systemreset.exe Risettjar tas-Sistema għal Windows 832c1d7b2bf0b6256dfe7aa56ae203c1

File info

File name: systemreset.exe.mui
Size: 23040 byte
MD5: 832c1d7b2bf0b6256dfe7aa56ae203c1
SHA1: f3debe001fc0d3a899d26876d9d3bd88d119383b
SHA256: a530a95a848e13e3c8d97ba2707ff23449f86e479e21b288c4e831afb2c4ef1d
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: systemreset.exe Risettjar tas-Sistema għal Windows (32-bit)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Maltese English
136Li Jmiss Next
137Ikkanċella Cancel
138Irrisettja Reset
139Agħlaq Close
140Ibda Start
142Id-drajv biss fejn hemm Windows installat Only the drive where Windows is installed
143Id-drajvs kollha All drives
144Urini l-lista tad-drajvs li se jkunu affettwati Show me the list of drives that will be affected
145Tixtieq tneħħi l-fajls kollha mid-drajvs kollha? Do you want to remove all files from all drives?
147Meħtieġ spazju addizzjonali fid-diska Additional disk space needed
148Biex tillibera spazju fid-diska, tista’: To free up disk space, you can:
149Ħaddem it-Tindif tad-Diska Run Disk Cleanup
150Ikkopja l-fajls tiegħek għal tagħmir estern u tħassarhom minn fuq dan il-PC Copy your files to an external device and delete them from this PC
151Iddiżinstalla programmi Uninstall programs
153Dan mhux se jdum wisq This won’t take long
155Agħmel għażla Choose an option
156Żomm dan il-PC ikkonfigurat għall-post tax-xogħol tiegħek Keep this PC set up for your workplace
157Iva Yes
158Jissejvja pakketti ta’ provvediment li jħallu lill-PC tiegħek juża r-riżorsi tal-post tax-xogħol. Saves provisioning packages that let your PC use workplace resources.
159Le No
160Ineħħi pakketti ta’ provvediment li jħallu lill-PC tiegħek juża r-riżorsi tal-post tax-xogħol. Removes provisioning packages that let your PC use workplace resources.
161Twissija! Warning!
162Dan il-PC ġie aġġornat riċentement għal Windows 10. Jekk Tirrisettja dan il-PC, ma tkunx tista’ treġġa’ lura l-aġġornament u tmur lura għall-verżjoni preċedenti ta’ Windows. This PC was recently upgraded to Windows 10. If you Reset this PC, you won’t be able to undo the upgrade and go back to the previous version of Windows.
163Lest biex jirrisettja dan il-PC Ready to reset this PC
165Lest biex jirrestawra Ready to restore
166Bidu ġdid Fresh start
167Ejja nibdew Let's get started
169Qed ilesti l-affarijiet Getting things ready
171Dan se jieħu ftit minuti u l-PC tiegħek se jirristartja. This will take a while and your PC will restart.
173Meħtieġ %1!ws! addizzjonali ta’ spazju liberu fid-diska fuq (%2!ws!). An additional %1!ws! of free disk space is needed on (%2!ws!).
179Nota: L-iċċifrar tad-drajv BitLocker se jiġi sospiż temporanjament sakemm il-proċess jitlesta. Note: BitLocker drive encryption will be temporarily suspended until the process is done.
180Importanti: Ipplaggja l-PC tiegħek qabel ma tibda Important: Plug in your PC before you start
181Persuni oħrajn huma lloggjati f’dan il-PC Other people are logged on to this PC
182Tixtieq tkompli? Dan iwassal biex huma jitilfu dejta mhux issejvjata. Do you want to continue? This will cause them to lose unsaved data.
183Irrestawra Restore
189Dan se jneħħi l-fajls personali u l-applikazzjonijiet tiegħek mill-PC tiegħek u jirrestawra s-settings kollha għad-defaults tagħhom. Jekk tuża l-Kronoloġija tal-Fajls, żgura li l-verżjonijiet l-aktar riċenti tal-fajls tiegħek kienu kkupjati għad-drajv tiegħek tal-Kronoloġija tal-Fajls qabel ma tipproċedi. Dan se jieħu ftit minuti u l-PC tiegħek se jirristartja. This will remove your personal files and apps from your PC and restore all settings to their defaults. If you use File History, make sure the latest versions of your files were copied to your File History drive before you proceed. This will take a few minutes and your PC will restart.
190Nota: L-iċċifrar tad-drajv BitLocker se jintefa. Note: BitLocker drive encryption will be turned off.
191Il-PC tiegħek għandu aktar minn drajv waħda Your PC has more than one drive
192Jekk tagħżel li tneħħi fajls mid-drajvs kollha, dawn id-drajvs jkunu affettwati: If you choose to remove files from all drives, these drives will be affected:
193Drajvs li se jkunu affettwati Drives that will be affected
194Drajv mingħajr isem Unnamed drive
195Ma nistgħux nirrisettjaw il-PC tiegħek waqt li qed jaħdem bl-enerġija tal-batterija. We can’t reset your PC while it’s running on battery power.
196Ipplaggja l-PC tiegħek Plug in your PC
197Ma saru ebda bidliet. No changes were made.
198Kien hemm problema biex jirrisettja l-PC tiegħek There was a problem resetting your PC
201Ma jistax jirrestawra dan il-PC u żomm il-fajls tiegħek Cannot reset this PC and keep your files
202Biex tirrisettja dan il-PC u żżomm il-fajls tiegħek, l-Utenti, il-Fajls tal-Programmo, u d-direttorji ta’ Windows jeħtieġ li jkunu fl-istess drajv. Tista’ tagħżel li tirrisettja dan il-PC u tneħħi kollox minflok, iżda l-ewwel għandek tagħmel backup tal-fajls personali tiegħek. To reset this PC and keep your files, the Users, Program Files, and Windows directories need to be on the same drive. You can choose to reset this PC and remove everything instead, but you should back up your personal files first.
203Tixtieq tnaddaf id-drajvs, ukoll? Do you want to clean the drives, too?
204Neħħi l-fajlx u naddaf id-drajv Remove files and clean the drive
205Dan se jieħu ftit sigħat, iżda se jkun aktar diffiċli biex xi ħadd jirkupra l-fajls imneħħija tiegħek. Uża dan jekk se tirriċikla l-PC. This might take a few hours, but will make it harder for someone to recover your removed files. Use this if you’re recycling the PC.
206Kemm tneħħi l-fajls tiegħi Just remove my files
207Dan huwa aktar veloċi, iżda inqas sigur. Uża dan jekk se żżomm il-PC. This is quicker, but less secure. Use this if you’re keeping the PC.
211Dan se jneħħi l-fajls u l-applikazzjonijiet personali tiegħek mill-PC u jirrestawra s-settings kollha għad-defaults tagħhom. Jekk tuża l-Kronoloġija tal-Fajls, żgura li l-aħħar verżjonijiet tal-fajls tiegħek ġew ikkupjati fid-drajv tal-Kronoloġija tal-Fajls qabel ma tipproċedi. Il-PC tiegħek se jirristartja. This will remove your personal files and apps from your PC and restore all settings to their defaults. If you use File History, make sure the latest versions of your files were copied to your File History drive before you proceed. Your PC will restart.
214Il-PC tiegħek ma jistax jiġi rrisettjat għax qed iħaddem Windows To Go. Your PC can’t be reset because it’s running Windows To Go.
216Ma nistgħux nirrisettjaw dan il-PC We can’t reset this PC
21811;normal;none;Segoe UI 11;normal;none;Segoe UI
219Meta tneħħi l-fajls tiegħek, tista’ wkoll tnaddaf id-drajv sabiex il-fajls ma jistgħux jiġu rkuprati faċilment. Dan huwa aktar sigur, iżda jieħu aktar ħin. When you remove your files, you can also clean the drive so that the files can’t be recovered easily. This is more secure, but it takes much longer.
247Ma setax isib l-ambjent tal-irkupru Could not find the recovery environment
248Daħħal il-midja tiegħek tal-installazzjoni jew l-irkupru ta’ Windows, u rristartja l-PC tiegħek bil-midja. Insert your Windows installation or recovery media, and restart your PC with the media.
253Dawn l-applikazzjonijiet jeħtieġ li jerġgħu jiġu installati These apps will need to be reinstalled
254Irrevedi l-lista ta’ applikazzjonijiet. Tkun teħtieġ id-diski jew il-fajls biex terġa’ tinstallahom aktar tard. Reveiw the list of apps. You’ll need the discs or files to reinstall them later.
255Mur lura Go back
256Jekk tara li qed timmissja t-tiftix imtejjeb, is-sigurtà u l-bidu, ejja lura għal Windows 10 meta trid. If you end up missing improved search, security, and startup, come back to Windows 10 anytime.
260Grazzi talli ppruvajt Windows 10 Thanks for trying Windows 10
261Erġa’ ikseb spazju tad-diska Reclaim disk space
262Dan se jirkupra l-ispazju tad-diska użat biex jaħżen Windows 7. Se jillibera dak l-ispazju tad-diska, iżda ma tkunx tista’ tirrestawra aktar Windows 7 wara dan. This will recover the disk space used to store Windows 7. It will free up that disk space, but you will no longer be able to restore Windows 7 after this.
263Tneħħi Windows 7? Remove Windows 7?
264Dan se jillibera l-ispazju fuq il-PC tiegħek, iżda ma tkunx tista’ tmur lura għal Windows 7. This will free up space on your PC, but you won’t be able to go back to Windows 7.
265Neħħi kontijiet ġodda Remove new accounts
266Qabel ma tmur lura għal verżjoni preċedenti ta’ Windows, teħtieġ tneħħi kwalunkwe kontijiet tal-utent li żidt wara l-aġġornament l-aktar riċenti tiegħek. Il-kontijiet jeħtieġ li jitneħħew kompletament, inklużi l-profili tagħhom. Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you’ll need to remove any user accounts you added after your most recent upgrade. The accounts need to be completely removed, including their profiles.
267Ħloqt kont wieħed (%2!ws!) You created one account (%2!ws!)
268Ħloqt %1!ws! kontijiet (%2!ws!) You created %1!ws! accounts (%2!ws!)
269Mur f’Settings Kontijiet Utenti oħra biex tneħħi dawn il-kontijiet, u mbagħad erġa’ pprova. Go to Settings Accounts Other people to remove these accounts, and then try again.
270Mexxi lura l-kontijiet Move accounts back
271Qabel ma tkun tista’ tmur lura għal verżjoni preċedenti ta’ Windows, teħtieġ li tqiegħed kwalunkwe kontijiet tal-utent li mexxejt wara l-aġġornament l-aktar riċenti tiegħek lura fil-post oriġinali tagħhom. Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you’ll need to put any user accounts you moved after your most recent upgrade back in their original location.
272Mexxejt kont wieħed (%2!ws!) You moved one account (%2!ws!)
273Mexxejt %1!ws! kontijiet (%2!ws!) You moved %1!ws! accounts (%2!ws!)
274Jiddispjaċina, iżda ma tistax tmur lura We’re sorry, but you can’t go back
275Il-fajls li neħtieġu biex neħduk lura għal verżjoni preċedenti ta’ Windows tneħħew minn dan il-PC. The files we need to take you back to a previous version of Windows were removed from this PC.
277Ma nistgħux neħduk lura għal verżjoni preċedenti ta’ Windows billi l-USB flash drive jew drajv esterna oħra li ntużat matul l-aġġornament l-aktar riċenti tiegħek huwa nieqes. Daħħal id-diska u erġa’ pprova. We can’t take you back to a previous version of Windows because the USB flash drive or other external drive that was used during your most recent upgrade is missing. Please insert the disk and try again.
279Ma nistgħux neħduk lura għall-verżjoni preċedenti ta’ Windows billi għadda aktar minn xahar mill-aġġornament. We can’t take you back to the previous version of Windows because it’s been more than a month since the upgrade.
280L-applikazzjonijiet jew it-tagħmir tiegħi ma jaħdmux f’Windows 10 My apps or devices don’t work on Windows 10
281Binjiet aktar preċedenti donnhom kienu aktar faċli biex jintużaw Earlier builds seemed easier to use
282Windows 7 donnu kien eħfef biex tuża Windows 7 seemed easier to use
283Windows 8 donnu kien eħfef biex tuża Windows 8 seemed easier to use
284Windows 8.1 donnu kien eħfef biex tuża Windows 8.1 seemed easier to use
285Binjiet aktar preċedenti donnhom kienu aktar veloċi Earlier builds seemed faster
286Windows 7 donnu kien aktar veloċi Windows 7 seemed faster
287Windows 8 donnu kien aktar veloċi Windows 8 seemed faster
289Binjiet aktar preċedenti donnhom kienu aktar affidabbli Earlier builds seemed more reliable
290Windows 7 donnu kien aktar affidabbli Windows 7 seemed more reliable
291Windows 8 donnu kien aktar affidabbli Windows 8 seemed more reliable
293Għal raġuni oħra For another reason
294Għaliex sejjer lura? Why are you going back?
296Għidilna aktar Tell us more
298Jekk lest biex issib soluzzjonijiet, If you’re up for troubleshooting,
299ikkuntattja lill-appoġġ. contact support.
300X’jeħtieġ li tkun taf What you need to know
301Dan jista’ jieħu ftit ħin u ma tkunx tista’ tuża l-PC tiegħek sakemm ikun lest. Ħalli l-PC tiegħek ipplaggjat u mixgħul. This might take a while and you won’t be able to use your PC until it’s done. Leave your PC plugged in and turned on.
302Wara li tmur lura: After going back:
303• Ikollok terġa’ tinstalla xi applikazzjonijiet u programmi. • You’ll have to reinstall some apps and programs.
304• Ikollok terġa’ tinstalla xi programmi. • You’ll have to reinstall some programs.
306Tissakkarx barra Don’t get locked out
307Jekk użajt password biex tidħol f’Windows 7, żgura li tkun tafha. If you used a password to sign in to Windows 7, make sure you know it.
308Jekk użajt password biex tidħol f’Windows 8, żgura li tkun tafha. If you used a password to sign in to Windows 8, make sure you know it.
309Jekk użajt password biex tidħol fil-binja preċedenti, żgura li tkun tafha. If you used a password to sign in to your previous build, make sure you know it.
310Mur lura f’Windows 7 Go back to Windows 7
311Mur lura f’Windows 8 Go back to Windows 8
312Mur lura għal binja preċedenti Go back to earlier build
316Ma tistax tmur lura fuq l-enerġija tal-batterija biss, Ipplaggja l-PC tiegħek u mbagħad erġa’ pprova. You can’t go back on battery power alone. Plug in your PC and then try again.
324Agħmilt backup tal-fajls tiegħek? Dan m’għandux jaffettwahom, iżda l-aħjar tkun ippreparat. Are your files backed up? This shouldn’t affect them, but it’s best to be prepared.
325Ma tkunx tista’ tidħol mingħajru. You won’t be able to sign in without it.
326L-applikazzjonijiet jew it-tagħmir tiegħi ma jaħdmux f’din il-binja My apps or devices don’t work on this build
327• Se titlef xi bidliet magħmula fis-settings wara l-aġġornament għal Windows 10. • You’ll lose any changes made to settings after the upgrade to Windows 10.
328• Se titlef xi bidliet magħmula fis-settings wara l-installazzjoni tal-binja l-aktar riċenti. • You’ll lose any changes made to settings after installing the latest build.
329Grazzi talli ppruvajt din il-binja Thanks for trying out this build
330Ninstallaw il-binja tal-previżjoni li jmiss meta tkun disponibbli. We’ll install the next preview build when it’s available.
331Il-verżjoni qadima ta’ Windows tidher aktar faċli biex tintuża The old version of Windows seemed easier to use
332Windows 8.1 donnu kien aktar veloċi Windows 8.1 seemed faster
333Il-verżjoni qadima ta’ Windows donnha kienet aktar veloċi The old version of Windows seemed faster
334Windows 8.1 donnu kien aktar affidabbli Windows 8.1 seemed more reliable
335Jekk tuża password biex tidħol f’Windows 8.1, żgura li tafha. If you used a password to sign in to Windows 8.1, make sure you know it.
336Jekk użajt password biex tidħol fil-verżjoni preċedenti tiegħek ta’ Windows, żgura li tafha. If you used a password to sign in to your previous version of Windows, make sure you know it.
337Il-verżjoni qadima ta’ Windows donnha kienet aktar affidabbli The old version of Windows seemed more reliable
338Mur lura f’Windows 8.1 Go back to Windows 8.1
339Mur lura għal Windows preċedenti Go back to previous Windows
340Illibera ftit spazju u erġa’ pprova. Free up some space and try again.
341Biex tmur lura, teħtieġ %1!ws! MB ta’ spazju liberu fuq id-drajv fejn Windows huwa installat. To go back, you’ll need %1!ws! MB of free space on the drive where Windows is installed.
342Biex tmur lura, teħtieġ %1!ws! GB ta’ spazju liberu fuq id-drajv fejn Windows huwa installat. To go back, you’ll need %1!ws! GB of free space on the drive where Windows is installed.
344Il-politika tal-organizzazzjoni tiegħek ma tippermettihx. Għal aktar informazzjoni, kellem lill-persuna tal-appoġġ jew lid-dipartiment tal-IT. Your organization’s policy doesn’t allow it. For more info, talk to your support person or IT department.
345Ma setax jikseb informazzjoni dwar l-aġġornamenti Couldn’t get info on updates
346Biex tiċċekkja għal aġġornamenti, mur fis-Settings Aġġornamenti u Sigurtà Windows Update u agħżel Iċċekkja għal aġġornamenti. To check for updates, go to Settings Update & Security Windows Update and select Check for updates.
347Tiċċekkja għal aġġornamenti? Check for updates?
348Qabel ma tmur lura, ipprova installa l-aġġornamenti l-aktar riċenti. Dan jista’ jirranġa l-problemi li għandek b’Windows 10. Before you go back, try installing the latest updates. This might fix the problems you’re having with Windows 10.
349Iċċekkja għal aġġornamenti Check for updates
350Le, grazzi No, thanks
351Qed jirrisettja dan il-PC Resetting this PC
352Qed inlestu xi affarijiet %1!d!%% Getting a few things ready %1!d!%%
353Din il-karatteristika mhix disponibbli fil-Modalità Sigura This feature is not available in Safe Mode
354Biex tirrisettja dan il-PC, iftaħ Windows bħas-soltu u erġa' pprova, jew mur fil-Ftuħ Avvanzat u agħżel Solvi problemi. To reset this PC, start Windows normally and try again, or go to Advanced startup and select Troubleshoot.
355Dan ser ineħħi l-applikazzjonijiet u l-programmi kollha, ħlief dawk li jiġu bħala standard mal-Windows. Ser tinħażen ukoll kull applikazzjoni mill-istore installati mill-manifattur tiegħek. It-tagħmir tiegħek ser jiġi aġġornat għall-aħħar verżjoni tal-Windows. Il-fajls personali u xi settings personali tiegħek ser jinżammu. This will remove all apps and programs, except those that come standard with Windows. Any store apps installed by your manufacturer will also be kept. Your device will also be updated to the latest version of Windows. Your personal files and some Windows settings will be kept.
357Issejvja x-xogħol tiegħek u ħalli t-tagħmir tiegħek ipplaggjat u mixgħul Save your work and leave your device plugged in and turned on
358Dan ser jieħu ftit tal-ħin u t-tagħmir tiegħek ser jirristartja għal bosta drabi. This will take a while and your device will restart several times
359Inti mhux se tkun kapaċi tuża t-tagħmir tiegħek waqt li taġġorna l-Windows, iżda aħna ser ngħarrfuk ladarda jkun lest. You won't be able to use your device while refreshing Windows, but we will let you know once it's ready
360Dan il-proċess kapaċi jieħu 20 minuta jew iktar jiddependi mit-tagħmir tiegħek. This process could take 20 minutes or longer depending on your device.
361Qed jaġġorna l-PC tiegħek Refreshing your PC
362Dan ineħħi l-applikazzjonijiet u l-programmi li installajt. It-tagħmir tiegħek se jiġi aġġornat skont l-aħħar verżjoni ta' Windows. Il-fajls personali tiegħek u xi settings ta' Windows jinżammu. This will remove all apps and programs you installed. Your device will also be updated to the latest version of Windows. Your personal files and some Windows settings will be kept.


File Name:systemreset.exe.mui
File Size:22 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:22528
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (043A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Risettjar tas-Sistema għal Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:systemreset.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat.
Original File Name:systemreset.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is systemreset.exe.mui?

systemreset.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Maltese language for file systemreset.exe (Risettjar tas-Sistema għal Windows).

File version info

File Description:Risettjar tas-Sistema għal Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:systemreset.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat.
Original Filename:systemreset.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x43A, 1200