fhcpl.dll.mui 文件历史记录控制面板 7764497d4b95720194010c5c9b8ce832

File info

File name: fhcpl.dll.mui
Size: 8704 byte
MD5: 7764497d4b95720194010c5c9b8ce832
SHA1: 5708d98647d943d8a48f92ff2840b7e1259bed47
SHA256: 29722f97ac6e9d879269be4f14a125593f342b21a66f38d5e340140c72759047
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
2保留文件的历史记录。 Keep a history of your files
9通过创建个人文件的副本保护你的数据 Protect your data by creating copies of your personal files
12帮助 Help
46恢复 Recovery
47还原个人文件 Restore personal files
48高级设置 Advanced settings
49排除文件夹 Exclude folders
50选择驱动器 Select drive
52文件历史记录 File History
53系统映像备份 System Image Backup
72出于安全原因,某些设置由系统管理员进行管理。 For your security, some settings are managed by your system administrator.
73文件历史记录驱动器凭据不再有效。 Your File History drive credentials are no longer valid.
74你的电脑受 BitLocker 驱动器加密保护,但文件历史记录驱动器不受其保护。 Your PC is protected by BitLocker Drive Encryption, but your File History drive is not.
75文件历史记录在网络位置或不使用 NTFS 文件系统的驱动器上发现使用加密文件系统加密的文件。不会备份这些文件。 File History has found files that are encrypted with Encrypting File System, on a network location, or on a drive that doesn’t use the NTFS file system. These files won’t be backed up.
76文件历史记录无法识别此驱动器。 File History doesn't recognize this drive.
77你的家庭组建议使用此文件历史记录驱动器。如果要使用该驱动器,则需要输入你的凭据。 This File History drive was recommended by your homegroup. You need to enter your credentials if you want to use it.
80输入你的凭据 Enter your credentials
81重新输入你的凭据 Reenter your credentials
83%2 上的 %1 %1 on %2
84%1 上的网络存储 Network Storage on %1
85%1 可用,共 %2 %1 free of %2
86%1 (%2!c!:) %1 (%2!c!:)
87可移动磁盘 Removable Disk
88本地磁盘 Local Disk
89网络驱动器 Network Drive
92上次备份文件的时间: %1。 Files last copied on %1.
93我们无法完成文件复制。请连接文件历史记录驱动器并刷新此页,然后继续。 We can't finish copying your files. Connect your File History drive and refresh this page to continue.
94文件历史记录正在保存你的文件副本。 File History is saving copies of your files.
95文件历史记录正在第一次保存你的文件的副本。 File History is saving copies of your files for the first time.
105无排除的项目。 No excluded items.
200永远(默认) Forever (default)
201直到需要空间时 Until space is needed
2022 年 2 years
2031 年 1 year
2049 个月 9 months
2056 个月 6 months
2063 个月 3 months
2071 个月 1 month
210每 10 分钟 Every 10 minutes
211每 15 分钟 Every 15 minutes
212每 20 分钟 Every 20 minutes
213每 30 分钟 Every 30 minutes
214每小时(默认) Every hour (default)
215每 3 小时 Every 3 hours
216每 6 小时 Every 6 hours
217每 12 小时 Every 12 hours
218每天 Daily
232早于 2 年 Older than 2 years
233早于 1 年(默认) Older than 1 year (default)
234早于 9 个月 Older than 9 months
235早于 6 个月 Older than 6 months
236早于 3 个月 Older than 3 months
238早于 1 个月 Older than 1 month
239全部(最近的一个除外) All but the latest one
241用户名 User name
242计算机名 Computer name
245是否要再次将此驱动器用于文件历史记录? Do you want to use this drive for File History again?
248上次备份日期 Last backup date
249此驱动器不包含最新的文件。要还原这些文件,你需要重新选择上次使用的驱动器。 This drive doesn’t have your most recent files. To restore those files, you’ll need to reselect the drive you last used.
260无法启用文件历史记录 Could not enable File History
261无法禁用文件历史记录 Could not disable File History
262无法停止用户数据备份 Could not stop user data backup
263无法建议目标 Could not recommend target
264无法取消建议目标 Could not unrecommend target
265无法删除排除规则 Could not remove exclude rule
266无法添加排除规则 Could not add exclude rule
267无法清理文件历史记录数据 Could not clean up File History data
268无法更改保留策略 Could not change retention policy
269无法更改备份频率 Could not change backup frequency
270我们无法将你的文件复制到此位置 We can't copy your files to this location
271无法重新关联文件历史记录数据 Could not reassociate with File History data
272文件历史记录错误 File History error
273我们无法添加你的网络位置 We can't add your network location
274你的凭据不再有效 Your credentials are no longer valid
276你已打开使用文件历史记录的应用 You have apps open that are using File History
280配置错误。 Configuration error.
281目标未连接。 Target is not connected.
282目标验证失败。 Target verification failed.
283没有为文件历史记录配置目标。 Target is not configured for File History.
284目标没有足够的可用空间。 Target does not have enough free space.
285目标以前使用过。 Target was previously used.
286无法使用此位置保存文件。请尝试其他位置。 This location can't be used to save your files. Try a different location.
287关闭文件历史记录和磁盘清理应用,然后重试。 Close the File History and Disk Cleanup apps, and then try again.
288确保你仍可以将文件保存到文件历史记录驱动器,或者更改此驱动器。 Make sure you can still save files to your File History drive, or change the drive.

错误 0x%1!X!: 路径长度超过限制。
Choose a different location and try again.

Error 0x%1!X!: The path exceeds length restrictions.
290可用驱动器 Available drives
291可用空间 Free space
292总空间 Total space
295为文件历史记录建议一个驱动器 Recommend a drive for File History
296要为家庭组的其他成员建议此驱动器吗? Do you want to recommend this drive to other members of your homegroup?
300找不到可用驱动器。建议你将外部驱动器用于文件历史记录。连接一个驱动器并刷新此页,或者使用一个网络位置。 No usable drive was found. We recommend that you use an external drive for File History. Connect a drive and refresh this page, or use a network location.
301找不到可用的驱动器。 No usable drives were found.
302找不到可用的驱动器。请连接外部驱动器或尝试其他驱动器(如果你的驱动器未列出)。确保驱动器未包含在某个库中。 No usable drives were found. Connect an external drive, or try another drive if yours isn't listed. Make sure the drive isn't included in a library.
305仍要移动现有文件吗? Do you want to move your existing files, too?
306我们发现某些文件以前是使用文件历史记录复制的。我们可以将这些文件移动到你的新驱动器,以便其仍然可用。 We found some files you previously copied using File History. We can move them to your new drive so they'll still be available.
310文件历史记录清理 File History Cleanup
311删除旧版本的文件和文件夹 Delete older versions of files and folders
312清理(&C) &Clean up
315请选择要排除的文件夹或库。 Please select a folder or library to exclude.
320;;none ;;italic
340文件历史记录已启用 File History is on
341文件历史记录已关闭 File History is off
342正在移动你的文件... Moving your files...
343正在搜索驱动器 Searching for drives
344正在还原 Restore in progress
345还原已暂停 Restore suspended
360正在还原文件(%1%%) Restoring files (%1%%)
361%1%% 已还原。当驱动器变为可用时,还原将继续。 %1%% restored. Restore will continue when the drive becomes available.
362停止还原? Stop restore?
363建议你继续还原文件。如果现在停止,则已还原的文件将仍保留在电脑上,而文件历史记录将被关闭。是否确实要停止还原文件? We recommend you continue restoring files. If you stop now, files already restored will stay on your PC, and File History will be turned off. Are you sure you want to stop restoring your files?
364“网络发现”功能已关闭。网络计算机和设备不可见。 Network discovery is turned off. Network computers and devices aren’t visible.
365显示所有网络位置 Show all network locations
367库、桌面、联系人和收藏夹 Libraries, Desktop, Contacts, and Favorites
516从文件历史记录中排除 Exclude from File History
517如果不希望保存特定文件夹或库的副本,请在这里添加它们。 If you don't want to save copies of specific folders or libraries, add them here.
518保存更改 Save changes
519单击 click
520取消 Cancel
522添加(&A) &Add
524删除(&R) &Remove
526排除的文件夹和库: Excluded folders and libraries:
527排除的文件夹列表 Excluded Folders List
528不受文件历史记录保护的文件夹列表。 List of folders that aren't protected by File History.
531选择你希望多久保存一次文件副本,以及将保存的版本保留多长时间。 Choose how often you want to save copies of your files, and how long to keep saved versions.
543保留保存的版本: Keep saved versions:
544保存文件的副本: Save copies of files:
567转到“备份和还原”(Windows 7) Go to Backup and Restore (Windows 7)
569从以下列表中选择一个驱动器,或者输入网络位置。 Choose a drive from the following list, or enter a network location.
571备份目标列表 Backup target list
572可能的备份位置列表。 List of possible backup locations.
573确定 OK
575选择一个网络位置 Select a network location
576关闭 Turn off
577启用 Turn on
581保留文件的历史记录 Keep a history of your files
582文件历史记录会保存文件的副本,因此在文件丢失或损坏时,你可以找回它们。 File History saves copies of your files so you can get them back if they're lost or damaged.
588文件复制来源: Copy files from:
589将文件复制到: Copy files to:
592家庭组 HomeGroup
593如果这台电脑是家庭组的一部分,你可以将此驱动器推荐给其他家庭组成员。 If this PC is part of a homegroup, you can recommend this drive to other homegroup members.
594建议此驱动器 Recommend this drive
595创建或加入家庭组 Create or join a homegroup
596添加网络位置(&A) &Add network location
599我希望在此文件历史记录驱动器上使用以前的备份(&W)。 I &want to use a previous backup on this File History drive.
600选择现有的备份: Select an existing backup:
601现有配置列表 Existing Configurations List
602此目标上已有的配置列表。 List of configurations that exist on this target.
603此文件历史记录驱动器已被使用。 This File History drive was already used.
604已断开连接 Disconnected
605选择文件历史记录驱动器 Select a File History drive
606清理版本 Clean up versions
607版本 Versions
608已锁定 Locked
610启用 BitLocker Turn on BitLocker
612我们将使用你以前的文件历史记录备份。 We'll use your previous File History backup.
617事件日志 Event logs
618打开文件历史记录事件日志以查看最近的事件或错误 Open File History event logs to view recent events or errors
619清理将删除比选定期限早的文件和文件夹版本,但最新版本的文件或文件夹除外。还会删除所有其他文件和文件夹,例如,从库中排除或删除的版本。 The cleanup deletes versions of files and folders older than the selected age, except the most recent version of a file or folder. All other files and folders, such as versions that were excluded or removed from your libraries, are also deleted.
620删除文件: Delete files:
623这台电脑无法与家庭组中的其他电脑共享。 This PC can't share with others in the homegroup.
624查看家庭组设置 View homegroup settings
627立即运行 Run now
628停止 Stop
629拒绝访问 Access denied
630未知错误 Unknown error
632选择其他驱动器 Select another drive
633停止还原 Stop restore
634启用网络发现 Turn on network discovery
635验证你的凭据(&C) Verify your &credentials
636显示所有网络位置(&S) &Show all network locations
637你已经备份你的文件。若要停止使用你的当前备份驱动器,请转到“备份和还原”。 You're already backing up your files. To stop using your current backup drive, go to Backup and Restore.


File Name:fhcpl.dll.mui
File Size:8.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:8192
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:文件历史记录控制面板
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:FHCPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:FHCPL.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is fhcpl.dll.mui?

fhcpl.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file fhcpl.dll (文件历史记录控制面板).

File version info

File Description:文件历史记录控制面板
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:FHCPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:FHCPL.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200