1 | Per Processor Network Interface Card Activity |
Per Processor Network Interface Card Activity |
3 | Per Processor Network Interface Card Activity 计数器集度量每个处理器的网络接口卡的网络活动。 |
The Per Processor Network Interface Card Activity counter set measures network activity of a network interface card per processor. |
5 | DPCs Queued/sec |
DPCs Queued/sec |
7 | DPCs Queued/sec 是 NDIS 排列某个接口的延迟过程调用(DPC)的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
DPCs Queued/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS queued a Deferred Procedure Call (DPC) for an interface. |
9 | Interrupts/sec |
Interrupts/sec |
11 | Interrupts/sec 是 NDIS 接收和处理某个接口的硬件中断的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Interrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received and serviced hardware interrupts for an interface. |
13 | Receive Indications/sec |
Receive Indications/sec |
15 | Receive Indications/sec 是 NDIS 从某个接口接收接收指示调用的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Receive Indications/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a receive indication call from an interface. |
17 | Return Packet Calls/sec |
Return Packet Calls/sec |
19 | Return Packet Calls/sec 是堆栈将接收到的数据包返回到接口的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Return Packet Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the stack returned received packets to an interface. |
21 | Received Packets/sec |
Received Packets/sec |
23 | Received Packets/sec 是 NDIS 从某个接口接收数据包的平均速率,单位为每秒数据包数。 |
Received Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which NDIS received packets from an interface. |
25 | Returned Packets/sec |
Returned Packets/sec |
27 | Returned Packets/sec 是堆栈将接收到的数据包返回到接口的平均速率,单位为每秒数据包数。 |
Returned Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which the stack returned received packets to an interface. |
29 | Send Request Calls/sec |
Send Request Calls/sec |
31 | Send Request Calls/sec 是堆栈在接口上请求传输的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Send Request Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the stack requested a transmit on an interface. |
33 | Send Complete Calls/sec |
Send Complete Calls/sec |
35 | Send Complete Calls/sec 是堆栈从接口接收传输完成通知的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Send Complete Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a transmit-complete notification from an interface. |
37 | Sent Packets/sec |
Sent Packets/sec |
39 | Sent Packets/sec 是堆栈在接口上请求传输的平均速率,单位为每秒数据包数。 |
Sent Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which the stack requested a transmit on an interface. |
41 | Sent Complete Packets/sec |
Sent Complete Packets/sec |
43 | Sent Complete Packets/sec 是堆栈从接口接收传输完成通知的平均速率,单位为每秒数据包数。 |
Sent Complete Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which NDIS received a transmit-complete notification from an interface. |
45 | Build Scatter Gather List Calls/sec |
Build Scatter Gather List Calls/sec |
47 | Build Scatter Gather List Calls/sec 是 NDIS 从构建分散收集 DMA 列表的接口接收请求的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Build Scatter Gather List Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a request from an interface to build a scatter gather DMA list. |
49 | RSS Indirection Table Change Calls/sec |
RSS Indirection Table Change Calls/sec |
51 | RSS Indirection Table Change Calls/sec 是堆栈提交请求以更改接口的 RSS 间接表的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
RSS Indirection Table Change Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the stack submitted a request to change the RSS indirection table of an interface. |
53 | Low Resource Receive Indications/sec |
Low Resource Receive Indications/sec |
55 | Low Resource Receive Indications/sec 是 NDIS 从低接收资源的接口接收接收指示调用的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Low Resource Receive Indications/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a receive indication call from an interface with low receive resources. |
57 | Low Resource Received Packets/sec |
Low Resource Received Packets/sec |
59 | Low Resource Received Packets/sec 是 NDIS 从低接收资源的接口接收数据包的平均速率,单位为每秒数据包数。 |
Low Resource Received Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which NDIS received packets from an interface with low receive resources. |
61 | Tcp Offload Receive Indications/sec |
Tcp Offload Receive Indications/sec |
63 | Tcp Offload Receive Indications/sec 是 NDIS 从网络接口接收 TCP 卸载接收指示调用的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Tcp Offload Receive Indications/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a TCP offload receive indication call from a network interface. |
65 | Tcp Offload Send Request Calls/sec |
Tcp Offload Send Request Calls/sec |
67 | Tcp Offload Send Request Calls/sec 是 TCP/IP 协议在网络接口上请求 TCP 卸载传输的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Tcp Offload Send Request Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the TCP/IP protocol requested a TCP offload transmission on a network interface. |
69 | Tcp Offload Receive bytes/sec |
Tcp Offload Receive bytes/sec |
71 | Tcp Offload Receive bytes/sec 是使用网络接口使用 TCP 卸载接收指示调用进行数据传输的平均速率,单位为每秒字节数。 |
Tcp Offload Receive bytes/sec is the average rate, in bytes per second, at which data was delivered by a network interface using the TCP offload receive indication call. |
73 | Tcp Offload Send bytes/sec |
Tcp Offload Send bytes/sec |
75 | Tcp Offload Send bytes/sec 是使用 TCP 卸载发送请求调用的网络接口按此速率传输数据的平均速率,单位为每秒字节数。 |
Tcp Offload Send bytes/sec is the average rate, in bytes per second, at which data was delivered to a network interface using the TCP offload send request call. |
77 | Per Processor Network Activity Cycles |
Per Processor Network Activity Cycles |
79 | Per Processor Network Activity Cycles 计数器集根据每个处理器上接口的网络活动来测量处理器循环。 |
The Per Processor Network Activity Cycles counter set measures processor cycles due to network activity of an interface on each processor. |
81 | Interrupt DPC Cycles/sec |
Interrupt DPC Cycles/sec |
83 | 中断 DPC 循环/秒是以循环/秒为单位的平均速率,NDIS 以此速率处理接口的延迟过程调用(DPC)。 |
Interrupt DPC Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed a Deferred Procedure Call (DPC) for an interface. |
85 | Interrupt Cycles/sec |
Interrupt Cycles/sec |
87 | 中断循环/秒是以循环/秒为单位的平均速率,NDIS 以此速率处理接口的硬件中断。 |
Interrupt Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed hardware interrupts for an interface. |
89 | NDIS Receive Indication Cycles/sec |
NDIS Receive Indication Cycles/sec |
91 | NDIS Receive Indication Cycles/sec 是 NDIS 处理接口发出的接收指示调用的平均速率,单位为每秒循环数。 |
NDIS Receive Indication Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed a receive indication call from an interface. |
93 | Stack Receive Indication Cycles/sec |
Stack Receive Indication Cycles/sec |
95 | Stack Receive Indication Cycles/sec 是堆栈处理接口发出的接收指示调用的平均速率,单位为每秒循环数。 |
Stack Receive Indication Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which the stack processed a receive indication call from an interface. |
97 | NDIS Return Packet Cycles/sec |
NDIS Return Packet Cycles/sec |
99 | NDIS 返回数据包循环/秒是以循环/秒为单位的平均速率,NDIS 以此速率处理返回给接口的接收数据包。 |
NDIS Return Packet Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed returning received packets to an interface. |
101 | Miniport Return Packet Cycles/sec |
Miniport Return Packet Cycles/sec |
103 | 微型端口返回数据包循环/秒是以循环/秒为单位的平均速率,接口以此速率处理返回的接收数据包。 |
Miniport Return Packet Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which an interface processed returning received packets. |
105 | NDIS Send Cycles/sec |
NDIS Send Cycles/sec |
107 | NDIS Send Cycles/sec 是 NDIS 处理堆栈发出的接口传输请求的平均速率,单位为每秒循环数。 |
NDIS Send Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed transmit requests from the stack for an interface. |
109 | Miniport Send Cycles/sec |
Miniport Send Cycles/sec |
111 | 微型端口发送循环/秒是以循环/秒为单位的平均速率,接口以此速率处理传输数据包。 |
Miniport Send Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which an interface processed transmitting packets. |
113 | NDIS Send Complete Cycles/sec |
NDIS Send Complete Cycles/sec |
115 | NDIS 发送完成循环/秒是以循环/秒为单位的平均速率,NDIS 以此速率处理接口发出的传输完成通知。 |
NDIS Send Complete Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed transmit-complete notifications from an interface. |
117 | Build Scatter Gather Cycles/sec |
Build Scatter Gather Cycles/sec |
119 | 构建分散收集循环/秒是以循环/秒为单位的平均速率,NDIS 以此速率处理接口的构建分散收集 DMA 列表。 |
Build Scatter Gather Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed building Scatter Gather DMA lists for an interface. |
121 | Miniport RSS Indirection Table Change Cycles |
Miniport RSS Indirection Table Change Cycles |
123 | Miniport RSS Indirection Table Change Cycles 是接口处理更改 RSS 间接表的平均速率,单位为每秒周期数。 |
Miniport RSS Indirection Table Change Cycles is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which an interface processed changing the RSS indirection table. |
125 | Stack Send Complete Cycles/sec |
Stack Send Complete Cycles/sec |
127 | Stack Send Complete Cycles/sec 是堆栈处理某个接口的传输完成通知的平均速率,单位为每秒周期数。 |
Stack Send Complete Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which the stack processed transmit-complete notifications from an interface. |
129 | Passive Return Packet Calls/sec 是处于 PASSIVE_LEVEL 时堆栈将接收到的数据包返回到接口的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Passive Return Packet Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the stack returned received packets to an interface while at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
131 | Passive Return Packet Calls/sec |
Passive Return Packet Calls/sec |
133 | Passive Returned Packets/sec |
Passive Returned Packets/sec |
135 | Passive Returned Packets/sec 是处于 PASSIVE_LEVEL 时堆栈将接收到的数据包返回到接口的平均速率,单位为每秒数据包数。 |
Passive Returned Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which the stack returned received packets to an interface while at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
137 | Passive Send Request Calls/sec |
Passive Send Request Calls/sec |
139 | Passive Send Request Calls/sec 是处于 PASSIVE_LEVEL 时堆栈在接口上请求传输的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
Passive Send Request Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the stack requested a transmit on an interface while at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
141 | Passive Sent Packets/sec |
Passive Sent Packets/sec |
143 | Passive Sent Packets/sec 是处于 PASSIVE_LEVEL 时堆栈在接口上请求传输的平均速率,单位为每秒数据包数。 |
Passive Sent Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which the stack requested a transmit on an interface while at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
145 | DPCs Queued on Other CPUs/sec 是微型端口在其他 CPU 上对 DPC 进行排队的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
DPCs Queued on Other CPUs/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the miniport queued a DPC on one CPU from a different CPU. |
147 | DPCs Queued on Other CPUs/sec |
DPCs Queued on Other CPUs/sec |
149 | Interrupt DPC Latency Cycles/sec 是中断与其 DPC 之间的时间,单位为每秒循环数。 |
Interrupt DPC Latency Cycles/sec is the amount of time, in cycles per second, between an interrupt and its DPC. |
151 | Interrupt DPC Latency Cycles/sec |
Interrupt DPC Latency Cycles/sec |
153 | DPCs Deferred/sec 是 DPC 推迟立即执行以避免用户模式线程饥饿的平均速率,单位为每秒事件数。 |
DPCs Deferred/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which DPCs are deferred from executing immediately to avoid starving usermode threads. |
155 | DPCs Deferred/sec |
DPCs Deferred/sec |
157 | Packets Coalesced/sec 是中断主机 CPU 之前由网络接口合并 NDIS 接收数据包的平均速率,单位为每秒数据包数。 |
Packets Coalesced/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which NDIS received packets that were subjected to coalescing by a network interface before interrupting the host CPU. |
159 | Packets Coalesced/sec |
Packets Coalesced/sec |
200 | NDIS System Driver |
NDIS System Driver |
201 | NDIS 系统驱动程序 |
NDIS System Driver |
301 | RDMA Activity |
RDMA Activity |
303 | RDMA Activity 计数器集测量支持 NetworkDirect 的网络接口卡上的 RDMA 活动。 |
The RDMA Activity counter set measures RDMA activity on a NetworkDirect-capable network interface card. |
305 | RDMA Initiated Connections |
RDMA Initiated Connections |
307 | 已成功建立的出站 RDMA 连接数 |
Number of outbound RDMA connections established successfully |
309 | RDMA Accepted Connections |
RDMA Accepted Connections |
311 | 已成功建立的入站 RDMA 连接数 |
Number of inbound RDMA connections established successfully |
313 | RDMA Failed Connection Attempts |
RDMA Failed Connection Attempts |
315 | 失败的入站和出站 RDMA 连接尝试次数 |
Number of inbound and outbound failed RDMA connection attempts |
317 | RDMA Connection Errors |
RDMA Connection Errors |
319 | 已成功建立连接但在本地或远程客户端断开连接之前发生错误的 RDMA 连接数 |
Number of successfully established RDMA connections on which an error occurred before being disconnected by local or remote client |
321 | RDMA Active Connections |
RDMA Active Connections |
323 | 活动 RDMA 连接数 |
Number of active RDMA connections |
405 | RDMA Completion Queue Errors |
RDMA Completion Queue Errors |
407 | 进入错误状态的 RDMA 完成队列数 |
Number of RDMA completion queues that went into error state |
409 | RDMA Inbound Bytes/sec |
RDMA Inbound Bytes/sec |
411 | 所有入站 RDMA 流量在第二层的接收速率(字节/秒) |
Bytes/sec received at layer 2 for all inbound RDMA traffic |
413 | RDMA Outbound Bytes/sec |
RDMA Outbound Bytes/sec |
415 | 所有出站 RDMA 流量在第二层的发送速率(字节/秒) |
Bytes/sec sent at layer 2 for all outbound RDMA traffic |
417 | RDMA Inbound Frames/sec |
RDMA Inbound Frames/sec |
419 | 所有入站 RDMA 流量在第二层的接收速率(帧/秒) |
Frames/sec received at layer 2 for all inbound RDMA traffic |
421 | RDMA Outbound Frames/sec |
RDMA Outbound Frames/sec |
423 | 所有出站 RDMA 流量在第二层的发送速率(帧/秒) |
Frames/sec sent at layer 2 for all outbound RDMA traffic |
801 | Physical Network Interface Card Activity |
Physical Network Interface Card Activity |
803 | Physical Network Interface Card Activity 计数器集测量物理网卡上的事件。 |
The Physical Network Interface Card Activity counter set measures events on a physical network card. |
805 | Device Power State |
Device Power State |
807 | Device Power State 是网络接口卡的当前电源状态。电源状态 0 表示处于活动运行状态,电源状态 3 表示设备的最低电源状态。中间状态 1 和 2 是特定于设备的睡眠状态。例如,USB NIC 使用电源模式 2 来允许远程唤醒。 |
Device Power State is the current power state of the network interface card. Power state 0 is the active operating state, while power state 3 is the device's lowest power state. Intermediate states 1 and 2 are device-specific sleep states. For example, a USB NIC uses power state 2 to allow remote-wakeup. |
809 | % Time Suspended (Instantaneous) |
% Time Suspended (Instantaneous) |
811 | % 暂停时间(即时)测量网络接口卡处于电量较低情况下的已暂停状态的时间。百分比是针对示例间隔的持续时间来计算的。 |
% Time Suspended (Instantaneous) measures the amount of time that the network interface card is in a low-power suspended state. The percentage is calculated over the duration of the sample interval. |
813 | % Time Suspended (Lifetime) |
% Time Suspended (Lifetime) |
815 | % 暂停时间(生存期)测量网络接口卡处于电量较低情况下的已暂停状态的时间。百分比是针对网卡的整个生存期来计算的。 |
% Time Suspended (Lifetime) measures the amount of time that the network interface card is in a low-power suspended state. The percentage is calculated over the entire lifetime of the network card. |
817 | Low Power Transitions (Lifetime) |
Low Power Transitions (Lifetime) |
819 | Low Power Transitions (Lifetime) 测量在网络接口卡的生存时间内成功进行低电源转换的数量。此计数器仅包含从活动高电源状态到低电源状态的转换。 |
Low Power Transitions (Lifetime) measures the number of successful low-power transitions over the lifetime of the network interface card. The counter includes only transitions from the active high-power state to a low-power state. |
821 | PacketDirect Transmit Counters |
PacketDirect Transmit Counters |
823 | NDIS PacketDirect 传输计数器已设置。 |
NDIS PacketDirect transmit counter set. |
825 | Packets Transmitted |
Packets Transmitted |
827 | 传输的数据包总数。 |
Total number of packets transmitted. |
829 | Packets Transmitted/sec |
Packets Transmitted/sec |
831 | 传输数据包的速率。 |
Rate of packets transmitted. |
833 | Bytes Transmitted |
Bytes Transmitted |
835 | 传输的字节总数。 |
Total number of bytes transmitted. |
837 | Bytes Transmitted/sec |
Bytes Transmitted/sec |
839 | 传输字节的速率。 |
Rate of bytes transmitted. |
841 | PacketDirect Receive Counters |
PacketDirect Receive Counters |
843 | NDIS PacketDirect 直接接收计数器已设置。 |
NDIS PacketDirect receive counter set. |
845 | Packets Received |
Packets Received |
847 | 接收的数据包总数。 |
Total number of packets received. |
849 | Packets Received/sec |
Packets Received/sec |
851 | 接收数据包的速率。 |
Rate of packets received. |
853 | Bytes Received |
Bytes Received |
855 | 接收的字节总数。 |
Total number of bytes received. |
857 | Bytes Received/sec |
Bytes Received/sec |
859 | 接收字节的速率。 |
Rate of bytes received. |
861 | Packets Dropped |
Packets Dropped |
863 | 丢弃的数据包总数。 |
Total number of packets dropped. |
865 | Packets Dropped/sec |
Packets Dropped/sec |
867 | 丢弃数据包的速率。 |
Rate of packets dropped. |
869 | PacketDirect Receive Filters |
PacketDirect Receive Filters |
871 | NDIS PacketDirect 接收筛选器计数器已设置。 |
NDIS PacketDirect receive filter counter set. |
873 | Packets Matched |
Packets Matched |
875 | 通过筛选器匹配的数据包总数。 |
Total number of packets matched by the filter. |
879 | Packets Matched/sec |
Packets Matched/sec |
881 | 通过筛选器匹配数据包的速率。 |
Rate of packets matched by the filter. |
883 | Bytes Matched |
Bytes Matched |
885 | 通过筛选器匹配的字节总数。 |
Total number of bytes matched by the filter. |
887 | Bytes Matched/sec |
Bytes Matched/sec |
889 | 通过筛选器匹配字节的速率。 |
Rate of bytes matched by the filter. |
911 | PacketDirect EC Utilization |
PacketDirect EC Utilization |
913 | NDIS PacketDirect 执行上下文利用率计数器已设置。 |
NDIS PacketDirect execution context utilization counter set. |
927 | Processor Number |
Processor Number |
929 | EC 线程的逻辑处理器数。 |
Logical processor number of the EC thread. |
939 | Total Iterations |
Total Iterations |
941 | 轮询迭代的累计次数。 |
Accumulated number of polling iterations. |
943 | Iterations/sec |
Iterations/sec |
945 | 轮询迭代的速率。 |
Rate of polling iterations. |
947 | Total Busy Wait Iterations |
Total Busy Wait Iterations |
949 | 空轮询迭代的累计次数。 |
Accumulated number of empty polling iterations. |
951 | Busy Wait Iterations/sec |
Busy Wait Iterations/sec |
953 | 空轮询迭代的速率。 |
Rate of empty polling iterations. |
955 | % Busy Wait Iterations |
% Busy Wait Iterations |
957 | 空 EC 迭代超出总 EC 迭代的百分比。 |
The percentage of empty EC iterations out of total EC iterations. |
959 | % Idle Time |
% Idle Time |
961 | 时间 % EC 线程已暂停。 |
Time % EC thread was suspended. |
963 | % Busy Waiting Time |
% Busy Waiting Time |
965 | 时间 % EC 线程正在执行空轮询迭代。 |
Time % EC thread is executing empty polling iterations. |
967 | % Processing Time |
% Processing Time |
969 | 时间 % EC 线程正在积极地处理流量。 |
Time % EC thread is actively processing traffic. |
971 | TX Queue Count |
TX Queue Count |
973 | 执行上下文中的传输队列数。 |
Number of transmit queues in the execution context. |
975 | RX Queue Count |
RX Queue Count |
977 | 执行上下文中的接收队列数。 |
Number of receive queues in the execution context. |
981 | PacketDirect Queue Depth |
PacketDirect Queue Depth |
983 | NDIS PacketDirect 队列深度计数器集。 |
NDIS PacketDirect queue depth counter set. |
985 | Average Queue Depth |
Average Queue Depth |
987 | 在上一测量时间间隔内的平均队列深度。 |
Average queue depth over the last measurement interval. |
989 | % Average Queue Utilization |
% Average Queue Utilization |
991 | 在上一测量时间间隔内的平均队列深度,显示为队列大小百分比。 |
Average queue depth over the last measurement interval, shown as a percentage of the queue size. |
0x0000284D | 微型端口 %4、%1 包含事件 %5 |
Miniport %4, %1, had event %5 |
0x000028A0 | 网络接口“%4”已开始重置。硬件重置时,网络连接将会出现短暂的中断。%n原因: %5。%n此网络接口自上次初始化以来已重置 %6 次。 |
The network interface \"%4\" has begun resetting. There will be a momentary disruption in network connectivity while the hardware resets.%nReason: %5.%nThis network interface has reset %6 time(s) since it was last initialized. |
0x30000000 | 信息 |
Info |
0x30000001 | 开始 |
Start |
0x30000002 | 停止 |
Stop |
0x300000B4 | 开始状态 |
Start State |
0x300000B5 | 结束状态 |
End State |
0x300000B6 | 关闭状态 |
Closed State |
0x300000B7 | 打开状态 |
Open State |
0x300000B8 | 连接状态 |
Connect State |
0x300000B9 | 侦听状态 |
Listen State |
0x300000BA | 关联状态 |
Association State |
0x300000BB | 身份验证状态 |
Authentication State |
0x300000BC | 建立的状态 |
Established State |
0x50000002 | 错误 |
Error |
0x50000003 | 警告 |
Warning |
0x50000005 | 详细 |
Verbose |
0x70000001 | 请求 |
Request |
0x70000002 | PnP |
PnP |
0x70000003 | 初始化 |
Init |
0x70000004 | 绑定 |
Bind |
0x70000005 | 电源 |
Power |
0x70000006 | WMI |
0x70000007 | 接口 |
Interface |
0x70000008 | 端口 |
Port |
0x70000009 | WorkItem |
WorkItem |
0x7000000A | 指示 |
Indication |
0x7000000B | SendM |
SendM |
0x7000000C | 协议 |
Protocol |
0x7000000D | 日志 |
Log |
0x7000000E | ReceiveThrottling |
ReceiveThrottling |
0x7000000F | 引用计数断开 |
Refcount rundown |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-NDIS |
Microsoft-Windows-NDIS |
0x90000002 | Microsoft-Windows-NDIS/Operational |
Microsoft-Windows-NDIS/Operational |
0x90000003 | Microsoft-Windows-NDIS/Diagnostic |
Microsoft-Windows-NDIS/Diagnostic |
0x90000004 | 系统 |
System |
0xB0002710 | 正在中止对筛选器 %5 的请求 %4 |
Aborting Request %4 on Filter %5 |
0xB0002711 | 正在中止对微型端口 %5 的请求 %4 |
Aborting Request %4 on Miniport %5 |
0xB0002712 | 添加设备微型端口 %1 |
Add Device Miniport %1 |
0xB0002713 | 添加设备失败 %1 |
Add Device Failed %1 |
0xB0002714 | 添加 PnP 设备: %1 |
Add PnP Device: %1 |
0xB0002715 | 分配适配器通道失败 %1 |
Allocate Adapter Channel Failed %1 |
0xB0002716 | 初始化绑定 - 协议: %4,适配器: %1,结果: %5 |
Initialize Binding - Protocol: %4, Adapter: %1, Result: %5 |
0xB0002717 | 微型端口 %1,呼叫微型端口重置 |
Miniport %1, Calling miniport reset |
0xB0002718 | 筛选器 %1,正在中止请求 %4 |
Filter %1, Aborting Request %4 |
0xB0002719 | 微型端口 %1,已成功取消唤醒 IRP |
Miniport %1, Successfully canceled wake irp |
0xB000271A | 微型端口 %1,正在中止请求 %4 |
Miniport %1, Aborting Request %4 |
0xB000271B | 微型端口 %1,无法在微型端口上设置新信息 |
Miniport %1, Failed to set the new information on the miniport |
0xB000271C | 分段更改通知,分段 %1 |
Compartment change notification, compartment %1 |
0xB000271D | 接口更改通知,接口 IfType %1,NetLuid 索引 %2 |
Interface change notification, interface IfType %1, NetLuid index %2 |
0xB000271F | 网络更改通知,网络 %1 |
Network change notification, network %1 |
0xB0002720 | 请求清除处理请求的微型端口 %1 |
Request Clearing Processing Request Miniport %1 |
0xB0002721 | 协议 %4 正在关闭微型端口 %1 |
Protocol %4 is closing Miniport %1 |
0xB0002722 | 正在完成对筛选器 %1 的请求 %4 |
Completing Request %4 to Filter %1 |
0xB0002723 | 微型端口 %1,WaitWakeIrp %4 |
Miniport %1, WaitWakeIrp %4 |
0xB0002724 | 微型端口 %1,正在激活默认端口 |
Miniport %1, activating default port |
0xB0002725 | 微型端口 %1,正在停用默认端口 |
Miniport %1, deactivating default port |
0xB0002726 | 无法注销接口 IfBlock %3 |
Failed to deregister interface IfBlock %3 |
0xB0002727 | DevicePowerStateChange 微型端口 %1,正在转到设备状态 %5 |
DevicePowerStateChange Miniport %1, Going to device state %5 |
0xB0002728 | 调度 PnP Irp 微型端口 %1,MinorFunction: %4 |
Dispatch PnP Irp Miniport %1, MinorFunction: %4 |
0xB0002729 | 调度 WMI Irp 微型端口 %1,MinorFunction %4 |
Dispatch WMI Irp Miniport %1, MinorFunction %4 |
0xB000272A | 微型端口 %1,无法在微型端口上执行 WMI 方法(%6) |
Miniport %1, Failed to execute WMI method (%6) on the miniport |
0xB000272B | 无法指示筛选器到达 |
Failed to indicate filter arrival |
0xB000272C | 微型端口 %1,筛选器 %4 媒体类型从 %7 更改为 %8 |
Miniport %1, Filter %4 changed media type from %7 to %8 |
0xB000272D | 筛选器注册失败 %1 - %2 |
Filter Registration Failed %1 - %2 |
0xB000272E | 无法指示筛选器删除 |
Failed to indicate filter removal |
0xB000272F | 无法指示适配器删除 |
Failed to indicate adapter removal |
0xB0002730 | 微型端口 %1,InitializeAdapter 状态 - %4 (%5) |
Miniport %1, InitializeAdapter status - %4 (%5) |
0xB0002731 | 微型端口 %1,InitializeAdapter 错误 - %4 (%5) |
Miniport %1, InitializeAdapter error - %4 (%5) |
0xB0002732 | 无法读取 %4 的绑定/导出: %1 |
Could not read Bind/Export for %4: %1 |
0xB0002733 | 微型端口 %1,不是系统状态! 类型: %4。状态: %5。 |
Miniport %1, Not a system state! Type: %4. State: %5. |
0xB0002735 | IoSetDeviceInterfaceState 失败: 微型端口 %1,状态 %4 |
IoSetDeviceInterfaceState failed: Miniport %1, Status %4 |
0xB0002736 | IoWMIWriteEvent 失败 %1 |
IoWMIWriteEvent failed %1 |
0xB0002737 | DeviceObject %3,IRP_MN_SET_POWER 失败! |
DeviceObject %3, IRP_MN_SET_POWER failed! |
0xB0002738 | 保留筛选器 %1 上的虚设处理程序,状态标志 %4 |
Keeping the fake handlers on Filter %1, State flags %4 |
0xB0002739 | 保留微型端口 %1 上的虚设处理程序,状态标志 %4 |
Keeping the fake handlers on Miniport %1, State flags %4 |
0xB000273A | 打开 %3 已取消绑定 |
Open %3 is already getting unbind |
0xB000273B | 微型端口 %1 为 %4 |
Miniport %1 is %4 |
0xB000273C | 微型端口 %1 - MiniportInitialize 处理程序失败,状态 %4 |
Miniport %1 - MiniportInitialize handler failed, Status %4 |
0xB000273D | 微型端口 %1,以太网地址 %4 |
Miniport %1, Ethernet Address %4 |
0xB000273E | 微型端口 %1,DeviceState[%5] |
Miniport %1, DeviceState[%5] |
0xB000273F | 微型端口 %1,接通微型端口的电源 |
Miniport %1, Powering up the Miniport |
0xB0002740 | 微型端口 %1,SystemPowerState[%4] DevicePowerState[%5] |
Miniport %1, SystemPowerState[%4] DevicePowerState[%5] |
0xB0002741 | 微型端口 %1,SystemState[%5] |
Miniport %1, SystemState[%5] |
0xB0002742 | 无法重新启动微型端口 %1。状态 %4 |
Failed to restart miniport %1. Status %4 |
0xB0002744 | 查询 %4 时出错: %5 |
Error querying %4 : %5 |
0xB0002745 | 打开失败,因为微型端口未启动,微型端口 %1,打开 %4 |
Failing open because the miniport is not started, Miniport %1, Open %4 |
0xB0002746 | 端口激活失败微型端口 %1 %4 |
Port Activation Failed Miniport %1 %4 |
0xB0002747 | 微型端口 %1,正在微型端口上禁用唤醒 |
Miniport %1, Disabling wake-up on the miniport |
0xB0002748 | 微型端口 %1,无法关闭设备的电源 |
Miniport %1, Failed to power the device down |
0xB0002749 | 微型端口 %1,无法关闭电源,但我们无法对其重新初始化。 |
Miniport %1, failed to power down but we are not able to reinitialize it. |
0xB000274A | 微型端口 %1,停止此微型端口 |
Miniport %1, Halt the miniport |
0xB000274B | 微型端口 %1,系统正在进入休眠状态或者正在关闭。 |
Miniport %1, System is either entering hibernate or shutting down. |
0xB000274C | DeviceObject %1,正在转到系统电源状态 %2 |
DeviceObject %1, Going to system power state %2 |
0xB000274D | 微型端口 %1 尚未启动。 |
Miniport %1 is not started yet. |
0xB000274E | 正在删除微型端口 %1 |
Miniport %1 is being removed |
0xB000274F | 微型端口 %1,MagicPacket 和模式匹配均未启用。 |
Miniport %1, MagicPacket and pattern match are not enabled. |
0xB0002750 | 微型端口 %1,将旧或禁用 PM 的设备放置在 D3 中 |
Miniport %1, Place legacy or PM disabled device in D3 |
0xB0002751 | 微型端口 %1,SystemState %4,DeviceState %5 |
Miniport %1, SystemState %4, DeviceState %5 |
0xB0002752 | 微型端口 %1,正在关闭 |
Miniport %1, shutting down |
0xB0002753 | 微型端口 %1,未启用设备电源唤醒(%4) |
Miniport %1, Device power wake is not enabled (%4) |
0xB0002754 | 微型端口 %1,正在唤醒该设备 |
Miniport %1, Waking up the device |
0xB0002755 | 将(%1) %2 绑定到 %3 |
BIND (%1) %2 to %3 |
0xB0002756 | 取消(%1) %2 到 %3 的绑定 |
UNBIND(%1) %2 to %3 |
0xB0002757 | 微型端口 %1,IRP_MN_QUERY_PNP_DEVICE_STATE 设备失败 |
Miniport %1, IRP_MN_QUERY_PNP_DEVICE_STATE device failed |
0xB0002758 | 微型端口 %1,对于 QueryPower,总线驱动程序返回 %4。 |
Miniport %1, Bus Driver returned %4 for QueryPower. |
0xB000275A | 微型端口 %1,失败的电源 Oid %5,设置 = %6,错误为 %4 |
Miniport %1, failed power Oid %5, Set = %6 with error %4 |
0xB000275B | ndisReferenceProtocolByName 失败 %1 |
ndisReferenceProtocolByName failed %1 |
0xB000275C | 微型端口 %1 无法注册中断 |
Miniport %1 failed to register for interrupts |
0xB000275D | DriverObject %3,微型端口驱动程序应该同时注册 DirectRequest 和 CancelDirectRequest 处理程序或者两者均不注册 |
DriverObject %3, Miniport Driver should register both a DirectRequest and CancelDirectRequest handler or neither one |
0xB000275E | SendPacketCompleteToOpen 打开 %1,数据包 %2 |
SendPacketCompleteToOpen Open %1, Packet %2 |
0xB000275F | ndisSetEnableWakeUp 已完成 |
ndisSetEnableWakeUp Completed |
0xB0002760 | SetMiniportEthMulticastList 失败,微型端口 %1,请求 %6 |
SetMiniportEthMulticastList Failed Miniport %1, Request %6 |
0xB0002761 | SetMiniportRSSCaps 失败,微型端口 %1,请求 %6,状态 %4 |
SetMiniportRSSCaps Failed Miniport %1, Request %6, Status %4 |
0xB0002762 | SetOpenEthAddDeleteMulticast 失败,微型端口 = %1,打开 = %6,状态 = %4 |
SetOpenEthAddDeleteMulticast Failed, Miniport = %1, Open = %6, Status = %4 |
0xB0002763 | SetOpenEthMulticastList 失败 - 微型端口 %1,打开 %6 |
SetOpenEthMulticastList failed - Miniport %1, Open %6 |
0xB0002764 | SetOpenFunctional - 无效的媒体类型 |
SetOpenFunctional - Invalid media type |
0xB0002765 | SetOpenGroupAddress - 无效的媒体类型 |
SetOpenGroupAddress - Invalid media type |
0xB0002766 | SetOpenRSSCaps: 微型端口 %1,打开 %6,状态 %4 |
SetOpenRSSCaps: Miniport %1, Open %6, Status %4 |
0xB0002767 | 微型端口 %1,正在转到系统电源状态 %5 |
Miniport %1, Going to system power state %5 |
0xB0002768 | 传输 %4 失败,微型端口 %1 的 PnP 事件: %5,状态 %6 |
Transport %4 failed the PnP event: %5 for Miniport %1 with Status %6 |
0xB0002769 | 微型端口 %1,此版本的 NDIS 不支持 Arcnet、FDDI、IP1394 或令牌环 |
Miniport %1, This version of NDIS does not support Arcnet, FDDI, IP1394, or Token Ring |
0xB000276A | %1,%2 |
%1, %2 |
0xB000276B | 微型端口 %1,由于唤醒事件,唤醒 irp 已完成 |
Miniport %1, Wake irp was complete due to wake event |
0xB000276C | WaitWakeIrpFailed 微型端口 %1,WAIT_WAKE irp 失败或取消。状态 %4 |
WaitWakeIrpFailed Miniport %1, WAIT_WAKE irp failed or cancelled. Status %4 |
0xB000276D | 微型端口 %1 唤醒系统。 |
Miniport %1 woke up the system. |
0xB000276E | 错误日志项: 微型端口 %1 (%4) 错误 %5 |
Error Log Entry : Miniport %1 (%4) Error %5 |
0xB000276F | 正在中止请求 %4 |
Aborting Request %4 |
0xB0002770 | 端口停用失败,微型端口 %1 %4 |
Port Deactivation Failed Miniport %1 %4 |
0xB0002771 | 微型端口 %1,设备状态的 PoRequestPowerIrp 返回 %4 |
Miniport %1, PoRequestPowerIrp for device state returned %4 |
0xB0002772 | 微型端口 %1,查询电源失败 |
Miniport %1, failed query power |
0xB0002773 | DevicePowerOn 失败,微型端口 %1,状态 %4 |
DevicePowerOn failed Miniport %1, status %4 |
0xB0002774 | 电源策略 - 无法进入请求的状态 |
Power policy - Unable to enter requested state |
0xB0002775 | 微型端口 %1: Oid %7,已由 NDIS 代表状态为 %6 的微型端口完成: %5 |
Miniport %1: Oid %7, Completed by NDIS on behalf of miniport with Status %6: %5 |
0xB0002776 | 正在完成对微型端口 %1 的请求 %4 |
Completing Request %4 to Miniport %1 |
0xB0002777 | 筛选器 %1 正在进入状态 %2 |
Filter %1 entering state %2 |
0xB0002778 | 微型端口 %1,NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT,标志: %4,PnpFlags %5,DevicePowerState %6 |
Miniport %1, NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT, Flags: %4, PnpFlags %5, DevicePowerState %6 |
0xB0002779 | 微型端口 %1,NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_DISCONNECT,标志: %4,PnpFlags %5,DevicePowerState %6 |
Miniport %1, NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_DISCONNECT, Flags: %4, PnpFlags %5, DevicePowerState %6 |
0xB000277A | 微型端口 %1,NDIS_STATUS_OPER_STATUS,OperationalStatus: %4,OperationalStatusFlags: %5 |
Miniport %1, NDIS_STATUS_OPER_STATUS, OperationalStatus: %4, OperationalStatusFlags: %5 |
0xB000277C | 微型端口 %1, NDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE, 更改类型: %4 |
Miniport %1, NDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE, Change Type: %4 |
0xB00027D8 | DPC/OtherDispatchRoutine 启动 |
DPC/OtherDispatchRoutine Start |
0xB00027D9 | DPC/OtherDispatchRoutine 结束 |
DPC/OtherDispatchRoutine End |
0xB00027DA | 排队的接收指示启动 |
Queued Receive Indication Start |
0xB00027DB | 排队的接收指示结束 |
Queued Receive Indication End |
0xB00027DC | 处理器 %2 上的微型端口 %1 的 RST 限制从每个指示 %5 个 NBL 更改为 %6 个 NBL (NBL 数: %3,持续时间: %4,单个: %7,累计: %8) |
Miniport %1 on processor %2 has an RST limit change from %5 to %6 NBLs per indication (NumNbls: %3, Duration: %4, Individual: %7, Cummulative: %8) |
0xB000283C | 网络适配器空闲,现在可能暂停。%n接口 LUID:%1 |
The network adapter is idle and can be suspended now.%nInterface Luid: %1 |
0xB000283D | 网络适配器拒绝输入暂停状态。%n接口 LUID: %1%n状态代码:%2 |
The network adapter declined to enter a suspended state.%nInterface Luid: %1%nStatus code: %2 |
0xB000283E | 必须恢复网络适配器。%n接口 LUID:%1%n恢复原因: %2 |
The network adapter must be resumed.%nInterface Luid: %1%nResume reason: %2 |
0xB000283F | 已获得 NIC 活动状态。%n接口 LUID:%1%n组件 ID:%2%n组件引用计数:%3%n接口引用计数:%4 |
NIC Active state is acquired.%nInterface Luid: %1%nComponent ID: %2%nComponent Ref Count: %3%nInterface Ref Count: %4 |
0xB0002840 | 已发布 NIC 活动状态。%n接口 LUID: %1%n组件 ID:%2%n组件引用计数:%3%n接口引用计数:%4 |
NIC Active state is released.%nInterface Luid: %1%nComponent ID: %2%nComponent Ref Count: %3%nInterface Ref Count: %4 |
0xB0002841 | 网络适配器已指示唤醒信号。%n接口 LUID:%1%n唤醒原因:%2 |
The network adapter indicated a wake signal.%nInterface Luid: %1%nWake reason: %2 |
0xB0002842 | 已为网络适配器请求工作电源状态。%n接口 Luid: %3 |
Working power state is requested for network adapter. %nInterface Luid: %3 |
0xB0002843 | 已完成网络适配器的工作电源请求。%n接口 Luid: %3 %n状态: %4 |
Working power request is completed for network adapter. %nInterface Luid: %3 %nStatus: %4 |
0xB0002844 | 已为网络适配器请求低功耗状态。%n接口 Luid: %3 |
Low power state is requested for network adapter. %nInterface Luid: %3 |
0xB0002845 | 已完成网络适配器的低功耗请求。%n接口 Luid: %3 %n状态: %4 |
Low power request is completed for network adapter. %nInterface Luid: %3 %nStatus: %4 |
0xB0002846 | 已完成网络适配器的等待/唤醒 IRP。%n接口 Luid: %3 |
Wait/Wake IRP is completed for network adapter. %nInterface Luid: %3 |
0xB0002848 | 筛选器 %1 正在进入状态 %2 (FriendlyName: %7) |
Filter %1 entering state %2 (FriendlyName: %7) |
0xB0002849 | 正在进入连接待机状态 |
Entering Connected Standby |
0xB000284A | 正在退出连接待机状态。持续时间 %1 秒。 |
Exiting Connected Standby. Duration %1 sec. |
0xB000284B | 微型端口 %2: CS 活动 %3 秒,%4 电源转换。 |
Miniport %2: CS active %3 seconds, %4 power transitions. |
0xB000284C | 组件 %2: CS 活动 %3 秒,微型端口 %1。 |
Component %2: CS active %3 seconds, Miniport %1. |
0xB0002850 | 接着是微型端口 %3 的引用计数断开 |
Refcount rundown for miniport %3 will follow |
0xB0002851 | 微型端口 %1 的引用计数断开: 组件 %2 的引用计数为 %3 |
Refcount rundown for miniport %1: component %2 has refcount %3 |
0xB0002852 | 微型端口 %1 的引用计数断开: 停止标志 %2%n断开完成 |
Refcount rundown for miniport %1: stop flags %2%nRundown complete |
0xB0002853 | CS 中微型端口 %2 的电源转换(%3 到 %4)。%3 通信(输入-输出): 单播数据包(%5-%6),多播数据包(%7-%8),广播数据包(%9-%10)。 |
Power transition for Miniport %2 in CS (%3 to %4). %3 traffic (In-Out): Unicast Packets (%5-%6), Multicast Packets (%7-%8), Broadcast Packets (%9-%10). |
0xB0002854 | Sleepstudy 的微型端口 PDO 信息 |
Miniport PDO information for Sleepstudy |
0xB000EA61 | 错误: %1 位置: %2 上下文: %3 |
Error: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3 |
0xB000EA62 | 警告: %1 位置: %2 上下文: %3 |
Warning: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3 |
0xB000EA63 | 转换为状态: %1 上下文: %2 |
Transitioned to State: %1 Context: %2 |
0xB000EA64 | 更新的上下文: %1 更新原因: %2 |
Updated Context: %1 Update Reason: %2 |
0xB000EAC5 | SourceAddress: %1 SourcePort: %2 DestinationAddress: %3 DestinationPort: %4 协议: %5 ReferenceContext: %6 |
SourceAddress: %1 SourcePort: %2 DestinationAddress: %3 DestinationPort: %4 Protocol: %5 ReferenceContext: %6 |
0xB000EAC7 | 接口 GUID: %1 IfIndex: %2 接口 LUID: %3 ReferenceContext: %4 |
Interface Guid: %1 IfIndex: %2 Interface Luid: %3 ReferenceContext: %4 |
0xD0000001 | InitializeHandler |
InitializeHandler |
0xD0000002 | 创建 Ndis 支持的 Oid 列表时出错 |
Error creating Ndis Supported Oid List |
0xD0000003 | WOL 不可能在此微型端口上 |
WOL not possible on this miniport |
0xD0000004 | 创建以太网筛选器数据库时出错 |
Error creating the Ethernet filter database |
0xD0000005 | 创建令牌环筛选器数据库时出错 |
Error creating the Token Ring filter database |
0xD0000006 | 创建 NULL 筛选器数据库时出错 |
Error creating the NULL filter database |
0xD0000007 | 创建 NULL 最底部筛选器数据库时出错 |
Error creating the NULL bottom most filter database |
0xD0000008 | IoWMIRegistrationControl 失败 |
IoWMIRegistrationControl failed |
0xD0000009 | IoRegisterDeviceClassAssociation 失败 |
IoRegisterDeviceClassAssociation failed |
0xD000000A | ndisIfUpdateInterfaceOnInitialize 失败 |
ndisIfUpdateInterfaceOnInitialize failed |
0xD000000B | ndisQueryOidList 失败 |
ndisQueryOidList failed |
0xD0000014 | IRP_MN_REGINFO |
0xD0000016 | IRP_MN_REGINFO_EX |
0xD0000017 | IRP_MN_START_DEVICE |
0xD0000025 | IRP_MN_READ_CONFIG |
0xD0000026 | IRP_MN_WRITE_CONFIG |
0xD0000027 | IRP_MN_EJECT |
0xD0000028 | IRP_MN_SET_LOCK |
0xD0000029 | IRP_MN_QUERY_ID |
0xD000002E | 正在停止 |
Halting |
0xD000002F | 已请求重置 |
Reset Requested |
0xD0000030 | 重置挂起 |
Reset Pending |
0xD0000031 | SendNetBufferListsCompleteHandler 无效 |
SendNetBufferListsCompleteHandler is invalid |
0xD0000032 | ReceiveNetBufferListsHandler 无效 |
ReceiveNetBufferListsHandler is invalid |
0xD0000033 | OidRequestCompleteHandler 无效 |
OidRequestCompleteHandler is invalid |
0xD0000034 | NULL 端口列表 |
NULL Port List |
0xD0000035 | 默认端口的端口激活请求无效 |
invalid port activation request for default port |
0xD0000036 | 默认端口已被激活 |
default port is already activated |
0xD0000037 | 未找到端口 |
port is not found |
0xD0000038 | 端口未处于已分配状态 |
port is not in allocated state |
0xD0000039 | 默认端口的停用请求无效 |
invalid deactivation request for default port |
0xD000003A | 默认端口已被停用 |
default port is already deactivated |
0xD000003B | 端口未处于已激活状态 |
port is not in activated state |
0xD000003C | 筛选器驱动程序版本号无效 |
Filter Driver version number is invalid |
0xD000003D | 筛选器驱动程序缺少所需的处理程序 |
Filter Driver is missing the required Handlers |
0xD000003E | 筛选器驱动程序应该同时注册请求和 RequestComplete 处理程序或两者均不注册 |
Filter Driver should either register both a Request and RequestComplete Handler or neither of them |
0xD000003F | 注册请求处理程序时,筛选器驱动程序只能注册取消请求处理程序 |
Filter Driver can only register Cancel Request handler when registering the Request Handler |
0xD0000040 | 筛选器驱动程序应该同时注册 DirectRequest 和 DirectRequestComplete 处理程序或两者均不注册 |
Filter Driver should either register both a DirectRequest and DirectRequestComplete Handler or neither of them |
0xD0000041 | 注册直接请求处理程序时,筛选器驱动程序只能注册取消直接请求处理程序 |
Filter Driver can only register Cancel Direct Request handler when registering the Direct request Handler |
0xD0000042 | 注册发送处理程序时,筛选器驱动程序只能注册取消发送处理程序 |
Filter Driver can only register Cancel Send handler when registering the Send Handler |
0xD0000043 | 筛选器驱动程序名称太长 |
Filter Driver names are too long |
0xD0000046 | OID_GEN_MAC_OPTIONS |
0xD0000048 | OID_802_3_PERMANENT_ADDRESS |
0xD0000049 | OID_802_3_CURRENT_ADDRESS |
0xD000004A | OID_802_3_MAXIMUM_LIST_SIZE |
0xD000004B | OID_802_5_PERMANENT_ADDRESS |
0xD000004C | OID_802_5_CURRENT_ADDRESS |
0xD000004F | OID_PNP_SET_POWER |
0xD0000050 | OID_PNP_QUERY_POWER |
0xD0000051 | 已分离 |
Detached |
0xD0000052 | 正在连接 |
Attaching |
0xD0000053 | 已暂停 |
Paused |
0xD0000054 | 正在重新启动 |
Restarting |
0xD0000055 | 正在运行 |
Running |
0xD0000056 | 正在暂停 |
Pausing |
0xD0000057 | 正在分离 |
Detaching |
0xD0000058 | 启动 |
UP |
0xD0000059 | 关闭 |
0xD000005A | 正在测试 |
0xD000005B | 未知 |
0xD000005C | 休眠 |
0xD000005D | NOT_PRESENT |
0xD000005F | PossibleNetworkChange |
PossibleNetworkChange |
0xD0000060 | DefinitelyNetworkChange |
DefinitelyNetworkChange |
0xD0000061 | NetworkChangeFromMediaConnect |
NetworkChangeFromMediaConnect |
0xD0000062 | 系统正在准备删除设备 |
The system is preparing to remove the device |
0xD0000063 | 已移除设备 |
The device was removed |
0xD0000064 | 设备被意外删除 |
The device was unexpectedly removed |
0xD0000065 | 系统正在准备停止设备 |
The system is preparing to stop the device |
0xD0000066 | 设备已停止 |
The device was stopped |
0xD0000067 | 系统将进入低功耗状态 |
The system is entering a low-power state |
0xD0000068 | NIC 将进入安静状态 |
The NIC is entering a quiet state |
0xD0000069 | 微型端口正在执行 PNP 操作 |
The miniport is performing a PNP operation |
0xD000006A | 尚未在微型端口上启动节能操作 |
Power save operations are not started yet on the miniport |
0xD000006B | 微型端口遇到致命错误 |
The miniport has encountered a fatal error |
0xD000006C | 在 WLAN MAC 随机化或 L2 MTU 更新后应用接口更改 |
Apply interface change after WLAN MAC randomization or L2 MTU update |
0xD000006D | 驱动程序必须处理幻数据包才能让 Win32 管理应用恢复执行 |
The driver must process a Magic Packet to allow Win32 Management Apps to resume execution |
0xD000006E | 微型端口正在执行绑定更改。 |
The Miniport is performing Bind Changes. |
0xD000006F | 驱动程序必须处理网络 OID 请求 |
The driver must process a network OID request |
0xD0000070 | 网络堆栈必须暂停操作 |
The network stack must pause operation |
0xD0000071 | 网络堆栈必须恢复操作 |
The network stack must resume operation |
0xD0000072 | 必须重置驱动程序 |
The driver must be reset |
0xD0000073 | 驱动程序必须处理 PnP 事件通知 |
The driver must process a PnP event notification |
0xD0000074 | 驱动程序必须检查错误 |
The driver must check for errors |
0xD0000075 | 驱动程序必须处理直接 OID 请求 |
The driver must process a Direct OID request |
0xD0000076 | 驱动程序必须取消直接 OID 请求 |
The driver must cancel a Direct OID request |
0xD0000077 | 驱动程序必须传输网络数据包 |
The driver must transmit network packets |
0xD0000078 | 驱动程序必须取消网络数据包 |
The driver must cancel network packets |
0xD0000079 | 驱动程序必须完成对已接收的网络数据包的处理 |
The driver must complete the processing of received network packets |
0xD000007A | 未指定 |
Unspecified |
0xD000007B | 传入数据包 |
Incoming Packet |
0xD000007C | 介质断开连接 |
Media Disconnect |
0xD000007D | 介质连接 |
Media Connect |
0xD000007E | 网络列表卸载发现 |
Network List Offload Discovery |
0xD000007F | AP 关联丢失 |
AP Association Lost |
0xD0000080 | GTK 握手错误 |
GTK Handshake Error |
0xD0000081 | 4 次握手请求 |
4-Way Handshake Request |
0xD0000082 | 注册状态 |
Register State |
0xD0000083 | SMS 接收 |
SMS Receive |
0xD0000084 | USSD 接收 |
USSD Receive |
0xD0000085 | 供应商特定 |
Vendor Specific |
0xD0000086 | 未指定的组件 |
Unspecified Component |
0xD0000087 | TCPIP RS |
0xD0000088 | DHCPv4 |
DHCPv4 |
0xD0000089 | DHCPv6 |
DHCPv6 |
0xD000008A | 无线 LAN |
Wireless LAN |
0xD000008B | 无线 WAN |
Wireless WAN |
0xD000008C | WCM |
0xD000008D | NCSI |
0xD000008E | 测试 |
Test |
0xD000008F | EAP SIM |
0xD0000090 | TCPIP OID |
0xD0000091 | TCPIP 数据 |
TCPIP Data |
0xD0000092 | TCPIP DAD |
0xD0000093 | 地理位置 |
Geolocation |
0xD0000094 | WLAN 网络管理器 |
WLAN Network Manager |
0xD0000095 | WCM-PDC 网络激活 |
WCM-PDC Network Activation |
0xD0000097 | Dx_SystemSleep: 由于系统将进入低功耗状态,NDIS 正在请求设备低功耗状态 |
Dx_SystemSleep: NDIS is requesting a low device power state because the system is going to a low power state |
0xD0000098 | Dx_NicQuiet: 由于处于连接待机状态,NDIS 正在请求设备低功耗状态 |
Dx_NicQuiet: NDIS is requesting a low device power state due to Connected Standby |
0xD0000099 | Dx_SSIdle: 由于 NIC 处于空闲状态,NDIS 正在请求设备低功耗状态 |
Dx_SSIdle: NDIS is requesting a low device power state because the NIC is idle |
0xD000009A | Dx_D3DTimeout: 由于 NIC 已断开连接,NDIS 正在请求设备低功耗状态 |
Dx_D3DTimeout: NDIS is requesting a low device power state because the NIC is disconnected |
0xD000009B | D0_SystemResume: 由于系统恢复,NDIS 正在请求工作设备功耗状态 |
D0_SystemResume: NDIS is requesting a working device power state due to a system resume |
0xD000009C | D0_NicActive: 由于需要在连接待机期间保持连接或退出连接待机,NDIS 正在请求设备工作功耗状态 |
D0_NicActive: NDIS is requesting device working power state due for maintaining connectivity during Connected Standby or due to Connected Standby exit |
0xD000009D | D0_AoAcWake: 由于设备已指示唤醒信号,NDIS 正在请求将设备恢复为运行功耗状态 |
D0_AoAcWake: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because the device has indicated a wake signal |
0xD000009E | D0_SSResume: 由于 NIC 不再处于空闲状态,NDIS 正在请求将设备恢复为运行功耗状态 |
D0_SSResume: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because the NIC is no longer idle |
0xD000009F | D0_D3DCancel: 由于已禁用“断开连接时 D3”,NDIS 正在请求将设备恢复为运行功耗状态 |
D0_D3DCancel: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because the D3-on-disconnect has been disabled |
0xD00000A0 | D0_D3DWake: 由于 NIC 已指示唤醒,NDIS 正在请求将设备恢复为运行功耗状态 |
D0_D3DWake: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because the NIC has indicated a wake |
0xD00000A1 | D0_D3DResume: 由于 NDIS 需要与微型端口驱动程序交互,NDIS 正在请求将设备恢复为运行功耗状态 |
D0_D3DResume: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because NDIS needed to interact with the miniport driver |
0xD00000A2 | D0_Complete: 设备总线准备将设备恢复为运行功耗状态 |
D0_Complete: The device's bus is ready to return the device to an operational power state |
0xD00000A3 | D0_SSComplete: 设备总线准备将设备恢复为运行功耗状态 |
D0_SSComplete: The device's bus is ready to return the device to an operational power state |
0xD00000A4 | Dx_Complete: 设备总线已确认低功耗状态 |
Dx_Complete: The device's bus has acknowledged the low-power state |
0xD00000A5 | Dx_SSComplete: 设备总线已确认低功耗状态 |
Dx_SSComplete: The device's bus has acknowledged the low-power state |
0xD00000A6 | D0_AoAcSurpriseWake: 由于微型端口驱动程序指示意外唤醒,NDIS 正在请求将设备恢复为运行功耗状态 |
D0_AoAcSurpriseWake: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because the miniport driver indicated a surprise wake |
0xD00000A7 | DeviceAdded: NDIS 已成功处理微型端口的硬件节点枚举 |
DeviceAdded: NDIS has successfully processed the enumeration of the miniport's hardware node |
0xD00000A8 | DeviceStart: PNP 子系统已请求 NDIS 启动设备 |
DeviceStart: The PNP subsystem has requested that NDIS start the device |
0xD00000A9 | DeviceQueryRemove: PNP 子系统已请求 NDIS 准备删除此设备 |
DeviceQueryRemove: The PNP subsystem has requested that NDIS prepare to remove this device |
0xD00000AA | DeviceCancelRemove: PNP 子系统已取消删除请求 |
DeviceCancelRemove: The PNP subsystem has canceled a remove request |
0xD00000AB | DeviceRemove: PNP 子系统已请求 NDIS 删除设备 |
DeviceRemove: The PNP subsystem has requested that NDIS remove the device |
0xD00000AC | DeviceSurpriseRemoval: PNP 子系统已指示设备总线不再枚举设备 |
DeviceSurpriseRemoval: The PNP subsystem has indicated that the device was not enumerated by its bus anymore |
0xD00000AD | DeviceQueryStop: PNP 子系统已请求 NDIS 准备停止设备 |
DeviceQueryStop: The PNP subsystem has requested that NDIS prepare to stop the device |
0xD00000AE | DeviceCancelStop: PNP 子系统已取消挂起的停止请求 |
DeviceCancelStop: The PNP subsystem has canceled a pending stop request |
0xD00000AF | DeviceStop: PNP 子系统已请求 NDIS 停止微型端口设备 |
DeviceStop: The PNP subsystem has requested that NDIS stop the miniport device |
0xD00000B0 | MiniportInitialized: NDIS 已成功初始化微型端口适配器 |
MiniportInitialized: NDIS has successfully initialized the miniport adapter |
0xD00000B1 | MiniportHalted: NDIS 已停止微型端口 |
MiniportHalted: NDIS has halted the miniport |
0xD00000B2 | MiniportPaused: NDIS 已暂停微型端口 |
MiniportPaused: NDIS has paused the miniport |
0xD00000B3 | MiniportRestarted: NDIS 已成功重启(取消暂停)微型端口 |
MiniportRestarted: NDIS has successfully restarted (unpaused) the miniport |
0xD00000B4 | MiniportPmInitialized: NDIS 已成功初始化微型端口适配器 |
MiniportPmInitialized: NDIS has successfully initialized the miniport adapter |
0xD00000B5 | 严重错误: 由于用户请求,微型端口已进入错误状态 |
Fatal error: The miniport has entered an error state due to a user request |
0xD00000B6 | 严重错误: 微型端口检测到内部错误 |
Fatal error: The miniport has detected an internal error |
0xD00000B7 | 严重错误: IM 微型端口无法初始化 |
Fatal error: The IM miniport has failed to initialize |
0xD00000B8 | 严重错误: 由于从 MiniportRestart 返回错误代码,微型端口无法启动 |
Fatal error: The miniport has failed to start by returning an error code from MiniportRestart |
0xD00000B9 | 严重错误: 微型端口无法将功耗转换为运行功耗 |
Fatal error: The miniport has failed a power transition to operational power |
0xD00000BA | 严重错误: 微型端口无法将功耗转换为低功耗 |
Fatal error: The miniport has failed a power transition to low power |
0xD00000BB | 网络接口已删除,但 PNP 设备仍然存在。请注意,此事件仅作参考,也可能并非始终是错误(例如,如果最近卸载了 vSwitch 或删除了 LBFO 团队,则可能出现此事件) |
Network Interface deleted while PNP Device still exists. Note that this event is provided for informational purpose and might not be an error always (Eg: In case of vSwitch which was recently un-installed or a LBFO team was removed) |
0xD00000BC | 网络驱动程序未及时响应 OID 请求 |
The network driver did not respond to an OID request in a timely fashion |
0xD00000BD | 网络驱动程序检测到其硬件已停止响应命令 |
The network driver detected that its hardware has stopped responding to commands |
0xD00000BE | 网络驱动程序已请求对它进行重置 |
The network driver requested that it be reset |
0xF0000003 | DORMANT_PAUSED |
0xF0000004 | DORMANT_LOW_POWER |