wlidres.dll.mui Goireas Microsoft® Windows Live ID 7c1e5308d5c99de5db8c03873630ebd4

File info

File name: wlidres.dll.mui
Size: 35328 byte
MD5: 7c1e5308d5c99de5db8c03873630ebd4
SHA1: d5161d5060357eb24c3c06bd8dfa5746ac0f320a
SHA256: ac1cc5eaa53867ef5ec1b199e2862e3f4bbaedece222175c671f1ed85c131df4
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Cornish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Cornish English
2078Chan eil an seòladh puist-d, àireamh fòn no PIN cairt thapaidh mar bu chòir. Feuch ris a-rithist. Mur eil thu air cairt thapaidh a chur ris a' chunntas agad, faodaidh tu tè a chur ris. The email, phone number, or smart card PIN is incorrect. Please try again. If you haven’t added a smart card to your account, you can add one.
3039Clàraich airson cunntas Microsoft Sign up for a Microsoft account
3225Clàraich a-steach le cunntas eile Sign in with a different account
3463Cairt thapaidh Smart Card
4421Lean ort gam chlàradh a-steach Continue Signing Me In
4720Facal-faire Password
4775Cunntas Microsoft Microsoft account
5324Gus clàradh a-steach, cuir a-steach am facal-faire agad. To sign in, please enter your password.
5672Cobhair Help
6022LocVer:0 LocVer:0
6566Tha sinn airson dèanamh cinnteach gur e seo an seòladh puist-d agad. Thoir sùil air a' phost-d agad is lean ris an stiùireadh san teachdaireachd a chur sinn thugad. We want to make sure this is your email address. Check your email and follow the steps in the message we sent you.
6619Seòladh puist-d no àireamh fòn Email address or phone number
6927Cuimhnich air an fhacal-fhaire agam Remember my password
7040Clàraich a-steach le Sign in with
7236Duilich, chan urrainn dhuinn ceangal a dhèanamh ris an àrainn an-dràsta gus an ID agad a dhearbhadh. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist? Sorry, we can’t connect to this domain right now to verify your ID. Please try again.
7358Tha an t-ainm cleachdaiche no am facal-faire a chuir thu a-steach cearr. Feuch ris a-rithist. The user name or password you entered is incorrect. Try again.
7875Dh'fhalbh an ùine air an fhacal-fhaire agad. 'S mithich dhut fear ùr a chleachdadh. Your password has expired. It’s time to choose a new one.
8433Duilich, tha duilgheadas ann leis an fhrithealaiche agus mar sin chan urrainn dhuinn do chlàradh a-steach. Tha sinn a' feuchainn ris an duilgheadas seo a chàradh cho luath 's a ghabhas. Nach fheuch thu a-rithist an ceann greis? Sorry, there’s a problem with the server, so we can’t sign you in right now. We’re working to fix it as soon as we can. Please try again in a few minutes.
10466Duilich, tha duilgheadas ann le bhith a' clàradh a-steach leis a' chunntas Microsoft seo. Sorry, there’s an issue signing in with this Microsoft account.
10695Chan urrainn dhuinn do chlàradh a-steach oir chan eil an lìonra ri fhaighinn. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an t-uidheam agad ceangailte ris an eadar-lìon agus feuch ris a-rithist. We can’t sign you in because the network isn’t available. Make sure your device is connected to the Internet and try again.
11940Tha an seòladh puist-d no am facal-faire cearr. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil thu a' cleachdadh an fhacal-faire airson a' chunntas Microsoft agad. That password is incorrect. Make sure you’re using the password for your Microsoft account.
12221Mothaich sinn do ghnìomhachd amharasach sa chunntas agad. Gus do dhìon, tha sinn air bacadh sealach a chur air a' chunntas agad. We have noticed some unusual activity in your account. Your action is needed to make sure no one else is using your account.
12222Feumaidh tu a bhith air loidhne a' chiad turas gus suidheachadh a' chunntais agad a choileanadh. You must be online the first time to complete your account setup.
12223Duilich airson stad a chur ort; tha sinn dìreach airson dèanamh cinnteach gur tusa a tha ann. Dèan gnogag no briog air "Ceart ma-thà" airson a dhaingneachadh. Sorry for the interruption; we just want to make sure this is you. Tap or click OK to confirm.
12786Tha sinn duilich ach bha duilgheadas ann le bhith gad chlàradh a-steach. Nach fheuch thu ris a-rithist? Sorry, there was a problem signing you in. Please try again.
12838Chan eil an seòladh puist-d no àireamh fòn sin ri fhaighinn tuilleadh. Feuch fear eile no cruthaich fear ùr. That email or phone number is no longer available. Please try another, or create a new one.
13331Feumaidh tu facal-faire nas treasa a thaghadh mus tèid agad air clàradh a-steach. You need to choose a stronger password before you can sign in.
15239Feumaidh tu do cheist is do fhreagairt tèarainteachd atharrachadh mus tèid agad air clàradh a-steach. You need to change your security question and answer before you can sign in.
16868Bha duilgheadas ann agus chaidh cuid a dh'eileamaidean dhen chuidiche airson clàradh a-steach aig Microsoft a chur à comas ri linn sin. Dh'fhaoidte nach urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach gu prògraman a chleachdas an cunntas Microsoft agad. Dh'fhaoidte gun deach an duilgheadas seo adhbharachadh le prògram a chaidh a stàladh o chionn goirid. Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, rach gu {l} There was a problem that caused parts of the Microsoft account Sign-in Assistant to be disabled. You might not be able to sign in to programs that use your Microsoft account. The problem may have been caused by a program that was recently installed. For more information, please go to: {l}
16909Gus am fiosrachadh cunntais agad a dhìon, clàraich a-steach a-rithist. To help protect your account information, please sign in again.
17112Cha b' urrainn dhuinn do chlàradh a-steach dhan àrainn seo. Feuch ris a-rithist no cuir fios gu rianaire na h-àrainn. We couldn’t sign you in to this domain. Please try again or contact the domain administrator.
17809Chan eil am fiosrachadh clàraidh a-steach agad mar bu chòir. Dèan cinnteach gun cuir thu a-steach an seòladh puist-d, àireamh fòn no facal-faire ceart agus an uair sin cuir a-steach na caractaran a chì thu. Your sign-in information is incorrect. Make sure you enter the correct email address, phone number, or password, and then enter the characters you see.
18108Duilich, tha duilgheadas ann leis an fhrithealaiche agus tha sinn ag obair gus a chàradh cho luath sa ghabhas. Feuch ri clàradh a-steach a-rithist an ceann greis. Sorry, there’s a problem with the server, and we’re working to fix it as soon as we can. Please try signing in again in a few minutes.
18189Duilich, tha duilgheadas ann le bhith gad shoidhneadh a-steach an-dràsta. Feuch a-rithist an ceann greis. Sorry, there’s a problem signing you in right now. Please try again later.
18392Feumaidh tu PIN a chur a-steach You must enter a PIN
18407Ceart ma-thà OK
18408Sguir dheth Cancel
18409Cha deach cairt thapaidh sam bith a lorg No smart card found
18416Briog air an teachdaireachd gus an duilgheadas fhuasgladh. Click this message to fix the problem.
18417An cuidiche airson clàradh a-steach gu cunntas Microsoft Microsoft account Sign-in Assistant
18418Cuiridh seo dearbhadh cunntasan Microsoft an comas. Enables Microsoft account authentication.
18419Duilich, bha duilgheadas ann le bhith gad chlàradh a-steach. Sorry, there was a problem signing you in.
19140Com-pàirtiche Partner
19142An t-uidheam-smachd airson clàradh a-steach gu cunntas Microsoft Microsoft account Sign-in Control
19229Gus suidheachadh a' chunntais Microsoft seo a choileanadh, feumaidh tu cead fhaighinn o do phàrantan. To finish setting up this Microsoft account, you need a parent’s permission.
19608Cha ghabh an cunntas seo a chleachdadh oir 's ann le buidheann a tha e. Cleachd cunntas eile. This account cannot be used because it belongs to an organization. Please use a different account.
20315Feumaidh tu am facal-faire agad atharrachadh mus tèid agad air clàradh a-steach. You need to change your password before you can sign in.
20591Feumaidh sinn dearbhadh a bharrachd mus tèid agad air clàradh a-steach. We need additional verification before you can sign in.
20814Mhothaich sinn do ghnìomhachd neo-àbhaisteach sa chunntas agad. Feumaidh tu rudeigin a dhèanamh gus dèanamh cinnteach nach eil duine sam bith a cleachdadh a' chunntais agad. We detected some suspicious activity with your account. To help protect you, we’ve temporarily blocked your account.
21266Gus clàradh a-steach dhan phrògram seo, feumaidh tu cairt thapaidh a chleachdadh an àite facail-fhaire. To sign in to this program, you must use a smart card instead of a password.
21674Tha an seòladh puist-d no am facal-faire cearr. Feuch ris a--rithist. The email address or password is incorrect. Please try again.
22118Cuir a-steach an t-ainm-cleachdaiche 's am facal-faire agad is feuch ris a-rithist. Please enter your sign-in information and try again.
22304Cuir a-steach an seòladh puist-d no àireamh fòn agad a-rithist. Please reenter your email address or phone number.
22490Chan urrainn dhuinn do chlàradh a-steach a chionn 's gu bheil duilgheadas ann leis an fhacal-fhaire a chaidh a shàbhaladh. Cuir a-steach am facal-faire agad a-rithist. We can’t sign you in because there’s a problem with the saved password. Please enter your password again.
22531Feumaidh tu pròifil a' chunntais Microsoft agad ùrachadh mus tèid agad air clàradh a-steach. You need to update your Microsoft account profile before you can sign in.
23007Chaidh an cunntas agad a ghlasadh a chionn 's gun robh cus oidhirpean ann clàradh a-steach le fiosrachadh cleachdaiche cearr. Your account was locked because there have been too many attempts to sign in with incorrect user information.
23582Gus clàradh a-steach, feumaidh tu seo atharrachadh gu ID leis a' bhuidheann agad. No thoir ainm eile air an ID agad. To sign in, you must convert this to an ID with your organization. Or you can rename your ID.
24863Cha leig am buidheann seo leat clàradh a-steach an-seo leis a' chunntas Microsoft seo. Gus leantainn ort, clàraich a-steach le cunntas Microsoft eile. This organization won’t allow you to sign in here with this Microsoft account. To continue, sign in with a different Microsoft account.
25352Chlàraich thu a-steach air cus uidheaman leis a’ chunntas Microsoft seo. You have signed in to too many devices using this Microsoft account.
25367Cuir a-steach am PIN agad gus clàradh a-steach. Please enter your PIN to sign in.
26553ID com-pàirtiche Partner ID
27451Cum an cuimhne mi Remember me
27955Cheangail thu ris na tha ceadaichte de chunntasan Microsoft is cunntasan chleachdaichean Windows air an uidheam seo. Thoir air falbh cunntas ceangailte làithreach ma tha thu airson fear eile a chur ris. You’ve linked the maximum number of Microsoft accounts and Windows user accounts on this device. Remove an existing linked account to add another.
28306Duilich, chan urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach dhan t-seirbheis seo leis a' chunntas Microsoft seo. Gus leantainn ort, cleachd cunntas eile. Sorry, you can’t sign in to this service with this Microsoft account. To continue, please use a different account.
29392Chan eil seirbheis a' chuidiche airson clàradh a-steach gu cunntas Microsoft a ruith. Microsoft account Sign-in Assistant service is not running.
29600ID ID
43000Fuasgail duilgheadas leis a' chunntas Microsoft agad Fix a problem with your Microsoft account
43001Chaidh an t-ainm-cleachdaiche no am facal-faire agad atharrachadh san neul is feumaidh tu an ùrachadh gu h-ionadail. Your credentials have changed in the cloud and need to be updated locally.
43003Tha an t-uidheam agad far loidhne. Clàraich a-steach leis an fhacal-fhaire as ùire a chaidh a chleachdadh air an uidheam seo. Your device is offline. Please sign in with the last password used on this device.
43004Nach eil thu a' faighinn inntrigeadh dhan chunntas agad? Can’t access your account?
43005Càraich e Fix it
43006Dearbhaich am fiosrachadh airson a' chunntais Microsoft agad Verify your Microsoft account info
43007Clàraich a-steach le cunntas Microsoft Add your Microsoft account
43008Feumaidh %1 do dhearbh-aithne a dhearbhadh. %1 needs to confirm your identity.
43009Sàbhailidh sinn am fiosrachadh seo ach an urrainn dhut an cunntas agad a chleachdadh air %1. We’ll save this info so you can use your account with %1.
43010Sàbhail Save
43011Cha b' urrainn dhuinn do chlàradh a-steach We couldn’t sign you in
43015Fuirich ort Please wait
43016Cuir Submit
43017Clàraich a-steach a-rithist Sign in again
43018Chan urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach dhan uidheam agad an-dràsta. Rach gu %1 gus an duilgheadas fhuasgladh no feuch am facal-faire mu dheireadh a chleachd thu air an uidheam seo. You can’t sign in to your device right now. Go to %1 to fix the problem, or try the last password you used on this device.
43019Tha am facal-faire sin cearr. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil thu a' cleachdadh an fhacail-fhaire airson a' chunntais Microsoft agad. No 's urrainn dhut ath-shuidheachadh aig %1. That password is incorrect. Make sure you’re using the password for your Microsoft account. You can always reset it at %1.
43020Gus clàradh cèin a dhèanamh, feumaidh tu cead clàradh a-steach slighe sheirbheisean desktop cèin. To sign in remotely, you need the right to sign in through Remote Desktop Services.
43021Tha sinn duilich ach cha b’ urrainn dhuinn do chlàradh a-steach. Ath-shuidhich am PIN agad ann an “Roghainnean” » “Cunntasan” » “Roghainnean clàraidh a-steach”. Sorry, there was a problem signing you in. Please reset your PIN by going to Settings Accounts Sign-in options.
43022Feumaidh sinn dearbhadh gur tusa a tha ann airson %1. We need to verify your identity for %1.
43023Facal-faire cunntais Microsoft Microsoft account password
0x10000001Telemetry trigger events Telemetry trigger events
0x10000002Error Error
0x10000003Analytic Analytic
0x10000004Function Function
0x10000005Operational Operational
0x10000006Warning Warning
0x10000007Critical Critical
0x10000008Request Start Request Start
0x10000009livessp livessp
0x1000000Awlidcredprov wlidcredprov
0x1000000Bwlidnsp wlidnsp
0x1000000Cwlidsvc wlidsvc
0x1000000Dwlidmodern wlidmodern
0x1000000Ewlidcli wlidcli
0x1000000Fwlidprov wlidprov
0x10000010wlidbho wlidbho
0x10000011TokenProvider TokenProvider
0x10000012MSA Extension API MSA Extension API
0x10000013Cache Cache
0x10000014Credentials Credentials
0x10000015StateMachine StateMachine
0x10000016SOAP SOAP
0x10000017RPC RPC
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000004Information Information
0x50000005Verbose Verbose
0x70000065WLID Service Operation WLID Service Operation
0x70000066LiveSsp Operation LiveSsp Operation
0x70000067Identity Provider Operation Identity Provider Operation
0x70000068LiveId Modern API Operation LiveId Modern API Operation
0x70000069WLIDCredProv Operation WLIDCredProv Operation
0x7000006ATokenProvider Operation TokenProvider Operation
0x700000C8Function Call Function Call
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-LiveId/Analytic Microsoft-Windows-LiveId/Analytic
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-LiveId/Operational Microsoft-Windows-LiveId/Operational
0xB00003EDConnectIdentity_Start ConnectIdentity_Start
0xB00003EEConnectIdentity_Stop.%nStatus: %1 ConnectIdentity_Stop.%nStatus: %1
0xB00003EFDisconnectIdentity_Start DisconnectIdentity_Start
0xB00003F0DisconnectIdentity_Stop.%nStatus: %1 DisconnectIdentity_Stop.%nStatus: %1
0xB00003F5NetworkCall_Start NetworkCall_Start
0xB00003F6NetworkCall_Stop.%nNumber of Targets: %1%nRequestType: %2 NetworkCall_Stop.%nNumber of Targets: %1%nRequestType: %2
0xB00003F7DeviceAuth_Start DeviceAuth_Start
0xB00003F8DeviceAuth_Stop.%nStatus: %1 DeviceAuth_Stop.%nStatus: %1
0xB00003F9UserAuth_Start UserAuth_Start
0xB00003FAUserAuth_Stop.%nStatus: %1 UserAuth_Stop.%nStatus: %1
0xB00003FBPromptForCredentials_Start PromptForCredentials_Start
0xB00003FCPromptForCredentials_Stop.%nStatus: %1 PromptForCredentials_Stop.%nStatus: %1
0xB00003FDSignOutUser_RegistryOpenOrReadFailure. %nRegistryLocation: %1. %nStatus: %2 SignOutUser_RegistryOpenOrReadFailure. %nRegistryLocation: %1. %nStatus: %2
0xB00003FESignOutUser_RegistryWriteFailure. %nRegistryLocation: %1. %nStatus: %2 SignOutUser_RegistryWriteFailure. %nRegistryLocation: %1. %nStatus: %2
0xB00007D8DeviceAuthAsync_Start DeviceAuthAsync_Start
0xB00007D9DeviceAuthAsync_Stop DeviceAuthAsync_Stop
0xB00007DAUserAuthAsync_Start UserAuthAsync_Start
0xB00007DBUserAuthAsync_Stop UserAuthAsync_Stop
0xB00007DCSignOutUser_Start SignOutUser_Start
0xB00007DDSignOutUser_Stop SignOutUser_Stop
0xB00007DEWLIDSvcReady WLIDSvcReady
0xB00007DFCommandLinkClicked_Start CommandLinkClicked_Start
0xB00007E0CommandLinkClicked_Stop.%nStatus: %1 CommandLinkClicked_Stop.%nStatus: %1
0xB00007E1UserImageGetBitmapValue_Start UserImageGetBitmapValue_Start
0xB00007E2UserImageGetBitmapValue_Stop.%nStatus: %1 UserImageGetBitmapValue_Stop.%nStatus: %1
0xB00007E3CredProvSetSerialization_Start CredProvSetSerialization_Start
0xB00007E4CredProvSetSerialization_Stop.%nStatus: %1 CredProvSetSerialization_Stop.%nStatus: %1
0xB00007E5CredProvGetSerialization_Start CredProvGetSerialization_Start
0xB00007E6CredProvGetSerialization_Stop.%nStatus: %1 CredProvGetSerialization_Stop.%nStatus: %1
0xB00007E7Operation: %1%nDetails: %2%nStatus: %3%n Operation: %1%nDetails: %2%nStatus: %3%n
0xB00007E9WLIDSvc service failed to start.%nFunction: %1%nReason: %2%nStatus: %3%n WLIDSvc service failed to start.%nFunction: %1%nReason: %2%nStatus: %3%n
0xB00007EAGeneric telemetry trigger event.%nPointType: %1%nAppName: %2%nModuleName: %3%nModuleVersion: %4%nFileName: %5%nFunctionName: %6%nLineNumber: %7%nErrorCode: %8%n Generic telemetry trigger event.%nPointType: %1%nAppName: %2%nModuleName: %3%nModuleVersion: %4%nFileName: %5%nFunctionName: %6%nLineNumber: %7%nErrorCode: %8%n
0xB00007EBUser specific telemetry trigger event for CID %1. User specific telemetry trigger event for CID %1.
0xB00007ECErrorVerifier in function %1 encountered unexpected error code (%2). ErrorVerifier in function %1 encountered unexpected error code (%2).
0xB00007EDAssertion failure for expression (%4) in function %2 @%1_%3. Assertion failure for expression (%4) in function %2 @%1_%3.
0xB0000BB8%3 @%1_%2 %3 @%1_%2
0xB0000BC0+%2@%1_%3 +%2@%1_%3
0xB0000BC1-%1=%2 -%1=%2
0xB0000BC4Process name %1 Process name %1
0xB0000BC5IF_FAILEXIT failure: (%4), hr = %5, in %2 @%1_%3 IF_FAILEXIT failure: (%4), hr = %5, in %2 @%1_%3
0xB00017D4Service Create Context for [%1] Service Create Context for [%1]
0xB00017D5Token with target [%1] expired on %2, Deleting it from CredMan. Token with target [%1] expired on %2, Deleting it from CredMan.
0xB00017D6Certificate (target = [%1]) has expired. Deleting from CredMan. Certificate (target = [%1]) has expired. Deleting from CredMan.
0xB00017D7RemoveCachedAuthInfo Deleting item for target [%1] from CredMan. RemoveCachedAuthInfo Deleting item for target [%1] from CredMan.
0xB00017D8RemoveCachedAuthInfo ALL Deleting [%1] items from CredMan. RemoveCachedAuthInfo ALL Deleting [%1] items from CredMan.
0xB00017D9RemovePersistedTokens Deleting item for target [%1] from CredMan. RemovePersistedTokens Deleting item for target [%1] from CredMan.
0xB00017E0CredMan activity skipped. Credential not changed for [WindowsLive:(token):name=%1;serviceuri=%2 CredMan activity skipped. Credential not changed for [WindowsLive:(token):name=%1;serviceuri=%2
0xB00017E1RPC call to function %1 returned the following error code: %2. RPC call to function %1 returned the following error code: %2.
0xB00017E2SOAP Request of type %1 for user CID '%2' in %4 environment received the following error code from the Microsoft Account server: %3. SOAP Request of type %1 for user CID '%2' in %4 environment received the following error code from the Microsoft Account server: %3.
0xB00017E3## SOAP Request: %1 ## SOAP Request: %1
0xB00017E4## SOAP Response: %1 ## SOAP Response: %1
0xB00017E5Acquired Service token.%nResourceURI: %1%nCreated: %2%nExpires: %3%nTokenType: %4%nAuthRequired: %5%nRequestStatus: %6%nHasFlowUrl: %7%nHasAuthUrl: %8%nHasEndAuthUrl: %9 Acquired Service token.%nResourceURI: %1%nCreated: %2%nExpires: %3%nTokenType: %4%nAuthRequired: %5%nRequestStatus: %6%nHasFlowUrl: %7%nHasAuthUrl: %8%nHasEndAuthUrl: %9
0xB0001BBCCached ticket for site %1 and policy %2 found which is valid for another %3 seconds. Cached ticket for site %1 and policy %2 found which is valid for another %3 seconds.
0xB0001BBDApplicationId Overwritten [%1] becomes [%2] ApplicationId Overwritten [%1] becomes [%2]
0xB0001BBEApplicationId [%1] ApplicationId [%1]
0xB0001BBFCached ticket for site %1 and policy %2 not found or has expired. Cached ticket for site %1 and policy %2 not found or has expired.
0xB0001BC0Attempts = [%1], latestIterationResult = [%2], continueRetry = [%3], isConnected = [%4], flowUrl = [%5], defaultUser = [%6], promptType = [%7], authUrl = [%8], endAuthUrl = [%8] Attempts = [%1], latestIterationResult = [%2], continueRetry = [%3], isConnected = [%4], flowUrl = [%5], defaultUser = [%6], promptType = [%7], authUrl = [%8], endAuthUrl = [%8]
0xB0001BC1WLIDCPersistCredential [%1] WLIDCPersistCredential [%1]
0xD0000001Auth Auth
0xD0000002Service Service
0xD0000003DeviceAuth DeviceAuth
0xD0000004DeleteDevice DeleteDevice
0xD0000005UpdateDevice UpdateDevice
0xD0000006AddCredential AddCredential
0xD0000007AssociateDevice AssociateDevice
0xD0000008DisassociateDevice DisassociateDevice
0xD0000009ResolveDevice ResolveDevice
0xD000000APublishDevice PublishDevice
0xD000000BUpdateDeviceReaders UpdateDeviceReaders
0xD000000CResolveUser ResolveUser
0xD000000DOTC OTC
0xD000000EEnumDevices EnumDevices
0xD000000FUpdateDeviceProperties UpdateDeviceProperties
0xD0000010GetUserKeyData GetUserKeyData
0xD0000011Count Count


File Name:wlidres.dll.mui
File Size:34 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:34816
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Cornish
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Goireas Microsoft® Windows Live ID
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WlidRes.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte.
Original File Name:WlidRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is wlidres.dll.mui?

wlidres.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Cornish language for file wlidres.dll (Goireas Microsoft® Windows Live ID).

File version info

File Description:Goireas Microsoft® Windows Live ID
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WlidRes.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte.
Original Filename:WlidRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x491, 1200