File name: | taskcomp.dll.mui |
Size: | 13824 byte |
MD5: | 838735d9388a21faad7e32b26ddecf64 |
SHA1: | aebe1914d40fa31778aa9e2d52bbc55482f89690 |
SHA256: | 375284eb6eafd9a7242c6609b3741f6652440406bacfa876cabde4e5c8b29a77 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Croato-Serbian (Latin) | English |
0 | Čekanje sljedećeg zakazanog pokretanja | Waiting for next scheduled run |
1 | Izvodi se | Running |
2 | Obustavljeno | Suspended |
3 | Posljednje izvođenje prekinuto | Last run Aborted |
4 | Zadatak još nije pokrenut | Task has not yet run |
5 | Pogreška, zadatak ne može biti pokrenut | Error, unable to run task |
6 | Pogreška posljednjeg pokretanja | Error from last run |
32 | Obično | Normal |
64 | Neaktivnost (najniže) | Idle (lowest) |
128 | Visok | High |
256 | Realno vrijeme (najveći) | Realtime (highest) |
1034 | **Odabrano je više zadataka** | **Multiple tasks selected** |
1067 | Svaki dan | Daily |
1068 | Tjedno | Weekly |
1069 | Svaki mjesec | Monthly |
1070 | svakih | every |
1071 | svaki drugi | every other |
1072 | svaki treći | every third |
1073 | svaki četvrti | every fourth |
1074 | svaki peti | every fifth |
1075 | svaki šesti | every sixth |
1076 | svaki dvanaesti | every twelfth |
1077 | h | hours |
1078 | min | minutes |
1079 | prvi | first |
1080 | drugi | second |
1081 | treći | third |
1082 | četvrti | fourth |
1083 | posljednji | last |
1085 | Raspored zadataka | Task Scheduler |
1090 | Pokreni kad je neaktivno | Run when idle |
1091 | Pokreni pri pokretanju sustava | Run at system startup |
1092 | Pokreni pri izlasku iz stanja mirovanja | Run at power resume |
1093 | U %s | At %s |
1094 | Svaki %1!s! %2!s! od %3!s! do %4!s!%0 | Every %1!s! %2!s! from %3!s! to %4!s!%0 |
1095 | %1!s! %2!s!, između %3!s! i %4!s!%0 | %1!s! %2!s!, starting %3!s! and ending %4!s!%0 |
1096 | %1!s! %2!s!, s početkom u %3!s!%0 | %1!s! %2!s!, starting %3!s!%0 |
1099 | Stvorio NetScheduleJobAdd. | Created by NetScheduleJobAdd. |
1100 | "%1" (%2) %3 %4 ** UPOZORENJE ** %5 |
"%1" (%2) %3 %4 ** WARNING ** %5 |
1101 | "%1" (%2) %3 %4 ** POGREŠKA ** %5 |
"%1" (%2) %3 %4 ** ERROR ** %5 |
1102 | "%1" (%2) Početak %3 %4 |
"%1" (%2) Started %3 %4 |
1103 | "%1" (%2) Završetak %3 %4 %5 |
"%1" (%2) Finished %3 %4 %5 |
1104 | "%1" (%2) Početak %3 %4 Započeto neizravno, prečacem; završetak zadatka neće biti zapisan. |
"%1" (%2) Started %3 %4 Started indirectly, through a shortcut; task finish will not be logged. |
1105 | Nije moguće pokrenuti zadatak | Unable to start task |
1106 | Rezultat: %1(%2). |
Result: %1(%2). |
1109 | Nije moguće pronaći poruku za izlazni kod |
Unable to find a message for exit code |
1110 | %1!s! u %2!s!%0 | %1!s! on %2!s!%0 |
1111 | svakih %d dana | every %d days |
1112 | svaki dan | every day |
1113 | , | , |
1114 | svaki %s svakog tjedna | every %s of every week |
1115 | svaki %1!s! svakog %2!s! tjedna%0 | every %1!s! of every %2!s! weeks%0 |
1116 | svaki %d. dan svakog mjeseca | on day %d of every month |
1117 | dana %1!s! %2!s!%0 | on day %1!s! of %2!s!%0 |
1118 | svaki mjesec u %1!s! %2!s!%0 | on the %1!s! %2!s! of every month%0 |
1119 | u %1!s! %2!s! %3!s!%0 | on the %1!s! %2!s! of %3!s!%0 |
1120 | u %1!s! %2!s!%0 | on %1!s! %2!s!%0 |
1122 | Svaki %1!s! %2!s! od %3!s!. Trajanje: %4!s! %5!s!%0 | Every %1!s! %2!s! from %3!s! for %4!s! %5!s!%0 |
1123 | Nije određena valjana vrijednost okidača | Trigger has not been set to valid values |
1124 | dana %d itd. svakog mjeseca | on day %d, etc. of every month |
1125 | dana %1!s!, itd. %2!s!%0 | on day %1!s!, etc. of %2!s!%0 |
1126 | POGREŠKA: | ERROR: |
1127 | Servis Rasporeda zadataka ne bi se trebao pokretati iz naredbenog retka! Za kontrolu servisa koristite mapu Zakazani zadaci. | The Task Scheduler service should not be run from the command line! Use the Scheduled Tasks folder to control the service. |
1128 | Istodobno se može izvoditi samo jedna instanca servisa Rasporeda zadataka! | Only one instance of the Task Scheduler service can run at a time! |
1129 | 1281 | 1281 |
1130 | Pokreni prilikom prijave korisnika | Run at user logon |
1131 | Neispravan radni imenik. | Invalid working directory. |
1132 | Izvođenje nije pokrenuto jer sustav nije bio neaktivan | The run was not started because the system was not idle |
1133 | Zakazano izvođenje nije pokrenuto jer je sustav napajan iz baterija | The scheduled run was not started because the system was running on batteries |
1134 | "Servis Rasporeda zadataka" %1 %2 ** Pogreška ** %3 |
"Task Scheduler Service" %1 %2 ** Error ** %3 |
1136 | "Servis Rasporeda zadataka"
"Task Scheduler Service"
1137 | Pokrenut u %1 %2 |
Started at %1 %2 |
1138 | Izlaz u %1 %2 |
Exited at %1 %2 |
1139 | Kritična pogreška sprečava pokretanje Rasporeda zadataka! | A critical error prevents the Task Scheduler from starting! |
1141 | Provjerite postoji li imenik i pokušajte ponovno | Verify that the directory exists and try again |
1142 | Zadatak je okončan. Tu je akciju pokrenuo administrator ili servis Rasporeda zadataka (npr. jer računalo trenutno nije neaktivno) | The task was terminated. This action was initiated either by an administrator or by the Task Scheduler service (because, for example, the computer is now non idle) |
1143 | Zadatak je prisilno zatvoren jer je vrijeme njegova izvođenja premašilo podešeni maksimum | The task was forced to close since its execution time exceeded the configured maximum |
1144 | Zadatak je dovršen s izlaznim kodom | The task completed with an exit code of |
1145 | %1. Specifična pogreška je: %2: %3 %4. |
%1. The specific error is: %2: %3 %4. |
1146 | %1. Specifična pogreška je: %2: %3 |
%1. The specific error is: %2: %3 |
1147 | %1. %2. |
%1. %2. |
1148 | %1. |
%1. |
1149 | %1. Specifična pogreška je: %2: %3 %4. |
%1. The specific error is: %2: %3 %4. |
1150 | %1. Specifična pogreška je: %2: %3 |
%1. The specific error is: %2: %3 |
1151 | %1. %2. |
%1. %2. |
1153 | 0x%08x | 0x%08x |
1154 | (Nije moguće pronaći poruku o pogrešci) | (Unable to find an error message) |
1155 | Za pronalaženje aplikacije pokušajte koristiti gumb Pregledaj na stranici Zadataka | Try using the Task page Browse button to locate the application |
1156 | Provjerite je li valjan naziv zadatka pod kojim će se izvoditi i lozinka te pokušajte ponovno | Verify that the task's Run-as name and password are valid and try again |
1157 | Nije uspio pokušaj prijave korištenjem računa povezanog sa zadatkom, pa on nije ni pokrenut | The attempt to log on to the account associated with the task failed, therefore, the task did not run |
1158 | Nije uspio pokušaj prijave korištenjem AT sigurnosnog računa, pa AT zadatak nije ni pokrenut | The attempt to log on to the AT security account failed; therefore, the AT job did not run |
1159 | Odbijen je pristup datoteci | File access is denied |
1160 | Samo administratori mogu pristupati datotekama ove vrste. | Only Administrators may access files of this type. |
1161 | Nije uspio pokušaj dobivanja podataka o računu za navedeni zadatak, pa zadatak nije pokrenut. Dogodila se pogreška ili za taj zadatak nisu postojale informacije o računu | The attempt to retrieve account information for the specified task failed; therefore, the task did not run. Either an error occurred, or no account information existed for the task |
1162 | Nije uspio pokušaj dobivanja informacija o AT sigurnosnom računu, pa AT zadatak nije ni pokrenut. | The attempt to retrieve AT security account information failed; therefore, the AT job did not run. |
1163 | Pojavila se pogreška tijekom pokretanja servisa | A failure occurred during service initialization |
1164 | Pojavila se pogreška koja će negativno utjecati na rad servisa | An error has occurred that will negatively affect the operation of the service |
1165 | Pojavila se pogreška, ali ona neće spriječiti rad servisa | An error has occurred, but it will not prevent the service from running |
1166 | Ponovna instalacija može riješiti problem | A reinstallation may correct the problem |
1167 | Zatvorite sve aplikacije i ponovno pokrenite Windows | Close all applications and restart Windows |
1168 | Ako problem nije riješen, obratite se mrežnom administratoru | If this error persists, please contact your network administrator |
1169 | Zatvorite neke aplikacije i pokušajte ponovno. Možda može pomoći i ponovno pokretanje sustava Windows | Close some applications and try again. It may help to restart Windows |
1170 | Možete ići na stranicu Postavke i povećati vrijeme stavke "Prekini zakazani zadatak nakon" | You may want to go to the Settings page and increase the "Stop the scheduled task after" time |
1171 | Nije moguće učitati zadatak | Unable to load task |
1172 | Nije moguće odrediti izlazni kôd zadatka | Unable to determine the task exit code |
1173 | Nije moguće izbrisati zadatak | Unable to delete the task |
1174 | Nije moguće ažurirati zadatak | Unable to update the task |
1175 | Provjerite izvodi li se servis Rasporeda zadataka | Make sure that the Task Scheduler Service is running |
1176 | Privremeno zaustavljen %1 %2 |
Paused at %1 %2 |
1177 | Nastavljeno izvođenje %1 %2 |
Continued at %1 %2 |
1178 | Neki zadaci možda nisu pokrenuti u zakazano vrijeme između %1 %2 i %3 %4. To se događa ako ne radi servis Rasporeda zadataka ili je računalo u hibernaciji. |
Some tasks may not have executed at their scheduled times between %1 %2 and %3 %4, either because the Task Scheduler Service was not running, or because the computer was hibernating. |
1179 | Neki zadaci nisu pokrenuti u zakazano vrijeme jer nije radio servis Rasporeda zadataka. Možete prikazati popis neizvršenih zadataka i pokušati ih pokrenuti ponovno, iz mape Zakazani zadaci. | Some tasks did not execute at their scheduled times because the Task Scheduler Service was not running. You can view the list of missed tasks, and attempt to run them again, from within the Scheduled Tasks folder. |
1180 | Servis Rasporeda zadataka | Task Scheduler Service |
3330 | New Task.job | New Task.job |
3331 | New Queue.que | New Queue.que |
3332 | Kad je neaktivno | When idle |
3333 | [ ***** Najnoviji zapis je iznad ovog retka ***** ]
[ ***** Most recent entry is above this line ***** ]
3400 | Pojavila se pogreška u pokušaju određivanja informacija o računu zadatka | An error has occurred while attempting to set task account information |
3401 | Otkriveno je oštećenje u sigurnosnoj bazi podataka Rasporeda zadataka | Corruption was detected in the Task Scheduler security database |
3402 | Provjerite valjanost navedenog naziva računa | Ensure the account name specified is valid |
3403 | Uslijed toga je poništena informacija o računu za svaki zadatak u Mapi zadataka. Tu informaciju morat ćete ponovno navesti | As a result, the account information for each task in the Tasks folder has been invalidated and will need to be respecified |
3404 | Nemate dopuštenje za obavljanje tražene operacije | You do not have permission to perform the requested operation |
3405 | Provjerite izvodi li se servis Rasporeda zadataka i zatim pokušajte ponovno. Servis možete pokrenuti s izbornika Dodatno u mapi Zakazani zadaci | Ensure the Task Scheduler Service is running, then try again. You can start the service from the Advanced menu in the Scheduled Tasks folder |
3406 | Provjerite jesu li valjani parametri zadatka i pokušajte ponovno | Verify that the task's parameters are valid and try again |
3407 | Objekt zadatka | Task Object |
3408 | Zakazani zadaci | Scheduled Tasks |
3409 | Raspored zadataka ne može otvoriti vezu sa svojom sigurnosnom bazom podataka | Task Scheduler was unable to open a connection to the Task Scheduler security database |
File Description: | Programski priključak za kompatibilnost s prijašnjim verzijama Rasporeda zadataka |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | TaskComp |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana. |
Original Filename: | taskcomp.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x41A, 1200 |