adamsync.exe AD DS 至 AD LDS 同步器 871830aa211e21c02416a1c4ba7477ab

File info

File name: adamsync.exe.mui
Size: 15872 byte
MD5: 871830aa211e21c02416a1c4ba7477ab
SHA1: e73056dda44c4504811ecb348620d9bd35ed8cf3
SHA256: a21f415487a285237d55f22b0a6d7479606ffcefaf4a765faafc6bc5f00e5e1b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: adamsync.exe AD DS 至 AD LDS 同步器 (32 位元)

Translations messages and strings

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id Chinese (Traditional) English
0x0已順利執行 Adamsync.exe。 Adamsync.exe ran successfully.
0x400003E8用法: adamsync.exe [options]: hostname:port\t\t\t\t-- 指定成 hostname 及 port 的遠端或 本機 AD LDS 執行個體: /l[ist] \t\t\t\t-- 列出可用的設定 /d[elete] \t\t-- 刪除指定的設定\t\t\t\t\t-- 例如: adamsync /delete fab1:5000 \"dc=fabrikam,dc=com\" /i[nstall] \t\t-- 在 處安裝設定\t\t\t\t\t-- 例如: adamsync /install fab1:50000 MS-AdamSyncConf.XML /export -- 將設定檔儲存到 /sync \t\t-- 同步處理指定的設定\t\t\t\t\t-- 例如: adamsync /sync fab1:50000 \"dc=fabrikam,dc=com\" /reset \t\t-- 重設所指定設定的複寫 Cookie /mai \t\t-- 製作所指定設定的 AD LDS 執行個體 授權執行個體 /fs \t\t-- 執行所指定設定的完整複寫同步處理 /ageall \t\t-- 執行所指定設定的過時執行 /cs [config_name]\t\t-- 列出一個或所有設定的狀態 /ces \t\t\t\t-- 列出處於錯誤狀態之設定的狀態: /log [log file]\t\t\t-- 記錄訊息,使用 \"-\" 選項來記錄到 螢幕中 /passPrompt -- 提示輸入 AD DS 認證: /refs \t-- 處理 中的參照 : /creds \t-- 指定替代認證以連線到 AD LDS /retainCookie -- 在執行結尾處不儲存 Cookie /retainRefsFile -- 在執行後不刪除參照檔 /saveintra -- 儲存伺服器特有的同一工作階段 Cookie /ldap -- 透過一般 ldap 搜尋執行完整同步 處理\t /ldifout \t -- 將 ldap 串流儲存到 ldif.txt,使用 \"-\" 選項寫入到螢幕中 /ldifin \t\t -- 從 ldif.txt 讀取 dirsync 串流, (仍需要來源 DC 連線) /force n -- 略過 n 個處理錯誤。如果指定 -1, 則略過所有錯誤。 Usage: adamsync.exe [options]: hostname:port\t\t\t\t-- Remote or local AD LDS instance specified as a hostname and port: /l[ist] \t\t\t\t-- List configurations available /d[elete] \t\t-- Delete configuration specified\t\t\t\t\t-- Ex: adamsync /delete fab1:5000 \"dc=fabrikam,dc=com\" /i[nstall] \t\t-- Install configuration at \t\t\t\t\t-- Ex: adamsync /install fab1:50000 MS-AdamSyncConf.XML /export -- Save the configuration file to /sync \t\t-- Sync the configuration specified\t\t\t\t\t-- Ex: adamsync /sync fab1:50000 \"dc=fabrikam,dc=com\" /reset \t\t-- Reset the replication cookie of configuration specified /mai \t\t-- Make AD LDS instance authoritative instance for configuration specified /fs \t\t-- Perform a full replication sync for configuration specified /ageall \t\t-- Perform an aging run for configuration specified /cs [config_name]\t\t-- List status for one or all configurations /ces \t\t\t\t-- List status for configurations that are in an error state: /log [log file]\t\t\t-- Log messages, use \"-\" option to log to screen /passPrompt -- Prompt for AD DS credentials: /refs \t-- Process the refs in : /creds \t-- Specify alternate credentials to connect to AD LDS /retainCookie\t\t\t\t-- Do not save the cookie at the end of the run /retainRefsFile -- Do not delete the reference file after the run /saveintra -- Save the server specific intra-session cookies /ldap -- Do a full sync via normal ldap search \t /ldifout \t -- Save ldap stream to ldif.txt, use \"-\" option to write to screen /ldifin \t\t -- Read dirsync stream from ldif.txt, (source DC connection still needed) /force n -- Skip n processing errors. If -1 is specified, skip all errors.
0x400003EA命令 [%1] 已傳送不正確的引數數目。 Command [%1] was passed an incorrect number of arguments.
0x400003EB警告: 無法刪除檔案 %1。 [%2] Warning: Unable to delete file %1. [%2]
0x400003ECADAMSync 正在查詢 %1 的可寫入複本。 ADAMSync is querying for a writeable replica of %1.
0x400003ED錯誤: 不支援 %1 Dirsync 安全性。設定檔中只可指定「物件」及「分割」安全性模式。 Error: %1 Dirsync Security is not supported.Only security modes \"object\" and \"partition\" may be specified in the configuration file.
0x400003EE錯誤: 在多次嘗試之後仍無法處理 %1。這可能是因為 ADAMSync 沒有足夠的權限可透過 LDAP 讀取物件,或您在 XML 設定檔中指定下下層組織單位 (OU) 做為基底分辨名稱,但目標父系 OU 尚未建立。如需詳細資訊,請參閱。 Error: Failed to process %1 after multiple attempts.This may be because ADAMSync has insufficient permissions to read an object viaLDAP or you specified a grandchild organizational unit (OU) as the basedistinguished name in the XML configuration file, but the target parent OU hasnot yet been created. See fordetails.
0x400003EF錯誤: 似乎處於無限遞迴狀態。無法適當地還原。 Error: We seem to be in an infinite recursion state. Unable to recover gracefully.
0x400003F0錯誤: 似乎無法透過 LDAP 讀取父物件。 最可能的原因是來源樹系使用權限問題。 Error: We were unable to read the parent object via LDAP. This is most likely due to a source forest permissioning issue.
0x400003F1錯誤: 無法透過 LDAP 讀取樹狀子目錄 (因範圍內移動而需要) 最可能的原因是來源樹系使用權限問題。 Error: We were unable to read the subtree via LDAP (required due to in-scope move) This is most likely due to a source forest permissioning issue.
0x400003F2警告: 目前授權 AD LDS 執行個體為 %1。 Warning: The current authoritative AD LDS instance is %1.
0x400003F3正在啟動具有 %1 模式安全性的 DirSync 搜尋。 Starting DirSync Search with %1 mode security.
0x400003F4設定檔已儲存到 %1。 The configuration file has been saved to %1.
0x400003F5錯誤: DCLocator 呼叫失敗,錯誤為 %1!d!。正在嘗試直接連結到字串。 Error: DCLocator call failed with error %1!d!. Attempting to bind directly to string.
0x400003F6無法查詢主控台模式。 Failed to query the console mode.
0x400003F7偵測到衝突物件。正在要求重新命名。 Conflicting object detected. Requesting rename.
0x400003F8指定的密碼太長,請輸入長度適當的密碼。 Password specified was too long, please enter a password of legal length.
0x400003F9加密密碼時發生錯誤。%1 An error occured while encyrpting the password. %1
0x400003FA解密密碼時發生錯誤。%1 An error occured while decrypting the password. %1
0x400003FB[%1] 是無效的選項 [%1] is an invalid option
0x400003FC命令列上未指定選項。 No options were specified on the command line.
0x400003FD選項太多。(%1!d!) 無效 There are too many options. (%1!d!) is invalid
0x400003FE同時指定 (%1) 及 (%2) 是無效的選項 Specifying (%1) and (%2) together is an invalid option
0x400003FF無法架構其他記憶體。 Unable to allocate additional memory.
0x40000400Ldap 呼叫失敗。這可能是因為記憶體不足。 Ldap call failed. This may be due to insufficient memory.
0x40000401找不到目標設定檔,請確認檔案確實存在,且位於正確位置 Unable to find target configuration file, please confirm that file does exist and is in the correct location
0x40000402請輸入密碼: Please enter password:
0x800007D0未使用 Unused
0x800007D1列出設定檔:--------------------------- Listing configuration files:---------------------------
0x800007D2更新 %1 上的設定檔。 Updating configuration file on %1.
0x800007D3已刪除設定檔。 Deleted configuration file.
0x800007D4已儲存設定檔。 Saved configuration file.
0x800007D5正在連結 %1 上的設定檔輔助類別。 Attaching configuration file auxilliary class on %1.
0x800007D6重設設定檔 DirSync Cookie。 Resetting the configuration file DirSync cookie.
0x800007D7使用新值來更新設定檔 DirSync Cookie。 Updating the configuration file DirSync cookie with a new value.
0x800007D8|- \"%1\": %2 |- \"%1\": %2
0x800007D9前次同步處理嘗試時間: %1前次同步處理成功時間: %2前次同步處理錯誤時間: %3前次同步處理錯誤字串: %4連續同步處理失敗: %5 Last Sync Attempt Time: %1Last Sync Success Time: %2Last Sync Error Time: %3Last Sync Error String: %4Consecutive Sync Failures: %5
0x800007DC先前的項目使用 %1!d! 秒 (%2!d!,%3!d!) 進行處理 Previous entry took %1!d! seconds (%2!d!, %3!d!) to process
0x800007DD使用 %1!d! 秒 (%2!d!,%3!d!) 的時間處理。 Processing took %1!d! seconds (%2!d!, %3!d!).
0x800007DE透過 dirSync 處理的項目數目: %1!d!透過 ldap 處理的項目數目: %2!d! Number of entries processed via dirSync: %1!d!Number of entries processed via ldap: %2!d!
0x800007DF新增的物件數目: %1!d! Number of object additions: %1!d!
0x800007E0修改的物件數目: %1!d! Number of object modifications: %1!d!
0x800007E1刪除的物件數目: %1!d! Number of object deletions: %1!d!
0x800007E2重新命名的物件數目: %1!d! Number of object renames: %1!d!
0x800007E3處理/丟棄的參照數目: %1!d!,%2!d! Number of references processed / dropped: %1!d!, %2!d!
0x800007E4可在單一物件上看到的最大屬性數目: %1!d! Maximum number of attributes seen on a single object: %1!d!
0x800007E5透過範例語法擷取的最大值數目: %1!d! Maximum number of values retrieved via range syntax: %1!d!
0x800007E6從 %1 讀取設定檔 Reading Configuration File from %1
0x800007E7將設定檔儲存在 %1 上 Saving Configuration File on %1
0x800007E8傳播架構快取 Populating the schema cache
0x800007E9傳播熟知物件快取 Populating the well known objects cache
0x800007EA連結屬性 %1 及 %2 的架構有不同的語法。無法從反向連結推斷正向連結。 Schema linked attributes %1 and %2 have different syntaxes. We will be unableto infer the forward link from the backward link.
0x800007EB建立目標伺服器 %1:%2!d! 的連線。 Establishing connection to target server %1:%2!d!.
0x800007EC建立來源伺服器 %1:%2!d! 的連線。 Establishing connection to source server %1:%2!d!.
0x800007ED因目前物件的物件類別,而不複寫目前物件。 Unwilling to replicate the current object due to its object class.
0x800007EE無法複寫目前物件。強制屬性 (%1) 遺失。可能是因為使用權限問題。正在略過物件。 Unable to replicate the current object. A required attribute (%1) is missing.This is most likely due to a permissioning issue. Skipping object.
0x800007EF將不複寫這個目前物件。它是 NC 標頭。 Unwilling to replicate this current object. It is an NC head.
0x800007F0因為來源樹系中已刪除這個物件,所以將不複寫這個物件。 Unwilling to replicate this object, since it has been deleted in the source forest.
0x800007F1因為這個物件具有無法辨識的損害名稱,所以將不複寫這個物件。 Unwilling to replicate this object, since it has an unrecognized mangled name.
0x800007F2設定檔機碼 (%1) 具有 NULL 值。 Configuration File key (%1) has NULL value.
0x800007F3從 %1 啟動同步處理執行。 Starting synchronization run from %1.
0x800007F4開始處理延遲的 DN 參照。 Beginning processing of deferred dn references.
0x800007F5已完成處理延遲的 DN 參照。 Finished processing of deferred dn references.
0x800007F6開始過時執行。 Beginning aging run.
0x800007F7開始過時執行。過時要求每 %1!d! 執行一次。前次是在 %2!d! 個執行之前過時。 Beginning aging run.Aging requested every %1!d! runs. We last aged %2!d! runs ago.
0x800007F8已完成過時執行。 Finished aging run.
0x800007FA已完成 (順利完成) 同步處理執行。 Finished (successful) synchronization run.
0x800007FB使用檔案 %1 做為延遲 DN 參照的存放處。 Using file %1 as a store for deferred dn-references.
0x800007FC將屬性 %1 的同步處理延遲到執行結尾。正在刪除屬性。 Deferring synchronization of attribute %1 to end of run. Deleting attribute.
0x800007FD會使用範圍語法以透過 LDAP 提取屬性 %1。正在刪除屬性。 Will fetch attribute %1 via LDAP using ranged syntax. Deleting attribute.
0x800007FE正在透過 LDAP 提取範圍屬性 %1。 Fetching ranged attribute %1 via LDAP.
0x800007FF將同步處理反向連結 %1 延遲到執行結尾。正在刪除屬性。 Deferring synchronization of backward link %1 to end of run. Deleting attribute.
0x80000800將不會同步處理屬性 %1。正在刪除屬性。 Will not synchronize attribute %1. Deleting attribute.
0x80000801將不會同步處理物件類別為 %2 的物件 %1!s!。正在略過物件。 Will not synchronize objects %1!s! with object class %2. Skipping object.
0x80000802不會將 dn-ref 同步處理到 %1!s!。目標不存在。 Will not synchronize dn-ref to %1!s!. Target does not exist.
0x80000803+ 將 dn-ref 同步處理到 %1!s!。 + Synchronizing dn-ref to %1!s!.
0x80000804單次建立不含中繼資料的項目 %1!s!。 One-time creation of entry %1!s! without metadata.
0x80000805新增目標物件 %1!s!。 Adding target object %1!s!.
0x80000806%1!s! 存在於目標中。正在將物件建立轉換成物件修改。 %1!s! exists in target. Converting object creation to object modification.
0x80000807無法修改不存在於目標中的物件。正在透過 LDAP 重新讀取樹狀子目錄。 Cannot modify object which does not exist in target. Re-reading subtree via LDAP.
0x80000808新增目標物件 %1!s!。正在要求複寫父系。 Adding target object %1!s!. Requesting replication of parent.
0x80000809正在刪除目標物件 %1!s!。 Deleting target object %1!s!.
0x8000080A正在修改目標物件 %1!s!。 Modifying target object %1!s!.
0x8000080B正在處理 %1:%2 的延遲修改。 Processing deferred modifications for %1:%2.
0x8000080C正在略過 %1:%2 的延遲修改。物件不存在。 Skipping deferred modifications for %1:%2. Object doesn't exist.
0x8000080D%2 是前次看到 %1!s! 的時間。 %2 was when we last saw %1!s!.
0x8000080E處理範圍內項目 %1!s!。 Processing in-scope entry %1!s!.
0x8000080F正在處理項目: 頁 %1!d!、框架 %2!d!、項目 %3!d!、計數 %4!d!、USN %5!d! Processing Entry: Page %1!d!, Frame %2!d!, Entry %3!d!, Count %4!d!, USN %5!d!
0x80000810將損害的名稱 %1!s! 用於目標 AD LDS。 Using unmangled name %1!s! in target AD LDS.
0x80000811************************************ 處理項目 %1 時,程式發生嚴重錯誤。************ ************ 在使用者要求下會略過這個錯誤。繼續...************************ ************************************ A fatal error occured in the program while processing entry************ %1.************ The error will be ignored at user request. Continuing...************************
0x80000812正在處理範圍外項目 %1!s!。 Processing out-of-scope entry %1!s!.
0x80000813正在處理動態範圍 %2!s! 下的範圍外項目 %1!s!。 Processing out-of-scope entry %1!s! under dynamic scope %2!s!.
0x80000814正在處理來源項目 Processing source entry
0x80000815正在處理目標項目 Processing target entry
0x80000816因為物件已移動到不同的分割,所以刪除物件。 Deleted object because it has been moved to a different partition.
0x80000817正在略過未存在於本機之物件的刪除。 Skipping deletion of object which does not exist locally.
0x80000818正在將目標物件 %1!s! 重新命名為 %2!s!,%3!s!。 Renaming target object %1!s! to %2!s!,%3!s!.
0x80000819正在將目標物件 (隱含) %1!s! 重新命名為 %2!s!。 Renaming target object (implicit) %1!s! to %2!s!.
0x8000081A不重新命名為 %1!s!。 Skipping rename to %1!s!.
0x8000081B正在將衝突目標物件 %1!s! 重新命名為 %2!s!,%3!s!。 Renaming conflicting target object %1!s! to %2!s!,%3!s!.
0x8000081C正在重新命名目標物件。正在要求複寫新的父系。 Renaming target object. Requesting replication of new parent.
0x8000081D正在新增屬性: %0 Adding attributes: %0
0x8000081E正在修改屬性: %0 Modifying attributes: %0
0x8000081F正在進行使用中同步處理工作階段。請允許該工作階段完成,或使用 -mai 拿取角色。 There is already an active sync session in progress. Please allow the session to complete, or use -mai to seize the role.
0x80000820設定檔無法指定 及 區段。請重新安裝設定檔。 The configuration file cannot specify and sections. Please reinstall the configuration file.
0x80000821%1, %0 %1, %0
0x80000822完成。 Done.
0x80000823完成。%1 Done.%1
0x80000827已發現不具有 GUID 的物件,且將會略過。不具有 GUID 的物件之 DN: %1 An object without a GUID has been encountered, and will be skipped.DN of object without a GUID: %1
0x80000828已發現指向不具有 GUID 的物件之連結值。將略過此值。包含參照的物件之 DN : %0沒有參照 GUID 的物件之 DN: %1 A link value pointing to an object without a GUID has been encountered.This value will be skipped.DN of object containing reference: %0DN of object without a GUID referenced: %1
0xC0000403發生 Ldap 錯誤。%1: %2。延伸資訊: %3。 Ldap error occured. %1: %2. Extended Info: %3.
0xC0000404無法辨識的 LDAP 版本。應用程式需要 LDAP 2 版或 LDAP 3 版。 Unknown LDAP version. Application requires LDAP v2 or LDAP v3.
0xC0000405伺服器不支援 LDAP 3 版。會回復為預設版本。 Server does not support LDAP V3. we will fall back to the default version.
0xC0000406伺服器不支援 SSL,但需要 SSL。 Server does not support SSL, SSL is required.
0xC0000407LDAP 搜尋期間發生錯誤。 Error occured during the LDAP search.
0xC0000408解碼 dirsync 控制項時,發生錯誤。 An error occured while decoding the dirsync control.
0xC0000409編碼 dirsync Cookie 時,發生錯誤。 An error occured while encoding the dirsync cookie.
0xC000040A解碼 dirsync Cookie 時,發生錯誤。 An error occured while decoding the dirsync cookie.
0xC000040B發生內部錯誤 An internal error occurred
0xC000040C發生內部錯誤: %1。 An internal error occurred: %1.
0xC000040D發生內部錯誤: 正在第二次處理這個項目,但失敗。 An internal error occurred: We are processing this entry for the second time,without success.
0xC000040E無法透過 LDAP 讀取必要的屬性/物件。無法處理項目。請修正 AD DS 或 configurationFile 中的使用權限,並重新執行同步處理工作階段。 Unable to read necessary attributes / object via LDAP.Cannot process entry. Please fix the permissions in AD DS or in the configurationFile and re-run the sync session.
0xC000040F無法讀取物件 %1!s! 上的設定檔。 Unable to read the configuration file on object %1!s!.
0xC0000410無法讀取架構物件 %1!s!。 Unable to read the schema object %1!s!.
0xC0000411無法讀取物件 %1!s!。 Unable to read object %1!s!.
0xC0000412無法讀取 %2 上的屬性 %1。 Unable to read attribute %1 on %2.
0xC0000413找不到目標架構中的物件 %1!s!。 Unable to find object %1!s! in the target schema.
0xC0000414來源架構中的相等物件為 %1!s!。 Equivalent object in the source schema is %1!s!.
0xC0000415在架構快取中找不到屬性 %1!s! Unable to find the attribute %1!s! in the schema cache
0xC0000416刪除設定檔 %1 時,發生 ldap 錯誤。 An ldap error occured while deleting the configuration file: %1
0xC0000417儲存設定檔 %1 時,發生 ldap 錯誤。 An ldap error occured while saving the configuration file: %1
0xC0000418無法唯一識別 sourceObjectGuid 為 %1 的物件。必須解決此問題,才可繼續進行同步處理。 Unable to uniquely identify object with sourceObjectGuid %1.This must be resolved in order for synchronization to continue.
0xC0000419解析 XML 檔案時發生錯誤。%1。%4 中的行 %2!d!、位置 %3!d! Error parsing XML File. %1. Line %2!d!, Position %3!d! in %4
0xC000041A嘗試新增目標物件 %1!s! 時,發生限制違規。這可能是因為架構不相符。必須先修正此問題,才可繼續同步處理。 A constraint violation occured when attempting to add target object %1!s!.This could be due to a schema mismatch. This must be fixed beforesynchronization can continue.
0xC000041B初始化 ldifldap 匯入程式庫時,發生錯誤 %1!d!。 Error %1!d! occured while initializing the ldifldap import library.
0xC000041C匯入 ldifldap 記錄時,發生錯誤 %1!d!。 Error %1!d! occured while importing an ldifldap record.
0xC000041D初始化 ldifldap 匯出程式庫時,發生錯誤 %1!d!。將不會匯出DirSync 項目。 Error %1!d! occured while initializing the ldifldap export library. DirSync entries will not be exported.
0xC000041E匯出項目 %2!s! 時,發生 LdifLdap 錯誤 %1!d!。 LdifLdap error %1!d! occured while exporting entry %2!s!.
0xC000041F錯誤: 找不到指定的設定檔 (%1)。 Error: Unable to find specified configuration file (%1).
0xC0000420設定檔錯誤。%1 - %2 != %3。 Configuration file error. %1 - %2 != %3.
0xC0000824嘗試開啟檔案 %1 進行寫入時,發生錯誤。 An error occured while attempting to open file %1 for write.
0xC0000825嘗試開啟檔案 %1 進行讀取時,發生錯誤。 An error occured while attempting to open file %1 for read.
0xC0000826寫入檔案 %1 時,發生錯誤。 An error occured while writing to file %1.
0xC0000829指定的目標分割不是分割的標頭。AdamSync 無法繼續進行。輸入的 DN: %1 The target partition given was not the head of a partition. AdamSync cannot continue.DN of input: %1


File Name:adamsync.exe.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:15360
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:AD DS 至 AD LDS 同步器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:AdamSync.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:AdamSync.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is adamsync.exe.mui?

adamsync.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file adamsync.exe (AD DS 至 AD LDS 同步器).

File version info

File Description:AD DS 至 AD LDS 同步器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:AdamSync.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:AdamSync.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200