iscsicli.exe iSCSI 探索工具 804bf561c1b5f7cff7e89752fbb9bb72

File info

File name: iscsicli.exe.mui
Size: 19456 byte
MD5: 804bf561c1b5f7cff7e89752fbb9bb72
SHA1: c376cb8ef19f196a645c0eba6d51d2a7f78bc52a
SHA256: edc59f02b9b889465642f767436a47a208ce5963eeafad1c3c1845283c99b1c7
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: iscsicli.exe iSCSI 探索工具 (32 位元)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English


1001iscsicli AddTarget


iscsicli AddTarget


1002iscsicli RemoveTarget

iscsicli RemoveTarget

1003iscsicli AddTargetPortal
[HBA Name] [Port Number]

iscsicli AddTargetPortal
[HBA Name] [Port Number]

1004iscsicli RemoveTargetPortal [HBA Name] [Port Number]

iscsicli RemoveTargetPortal [HBA Name] [Port Number]

1005iscsicli RefreshTargetPortal [HBA Name] [Port Number]

iscsicli RefreshTargetPortal [HBA Name] [Port Number]

1006iscsicli ListTargets [ForceUpdate]

iscsicli ListTargets [ForceUpdate]

1007iscsicli ListTargetPortals

iscsicli ListTargetPortals

1008iscsicli TargetInfo [Discovery Mechanism]

iscsicli TargetInfo [Discovery Mechanism]

1009iscsicli LoginTarget


iscsicli LoginTarget


1010iscsicli LogoutTarget

iscsicli LogoutTarget

1011iscsicli PersistentLoginTarget


iscsicli PersistentLoginTarget


1012iscsicli ListPersistentTargets

iscsicli ListPersistentTargets

1013iscsicli RemovePersistentTarget

iscsicli RemovePersistentTarget

1014iscsicli AddConnection

iscsicli AddConnection

1015iscsicli RemoveConnection
iscsicli RemoveConnection
1016iscsicli ScsiInquiry

iscsicli ScsiInquiry

1017iscsicli ReadCapacity

iscsicli ReadCapacity

1018iscsicli ReportLUNs

iscsicli ReportLUNs

1019iscsicli ReportTargetMappings

iscsicli ReportTargetMappings

1020iscsicli ListInitiators

iscsicli ListInitiators

1021iscsicli AddiSNSServer

iscsicli AddiSNSServer

1022iscsicli RemoveiSNSServer

iscsicli RemoveiSNSServer

1023iscsicli RefreshiSNSServer

iscsicli RefreshiSNSServer

1024iscsicli ListiSNSServers

iscsicli ListiSNSServers

1025iscsicli NodeName

iscsicli NodeName

1026iscsicli SessionList

iscsicli SessionList

1027iscsicli CHAPSecret

iscsicli CHAPSecret

1028iscsicli TunnelAddr

iscsicli TunnelAddr

1029iscsicli GroupKey

iscsicli GroupKey

1030iscsicli BindPersistentVolumes

iscsicli BindPersistentDevices

iscsicli BindPersistentVolumes

iscsicli BindPersistentDevices

1031iscsicli ReportPersistentDevices

iscsicli ReportPersistentDevices

1032iscsicli AddPersistentDevice

iscsicli AddPersistentDevice

1033iscsicli RemovePersistentDevice

iscsicli RemovePersistentDevice

1034iscsicli ClearPersistentDevices

iscsicli ClearPersistentDevices

1035iscsicli Ping [Request Count] [Request Size] [Request Timeout]

iscsicli Ping [Request Count] [Request Size] [Request Timeout]

1036iscsicli GetPSKey

iscsicli GetPSKey

1037iscsicli PSKey
iscsicli PSKey
1038iscsicli QLoginTarget [CHAP Username] [CHAP Password]

iscsicli QLoginTarget [CHAP Username] [CHAP Password]

1039iscsicli QAddTarget

iscsicli QAddTarget

1040iscsicli QAddTargetPortal
[CHAP Username] [CHAP Password]

iscsicli QAddTargetPortal
[CHAP Username] [CHAP Password]

1041iscsicli QAddConnection

[CHAP Username] [CHAP Password]

iscsicli QAddConnection

[CHAP Username] [CHAP Password]


Quick Commands

1043Target Mappings:
是目標用來公開 LUN 的 LUN 值。
它的格式必須是 0x0123456789abcdef
是將用於支援該 LUN 的匯流排編號
是 OS 將用於支援該 LUN 的目標編號
是 OS 將用於支援該 LUN 的 LUN 編號

Target Mappings:
is the LUN value the target uses to expose the LUN.
It must be in the form 0x0123456789abcdef
is the bus number the OS should use to surface the LUN
is the target number the OS should use to surface the LUN
is the LUN number the OS should use to surface the LUN

1044Payload Id Type:
ID_IPV4_ADDR 是 1 - Id 格式是
ID_FQDN 是 2 - Id 格式是 ComputerName
ID_IPV6_ADDR 是 5 - Id 格式是 IPv6 Address
Payload Id Type:
ID_IPV4_ADDR is 1 - Id format is
ID_FQDN is 2 - Id format is ComputerName
ID_IPV6_ADDR is 5 - Id form is IPv6 Address
1045Security Flags:
TunnelMode 是 0x00000040
TransportMode 是 0x00000020
PFS Enabled 是 0x00000010
Aggressive Mode 是 0x00000008
Main mode 是 0x00000004
IPSEC/IKE Enabled 是 0x00000002
Valid Flags 是 0x00000001

Security Flags:
TunnelMode is 0x00000040
TransportMode is 0x00000020
PFS Enabled is 0x00000010
Aggressive Mode is 0x00000008
Main mode is 0x00000004
IPSEC/IKE Enabled is 0x00000002
Valid Flags is 0x00000001

1046Login Flags:
此操作需要 IPsec

已針對此啟動器上的目標啟用 Multipathing

Login Flags:
IPsec is required for the operation

Multipathing is enabled for the target on this initiator

不使用 iSCSI in-band 驗證

單向 CHAP (會使用 Target 驗證啟動器)

相互 CHAP (Target 和 Initiator 會相互驗證)

No iSCSI in-band authentication is used

One way CHAP (Target authenticates initiator is used)

Mutual CHAP (Target and Initiator authenticate each other is used)

1048Target Flags:


Target Flags:
If this flag is set then the target will never be reported unless it
is also discovered dynamically.

If this flag is set then the target information passed will be
merged with any target information already statically configured for
the target

1049您可以使用文字字串或十六進位值序列的格式指定 CHAP 祕密、CHAP 密碼和 IPSEC 預先
共用金鑰。在命令列指定值時,除非在字串前加上兩個字元 0x 代表十六進位值,否則輸

例如,0x12345678 可指定 4 位元組的祕密。

CHAP secrets, CHAP passwords and IPSEC preshared keys can be specified as
a text string or as a sequence of hexadecimal values. The value specified on
the command line is always considered a string unless the first two characters
0x in which case it is considered a hexadecimal value.

For example 0x12345678 specifies a 4 byte secret

1050除非在數值前面加上 0x,否則所有數值都會被視為十進位數值。
在數值前面加上 0x 代表該數值為十六進位數值。

All numerical values are assumed decimal unless preceeded by 0x. If
preceeded by 0x then value is assumed to be hex

1051您也可以在命令列模式執行 iscsicli,並從主控台直接輸入 iscsicli 命令。
若要進入命令列模式,只要執行 iscsicli (不搭配任何參數) 即可。

iscsicli can also be run in command line mode where iscsicli commands
can be entered directly from the console. To enter command line
mode, just run iscsicli without any parameters

1052狀態 Status
1053安全性旗標 Security Flags
1054慣用通道模式 Tunnel Mode Preferred
1055慣用傳輸模式 Transport Mode Preferred
1056PFS 已啟用 PFS Enabled
1057加強模式已啟用 Aggressive Mode Enabled
1058IPSEC 已啟用 IPSEC Enabled
1059安全性旗標不正確 Security Flags are Valid
1060工作階段識別碼 Session Id
1061目標名稱 Target Name
1062啟動器 Initiator
1063啟動器 Scsi 裝置 Initiator Scsi Device
1064啟動器匯流排 Initiator Bus
1065啟動器目標識別碼 Initiator Target Id
1066目標 LUN Target Lun
1067OS LUN OS Lun
1068版本 Version
1069指定的資訊 Information Specified
1070標頭摘要 Header Digest
1071 None
1072CRC-32C CRC-32C
1073資料摘要 Data Digest
1074連線數目上限 Maximum Connections
1075預設時間 2 等候 Default Time 2 Wait
1076預設時間 2 保留 Default Time 2 Retain
1077登入旗標 Login Flags
1078需要 IPsec Require IPsec
1079多重路徑已啟用 Multipath Enabled
1080驗證類型 Authentication Type
1082相互 CHAP Mutual CHAP
1083不明 Unknown
1084使用者名稱 Username
1085密碼 Password
1086已建立 is established
1087在 %d 個要求中 (大小為 %d,且逾時為 %dms),已接收 %d 個回應
Out of %d requests with size %d and timeout %dms, %d responses received
1088使用 Windows 命令列 Ping 工具來執行操作 (透過 Microsoft 軟體啟動程式)。
Use Windows command line Ping tool to perform operation via the Microsoft software initiator.
1089總計 %d 個工作階段

Total of %d sessions

1090工作階段識別碼 : %I64x-%I64x
啟動器節點名稱 : %ws
目標節點名稱 : %ws
目標名稱 : %ws
ISID : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x
TSID : %02x %02x
連線數目 : %d
Session Id : %I64x-%I64x
Initiator Node Name : %ws
Target Node Name : %ws
Target Name : %ws
ISID : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x
TSID : %02x %02x
Number Connections : %d
1091工作階段識別碼 : %I64x-%I64x
啟動器節點名稱 : %s
目標節點名稱 : %s
目標名稱 : %s
ISID : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x
TSID : %02x %02x
連線數目 : %d
Session Id : %I64x-%I64x
Initiator Node Name : %s
Target Node Name : %s
Target Name : %s
ISID : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x
TSID : %02x %02x
Number Connections : %d
1092連線: Connections:
1093連線識別碼 : %I64x-%I64x
啟動器入口 : %ws/%d
目標入口 : %ws/%d
CID : %02x %02x
Connection Id : %I64x-%I64x
Initiator Portal : %ws/%d
Target Portal : %ws/%d
CID : %02x %02x
1094連線識別碼 : %I64x-%I64x
啟動器入口 : %s/%d
目標入口 : %s/%d
CID : %02x %02x
Connection Id : %I64x-%I64x
Initiator Portal : %s/%d
Target Portal : %s/%d
CID : %02x %02x
1095裝置: Devices:
1096裝置類型 : %ws
Device Type : %ws
1097裝置號碼 : %d
Device Number : %d
1098存放裝置類型 : %d
Storage Device Type : %d
1099磁碟分割編號 : %d
Partition Number : %d
1100好記的名稱 Friendly Name
1101裝置描述 Device Description
1102報告的對應 Reported Mappings
1103連接埠 Port
1104匯流排 Bus
1105目標識別碼 Target Id
1107位置 Location
1108啟動器名稱 Initiator Name
1110裝置介面名稱 Device Interface Name
1111傳統名稱 Legacy Name
1112裝置例項 Device Instance
1113磁碟區路徑名稱 Volume Path Names
1114錯誤,只支援識別碼類型 ID_IPV4_ADDR (1)、ID_FQDN (2)、ID_USER_FQDN (3)
Error, only id types ID_IPV4_ADDR (1), ID_FQDN (2), ID_USER_FQDN supported (3)
1115ScsiStatus ScsiStatus
1116回應緩衝區大小 Response Buffer Size
1117探測緩衝區大小 Sense Buffer Size
1118工作階段識別碼不正確 Invalid Session Id
1119LUN 不正確 Invalid LUN
1120必須指定入口位址和通訊端 Portal address and socket must be specified
1121目標 LUN 的格式必須是 0x0123456789abcdef Target LUN must be in 0x0123456789abcdef format
1122所有 LUN 的 OSBus 編號必須相同 OSBus number must be the same for all LUNs
1123所有 LUN 的 OSTarget 編號必須相同 OSTarget number must be the same for all LUNs
1124工作階段識別碼是 Session Id is
1125連線識別碼是 Connection Id is
1126總計 %d 個持續性目標 Total of %d peristent targets
1127位址和通訊端 Address and Socket
1128工作階段類型 Session Type
1129資訊 Informational
1130資料 Data
1131連接埠號碼 Port Number
1132任一連接埠 Any Port
1133繼承裝置名稱 Legacy Device Name
1134群組 %d 有 %d 個入口 Group %d has %d portals
1135符號名稱 Symbolic Name
1136搜索機制 : Discovery Mechanisms :
Discovery Mechanisms:
1138iSCSI TCP 通訊協定 iSCSI TCP Protocol
1140通訊協定類型 Protocol Type
1141通訊協定類型失敗 Protocol Type Failed
1142目標別名 Target Alias
1143目標別名失敗 Target Alias Failed
1144PortalGroups PortalGroups
1145入口群組 portal groups
1146PortalGroups :
PortalGroups :
1147入口群組失敗 Portal Groups Failed
1148是空的 Empty
1149啟動器清單失敗 Initiator List Failed
1150目標旗標 Target Flags
1151目標旗標失敗 Target Flags Failed
Target is hidden until dynamically discovered
1153登入選項失敗 Login Options Failed
1154目標對應失敗 Target Mappings Failed
1155永續性磁碟區 Persistent Volumes
1156啟動器清單 Initiators List
1157總計傳回 %d 個對應
Total of %d mappings returned
1158無對應 No Mappings
Targets List:
1160總計有 %d 個入口是持續的:

Total of %d portals are persisted:

1161沒有 iSNS 伺服器 No iSNS Servers
1162錯誤 Error
1163Microsoft iSCSI 啟動器版本 %d.%d 組建 %d

Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Version %d.%d Build %d

1164[%ws] 輸入命令或按下 ^C 以結束
[%ws] Enter command or ^C to exit
1165取得節點名稱時發生錯誤 Error getting node name
1166正在節點名稱上執行 Running on node name
1167建立 Windows 通訊端時發生錯誤 Error setting up Windows sockets
1168磁碟 Disk
1169磁帶 Tape
1170一次寫入磁碟 Write Once Disk
1171CD 換片機 CD Changer
1172媒體變更器 Medium Changer
1173磁碟片 Floppy
1174iscsicli FirewallExemptiSNSServer

iscsicli FirewallExemptiSNSServer


File Name:iscsicli.exe.mui
File Size:19 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:18944
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:iSCSI 探索工具
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:iscsicli
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:iscsicli.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is iscsicli.exe.mui?

iscsicli.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file iscsicli.exe (iSCSI 探索工具).

File version info

File Description:iSCSI 探索工具
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:iscsicli
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:iscsicli.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200