Vault.dll.mui Upravljačka ploča sefa sustava Windows 7e99da9ea1e7a2aeaf2d82de4465c64d

File info

File name: Vault.dll.mui
Size: 18944 byte
MD5: 7e99da9ea1e7a2aeaf2d82de4465c64d
SHA1: c4629c8eb4fe64a527b3280a4991b3c7724d31a7
SHA256: cd0daff6e2d954a5cea528ce0862f6b870b8884c2aab8042f30baf3127fa58e8
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Croato-Serbian (Latin) English
1Upravitelj vjerodajnica Credential Manager
2Upravljajte vjerodajnicama za Windows. Manage your Windows credentials.
5Korisnički računi User Accounts
7Sadrži web-vjerodajnice. Contains web credentials.
8Sadrži vjerodajnice za računala, web-mjesta i programe. Contains credentials for computers, websites, and programs.
11Danas Today
32Brisanje web-vjerodajnica Delete Web Credential
33Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati te web-vjerodajnice? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this web credential?
35Adresa web-mjesta (URL): %1 Website address (URL): %1
36Korisničko ime: %1 User name: %1
43Pokaži Show
44Sakrij Hide
82Izbriši vjerodajnicu za Windows Delete Windows Credential
83Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati te vjerodajnice za Windows? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this Windows credential?
84Internetska ili mrežna adresa: %1 Internet or network address: %1
86Upišite adresu web-mjesta ili mrežnog mjesta i svoje vjerodajnice Type the address of the website or network location and your credentials
87&U redu &OK
88Uređivanje vjerodajnice za Windows Edit Windows credential
89&Spremi &Save
90Već postoji vjerodajnica sustava Windows za isti resurs u %1 There is already a Windows credential for the same resource in %1
91Kliknite odgovarajuću akciju na popisu u nastavku Click the appropriate action below
92Zamijeni postojeću vjerodajnicu za Windows
Ta će vjerodajnica za Windows u sefu zamijeniti postojeću vjerodajnicu za Windows.
Replace the existing Windows credential
This Windows credential will replace the existing Windows credential in the vault.
93Nemoj zamijeniti postojeću vjerodajnicu za Windows
Uredite vjerodajnicu za Windows da biste promijenili resurs.
Don't replace existing Windows credential
Edit the Windows credential to change the resource.
94Dodaj vjerodajnicu za Windows Add a Windows Credential
95Izbriši vjerodajnicu utemeljenu na certifikatu Delete Certificate-Based Credential
96Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati tu vjerodajnicu utemeljenu na certifikatu? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this certificate-based credential?
98Dobio: %1 Issued to: %1
99Izdao: %1 Issued by: %1
100U %1 već postoji vjerodajnica utemeljena na certifikatu za isti resurs There is already a certificate-based credential for the same resource in %1
102Zamijeni postojeću vjerodajnicu utemeljenu na certifikatu.
Ta će vjerodajnica utemeljena na certifikatu u sefu zamijeniti postojeću vjerodajnicu utemeljenu na certifikatu.
Replace the existing certificate-based credential.
This certificate-based credential will replace the existing certificate-based credential in the vault.
103Nemoj zamijeniti postojeću vjerodajnicu utemeljenu na certifikatu
Uredite vjerodajnicu utemeljenu na certifikatu da biste promijenili resurs.
Don't replace existing certificate-based credential
Edit the certificate-based credential to change the resource.
104Dodaj vjerodajnicu utemeljenu na certifikatu Add a Certificate-Based Credential
105Stavka sefa Vault Item
106Nije navedeno Not specified
107Izbriši drugu stavku Delete Other Item
108Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati tu stavku? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this item?
109Vrsta: %1 Type: %1
110Nakon brisanja ove stavke aplikacija koja ju je stvorila možda više neće moći koristiti podatke pohranjene u njoj. After deleting this item the application that created this item may no longer be able to use the information stored in it.
120Nije dostupno Not Available
123%1 (interaktivna prijava) %1 (Interactive logon)
124%1 (skupna prijava) %1 (Batch logon)
125%1 (prijava putem servisa) %1 (Service logon)
126%1 (identitet u sustavu Windows) %1 (Windows identity)
127Odabir certifikata Select Certificate
128Odaberite certifikat pametne kartice koji želite koristiti za resurs. Select the smart card certificate that you want to use for the resource.
134Izbriši generičke vjerodajnice Delete Generic Credential
135Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno izbrisati tu generičku vjerodajnicu? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this Generic credential?
138Upišite adresu web-mjesta i podatke o vjerodajnici Type the website address and your credential information
140Uređivanje generičkih vjerodajnica Edit Generic credential
142Generičke vjerodajnice Generic credential
143Sesija prijave Logon Session
144Lokalno računalo Local computer
145Tvrtka Enterprise
146Nepoznato Unknown
151Postavke roaminga Roaming Settings
152da yes
153ne no
154Nepoznata aplikacija (%1) Unknown App (%1)
155Nije valjano Invalid
311Uredi vjerodajnicu za Windows Edit Windows Credential
315Dodaj generičke vjerodajnice Add a Generic Credential
317Provjerite vjerodajnice za prikaz pohranjenih lozinki Please verify your credentials to view the stored passwords
350Pokaži detalje Show details
351Sakrij detalje Hide details
352Kôd pogreške: %1 Error code: %1
353Poruka o pogrešci: %1 Error Message: %1
354Pogreška upravitelja vjerodajnica Credential Manager Error
355Pojavila se pogreška pri izvođenju ove akcije. An error occurred while performing this action.
356Sef je trenutno zaključan. Otključajte ga, a zatim pokušajte ponovno. The vault is currently locked. Unlock the vault and then try again.
357Nije moguće pronaći sef ili stavku. Osvježite stranicu, a zatim pokušajte ponovno. The vault or item cannot be found. Refresh the page and try again.
358Servis upravitelja vjerodajnica nije pokrenut. Ručno pokrenite servis pomoću dodatnog alata Servisi ili ponovno pokrenite računalo da biste pokrenuli servis. The Credential Manager Service is not running. You can start the service manually using the Services snap-in or restart your computer to start the service.
359Sef je trenutno zauzet. Zatvorite druge dijaloške okvire sefa i pokušajte ponovno. The vault is currently busy. Please close other Vault dialogs and try again.
360Na tom mjestu nema sefova. Pokušajte na nekom drugom mjestu. This location does not contain any vaults. Try another location.
361Otključavanje sefa nije moguće. Pokušajte koristiti neki drugi sef. The vault cannot be unlocked. Try using a different vault.
362Te informacije nije moguće spremiti. Provjerite jesu li informacije točne i jesu li ispunjena sva polja. This information cannot be saved. Make sure the information is correct and that all required fields are completed.
363Informacije nije moguće spremiti. Provjerite jesu li informacije točne i jesu li ispunjena sva polja. The information cannot be saved. Make sure the information is correct and that all required fields are completed.
364Nije moguće spremiti vjerodajnice. Da biste vjerodajnice spremili u ovaj sef, provjerite konfiguraciju računala. Unable to save credentials. To save credentials in this vault, check your computer configuration.
365U tom sefu nema dovoljno raspoloživog prostora za dodavanje vjerodajnica. Izbrišite neke postojeće vjerodajnice ili stvorite novi sef, zatim u njega dodajte ovu vjerodajnicu. There is not enough space available in this vault to add credentials. Delete some existing credentials or create a new vault, and add this credential to that vault.
366Mjesto sefa nije pronađeno. Ako se odabrano mjesto nalazi na izmjenjivom uređaju, provjerite je li uređaj priključen. The vault location could not be found. If the selected location is on a removable device, make sure that the device is connected.
367Mjesto nije pronađeno. Ako se odabrano mjesto nalazi na izmjenjivom uređaju, provjerite je li uređaj priključen. The location could not be found. If the selected location is on a removable device, ensure that the device is connected.
368Nemate dozvolu za spremanje datoteka na to mjesto. Odaberite neko drugo mjesto. You do not have permission to save files to this location. Select a different location.
369Nema dovoljno prostora za spremanje sefa na to mjesto. Izbrišite neke datoteke s tog mjesta, a zatim pokušajte ponovno ili odaberite neko drugo mjesto. There is not enough space to save the vault to this location. Delete some files from this location and try again or select a different location.
370Korisničko je ime predugačko ili nije u odgovarajućem obliku. Provjerite duljinu i oblik korisničkog imena. The user name is too long or not in the correct format. Check the length and format of the user name.
511Ukloni Remove
514Web-lozinke Web Passwords
515Web-adresa Web Address
516Nema web-lozinki. No web passwords.
517Spremio: Saved By:
527Roaming: Roaming:
550Upravljanje vjerodajnicama Manage your credentials
551Pogledajte i izbrišite spremljene podatke za prijavu na web-mjesta, u povezane aplikacije i na mreže. View and delete your saved logon information for websites, connected applications and networks.
565Naslov naziva vjerodajnica Credential Title Name
568Adresa web-mjesta (URL): Website address (URL):
569Web-mjesto Web site
570Korisničko ime: User name:
571Korisničko ime User name
572Lozinka: Password:
573•••••••• ••••••••
653&Stvori sigurnosne kopije vjerodajnica &Back up Credentials
654&Vrati vjerodajnice &Restore Credentials
655Vjerodajnice za Windows Windows Credentials
657Nema vjerodajnica za Windows. No Windows credentials.
659Izmijenjeno Modified
660Izmijenjeno: Modified:
661Internetska ili mrežna adresa: Internet or network address:
662Cilj Target
667Uredi Edit
670Vjerodajnice utemeljene na certifikatu Certificate-Based Credentials
672Nema certifikata. No certificates.
685Internetska ili mrežna adresa Internet or network address
689&Odustani Ca&ncel
690Poslužitelj Server
691Dobio: Issued to:
692Dobio Issued to
693Izdao: Issued by:
694Izdao Issued by
695Datum isteka: Expiration date:
696Istek Expiration
697Datum izdavanja: Issued on:
698Vrijedi od Valid from
713Upišite adresu web-mjesta ili mrežnog mjesta i odaberite certifikat Type the address of the website or network location and select a certificate
715Certifikat: Certificate:
724O&dabir certifikata &Select certificate
727Ostale stavke Other Items
728Naziv vjerodajnice Credential Name
731Vrsta: Type:
732Naziv sheme Schema name
733Napomena: ovu je stavku stvorio neki drugi program. Za prikaz ili uređivanje detalja vezanih uz tu stavku koristite taj program. Note: This item has been created by another program. Please use the program to view or edit details related to this item.
760Koristi se certifikat: Using certificate:
761Provjerite mogu li se upisano korisničko ime i lozinka koristiti za pristup mjestu. Make sure that the user name and password that you type can be used to access the location.
762Da biste koristili certifikat u vjerodajnici utemeljenoj na certifikatu, on mora biti spremljen u vaše osobno spremište u upravitelju certifikata. To use a certificate in a certificate-based credential, it needs to be saved in your Personal store in Certificate Manager.
763Odabrani certifikat: Selected Certificate:
764Otvorite upravitelj certifikata Open the Certificate Manager
765Vjerodajnice za sustav Windows onemogućio je administrator sustava. Windows credentials have been disabled by your system administrator.
766Vjerodajnice na temelju certifikata onemogućio je administrator sustava. Certificate-based credentials have been disabled by your system administrator.
767Resurs: Resource:
768Resurs Resource
769Identitet: Identity:
770Identitet Identity
795Uređivanje Edit
799Nema generičkih vjerodajnica. No generic credentials.
800Generičke je vjerodajnice onemogućio administrator sustava. Generic credentials have been disabled by your system administrator.
809Postojanost: Persistence:
810Postojanost Persistence
816(npr. mojposlužitelj, posluž (e.g. myserver,


File Name:Vault.dll.mui
File Size:18 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:18432
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Croato-Serbian (Latin)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Upravljačka ploča sefa sustava Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Vault
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original File Name:Vault.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is Vault.dll.mui?

Vault.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Croato-Serbian (Latin) language for file Vault.dll (Upravljačka ploča sefa sustava Windows).

File version info

File Description:Upravljačka ploča sefa sustava Windows
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Vault
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original Filename:Vault.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x41A, 1200