aclui.dll.mui 安全描述符编辑器 7db211cc359bcc072cebc7262d3b707c

File info

File name: aclui.dll.mui
Size: 33280 byte
MD5: 7db211cc359bcc072cebc7262d3b707c
SHA1: 457c8b28977c502a78c471d282a7a3bedebdc23d
SHA256: 0f39cec72355593a4b10f138bfaa830b96d4866022efac075f07fd3262e803f1
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
1Windows 安全 Windows Security
2名称 Name
3查看(&V)... &View...
5可用的内存不足,无法完成要求的操作。 Not enough memory is available to complete the requested operation.
6无法完成要求的操作。%n%n%1 Unable to complete the requested operation.%n%n%1
9无法显示用户选项对话。%n%n%1 Unable to display the user selection dialog.%n%n%1
10找不到要显示的用户名。 Unable to lookup user names for display.
11这将使用来自 %1 的可继承权限替换此对象的所有子对象的明确定义权限。

This will replace explicitly defined permissions on all descendants of this object with inheritable permissions from %1.

Do you wish to continue?
12%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
13%2 %1 %2 %1
14\\%1\%2 \\%1\%2
15代码: 0x%1!08x! %2 Code: 0x%1!08x! %2
17无法保存对 %2 权限所作的更改。%n%n%1 Unable to save permission changes on %2.%n%n%1
18%1 上的权限顺序不正确,可能导致某些数据项无法作用。 The permissions on %1 are incorrectly ordered, which may cause some entries to be ineffective.
19你已经拒绝“任何人”组访问 %1。没人能访问 %1,只有所有者才能更改权限。

You have denied the Everyone group access to %1. No one will be able to access %1 and only the owner will be able to change the permissions.

Do you want to continue?
20因为 %1 从其父系继承权限,你无法删除此对象。要删除 %1,你必须阻止对象继承权限。关闭继承权限的选项,然后重试删除 %1。 You can't remove %1 because this object is inheriting permissions from its parent. To remove %1, you must prevent this object from inheriting permissions. Turn off the option for inheriting permissions, and then try removing %1 again.
21你没有权限查看 %1 的目前权限设置,但是你可以更改权限。 You do not have permission to view the current permission settings for %1, but you can make permission changes.

You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s permission settings.

To take ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, click Advanced.

You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s permission settings.

To change auditing settings of the object, click Advanced.

You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s permission settings.

To take ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, or to change auditing settings, click Advanced.
25你没有权限查看或编辑这个对象的权限设置。 You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s permission settings.
26无法保存对 %2 的审核更改。%n%n%1 Unable to save auditing changes on %2.%n%n%1
27这台计算机目前的审核策略没有接入审核。如果该计算机从域中获取审核策略,请让域管理员用“组策略编辑器”接入审核。否则,请管理员用“本地计算机策略编辑器”,在这台计算机上就地配置审核策略。 The current Audit Policy for this computer does not have auditing turned on. If this computer gets audit policy from the domain, please ask a domain administrator to turn on auditing using Group Policy Editor. Otherwise, use the Local Computer Policy Editor to configure the audit policy locally on this computer.
28你只有查看 %1 上的当前所有者的权限。 You only have permission to view the current owner on %1.
29无法在 %2 上设置新的所有者。%n%n%1 Unable to set new owner on %2.%n%n%1
30无法显示当前所有者。 Unable to display current owner.
You are setting a deny permissions entry. Deny entries take precedence over allow entries. This means that if a user is a member of two groups, one that is allowed a permission and another that is denied the same permission, the user is denied that permission.
Do you want to continue?
32%1 的权限 Permissions for %1
33%1的高级安全设置 Advanced Security Settings for %1
34%1 的权限项目 Permission Entry for %1
35%1 的审核项目 Auditing Entry for %1
36属性 Properties
37类型 Type
39权限 Permission
40应用于 Apply To
43访问 Access
45要查看权限项的详细信息,请选择该项,然后单击“查看”。 To view details for a permission entry, select the entry and then click View.
46要查看审核项的详细信息,请选择该项,然后单击“查看”。 To view details for an auditing entry, select the entry and then click View.
48允许 Allow
49拒绝 Deny
50审核 Audit
51警报 Alarm
52未知 Unknown
53特殊 Special
54成功 Success
55失败 Fail
56全部 All
57读属性 Read property
58写属性 Write property
59读/写属性 Read/write property
60只是这个对象 This object only
61该对象和子对象 This object and child objects
62只是子对象 Child objects only
63 Nothing
76特殊权限 Special permissions
77不能在此定义特殊权限。请使用高级页面定义特殊权限。 Special permissions can't be defined here. Use Advanced page to define special permissions.
78你没有权限查看 %1 的当前权限设置。它无法确定你是否有权限进行更改。允许权限更改但不能保证更改可以成功应用。 You do not have permission to view the current permission settings for %1. It can not be determined if you have the permission to make changes. Permission changes will be allowed but it can not be guaranteed that the changes will successfully apply.
One or more of selected permissions are inherited from parent. Inherited permissions can't be deleted at this object.
Do you want to delete other selected permissions.
85%1 的权限(&P) &Permissions for %1
86继承于 Inherited From
87父对象 Parent Object
89Windows 无法为 %1 计算有效权限。 Windows can't calculate the effective permissions for %1.
90删除的帐户(%1) Account Deleted(%1)
91未知帐户(%1) Account Unknown(%1)
92这个对象类型没有对象权限。 Object Permissions are not available for this object type.
93你所作的更改导致了访问控件列表超出最大值。你必须删除大约 %1 个访问控件项目,才能保存这些更改。
The change you just made resulted in an access control list that exceeds the maximum size. You must remove approximately %1 access control entries before the changes can be saved.
94访问控件列表大小超出最大值。你必须删除大约 %1 个访问控件项目,才能保存这些更改或打开高级页面。
The access control list size exceeds the maximum size. You must remove approximately %1 access control entries before the changes can be saved or the advanced page can be opened.
95你即将进行的更改将把 %1 个审核项目添加到访问控制列表中。 The change you are about to make will result in %1 auditing entries being added to the access control list.
96你即将进行的更改将把 %1 个权限添加到访问控制列表中。 The change you are about to make will result in %1 permissions being added to the access control list.
97由于这些审核项目会传播到子对象,进行此更改将需要更多的存储和评估时间。这个容器在目录结构中的位置越高,性能降低得就越严重。 Because these auditing entries propagate to child objects, making this change will require more storage and time to evaluate. The higher this container is in the directory hierarchy, the more significant the performance degradation.
98由于这些权限会传播到子对象,进行此更改将需要更多的存储和评估时间。这个容器在目录结构中的位置越高,性能降低得就越严重。 Because these permissions propagate to child objects, making this change will require more storage and time to evaluate. The higher this container is in the directory hierarchy, the more significant the performance degradation.
99考虑用更少的、更具包容性的审核项目替换以上审核项目,不将审核项目应用于子对象,或者不进行此更改。 Consider either replacing the above auditing entries with fewer, more inclusive auditing entries, not applying the auditing entries to child objects, or not proceeding with this change.
100考虑用更少、更具包容性的权限来替换以上权限,不将权限应用到子对象,或者不进行此更改。 Consider either replacing the above permissions with fewer, more inclusive permissions, not applying the permissions to child objects, or not proceeding with this change.
103你即将时行的更改将把 %1 个审核项目添加到访问控制列表中。 The change you are about to make will result in %1 auditing entries being added to the access control list.
104考虑用更少、更包容的审核项目来替换以上审核项目,不将审核项目应用到子对象;或者根本就不进行更改。 Consider either replacing these auditing entries with fewer, more inclusive auditing entries, not applying the auditing entries to child objects, or not proceeding with this change.
105考虑用更少、更包容的权限来替换以上权限,不将权限应用到子对象;或者根本就不进行更改。 Consider either replacing these permissions with fewer, more inclusive permissions, not applying the permissions to child objects, or not proceeding with this change.
You are about to add a disabled object. If you want to add an enabled object, try selecting the object from another location.
108其他用户和组 (双击以添加)... Other users and groups (double-click to add)...
109附加到 %1 的一个或多个审核项目具有未识别的类型而且无法显示。 One or more of the auditing entries attached to %1 has an unrecognized type and can not be displayed.
111无法在 %1 设置新的所有者。你没有设置该用户/组作为所有者所需的还原特权。 Unable to set new owner on %1. You do not have the Restore privilege required to set this user/group as owner.
112你拒绝了所有用户访问 %1。没有人能访问 %1,而且只有所有者才能更改权限。

You have denied all users access to %1. No one will be able to access %1 and only the owner will be able to change the permissions.

Do you want to continue?
113如果你刚获得此对象的所有权,在查看或更改权限之前,你将需关闭并重新打开此对象的属性。 If you have just taken ownership of this object, you will need to close and reopen this object's properties before you can view or change permissions.
115所有组或用户均不具有访问此对象的权限。但是该对象的所有者可以分配权限。 No groups or users have permission to access this object. However, the owner of this object can assign permissions.

警告: 这可能是一个安全风险,因为访问该对象的任何人都可以拥有它的所有权。该对象的所有者应该尽快分配权限。
No permissions have been assigned for this object.

Warning: this is a potential security risk because anyone who can access this object can take ownership of it. The object’s owner should assign permissions as soon as possible.
117附加到 %1 的一个或多个权限项目包含不能识别的类型,无法显示。 One or more of the permission entries attached to %1 has an unrecognized type and can not be displayed.
ISecurityInformation3 界面尚未实现。
To display the requested security information on this page, the software developer needs to fix the following problem:
ISecurityInformation3 interface is not implemented.

You must have Read permissions to view the properties of this object.

Click Continue to attempt the operation with administrative permissions.
121继续(&C) &Continue

You do not have permission to view this object’s security properties, even as an administrative user.

To try taking ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, click Advanced.

You must be an administrator or have been given the appropriate privileges to view the auditing properties of this object.

Do you want to continue?
To display the requested security information on this page, the software developer needs to fix the following problem:
Invalid combination of display options.


You do not have permission to view this object’s security properties, even as an administrative user.

To try taking ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, click Change above.

To display the requested security information on this page, the software developer needs to fix the following problem:
Full object name is empty.


You do not have privileges to view this object’s auditing properties, even as an administrative user.

To try taking ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, click Change above.

128你没有权限查看这个对象的所有者,即使你是管理用户。 You do not have permission to view this object’s owner, even as an administrative user.
129无法打开访问控制编辑器。%1 Can't open access control editor. %1

You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s permission settings. To try again using a different administrator account, close this dialog box and log on using the other account.

To try changing or viewing this object's auditing settings, click Advanced.

You do not have permission to view this object’s security properties. To view its security properties, you can try taking ownership of the object. As the owner, you can also control who gets permissions on the object. Please note that once you take ownership, the previous owner might not have access to the object.

Try taking ownership of the object, select an account from the list, and then click OK.
132若要查看某个权限项目的详细信息,请双击该项目。若要修改权限,请单击“更改权限”。 To view details of a permission entry, double-click the entry. To modify permissions, click Change Permissions.
133中央策略 Central Policy
134共享 Share
135阻止继承 Block Inheritance
136你要对目前继承的权限采取何种操作? What would you like to do with the current inherited permissions?
137你将要阻止此对象继承权限,这意味着从父对象中继承的权限不再适用于此对象。 You are about to block inheritance to this object, which means that permissions inherited from a parent object will no longer be applied to this object.
138将已继承的权限转换为此对象的显式权限。 Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object.
139从此对象中删除所有已继承的权限。 Remove all inherited permissions from this object.
141你将要阻止此对象继承权限,这意味着可继承的审核项目将不再传播到此对象。 You are about to block inheritance to this object, which means that inheritable auditing entries will no longer propagate to this object.
142转换并添加继承的审核项目作为此对象上的显式审核项目。 Convert and add inherited auditing entries as explicit auditing entries on this object.
143从此对象中删除所有继承的审核项目。 Remove all inherited auditing entries from this object.
145没有中心访问策略 No Central Access Policy
146对象权限 Object permissions
147有效访问 Effective Access
148保存更改 Save Changes
149是否要保存更改? Would you like to save your changes?
150你选择的操作需要管理权限。请在保存更改后继续操作,否则所做更改将被丢弃。 The action you selected requires administrative permissions. Save your changes before proceeding, otherwise your changes will be discarded.
152放弃更改 Discard changes
153你没有权限查看或编辑此对象的审核设置。 You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s audit settings.
154你要对目前继承的审核项目采取何种操作? What would you like to do with the current inherited auditing entries?
155%1 (继承的) %1 (inherited)
156此规则应用于: This rule applies to:
157权限条目: Permission entries:
158所有对象 All objects

You must have Read permissions to view the properties of this object.

Click Advanced to continue.
160请求的安全信息不可用或无法显示。 The requested security information is either unavailable or can’t be displayed.
161若要更改适用于此对象的中心访问策略(可能包括查看其属性的权限),请转到“中心策略”选项卡。 To change the Central Access Policy applicable to the object, which may include permission to view its properties, go to the Central Policy tab.
162正在检索共享安全信息... Retrieving share security information...
1000完整性级别: Integrity level:
1001名称: Name:
1003安全设置 Security settings
1004确定 OK
1005取消 Cancel
1006应用(&A) &Apply
1007所有者: Owner:
1008选择主体 Select a principal
1009替换子容器和对象的所有者 Replace owner on subcontainers and objects
1010此共享的网络位置: Network location for this share:
1014主体 Principal
1018更改权限 Change permissions
1019添加(&D) A&dd
1020删除(&R) &Remove
1021编辑(&E) &Edit
1022查看(&V) &View
1023还原默认值(&S) Re&store defaults
1027切换 Expando Toggle Expando
1028显示或隐藏中心访问规则信息 Show or hide Central Access Rule information
1029继续(&N) Co&ntinue
1033主体: Principal:
1035类型: Type:
1036应用于: Applies to:
1037显示基本权限 Show basic permissions
1038显示高级权限 Show advanced permissions
1039权限: Permissions:
1040全部清除 Clear all
1041属性: Properties:
1042仅将这些权限应用到此容器中的对象和/或容器(&T) Only apply &these permissions to objects and/or containers within this container
1044添加条件(&D) A&dd a condition
1045删除 Remove
1046分组(&G) &Group
1047取消分组(&U) &Ungroup
1049属性类型 Attribute Type
1050属性名称 Attribute Name
1051运算符 Operator
1052属性值 Attribute Value
1053通过使用有效访问,你可以查看用户、组或设备帐户的有效权限。如果帐户是域成员,则还可以评估可能会向帐户的安全令牌中执行添加操作所产生的影响。在评估添加组的影响时,必须单独添加目标组所属的任何组。 Effective Access allows you to view the effective permissions for a user, group, or device account. If the account is a member of a domain, you can also evaluate the impact of potential additions to the security token for the account. When you evaluate the impact of adding a group, any group that the intended group is a member of must be added separately.
1054用户/组: User/ Group:
1055选择用户(&U) Select a &user
1056包括用户声明(&I) &Include a user claim
1057设备: Device:
1058选择设备(&L) Se&lect a device
1059包括设备声明(&M) Include a device clai&m
1062访问限制 Access limited by
1064条件: Condition:
1065此策略包含以下规则: This policy includes the following rules:
1067包括用户声明 Include a user claim
1069包括设备声明 Include a device claim
1073审核项目: Auditing entries:
1075更改主体 Change Principal
1077选择用户 Select a user
1078选择设备 Select a device
1079如需其他信息,请双击权限项目。若要修改权限项目,请选择该项目并单击“编辑”(如果可用)。 For additional information, double-click a permission entry. To modify a permission entry, select the entry and click Edit (if available).
1081有关其他信息,请双击审核项目。若要修改审核项目,请选择该项目并单击“编辑”(如果可用)。 For additional information, double-click an audit entry. To modify an audit entry, select the entry and click Edit (if available).
1084使用可从此对象继承的权限项目替换所有子对象的权限项目(&P) Re&place all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object
1085使用可从此对象继承的审核项目替换所有子对象的审核项目(&P) Re&place all child object auditing entries with inheritable auditing entries from this object
1086查看有效访问(&F) View e&ffective access
1087查看有效访问 View effective access
1088添加新条件 Add a new condition
1089删除此条件 Remove this condition
1090将所选条件分组 Group selected conditions
1091将所选条件取消分组 Ungroup selected conditions
1095完整性级别 Integrity level
1102添加项目 Add items
1103选择组 Select group
1105资源属性 Resource Properties
1107禁用继承(&I) Disable &inheritance
1108启用继承(&I) Enable &inheritance
1109若要修改共享权限,请从此共享的网络位置中使用共享向导。 To modify share permissions, use the Share Wizard from the network location for this share.
1110关闭 Close
1111属性选择 Attribute Choice
1113标签容器 Label container
1114标签 Label
1115属性列表 Property list
1116所有者 Owner
1118中心访问规则内容 Central Access Rule Content
1120中心访问策略 Central Access Policies
1123应用到: Apply to:
1126基于属性的表达式 Attribute based expression
1128用户/组选择 User/Group Selection
1129设备选择 Device Selection
1130有效权限项目 Effective Permission Entry
1131已允许 Allowed
1132已拒绝 Denied
1133声明选择 Claim Selection
1134= =
1135等于 Equals
1137选择摘要 Selection Summary
1138打开 Open
1141删除声明 Remove claim
1142主体图标 Principal Icon
1146继承 Inheritence
1148仅将这些审核设置应用到此容器中的对象和/或容器(&T) Only apply &these auditing settings to objects and/or containers within this container
1149还原默认所有者 Restore default owner
1151更改 Change
1153描述: Description:
1154描述 Description
1157选择条件 Select Condition
1159单击“更改”以查看可应用于此对象的可用中心访问策略,或查看下面已应用的中心访问策略的详细信息。 Click Change to view available Central Access Policies that can be applied to this object, or view details of the applied Central Access Policy below.
1160添加条件以限制访问。仅当满足条件时,才授予主体指定的权限。 Add a condition to limit access. The principal will be granted the specified permissions only if conditions are met.
1164添加条件以指定此中心访问规则适用的资源及你要应用的任何其他限制。如果不指定任何限制,则此中心访问规则将应用于所有资源。 Add a condition to specify the resource this Central Access Rule applies to and any additional restrictions that you want to apply. If you do not specify any restrictions, this Central Access Rule will be applied to all resources.
1166访问控制项 Access control entries
1167访问控制项列表。 List of access control entries.
1168若要修改共享权限,请选择项目并单击“编辑”。 To modify share permissions, select the entry and click Edit.
1169无对象权限 No Object Permissions
1170此对象类型没有对象权限。 Object Permissions are not available for this object type.
1172管理分组(&M) &Manage grouping
1173管理条件分组 Manage grouping of conditions
1175更改(&C) &Change
1176添加条件以限制此审核项目的范围。仅当满足条件时才记录安全事件。 Add a condition to limit the scope of this auditing entry. Security events will be logged only if conditions are met.
1178 Group
1179条件组 Group of conditions
1180信息消息图标 Informational message icon
1181警告消息图标 Warning message icon
1182错误消息图标 Error message icon
1186未指定描述 No description specified
1188从下拉列表中选择值 Select value(s) from dropdown
1189基本权限: Basic permissions:
1190高级权限: Advanced permissions:
1191其他组 Additional Groups
1192包括组成员身份 Include group membership
1196中央策略: Central Policy:
1197操作 Action
1198用户操作 User Action
6039必须应用权限更改才能将其用于计算有效访问。 Permission changes must be applied before they can be used to calculate effective access.
6040已禁用从父容器继承权限。 Inheritance of permissions from parent container has been disabled.
6041无法联系 Active Directory 以访问或验证声明类型。 Unable to contact Active Directory to access or verify claim types.
6042无法为当前的中心访问策略联系 Active Directory。 Unable to contact Active Directory for current Central Access Policies.
6043无法检索中心访问策略。请稍后重试或联系你的管理员以获取帮助。 The Central Access Policy could not be retrieved. Try again later or contact your administrator for assistance.
6044已忽略此对象上的中心访问策略,因为未将任何 CAP 应用于目标服务器。 The Central Access Policy on this object has been ignored because no CAPs have been applied to the target server.
6045正在从 Active Directory 检索中心访问策略... Retrieving Central Access Policies from Active Directory...
6046Windows 无法检索此对象的中心访问策略。正在改用恢复策略。 Windows could not retrieve the Central Access Policy for this object. Recovery policy is being used instead.
6047Windows 处于安全模式,正在强制执行恢复中心访问策略。 Windows is in Safe Mode and the recovery Central Access Policy is being enforced.
6048此版本的 Windows 上无法显示此中心访问策略。若要查看此中心访问策略,请转到该对象所在的计算机上的“安全属性”。 This Central Access Policy cannot be displayed on this version of Windows. To view this Central Access Policy, go to Security Properties on on the computer where the object is hosted.
6049你没有权限评估是否有对远程资源存在有效访问权限。请联系目标服务器的管理员。 You do not have permission to evaluate effective access rights for the remote resource. Contact the administrator of the target server.
6050显示的有效访问权限基于此计算机上的组成员身份。有关更多的准确结果,请计算目标服务器上的有效访问权限。 The effective access rights shown are based on group membership on this computer. For more accurate results, calculate effective access rights on the target server.
6051正在计算有效访问... Computing effective access...
6052RPC 服务器不可用。请在目标服务器上启用 Netlogon 服务授权(RPC)防火墙规则,然后重试。 The RPC server is unavailable. Please enable the Netlogon Service Authz (RPC) firewall rule on the target server and try again.
6053正在计算有效的访问(正在等待检索共享安全信息)... Computing effective access (waiting to retrieve share security information)...
6054共享安全信息不可用,因此未评估其有效访问。 The share security information is unavailable and was not evaluated for effective access.
6055用户。 User.
6056资源。 Resource.
6057设备。 Device.
6058对权限项目进行排序不会更改对权限项目进行评估的顺序。 Sorting the permission entries does not change the order in which they are evaluated.
6059对审核项目进行排序不会更改对审核项目进行评估的顺序。 Sorting the audit entries does not change the order in which they are evaluated.
6060还原顺序。 Restore ordering.
6100用户 User
6101资源 Resource
6102设备 Device
6104 Value
6500未选择任何选项 No options to select from
6501已选择 %1!d! 个项目 %1!d! item(s) selected
6502单击“添加项目” Click Add items
6503多个选项 Multiple Choices
6510 Yes
6511 No
6512无效 Invalid
6574条件 Condition
7002不等于 Not equals
7003小于 Less than
7004小于或等于 Less than or equal to
7005大于 Greater than
7006大于或等于 Greater than or equal to
7007包含每项 Contains each of
7008存在 Exists
7009任何 Any of
7010隶属于每项 Member of each
7011隶属于任何项 Member of any
7014不存在 Not exists
7015不包含 Not contains
7016非任何项 Not any of
7017不隶属于每项 Not member of each
7019不隶属于任何项 Not member of any
7050And And
7051Or Or
7052按位与 Bitwise And
8000发生未知错误。 An unknown error has occurred.
8001内存不足。请关闭一个或多个应用程序,然后再尝试完成此操作。 Insufficient memory. Close one or more applications before trying to complete this operation.
8002更正以下错误并单击“确定”。(悬停鼠标可查看详细信息。) Correct the errors below and click OK. (Hover for more information.)
8003条件中包含一个或多个无效值类型。 The condition contains one or more invalid value types.
8004此访问控制项已损坏。请将其删除并创建一个新的访问控制项。 This access control entry is corrupt. Delete it and create a new one.
8005条件中包含意外元素,无法显示。 The condition contains unexpected elements and cannot be displayed.
8006无法使用条件表达式拒绝访问。 Conditional expressions cannot be used to deny access.
8007无法使用条件表达式拒绝访问。请删除所有条件,然后保存更改。 Conditional expressions cannot be used to deny access. Remove all conditions, then save your changes.
8008不能将条件表达式应用于非域成员计算机。请在保存更改之前删除所有条件。保存此 ACE 时要小心,不要授予不需要的访问权限。 Conditional expressions cannot be applied to computers that are not members of a domain. Remove all conditions before saving your changes. Use caution when saving this ACE so that you do not grant unintended access.
8009不能将条件表达式应用于非域成员计算机。保存此 ACE 时要小心,不要授予不需要的访问权限。 Conditional expressions cannot be applied to computers that are not members of a domain. Use caution when saving this ACE so that you do not grant unintended access.
8010此林中不存在任何资源属性。请在编写目标资源条件前定义资源属性。 There are no resource properties in this forest. Define resource properties before authoring the target resource criteria.
8011更正以下错误并单击“查看有效访问”。(悬停鼠标可查看详细信息。) Correct the errors below and click View effective access. (Hover for more information.)
8012发生致命错误。系统内存不足,可能需要重新启动。请关闭此窗口并重试。 A fatal error has occurred. The system is running low on memory and may need to be restarted. Close this window and try again.
8013对象审核访问控制条目不支持条件表达式。 Conditional expressions are not supported for object audit access control entries.
8014对象审核访问控制条目不支持条件表达式。请删除所有条件,然后保存你的更改。 Conditional expressions are not supported for object audit access control entries. Remove all conditions, then save your changes.
8100声明为空 Claim Empty
8101条件必须在运算符的左侧包含声明。 The condition must include a claim to the left of the operator.
8102条件必须在运算符的右侧包含声明。 The condition must include a claim to the right of the operator.
8110值不能为空 Value cannot be empty
8111无效值 Invalid Value
8112未指定值 Value not specified
8113请从下拉列表中选择一个选项。 Select an option from the dropdown list.
8114从列表中选择一个或多个选项。 Select one or more options from the list.
8115请输入一个不包含以下字符的有效字符串: " ; Enter a valid string that does not contain the following characters: " ;
8116请指定一个或多个以“;”分隔且不包含以下字符的字符串: " Specify one or more strings separated by ';' that do not contain the following characters: "
8117请输入正数。 Enter a positive number.
8118请输入一个或多个以“;”分隔的正数 Enter one or more positive numbers separated by ';'
8119请输入一个以 # 开头的有效 Blob Enter a valid blob beginning with #
8120请以 {SID(WD)[,SID(...)]} 格式输入一个有效的 SID Enter a valid SID in the format {SID(WD)[,SID(...)]}
8121需要一个值。 A single value is expected.
8122请输入数字。 Enter a number.
8123请输入一个或多个以“;”分隔的数字 Enter one or more numbers separated by ';'
8130当前指定的值无效。请从下拉列表中选择一个选项。 The value currently specified is not valid. Please select an option from the dropdown list.
8131当前选择的值包含无效选项。请删除无效选项(灰显)。 The currently selected values include invalid options. Remove invalid options (grayed).
8140未知声明 Unknown Claim
8141运算符左侧指定的声明为未知声明。请删除该条件并单击“确定”。 The claim specified to the left of the operator is not known. Remove the condition and click OK.
8142运算符右侧指定的声明为未知声明。请删除该条件并单击“确定”。 The claim specified to the right of the operator is not known. Remove the condition and click OK.
8145无效声明 Invalid Claim
a) 声明类型无效。
b) 声明值的多重性。
c) 相同的声明出现在运算符的左侧和右侧。
The claim specified to the right of the operator is not valid due to one or more of the following problems.
a) The type of claim is invalid.
b) The multiplicity of the claim's value.
c) Identical claims appear to the left and right of the operator.
8150条件格式不正确 Malformed Condition
8151请删除该条件,并根据需要创建新条件。 Please remove the condition and, if necessary, create a new one.
8160无效运算符 Invalid Operator
8161条件中指定的运算符不适用于运算符左侧指定的声明。 The operator specified in the condition is not applicable for the claim specified to the left of the operator.
8170不受支持的声明类型 Unsupported Claim Type
8171系统不支持指定给运算符左侧的声明类型。 The type of claim specified to the left of the operator is not supported.
8172重复的属性 Duplicate Attribute
8173一次只能指定一个属性。请删除指定的任何重复属性。 An attribute can only be specified once. Remove any duplicate attributes specified.
8174Deny ACE 中的条件 Condition in a Deny ACE
8175无法为“拒绝”访问控制项指定条件。请删除这些条件并单击“确定”。 Conditions cannot be specified for Deny access control entries. Remove these conditions and click OK.
8176非域计算机上的条件 Condition on non-domain machine
8177条件在非域成员计算机上无效。请删除所有条件并单击“确定”。保存此 ACE 时要小心,不要授予意外访问权限。 Conditions are invalid on computers that are not members of a domain. Remove any conditions and click OK. Use caution when saving this ACE to not grant unintended access.
8178意外声明类型 Unexpected Claim Type
8179运算符左侧仅允许使用资源属性。请删除该条件并单击“确定”。 Only resource properties are allowed to the left of the operator. Remove the condition and click OK.
8180运算符右侧仅允许使用值和资源属性。请删除该条件并单击“确定”。 Only values and resource properties are allowed to the right of the operator. Remove the condition and click OK.
8181对象审核 ACE 中的条件 Condition in an object audit ACE
8182不能为对象审核访问控制条目指定条件。请删除这些条件,然后单击“确定”。 Conditions cannot be specified for object audit access control entries. Remove these conditions and click OK.
8500访问该对象的主体 Principal accessing the object
8501用于访问该对象的计算机/设备 Computer/device from which this object is being accessed
8502访问的对象 The object being accessed
8503安全组 Security Group
8504在下一列中指定值 Specify value in the next column
8506没有可用的描述 No description available
8508在此处输入值... Enter value here ...
8509例如 1; 2; 3 ... e.g. 1; 2; 3 ...
8511例如 Value1; Value2 ... e.g. Value1; Value2 ...
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000004Information Information
0x70000001Launch Advanced ACL UI Launch Advanced ACL UI
0x70000002Download Claim IDs Download Claim IDs
0x70000003Display Permissions Dialog when Editing an ACE Display Permissions Dialog when Editing an ACE
0x70000004Display Permissions Dialog when Adding an ACE Display Permissions Dialog when Adding an ACE
0x70000005Download Central Access Policy IDs Download Central Access Policy IDs
0x70000006Display Effective Permission Report Display Effective Permission Report
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-ACL-UI Microsoft-Windows-ACL-UI


File Name:aclui.dll.mui
File Size:32 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:32768
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:安全描述符编辑器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:aclui.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:aclui.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is aclui.dll.mui?

aclui.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file aclui.dll (安全描述符编辑器).

File version info

File Description:安全描述符编辑器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:aclui.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:aclui.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200