setup_wm.exe Microsoft Windows Media 設定公用程式 7bba90fb937c36c232f2906527e999c8

File info

File name: setup_wm.exe.mui
Size: 33792 byte
MD5: 7bba90fb937c36c232f2906527e999c8
SHA1: 8a70c75a46514bd2932b586a80b622b9704e4437
SHA256: fc4d0821e26c3209166e9e812c0b25d0d89332fd08a10114701dd4b79e409477
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: setup_wm.exe Microsoft Windows Media 設定公用程式 (32 位元)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
100Windows Media Player Windows Media Player
101無法繼續安裝 Setup cannot continue
102安裝時遇到下列一個或多個問題。 One or more of the following problems has occurred during Setup.
103繼續安裝前請先檢查 Check before continuing Setup
104安裝時遇到一個或多個問題,可能會影響安裝。請閱讀下列資訊並採取適當的修正動作。 One or more of the following problems has occurred during Setup that could affect your installation. Review the following information and take the corrective action as appropriate.
105感謝您選用 Windows Media Player Thank you for choosing Windows Media Player
106本軟體根據以下協議授權。安裝期間,Windows Media Player 會連接 Microsoft 伺服器以決定並設定預設的線上商店。 This software is licensed under the agreement below. During the installation process, Windows Media Player will contact a Microsoft server in order to determine and configure the default online store.
107自訂安裝選項 Customize the Installation Options
109選擇預設音樂和視訊播放程式 Select the Default Music and Video Player
110設定桌面與 Windows Media Player 預設設定。 Configure your desktop and Windows Media Player default settings.
111正在下載... Downloading...
113請稍候,安裝程式正將檔案下載至電腦中。 Please wait while Setup downloads files to your computer.
114正在安裝... Installing...
115Windows 正在升級為 Windows Media Player。升級完成後,您可以設定播放程式選項。 Windows is being upgraded with Windows Media Player. After the upgrade is complete, you can configure Player options.
116選取隱私權選項 Select Privacy Options
117Microsoft 承諾保護您的隱私。為了加強您的體驗,資料會透過網際網路交換,也許會儲存在您的電腦上。 Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy. To deliver an enhanced experience, data is exchanged over the Internet and may be saved on your computer.
119Windows Media Player 更新 Windows Media Player Update
120現在有 Windows Media Player 的更新版本。請閱讀下列資訊。 A Windows Media Player update is available. Please review the following information.
121Windows Media Player 安裝程式完成 Windows Media Player Setup is complete
122感謝您選用 Windows Media Player。 Thank you for choosing Windows Media Player.
123歡迎使用 Windows Media Player Welcome to Windows Media Player
124使用 Windows Media Player,享受快速而靈活的影音播放。 Enjoy fast and flexible music and video playback with Windows Media Player.
126Windows Media Player 安裝程式無法完成。 Cannot complete Windows Media Player Setup
127復原 Windows Media Player Roll back Windows Media Player
128若將 Windows Media Player 復原為您電腦上先前安裝的版本,可能會影響其他需要 Windows Media Player 的程式,而且您可能必須移除並重新安裝那些程式。您是否要繼續? If you roll back Windows Media Player to the previous version that was on your computer, other programs that require the Player may be affected, and you may need to remove and then install those programs again. Are you sure that you want to continue?
129Windows Media Format Runtime Windows Media Format Runtime
130423|418|80|22|上一步(&B) 423|418|80|22|&Back
131503|418|80|22|下一步(&N) 503|418|80|22|&Next
132423|418|80|22|取消(&C) 423|418|80|22|&Cancel
133503|418|80|22|完成(&F) 503|418|80|22|&Finish
134508|418|80|22|我接受(&A) 508|418|80|22|I &Accept
135428|418|80|22|我拒絕(&D) 428|418|80|22|I &Decline
136503|418|80|22|安裝(&I) 503|418|80|22|&Install
137503|418|80|22|確定(&O) 503|418|80|22|&OK
139503|418|80|22|重新啟動(&R) 503|418|80|22|&Restart
150繼續安裝前,請先結束 Windows Media Player 與其他所有程式。 Exit Windows Media Player and all other programs before continuing Setup.
151另一個程式的安裝尚未完成。您必須重新啟動 Windows 完成該安裝,才能開始進行另一個安裝。請按一下 [取消],重新啟動 Windows,然後嘗試再次安裝 Windows Media Player。 Another program installation was not completed. You must restart Windows to complete that installation before starting another. Click Cancel, restart Windows, and then try installing Windows Media Player again.
152Windows 可以使用多語系使用者介面 (MUI)。安裝完成後,可以安裝適當的 Windows Media Player 語言套件,以啟用語言切換功能。 Windows can use the Multilingual User Interface (MUI). After Setup finishes, you can install the appropriate Windows Media Player language packs to enable language-switching capabilities.
153磁碟空間不足 Insufficient disk space
154您的可用磁碟空間不足,無法安裝 Windows Media Player。至少需要 %lu MB 的額外空間。請釋出硬碟上的額外空間,然後再繼續執行「安裝程式」。 There is not enough free disk space to install Windows Media Player. At least %lu megabytes (MB) of additional space is needed. Free additional space on your hard disk and then continue with Setup.
155已經安裝較新版本的 Windows Media Player。 A more recent version of Windows Media Player is already installed.
156您的電腦已安裝較新的 Windows Media Player (%s)。無法使用舊版安裝封裝 (%s) 來安裝檔案或修復目前的 Windows Media Player 版本。 There is a more recent version of Windows Media Player (%s) already installed on your computer. It is not possible to use an older installation package (%s) to install files or to repair your current version of the Player.
157權限不足 Insufficient Privileges
158若要以 Windows Media Player 升級 Windows,必須以系統管理員或 Administrators 群組成員的身分登入此電腦。按一下 [完成],登出電腦,然後以系統管理員身分登入。 To upgrade Windows with Windows Media Player, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click Finish, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator.
159偵測到 Windows 的多語系使用者介面 (MUI) 版本 Multilingual User Interface (MUI) version of Windows detected
160無法在執行多語系使用者介面 (MUI) 版本之 Windows 的電腦上安裝當地語系化版本的 Windows Media Player。您必須改為在此電腦上安裝英文版的 Windows Media Player,然後安裝適當的 Windows Media Player 語言套件,才能使用語言切換功能。 It is not possible to install a localized version of Windows Media Player on a computer that is running a Multilingual User Interface (MUI) version of Windows. Instead, install the English version of Windows Media Player on this computer, and then install the appropriate Windows Media Player language packs to obtain language-switching capabilities.
161系統還原已關閉。若繼續執行安裝程式,將無法使用系統還原來還原電腦正在執行之 Windows 內建的 Windows Media Player 版本。建議按一下 [取消],開啟系統還原,然後升級至 Windows Media Player。如需有關系統還原的詳細資訊,請參閱 Windows 說明。您要繼續嗎? System Restore is turned off. If you continue Setup, you will be unable to use System Restore to restore the version of Windows Media Player that was included with the version of Windows that your computer is running. It is recommended that you click Cancel, turn on System Restore, and then upgrade to Windows Media Player. For more information about System Restore, see Windows Help. Do you want to continue?
163繼續之前,建議您關閉迷你播放程式模式。若要關閉迷你播放程式模式,請以滑鼠右鍵按一下 Windows 工作列的空白區域,指向 [工具列],然後清除 Windows Media Player 旁的打勾記號。 It is recommended that you turn off mini Player mode before continuing. To do so, right-click an empty space on the Windows taskbar, point to Toolbars, and then clear Windows Media Player.
166下載線上商店軟體 Download Online Store Software
167使用 %s 之前,您必須從該商店下載軟體。請按一下 [我接受] 下載該軟體,或按一下 [我拒絕] 取消下載。 Before using %s, you must first download software from the store. Click I Accept to download the software, or click I Decline to cancel the download.
170可列印版本 Printable Version
172Windows Media 安裝程式已經在執行中。 Windows Media Setup is already running.
173Windows Media 組態管理員 Windows Media Configuration Manager
174此版本的 Windows Media Player 僅能安裝在執行 Windows XP Service Pack 2 的電腦上。
This version of Windows Media Player can only be installed on a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 2.
175發生意外的錯誤。安裝程式無法偵測到任何 Windows Media 更新。請稍後再試。 An unexpected error has occurred. Setup was not able to detect any Windows Media updates. Please try again later.
176您的電腦已有最新版本的 Windows Media Player 與其所有元件,目前無更新的必要。 Your computer is running the most recent version of Windows Media Player and all of its components. No update is available at this time.
177正在開始安裝... Installation is starting...
178%s (%lu 個項目中的 %lu 個) %s (%lu of %lu items)
179無法完成安裝程式,因為目前沒有升級伺服器可用。未安裝 Windows Media Player。 It was not possible to complete Setup, because the upgrade server was not available. Windows Media Player was not installed.
180下載一個或一個以上選用元件失敗。其他已下載的檔案現在可以安全地進行安裝。您是否要現在安裝那些檔案? One or more optional components has failed to download. Other downloaded files can safely be installed at this time. Do you want to install those files now?
181正在設定系統還原點... Setting System Restore point...
182無法完成安裝。如需其他協助,請按一下 [網頁說明]。 It was not possible to complete Setup. For more assistance, click Web Help.
183Windows 已成功更新 Windows has been successfully updated
184無法完成安裝程式。Windows Media Player 未安裝。請重新啟動 Windows,然後再次執行 Windows Media Player 安裝程式。 It was not possible to complete Setup; Windows Media Player was not installed. Restart Windows and then run Windows Media Player Setup again.
185Windows Media Player 需要 %lu MB。在連線速度為 28.8 KBps 時,升級大約需要 %lu 分鐘的時間。 Windows Media Player requires %lu megabytes (MB). Upgrading will take approximately %lu minutes over a 28.8 KBps connection.
186您的網路管理員已關閉此功能。 Your network administrator has turned off this feature.
187下列程式依存於 Windows Media Player 才能正常執行,必須先移除這些程式,然後才可復原為舊版播放程式。安裝程式將會結束,而且不會對您的電腦進行任何變更。 The following programs depend on Windows Media Player to run properly and must be removed before you roll back to a previous version of the Player. Setup will exit without making any changes to your computer.
188這部電腦上的其他元件正在使用 Windows Media Player,建議您不要現在復原。您確定要復原播放程式嗎? Windows Media Player is in use by other components on this computer; it is recommended that you not roll back at this time. Are you sure you want to roll back the Player?
189感謝您安裝全方位的媒體播放程式,透過此播放程式,您可以在各種可攜式播放裝置或執行 Windows XP 的電腦上,隨時隨地輕鬆尋找與播放數位媒體內容。

Thank you for installing the all-in-one media player that makes it easy to discover, play, and take your digital entertainment anywhere, on both the widest choice of portable players and on computers running Windows XP.

190安裝時,將會設定 Windows Media Player 為播放數位媒體內容的預設播放程式,這些數位媒體內容包括音樂、視訊、電視節目、CD 與 DVD。此設定程序可讓您自訂預設值與其他安裝選項。 During setup, Windows Media Player will be set as the default player for playing your digital media content, including music, videos, TV shows, CDs, and DVDs. This setup process will allow you to customize the defaults and other installation options.
191您即將變更隱私權設定, 會影響 Windows Media Player 以及其他依賴這些隱私權設定的程式處理 Cookie 的方式。

在進行串流處理時,播放程式會使用網際網路平台與伺服器溝通連線資訊,內容提供者會藉由這些資訊來提供服務。若修改 Cookie 設定,將會影響資訊傳到伺服器的方式。
You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in Windows Media Player and any other programs that rely on these privacy settings.

The Player uses the internet platform to communicate connection information to servers when streaming. This information is used by content providers to provide services. Modifying your cookie settings will affect how information is sent to servers.
194有 Windows Media 更新程式,您是否要現在進行更新? A Windows Media update is available. Do you want to update now?
195格式 %s 包括副檔名為 %s 的檔案。 The %s format(s) include files with %s extensions.
196隱私權選項 Privacy Options
197隱私權聲明 Privacy Statement
198您即將變更隱私權設定,這將會影響依賴這些隱私權設定的其他程式處理 Cookie 的方式。

Windows Media Player 使用網際網路平台來與串流處理內容以及和內容提供者通訊的伺服器進行溝通。若修改 Cookie 設定,將會影響您可存取的內容。
You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in any other programs that rely on these privacy settings.

Windows Media Player uses the internet platform to communicate with servers that stream content and for communication with content providers. Modifying cookie settings will affect the content you can access.
200選擇您要 Windows Media Player 預設播放的檔案類型。 Select the file types that you want Windows Media Player to play by default.
201Windows Media Player 未安裝。若要更新 Windows,請再次執行 Windows Media Player 安裝程式。 Windows Media Player was not installed. To update Windows, run Windows Media Player Setup again.
202為了讓您的改變生效,必須重新啟動 Windows。請儲存您的作業、關閉所有程式,然後按一下 [重新啟動] 重新啟動 Windows。 In order for your changes to take effect, you must restart Windows. Save your work and close all programs, then click Restart to restart Windows.
204Italic Italic
20512 13
20622 22
210正在復原。請稍候... Rollback is in progress. Please wait ...
211Windows Media 復原 Windows Media Rollback
212復原已完成。您必須重新啟動 Windows,所做的變更才會生效。請儲存您的作業並結束所有程式,然後重新啟動 Windows。 rollback is complete. For your changes to take effect, you must restart Windows. Save your work and exit all programs, and then restart Windows.
213復原失敗。您必須重新啟動 Windows。若要立即重新啟動,請先儲存您的作業並結束所有程式。 rollback failed. You must restart Windows. If you want to restart now, first save your work and exit all programs.
215線上商店隱私權資訊 Online Store Privacy Information
216Windows Media Player Beta Windows Media Player Beta
217Windows Media Format Runtime Beta Windows Media Format Runtime Beta
2191 1
220請稍候,安裝程式正在檢查線上更新 Please wait while Setup checks for online updates
222輕輕鬆鬆探索、播放和使用所有數位娛樂。盡情享受您的數位音樂、視訊與其他娛樂帶來的快感。 The easy way to discover, play, and take all your digital entertainment with you. Get the most from your digital music, video, and more.
Setup completed with some errors.
Some of your existing media usage rights were not moved correctly, which might prevent you from playing some of your protected files.
In addition, Setup was not able to copy some or all of the playlist files.
225Windows Media Player 已安裝成功。然而,安裝時發生下列錯誤。 Windows Media Player was installed successfully. However the following errors occurred during installation.
227將 %s 設定為我的使用中線上商店。 Set %s as my active online store.
229自訂播放、隱私權以及線上商店設定。如果想要閱讀或變更前一版本播放程式的設定,請選取此選項。 Customize playback, privacy, and online store settings. Select this option if you want to review or change your settings from the previous version of the Player.
230%s 安裝已經完成 %s Setup is complete
231正在遷移 Windows Media Player 媒體櫃 Migrating the Windows Media Player Library
233. .
271復原已完成。 rollback is complete.
272Windows Media Player 將復原為您電腦上先前安裝的版本。您是否要繼續? Windows Media Player will be rolled back to the previous version that was on your computer. Do you want to continue?
274您必須立即重新啟動 Windows。請儲存您的作業並結束所有程式,然後重新啟動 Windows。 You must restart Windows now. Save your work and exit all programs, and then restart Windows.
275復原失敗。 rollback failed.
276若要復原為您電腦上安裝的舊版 Windows Media Player,您必須以系統管理員或 Administrators 群組的成員身分登入此電腦。請按一下 [確定]、登出電腦,然後再以系統管理員的身分登入。 To roll back to the previous version of Windows Media Player that was on your computer, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click OK, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator.
277程式相依性問題導致無法復原。 Program dependencies are blocking rollback.
278下列程式必須依靠此版本 Windows Media Format Runtime 才能正常執行,您必須先移除這些程式,才能復原為先前版本的 Windows Media Format Runtime。安裝程式將結束,而不會對您的電腦做任何變更。 The following programs depend on this version of Windows Media Format Runtime to run properly and must be removed before you roll back to the previous version of the Windows Media Format Runtime. Setup will exit without making any changes to your computer.
279Windows Media Format Runtime 將復原為您電腦上的先前版本。您是否要繼續? The Windows Media Format Runtime will be rolled back to the previous version that was on your computer. Do you want to continue?
280若將 Windows Media Format Runtime 復原為您電腦上先前安裝的版本,可能會影響其他需要 Windows Media Format Runtime 的程式,而且您可能必須移除再重新安裝那些程式。您是否要繼續? If you roll back the Windows Media Format Runtime to the previous version that was on your computer, other programs that require the Runtime may be affected, and you may need to remove and then install those programs again. Are you sure that you want to continue?
281若復原到舊版 Windows Media Format Runtime,將會刪除受保護檔案的媒體使用權限。您可以為某些檔案下載新的媒體使用權限,但可能無法播放所有需要最新版 Windows Media Format Runtime 的檔案。 If you roll back to a previous version of the Windows Media Format Runtime, media usage rights for your protected files will be deleted. You may be able to download new media usage rights for some files, but it will not be possible to play any files that require the latest version of the Windows Media Format Runtime.
282您是否要繼續復原?(&D) &Do you want to continue with the rollback?
284復原完成後,您可能必須移除並重新安裝下列程式。 The following programs may need to be removed and then installed again when the rollback is complete.
291您正在安裝 Windows Media Player Beta 版。安裝之前,安裝程式必須檢查最新版本的播放程式。若有最新版本可用,安裝程式將安裝該版本,而不會安裝 Beta 版。按一下 [是] 檢查是否有更新的版本,或按一下 [否] 結束安裝程式。 You are installing a beta release of Windows Media Player. Before installing, Setup must check for the final version of the Player. If the final version is available, Setup will install it instead of the beta release. Click Yes to check for an update or click No to exit Setup.
292正在安裝的 Windows Media Player 版本不符合目前已安裝之播放程式的語言。您要在將來檢查使用目前已安裝之播放程式語言的更新嗎? 按一下 [是],則在將來檢查使用已安裝之播放程式語言的更新; 按一下 [否],則檢查是否有使用目前安裝的播放程式語言的更新。 The version of Windows Media Player you are installing does not match the language of the currently installed Player. In the future, do you want to check for updates in the language of your currently installed Player? Click Yes to check for updates in your installed Player's language in the future. Click No to check for updates in the language of the Player you are installing.
293若要執行安裝程式,必須以管理員或 Administrators 群組成員的身分登入此電腦。按一下 [完成],登出電腦,然後以管理員身分登入。 To run Setup, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click Finish, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator.
294有 Windows Media 更新程式。您是否要現在進行更新? 請按一下 [是] 下載並安裝更新,或按一下 [否] 結束「安裝程式」 A Windows Media update is available. Do you want to update now? Click Yes to download and install the update or click No to exit Setup
295您必須重新啟動 Windows 才能繼續復原。請儲存您的作業、關閉所有程式,然後重新啟動 Windows。 You must restart Windows before continuing with rollback. Save your work, close all programs, and then restart Windows.
296您必須關閉 Windows Media Player 與所有其他程式才能繼續復原。 You must close Windows Media Player and all other programs before continuing with rollback.
301您的某些媒體使用權限移動不當,導致您無法播放某些受保護的檔案。為解決此問題,請嘗試重新啟動 Windows,然後再次執行 Windows Media Player 安裝程式。 Some of your media usage rights were not moved correctly, which might prevent you from playing some of your protected files. To resolve the problem, try restarting Windows, and then running Windows Media Player Setup again.
306感謝您安裝全方位的媒體播放程式,讓您可以在眾多可攜式播放機與執行 Windows 的電腦上輕鬆探索、播放數位娛樂,並且可以隨身攜帶。

Thank you for installing the all-in-one media player that makes it easy to discover, play, and take your digital entertainment anywhere, on both the widest choice of portable players and on computers running Windows.

307Microsoft 致力於保障您的消費者隱私權。Microsoft 隱私權聲明會說明所收集的資料、使用方式以及播放程式所提供的隱私權設定。 Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy as a consumer. The Microsoft privacy statement explains what data is collected, how it is used, and what privacy settings are available in the Player.
308請按一下按鈕以檢視 Microsoft 隱私權聲明。 Click the button to view the Microsoft privacy statement.
309選擇線上商店 Choose an Online Store
310選擇您要立即設定的線上商店,稍後也可以設定額外的線上商店。 Choose the online store that you want to set up now. You can set up additional stores later.
311正在使用選取的線上商店升級 Windows Media Player。 Windows Media Player is being upgraded with the online store that you selected.
312不支援的作業系統。 Unsupported Operating System.
313此安裝套件僅能安裝在 Windows XP x64 版本上。 This setup package can only be installed on Windows XP x64 edition.
314此安裝套件僅能安裝在執行 32 位元版本 Windows XP Service Pack 2 的電腦上。 This setup package can only be installed on a computer that is running the 32-bit release of Windows XP Service Pack 2.
315啟動網頁瀏覽器時發生錯誤。 An error occurred when starting your Web browser.
316請造訪 Windows Update,下載 Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 更新彙總套件 2,然後再安裝 Windows Media Player。 Please visit Windows Update to download the Update Rollup 2 for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 before installing Windows Media Player.
317若要深入了解建議的設定,請閱讀線上隱私權聲明。 To learn more about Recommended settings, read the Privacy Statement online.
318其他有關這些隱私權選項的資訊 More information about these privacy options
321未符合系統要求。 System requirements have not been met.
322有其他更新作業正在進行中。請等候該更新完成,然後再次執行 Windows Media Player 安裝程式。或者,如果更新看起來已停止回應,請重新啟動 Windows,然後執行 Windows Media Player 安裝程式。 Another update is in progress. Wait until that update has completed, and then run Windows Media Player Setup again. Or, if the update appears to have stopped responding, restart Windows and then run Windows Media Player Setup.
323電腦更新正在進行中,安裝程式無法繼續: A computer update in progress, Setup can not continue:
324要安裝 Windows Media Player,您的電腦必須執行 Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 或更新的版本。 To install Windows Media Player, your computer must be running Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 or later.
326目前沒有任何適用於您電腦的 Windows Media Player 更新可供下載與安裝。 No Windows Media Player updates for your computer are available for download and installation at this time.
327正在取得商店資訊: 請稍候... Obtaining store information: Please wait...
329部分資訊 (包括分級與播放次數) 並未匯入到 Player。 Some information was not imported into the Player, including ratings and play counts.
330安裝程式無法複製部分或全部面板檔案。 Setup was unable to copy some or all of the skin files.
331可用磁碟空間不足,無法解除安裝 Windows Media Player。至少需要 50 MB 的可用磁碟空間。請釋出硬碟上的額外空間,然後再繼續執行「安裝程式」。 There is not enough free disk space to uninstall Windows Media Player. At least 50 megabytes (MB) of free disk space is needed. Free additional space on your hard disk and then continue with Setup.
332升級商店軟體 Upgrade Store Software
333電腦的可用磁碟空間小於 50 MB。建議您取消安裝程式、刪除硬碟上不需要的檔案,然後繼續執行安裝程式。 There is less than 50 megabytes (MB) of free disk space on your computer. It is recommended that you cancel Setup, delete unneeded files on your hard disk, and then resume Setup.
334Windows Media Player 語言不符。 Windows Media Player language mismatch.
335您要安裝的 Windows Media Player 版本與目前已安裝的版本相同,但其語言不同。若要變更語言,您必須使用 [新增或移除程式] 解除安裝目前的 Windows Media Player 版本,然後再安裝想要的語言版本。 The version of Windows Media Player that you are trying to install is the same as the currently installed version, except in a different language. To change the language, you must first uninstall the current Player by using Add and Remove Programs, and then install the language version that you want.
336無法完成商店安裝 Cannot Complete Store Install
337無法完成安裝程式; %s 未安裝,您必須立即重新啟動 Windows。 It was not possible to complete Setup; %s was not installed. You must restart Windows now.
338%s 未安裝。若要將此商店新增至 Windows Media Player,請再執行一次 %s 安裝程式。 %s was not installed. To add this store to Windows Media Player, run %s Setup again.
339無法完成 %s 安裝程式。 It was not possible to complete %s Setup.
340%s 已安裝。 %s has been installed.
342客戶經驗改進計畫的線上描述 Online description of the Customer Experience Improvement Program
344繼續之前,請先關閉 %s。 Please close %s before continuing.
345若要將此商店新增至 Windows Media Player,必須以系統管理員或 Administrators 群組成員的身分登入此電腦。請按一下 [完成],登出電腦,然後以管理員身分登入。 To add this store to Windows Media Player, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click Finish, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator.
346無法解除安裝 %s,因為解除安裝所需的資料夾已移除。 It is not possible to uninstall %s because folders that are required for the uninstall have already been deleted.
347%s 有可用的升級程式。請按一下 [我接受] 下載該軟體,或按一下 [我拒絕] 取消升級。 An upgrade is available for %s. Click I Accept to download the software, or click I Decline to cancel the upgrade.
400立即安裝 Install now
401確定 OK

按一下 [立即安裝] 下載並安裝這些更新。

Click Install Now to download and install these updates.
410423|420|80|22|上一步(&B) 423|420|80|22|&Back
411503|420|80|22|下一步(&N) 503|420|80|22|&Next
412423|420|80|22|取消(&C) 423|420|80|22|&Cancel
413503|420|80|22|完成(&F) 503|420|80|22|&Finish
414508|420|80|22|我接受(&A) 508|420|80|22|I &Accept
415428|420|80|22|我拒絕(&D) 428|420|80|22|I &Decline
416503|420|80|22|安裝(&I) 503|420|80|22|&Install
417503|420|80|22|確定(&O) 503|420|80|22|&OK
419503|420|80|22|重新啟動(&R) 503|420|80|22|&Restart
1128您可以造訪 來安裝可用的更新。 Updates are available that you can install by visiting
1129您的電腦目前正在進行更新。您確定要在更新完成前取消嗎? Your computer is currently being updated. Are you sure you want to cancel this update before it is complete?
1135Media Restore Pack Media Restore Pack
1137正在取得 %s 的更新程式 Obtaining Updates for %s
1138您的電腦已執行最新版本的 %s 及其所有元件,目前無更新的必要。 Your computer is running the most recent version of %s and all of its components. No update is available at this time.
1139目前有 %s 的更新程式,您是否要現在進行更新? A %s update is available. Do you want to update now?
9800新增到 Windows Media Player 清單(&A) &Add to Windows Media Player list
9801以 Windows Media Player 播放(&P) &Play with Windows Media Player
9900音訊剪輯 Sound Clip
9902電影短片 Movie Clip
9903AIFF 格式聲音 AIFF Format Sound
9904AU 格式聲音 AU Format Sound
9905視訊短片 Video Clip
9907MIDI 編曲 MIDI Sequence
9908Wave 音訊 Wave Sound
9909Windows Media 音訊/視訊檔 Windows Media Audio/Video file
9910Windows Media 音訊/視訊播放清單 Windows Media Audio/Video playlist
9911Windows Media 音訊捷徑 Windows Media Audio shortcut
9912Windows Media 音訊檔 Windows Media Audio file
9915Windows Media Player 面板檔 Windows Media Player Skin File
9916Windows Media Player 面板套件 Windows Media Player Skin Package
9917音訊 CD AudioCD
9918CD 曲目 CD Audio Track
9919Windows Media Player 檔案 Windows Media Player File
9920Windows Media Player 下載套件 Windows Media Player Download Package
9921DVD 視訊 DVD Video
9922媒體播放清單 Media Playlist
9923Windows Media 播放清單 Windows Media playlist
9924Windows Media 媒體櫃 Windows Media Library
9925MP3 格式聲音 MP3 Format Sound
9926M3U 檔 M3U file
9927Microsoft 錄製節目 Microsoft Recorded TV Show
9928URL:MMS 通訊協定 URL:MMS Protocol
9929URL:MMST 通訊協定 URL:MMST Protocol
9930URL:MMSU 通訊協定 URL:MMSU Protocol
9931URL:MSBD 通訊協定 URL:MSBD Protocol
9932MP4 視訊 MP4 Video
9933MPEG-4 音訊 MPEG-4 Audio
9934AVCHD 視訊 AVCHD Video
9935MPEG-2 TS 視訊 MPEG-2 TS Video
9936QuickTime 影片 QuickTime Movie
99373GPP 音訊/視訊 3GPP Audio/Video
99383GPP2 音訊/視訊 3GPP2 Audio/Video
9939ADTS 音訊 ADTS Audio
9940更新登錄項目中... Updating the registry...
9941更新 INI 檔案中... Updating INI files...
9942查驗安裝目錄中... Verifying installation directories...
9943刪除舊目錄中... Deleting old directories...
9944正在執行安裝後作業... (這可能需要數分鐘) Performing post-setup operations... (this may take several minutes)
9945正在執行安裝前初始化... Performing pre-setup initialization...
9946登錄元件中... Registering components...
9947解除登錄元件中... Unregistering components...
9948複製檔案中... Copying files...
9949正在刪除檔案... Deleting files...
9950MKV 視訊 MKV Video
9951MKA 音訊 MKA Audio
9952MK3D 視訊 MK3D Video
9953FLAC 音訊 FLAC Audio
9960未知 Unknown
9961查驗數位簽章中... Verifying digital signature...
9962正從壓縮的保存檔解開檔案。 Extracting files from compressed archive.
9963Windows Media 安裝程式 Windows Media Setup
9964封裝安裝進度... Package install progress...
9980Program Files Program Files
9990開啟(&O) &Open
9991播放(&P) &Play
9992AU 音訊檔 (au) AU audio file (au)
9993MIDI 檔 (midi) MIDI file (midi)
9994Windows Media 音訊檔 (wma) Windows Media Audio file (wma)
9995Windows 音訊檔 (wav) Windows audio file (wav)
9996Windows Media 檔 (asf) Windows Media file (asf)
9997Windows 視訊檔 (avi) Windows video file (avi)
9998音樂 CD 播放 Music CD Playback
10000Windows Media 視訊檔 (wmv) Windows Media Video file (wmv)
10002MP3 音訊檔 (mp3) MP3 audio file (mp3)
10003影片檔案 (mpeg) Movie file (mpeg)
10004AIFF 音訊檔 (aiff) AIFF audio file (aiff)
10005Windows 圖片檔 (jpg) Windows picture file (jpg)
10006Microsoft 錄製節目 (dvr-ms) Microsoft Recorded TV Show (dvr-ms)
10007MP4 視訊檔案 MP4 Video file
10008MP4 音訊檔案 MP4 Audio file
10009QuickTime 影片檔案 QuickTime Movie file
10010包含副檔名為 .au 與 .snd 的檔案。 Includes files with .au and .snd extensions.
10011包含副檔名為 .mid、 .midi 與 .rmi 的檔案。 Includes files with .mid, .midi, and .rmi extensions.
10012包含副檔名為 .wma 與 .wax 的檔案。 Includes files with .wma and .wax extensions.
10013包含副檔名為 .wav 的檔案。 Includes files with .wav extensions.
10014包含副檔名為 .asf、.asx、.wpl、.wm、.wmx、.wmd 與 .wmz 的檔案。 Includes files with .asf, .asx, .wpl, .wm, .wmx, .wmd, and .wmz extensions.
10015包含副檔名為 .avi 的檔案。 Includes files with .avi extensions.
10016包含副檔名為 .cda 的音訊 CD 與檔案。 Includes audio CDs and files with .cda extensions.
10017DVD 視訊播放。 DVD Video playback.
10018包含副檔名為 .wmv 與 .wvx 的檔案。 Includes files with .wmv and .wvx extensions.
10020包含副檔名為 .mp2、.mp3 以及 .m3u 的檔案。 Includes files with .mp2, .mp3, and .m3u extensions.
10021包含副檔名為 .mpeg、.mpg、.mpe、.m1v、m2v、.mod、.mpv2、.mp2v 以及 .mpa 的檔案。 Includes files with .mpeg, .mpg, .mpe, .m1v, .m2v, .mod, .mpv2, .mp2v, and .mpa extensions.
10022包含副檔名為 .aif、.aifc 與 .aiff 的檔案。 Includes files with .aif, .aifc, and .aiff extensions.
10025包含副檔名為 .mp4、.m4v、.mp4v、.3gp、.3gpp、.3g2 及 .3gp2 的檔案。 Includes files with .mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .3gp, .3gpp, .3g2, and .3gp2 extensions.
10026包含副檔名為 .m4a 的檔案。 Includes files with .m4a extensions.
10027包含副檔名為 .mov 的檔案。 Includes files with .mov extensions.
10028包含副檔名為 .adts、.adt 以及 .aac 的檔案。 Includes files with .adts, .adt, and .aac extensions.
10029包含副檔名為 .m2ts、.m2t、.mts、.ts 以及 .tts 的檔案。 Includes files with .m2ts, .m2t, .mts, .ts, and .tts extensions.
10030包含副檔名為 .mkv、.mks 的檔案。 Includes files with .mkv, .mks extensions.
10031包含副檔名為 .mka 的檔案。 Includes files with .mka extensions.
10032包含副檔名為 .mk3d 的檔案。 Includes files with .mk3d extensions.
10033包含副檔名為 .flac 的檔案。 Includes files with .flac extensions.
10100正在預備下載。 Preparing for download.
10101連線至升級伺服器。 Connecting to upgrade server.
10102正在判斷檔案是否存在。 Determining file availability.
10103正在下載檔案。尚需時間: %s。 已接收 %s。 Downloading file. Time remaining: %s. Received %s.
10104下載完成。 Download complete.
10105正在初始化... Initializing...
10106下載過程中發生錯誤。 An error has occured while downloading.
10203正在解除安裝... Currently uninstalling...
10220軟體要發揮功能必須安裝這個元件。 This component must be installed for the software to function.
10221這是共用的元件,不應該解除安裝。 This is a shared component and should not be uninstalled.
10222270 270
1022360 60
10224%s 個位元組 %s bytes
10225%s KB %s KB
10226%s MB %s MB
10227%s GB %s GB
10228%s TB %s TB
10229ADTS 音訊檔 ADTS Audio file
10230MPEG-2 TS 視訊檔案 MPEG-2 TS Video file
10231MKV 視訊檔案 MKV Video file
10232MKA 音訊檔案 MKA Audio file
10233MK3D 視訊檔案 MK3D Video file
10234FLAC 音訊檔案 (flac) FLAC Audio file (flac)
0x30000000資訊 Info
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop


File Name:setup_wm.exe.mui
File Size:33 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:12.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:12.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft Windows Media 設定公用程式
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:setup_wm.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:setup_wm.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:12.0.15063.0

What is setup_wm.exe.mui?

setup_wm.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file setup_wm.exe (Microsoft Windows Media 設定公用程式).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft Windows Media 設定公用程式
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:setup_wm.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:setup_wm.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:12.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200