dmutil.dll.mui 邏輯磁碟管理員公用程式程式庫 7f18565ff98a85982da813360fd06311

File info

File name: dmutil.dll.mui
Size: 16384 byte
MD5: 7f18565ff98a85982da813360fd06311
SHA1: 32b597dd986883dcf2f34707f3aeeb276b2c5592
SHA256: c02a67bb0d9649df6c0c2f4384a944eb57e88bb3080fc493bca3cdfa85e8f2cb
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1000虛擬磁碟管理員 Virtual Disk Manager
1001磁碟管理 Disk Management
0x0100040D重新啟動電腦以後才會重新指派磁碟機代號。 The drive letter reassignment will not occur until the computer is restarted.
0x410000DB不允許這項操作,因為磁碟包含外界磁碟分割。 The operation is not allowed because the disk contains foreign partitions.
0x410000DC內部錯誤 - 主要磁碟群組已經存在 INTERNAL Error - A primary disk group already exists
0x410000DDWindows Professional 上不允許所要求的操作 The requested operation is not allowed in Windows Professional.
0x410000DE內部錯誤 - 不允許這項操作,因為磁碟區正在初始化 INTERNAL Error - The operation is not allowed because the volume is still initializing
0x410000DF所要求的磁碟已經被這個磁碟區使用。 The requested disk is already in use by this volume.
0x410000E0內部錯誤 - 子磁碟並未中斷連結 INTERNAL Error - A subdisk of the column is not detached
0x410000E1不需要這項操作,因為目前沒有停用中的鏡像或 RAID-5 磁碟區。 The operation is not needed because no mirrors or RAID-5 members are currently disabled.
0x410000E2不需要這項操作,因為 RAID-5 成員目前已停用。 The operation is not needed because no RAID-5 members are currently disabled.
0x410000E3邏輯磁碟管理員無法開啟這個磁碟區。 Logical Disk Manager could not open a volume.
0x410000E5邏輯磁碟管理員無法卸載這個磁碟區。 Logical Disk Manager could not dismount a volume.
0x410000E6邏輯磁碟管理員無法判定磁碟分割類型 Logical Disk Manager could not determine a partition type.
0x410000E7邏輯磁碟管理員無法關聯磁碟機代號 Logical Disk Manager could not associate a drive letter.
0x410000E8邏輯磁碟管理員無法重新抓取先前基本磁碟區的資訊。 Logical Disk Manager could not retrieve information about a legacy basic volume.
0x410000E9磁碟上沒有先前的基本磁碟區。 There is no legacy basic volume on the disk.
0x410000EA磁碟上沒有足夠的空間給設定檔資料庫使用。 There is not enough space for the configuration database on the disk.
0x410000EB先前的基本磁碟區有問題。 A legacy basic volume is unhealthy.
0x410000ED轉換操作需要重新啟動電腦。 The conversion will require you to restart your computer.
0x410000EE這個使用中的磁碟分割不是目前使用中的磁碟分割 An active partition is not the current active partition.
0x410000F0磁碟轉換後無法進行分割。 The disk cannot be partitioned after it has been converted.
0x410000F1磁碟轉換已經擱置。 A disk conversion is already pending.
0x410000F2邏輯磁碟管理員無法轉換選取的磁碟。 Logical Disk Manager could not convert the selected disks.
0x410000F3磁碟設定在另一個系統上變更了。 The disk configuration was changed on another system.
0x410000F4邏輯磁碟管理員偵測到上一次嘗試轉換失敗。 Logical Disk Manager detected a previous conversion attempt failure.
0x410000F5所選取的磁碟已經被轉換過。 The selected disk has already been converted.
0x410000F6轉換之前的傳統基本磁碟區的記錄設定跟目前的設定不符合。 The recorded configuration of legacy basic volumes before the conversion does not match the current configuration.
0x410000F7在基本的磁碟分割中偵測到一個外部磁碟分割。 A foreign partition has been detected between basic partitions.
0x8100040A無法開啟偵錯記錄檔 \"%1\"。偵錯追蹤將無法使用。 Debug log file \"%1\" could not be opened. Debug tracing is not available.
0x8100040B要求已逾時,無法完成操作。 The request timed out and could not be completed.
0x8100040C不支援要求的操作。 The requested operation is not supported.
0x8100040E格式化成功,但無法啟用檔案及資料夾壓縮。 The format succeeded, but file and folder compression are not enabled.
0x8100041F磁碟區已經修復但是其下的磁碟分割未標記為使用中,因為磁碟上的另一個磁碟分割已經標記為使用中。您可以將磁碟區標記為使用中,將其下的磁碟分割標記為使用中。 The volume was repaired but the underlying partition was not marked active because another partition on the disk is already marked active. You can mark the volume active to mark its underlying partitions active.
0x81000420磁碟區已經修復但是其下的磁碟分割未標記為使用中,因為它是邏輯磁碟機。 The volume was repaired but the underlying partition was not marked active because it is a logical drive.
0xC1000001發生意外的錯誤。查閱系統事件記錄檔以取得錯誤的詳細資訊。關閉磁碟管理主控台,然後重新啟動磁碟管理或重新啟動電腦。 An unexpected error has occurred. Check the System Event Log for more information on the error. Close the Disk Management console, then restart Disk Management or restart the computer.
0xC1000004內部錯誤 - 認可狀態遺失 INTERNAL Error - The commit status has been lost
0xC100000A內部錯誤 - 要求中包含的訊息格式不正確 INTERNAL Error - The request contains a message format that is not valid
0xC100000C沒有足夠的可用記憶體來完成操作。儲存您的工作,關閉其他應用程式,然後再試一次。 There is not enough memory available to complete the operation. Save your work, close other programs, and then try again.
0xC1000014內部錯誤 - 操作需要異動 INTERNAL Error - The operation requires a transaction
0xC1000016內部錯誤 - 認可已中止,必須重新啟始異動 INTERNAL Error - The commit has been aborted, transaction must be restarted
0xC1000017因為過量的磁碟 I/O 錯誤無法設定在系統裡的動態磁碟。確認您的存放裝置的狀態,然後重新啟動電腦。 The dynamic disks present in the system cannot be configured due to excessive disk I/O errors. Verify the status of your storage devices then restart the computer.
0xC1000018內部錯誤 - 設定程式發生意外的錯誤 INTERNAL Error - An unexpected error occurred in the configuration program
0xC1000019內部錯誤 - 更新設定時發生意外的核心錯誤 INTERNAL Error - An unexpected error occurred in the kernel during a configuration update
0xC100001B內部錯誤 - 邏輯磁碟管理員無法啟動記錄執行緒 INTERNAL Error - Logical Disk Manager cannot start the logging thread
0xC100001C已停用磁碟群組。 The disk group has been disabled.
0xC1000029磁碟群組設定複本中有錯誤 One or more errors exist in the disk group configuration copies.
0xC100002D內部錯誤 - 設定程式目前已停用 INTERNAL Error - The configuration program is currently disabled
0xC1000030內部錯誤 - 在磁碟群組及磁碟清單之間沒有交集 INTERNAL Error - No convergence between disk group and disk list
0xC1000032內部錯誤 - 找不到需要的邏輯磁碟管理員登錄機碼 The expected Logical Disk Manager registry keys were not found.
0xC1000033在讀取或設定邏輯磁碟管理員登錄機碼時遇到系統錯誤。 A system error was encountered while reading or setting a Logical Disk Manager registry key.
0xC1000034內部錯誤 - 邏輯磁碟管理員登錄機碼的字串格式錯誤 INTERNAL Error - String format errors were found in Logical Disk Manager registry keys
0xC100003C內部錯誤 - 異動已經在進行中 INTERNAL Error - A transaction is already in progress
0xC100003D內部錯誤 - 功能已停用或未執行 INTERNAL Error - This feature is disabled or is not implemented
0xC100003E內部錯誤 - 不支援所要求的操作 INTERNAL Error - The requested operation is not supported
0xC100003F內部錯誤 - 無法取得所要求的鎖定 INTERNAL Error - The requested lock could not be obtained
0xC1000040內部錯誤 - 異動缺少必需的鎖定動作 INTERNAL Error - The required lock is not held in the transaction
0xC1000041內部錯誤 - 異動中缺少必需的資料鎖定 INTERNAL Error - The required data lock is not held in the transaction
0xC1000042內部錯誤 - 有相同名稱的物件已經存在磁碟群組中 INTERNAL Error - An object with the specified name already exists in the disk group
0xC1000043指定的物件不存在磁碟群組中。 The specified object no longer exists in the disk group.
0xC1000044內部錯誤 - 磁碟群組設定已經變更 INTERNAL Error - The disk group configuration has changed
0xC1000046指定的物件在使用中,不允許操作。 The specified object is in active use, operation not allowed.
0xC1000047要求的操作不正確。 The requested operation is not valid.
0xC1000049內部錯誤 - 要求所傳送的參數是負值的長度,寬度或位移 INTERNAL Error - Negative length, width, or offset received as parameter of the request
0xC100004B內部錯誤 - 不正確的記錄名稱 INTERNAL Error - The record name is not valid
0xC100004C操作需要一個已停用的磁碟區 The operation requires a disabled volume.
0xC100004D無法移除這個鏡像,因為這個鏡像磁碟區目前是遺失的或正在重新產生鏡像。當這個鏡像狀態是良好時請重試這個操作。 This mirror cannot be removed because the mirrored volume is currently missing or regenerating. Retry this operation when the mirror state is Healthy.
0xC100004E內部錯誤 - 操作需要一個關聯記錄 INTERNAL Error - The operation requires an associated record
0xC100004F這項操作無法完成,因為要求的物件在使用中。 The operation is not allowed because the requested object is in active use.
0xC1000052內部錯誤 - 指定的等量網狀磁碟區並未壓縮 INTERNAL Error - The specified striped plex is not compact
0xC1000053內部錯誤 - 等量網狀磁碟區的子磁碟大小不同 INTERNAL Error - The subdisks of the striped plex have different sizes
0xC1000054內部錯誤 - 沒有與等量網狀磁碟區關聯的子磁碟 INTERNAL Error - The striped plex has no associated subdisks
0xC1000055內部錯誤 - 記錄無法進行其他關聯 INTERNAL Error - The record cannot have more associations
0xC1000056內部錯誤 - 操作的記錄類型不正確 INTERNAL Error - The record type is not valid
0xC1000057內部錯誤 - 指定的記錄不是一個子磁碟 INTERNAL Error - The specified record is not a subdisk
0xC1000058內部錯誤 - 指定的記錄不是一個網狀結構 INTERNAL Error - The specified record is not a plex
0xC1000059內部錯誤 - 指定的記錄不是一個磁碟區 INTERNAL Error - The specified record is not a volume
0xC100005A內部錯誤 - 指定的記錄不是磁碟媒體記錄 INTERNAL Error - The specified record is not a disk media
0xC100005B內部錯誤 - 指定的記錄不是磁碟群組記錄 INTERNAL Error - The specified record is not a disk group
0xC100005C內部錯誤 - 指定的記錄不是磁碟存取記錄 INTERNAL Error - The specified record is not a disk access
0xC100005D內部錯誤 - 磁碟群組上不允許這項操作 INTERNAL Error - The operation is not allowed on a disk group
0xC100005E已到達磁碟區限制,無法建立更多動態磁碟區 The volume limit has been reached, no additional dynamic volumes can be created.
0xC100005F內部錯誤 - 存在太多網狀結構 INTERNAL Error - Too many plexes exist
0xC1000060內部錯誤 - 子磁碟與另一個子磁碟重疊 INTERNAL Error - The subdisk overlaps with another subdisk
0xC1000061內部錯誤 - 等量網狀子磁碟的長度比等量寬度還短 INTERNAL Error - A striped plex subdisk has the length shorter than the stripe width
0xC1000062內部錯誤 - 等量網狀子磁碟的長度不是等量磁碟區寬度的倍數 INTERNAL Error - A striped plex subdisk has the length not multiple of the stripe width
0xC1000063內部錯誤 - 指定欄位不正確 INTERNAL Error - The specified field is not valid
0xC1000064內部錯誤 - 網狀等量磁碟區寬度不正確 INTERNAL Error - The plex stripe width is not valid
0xC1000065內部錯誤 - 操作超出最大位移值 INTERNAL Error - The operation overflows the maximum offsets
0xC1000066內部錯誤 - 磁碟區的記錄檔子磁碟太小 INTERNAL Error - The log subdisk is too small for the volume
0xC1000069內部錯誤 - 網狀磁碟區已經有記錄子磁碟 INTERNAL Error - The plex already has a log subdisk
0xC100006B指定的磁碟群組不存在。 The specified disk group no longer exists.
0xC100006C內部錯誤 - 要求已超過磁碟群組界限 INTERNAL Error - The request crosses a disk group boundary
0xC100006D內部錯誤 - 只有在根目錄磁碟群組內,才允許要求 INTERNAL Error - The request is allowed only in the root disk group
0xC100006E內部錯誤 - 子磁碟不在公用磁碟分割中 INTERNAL Error - The subdisk is not within the public region boundaries
0xC100006F指定的磁碟並未就緒或無法使用。 The specified disk is not ready or not usable.
0xC1000070內部錯誤 - 指定磁碟區無法使用 INTERNAL Error - The specified volume is not usable
0xC1000071指定的裝置路徑無法存取。 The specified device path cannot be accessed.
0xC1000073內部錯誤 - 根磁碟群組並未啟用 INTERNAL Error - The root disk group is not enabled
0xC1000074內部錯誤 - 無法識別磁碟存取類型 INTERNAL Error - The disk access type is not recognized
0xC1000075指定的磁碟已離線。 The specified disk is offline.
0xC1000076內部錯誤 - 記錄存放容量太大 INTERNAL Error - The record store size is too large
0xC1000077內部錯誤 - 指定的子磁碟並未啟用 INTERNAL Error - The specified subdisk is not enabled
0xC1000078內部錯誤 - 指定的網狀磁碟區含有未啟用的子磁碟 INTERNAL Error - The specified plex contains disabled subdisks
0xC1000079操作無法執行,因為指定的磁碟不是空磁碟。 The operation is not allowed because the specified disk is not empty.
0xC100007A內部錯誤 - 相同名稱的磁碟群組已存在 INTERNAL Error - A disk group with the specified name already exists
0xC100007B內部錯誤 - 已建立的磁碟群組不允許這項操作 INTERNAL Error - The operation is not allowed on a created disk group
0xC100007C內部錯誤 - 磁碟群組記錄檔設定太大 INTERNAL Error - The configuration is too large for the disk group log
0xC100007D內部錯誤 - 磁碟群組設定的磁碟記錄檔太小 INTERNAL Error - The disk log is too small for the disk group configuration
0xC100007E內部錯誤 - 磁碟群組已經匯入 INTERNAL Error - The disk group has already been imported
0xC100007F內部錯誤 - 設定記錄有錯誤 INTERNAL Error - An error exists in the configuration record
0xC1000080內部錯誤 - 設定複本太大,無法進行複製 INTERNAL Error - The configuration is too large to make configuration copies
0xC1000081內部錯誤 - 磁碟群組建立不完整 INTERNAL Error - The disk group creation is not complete
0xC1000082內部錯誤 - 磁碟群組沒有正確的記錄檔複本 INTERNAL Error - There are no valid log copies in the disk group
0xC1000083內部錯誤 - 根磁碟群組不允許這項操作 INTERNAL Error - The operation is not allowed on the root disk group
0xC1000084內部錯誤 - 邏輯磁碟管理員無法移除磁碟群組中最後一個磁碟 INTERNAL Error - Logical Disk Manager cannot remove the last disk in the disk group
0xC1000085內部錯誤 - 邏輯磁碟管理員無法移除最後的磁碟群組設定複本 INTERNAL Error - Logical Disk Manager cannot remove the last disk group configuration copy
0xC1000086內部錯誤 - 邏輯磁碟管理員無法移除最後的磁碟群組記錄檔複本 INTERNAL Error - Logical Disk Manager cannot remove the last disk group log copy
0xC1000087邏輯磁碟管理員的設定檔已滿,無法建立其他物件 The Logical Disk Manager configuration is full. No more objects can be created.
0xC1000088內部錯誤 - 找不到資料庫檔案 INTERNAL Error - The database file cannot be found
0xC1000089內部錯誤 - 設定複本中有系統錯誤 INTERNAL Error - System error in configuration copy
0xC100008A內部錯誤 - 設定檔複本中有格式錯誤 INTERNAL Error - A format error was found in the configuration copy
0xC100008B內部錯誤 - 不支援設定檔的格式版本 The configuration format version is not supported.
0xC100008C內部錯誤 - 邏輯磁碟管理員的設定檔已滿 INTERNAL Error - The Logical Disk Manager configuration is full
0xC100008D內部錯誤 - 設定檔複本的結尾有問題 INTERNAL Error - Unexpected end of the configuration copy
0xC100008E邏輯磁碟管理員無法讀取磁碟設定檔。 Logical Disk Manager could not read the disk configuration.
0xC100008F邏輯磁碟管理員無法寫入磁碟設定檔。 Logical Disk Manager could not write the disk configuration.
0xC1000090內部錯誤 - 無法解決關聯 INTERNAL Error - Association not resolved
0xC1000091內部錯誤 - 關聯計數不正確 INTERNAL Error - The association count is incorrect
0xC1000094內部錯誤 - 設定檔複本中的魔術數字不正確 INTERNAL Error - Invalid magic number in the configuration copy
0xC1000095內部錯誤 - 設定檔複本中的區塊數目不正確 INTERNAL Error - Invalid block number in the configuration copy
0xC1000096內部錯誤 - 找不到屬於這個磁碟群組的有效磁碟 INTERNAL Error - No valid disk belonging to the disk group was found
0xC1000097內部錯誤 - 設定檔中有重複記錄 INTERNAL Error - Duplicate records exist in the configuration
0xC1000098內部錯誤 - 設定檔中的記錄不一致 INTERNAL Error - The configuration records are inconsistent
0xC1000099內部錯誤 - 設定檔中沒有磁碟群組記錄 INTERNAL Error - No disk group record exists in the configuration
0xC100009A內部錯誤 - 暫存設定檔及永久設定檔不相符 INTERNAL Error - The temporary and permanent configurations do not match
0xC100009B內部錯誤 - 修復磁碟設定檔時發生變更 INTERNAL Error - The on-disk configuration changed during recovery
0xC100009E內部錯誤 - 核心檔中找不到需要的記錄 INTERNAL Error - A record that was expected was not found in the kernel
0xC100009F內部錯誤 - 記錄在核心檔中但不在設定檔中 INTERNAL Error - A record that exists in the kernel was not found in the configuration
0xC10000A0內部錯誤 - 設定檔記錄不符合核心檔記錄 INTERNAL Error - The configuration record does not match the kernel
0xC10000A1內部錯誤 - 核心檔及磁碟設定檔不相符 INTERNAL Error - The kernel and on-disk configurations do not match
0xC10000A2內部錯誤 - 磁碟公用區域太小 INTERNAL Error - The public region of the disk is too small
0xC10000A3內部錯誤 - 磁碟私人區域太小 INTERNAL Error - The private region of the disk is too small
0xC10000A4內部錯誤 - 磁碟私人區域已滿 INTERNAL Error - The private region of the disk is full
0xC10000A5內部錯誤 - 磁碟私人區域格式錯誤 INTERNAL Error - A format error was found in the private region of the disk
0xC10000A6內部錯誤 - 磁碟標頭不一致 INTERNAL Error - The disk has inconsistent disk headers
0xC10000A7內部錯誤 - 找不到磁碟標頭 INTERNAL Error - The disk header cannot be found
0xC10000A8內部錯誤 - 磁碟私人區域內容不正確 INTERNAL Error - The disk private region contents are not valid
0xC10000A9內部錯誤 - 不支援磁碟私人區域版本 INTERNAL Error - The disk private region version is not supported
0xC10000AA內部錯誤 - 磁碟群組中的磁碟不一致 INTERNAL Error - The disks in the disk group are inconsistent
0xC10000AB內部錯誤 - 無法透過重新初始磁碟來變更屬性 INTERNAL Error - The attribute cannot be changed by reinitializing the disk
0xC10000AC內部錯誤 - 磁碟已經初始化 INTERNAL Error - The disk has already been initialized
0xC10000AD內部錯誤 - 磁碟標頭指到有別名的磁碟分割 INTERNAL Error - The disk header indicates aliased partitions
0xC10000AE磁碟已被標記成共用,無法在基本邏輯磁碟管理員的產品中使用 The disk is marked as shared. It cannot be used in the base Logical Disk Management product.
0xC10000AF磁碟已被另一台電腦標記成使用中 The disk is marked as in use by another computer.
0xC10000B1內部錯誤 - 磁碟沒有公用磁碟分割 INTERNAL Error - The disk has no public partition
0xC10000B5邏輯磁碟管理員不支援這個磁區的大小 The disk sector size is not supported by Logical Disk Manager.
0xC10000B6內部錯誤 - 磁碟群組沒有正確的設定檔複本 INTERNAL Error - The disk group contains no valid configuration copies
0xC10000B7找不到指定的磁碟。 The specified disk cannot be located.
0xC10000B8內部錯誤 - 這個磁碟屬於其他磁碟群組 INTERNAL Error - The disk belongs to another disk group
0xC10000B9內部錯誤 - 網狀組織的等量磁碟區數目太大 INTERNAL Error - The stripe column number is too large for the plex
0xC10000BA內部錯誤 - 磁碟區沒有 RAID 讀取原則 INTERNAL Error - The volume does not have RAID read policy
0xC10000BB內部錯誤 - 磁碟區有 RAID 讀取原則 INTERNAL Error - The volume has RAID read policy
0xC10000BC內部錯誤 - 磁碟區已經有一個 RAID 網狀磁碟區 INTERNAL Error - The volume already has one RAID plex
0xC10000BE使用權已經到期,或不適用於操作。 The license has expired or is not available for the operation.
0xC10000C0內部錯誤 - 磁碟區沒有存放屬性 INTERNAL Error - The volume does not have the storage attribute
0xC10000C1內部錯誤 - 子磁碟被定義在磁碟區中 INTERNAL Error - The subdisk is defined on a volume
0xC10000C3內部錯誤 - 磁碟區長度太小無法容納子磁碟 INTERNAL Error - The volume length is too small to hold subdisks
0xC10000C4內部錯誤 - 磁碟區中已定義一些子磁碟 INTERNAL Error - One or more subdisks are defined on the volume
0xC10000C5這項操作無法執行,因為這會讓 RAID-5 磁碟區無法使用。 The operation is not allowed because it would make the RAID-5 volume unusable.
0xC10000C6這項操作無法執行,因為 RAID-5 磁碟區目前無法使用。 The operation is not allowed because the RAID-5 volume is currently unusable.
0xC10000C7內部錯誤 - 網狀磁碟區已停用 INTERNAL Error - The plex is disabled
0xC10000CC內部錯誤 - 記錄是由多重路徑磁碟來建立小計 INTERNAL Error - The record is subsumed by a multipath disk
0xC10000D1操作失敗,因為發生系統錯誤。 The operation was unsuccessful because a system error occurred.
0xC10000D2操作已取消,因為使用者要求中止。 The operation was canceled at the user's request.
0xC10000D3操作已取消,因為發生磁碟 I/O 錯誤 The operation was canceled due to a disk I/O error.
0xC10000D4內部錯誤 - 工作已刪除 INTERNAL Error - The task has been deleted
0xC10000D5這個操作需要一個可使用的磁碟區 This operation requires an usable volume.
0xC10000D6沒有足夠磁碟空間來滿足要求。 There is not enough free disk space to satisfy the request.
0xC10000D7內部錯誤 - 建立磁碟區的安裝程式已失敗 INTERNAL Error - The volume creation setup failed
0xC10000D8內部錯誤 - 建立鏡像磁碟區的安裝程式已失敗 INTERNAL Error - The mirrored volume creation setup failed
0xC10000DA內部錯誤 - 執行磁碟區增量的安裝程式已失敗 INTERNAL Error - The volume grow operation setup failed
0xC10000F8邏輯磁碟管理員無法為指定的磁碟區建立一個磁碟分割。 Logical Disk Manager could not create a partition for the specified volume.
0xC10000F9邏輯磁碟管理員並不支援轉換包含了傳統基本磁碟區的磁碟成動態。 Logical Disk Manager does not support conversion to dynamic for disks containing legacy basic volumes.
0xC10003E8邏輯磁碟管理員找不到主要磁碟群組 Logical Disk Manager could not find the primary disk group
0xC10003EA快取物件的類型不正確 The type of a cached object is not valid
0xC10003EB找不到快取物件 A cached object could not be found
0xC10003ED磁碟不屬於磁碟群組。 The disk does not belong to a disk group.
0xC10003F2無法完成要求,因為磁碟區開啟中或使用中。 The request cannot be completed because the volume is open or in use.
0xC10003F3您指定的磁碟區無法進行格式化,因為系統忙著格式化其他磁碟區。請等候系統完成格式化操作後再繼續。 The volume you specified cannot be formatted because the system is busy formatting another volume. Wait until that format operation is complete before continuing.
0xC10003F5磁碟管理嵌入式管理單元中的磁碟及磁碟區資訊已過期。您可以在磁碟管理嵌入式管理單元視窗中按 F5,來重新整理磁碟及磁碟區資訊,或在 [執行] 功能表選取 [重新掃描磁碟]。 The disk and volume information in the Disk Management snap-in is out of date. To refresh the disk and volume information, press F5 or select Refresh on the Action menu.
0xC10003F6操作並未完成,因為檔案系統不相容。 The operation did not complete because the file system is not compatible.
0xC10003F7操作並未完成,因為媒體不相容。 The operation did not complete because the media is not compatible.
0xC10003F8操作未完成,因為存取被拒絕。請檢查您的存取權。 The operation did not complete because access is denied. Check your access permissions.
0xC10003F9操作未完成,因為媒體有寫入保護。 The operation did not complete because the media is write-protected.
0xC10003FA操作未完成,因為提供的標籤不正確。 The operation did not complete because the label supplied is not valid.
0xC10003FB操作未完成,因為無法快速格式化磁碟區。 The operation did not complete because a quick format is not possible.
0xC10003FC操作尚未完成,因為發生 IO 錯誤。請查看系統事件記錄檔來取得詳細資料。 The operation did not complete because an I/O error occurred. Check the System Event Log for more information.
0xC10003FD這個操作需要將磁碟機代號指派給磁碟區。 The operation requires that a drive letter be assigned to the volume.
0xC10003FE要求無法完成,因為必需的檔案不存在。 The operation did not complete because the required file is not present.
0xC10003FF還原操作無法完成,因為磁碟片並未包含設定資訊,或是資訊已損毀。 The restore operation did not complete because either the floppy disk does not contain the configuration information or the information is corrupted.
0xC1000400無法指派磁碟機代號,因為磁碟機代號已在使用中。 The drive letter could not be assigned because it is already in use.
0xC1000401格式化並未成功地完成。 The format did not complete successfully.
0xC1000402邏輯磁碟管理員系統管理服務尚未準備好要接受連線。 The Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service is not ready yet to accept connections.
0xC1000403邏輯磁碟管理員無法加上系統磁碟分割的安全性。 Logical Disk Manager cannot secure the system partition.
0xC1000404邏輯磁碟管理員無法解除系統磁碟分割的安全性。 Logical Disk Manager cannot unsecure the system partition.
0xC1000405邏輯磁碟管理員無法關機。 Logical Disk Manager cannot shut down the system.
0xC1000406磁碟區容量太大,不適用於所選取的檔案系統。 The volume size is too big for the selected file system.
0xC1000407磁碟區容量太小,不適用於所選取的檔案系統。 The volume size is too small for the selected file system.
0xC1000408叢集大小太大,不適用於所選取的檔案系統。 The cluster size is too big for the selected file system.
0xC1000409叢集大小太小,不適用於所選取的檔案系統。 The cluster size is too small for the selected file system.
0xC1000411Windows 無法載入邏輯磁碟管理員設定程式庫 \"%1.dll\"。邏輯磁碟管理員可能無法正確安裝,或是系統資料夾可能已損毀。請連絡您的系統系統管理員要求協助。 Windows cannot load the following Logical Disk Manager configuration library: \"%1.dll\". Logical Disk Manager might not be properly installed, or the system folder might be corrupted. Contact your system administrator for assistance.
0xC1000412發生失敗的磁碟區不支援要求的操作。 The requested operation is not supported on failed volumes.
0xC1000413要求的操作無法完成,因為媒體有防寫保護。 The requested operation cannot be completed because the media is write-protected.
0xC1000414這個系統不支援動態磁碟。 Dynamic disks are not supported on this system.
0xC1000415所提供的路徑是檔案系統不支援的磁碟路徑。 The path provided is on a file system that does not support drive paths.
0xC1000416路徑無法用來建立磁碟路徑。可能是因為資料夾不存在,或路徑已經指到其他磁碟區。 The path cannot be used for creating a drive path likely because the folder does not exist or is already a drive path to some other volume.
0xC1000417路徑無法用來建立磁碟路徑,因為資料夾不是空的。 The path cannot be used for creating a drive path because the folder is not empty.
0xC1000418邏輯磁碟管理員無法刪除磁碟路徑。 Logical Disk Manager cannot delete the drive path.
0xC1000419路徑不正確,無法用來建立磁碟路徑。 The path is not valid and cannot be used for creating a drive path.
0xC100041B卸除式媒體不支援磁碟路徑。 Drive paths are not supported for removable media.
0xC100041C無法刪除磁碟機路徑,因為拒絕存取。 The drive path cannot be deleted because access is denied.
0xC100041D無法完成該操作,因為磁碟分割或磁碟區未啟用。若要啟用磁碟分割或磁碟區,請重新啟動電腦。 The operation did not complete because the partition or volume is not enabled. To enable the partition or volume, restart the computer.
0xC100041E無法完成格式化操作,因為叢集數目比預期還要多。 The format operation did not complete because the cluster count is higher than expected.
0xC1000421邏輯磁碟管理員系統管理服務已經停用。 The Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service is disabled.
0xC1000422邏輯磁碟管理員無法為在目標磁碟上的任何開機磁碟分割更新開機檔案。檢查您 boot.ini 檔案或透過 bootcfg.exe 公用程式的 arcpath 清單。 Logical Disk Manager could not update the boot file for any boot partitions on the target disk. Verify your arcpath listings in file boot.ini or through the bootcfg.exe utility.
0xC1000423磁碟設定操作沒有完成。查閱系統事件記錄檔以取得錯誤的詳細資訊。在重新嘗試之前確認您的存放裝置的狀態。如果這樣無法解決問題,關閉磁碟管理主控台,然後重新啟動磁碟管理或重新啟動電腦。 The disk configuration operation did not complete. Check the System Event Log for more information on the error. Verify the status of your storage devices before retrying. If that does not solve the problem, close the Disk Management console, then restart Disk Management or restart the computer.
0xC1000424目標磁碟的 Arcpath 資訊不存在。要不磁碟是在開機之後才新增的,或著是目標磁碟的控制器上的 SCSI BIOS 已停用了。無法更新開機檔案。檢查您 boot.ini 檔案或透過 bootcfg.exe 公用程式的 arcpath 清單。 Arcpath information for the target disk does not exist. Either the disk was added after booting, or the SCSI BIOS is disabled on the target disk's controller. Unable to update the boot file. Verify your arcpath listings in file boot.ini or through the bootcfg.exe utility.
0xC1000425為磁碟區延伸檔案系統失敗。 Failed to extend the file system for the volume.
0xC1000426您已將開機磁碟區鏡像成 MBR 磁碟。您將無法從 MBR 磁碟開機。 You have mirrored a boot volume to an MBR disk. You will not be able to boot from the MBR disk.
0xC1000427在新增或移除磁碟分割後快取尚未完全更新。請重試操作。 The cache has not completely updated after adding or removing partitions. Retry the operation.
0xC10007CA操作沒有完成。檢查事件記錄檔以取得錯誤的詳細資料。 The operation did not complete. Check the System Event Log for more information on the error.
0xC10007CB操作沒有完成。檢查事件記錄檔以取得錯誤的詳細資料。重試操作可能修復問題。 The operation did not complete. Check the System Event Log for more information on the error. Retrying the operation may fix the problem.
0xC10007CC操作沒有完成。檢查事件記錄檔以取得錯誤的詳細資料。關閉磁碟管理主控台,然後再重試操作之前重新啟動磁碟管理。 The operation did not complete. Check the System Event Log for more information on the error. Close the Disk Management console, then restart Disk Management before retrying the operation.
0xC10007CD操作沒有完成。檢查事件記錄檔以取得錯誤的詳細資料。再重試操作之前重新啟動電腦。 The operation did not complete. Check the System Event Log for more information on the error. Restart the computer before retrying the operation.
0xC10007CE沒有動態磁碟。 No dynamic disks are present.
0xC10007CF發生內部錯誤。請關閉 [磁碟管理] 主控台,然後重新啟動 [磁碟管理],或重新啟動電腦。 An internal error has occurred. Close the Disk Management console, then restart Disk Management or restart the computer.
0xC10007D0這個磁碟區包含一個分頁檔。 This volume contains a pagefile.
0xC10007D1這個磁碟區是標記成一個使用中的 (系統) 磁碟區。 This volume is marked as an active (system) volume.
0xC10007D2這個磁碟區是設定成會保留一個損毀傾印檔案。 This volume is configured to hold a crashdump file.
0xC10007D3無法完成要求因為磁碟區是開啟的或是使用中。它可能是被設成是一個系統、開機、或分頁檔磁碟區,或是要保留一個損毀傾印檔案。 The request cannot be completed because the volume is open or in use. It may be configured as a system, boot, or pagefile volume, or, to hold a crashdump file.
0xC10007D4您已將開機磁碟區鏡像成 GPT 磁碟。您將無法從 GPT 磁碟開機。 You have mirrored a boot volume to a GPT disk. You will not be able to boot from the GPT disk.


File Name:dmutil.dll.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:邏輯磁碟管理員公用程式程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:dmutil.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:dmutil.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is dmutil.dll.mui?

dmutil.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file dmutil.dll (邏輯磁碟管理員公用程式程式庫).

File version info

File Description:邏輯磁碟管理員公用程式程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:dmutil.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:dmutil.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200