File name: | PhotoViewer.dll.mui |
Size: | 17920 byte |
MD5: | 80386d1e6245a92e292f5ef0b5781180 |
SHA1: | 1bd4bc30fda1552cf0830781383971c6fbb8734c |
SHA256: | dc1e9bc75e3a811676024f139868bc044432297b64f7fffc0ca271f810419409 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Cornish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Cornish | English |
3000 | &Cluich | &Play |
3001 | C&uir na stad | P&ause |
3002 | &Air adhart | &Next |
3003 | &Air ais | &Back |
3004 | Fàg a&n-seo | &Exit |
3005 | Taisbeanadh shleamhnagan san t-sealladair dhealbhan | Photo Viewer Slide Show |
3006 | Your computer can't display this theme. | Your computer can't display this theme. |
3008 | Loading... | Loading... |
3009 | Sealladair dhealbhan Windows | Windows Photo Viewer |
3010 | %1!s! - %2!s! | %1!s! - %2!s! |
3015 | Air t&huaiream | S&huffle |
3016 | Astar an taisbeanaidh shleamhnagan - &Slaodach | Slide Show Speed - &Slow |
3017 | Astar an taisbeanaidh shleamhnagan - &Meadhanach | Slide Show Speed - &Medium |
3018 | Astar an taisbeanaidh shleamhnagan - &Luath | Slide Show Speed - &Fast |
3019 | Dh'fhàillig an sàbhaladh san àite a shònraich thu. Dèan cinnteach nach eil am faidhle fo dhìon-sgrìobhaidh 's gu bheil àite gu leòr air an draibh gus an dealbh a shàbhaladh. Sguireadh dhen t-sàbhaladh. | Failed to save to the specified location. Make sure the file is not write-protected and there is enough space on the drive to save the image. Save aborted. |
3020 | &Lùb | &Loop |
3024 | Rotate right | Rotate right |
3025 | Rotate left | Rotate left |
3026 | Rotating... | Rotating... |
3027 | Waiting for user... | Waiting for user... |
3028 | Cuairteachadh | Rotation |
3029 | You cannot rotate this image. Not enough space to perform the rotate. Please free up space by deleting unnecessary files on this image and try again. | You cannot rotate this image. Not enough space to perform the rotate. Please free up space by deleting unnecessary files on this image and try again. |
3030 | You cannot rotate this image. It does not exist. | You cannot rotate this image. It does not exist. |
3031 | Chan urrainn dhut an dealbh seo a chuairteachadh. Dh'fhaoidte gu bheil am faidhle ga chleachdadh no fosgailte ann am prògram eile no gu bheil am faidhle no am pasgan ri leughadh a-mhàin. | You cannot rotate this image. The file might be in use or open in another program, or the file or folder might be read-only. |
3033 | You cannot rotate this image. Image format not recognized. | You cannot rotate this image. Image format not recognized. |
3034 | You cannot rotate this image. The image may not be in a standard format or may contain extra image information that prevents rotation by this program. | You cannot rotate this image. The image may not be in a standard format or may contain extra image information that prevents rotation by this program. |
3035 | Chan urrainn dhut an dealbh seo a chuairteachadh. Chan eil taic ann ri cuairteachadh de dhealbh dhen t-seòrsa seo. | You cannot rotate this image. Rotating this image type is not supported. |
3037 | Save File | Save File |
3038 | Do you want to save the current page of this picture? | Do you want to save the current page of this picture? |
3039 | You are saving a multi-page picture in a single page format. If you continue, only the current page will be saved in the new file. | You are saving a multi-page picture in a single page format. If you continue, only the current page will be saved in the new file. |
3040 | &Sàbhail | &Save |
3041 | Renaming file... | Renaming file... |
3042 | Changes to the tags, caption, rating or date taken could not be saved to this file. | Changes to the tags, caption, rating or date taken could not be saved to this file. |
3043 | Ro-she&alladh | Pre&view |
3050 | &Cuairtich dhan taobh deas | Rotate righ&t |
3051 | Cuairtich dhan taobh chl&ì | Rotate &left |
3052 | ||
3060 | Fosglaidh seo na nithean a thagh thu san t-sealladair dhealbhan Windows. | Opens the selected items in Windows Photo Viewer. |
3061 | Sends the selected items to the printer. | Sends the selected items to the printer. |
3062 | Tionndaidh na nithean a thagh thu 90 puing dhan taobh deas. | Turn the selected items 90 degrees to the right. |
3063 | Tionndaidh na nithean a thagh thu 90 puing dhan taobh chlì. | Turn the selected items 90 degrees to the left. |
3064 | Seallaidh seo na dealbhan is videothan sa phasgan seo mar thaisbeanadh shleamhnagan. | Displays the pictures and videos in this folder as a slide show. |
3066 | Faic dealbhan | View pictures |
3067 | Windows | Windows |
3068 | Chan obraich sealladair dhealbhan Windows sa mhodh sàbhailte. Ma tha thu airson coimhead air dealbhan no videothan, ath-thòisich an coimpiutair agad sa mhodh àbhaisteach. | Windows Photo Viewer does not work in safe mode. If you want to view pictures or videos, restart your computer normally. |
3069 | Tha sealladair dhealbhan Windows na shealladair a tha am broinn an t-siostaim a leigeas le daoine coimhead air dealbhan gu furasta agus an cur am puist-d is an losgadh ri CDan. | Windows Photo Viewer is the built-in picture viewer that allows users to easily view pictures as well as e-mail and burn them to CDs. |
4001 | Cluich taisbeanadh shleamhnagan (F11) | Play slide show (F11) |
4005 | Air adhart (Saighead dheas) | Next (Right arrow) |
4008 | Air ais (Saighead chlì) | Previous (Left arrow) |
4010 | Cuairtich gu tuathail (Ctrl+,) | Rotate counterclockwise (Ctrl+,) |
4013 | Cuairtich gu deiseil (Ctrl+.) | Rotate clockwise (Ctrl+.) |
4016 | Sguab às (Del) | Delete (Del) |
4020 | Atharraichidh seo meud an taisbeanaidh | Changes the display size |
4125 | Co-fhreagair ri meud na h-uinneige (Ctrl+0) | Fit to window (Ctrl+0) |
4180 | Am fìor mheud (Ctrl+Alt+0) (Ctrl+Alt+0) | Actual size (Ctrl+Alt+0) |
4181 | Leòsan na seòladaireachd | Navigation Pane |
4182 | Bàr na seòladaireachd | Navigation Bar |
7000 | Windows Photo Viewer Wallpaper | Windows Photo Viewer Wallpaper |
7001 | The file %s could not be written. Please check permissions on this file and try again. |
The file %s could not be written. Please check permissions on this file and try again. |
7002 | The Desktop Wallpaper could not be changed because there is not enough disk space. Please delete some files and try again. |
The Desktop Wallpaper could not be changed because there is not enough disk space. Please delete some files and try again. |
7003 | File names may not contain the following characters:
\ / : * ? " | |
File names may not contain the following characters:
\ / : * ? " | |
7013 | Burn a disc | Burn a disc |
7014 | Chan eil draibh diosga agad leis an gabh faidhlichean a losgadh ri CD no DVD. | You don't have a disc drive capable of burning files to CD or DVD. |
7017 | Make a Copy | Make a Copy |
7018 | This image can't be set as wallpaper. The file may be corrupt. | This image can't be set as wallpaper. The file may be corrupt. |
7019 | This image can't be set as wallpaper. It may be an unsupported file type. | This image can't be set as wallpaper. It may be an unsupported file type. |
7020 | This image can't be set as wallpaper. An internal error occurred. | This image can't be set as wallpaper. An internal error occurred. |
8008 | Windows Photo Viewer can't save this picture because an unknown error occurred. | Windows Photo Viewer can't save this picture because an unknown error occurred. |
8010 | Windows Photo Viewer | Windows Photo Viewer |
8035 | Windows Photo Viewer can't save changes to this picture. Verify that the picture is not set to read-only and make sure you have permission to save to the file location, and then try again. | Windows Photo Viewer can't save changes to this picture. Verify that the picture is not set to read-only and make sure you have permission to save to the file location, and then try again. |
8039 | Windows Photo Viewer can't save the changes to this picture because there's a problem with the picture's file properties. | Windows Photo Viewer can't save the changes to this picture because there's a problem with the picture's file properties. |
8042 | Why can't I save this picture? | Why can't I save this picture? |
8050 | No pictures are selected. Select one or more pictures, and then try again. | No pictures are selected. Select one or more pictures, and then try again. |
8051 | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because the file appears to be damaged, corrupted, or is too large. | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because the file appears to be damaged, corrupted, or is too large. |
8063 | Windows Photo Viewer can't save the changes to this picture because the file isn't available. The picture might have been deleted or you might have lost your network connection. | Windows Photo Viewer can't save the changes to this picture because the file isn't available. The picture might have been deleted or you might have lost your network connection. |
8088 | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because either the picture is deleted, or it's in a location that isn't available. | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because either the picture is deleted, or it's in a location that isn't available. |
8094 | Windows Photo Viewer can't save the changes to this picture because the picture is already open in another program. | Windows Photo Viewer can't save the changes to this picture because the picture is already open in another program. |
8095 | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because the picture is being edited in another program. | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because the picture is being edited in another program. |
8096 | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because you don't have the correct permissions to access the file location. | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because you don't have the correct permissions to access the file location. |
8099 | Windows Photo Viewer can't display this picture because the file is empty. | Windows Photo Viewer can't display this picture because the file is empty. |
8100 | Windows Photo Viewer can't display this picture because there might not be enough memory available on your computer. Close some programs that you aren't using or free some hard disk space (if it's almost full), and then try again. | Windows Photo Viewer can't display this picture because there might not be enough memory available on your computer. Close some programs that you aren't using or free some hard disk space (if it's almost full), and then try again. |
8101 | Ga luchdadh... | Loading... |
8103 | How do I use Photo Gallery? | How do I use Photo Gallery? |
8104 | How do I change a picture's file format? | How do I change a picture's file format? |
8105 | How do I change a read-only file? | How do I change a read-only file? |
8106 | Saving... | Saving... |
8108 | Chan urrainn do shealladair dhealbhan Windows an dealbh seo fhosgladh seach nach eil sealladair nan dealbh a' cur taic ris an fhòrmat seo no seach gu bheil ùrachadh a dhìth ort airson sealladair dhealbhan Windows. | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because either Photo Viewer doesn't support this file format, or you don't have the latest updates to Photo Viewer. |
9001 | Next Page (Page Down) | Next Page (Page Down) |
9003 | Previous Page (Page Up) | Previous Page (Page Up) |
9005 | Page %1!d! of %2!d! | Page %1!d! of %2!d! |
11002 | An error is preventing this Slide Show from playing. | An error is preventing this Slide Show from playing. |
11003 | Slide Show can't start because your selection contains only videos. | Slide Show can't start because your selection contains only videos. |
11011 | Chan eil cuimhne gu leòr aig a' chairt video agad gus an taisbeanadh shleamhnagan seo a chluich. Dùin prògraman eile a tha a' cleachdadh cuimhne video 's feuch ris a-rithist an uairsin. | Your video card doesn't have enough memory to play this slide show. Close other programs that are using video memory and then try again. |
11024 | Exit | Exit |
11025 | Shuffle | Shuffle |
11026 | Loop | Loop |
11027 | Slow | Slow |
11028 | Medium | Medium |
11029 | Fast | Fast |
11030 | Themes | Themes |
11031 | Settings | Settings |
11032 | Slideshow Navigation Bar | Slideshow Navigation Bar |
11033 | Play | Play |
11034 | Pause | Pause |
11035 | Next | Next |
11036 | Previous | Previous |
11037 | Slide Show is already running. Please close your first Slide Show and try again. | Slide Show is already running. Please close your first Slide Show and try again. |
11042 | Slide Show | Slide Show |
11043 | How can I improve my Slide Show's visuals? | How can I improve my Slide Show's visuals? |
11046 | Segoe UI | Segoe UI |
11047 | 12 | 12 |
11048 | Mute | Mute |
14004 | &Tagh prògram... | &Choose Program... |
14005 | No application is available. | No application is available. |
14008 | &Faidhle | &File |
14011 | Clò-&bhuail | |
14013 | &Cuir post-d | |
14014 | Fos&gail | &Open |
14015 | Display additional commands | Display additional commands |
14016 | Cobhair | Help |
14031 | Open Wit&h... | Open Wit&h... |
14032 | Fosgail &le | Open Wit&h |
14033 | O&rder prints from %s... | O&rder prints from %s... |
14045 | L&oisg | B&urn |
File Description: | Sealladair dhealbhan Windows |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | PhotoViewer |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte. |
Original Filename: | PhotoViewer.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x491, 1200 |