求的屬性。%0 The requested attribute was not found.%0
0xC00D36E7這個內容不允許指定的屬性類型。%0 The specified property type is not allowed in this context.%0
0xC00D36E8不支援指定的屬性類型。%0 The specified property type is not supported.%0
0xC00D36E9指定的屬性為空。%0 The specified property is empty.%0
0xC00D36EA指定的屬性不為空。%0 The specified property is not empty.%0
0xC00D36EB這個內容不允序指定的向量屬性。%0 The vector property specified is not allowed in this context.%0
0xC00D36EC在這個內容中需要向量屬性。%0 A vector property is required in this context.%0
0xC00D36ED作業已取消。%0 The operation is cancelled.%0
0xC00D36EE預期可尋找提供的位元資料流,但是找不到。%0 The provided bytestream was expected to be seekable and it is not.%0
0xC00D36EF系統以安全模式執行時,會停用媒體基礎平台。%0 The Media Foundation platform is disabled when the system is running in Safe Mode.%0
0xC00D36F0媒體來源無法剖析位元資料流。%0 The Media Source could not parse the byte stream.%0
0xC00D36F1已將互斥的旗標指定到來源解析器。這個旗標組合無效。%0 Mutually exclusive flags have been specified to source resolver. This flag combination is invalid.%0
0xC00D36F2MediaProc 的狀態錯誤。%0 MediaProc is in the wrong state.%0
0xC00D36F3即時 I/O 服務無法提供要求的輸送量。%0 Real time I/O service can not provide requested throughput.%0
0xC00D36F4無法使用更多類別註冊工作佇列。%0 The workqueue cannot be registered with more classes.%0
0xC00D36F5因為其他執行緒擁有這個物件,所以這個作業無法成功。%0 This operation cannot succeed because another thread owns this object.%0
0xC00D36F6內部。找不到 Bitpump。%0 Internal. Bitpump not found.%0
0xC00D36F7無法使用其他 RT 記憶體。%0 No more RT memory available.%0
0xC00D36F8未針對這個工作佇列設定 MMCSS 類別。%0 An MMCSS class has not been set for this work queue.%0
0xC00D36FA啟動無法建立媒體接收器。如需詳細資訊,請呼叫 OutputNode::GetUINT32(MF_TOPONODE_MAJORTYPE)。%0 Activate failed to create mediasink. Call OutputNode::GetUINT32(MF_TOPONODE_MAJORTYPE) for more information.%0
0xC00D36FB提供的位元資料流長度不明。%0 The length of the provided bytestream is unknown.%0
0xC00D36FC媒體工作階段無法從停止狀態暫停。%0 The media session cannot pause from a stopped state.%0
0xC00D36FE支援指定之媒體類型的資料,但其格式可能需要變更,而此物件不支援此動作。%0 The data specified for the media type is supported, but would require a format change, which is not supported by this object.%0
0xC00D36FF操作失敗,因為指定之工作佇列識別碼和旗標的組合無效。%0 The operation failed because an invalid combination of workqueue ID and flags was specified.%0
0xC00D3700沒有可用的 DRM 支援。%0 No DRM support is available.%0
0xC00D3701此操作未經授權。%0 This operation is not authorized.%0
0xC00D3702值未在指定或有效的範圍內。%0 The value is not in the specified or valid range.%0
0xC00D3703登錄的轉碼器值無效。%0 The registered codec merit is not valid.%0
0xC00D3704硬體 MFT 無法開始串流處理,因為缺少硬體資源。%0 Hardware MFT failed to start streaming due to lack of hardware resources.%0
0xC00D3705作業已在進行中。%0 The operation is already in progress.%0
0xC00D3706沒有可用的硬體 DRM 支援。%0 No Hardware DRM support is available.%0
0xC00D3A98解析的資料不夠,無法執行要求的動作。%0 Not enough data have been parsed to carry out the requested action.%0
0xC00D3A99提供的 ASF 資料有間距。%0 There is a gap in the ASF data provided.%0
0xC00D3A9A提供的資料不是有效的 ASF。%0 The data provided are not valid ASF.%0
0xC00D3A9B封包不是透明,因此無法傳回要求的資訊。%0 The packet is opaque, so the requested information cannot be returned.%0
0xC00D3A9C因為沒有適當的 ASF 索引,所以要求的作業失敗。%0 The requested operation failed since there is no appropriate ASF index.%0
0xC00D3A9D提供的值超過這個作業的範圍。%0 The value supplied is out of range for this operation.%0
0xC00D3A9E需要先載入要求的索引項目,才可使用。%0 The index entry requested needs to be loaded before it can be available.%0
0xC00D3A9F封包已到達承載的數目上限。%0 The packet has reached the maximum number of payloads.%0
0xC00D3AA0不支援資料流類型。%0 Stream type is not supported.%0
0xC00D3AA1一或多個 ASF 封包被丟棄。%0 One or more ASF packets were dropped.%0
0xC00D3E80佇列中沒有任何事件。%0 There are no events available in the queue.%0
0xC00D3E82媒體來源無法從停止的狀態變更為暫停的狀態。%0 A media source cannot go from the stopped state to the paused state.%0
0xC00D3E84媒體資料流無法再處理任何樣本,因為資料流中並沒有任何樣本。%0 The media stream cannot process any more samples because there are no more samples in the stream.%0
0xC00D3E85因為已呼叫 Shutdown(),所以要求無效。%0 The request is invalid because Shutdown() has been called.%0
0xC00D3E86找不到 MP3 物件。%0 The MP3 object was not found.%0
0xC00D3E87找到 MP3 物件前,MP3 已經剖析器用完資料。%0 The MP3 parser ran out of data before finding the MP3 object.%0
0xC00D3E88檔案不是 MP3 檔。%0 The file is not really a MP3 file.%0
0xC00D3E89不支援 MP3 檔。%0 The MP3 file is not supported.%0
0xC00D3E8A媒體資料流沒有持續時間。%0 The Media stream has no duration.%0
0xC00D3E8C已識別媒體格式,但媒體格式無效。%0 The Media format is recognized but is invalid.%0
0xC00D3E8E屬性為唯讀。%0 The property is read only.%0
0xC00D3E8F這個內容不允許指定的屬性。%0 The specified property is not allowed in this context.%0
0xC00D3E91媒體來源未啟動。%0 The media source is not started.%0
0xC00D3E98已識別媒體格式,但不支援此媒體格式。%0 The Media format is recognized but not supported.%0
0xC00D3E99MPEG 畫面具有錯誤的 CRC。%0 The MPEG frame has bad CRC.%0
0xC00D3E9A檔案未受保護。%0 The file is not protected.%0
0xC00D3E9B媒體來源的狀態錯誤。%0 The media source is in the wrong state.%0
0xC00D3E9C在來源呈現方式描述項中未選取任何串流。%0 No streams are selected in source presentation descriptor.%0
0xC00D3E9D找不到任何主要畫面樣本。%0 No key frame sample was found.%0
0xC00D3E9E不支援媒體來源的特性。%0 The characteristics of the media source are not supported.%0
0xC00D3E9F找不到音訊錄製裝置。%0 No audio recording device was found.%0
0xC00D3EA0要求的音訊錄製裝置目前已在使用中。%0 The requested audio recording device is currently in use.%0
0xC00D3EA1音訊錄製裝置已不存在。%0 The audio recording device is no longer present.%0
0xC00D3EA2視訊錄製裝置已不存在。%0 The video recording device is no longer present.%0
0xC00D3EA3視訊錄製裝置正由另一個沈浸式應用程式先佔。%0 The video recording device is preempted by another immersive application.%0
0xC00D4268嘗試擷取網路資源失敗。%0 An attempt to acquire a network resource failed.%0
0xC00D4269寫入網路時發生錯誤。%0 Error writing to the network.%0
0xC00D426A從網路讀取時發生錯誤。%0 Error reading from the network.%0
0xC00D426B內部。項目在沒有網路的狀況下無法完成作業。%0 Internal. Entry cannot complete operation without network.%0
0xC00D426C內部。需要非同步處理作業。%0 Internal. Async op is required.%0
0xC00D426D內部。不支援頻寬等級。%0 Internal. Bandwidth levels are not supported.%0
0xC00D426E內部。不支援資料流群組。%0 Internal. Stream groups are not supported.%0
0xC00D426F不支援手動資料流選取。%0 Manual stream selection is not supported.%0
0xC00D4270呈現方式描述項無效。%0 Invalid presentation descriptor.%0
0xC00D4271找不到快取資料流。%0 Cannot find cache stream.%0
0xC00D4274內部。項目在沒有輸入的狀況下無法完成作業。%0 Internal. Entry cannot complete operation without input.%0
0xC00D4275用戶端已被重新導向到另一部伺服器。%0 The client redirected to another server.%0
0xC00D4276用戶端已被重新導向到 Proxy 伺服器。%0 The client is redirected to a proxy server.%0
0xC00D4277用戶端達到重新導向的上限。%0 The client reached maximum redirection limit.%0
0xC00D4278設定提供多媒體內容給其他電腦的伺服器無法及時處理您要求的多媒體內容。請稍後再試。%0 The server, a computer set up to offer multimedia content to other computers, could not handle your request for multimedia content in a timely manner. Please try again later.%0
0xC00D4279用戶端已關閉控制通訊端。%0 The control socket is closed by the client.%0
0xC00D427A伺服器在控制連線上接收到用戶端的無效資料。%0 The server received invalid data from the client on the control connection.%0
0xC00D427B伺服器不是相容的串流處理媒體伺服器。%0 The server is not a compatible streaming media server.%0
0xC00D427CURL。%0 Url.%0
0xC00D427D無法使用資料。%0 Data is not available.%0
0xC00D427E行尾。%0 End of line.%0
0xC00D427F伺服器不了解要求。%0 The request could not be understood by the server.%0
0xC00D4280伺服器發生未預期的狀態,造成伺服器無法完成要求的工作。%0 The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.%0
0xC00D4281找不到工作階段。%0 Session not found.%0
0xC00D4282無法建立與 Windows Media 伺服器的連線。此操作失敗。%0 There is no connection established with the Windows Media server. The operation failed.%0
0xC00D4283網路連線失敗。%0 The network connection has failed.%0
0xC00D4284收到 HTTP 推送要求的 Server 服務並不是與 Windows Media Services (WMS) 相容的版本。這個錯誤可能代表收到推送要求的是 IIS 而非 WMS。請確認 WMS 已經啟動,同時已正確啟用 HTTP Server 控制通訊協定,然後再試一次。%0 The Server service that received the HTTP push request is not a compatible version of Windows Media Services (WMS). This error may indicate the push request was received by IIS instead of WMS. Ensure WMS is started and has the HTTP Server control protocol properly enabled and try again.%0
0xC00D4285Windows Media 伺服器拒絕存取。使用者名稱和/或密碼可能不正確。%0 The Windows Media server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect.%0
0xC00D4286Proxy 伺服器拒絕存取。使用者名稱和/或密碼可能不正確。%0 The proxy server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect.%0
0xC00D4287無法連線到伺服器。%0 Unable to establish a connection to the server.%0
0xC00D4288指定的發送範本無效。%0 The specified push template is invalid.%0
0xC00D4289指定的發送發行端點無效。%0 The specified push publishing point is invalid.%0
0xC00D428A要求的資源正在使用中。%0 The requested resource is in use.%0
0xC00D428BWindows Media Server 上的發行端點或檔案已經無法使用了。%0 The Publishing Point or file on the Windows Media Server is no longer available.%0
0xC00D428CProxy 嘗試連線媒體伺服器時發生錯誤。%0 The proxy experienced an error while attempting to contact the media server.%0
0xC00D428DProxy 嘗試連線媒體伺服器時,未在時限內收到回應。%0 The proxy did not receive a timely response while attempting to contact the media server.%0
0xC00D428E由於伺服器目前暫時負載過重或維修中,因此無法處理要求。%0 The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.%0
0xC00D428F編碼程序無法保持提供的資料量。%0 The encoding process was unable to keep up with the amount of supplied data.%0
0xC00D4291離線模式無法使用要求的 URL。%0 The requested URL is not available in offline mode.%0
0xC00D4292網路中的裝置封鎖了 UDP 流量。%0 A device in the network is blocking UDP traffic.%0
0xC00D4293不支援指定的組態值。%0 The specified configuration value is not supported.%0
0xC00D4294已停用網路通訊協定。%0 The networking protocol is disabled.%0
0xC00D4295隨附驅動程式要求 OS 中斷與接收器的連線。%0 The companion driver asked the OS to disconnect from the receiver.%0
0xC00D4650這個物件已被初始化,所以無法在此時再次初始。%0 This object has already been initialized and cannot be re-initialized at this time.%0
0xC00D4651傳入的資料量超過指定的位元速率及緩衝區視窗。%0 The amount of data passed in exceeds the given bitrate and buffer window.%0
0xC00D4652傳入樣本太遲,所以無法處理樣本。%0 The sample was passed in too late to be correctly processed.%0
0xC00D4653在清除物件並清空佇列後,才可執行要求的動作。%0 The requested action cannot be carried out until the object is flushed and the queue is emptied.%0
0xC00D4654設定檔無效。%0 The profile is invalid.%0
0xC00D4655需要認可產生的索引,才可執行要求的動作。%0 The index that is being generated needs to be committed before the requested action can be carried out.%0
0xC00D4656找不到要求動作所需的索引。%0 The index that is necessary for the requested action is not found.%0
0xC00D4657無法將要求的索引就地新增到指定的 ASF 內容。%0 The requested index cannot be added in-place to the specified ASF content.%0
0xC00D4658必須指定 ASF Leaky Bucket 參數才能執行這個要求。%0 The ASF leaky bucket parameters must be specified in order to carry out this request.%0
0xC00D4659資料流識別碼無效。ASF 資料流識別碼的有效範圍是從 1 到 127。%0 The stream id is invalid. The valid range for ASF stream id is from 1 to 127.%0
0xC00D4A38要求的資料流接收器已被移除,且無法使用。%0 The requested Stream Sink has been removed and cannot be used.%0
0xC00D4A3A這個媒體接收器的各個資料流接收器早已不同步,因此要求的動作無法執行。%0 The various Stream Sinks in this Media Sink are too far out of sync for the requested action to take place.%0
0xC00D4A3B因為這個媒體接收器的資料流集已固定,所以無法新增或移除當中的資料流接收器。%0 Stream Sinks cannot be added to or removed from this Media Sink because its set of streams is fixed.%0
0xC00D4A3C指定的資料流接收器已存在。%0 The given Stream Sink already exists.%0
0xC00D4A3D已取消樣本配置。%0 Sample allocations have been canceled.%0
0xC00D4A3E因為有未處理的要求,所以樣本配置器目前為空。%0 The sample allocator is currently empty, due to outstanding requests.%0
0xC00D4A3F嘗試停止資料流接收器時,資料流接收器已經停止。%0 When we try to stop a stream sink, it is already stopped.%0
0xC00D4A40因為位元速率不明,所以 ASF 檔案接收器無法保留 AVIO。%0 The ASF file sink could not reserve AVIO because the bitrate is unknown.%0
0xC00D4A41在接收器呈現方式描述項中未選取任何資料流。%0 No streams are selected in sink presentation descriptor.%0
0xC00D4A43中繼資料項目太長,無法寫入輸出容器。%0 A metadata item was too long to write to the output container.%0
0xC00D4A44操作失敗,因為接收器並未處理任何樣本。%0 The operation failed because no samples were processed by the sink.%0
0xC00D4A45接收器 (Sink) 無法建立有效的輸出檔案,因為沒有為接收器提供必要的標頭。%0 Sink could not create valid output file because required headers were not provided to the sink.%0
0xC00D4E20沒有可用的 ProcAmp 硬體可用來執行色彩校正。%0 There is no available procamp hardware with which to perform color correction.%0
0xC00D4E21沒有可用的非交錯顯示硬體可用來非交錯顯示視訊資料流。%0 There is no available deinterlacing hardware with which to deinterlace the video stream.%0
0xC00D4E22視訊資料流需要啟用禁止複製功能,但嘗試啟用禁止複製功能時發生失敗。%0 A video stream requires copy protection to be enabled, but there was a failure in attempting to enable copy protection.%0
0xC00D4E23元件正嘗試存取未共用的表面來進行共用。%0 A component is attempting to access a surface for sharing that is not shared.%0
0xC00D4E24元件正嘗試存取已被其他元件封鎖的共用裝置。%0 A component is attempting to access a shared device that is already locked by another component.%0
0xC00D4E25無法繼續使用裝置。應該關閉這個常式並開啟新的常式。%0 The device is no longer available. The handle should be closed and a new one opened.%0
0xC00D4E26視訊樣本目前未佇列在進行混合所需的資料流上。%0 A video sample is not currently queued on a stream that is required for mixing.%0
0xC00D4E84找不到任何音訊播放裝置。%0 No audio playback device was found.%0
0xC00D4E85要求的音訊播放裝置目前正在使用中。%0 The requested audio playback device is currently in use.%0
0xC00D4E86音訊播放裝置已不存在。%0 The audio playback device is no longer present.%0
0xC00D4E87音訊服務並未執行。%0 The audio service is not running.%0
0xC00D520E拓撲包含無效的選用節點。可能的原因為輸出和輸入的號碼錯誤,或選用節點位於區段的開頭或結尾。%0 The topology contains an invalid optional node. Possible reasons are incorrect number of outputs and inputs or optional node is at the beginning or end of a segment.%0
0xC00D5211找不到適用的轉換來解密內容。%0 No suitable transform was found to decrypt the content.%0
0xC00D5212找不到適用的轉換來編碼或解碼內容。%0 No suitable transform was found to encode or decode the content.%0
0xC00D5213找不到方法可連線節點。%0 Unable to find a way to connect nodes.%0
0xC00D5214在拓撲載入器執行了不支援的作業。%0 Unsupported operations in topoloader.%0
0xC00D5215拓撲或及其節點包含錯誤的設定時間屬性。%0 The topology or its nodes contain incorrectly set time attributes.%0
0xC00D5216拓撲包含迴圈,媒體基礎拓撲不支援此情況。%0 The topology contains loops, which are unsupported in media foundation topologies.%0
0xC00D5217拓撲中的來源串流節點沒有呈現方式描述項。%0 A source stream node in the topology does not have a presentation descriptor.%0
0xC00D5218拓撲中的來源串流流節點沒有串流描述項。%0 A source stream node in the topology does not have a stream descriptor.%0
0xC00D5219已在來源串流節點上設定串流描述項,但並未在呈現方式描述項上選取該串流描述項。%0 A stream descriptor was set on a source stream node but it was not selected on the presentation descriptor.%0
0xC00D521A拓撲中的來源串流節點沒有來源。%0 A source stream node in the topology does not have a source.%0
0xC00D521B拓撲載入程式不支援輸出節點上的接收啟用。%0 The topology loader does not support sink activates on output nodes.%0
0xC00D61AC編曲程式照不到具有指定識別碼的區段。%0 The sequencer cannot find a segment with the given ID.%0
0xC00D61AE在來源快取中找不到來源。%0 Cannot find source in source cache.%0
0xC00D6D60未針對此資料流或依賴的資料流設定有效的類型。%0 A valid type has not been set for this stream or a stream that it depends on.%0
0xC00D6D61已發生資料流變更。重新溝通資料流後,才會產生輸出。%0 A stream change has occurred. Output cannot be produced until the streams have been renegotiated.%0
0xC00D6D62在處理或清除傳輸目前持有的所有輸入資料後,轉換才會執行要求的動作。%0 The transform cannot take the requested action until all of the input data it currently holds is processed or flushed.%0
0xC00D6D63轉換需要設定檔,但是未提供設定檔或找不到設定檔。%0 The transform requires a profile but no profile was supplied or found.%0
0xC00D6D64轉換需要設定檔,但是提供的設定檔無效或損毀。%0 The transform requires a profile but the supplied profile was invalid or corrupt.%0
0xC00D6D65轉換需要設定檔,但提供的設定檔在解析時無預期停止。%0 The transform requires a profile but the supplied profile ended unexpectedly while parsing.%0
0xC00D6D66屬性識別碼與轉換支援的任何屬性不相符。%0 The property ID does not match any property supported by the transform.%0
0xC00D6D67變數沒有此屬性識別碼預期的類型。%0 The variant does not have the type expected for this property ID.%0
0xC00D6D68嘗試在唯讀的屬性上設定值。%0 An attempt was made to set the value on a read-only property.%0
0xC00D6D69陣列屬性值具有非預期的維度數目。%0 The array property value has an unexpected number of dimensions.%0
0xC00D6D6A陣列或 blob 屬性值具有非預期的大小。%0 The array or blob property value has an unexpected size.%0
0xC00D6D6B屬性值超出這個轉換的範圍。%0 The property value is out of range for this transform.%0
0xC00D6D6C屬性值與轉換上設定的某些其他屬性或媒體類型不相容。%0 The property value is incompatible with some other property or mediatype set on the transform.%0
0xC00D6D6D目前設定的輸出媒體類型不支援要求的作業。%0 The requested operation is not supported for the currently set output mediatype.%0
0xC00D6D6E目前設定的輸入媒體類型不支援要求的作業。%0 The requested operation is not supported for the currently set input mediatype.%0
0xC00D6D6F目前設定的媒體類型組合不支援要求的作業。%0 The requested operation is not supported for the currently set combination of mediatypes.%0
0xC00D6D70要求的功能不支援與其他目前啟用的功能一起使用。%0 The requested feature is not supported in combination with some other currently enabled feature.%0
0xC00D6D72在轉換取得更多輸入樣本前,無法產生輸出。%0 The transform cannot produce output until it gets more input samples.%0
0xC00D6D73目前的喇叭組態不支援要求的作業。%0 The requested operation is not supported for the current speaker configuration.%0
0xC00D6D74轉換無法在處理中接受媒體類型變更。%0 The transform cannot accept mediatype changes in the middle of processing.%0
0xC00D6D76D3D 裝置不支援輸入類型。%0 The input type is not supported for D3D device.%0
0xC00D6D77呼叫者不支援此轉換的非同步功能。%0 The caller does not appear to support this transform's asynchronous capabilities.%0
0xC00D6D78音訊壓縮管理員驅動程式無法由轉換初始化。%0 An audio compression manager driver could not be initialized by the transform.%0
0xC00D6D79輸入資料流具有無效且不合法的解析度。在偵測到無效且不合法的解析度之後,輸出將在下一個 ProcessOutput 呼叫停止。%0 The input stream has invalid and illegal resolution. Output should stop on next ProcessOutput call after the invalid and illegal resolution is detected.%0
0xC00D6D7A在目前的環境中,轉換不能是非同步轉換。%0 The transform cannot be asynchronous in current context.%0
0xC00D6D7C目前的環境中,不支援讓轉換將屬性從輸入樣本複製到輸出樣本。%0 It is not supported in the current context to have the transform copy attributes from an input sample to an output sample.%0
0xC00D7148您未獲得開啟這個檔案的許可。請與內容提供者聯繫取得更多協助。%0 You are not allowed to open this file. Contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
0xC00D7149這個媒體檔案的使用授權已經到期。請取得新授權或與內容提供者聯繫取得協助。%0 The license for this media file has expired. Get a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
0xC00D714A您需要獲得授權才能在這個媒體檔案上執行所要求的作業。%0 You need a license to perform the requested operation on this media file.%0
0xC00D714B您的媒體檔案的授權已經毀損。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 The licenses for your media files are corrupted. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D714C應用程式需要提供 IMFContentProtectionManager 回呼,才能存取受保護的媒體檔案。%0 The APP needs to provide IMFContentProtectionManager callback to access the protected media file.%0
0xC00D714D用戶端沒有權限可還原授權。%0 Client does not have rights to restore licenses.%0
0xC00D714E授權受到限制,因此無法備份。%0 Licenses are restricted and hence can not be backed up.%0
0xC00D714F授權還原需要一台特定的電腦。%0 License restore requires machine to be individualized.%0
0xC00D7151已撤銷元件。%0 Component is revoked.%0
0xC00D7152這個元件目前停用信任功能。%0 Trusted functionality is currently disabled on this component.%0
0xC00D7153未再 WMDRM 輸出信任授權單位上設定任何動作。%0 No Action is set on WMDRM Output Trust Authority.%0
0xC00D7154永遠在 WMDRM 輸出信任授權單位上設定動作。%0 Action is already set on WMDRM Output Trust Authority.%0
0xC00D7155無法使用 DRM 標頭。%0 DRM Heaader is not available.%0
0xC00D7156不支援目前的加密配置。%0 Current encryption scheme is not supported.%0
0xC00D7157動作與目前的組態不符。%0 Action does not match with current configuration.%0
0xC00D7158WMDRM 輸出信任授權單位的原則無效。%0 Invalid policy for WMDRM Output Trust Authority.%0
0xC00D7159輸出不支援輸入信任授權單位需要執行的原則。%0 The policies that the Input Trust Authority requires to be enforced are unsupported by the outputs.%0
0xC00D715A輸入信任授權單位不支援授權需要執行的 OPL。%0 The OPL that the license requires to be enforced are not supported by the Input Trust Authority.%0
0xC00D715B無法順利驗證拓撲。%0 The topology could not be successfully verified.%0
0xC00D715C無法為這個元件順利完成簽章驗證。%0 Signature verification could not be completed successfully for this component.%0
0xC00D715D使用受保護的內容時,不允許在偵錯工具下執行這個程序。%0 Running this process under a debugger while using protected content is not allowed.%0
0xC00D715EMF 元件已到期。%0 MF component has expired.%0
0xC00D715F電腦上目前的 GRL 未符合最小的版本需求。%0 The current GRL on the machine does not meet the minimum version requirements.%0
0xC00D7160電腦上目前的 GRL 未包含任何指定撤銷的更新項目。%0 The current GRL on the machine does not contain any renewal entries for the specified revocation.%0
0xC00D7161電腦上目前的 GRL 未包含任何指定延伸 GUID 的可延伸項目。%0 The current GRL on the machine does not contain any extensible entries for the specified extension GUID.%0
0xC00D7162核心對高安全層級的內容來說不安全。%0 The kernel isn't secure for high security level content.%0
0xC00D7163來自受保護環境驅動程式的回應無效。%0 The response from protected environment driver isn't valid.%0
0xC00D7165非 PE 程序嘗試與 PEAuth 通話。%0 A non-PE process tried to talk to PEAuth.%0
0xC00D7167需要重新啟動電腦。%0 We need to reboot the machine.%0
0xC00D716AGRL 檔格式不正確,檔案可能已經損壞或被覆寫。%0 The GRL file is not correctly formed, it may have been corrupted or overwritten.%0
0xC00D716BGRL 檔的格式比此 GRL 讀取器可識別的檔案格式還新。%0 The GRL file is in a format newer than those recognized by this GRL Reader.%0
0xC00D716C已重新載入 GRL,並需要重新啟動可執行受保護媒體的所有程序。%0 The GRL was reloaded and required all processes that can run protected media to restart.%0
0xC00D716D已重新載入 GRL,且需要重新啟動目前的程序。%0 The GRL was reloaded and the current process needs to restart.%0
0xC00D716E不信任播放受保護內容的使用者空間。%0 The user space is untrusted for protected content play.%0
0xC00D716FPEAuth 通訊工作階段尚未啟動。%0 PEAuth communication session hasn't been started.%0
0xC00D7170記憶體不足,無法回應。%0 Insufficient memory for response.%0
0xC00D7171PEAuth 的公開金鑰已撤銷。%0 PEAuth's public key is revoked.%0
0xC00D7172找不到 GRL。%0 The GRL is absent.%0
0xC00D7174不信任受保護的環境。%0 The Protected Environment is untrusted.%0
0xC00D7175尚未啟動受保護環境授權服務 (PEAUTH)。%0 The Protected Environment Authorization service (PEAUTH) has not been started.%0
0xC00D7176元件支援的樣本保護演算法不相容。%0 The sample protection algorithms supported by components are not compatible.%0
0xC00D7177無法再支援更多的受保護環境工作階段。%0 No more protected environment sessions can be supported.%0
0xC00D7178WMDRM ITA 不允許在本版次使用高安全等級的受保護內容。%0 WMDRM ITA does not allow protected content with high security level for this release.%0
0xC00D7179WMDRM ITA 不允許對內容執行要求的動作,因為有一或多個元件沒有適當地簽署。%0 WMDRM ITA cannot allow the requested action for the content as one or more components is not properly signed.%0
0xC00D717AWMDRM ITA 不支援要求的動作。%0 WMDRM ITA does not support the requested action.%0
0xC00D717BWMDRM ITA 在分析 Secure Audio Path 參數時發生錯誤。%0 WMDRM ITA encountered an error in parsing the Secure Audio Path parameters.%0
0xC00D717C傳遞的「原則管理員」動作不正確。%0 The Policy Manager action passed in is invalid.%0
0xC00D717D指定「輸出保護等級」之結構的格式不正確。%0 The structure specifying Output Protection Level is not the correct format.%0
0xC00D717EWMDRM ITA 無法識別授權中指定的明確類比視訊輸出保護 (Explicite Analog Video Output Protection) GUID。%0 WMDRM ITA does not recognize the Explicite Analog Video Output Protection guid specified in the license.%0
0xC00D717FIMFPMPHost 物件無法使用。%0 IMFPMPHost object not available.%0
0xC00D7180WMDRM ITA 無法初始化輸出保護等級資料。%0 WMDRM ITA could not initialize the Output Protection Level data.%0
0xC00D7181WMDRM ITA 無法識別 OTA 指定的類比視訊輸出。%0 WMDRM ITA does not recognize the Analog Video Output specified by the OTA.%0
0xC00D7182WMDRM ITA 無法識別 OTA 指定的數位視訊輸出。%0 WMDRM ITA does not recognize the Digital Video Output specified by the OTA.%0
0xC00D7183若要解析受保護的串流,設定屬性儲存區中必須有回呼 PKEY_PMP_Creation_Callback。%0 The protected stream cannot be resolved without the callback PKEY_PMP_Creation_Callback in the configuration property store.%0
0xC00D7184在 DTCP 參數中找不到有效的主機名稱與連接埠號碼。%0 A valid hostname and port number could not be found in the DTCP parameters.%0
0xC00D7185應用程式未啟用內容保護系統。%0 The content protection system was not enabled by the application.%0
0xC00D7186不支援內容保護系統。%0 The content protection system is not supported.%0
0xC00D7187內容不支援 DRM 移轉。%0 DRM migration is not supported for the content.%0
0xC00D7188驗證 HDCP 連結失敗。%0 Authentication of the HDCP link failed.%0
0xC00D7189HDCP 連結在建立之後失敗。%0 The HDCP link failed after being established.%0
0xC00D9C40提供的連續性金鑰目前無效。%0 The continuity key supplied is not currently valid.%0
0xC00D9C41未指定呈現方式時間來源。%0 No Presentation Time Source has been specified.%0
0xC00D9C42時鐘已處於要求的狀態。%0 The clock is already in the requested state.%0
0xC00D9C43時鐘有太多進階功能,因此無法執行要求。%0 The clock has too many advanced features to carry out the request.%0
0xC00DA028元件不再支援任何中斷模式。%0 The component does not support any more drop modes.%0
0xC00DA029元件不再支援任何品質等級。%0 The component does not support any more quality levels.%0
0xC00DA02A元件不再支援中斷時間功能。%0 The component does not support drop time functionality.%0
0xC00DA02B品質管理員需要等候一段長時間,才能提升品質等級。%0 Quality Manager needs to wait longer before bumping the Quality Level up.%0
0xC00DA02C品質管理員處於無效的狀態。此時的品質管理已關閉。%0 Quality Manager is in an invalid state. Quality Management is off at this moment.%0
0xC00DA410未指定轉碼輸出容器類型。%0 No transcode output container type is specified.%0
0xC00DA411設定檔沒有針對任何選取的來源串流設定媒體類型設定。%0 The profile does not have a media type configuration for any selected source streams.%0
0xC00DA412找不到接受使用者偏好之輸出類型的編碼器 MFT。%0 Cannot find an encoder MFT that accepts the user preferred output type.%0
0xC00DA7F8記憶體配置器尚未初始化。%0 Memory allocator is not initialized.%0
0xC00DA7F9記憶體配置器尚未被認可。%0 Memory allocator is not committed yet.%0
0xC00DA7FA記憶體配置器已被認可。%0 Memory allocator has already been committed.%0
0xC00DA7FB媒體串流中發生錯誤。%0 An error occurred in media stream.%0
0xC00DA7FC串流處於不可處理要求的狀態。%0 Stream is not in a state to handle the request.%0
0xC00DA7FD硬體串流尚未連線。%0 Hardware stream is not connected yet.%0
0xC00DABE0沒有可用的擷取裝置。%0 No capture devices are available.%0
0xC00DABE1未設定要錄製的輸出。%0 No output was set for recording.%0
0xC00DABE2目前的擷取接收設定不支援鏡像。%0 The current capture sink configuration does not support mirroring.%0
0xC00DABE3目前的擷取接收設定不支援旋轉。%0 The current capture sink configuration does not support rotation.%0
0xC00DABE4操作無效。%0 The op is invalid.%0
0xC00DABE5先前新增的效果與新的拓撲不相容,因此導致所有效果都被移除。%0 The effects previously added were incompatible with the new topology which caused all effects to be removed.%0
0xC00DABE6目前的擷取來源沒有獨立相片串流。%0 The current capture source does not have an independent photo stream.%0
0xC00DABE7目前的擷取來源沒有視訊串流。%0 The current capture source does not have a video stream.%0
0xC00DABE8目前的擷取來源沒有音訊串流。%0 The current capture source does not have an audio stream.%0
0xC00DABE9擷取來源裝置有進行中的非同步延伸屬性操作。%0 The capture source device has an asynchronous extended property operation in progress.%0
0xC00DABEA無法設定屬性,因為某個相片或相片序列正在進行中。%0 A property cannot be set because a photo or photo sequence is in progress.%0
0xC00DABEB佇列中已無任何樣本。%0 No more samples in queue.%0
0xC00DABEC目前在媒體擷取串流上選取的媒體類型不支援硬體加速縮圖產生。%0 Hardware accelerated thumbnail generation is not supported for the currently selected mediatype on the mediacapture stream.%0
0xC00DABED[媒體基礎] 不支持該係統上的擷取裝置。%0 Capture device that is present on the system is not supported by Media Foundation.%0
0xC00DAFC8「媒體時間軸控制器」案例中不支援「媒體來源」類型。%0 Media Source type is not supported in Media Timeline Controller scenarios.%0
0xC00DAFC9連接「媒體時間軸控制器」時不允許作業。%0 Operation is not allowed when Media Timeline Controller is attached.%0
0xC00DAFCA因為物件的目前狀態,已封鎖連接「媒體時間軸控制器」。%0 Attaching Media Timeline Controller is blocked because of the current state of the object.%0
0xC00DB3B0連線到提供媒體延伸模組的 App 服務失敗。%0 Connection to app service providing a media extension failed.%0
0xC00DB3B1提供媒體延伸模組的 App 服務無法處理該要求。%0 App service providing a media extension failed to process the request.%0
0xC00DB3B2App 的套件完整性檢查失敗。%0 Package integrity check for app failed.%0
0xC00DB3B3App 的授權檢查失敗。%0 License check for app failed.%0


File Name:mferror.dll.mui
File Size:22 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:21504
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:媒體基礎錯誤動態連結程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Media Foundation Error DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:mferror.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is mferror.dll.mui?

mferror.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file mferror.dll (媒體基礎錯誤動態連結程式庫).

File version info

File Description:媒體基礎錯誤動態連結程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Media Foundation Error DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:mferror.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200