File name: | user32.dll.mui |
Size: | 18944 byte |
MD5: | 7b9c3a55301234a96ae4183869188e57 |
SHA1: | 79929fea86b03fddd77e2f86d51bd9c5a5f06e07 |
SHA256: | e19be9179269908fd422ef3993c54816fb1f6d4210b2e02af9b0da19d3411a01 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Maltese | English |
2 | Żball | Error |
13 | &More Windows... | &More Windows... |
14 | Insufficient memory to create the bitmap. Close one or more applications to increase available memory. | Insufficient memory to create the bitmap. Close one or more applications to increase available memory. |
700 | &Iftaħ l-IME | &Open IME |
701 | C&lose IME | C&lose IME |
702 | Op&en Soft Keyboard | Op&en Soft Keyboard |
703 | Close So&ft Keyboard | Close So&ft Keyboard |
705 | &Konverżjoni mill-ġdid | &Reconversion |
706 | għeluq is-sistema | shutdown |
707 | enerġija mitfija | power off |
708 | irristartja | restart |
709 | unknown | unknown |
710 | Windows | Windows |
711 | If you shut down this remote computer, no one can use it until someone at the remote location manually restarts it.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
If you shut down this remote computer, no one can use it until someone at the remote location manually restarts it.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
712 | Other people are logged on to this remote computer. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data. Also, someone at the remote location will have to restart the computer manually.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
Other people are logged on to this remote computer. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data. Also, someone at the remote location will have to restart the computer manually.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
713 | Other people are logged on to this computer. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
Other people are logged on to this computer. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
714 | Other people are logged on to this computer. Restarting Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue restarting? |
Other people are logged on to this computer. Restarting Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue restarting? |
719 | Safe Mode | Safe Mode |
750 | (Mhux Jirrispondi) | (Not Responding) |
751 | One or more devices on your network are using the computer resources. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data. Also, someone at the remote location will have to restart the computer manually.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
One or more devices on your network are using the computer resources. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data. Also, someone at the remote location will have to restart the computer manually.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
752 | Other people and devices are using the computer resources. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data. Also, someone at the remote location will have to restart the computer manually.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
Other people and devices are using the computer resources. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data. Also, someone at the remote location will have to restart the computer manually.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
753 | One or more devices on your network are using the computer resources. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
One or more devices on your network are using the computer resources. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
754 | Other people and devices are are using the computer resources. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
Other people and devices are are using the computer resources. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue shutting down? |
755 | One or more devices on your network are using the computer resources. Restarting Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue restarting? |
One or more devices on your network are using the computer resources. Restarting Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue restarting? |
756 | Other people and devices are using the computer resources. Restarting Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue restarting? |
Other people and devices are using the computer resources. Restarting Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue restarting? |
800 | OK | OK |
801 | Ikkanċella | Cancel |
802 | &Waqqaf | &Abort |
803 | &Erġa’ Pprova | &Retry |
804 | &Injora | &Ignore |
805 | &Iva | &Yes |
806 | &Le | &No |
807 | &Agħlaq | &Close |
808 | Għajnuna | Help |
810 | &Kompli | &Continue |
900 | Imminimizza | Minimize |
901 | Immassimizza | Maximize |
902 | Restawr Fuq | Restore Up |
903 | Restawr Isfel | Restore Down |
905 | Agħlaq | Close |
1001 | Immaġni | Image |
1002 | Test | Text |
1003 | Awdjo | Audio |
1004 | Oħrajn | Other |
8250 | Ħardwer: Manutenzjoni (Mhux ippjanata) | Hardware: Maintenance (Unplanned) |
8251 | Ħardwer: Manutenzjoni (Ippjanata) | Hardware: Maintenance (Planned) |
8252 | Ħardwer: Installazzjoni (Mhux ippjanata) | Hardware: Installation (Unplanned) |
8253 | Ħardwer: Installazzjoni (Ippjanata) | Hardware: Installation (Planned) |
8255 | Operating System: Upgrade (Planned) | Operating System: Upgrade (Planned) |
8256 | Sistema Operattiva: Konfigurazzjoni mill-ġdid (Mhux ippjanata) | Operating System: Reconfiguration (Unplanned) |
8257 | Sistema operattiva: Konfigurazzjoni mill-ġdid (Ippjanata) | Operating System: Reconfiguration (Planned) |
8258 | Applikazzjoni: mhux qed tirrispondi | Application: Unresponsive |
8259 | Applikazzjoni: mhux stabbli | Application: Unstable |
8260 | Applikazzjoni: Manutenzjoni (Mhux ippjanata) | Application: Maintenance (Unplanned) |
8261 | Oħrajn (Mhux ippjanati) | Other (Unplanned) |
8262 | Oħrajn (Ippjanati) | Other (Planned) |
8263 | Żball fis-Sistema: Waqqaf l-iżball | System Failure: Stop error |
8264 | Interruzzjoni fl-enerġija: il-wajer mhux imqabbad | Power Failure: Cord Unplugged |
8265 | Power Failure: Environment | Power Failure: Environment |
8266 | Żball ieħor: is-sistema mhux qed tirrispondi | Other Failure: System Unresponsive |
8267 | Unknown | Unknown |
8268 | Programm: Manutenzjoni (Ippjanata) | Application: Maintenance (Planned) |
8269 | Ma nstab l-ebda titolu għal din ir-raġuni | No title for this reason could be found |
8270 | Legacy API shutdown | Legacy API shutdown |
8271 | Sistema Operattiva: Irkupru (Ippjanat) | Operating System: Recovery (Planned) |
8272 | Sistema Operattiva: Irkupru (Mhux Ippjanat) | Operating System: Recovery (Unplanned) |
8275 | Startjar mill-ġdid jew għeluq tas-sistema biex jiġi kkontrollat il-ħardwer tas-sistema. | A restart or shutdown to service hardware on the system. |
8276 | Startjar mill-ġdid jew għeluq tas-sistema biex tinbeda jew titlesta l-installazzjoni tal-ħardwer. | A restart or shutdown to begin or complete hardware installation. |
8277 | A restart or shutdown to upgrade the operating system. | A restart or shutdown to upgrade the operating system. |
8278 | Startjar mill-ġdid jew għeluq tas-sistema biex tinbidel il-konfigurazzjoni tas-sistema operattiva. | A restart or shutdown to change the operating system configuration. |
8279 | A restart or shutdown to troubleshoot an unresponsive application. | A restart or shutdown to troubleshoot an unresponsive application. |
8280 | A restart or shutdown to troubleshoot an unstable application. | A restart or shutdown to troubleshoot an unstable application. |
8281 | A restart or shutdown to service an application. | A restart or shutdown to service an application. |
8282 | Startjar mill-ġdid jew għeluq tas-sistema għal raġuni mhux magħrufa | A shutdown or restart for an unknown reason |
8283 | Il-kompjuter wera okkorrenza ta’ kraxx bi skrin blu. | The computer displayed a blue screen crash event. |
8284 | The computer was unplugged. | The computer was unplugged. |
8285 | There was a power outage. | There was a power outage. |
8286 | The system became unresponsive. | The system became unresponsive. |
8287 | Startjar mill-ġdid jew għeluq tas-sistema biex titwettaq manutenzjoni ppjanata f'applikazzjoni. | A restart or shutdown to perform planned maintenance on an application. |
8288 | Operating System: Service pack (Planned) | Operating System: Service pack (Planned) |
8289 | Operating System: Hot fix (Planned) | Operating System: Hot fix (Planned) |
8290 | Operating System: Hot fix (Unplanned) | Operating System: Hot fix (Unplanned) |
8291 | Operating System: Security fix (Planned) | Operating System: Security fix (Planned) |
8292 | Operating System: Security fix (Unplanned) | Operating System: Security fix (Unplanned) |
8293 | Applikazzjoni: Installazzjoni (Ippjanata) | Application: Installation (Planned) |
8294 | A restart or shutdown to install service pack. | A restart or shutdown to install service pack. |
8295 | A restart or shutdown to install hot fix. | A restart or shutdown to install hot fix. |
8296 | A restart or shutdown to install security fix. | A restart or shutdown to install security fix. |
8297 | A restart or shutdown to perform application installation. | A restart or shutdown to perform application installation. |
8298 | This shutdown was initiated by the legacy API InitiateSystemShutdown. For full shutdown information applications should use the InitiateSystemShutdownEX API instead. | This shutdown was initiated by the legacy API InitiateSystemShutdown. For full shutdown information applications should use the InitiateSystemShutdownEX API instead. |
8299 | Problema tas-sigurtà (Mhux ippjanata) | Security issue (Unplanned) |
8300 | Problema tas-sigurtà (Ippjanata) | Security issue (Planned) |
8301 | Nuqqas ta' konnettività tan-netwerk (Mhux Ippjanata) | Loss of network connectivity (Unplanned) |
8310 | Jeħtieġ li tingħalaq is-sistema tal-kompjuter minħabba kwistjoni ta' sigurtà. | The computer needs to be shut down due to a security issue. |
8311 | The computer needs to be shut down due to a network connectivity issue. | The computer needs to be shut down due to a network connectivity issue. |
8312 | Irristartjar jew għeluq biex tiġi rkuprata s-sistema. | A restart or shutdown to perform system recovery. |
0x10000038 | Classic | Classic |
0x40000430 | Error Instrument: ProcessName: %1 WindowTitle: %2 MsgCaption: %3 MsgText: %4 CallerModuleName: %5 BaseAddr: %6 ImageSize: %7 ReturnAddr: %8 | Error Instrument: ProcessName: %1 WindowTitle: %2 MsgCaption: %3 MsgText: %4 CallerModuleName: %5 BaseAddr: %6 ImageSize: %7 ReturnAddr: %8 |
0x50000003 | Warning | Warning |
0x51000004 | Information | Information |
0x80000431 | The attempt by user %2 to restart/shutdown computer %1 failed | The attempt by user %2 to restart/shutdown computer %1 failed |
0x80000432 | The process %1 has initiated the %5 of computer %2 on behalf of user %7 for the following reason: %3%n Reason Code: %4%n Shutdown Type: %5%n Comment: %6 | The process %1 has initiated the %5 of computer %2 on behalf of user %7 for the following reason: %3%n Reason Code: %4%n Shutdown Type: %5%n Comment: %6 |
0x80000433 | The last restart/shutdown request of computer %1 was aborted by user %2%n | The last restart/shutdown request of computer %1 was aborted by user %2%n |
0x80000434 | The reason supplied by user %6 for the last unexpected shutdown of this computer is: %1%n Reason Code: %2%n Problem ID: %3%n Bugcheck String: %4%n Comment: %5 | The reason supplied by user %6 for the last unexpected shutdown of this computer is: %1%n Reason Code: %2%n Problem ID: %3%n Bugcheck String: %4%n Comment: %5 |
0x80000435 | The attempt by user %2 to logoff computer %1 failed | The attempt by user %2 to logoff computer %1 failed |
0x90000001 | User32 | User32 |
0x90000002 | System | System |
0x91000001 | Error Instrument | Error Instrument |
0x91000002 | Application | Application |
File Description: | Windows għal ħafna utenti USER API Client DLL |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | user32 |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat. |
Original Filename: | user32 |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x43A, 1200 |