1 | Réigiún |
Region |
2 | Saincheap na socruithe do thaispeáint an ama, dátaí, uimhreacha agus teangacha. |
Customize settings for the display of languages, numbers, times, and dates. |
4 | Saincheap an fhormáid |
Customize Format |
5 | Tá ceann amháin nó níos mó de do socruithe réigiúnacha neamhbhailí. Athbhreithnigh agus ceartaigh na socruithe inoiriúnaithe chun an fhadhb seo a réiteach. |
One or more of your regional settings are invalid. To fix this problem review and correct the customizable settings. |
8 | .7 |
.7 |
9 | 0.7 |
0.7 |
10 | Méadrach |
Metric |
11 | SAM |
U.S. |
12 | Tá ceann amháin nó níos mó de na carachtair a d'iontráil tú sa réimse seo neamhbhailí. Déan iarracht carachtair eile a úsáid. |
One or more of the characters you entered in this field are invalid. Try using different characters. |
13 | Tá ceann amháin nó níos mó de na carachtair a d'iontráil tú do %s neamhbhailí. Déan iarracht carachtar eile a úsáid nó iontráil spás folamh. |
One or more of the characters you entered for %s are invalid. Try using a different character or enter a blank space. |
14 | Siombail dheachúlach |
Decimal Symbol |
15 | Comhartha diúltach |
Negative Sign |
16 | Siombail ghrúpála |
Grouping Symbol |
18 | Siombal AM |
AM Symbol |
19 | Siombail PM |
PM Symbol |
21 | Siombail airgeadra |
Currency Symbol |
22 | Siombail dheachúlach airgeadra |
Currency Decimal Symbol |
23 | Siombail ghrúpála airgeadra |
Currency Grouping Symbol |
24 | Tá ceann amháin nó níos mó de na carachtair a d'iontráil tú don fhormáid %s neamhbhailí. Déan iarracht carachtair eile a úsáid. |
One or more of the characters you entered for the %s format are invalid. Try using different characters. |
25 | Am fada |
Long Time |
26 | Dáta gearr |
Short Date |
27 | Dáta fada |
Long Date |
28 | Ní mór don luach sa réimse seo a bheith idir 99 agus 9999. Bain triail as uimhir eile a úsáid. |
The value in this field must be a number between 99 and 9999. Try using a different number. |
29 | Am gearr |
Short Time |
30 | &Formáid: |
&Format: |
31 | &Formáid: (* logchaighdeán saincheaptha) |
&Format: (* Custom Locale) |
32 | Meaitseáil teanga taispeána Windows (molta) |
Match Windows display language (recommended) |
33 | &Formáid: %1 |
&Format: %1 |
55 | U |
H |
56 | u |
h |
57 | M |
M |
58 | m |
m |
59 | s |
s |
60 | a |
t |
61 | l |
d |
62 | b |
y |
69 | Athraíodh logchaighdeán an chórais. Ní mór duit Windows a atosú le go rachaidh do chuid athruithe i bhfeidhm. |
System locale has been changed. You must restart Windows for the changes to take effect. |
70 | Athraigh roghanna réigiúnacha |
Change Regional Options |
71 | Ní féidir leis an ríomhchlár suiteála an logchaighdeán roghnaithe a shuiteáil. Téigh i dteagmháil leis an riarthóir córais. |
Setup was unable to install the chosen locale. Please contact your system Administrator. |
72 | Athraíodh teanga taispeána an chórais. Ní mór duit Windows a atosú le go rachaidh do chuid athruithe i bhfeidhm. |
System display language has been changed. You must restart Windows for the changes to take effect. |
77 | An bhfuil fonn ort gach pearsanú a bhaint don fhormáid reatha? |
Remove all customizations for the current format? |
78 | An bhfuil fonn ort do chuid athruithe réigiún agus teanga a chur i bhfeidhm? |
Would you like to apply your region and language changes? |
79 | Atosaigh anois |
Restart now |
80 | Cealaigh |
Cancel |
81 | Cinntigh go sábhálann tú do chuid oibre agus dún gach ríomhchlár oscailte roimh atosú. |
Make sure you save your work and close all open programs before restarting. |
82 | Athraigh logchaighdeán an chórais |
Change System Locale |
83 | Windows could not properly load the %s keyboard layout. |
Windows could not properly load the %s keyboard layout. |
96 | Spanish (Spain) |
Spanish (Spain) |
100 | Ní mór duit logáil amach le go rachaidh athruithe don teanga taispeána i bhfeidhm |
You must log off for display language changes to take effect |
201 | Cinntigh go sábhálann tú do chuid oibre agus dún gach ríomhchlár oscailte sula logálann tú amach. |
Make sure you save your work and close all open programs before you log off. |
202 | Logáil amach anois |
Log off now |
204 | Athraigh an teanga taispeána |
Change Display Language |
205 | Lena chinntiú go léiríonn an ríomhaire na hathruithe seo molaimid duit iad a chur i bhfeidhm sula ndéanann tú tuilleadh athruithe ar an gcóras. |
To ensure that the computer reflects these changes we recommend that you apply them before making any further system changes. |
206 | Cuir i bhfeidhm |
Apply |
208 | Ní féidir an tasc a chur i gcrích |
The task cannot be completed |
250 | Úsáideoir reatha |
Current user |
251 | Scáileán fáilte |
Welcome screen |
252 | Cuntais úsáideora nua |
New user accounts |
253 | Teanga taispeána: |
Display language: |
254 | Teanga ionchuir: |
Input language: |
255 | Formáid: |
Format: |
256 | Suíomh: |
Location: |
257 | Ní féidir an socrú a léamh |
Setting could not be read |
900 | Comhthéacs |
Context |
901 | Choíche |
Never |
902 | Náisiúnta |
National |
0x30000014 | RLOUI operations |
RLOUI operations |
0x50000002 | Error |
Error |
0x50000004 | Information |
Information |
0x7000001E | Region and Language control panel |
Region and Language control panel |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-International-RegionalOptionsControlPanel |
Microsoft-Windows-International-RegionalOptionsControlPanel |
0x90000002 | Operational |
Operational |
0xB0003A98 | The user changed their user locale to \"%1\". |
The user changed their user locale to \"%1\". |
0xB0003A99 | The user reset all customizations for the user locale \"%1\" to the system default. |
The user reset all customizations for the user locale \"%1\" to the system default. |
0xB0003A9A | The user changed the user locale setting \"%1\" to \"%2\". |
The user changed the user locale setting \"%1\" to \"%2\". |
0xB0003A9B | The user changed their alternate sort to \"%1\". |
The user changed their alternate sort to \"%1\". |
0xB0003A9C | The user changed their calendar to \"%1\". |
The user changed their calendar to \"%1\". |
0xB0003A9D | The user changed their TwoDigitYearMax to %1. |
The user changed their TwoDigitYearMax to %1. |
0xB0003A9E | The user changed their location preference (GeoID) to %1. |
The user changed their location preference (GeoID) to %1. |
0xB0003A9F | The system locale was changed to \"%1\". |
The system locale was changed to \"%1\". |
0xB0003AA0 | The user chose to copy their settings to the default user account. |
The user chose to copy their settings to the default user account. |
0xB0003AA1 | The user chose to copy their settings to the system accounts. |
The user chose to copy their settings to the system accounts. |
0xB0003AA2 | The user has changed their UI Language to \"%1\". |
The user has changed their UI Language to \"%1\". |
0xB0003AA3 | The user has changed their UI Language fallback order to \"%1\". |
The user has changed their UI Language fallback order to \"%1\". |
0xB0003E80 | Failed to change UI Language to \"%1\". Status code is: %2. |
Failed to change UI Language to \"%1\". Status code is: %2. |
0xB0003E81 | Failed to change UI Language fallback order to \"%1\". Status code is: %2. |
Failed to change UI Language fallback order to \"%1\". Status code is: %2. |
0xB0003E82 | The system locale could not be changed to \"%1\". |
The system locale could not be changed to \"%1\". |
0xB0003E83 | The user does not have permission to change the calendar. |
The user does not have permission to change the calendar. |