bootux.dll.mui bootux 835c4869eb0c9e31f0a10d6a4298fb9c

File info

File name: bootux.dll.mui
Size: 16896 byte
MD5: 835c4869eb0c9e31f0a10d6a4298fb9c
SHA1: e5be8828adfcdf384ccdb6aab24bf15f7c50b83d
SHA256: 326712b10372c505080900c60601c00161f90974730945f31be9a9a627b2451b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
201上一步 Back
30042;Light;none;Microsoft JhengHei UI 42;Light;none;Segoe UI
30111;semilight;none;Microsoft JhengHei UI 11;semilight;none;Segoe UI
30220;Light;none;Microsoft JhengHei UI 20;Light;none;Segoe UI
31211;SemiBold;none;Microsoft JhengHei UI 11;SemiBold;none;Segoe UI
31428;Light;none;Microsoft JhengHei UI 28;Light;none;Segoe UI
31516;semilight;none;Microsoft JhengHei UI 16;semilight;none;Segoe UI
501意外的錯誤 Unexpected error
503系統映像修復 System Image Recovery
504使用特定的系統映像檔來還原 Windows Recover Windows using a specific system image file
505命令提示字元 Command Prompt
506使用命令提示字元執行進階疑難排解 Use the Command Prompt for advanced troubleshooting
507啟動修復 Startup Repair
508修正導致 Windows 無法載入的問題 Fix problems that keep Windows from loading
509系統還原 System Restore
510使用先前在您的電腦上建立的還原點來還原 Windows Use a restore point recorded on your PC to restore Windows
511保留我的檔案 Keep my files
512移除您的應用程式與設定,但保留您的個人檔案。 Removes apps and settings, but keeps your personal files.
513移除所有項目 Remove everything
514移除您所有的個人檔案、應用程式及設定。 Removes all of your personal files, apps, and settings.
515修復工具 Recovery Tool
516使用 OEM 提供的工具來還原您的電腦 Restore your computer with a tool provided by the OEM
517記憶體診斷 Memory diagnostics
518檢查您電腦的記憶體是否有問題 Check your PC’s memory for problems
519密碼不正確。請再試一次。 The password is incorrect. Try again.
520選取帳戶並登入,以使用系統映像來還原您的電腦: Select an account and login to recover your computer using a system image:
521選取帳戶並登入,以啟動系統還原: Select an account and login to launch System Restore:
522選取帳戶並登入,以重設您的電腦: Select an account and login to reset your PC:
524選取帳戶並登入,以啟動自動修復: Select an account and login to launch automatic repair:
525選取帳戶並登入,以開啟命令提示字元視窗: Select an account and login to open a command prompt window:
526選取帳戶並登入以繼續: Select an account and login to continue:
527正在複製開機記錄... Copying boot logs…
528開機記錄 Boot Logs
529開機記錄 (%1) Boot Logs (%1)
530最後六位數不正確。 The last six digits are incorrect.
531一個以上的位數群組不正確。 More than one group of digits is incorrect.
532修復金鑰不正確。 The recovery key is incorrect.
533此磁碟機上沒有有效的修復金鑰。請插入首次開啟 BitLocker 時使用的 USB 磁碟機。 There isn’t a valid recovery key on this drive. Plug in the USB drive you used when you first turned on BitLocker.
534%1 分 %1 minute
536%2 秒 %2 second
538%1 分又 %2 秒 %1 minutes, %2 seconds
542{CollectionDefault} 將在 %1後自動執行。 {CollectionDefault} will run automatically in %1.
543進階選項 Advanced options
544啟動設定 Startup Settings
545變更 Windows 啟動行為 Change Windows startup behavior
546UEFI 韌體設定 UEFI Firmware Settings
547變更電腦 UEFI 韌體中的設定 Change settings in your PC’s UEFI firmware
548在磁碟區 %1 On volume %1
549%1 (在磁碟區 %2) %1 (on volume %2)
550錯誤碼: %1!x! Error code: %1!x!
551在磁碟區 %1 上,從 %2 On volume %1, from %2
552%1 (在磁碟區 %2 上,從 %3) %1 (on volume %2, from %3)
553自動修復 Automatic Repair
581是否要完全清除您的磁碟機? Do you want to fully clean your drive?
582當您移除檔案時,您也可以清除磁碟機,讓其他人無法輕易復原檔案。這比較安全,但需要較多時間。 When you remove your files, you can also clean the drive so that the files can’t be recovered easily. This is more secure, but it takes much longer.
583完全清除磁碟機 Fully clean the drive
584若要將您的電腦送交資源回收單位,請使用此選項。這可能需要數小時的時間。 Use this if you’ll recycle the PC. This can take several hours.
585只移除我的檔案 Just remove my files
586若要保留您的電腦,請使用此選項。 Use this if you’re keeping your PC.
587使用修復媒體重新啟動 Restart using your recovery media
588修復環境遺失。請插入 Windows 安裝或修復媒體,然後使用該媒體重新啟動電腦。 The recovery environment is missing. Insert your Windows installation or recovery media, and restart your PC with that media.
589插入的媒體無效 Invalid media inserted
590復原媒體必須包含 Windows 10 更新。 The recovery media must include the Windows 10 update.
591將會移除您的應用程式 Your apps will be removed
592您可以從市集重新安裝許多應用程式,但是下列應用程式將需要從網路或安裝光碟重新安裝。此應用程式清單將會儲存至桌面,以供稍後進行檢視。 You can reinstall many apps from the Store, but you'll need to reinstall the following apps from the web or installation discs. This list of apps will be saved to the desktop and can be viewed later.
593使用此媒體重新安裝 Windows 10 Reinstall Windows 10 with this media
594如果您的 Windows 10 安裝已過期,您可以使用此媒體重新安裝 If your Windows 10 installation has expired, you can reinstall it with this media
595回復到先前的版本 Go back to the previous version
596(僅適用於 Windows 測試人員) (Only for Windows Insiders)
597若使用目前的 Windows 版時發生問題,回復到先前的版本可能可以修正問題。 If you’re running into problems with the current version of Windows, going back to the previous version might fix them.
598這樣不會影響您的個人檔案,但您會遺失最近更新之後對 App 與設定所做的所有變更。 This won’t affect your personal files, but you’ll lose any changes you’ve made to apps and settings since your most recent update.
599找不到先前的 Windows 版本以進行回復。請改為嘗試重設您的電腦 ([疑難排解] [重設此電腦])。 We couldn’t find a previous version of Windows to take you back to. Try resetting your PC instead (Troubleshoot Reset this PC).
600我們已準備好下載及重新安裝 Windows We’re ready to download and reinstall Windows
601重新安裝將會移除: Reinstalling will remove:
602請確定您的電腦已接上電源。這可能需要一些時間。 Make sure your PC is plugged in. This might take a while.
603此電腦上的所有個人檔案與使用者帳戶 All personal files and user accounts on this PC
604此電腦未隨附的任何應用程式與程式 Any apps and programs that didn’t come with this PC
605對設定所做的任何變更 Any changes you’ve made to settings
606從雲端復原 Recover from the cloud
607重新安裝您電腦製造商所提供的 Windows。這將會移除您的檔案、應用程式及設定。 Reinstalls Windows from your PC manufacturer. This will remove your files, apps, and settings.
612還原原廠設定 Restore factory settings
613移除您的個人檔案、應用程式及設定,並重新安裝此電腦隨附的 Windows 版本。 Removes your personal files, apps, and settings, and reinstalls the version of Windows that came on this PC.
614重設將會: Resetting will:
615移除此電腦未隨附的所有應用程式與程式 Remove all apps and programs that didn’t come with this PC
616將設定變更回預設值 Change settings back to their defaults
617在不移除您的個人檔案的情況下重新安裝 Windows Reinstall Windows without removing your personal files
618重設將會移除: Resetting will remove:
624還原原廠設定將會: Restoring factory settings will:
625移除此電腦上的所有個人檔案與使用者帳戶 Remove all the personal files and user accounts on this PC
628重新安裝此電腦隨附的 Windows 版本 Reinstall the version of Windows that came with this PC
629警告 !若要繼續,我們將需要重新分割您的磁碟。我們將需要刪除您所有的資料。 Warning! In order to continue, we will need to repartition your disk. We will need to delete all your data.
630您的電腦沒有足夠的可用空間。我們必須先移除您所有的應用程式與檔案,才能從您的電腦製造商處下載 Windows。 Your PC doesn’t have enough free space. We’ll have to remove all your apps and files before downloading Windows from your PC manufacturer.
631重設此電腦 Reset this PC
632讓您選擇保留或移除您的個人檔案,然後重新安裝 Windows。 Lets you choose to keep or remove your personal files, and then reinstalls Windows.
634移除所有項目並重新安裝此電腦隨附的 Windows 版本。 Removes everything and reinstalls the version of Windows that came on this PC.
635從磁碟機復原 Recover from a drive
636從與此電腦連接的復原磁碟機重新安裝 Windows。這將會移除您所有的檔案與應用程式。 Reinstalls Windows from the recovery drive connected to this PC. This will remove all your files and apps.
637以下是將會發生的情況: Here’s what will happen:
638將移除此電腦上所有的個人檔案與使用者帳戶 All personal files and user accounts on this PC will be removed
639將移除此電腦未隨附的任何應用程式與程式 Any apps and programs that didn’t come with this PC will be removed
640將從與此電腦連接的復原磁碟機重新安裝 Windows Windows will be reinstalled from the recovery drive connected to this PC
641如果您已重新分割您的系統磁碟機,這將會還原其預設的磁碟分割 If you’ve repartitioned your system drive, this will restore its default partitions
643注意: 將關閉 BitLocker 磁碟機加密。 Note: BitLocker drive encryption will be turned off.
644只有在已嘗試其他修復選項 (例如,重設您的電腦) 之後,才建議繼續。 Only continue if you’ve tried other recovery options, like resetting your PC.
645重設此裝置 Reset this device
646移除所有 App 與程式 Remove all apps and programs
647所有 App 與程式 All apps and programs
648輸入網路安全性金鑰 Enter network security key
649輸入帳戶密碼 Enter account password
650輸入 BitLocker 修復金鑰 Enter BitLocker recovery key
651652 啟動應用程式 652 Boot App
653移除所有應用程式與程式 Remove all apps and programs
1600繼續 Continue
1601選擇選項 Choose an option
1602結束並繼續使用 %1 Exit and continue to %1
1603使用裝置 Use a device
1604使用 USB 磁碟機、網路連線或 Windows 修復 DVD Use a USB drive, network connection, or Windows recovery DVD
1605使用另一個作業系統 Use another operating system
Windows 版本繼續
Continue with another installed version of Windows
1608疑難排解 Troubleshoot
1609關閉您的電腦 Turn off your PC
1610檢視其他裝置 See more devices
1612檢視其他作業系統 See more operating systems
1613變更預設值 Change defaults
1615選擇目標作業系統。 Choose a target operating system.
1616選擇預設作業系統 Choose a default operating system
1618重新啟動以變更 UEFI 韌體設定 Restart to change UEFI firmware settings
1621選項 Options
1622變更計時器 Change the timer
16245 分鐘 5 minutes
162530 秒 30 seconds
16265 秒 5 seconds
1632選擇語言 Choose the language
1633檢視其他語言 See more languages
1634選擇您的鍵盤配置 Choose your keyboard layout
1635檢視其他鍵盤配置 See more keyboard layouts
1636選取帳戶 Select account
1637檢視其他帳戶 See more accounts
1638忘記密碼或沒看到您的帳戶? Forgot your password or don’t see your account?
1640此清單只會顯示曾登入此電腦的系統管理員帳戶,而不會顯示標準使用者或網域帳戶。您必須使用系統管理員的身分登入,才能使用某些修復與還原工具。若沒有這些帳戶的密碼,您可以重新啟動並嘗試登入 Windows 以管理您的使用者帳戶。 This list only shows administrator accounts that have previously signed in to this PC, and does not include standard user or domain accounts. You need to be signed in as an administrator to use some repair and restore tools. If you don’t have a password for any of these accounts, you can restart to try signing in to Windows to manage your user accounts.
1641輸入此帳戶的密碼。(鍵盤配置: %1) Enter the password for this account. (Keyboard Layout: %1)
1642變更鍵盤配置 Change keyboard layout
1644正在準備 Getting things ready
1676您的電腦有多部磁碟機。是否要移除所有磁碟機上的所有檔案。 Your PC has more than one drive. Do you want to remove all files from all drives?
1677僅限已安裝 Windows 的磁碟機 Only the drive where Windows is installed
1678所有磁碟機 All drives
1679插入您的 Windows 安裝或修復媒體以繼續 Insert your Windows installation or recovery media to continue
1681正在驗證 Verifying
1684裝有 Windows 系統的磁碟機需要更多可用空間。請釋放一些空間,然後再試一次。 Additional free space is needed on the drive where Windows is installed. Free up some space and try again.
1687BitLocker BitLocker
1688輸入您的修復金鑰 Enter your recovery key
1689從 USB 裝置載入您的修復金鑰 Load your recovery key from a USB device
1690略過此磁碟機 Skip this drive
1691插入包含 BitLocker 修復金鑰的 USB 磁碟機 Plug in the USB drive that contains the BitLocker recovery key
1693按下 [繼續] 以接受變更並以標準模式開機。 Press continue to accept changes and boot normally.
1694輸入修復金鑰以便讓所有功能恢復正常 (鍵盤配置: %1) Enter the recovery key to get going again (Keyboard Layout: %1)
1695修復金鑰正確 The recovery key is correct
1696發生問題 There was a problem
1697某些項目似乎未正確載入。重新啟動或許可以修正該問題。若此問題持續發生,您可以使用特定錯誤碼來搜尋線上說明。 It looks like something didn’t load correctly. Restarting might fix the problem. If this happens more than once, you might also be able to find help by searching online for the specific error code.
1698選擇作業系統 Choose an operating system
1700重設您的電腦或參閱進階選項 Reset your PC or see advanced options
1710重設 Reset
1711取消 Cancel
1716無法重設您的電腦並保留您的個人檔案。您可以嘗試 [進階選項] 以尋找針對電腦進行疑難排解的其他方式,或備份您的個人檔案並完全重設您的電腦。 We cannot reset your PC and keep your personal files. You can try Advanced Options for other ways to troubleshoot problems with your PC, or you can back up your personal files and completely reset your PC.
1719輸入密碼 Enter password
1721選擇帳戶以繼續。 Choose an account to continue.
1724變更預設值或選擇其他選項 Change defaults or choose other options
1725檢視其他修復選項 See more recovery options
1727正在搜尋 Searching
1729插入的媒體無效。請再試一次。 The media inserted is not valid. Try again.
1731目前的設定: %1 Current setting: %1
1732目前的預設值: %1 Current default: %1
1733目前的預設值是 %1。 The current default is %1.
1735選擇其他選項 Choose other options
1736使用修復工具、從另一個裝置執行 Windows,或檢視其他選項 Use repair tools, run Windows from another device, or see more options
1743Windows 無法正確地載入 Windows couldn’t load correctly
1744「系統還原」可以嘗試將您的電腦還原到之前可正確運作的時間點。此修復動作並不會變更個人資料,但可能會移除最近安裝的部分應用程式。一旦進行還原便無法復原。 System Restore can try to restore your PC to an earlier point in time when it worked correctly. This repair will not change personal data, but it might remove some apps that were installed recently. You cannot undo this process.
1745還原 Restore
1746「%1」無法修復您的電腦 %1 couldn’t repair your PC
1747按下 [進階選項] 以嘗試其他電腦修復選項,或按下 [關機] 以關閉您的電腦。 Press “Advanced options” to try other options to repair your PC or “Shut down” to turn off your PC.
1748重新啟動 Restart
1767重設您的電腦時發生問題。沒有對電腦做任何變更。 There was a problem resetting your PC. No changes were made.
1768安裝 Windows 的磁碟機已被鎖定。請解除鎖定該磁碟機,然後再試一次。 The drive where Windows is installed is locked. Unlock the drive and try again.
1769重設您的電腦時發生問題。 There was a problem resetting your PC.
1770磁碟機標籤: %1 Drive Label: %1
1773正在解除鎖定 Unlocking
1775手動輸入修復金鑰 Enter your recovery key manually
1776您可以選擇自動執行預設的作業系統之前要等候的時間長度。目前的設定式 %1。 You can choose how long to wait before the default operating system runs automatically. The current setting is %1.
1777正在檢查 Checking
1780將影響哪些設定? Which settings will be affected?
1781您電腦的大部分設定將還原為原始設定。但是,這將不會影響您在 Windows 歡迎畫面所做的任何選擇 (例如,電腦名稱與使用者帳戶)。此外,下列設定也會維持不變: Your PC will go back to most of its original settings. However, this won’t affect any choices you made during Windows Welcome, such as computer name and user accounts. In addition, these things will stay the same:
1782個人化設定 (例如,您的開始畫面背景色彩與鎖定畫面圖片) Personalization settings such as your Start Menu background color and Lock Screen picture
1783網路設定 (例如,您的無線網路連線) Network settings such as your wireless network connections
1784媒體櫃設定 Libraries settings
1785Windows Update 設定 Windows Update settings
1786客戶經驗改進計畫設定 Customer Experience Improvement Program settings
1787Windows 錯誤報告設定 Windows Error Reporting settings
1788我的應用程式會發生什麼事? What will happen to my apps?
1789系統將重設電腦預先安裝之應用程式與從「Windows 市集」取得之應用程式的設定。若您從其他位置 (例如,安裝光碟或網際網路) 安裝應用程式,則必須在重設您的電腦之後重新安裝那些應用程式。 Apps that came installed on your PC and apps from the Windows Store will have their settings reset. If you’ve installed apps from other places, such as installation discs or the Internet, you’ll need to install those again after resetting your PC.
1790將影響哪些檔案? Which files will be affected?
1791當您重設您的電腦時,系統將完全重設磁碟機,而且會移除所有應用程式與檔案。此外,系統也會重新安裝 Windows,因此您必須在重設之後變更設定並重新安裝應用程式。若有要保留的檔案,您必須在開始之前先備份那些檔案。 When you reset your PC, the drive will be completely reset, and all your apps and files will be removed from it. Windows will be reinstalled, and you’ll need to change any settings and reinstall any apps that you want to get back after resetting. If you know of any files you don’t want to lose, you should back those files up before beginning.
1792如果我有多部磁碟機該怎麼辦? What if I have multiple drives?
1793您可以選擇重設所有磁碟機或只重設已安裝 Windows 的磁碟機。Windows 無法辨識的磁碟機 (例如,具有非 Windows 作業系統的磁碟機) 則完全不會受影響。 You can choose whether to reset all drives or just the one with Windows installed on it. Any drives that Windows doesn’t recognize, such as those with non-Windows operating systems, won’t be affected at all.
1794注意: 將暫時停止 BitLocker 磁碟機加密,直到此程序完成。 Note: BitLocker drive encryption will be temporarily suspended until this process is done.
1796關機 Shut down
1797電腦已被鎖定! You’re locked out!
1798深入了解將電腦重設為原廠預設值 Learn more about resetting your PC to factory defaults
1799成功! Success!
1800解除鎖定我的裝置 Unlock my device
1802若要重設此電腦並保留您的檔案,[使用者]、[Program Files] 及 [Windows] 目錄必須位於相同的磁碟機。您可以選擇改為重設此電腦並移除所有項目,但您應該先備份您的個人檔案。 To reset this PC and keep your files, the Users, Program Files, and Windows directories need to be on the same drive. You can choose to reset this PC and remove everything instead, but you should back up your personal files first.
1804是否要完全清除磁碟機? 當您移除檔案時,您也可以清除磁碟機,讓其他人無法輕易復原檔案。這比較安全,但需要較多時間。 Do you want to fully clean your drive? When you remove your files, you can also clean the drive so that the files can’t be recovered easily. This is more secure, but it takes much longer.
1808找不到系統磁碟 System disk not found
1809在電腦上偵測不到任何硬碟,或硬碟未正常運作。 No hard disk can be detected on the PC, or the hard disk is malfunctioning.
1810修復 Recovery
1811Windows 似乎未正確載入 It looks like Windows didn’t load correctly
1812若要重新啟動並再試一次,請選擇下面的 [重新啟動我的電腦]。否則,請選擇 [檢視進階修復選項] 以存取疑難排解工具與進階選項。若不知道哪個選項適合您,請向信任的人員尋求協助。 If you’d like to restart and try again, choose “Restart my PC” below. Otherwise, choose “See advanced repair options” for troubleshooting tools and advanced options. If you don’t know which option is right for you, contact someone you trust to help with this.
1813檢視進階修復選項 See advanced repair options
1814重新啟動我的電腦 Restart my PC
1818重新啟動以變更 Windows 選項,例如: Restart to change Windows options such as:
1819停用驅動程式強制簽章 Disable driver signature enforcement
1820停用開機初期啟動的反惡意程式碼防護 Disable early-launch anti-malware protection
1821停用系統失敗時自動重新啟動 Disable automatic restart on system failure
1822啟用低解析度視訊模式 Enable low-resolution video mode
1823啟用偵錯模式 Enable debugging mode
1824啟用開機記錄 Enable boot logging
1825啟用安全模式 Enable Safe Mode
1828%1 您好, Hi, %1
1833您選取的作業系統不支援此選項。 This option is not supported on the operating system you’ve selected.
1834重新啟動您的電腦以重試 Restart your PC to try again
1835立即重新啟動 Restart now
1836按下 [重新啟動] 以接受變更並重新啟動電腦。 Press Restart to accept changes and restart your PC.
1839是否要重新分割您電腦上的磁碟機? 將移除您的所有檔案。 Do you want to repartition the drives on your PC? All your files will be removed.
1840您必須使用系統管理員的身分登入才能繼續,但此電腦上沒有任何系統管理員帳戶。 You need to sign in as an administrator to continue, but there aren’t any administrator accounts on this PC.
1841是,重新分割磁碟機 Yes, repartition the drives
1842否,維持現有的磁碟分割 No, keep the existing partitions
1843無法重設您的電腦。找不到系統磁碟機。 Unable to reset your PC. The system drive cannot be found.
1844無法復原您的電腦。系統磁碟機太小。 Unable to recover your PC. The system drive is too small.
1845無法重設您的電腦。缺少必要的磁碟機磁碟分割。 Unable to reset your PC. A required drive partition is missing.
1846記錄檔: %1 Log file: %1
1847您的電腦未正確啟動 Your PC did not start correctly
1848按下 [重新啟動] 以重新啟動您的電腦有時可以修正該問題。您也可以按下 [進階選項] 嘗試使用其他選項來修復您的電腦。 Press “Restart” to restart your PC, which can sometimes fix the problem. You can also press “Advanced options” to try other options to repair your PC.
1849當電腦是使用修復磁碟機 Windows 安裝媒體啟動時,不支援此選項。 This option is not supported when the PC is started using a recovery drive or Windows installation media.
1855正在準備回復到先前的 Windows 版本。 Getting ready to go back to the previous version of Windows.
1858遇到問題,因此無法讓您復原到先前的 Windows 版本。請改為嘗試重設您的電腦 ([疑難排解] [重設此電腦])。 We ran into a problem and won’t be able to take you back to the previous version of Windows. Try resetting your PC instead (Troubleshoot Reset this PC).
1859關閉 Close
1860正在重新啟動 Restarting
1863正在連線 Connecting
1865選擇網路 choose a network
1866找不到任何無線網路。 No wireless networks could be found.
1867查看更多網路 See more networks
1871重新安裝 Reinstall
1873連線 Connect
1874正在準備您的選項 Getting your options ready
1875其他人員可能會看到您透過此公用網路傳送的資訊。您仍要連線嗎? Other people might be able to see info you send over this public network. Do you want to connect anyway?
1879發生錯誤。請再試一次。 Something went wrong, please try again
1887正在下載 Downloading
18880% 0 %
1890 Yes
1893已經可以開始。請確定您的電腦已經插入電源。 All ready to go. Make sure that your PC is plugged in.
1895復原您的電腦時發生問題。 There was a problem recovering your PC.
1897儲存可讓此電腦使用工作場所資源的佈建套件。 Saves provisioning packages that let this PC use workplace resources.
1898移除可讓此電腦使用工作場所資源的佈建套件。 Removes provisioning packages that let this PC use workplace resources.
1899您要保留針對您的工作場所設定的此項電腦設定嗎? Do you want to keep this PC set up for your workplace?
1900復原 Recover
1901 No
1903重設您的裝置時發生問題 There was a problem resetting your device.
1904正在取得修復資訊 Getting recovery info
1906無法重設此電腦。您組織的原則不允許重設。如需詳細資訊,請連絡您的支援人員或 IT 部門。 We can’t reset this PC. Your organization’s policy doesn’t allow it. For more info, talk to your support person or IT department.
1907重設以重新安裝 Windows Reset to re-install Windows
1908您的電腦已重設,但我們無法移除您的所有個人檔案。若計畫將此電腦送給他人或送交回收單位,請嘗試重新重設電腦。 Your PC has been reset, but we couldn’t remove all your personal files. If you plan to give away or recycle this PC, try resetting it again.
1909了解 Got it
1911從電腦製造商映像重新安裝 Windows Reinstall Windows from your PC manufacturer
0x30000000資訊 Info
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Boot User Interface Microsoft-Windows-Boot User Interface


File Name:bootux.dll.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:16384
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:bootux
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:bootux
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:bootux.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is bootux.dll.mui?

bootux.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file bootux.dll (bootux).

File version info

File Description:bootux
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:bootux
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:bootux.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200