4201 | Spreminjanje zagonskega PIN-a |
Change startup PIN |
4202 | Stari P&IN |
&Old PIN |
4203 | &Novi PIN |
&New PIN |
4204 | P&otrdite novi PIN |
&Confirm new PIN |
4205 | &Ponastavi pozabljeni PIN |
&Reset a forgotten PIN |
4207 | Prekliči |
Cancel |
4208 | &Spremeni PIN |
Change &PIN |
4210 | PIN je bil uspešno spremenjen. |
The PIN has been successfully changed. |
4211 | Izberite PIN, v katerem je %1!#u!‒%2!#u! številk. |
Choose a PIN that's %1!#u!‒%2!#u! numbers long. |
4212 | Šifriranje pogona BitLocker (%1) |
BitLocker Drive Encryption (%1) |
4213 | Zapri |
Close |
4214 | Spreminjanje zagonskega gesla |
Change startup password |
4215 | Staro &geslo |
&Old password |
4216 | &Novo geslo |
&New password |
4217 | &Potrditev novega gesla |
&Confirm new password |
4218 | &Kako izberem zapleteno geslo? |
&How do I select a strong password? |
4219 | &Spremeni geslo |
Change &password |
4220 | Geslo je bilo uspešno spremenjeno. |
The password has been successfully changed. |
4221 | Ustvarite zapleteno geslo, v katerem uporabite velike in male črke, številke, simbole in presledke. V geslu je lahko od %1!#u! do %2!#u! znakov. |
You should create a strong password that uses uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. A password can be %1!#u! to %2!#u! characters long. |
4222 | &Ponastavi pozabljeno geslo |
&Reset a forgotten password |
4223 | Spreminjanje gesla |
Change password |
4224 | Tega gesla za odklepanje morda ne boste mogli vnesti v vseh računalnikih. |
You may not be able to enter this password to unlock on every system. |
4225 | &Pokaži geslo med vnašanjem |
&Show password as it is typed |
4226 | Izberite PIN, v katerem je %1!#u!‒%2!#u! znakov. |
Choose a PIN that's %1!#u!‒%2!#u! characters long. |
4227 | Tega gesla za odklepanje morda ne boste mogli vnesti pri zagonu računalnika. |
You may not be able to enter this password to unlock when booting. |
4228 | Tega PIN-a za odklepanje morda ne boste mogli vnesti pri zagonu računalnika. |
You may not be able to enter this PIN to unlock when booting. |
4229 | Pri inicializaciji orodja za spreminjanje kode PIN funkcije BitLocker je prišlo do napake. |
An error was encountered while initializing the BitLocker Change PIN tool. |
4230 | Šifriranje pogona BitLocker |
BitLocker Drive Encryption |
4231 | Zaščitnika kode PIN ni bilo mogoče najti. |
No PIN protector was found. |
4232 | Zaščitnika gesla ni bilo mogoče najti. |
No password protector was found. |
0xC0A30001 | Vnesena PIN-a se ne ujemata. |
The PINs you entered don't match. |
0xC0A30002 | Vneseni gesli se ne ujemata. |
The passwords you entered don't match. |
0xC0A30003 | Trenutni PIN ne izpolnjuje zahtev glede najmanjše dolžine. |
The current PIN doesn't meet the minimum length requirements. |
0xC0A30004 | Trenutno geslo ne izpolnjuje zahtev glede najmanjše dolžine. |
The current password doesn't meet the minimum length requirements. |
0xC0A30005 | Novi PIN ne izpolnjuje zahtev glede najmanjše dolžine. |
The new PIN doesn't meet the minimum length requirements. |
0xC0A30006 | Novo geslo ne izpolnjuje zahtev glede najmanjše dolžine. |
The new password doesn't meet the minimum length requirements. |
0xC0A30007 | Prišlo je do neznane težave. Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema. Koda napake: %1!#.8x! |
An unknown problem has occurred. Please contact your system administrator. Error code: %1!#.8x! |
0xC0A30008 | PIN-a za BitLocker ni mogoče spremeniti v varnem načinu. |
You can't change your BitLocker PIN in safe mode. |
0xC0A30009 | Gesla za BitLocker ni mogoče spremeniti v varnem načinu. |
You can't change your BitLocker password in safe mode. |