srv2.sys.mui Smb 2.0 伺服器驅動程式 772a6040174811661b8d433db4679c36

File info

File name: srv2.sys.mui
Size: 41472 byte
MD5: 772a6040174811661b8d433db4679c36
SHA1: 9d5a964611a0d1f854c5bd3d08a12ec51d3ef5d2
SHA256: bf11becae7df2922cb5f18a4236a23ae90bf9c126cc5aa5ce09a7185be7b307d
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

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id Chinese (Traditional) English
1SMB Server Shares SMB Server Shares
3此計數器集合會顯示 SMB 伺服器共用的相關資訊,而 SMB 伺服器共用是使用 SMB 通訊協定第 2 版或更高版本所共用。 This counter set displays information about SMB server shares that are shared using SMB protocol version 2 or higher.
9Received Bytes/sec Received Bytes/sec
11為此共用相關的要求接收位元組的速率。此值包含應用程式資料與 SMB 通訊協定資料 (如封包標頭)。 The rate at which bytes are being received for requests related to this share. This value includes application data as well as SMB protocol data (such as packet headers).
17Requests/sec Requests/sec
19為此共用接收要求的速率 The rate at which requests are being received for this share
21Tree Connect Count Tree Connect Count
23此共用的目前樹狀目錄連線數 The current number of tree connects to this share
25Current Open File Count Current Open File Count
27目前在此共用中開啟的檔案控制代碼數 The number of file handles that are currently open in this share
1005位元組從與此共用相關的 SMB 檔案伺服器傳送至其用戶端的每秒速率。此值包含資料位元組與通訊協定位元組。 The rate, in seconds, at which bytes are being sent from the SMB File Server related to this share to its clients. This value includes both data bytes and protocol bytes.
1007Sent Bytes/sec Sent Bytes/sec
1013此共用之 Sent Bytes/sec 與 Received Bytes/sec 的總和。 The sum of Sent Bytes/sec and Received Bytes/sec for this share.
1015Transferred Bytes/sec Transferred Bytes/sec
1017與此共用相關,且正在等候 SMB 檔案伺服器處理的要求數。 The number of requests related to this share that are waiting to be processed by the SMB File Server.
1019Current Pending Requests Current Pending Requests
1025從 SMB 檔案伺服器接收到此共用的要求開始,到 SMB 檔案伺服器傳送對應的回應為止,所經歷的平均秒數。 The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which the SMB File Server receives a request for this share and the time at which the SMB File Server sends the corresponding response.
1027Avg. sec/Request Avg. sec/Request
1033與此共用相關的「處理的寫入要求數/秒」。 Write requests processed/sec related to this share.
1035Write Requests/sec Write Requests/sec
1037從接收到此共用的寫入要求開始,到 SMB 檔案伺服器傳送對應的回應為止,所經歷的平均秒數。 The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a write request to this share is received and the time at which the SMB File Server sends the corresponding response.
1039Avg. sec/Write Avg. sec/Write
1045資料寫入至此共用的每秒速率。 The rate, in seconds, at which data is being written to this share.
1047Write Bytes/sec Write Bytes/sec
1053與此共用相關的「處理的讀取要求數/秒」。 Read requests processed/sec related to this share.
1055Read Requests/sec Read Requests/sec
1057從接收到此共用的讀取要求開始,到 SMB 檔案伺服器傳送對應的回應為止,所經歷的平均秒數。 The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a read request to this share is received and the time at which the SMB File Server sends the corresponding response.
1059Avg. sec/Read Avg. sec/Read
1065從此共用讀取資料的每秒速率。 The rate, in seconds, at which data is being read from this share.
1067Read Bytes/sec Read Bytes/sec
1069SMB 檔案伺服器自啟動後代表其用戶端在此共用上開啟的檔案數。 The number of files that have been opened by the SMB File Server on behalf of its clients on this share since the server started.
1071Total File Open Count Total File Open Count
1073為 SMB 檔案伺服器的用戶端在此共用上開啟檔案的每秒速率。 The rate, in seconds, at which files are being opened for the SMB File Server’s clients on this share.
1075Files Opened/sec Files Opened/sec
1077目前在此共用中開啟的耐久檔案控制代碼數 The number of durable file handles that are currently open on this share
1079Current Durable Open File Count Current Durable Open File Count
1081自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此共用上在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的耐久開啟數。 The number of durable opens on this share that have been recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server started.
1083Total Durable Handle Reopen Count Total Durable Handle Reopen Count
1085自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此共用上無法在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的耐久開啟數。 The number of durable opens on this share that could not be recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server Started.
1087Total Failed Durable Handle Reopen Count Total Failed Durable Handle Reopen Count
1089用戶端要求彈性的開啟總數百分比。 The percentage of total opens for which clients requested resiliency.
1091% Resilient Handles % Resilient Handles
1093自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此共用上在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的彈性開啟數。 The number of resilient opens on this share that have been recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server started.
1095Total Resilient Handle Reopen Count Total Resilient Handle Reopen Count
1097自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此共用上無法在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的彈性開啟數。 The number of resilient opens on this share that could not be recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server Started.
1099Total Failed Resilient Handle Reopen Count Total Failed Resilient Handle Reopen Count
1101用戶端要求永久性的控制代碼總數百分比。 The percentage of total handles for which clients requested persistency.
1103% Persistent Handles % Persistent Handles
1105自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此共用上在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的永續開啟數。 The number of persistent opens on this share that have been recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server started.
1107Total Persistent Handle Reopen Count Total Persistent Handle Reopen Count
1109自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此共用上無法在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的永續開啟數。 The number of persistent opens on this share that could not be recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server Started.
1111Total Failed Persistent Handle Reopen Count Total Failed Persistent Handle Reopen Count
1117中繼資料要求傳送至此共用的速率 (秒)。 The rate, in seconds, at which metadata requests are being sent to this share.
1119Metadata Requests/sec Metadata Requests/sec
1121從收到此共用的讀取或寫入要求開始,到 SMB 檔案伺服器處理要求為止,所經歷的平均秒數。 The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a read or write request to this share is received and the time at which the SMB File Server processes the request.
1123Avg. sec/Data Request Avg. sec/Data Request
1125每一讀取或寫入要求的平均位元組數目。 The average number of bytes per read or write request.
1127Avg. Data Bytes/Request Avg. Data Bytes/Request
1129每一讀取要求的平均位元組數目。 The average number of bytes per read request.
1131Avg. Bytes/Read Avg. Bytes/Read
1133每一寫入要求的平均位元組數目。 The average number of bytes per write request.
1135Avg. Bytes/Write Avg. Bytes/Write
1137為此共用排入佇列的平均讀取要求數目。 The average number of read requests that were queued for this share.
1139Avg. Read Queue Length Avg. Read Queue Length
1141為此共用排入佇列的平均寫入要求數目。 The average number of write requests that were queued for this share.
1143Avg. Write Queue Length Avg. Write Queue Length
1145為此共用排入佇列的平均讀取和寫入要求數目。 The average number of read and write requests that were queued for this share.
1147Avg. Data Queue Length Avg. Data Queue Length
1149資料寫入到或讀取自此共用的速率 (秒)。 The rate, in seconds, at which data is being written to or read from this share.
1151Data Bytes/sec Data Bytes/sec
1153收到此共用之讀取或寫入要求的速率 (秒)。 The rate, in seconds, at which read or write requests are received for this share.
1155Data Requests/sec Data Requests/sec
1157此共用上目前未處理的讀取或寫入要求數目。 The current number of read or write requests outstanding on this share.
1159Current Data Queue Length Current Data Queue Length
2001此計數器集合會顯示使用 SMB 通訊協定第 2 版或更高版本的 SMB 伺服器工作階段的相關資訊 This counter set displays information about SMB server sessions using SMB protocol version 2 or higher
2003SMB Server Sessions SMB Server Sessions
2009為此工作階段中的要求接收位元組的速率。此值包含應用程式資料與 SMB 通訊協定資料 (如封包標頭)。 The rate at which bytes are being received for requests in this session. This value includes application data as well as SMB protocol data (such as packet headers).
2017此工作階段中接收要求的速率 The rate at which requests are being received in this session
2021此工作階段中的樹狀目錄連線數 The number of tree connects in this session
2025目前在此工作階段中開啟的檔案控制代碼數 The number of file handles that are currently open in this session
2033位元組在此工作階段中從 SMB 檔案伺服器傳送至用戶端的每秒速率。此值包含資料位元組與通訊協定位元組。 The rate, in seconds, at which bytes are being sent from the SMB File Server in this session to the client. This value includes both data bytes and protocol bytes.
2041此工作階段之 Sent Bytes/sec 與 Received Bytes/sec 的總和。 The sum of Sent Bytes/sec and Received Bytes/sec for this session.
2045此工作階段中正在等候 SMB 檔案伺服器處理的要求數。 The number of requests in this session that are waiting to be processed by the SMB File Server.
2053從 SMB 檔案伺服器在此工作階段中接收到要求開始,到 SMB 檔案伺服器傳送對應的回應為止,所經歷的平均秒數。 The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which the SMB File Server receives a request in this session and the time at which the SMB File Server sends the corresponding response.
2061此工作階段中每秒處理的寫入要求數。 Write requests processed/sec in this session.
2065從接收到此工作階段中的寫入要求開始,到 SMB 檔案伺服器傳送對應的回應為止,所經歷的平均秒數。 The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a write request in this session is received and the time at which the SMB File Server sends the corresponding response.
2073在此工作階段中寫入資料的每秒速率。 The rate, in seconds, at which data is being written in this session.
2083此工作階段中每秒處理的讀取要求數。 Read requests processed/sec in this session.
2087從接收到此工作階段中的讀取要求開始,到 SMB 檔案伺服器傳送對應的回應為止,所經歷的平均秒數。 The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a read request in this session is received and the time at which the SMB File Server sends the corresponding response.
2095在此工作階段中讀取資料的每秒速率。 The rate, in seconds, at which data is being read in this session.
2099SMB 檔案伺服器自啟動後代表其用戶端在此工作階段中開啟的檔案數。 The number of files that have been opened by the SMB File Server on behalf of its clients in this session since the server started.
2103在此工作階段中開啟檔案的每秒速率。 The rate, in seconds, at which files are being opened in this session.
2107目前在此工作階段中開啟的耐久檔案控制代碼數 The number of durable file handles that are currently open in this session
2111自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此工作階段中在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的耐久開啟數。 The number of durable opens in this session that have been recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server started.
2115自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此工作階段中無法在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的耐久開啟數。 The number of durable opens in this session that could not be recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server Started.
2123自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此工作階段中在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的彈性開啟數。 The number of resilient opens in this session that have been recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server started.
2127自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此工作階段中無法在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的彈性開啟數。 The number of resilient opens in this session that could not be recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server Started.
2131用戶端要求永續性的開啟總數百分比。 The percentage of total opens for which clients requested persistency.
2135自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此工作階段中在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的永續開啟數。 The number of persistent opens in this session that have been recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server started.
2139自 SMB 檔案伺服器啟動後,此工作階段中無法在暫時性網路連線中斷後復原的永續開啟數。 The number of persistent opens in this session that could not be recovered after a temporary network disconnect since the SMB File Server Started.
2147在此工作階段中傳送中繼資料要求的每秒速率。 The rate, in seconds, at which metadata requests are being sent in this session.
2151從收到此工作階段的讀取或寫入要求開始,到 SMB 檔案伺服器處理要求為止,所經歷的平均秒數。 The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a read or write request to this session is received and the time at which the SMB File Server processes the request.
2167在此工作階段中排入佇列的平均讀取要求數目。 The average number of read requests that were queued in this session.
2171在此工作階段中排入佇列的平均寫入要求數目。 The average number of write requests that were queued in this session.
2175在此工作階段中排入佇列的平均讀取和寫入要求數目。 The average number of read and write requests that were queued in this session.
2179在此工作階段中之資料寫入或讀取的每秒速率。 The rate, in seconds, at which data is being written or read in this session.
2183在此工作階段中接收讀取或寫入要求的每秒速率。 The rate, in seconds, at which read or write requests are received in this session.
2187在此工作階段中的目前待處理讀取或寫入要求數目。 The current number of read or write requests outstanding in this session.
3001「SMB 伺服器」效能計數器會測量 SMB 通訊協定第 2 版或更新版的檔案伺服器活動 The SMB Server performance counters measure file server activity for SMB protocol versions 2 and higher
3003SMB Server SMB Server
3005Read Bytes/sec 是滿足 SMB 讀取要求的資料讀取速率。 Read Bytes/sec is the rate at which data is being read to satisfy SMB read requests.
3009Read Requests/sec 是接收 SMB 讀取要求的速率。 Read Requests/sec is the rate at which SMB read requests are being received.
3013Write Bytes/sec 是滿足 SMB 寫入要求的資料寫入速率。 Write Bytes/sec is the rate at which data is being written to satisfy SMB write requests.
3017Write Requests/sec 是接收 SMB 寫入要求的速率。 Write Requests/sec is the rate at which SMB write requests are being received.
3021Send Bytes/sec 是網路上傳送資料的速率。此值包含應用程式資料與 SMB 通訊協定資料 (例如封包標頭)。 Send Bytes/sec is the rate at which data is being transmitted on the network. This value includes application data as well as SMB protocol data (such as packet headers).
3023Send Bytes/sec Send Bytes/sec
3025Receive Bytes/sec 是從網路接收資料的速率。此值包含應用程式資料與 SMB 通訊協定資料 (例如封包標頭)。 Receive Bytes/sec is the rate at which data is being received from the network. This value includes application data as well as SMB protocol data (such as packet headers).
3027Receive Bytes/sec Receive Bytes/sec
0x10000035稽核失敗 Audit Failure
0x30000000資訊 Info
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x30000009傳送 Send
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Performance Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Performance
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Analytic Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Analytic
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Operational Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Operational
0x90000004Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Diagnostic Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Diagnostic
0x90000005Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Security Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Security
0x90000006Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Connectivity Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Connectivity
0x90000007Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Audit Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Audit
0xB00000C8SMB2 工作項目元件轉換 SMB2 Work Item Component Transition
0xB00000C9已配置 SMB2 工作項目 SMB2 Work Item allocated
0xB00000CA已釋放 SMB2 工作項目 SMB2 Work Item released
0xB00000CBSMB2 工作項目活動識別碼傳輸 SMB2 Work Item activity id transfer
0xB00000CCSMB2 工作項目外部活動識別碼停止 SMB2 Work Item external activity id stop
0xB00001F4已接受 SMB2 連線 SMB2 Connection accepted
0xB00001F5對等項目已中斷 SMB2 連線 SMB2 Connection Disconnected by Peer
0xB00001F6已終止 SMB2 連線 SMB2 Connection Terminated
0xB0000226已配置 SMB2 工作階段 SMB2 Session Allocated
0xB0000227Smb 工作階段驗證失敗 Smb Session Authentication Failure
0xB0000228SMB2 工作階段驗證成功 SMB2 Session Authentication Success
0xB0000229SMB2 工作階段已繫結至連線 SMB2 Session Bound to Connection
0xB000022A已終止 SMB2 工作階段 SMB2 Session Terminated
0xB0000258已配置 SMB2 TreeConnect SMB2 TreeConnect Allocated
0xB0000259已中斷 SMB2 TreeConnect 的連線 SMB2 TreeConnect Disconnected
0xB000025A已終止 SMB2 TreeConnect SMB2 TreeConnect Terminated
0xB000025BSMB2 TreeConnect 因叢集端點初始化而失敗 SMB2 TreeConnect Failed due to Cluster Endpoint Initializing
0xB000028A已建立 SMB2 Open SMB2 Open established
0xB000028B已中斷 SMB2 Open 的連線 - 保留 SMB2 Open Disconnected - Preserved
0xB000028C已重新連接 SMB2 Open SMB2 Open Reconnected
0xB000028D已暫停 SMB2 Open - 保留 SMB2 Open Suspended - Preserved
0xB000028E已關閉 SMB2 Open SMB2 Open Closed
0xB000028FSMB2 Open 已逾時 SMB2 Open Timed Out
0xB0000290已終止 SMB2 Open SMB2 Open Terminated
0xB0000291SMB2 Open 叢集用戶端容錯移轉已關閉 SMB2 Open Clustered Client Failover Closed
0xB0000292檔案 \"%8\\%2\" 的檔案控制代碼已由使用者 %4 (來自電腦 %6) 判定為無效 File handle for file \"%8\\%2\" was invalidated by user %4 from computer %6
0xB00002BC已新增 SMB2 共用 SMB2 Share Added
0xB00002BD已修改 SMB2 共用 SMB2 Share Modified
0xB00002BE已刪除 SMB2 共用 SMB2 Share Deleted
0xB00003E8S4U2Self 驗證失敗 - 用戶端無法使用 S4U2Self 重新驗證以取得宣告。若帳戶並非網域帳戶,即可能發生這種情況。 S4U2Self authentication failure - The client could not be reauthenticated with S4U2Self to obtain claims. This may be expected if the account is not a domain account.
0xB00003E9SRV 停用 - SMB1 交涉要求失敗,原因是 SMB1 已停用。 SRV Disabled - The SMB1 negotiate request fails due to SMB1 is disabled.
0xB00003EARKF 失敗 - SRV2 無法取得持續性控制代碼要求之繼續金鑰篩選的認可。 RKF failure - SRV2 failed to get acknowledgement from Resume Key filter for persistent handle request.
0xB00003EB此伺服器收到來自用戶端 %4 的未加密訊息。訊息已被拒絕。%n%n指示: %n%n此事件指出即使 SMB 共用要求加密,用戶端還是傳送未加密資料。 The server received an unencrypted message from client %4. Message was rejected.%n%nGuidance:%n%nThis event indicates that a client is sending unencrypted data even though the SMB share requires encryption.
0xB00003EC伺服器接收到來自用戶端 %2 的不正確簽署的訊息。訊息已被拒絕。%n%n指示: %n%n此事件指出用戶端正在傳送的要求經過不正確簽署。 The server received an incorrectly signed message from client %2. Message was rejected.%n%nGuidance:%n%nThis event indicates that a client is sending an incorrectly signed request.
0xB00003ED此伺服器無法驗證來自用戶端 %2 的交涉。連線已終止。 The server failed to validate negotiation from client %2. Connection was terminated.
0xB00003EE共用拒絕對用戶端的存取。%n%n用戶端名稱: %10%n用戶端位址: %6%n使用者名稱: %8%n工作階段識別碼: %17%n共用名稱: %2%n共用路徑: %4%n狀態: %16 (%15)%n對應的存取: %11%n授與的存取: %12%n安全性描述元: %14%n%n指示: %n%n當主體在沒有必要權限的情況下存取共用時,您應該預期會發生拒絕存取錯誤。這通常表示主體沒有直接的安全性權限或者未加入具有直接存取權限的群組。若要判斷並更正所指定共用上的權限,系統管理員可以使用 [檔案總管內容] 對話方塊中的 [安全性] 索引標籤、SMBSHARE Windows PowerShell 模組或 NET SHARE 命令。您也可以使用 [檔案總管] 中的 [有效存取權] 索引標籤來協助診斷此問題。%n%n如果應用程式嘗試先以可寫入模式開啟檔案,然後以唯讀模式重新開啟檔案,則可能會產生拒絕存取錯誤。在此情況下,不需要使用者執行動作。%n%n如果對共用的存取遭拒絕,而且未記錄此事件,您可以檢查檔案和資料夾 NTFS/REFS 權限。%n%n此錯誤不表示發生驗證問題,只表示有授權問題。 The share denied access to the client.%n%nClient Name: %10%nClient Address: %6%nUser Name: %8%nSession ID: %17%nShare Name: %2%nShare Path: %4%nStatus: %16 (%15)%nMapped Access: %11%nGranted Access: %12%nSecurity Descriptor: %14%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect access denied errors when a principal accesses a share without the necessary permissions. Usually, this indicates that the principal does not have direct security permissions or lacks membership in a group that has direct access permissions. To determine and correct the permissions on the specified share, an administrator can use the Security tab in File Explorer Properties dialog, the SMBSHARE Windows PowerShell module, or the NET SHARE command. You can also use the Effective Access tab in File Explorer to help diagnose the issue.%n%nApplications may generate access denied errors if they attempt to open files in a writable mode first, and then reopen the files in a read-only mode. In this case, no user action is required.%n%nIf access to the share is denied and this event is not logged, you can examine the file and folder NTFS/REFS permissions.%n%nThis error does not indicate a problem with authentication, only authorization.
0xB00003EF共用拒絕對用戶端的匿名存取。%n%n用戶端名稱: %8%n用戶端位址: %6%n共用名稱: %2%n共用路徑: %4%n%n指示: %n%n當用戶端嘗試連線至共用,但未提供任何認證時,您應該預期會發生此錯誤。這表示用戶端未提供使用者名稱 (以及必要時的網域認證)。預設會拒絕對共用的匿名存取。%n%n此錯誤不一律表示發生授權問題,主要表示發生驗證問題。這較常見於非 Windows 用戶端。 The share denied anonymous access to the client.%n%nClient Name: %8%nClient Address: %6%nShare Name: %2%nShare Path: %4%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this error when a client attempts to connect to shares and does not provide any credentials. This indicates that the client is not providing a user name (and domain credentials, if necessary). By default, anonymous access to shares is denied.%n%nThis error does not always indicate a problem with authorization, but mainly authentication. It is more common with non-Windows clients.
0xB00003F1伺服器拒絕對用戶端的匿名存取。%n%n用戶端名稱: %4%n 用戶端位址: %2%n工作階段識別碼: %5%n%n指示: %n%n當用戶端嘗試連線至共用,但未提供任何認證時,您應該預期會發生此錯誤。這表示用戶端未提供使用者名稱 (以及必要時的網域認證)。Windows Server 預設會拒絕對共用的匿名存取。%n%n此錯誤不一律表示發生授權問題,主要表示發生驗證問題。這較常見於非 Windows 用戶端。 The server denied anonymous access to the client.%n%nClient Name: %4%n Client Address: %2%nSession ID: %5%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this error when a client attempts to connect to shares and does not provide any credentials. This indicates that the client is not providing a user name (and domain credentials, if necessary). By default, Windows Server denies anonymous access to shares.%n%nThis error does not always indicate a problem with authorization, but mainly authentication. It is more common with non-Windows clients.
0xB00003F2已新增端點。%n%n名稱: %2%n網域名稱: %4%n傳輸名稱: %6%n傳輸旗標: %7%n%n指示: %n%n當伺服器開始接聽介面 (例如,系統重新啟動期間或啟用網路介面卡時),您應該預期會發生此事件。不需要使用者執行動作。 Endpoint added.%n%nName: %2%nDomain Name: %4%nTransport Name: %6%nTransport Flags: %7%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event when the server starts listening on an interface, such as during system restart or when enabling a network adaptor. No user action is required.
0xB00003F3已移除端點。%n%n名稱: %2%n網域名稱: %4%n傳輸名稱: %6%n%n指示: %n%n當伺服器停止接聽介面 (例如,關機期間或停用網路介面卡時),您應該預期會發生此事件。不需要使用者執行動作。 Endpoint removed.%n%nName: %2%nDomain Name: %4%nTransport Name: %6%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event when the server stops listening on an interface, such as during shutdown or when disabling a network adaptor. No user action is required.
0xB00003F4網路名稱資訊已變更。%n%n變更類型: %1%n網路名稱: %3%nIP 位址: %9%n旗標: %4%n介面索引: %5%n容量: %6%n連結速度: %7%n%n指示: %n%n在容錯移轉作業期間、系統啟動時或網路設定期間,您應該預期 Windows 容錯移轉叢集節點上會發生此事件。不需要使用者執行動作。 The network name information changed.%n%nChange Type: %1%nNet Name: %3%nIP Address: %9%nFlags: %4%nInterface Index: %5%nCapability: %6%nLink Speed: %7%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event on a Windows Failover Cluster node during failover operations, at system startup, or during network configuration. No user action is required.
0xB00003F5端點上線。%n%n端點名稱: %2%n傳輸名稱: %4%n%n指示: %n%n在容錯移轉作業期間,您應該預期 Windows 容錯移轉叢集節點上會發生此事件。不需要使用者執行動作。 Endpoint coming online.%n%nEndpoint Name: %2%nTransport Name: %4%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event on a Windows Failover Cluster node during failover operations. No user action is required.
0xB00003F6端點離線。%n%n端點名稱: %2%n傳輸名稱: %4%n%n指示: %n%n在容錯移轉作業期間,您應該預期 Windows 容錯移轉叢集節點上會發生此事件。不需要使用者執行動作。 Endpoint going offline.%n%nEndpoint Name: %2%nTransport Name: %4%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event on a Windows Failover Cluster node during failover operations. No user action is required.
0xB00003F7解密呼叫失敗。%n%n用戶端名稱: %2%n用戶端位址: %4%n工作階段識別碼: %7%n狀態: %6 (%5)%n%n指示: %n%n此事件的發生原因通常是前一個 SMB 工作階段不再存在。另一個發生原因是,封包因為遇到錯誤或「攔截式」攻擊而在電腦間的網路上遭到更改。 Decrypt call failed.%n%nClient Name: %2%nClient Address: %4%nSession ID: %7%nStatus: %6 (%5)%n%nGuidance:%n%nThis event commonly occurs because a previous SMB session no longer exists. It may also be caused by packets that are altered on the network between the computers due to either errors or a \"man-in-the-middle\" attack.
0xB00003F8重新開啟失敗。%n%n用戶端名稱: %7%n用戶端位址: %9%n使用者名稱: %13%n工作階段識別碼: %14%n共用名稱: %11%n檔案名稱: %16%n繼續金鑰: %20%n狀態: %2 (%1)%nRKF 狀態: %4 (%3)%n耐久: %17%n恢復: %18%n持續: %19%n原因: %21%n%n指示: %n%n用戶端嘗試重新開啟持續可用的控制代碼但失敗。這通常表示網路或背後要重新開啟的檔案發生問題。 Reopen failed.%n%nClient Name: %7%nClient Address: %9%nUser Name: %13%nSession ID: %14%nShare Name: %11%nFile Name: %16%nResume Key: %20%nStatus: %2 (%1)%nRKF Status: %4 (%3)%nDurable: %17%nResilient: %18%nPersistent: %19%nReason: %21%n%nGuidance:%n%nThe client attempted to reopen a continuously available handle, but the attempt failed. This typically indicates a problem with the network or underlying file being re-opened.
0xB00003F9已清理控制代碼。%n%n共用名稱: %7%n檔案名稱: %9%n繼續金鑰: %5%n持續檔案識別碼: %3%n動態檔案識別碼: %4%n耐久: %1%n恢復或持續: %2%n%n指示: %n%n伺服器已在 60 秒後關閉先前為用戶端保留的控制代碼。在持續可用但用戶端未以正常關閉工作階段的電腦上,您應該預期會發生此事件。例如,當用戶端意外重新啟動時,就可能會發生此事件。 Handle scavenged.%n%nShare Name: %7%nFile Name: %9%nResume Key: %5%nPersistent File ID: %3%nVolatile File ID: %4%nDurable: %1%nResilient or Persistent: %2%n%nGuidance:%n%nThe server closed a handle that was previously reserved for a client after 60 seconds. You should expect this event on a computer that is continuously available where a client did not gracefully close its session. For instance, this may occur when the client unexpectedly restarted.
0xB00003FA已完成工作階段的後門途徑驗證。%n%n工作階段識別碼: %1%n狀態: %3 (%2)%n工作狀態: %5 (%4)%n%n指示: %n%n在持續可用的電腦上,您應該預期會發生此事件。不需要使用者執行動作 Backchannel invalidation of session completed.%n%nSession ID: %1%nStatus: %3 (%2)%nTask Status: %5 (%4)%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event on a computer that is continuously available. No user action is required
0xB00003FB已完成檔案的後門途徑驗證。%n%n繼續金鑰: %1%n狀態: %3 (%2)%n工作狀態: %5 (%4)%n%n指示: %n%n在持續可用的電腦上,您應該預期會發生此事件。不需要使用者執行動作 Backchannel invalidation of file completed.%n%nResume Key: %1%nStatus: %3 (%2)%nTask Status: %5 (%4)%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event on a computer that is continuously available. No user action is required
0xB00003FC檔案系統作業所花的時間超出預期。%n%n用戶端名稱: %8%n用戶端位址: %10%n使用者名稱: %6%n工作階段識別碼: %3%n共用名稱: %12%n檔案名稱: %14%n命令: %1%n期間 (毫秒): %15%n警告閾值 (毫秒): %16%n%n指示: %n%n基礎檔案系統花了太長時間來回應作業。這通常表示儲存體發生問題,而非 SMB。 File system operation has taken longer than expected.%n%nClient Name: %8%nClient Address: %10%nUser Name: %6%nSession ID: %3%nShare Name: %12%nFile Name: %14%nCommand: %1%nDuration (in milliseconds): %15%nWarning Threshold (in milliseconds): %16%n%nGuidance:%n%nThe underlying file system has taken too long to respond to an operation. This typically indicates a problem with the storage and not SMB.
0xB00003FDLmCompatibilityLevel 值與預設值不同。%n%n已設定 LM 相容性層級: %1%n預設 LM 相容性層級: %2%n%n指示: %n%nLAN Manager (LM) 驗證是用來對 Windows 用戶端驗證網路作業的通訊協定。這些作業包括加入網域、存取網路資源以及驗證使用者或電腦。這可決定在用戶端與伺服器電腦之間交涉的挑戰/回應驗證通訊協定。明確而言,LM 驗證層級會決定用戶端所將嘗試交涉或伺服器所將接受的驗證通訊協定。為 LmCompatibilityLevel 設定的值,會決定網路登入所使用的挑戰/回應驗證通訊協定。此值會影響用戶端所使用的驗證通訊協定層級、交涉的工作階段安全性層級,以及伺服器所接受的驗證層級。%n%n值 (設定) - 描述%n%n0 (傳送 LM 與 NTLM 回應) - 用戶端會使用 LM 與 NTLM 驗證,且一律不使用 NTLMv2 工作階段安全性。網域控制站接受 LM、NTLM 和 NTLMv2 驗證。%n%n1 (傳送 LM 和 NTLM - 如果交涉,則使用 NTLMv2 工作階段安全性) - 用戶端會使用 LM 和 NTLM 驗證,並在伺服器支援時使用 NTLMv2 工作階段安全性。網域控制站接受 LM、NTLM 和 NTLMv2 驗證。%n%n2 (僅傳送 NTLM 回應) - 用戶端只會使用 NTLM 驗證,並在伺服器支援時使用 NTLMv2 工作階段安全性。網域控制站接受 LM、NTLM 和 NTLMv2 驗證。%n%n3 (僅傳送 NTLM v2 回應) - 用戶端只會使用 NTLMv2 驗證,並在伺服器支援時使用 NTLMv2 工作階段安全性。網域控制站接受 LM、NTLM 和 NTLMv2 驗證。%n%n4 (僅傳送 NTLMv2 回應/拒絕 LM) - 用戶端只會使用 NTLMv2 驗證,並在伺服器支援時使用 NTLMv2 工作階段安全性。網域控制站會拒絕 LM 與 NTLM,而僅接受 NTLMv2 驗證。%n%n5 (僅傳送 NTLM v2 回應/拒絕 LM 與 NTLM) - 用戶端只會使用 NTLMv2 驗證,並在伺服器支援時使用 NTLMv2 工作階段安全性。網域控制站會拒絕 LM 和 NTLM 並且只接受 NTLMv2 驗證。%n%n用戶端與伺服器上設定的 LmCompatibility 層級彼此不相容 (例如用戶端上為 0,伺服器上為 5),會造成無法存取伺服器。非 Microsoft 用戶端和伺服器也會提供這些組態設定。 LmCompatibilityLevel value is different from the default.%n%nConfigured LM Compatibility Level: %1%nDefault LM Compatibility Level: %2%n%nGuidance:%n%nLAN Manager (LM) authentication is the protocol used to authenticate Windows clients for network operations. This includes joining a domain, accessing network resources, and authenticating users or computers. This determines which challenge/response authentication protocol is negotiated between the client and the server computers. Specifically, the LM authentication level determines which authentication protocols the client will try to negotiate or the server will accept. The value set for LmCompatibilityLevel determines which challenge/response authentication protocol is used for network logons. This value affects the level of authentication protocol that clients use, the level of session security negotiated, and the level of authentication accepted by servers.%n%nValue (Setting) - Description%n%n0 (Send LM & NTLM responses) - Clients use LM and NTLM authentication and never use NTLMv2 session security. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.%n%n1 (Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated) - Clients use LM and NTLM authentication, and use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.%n%n2 (Send NTLM response only) - Clients use NTLM authentication only and use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.%n%n3 (Send NTLM v2 response only) - Clients use NTLMv2 authentication only and use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.%n%n4 (Send NTLMv2 response only/refuse LM) - Clients use NTLMv2 authentication only and use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers refuse LM and accept only NTLM and NTLMv2 authentication.%n%n5 (Send NTLM v2 response only/refuse LM & NTLM) - Clients use NTLMv2 authentication only and use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers refuse LM and NTLM and accept only NTLMv2 authentication.%n%nIncompatibly configured LmCompatibility levels between a client and server (such as 0 on a client and 5 on a server) prevent access to the server. Non-Microsoft clients and servers also provide these configuration settings.
0xB00003FE已啟用檔案及印表機共用防火牆規則。%n%n指示: %n%n當 Windows 防火牆設定成啟用 [檔案及印表機共用] 規則 (此會允許SMB 流量進入) 時,您應該預期會發生此事件。此事件會發生在設有自訂共用的電腦上。 File and printer sharing firewall rule enabled.%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event when Windows Firewall is configured to enable the File and Printer Sharing rule, which allows inbound SMB traffic. This event occurs on a computer that has custom shares configured.
0xB00003FF此伺服器上的一個或多個現有共用已啟用存取型列舉。%n%n指示: %n%n當使用 [伺服器管理員] 或 Set-SmbShare Windows PowerShell Cmdlet 在一個或多個共用上啟用存取型列舉時,您應該預期會發生此事件。當用戶端連線至共用,而該共用所含的資料夾包含使用者沒有存取權的許多對等項目層級資源,則存取型列舉可能會使 CPU 使用率提高。您可以在 Windows 登錄中設定 ABELevel 值來控制 CPU 使用率:%n%nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\Parameters\\ABELevel [DWORD]%n%n您可以將 ABELevel 的值設為更大的深度來減少 CPU 負荷,但這樣做會降低存取型列舉的有效性:%n%n值 = 0: 對所有層級啟用存取型列舉%n%n值 = 1: 對深度 1 啟用存取型列舉 (範例: \\server\\share)%n%n值 = 2: 對深度 2 啟用存取型列舉 (範例: \\server\\share\\folder)%n%n您可以繼續為多個深度層級來設定值。 One or more shares present on this server have access based enumeration enabled.%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event when enabling access-based enumeration on one or more shares by using either Server Manager or the Set-SmbShare Windows PowerShell cmdlet. Access-based enumeration can raise CPU utilization when clients connect to shares with folders containing many peer-level resources to which a user does not have access. You can control the CPU utilization by configuring the ABELevel value in the Windows registry:%n%nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\Parameters\\ABELevel [DWORD]%n%nYou can set the value for ABELevel to greater depths to minimize CPU overhead, but doing so diminishes the effectiveness of access-based enumeration:%n%nValue = 0: access-based enumeration is enabled for all levels%n%nValue = 1: access-based enumeration is enabled for a depth of 1 (example: \\server\\share)%n%nValue = 2: access-based enumeration is enabled for a depth of 2 (example: \\server\\share\\folder)%n%nYou can continue setting values for multiple depth levels.
0xB0000400此伺服器上已停用 SMB2 和 SMB3。這樣會導致功能性和效能降低。%n%n登錄機碼: HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\Parameters%n登錄值: Smb2%n預設值: 1 (或不存在)%n目前值: 0%n%n指示: %n%n停用 SMB2/SMB3 時,您應該預期會發生此事件。Microsoft 不建議停用 SMB2/SMB3。停用 SMB3 時,您無法使用 SMB Transparent Failover、SMB Scale Out、SMB Multichannel、SMB Direct (RDMA)、SMB Encryption、VSS for SMB 檔案共用和 SMB Directory Leasing 這類功能。在大部分情況下,SMB 提供疑難排解因應措施來代替停用 SMB2/SMB3。請使用 Set-SmbServerConfiguration Windows PowerShell Cmdlet 來啟用 SMB2/SMB3。 SMB2 and SMB3 have been disabled on this server. This results in reduced functionality and performance.%n%nRegistry Key: HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\Parameters%nRegistry Value: Smb2%nDefault Value: 1 (or not present)%nCurrent Value: 0%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event when disabling SMB2/SMB3. Microsoft does not recommend disabling SMB2/SMB3. When SMB3 is disabled, you cannot use features such as SMB Transparent Failover, SMB Scale Out, SMB Multichannel, SMB Direct (RDMA), SMB Encryption, VSS for SMB file shares, and SMB Directory Leasing. In most scenarios, SMB provides a troubleshooting workaround as an alternative to disabling SMB2/SMB3. Use the Set-SmbServerConfiguration Windows PowerShell cmdlet to enable SMB2/SMB3.
0xB0000401一個或多個具名管道或共用已標記為供匿名使用者存取。這樣會允許未驗證的使用者連線至此伺服器,使電腦的安全性風險增加。%n%n登錄機碼: HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\Parameters%n登錄值: NullSessionPipes、NullSessionShares%n預設值: 空白 (或不存在)%n目前值: 非空白%n%n指示: %n%n修改 NullSessionShares 和 NullSessionPipes 的預設值時,您應該預期會發生此事件。在一般檔案伺服器上,這些設定並不存在或不包含值,如此是最安全的設定。網域控制站預設會在 NullSessionShares 項目中填入 netlogon、samr 和 lsarpc,以允許舊式存取方法。 One or more named pipes or shares have been marked for access by anonymous users. This increases the security risk of the computer by allowing unauthenticated users to connect to this server.%n%nRegistry Key: HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\Parameters%nRegistry Values: NullSessionPipes, NullSessionShares%nDefault Value: Empty (or not present)%nCurrent Value: Non-empty%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event when modifying the default values of NullSessionShares and NullSessionPipes. On a typical file server, these settings do not exist or do not contain values, which is the most secure configuration. By default, domain controllers populate the NullSessionShares entry with netlogon, samr, and lsarpc to allow legacy access methods.
0xB0000402已對 SMB2 和 SMB3 通訊協定停用檔案租用。這樣會降低功能性,且可能會降低效能。%n%n登錄機碼: HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\Parameters%n登錄值: DisableLeasing%n預設值: 0 (或不存在)%n目前值: 非零%n%n指示: %n%n停用 SMB 3 Leasing 時,您應該預期會發生此事件。Microsoft 不建議停用 SMB Leasing。停用之後,可能因為不再從本機快取中擷取中繼資料和資料,而使得從用戶端到伺服器的流量增加。 File leasing has been disabled for the SMB2 and SMB3 protocols. This reduces functionality and can decrease performance.%n%nRegistry Key: HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\Parameters%nRegistry Value: DisableLeasing%nDefault Value: 0 (or not present)%nCurrent Value: non-zero%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event when disabling SMB 3 Leasing. Microsoft does not recommend disabling SMB Leasing. Once disabled, traffic from client to server may increase since metadata and data may no longer be retrieved from a local cache.
0xB0000403目前已關閉檔案及印表機共用防火牆連接埠。對於未分享內容的系統或是公用網路上的系統,這是預設設定。%n%n指示: %n%n當 Windows 防火牆未設定成啟用 [檔案及印表機共用] 規則 (此會允許 SMB 流量進入) 時,您應該預期會發生此事件。此事件會發生在未設有自訂共用的電腦上。除非允許 SMB 流量通過防火牆,否則用戶端無法存取此電腦上的 SMB 共用。 The file and printer sharing firewall ports are currently closed. This is the default configuration for a system that is not sharing content or is on a Public network.%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event when Windows Firewall is not configured to enable the File and Printer Sharing rule, which allows inbound SMB traffic. This event occurs on a computer that does not have custom shares configured. Clients cannot access SMB shares on this computer until SMB traffic is allowed through the firewall.
0xB0000404叢集支援的 SMB 方言最大值已變更。%n%nNewMaxDialect: %1%nOldMaxDialect: %2%n%n指導方針:%n%n在 Windows 容錯移轉叢集升級期間,會發生此事件。不需要使用者採取任何動作。 The maximum cluster-supported SMB dialect has changed.%n%nNewMaxDialect: %1%nOldMaxDialect: %2%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this event during a Windows Failover Cluster upgrade. No user action is required.
0xB0000405「加密套件順序」群組原則設定無效。%n%n指導方針:%n%n此事件表示系統管理員設定的「電腦設定\\系統管理範本\\網路\\Lanman 伺服器\\加密套件順序」群組原則設定無效。在解決此錯誤之前,伺服器將使用預設的加密套件順序 \"%1\"。 The Cipher Suite Order group policy setting is invalid.%n%nGuidance:%n%nThis event indicates that an administrator has configured an invalid value for the \"Computer Configuration\\Administrative Templates\\Network\\Lanman Server\\Cipher Suite Order\" group policy setting. The server will use the default cipher suite order \"%1\" until this error is resolved.
0xB0000406MDL 讀取或寫入完成要求失敗。%n%n伺服器名稱: %2%n共用名稱: %4%n檔案名稱: %6%nIsRead: %7%n狀態: %8%n%n指導方針:%n%n當完成已進行緩衝處理的 I/O 以釋放系統資源時,SMB 伺服器會將 MDL 完成要求傳送到檔案系統。檔案系統與其篩選器驅動程式不得讓 MDL 完成要求失敗。失敗可能會導致記憶體流失,並造成系統效能與穩定性降低。非 Microsoft 檔案系統篩選器驅動程式是 MDL 完成要求失敗最常見的原因。 An MDL read or write completion request failed.%n%nServer Name: %2%nShare Name: %4%nFile Name: %6%nIsRead: %7%nStatus: %8%n%nGuidance:%n%nThe SMB server sends MDL completion requests to a file system upon completion of a buffered I/O to release system resources. The file system and its filter drivers must not fail MDL completion requests. Failures may result in memory leaks and degraded system performance and stability. Non-Microsoft file system filter drivers are the most common cause of failed MDL completion requests.
0xB0000407伺服器偵測到問題,而且已擷取即時核心傾印以收集偵錯資訊。%n%n原因: %1%n傾印位置: %SystemRoot%\\LiveKernelReports%n%n指導方針:%n%n伺服器支援「即時傾印」功能,其中問題偵測會導致核心記憶體傾印,但不會有錯誤檢查與重新開機。這樣可讓「Microsoft 支援」在不需要求使用者重新開機或手動介入的情況下檢查記憶體傾印。理由代碼指出偵測到的問題類型。%n%n已無回應的 I/O%n%nI/O 花了過長的時間完成。功能不正常的協力廠商檔案系統迷你篩選器驅動程式是此問題的常見來源。其他原因包括故障的磁碟或大幅超過伺服器處理能力的用戶端導向 I/O 工作負載。 The server detected a problem and has captured a live kernel dump to collect debug information.%n%nReason: %1%nDump Location: %SystemRoot%\\LiveKernelReports%n%nGuidance:%n%nThe server supports the Live Dump feature, where the detection of a problem results in a kernel memory dump, but no bugcheck and reboot. This allows Microsoft Support to examine memory dumps without requiring a reboot or manual intervention. The reason code indicates the type of problem that was detected.%n%nStalled I/O%n%nAn I/O is taking an unreasonably long time to complete. Malfunctioning third-party file system minifilter drivers are a common source of this problem. Other causes include failed disks or a client-driven I/O workload that greatly exceeds the server's capacity.
0xB0000408伺服器偵測到問題,但無法擷取即時核心傾印以收集偵錯資訊。%n%n原因: %1%n%n指導方針:%n%n伺服器支援「即時傾印」功能,其中問題偵測會導致核心記憶體傾印,但不會有錯誤檢查與重新開機。這樣可讓「Microsoft 支援」在不需要求使用者重新開機或手動介入的情況下檢查記憶體傾印。理由代碼指出偵測到的問題類型。在此案例中,伺服器建立即時核心傾印的要求已被拒絕。這通常是因為即時核心傾印節流,此功能會防止頻繁的傾印耗用太多磁碟空間。請等候節流限制到期 (預設值是 7 天),或連絡「Microsoft 支援」以取得覆寫節流的步驟。此事件一天最多只會寫入一次記錄檔。導致伺服器要求即時核心傾印的問題可能會更頻繁地發生。%n%n已無回應的 I/O%n%nI/O 花了過長的時間完成。功能不正常的協力廠商檔案系統迷你篩選器驅動程式是此問題的常見來源。其他原因包括故障的磁碟或大幅超過伺服器處理能力的用戶端導向 I/O 工作負載。 The server detected a problem but was unable to capture a live kernel dump to collect debug information.%n%nReason: %1%n%nGuidance:%n%nThe server supports the Live Dump feature, where the detection of a problem results in a kernel memory dump, but no bugcheck and reboot. This allows Microsoft Support to examine memory dumps without requiring a reboot or manual intervention. The reason code indicates the type of problem that was detected. In this case, the server's request to create a live kernel dump was rejected. This is usually due to the live kernel dump throttle, which prevents frequent dumps from consuming too much disk space. Either wait for the throttle limit to expire (by default, 7 days), or contact Microsoft Support for steps to override the throttle. This event is written to the log no more than once per day. The problem that caused the server to the request a live kernel dump may be occuring more frequently.%n%nStalled I/O%n%nAn I/O is taking an unreasonably long time to complete. Malfunctioning third-party file system minifilter drivers are a common source of this problem. Other causes include failed disks or a client-driven I/O workload that greatly exceeds the server's capacity.
0xB0000409已將 RDMA %1 事件傳送到介面 %3 的 LanmanServer。 Sent RDMA %1 event to LanmanServer for interface %3.
0xB000040A傳送 RDMA 端點通知失敗 - %1 Send RDMA Endpoint notification failure - %1
0xB000040B介面 %2 的 RDMA 端點 %4 %1。 RDMA Endpoint %4 for interface %2 was %1.
0xB000040CRDMA 端點配置失敗 - 介面 %1 的端點配置失敗。%2 RDMA Endpoint allocation failure - Endpoint allocation failed for interface %1. %2
0xB000040DRDMA 接聽程式建立失敗 - %1 RDMA listener creation failure - %1
0xB000040E裝置 %3 的 RDMA 傳送端點通知 RPC 失敗 - %1 RDMA Send endpoint notification RPC failure for device %3 - %1
0xB000040F已收到介面 %2 的 Nsi 通知類型 %1,NdkOperationalState 為 %3 Received Nsi notification type %1 for interface %2 with NdkOperationalState %3
0xB0000410已收到介面 %2 的 Mib 通知類型 %1 Received Mib notification type %1 for interface %2
0xB0000411從登錄讀取 FSCTL 屬性時發生錯誤。將略過登錄值項目 %3。錯誤: %1 Error reading FSCTL properties information from the registry. Registry value entry %3 will be ignored. Error: %1
0xB0000708CA 失敗 - 因為檔案共用不是叢集共用,所以無法在新的或現有檔案共用上設定持續可用屬性。 CA failure - Failed to set continuously available property on a new or existing file share as the file share is not a cluster share.
0xB0000709CA 失敗 - 因為未啟動繼續金鑰篩選,或無法連結到基礎磁碟區,所以無法在新的或現有檔案共用上設定持續可用屬性。 CA failure - Failed to set continuously available property on a new or existing file share as Resume Key filter is not started or has failed to attach to the underlying volume.
0xB000070A此伺服器無法在叢集登錄中保留下一個 ID 區域。 The server failed to reserve the next ID region in the cluster registry.
0xB000070B安全性描述元與預設值不同。%n%n路徑: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\DefaultSecurity\\%1%n%n指導方針:%n%n這通常是因為系統管理員或第三方手動變更物件的安全性所造成。若要將安全性重設回預設值,請刪除上面顯示的路徑。%nMicrosoft 建議您不要變更預設安全性 %1,因為這樣可能會導致應用程式不相容或安全性問題。 The security descriptor differs from the default value.%n%nPath: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\DefaultSecurity\\%1%n%nGuidance:%n%nThis is typically caused by an administrator or a third party changing the security on the object manually. To reset the security back to the default value, delete the path shown above.%nMicrosoft does not recommend changing the default security of %1 as it may cause application incompatibilities or security concerns.
0xB00007D0封包片段 (%2 個位元組) Packet Fragment (%2 bytes)
0xB0000BB8SMB1 存取%n%n用戶端位址: %1%n%n指導方針:%n%n此事件表示用戶端嘗試使用 SMB1 存取伺服器。若要停止稽核 SMB1 存取,請使用 Windows PowerShell Cmdlet Set-SmbServerConfiguration。 SMB1 access%n%nClient Address: %1%n%nGuidance:%n%nThis event indicates that a client attempted to access the server using SMB1. To stop auditing SMB1 access, use the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Set-SmbServerConfiguration.
0xB0009C40封包 (%4 個位元組) Packet (%4 bytes)
0xB0010227SMB 工作階段驗證失敗%n%n用戶端名稱: %11%n用戶端位址: %6%n使用者名稱: %9%n工作階段識別碼: %7%n狀態: %4 (%3)%n%n指示: %n%n嘗試使用不正確的認證來連線至共用時,您應該預期會發生此錯誤。%n%n此錯誤不一律表示發生授權問題,主要表示發生驗證問題。這較常見於非 Windows 用戶端。%n%n當遇到下列狀況時,就可能會發生此錯誤: 對 NTLM 使用不正確的使用者名稱和密碼、用戶端與伺服器上的 LmCompatibility 設定彼此不符、Kerberos 服務主體名稱重複、Kerberos 授票服務票證不正確,或未對來賓帳戶啟用來賓存取權 SMB Session Authentication Failure%n%nClient Name: %11%nClient Address: %6%nUser Name: %9%nSession ID: %7%nStatus: %4 (%3)%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this error when attempting to connect to shares using incorrect credentials.%n%nThis error does not always indicate a problem with authorization, but mainly authentication. It is more common with non-Windows clients.%n%nThis error can occur when using incorrect usernames and passwords with NTLM, mismatched LmCompatibility settings between client and server, duplicate Kerberos service principal names, incorrect Kerberos ticket-granting service tickets, or Guest accounts without Guest access enabled
0xB00103E9用戶端嘗試使用 SMB1 存取伺服器,但已被拒絕,因為 SMB1 檔案共用已停用或已解除安裝。%n%n指導方針:%n%n系統管理員已停用或解除安裝 SMB1 的伺服器支援。執行 Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 R2 與更新版本的用戶端將無法存取此伺服器。執行 Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 與更新版本的用戶端已不再需要 SMB1。若要判斷哪種用戶端嘗試使用 SMB1 存取此伺服器,請使用 Windows PowerShell Cmdlet Set-SmbServerConfiguration 來啟用 SMB1 存取稽核。 A client attempted to access the server using SMB1 and was rejected because SMB1 file sharing support is disabled or has been uninstalled.%n%nGuidance:%n%nAn administrator has disabled or uninstalled server support for SMB1. Clients running Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 R2 and earlier will not be able to access this server. Clients running Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 and later no longer require SMB1. To determine which clients are attempting to access this server using SMB1, use the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Set-SmbServerConfiguration to enable SMB1 access auditing.
0xB00103EB伺服器要求加密,但卻收到來自用戶端的未加密訊息。訊息已被拒絕。%n%n用戶端名稱: %4%n用戶端位址: %8%n使用者名稱: %6%n工作階段識別碼: %9%n共用名稱: %2%n%n指示: %n%n此事件指出即使 SMB 共用要求加密,用戶端還是傳送未加密資料。 The server received an unencrypted message from client when encryption was required. Message was rejected.%n%nClient Name: %4%nClient Address: %8%nUser Name: %6%nSession ID: %9%nShare Name: %2%n%nGuidance:%n%nThis event indicates that a client is sending unencrypted data even though the SMB share requires encryption.
0xB00103EC伺服器已拒絕不正確簽署的訊息。%n%n用戶端名稱: %2%n用戶端位址: %6%n使用者名稱: %4%n工作階段識別碼: %7%n%n指示: %n%n此事件指出用戶端正在傳送的要求經過不正確簽署。 The server rejected an incorrectly signed message.%n%nClient Name: %2%nClient Address: %6%nUser Name: %4%nSession ID: %7%n%nGuidance:%n%nThis event indicates that a client is sending an incorrectly signed request.
0xB00103ED伺服器已拒絕無效的交涉要求。已終止連線。%n%n用戶端名稱: %2%n用戶端位址: %6%n使用者名稱: %4%n工作階段識別碼: %13%n預期方言: %7%n預期功能: %8%n預期安全性模式: %9%n收到的方言: %10%n收到的功能: %11%n收到的安全性模式: %12%n%n指示: %n%n此事件指出用戶端嘗試使用不相符的方言或功能來交涉第二個連線。 The server rejected an invalid negotiation request. Connection was terminated.%n%nClient Name: %2%nClient Address: %6%nUser Name: %4%nSession ID: %13%nExpected Dialect: %7%nExpected Capabilities: %8%nExpected Security Mode: %9%nReceived Dialect: %10%nReceived Capabilities: %11%nReceived Security Mode: %12%n%nGuidance:%n%nThis event indicates that a client is attempting to negotiate a second connection using a mismatched dialect or capabilities.
0xB0020001SMB2 要求交涉 SMB2 Request Negotiate
0xB0020002SMB2 要求工作階段設定 SMB2 Request Session Setup
0xB0020003SMB2 要求登出 SMB2 Request Logoff
0xB0020004SMB2 要求樹狀目錄連線 SMB2 Request Tree Connect
0xB0020005SMB2 要求樹狀目錄中斷連線 SMB2 Request Tree Disconnect
0xB0020006SMB2 要求 Echo SMB2 Request Echo
0xB0020007SMB2 要求取消 SMB2 Request Cancel
0xB0020008SMB2 要求建立 SMB2 Request Create
0xB0020009SMB2 要求關閉 SMB2 Request Close
0xB002000ASMB2 要求排清 SMB2 Request Flush
0xB002000BSMB2 要求讀取 SMB2 Request Read
0xB002000CSMB2 要求寫入 SMB2 Request Write
0xB002000DSMB2 要求中斷 Oplock SMB2 Request Break Oplock
0xB002000ESMB2 要求通知中斷租用 SMB2 Request Notify Break Lease
0xB002000FSMB2 要求認可中斷租用 SMB2 Request Acknowledge Break Lease
0xB0020010SMB2 要求鎖定 SMB2 Request Lock
0xB0020011SMB2 要求 Ioctl SMB2 Request Ioctl
0xB0020012SMB2 要求查詢目錄 SMB2 Request Query Directory
0xB0020013SMB2 要求變更通知 SMB2 Request Change Notify
0xB0020014SMB2 要求查詢資訊 SMB2 Request Query Info
0xB0020015SMB2 要求設定資訊 SMB2 Request Set Info
0xB0020065SMB2 回應交涉 SMB2 Response Negotiate
0xB0020066SMB2 回應工作階段設定 SMB2 Response Session Setup
0xB0020067SMB2 回應登出 SMB2 Response Logoff
0xB0020068SMB2 回應樹狀目錄連線 SMB2 Response Tree Connect
0xB0020069SMB2 回應樹狀目錄中斷連線 SMB2 Response Tree Disconnect
0xB002006ASMB2 回應 Echo SMB2 Response Echo
0xB002006CSMB2 回應建立 SMB2 Response Create
0xB002006DSMB2 回應關閉 SMB2 Response Close
0xB002006ESMB2 回應排清 SMB2 Response Flush
0xB002006FSMB2 回應讀取 SMB2 Response Read
0xB0020070SMB2 回應寫入 SMB2 Response Write
0xB0020071SMB2 回應中斷 Oplock SMB2 Response Break Oplock
0xB0020073SMB2 回應認可中斷租用 SMB2 Response Acknowledge Break Lease
0xB0020074SMB2 回應鎖定 SMB2 Response Lock
0xB0020075SMB2 回應 Ioctl SMB2 Response Ioctl
0xB0020076SMB2 回應查詢目錄 SMB2 Response Query Directory
0xB0020077SMB2 回應變更通知 SMB2 Response Change Notify
0xB0020078SMB2 回應查詢資訊 SMB2 Response Query Info
0xB0020079SMB2 回應設定資訊 SMB2 Response Set Info
0xB002007ASMB2 回應錯誤 SMB2 Response Error
0xB0020227SMB 工作階段驗證失敗%n%n用戶端名稱: %11%n用戶端位址: %6%n使用者名稱: %9%n工作階段識別碼: %7%n狀態: %4 (%3)%nSPN: %12%nSPN 驗證原則: %13%n%n指導方針:%n%n使用不正確的認證嘗試連線到共用時會發生此錯誤。%n%n此錯誤並非一律表示授權問題,但主要是驗證問題。在非 Windows 用戶端上,此錯誤更常見。%n%n在下列情況中,會發生此錯誤: 搭配 NTLM 使用不正確的使用者名稱與密碼、用戶端與伺服器之間的 LmCompatibility 設定不相符、服務主體名稱不正確、Kerberos 服務主體名稱重複、Kerberos 票證授權服務票證不正確、未啟用來賓存取的來賓帳戶 SMB Session Authentication Failure%n%nClient Name: %11%nClient Address: %6%nUser Name: %9%nSession ID: %7%nStatus: %4 (%3)%nSPN: %12%nSPN Validation Policy: %13%n%nGuidance:%n%nYou should expect this error when attempting to connect to shares using incorrect credentials.%n%nThis error does not always indicate a problem with authorization, but mainly authentication. It is more common with non-Windows clients.%n%nThis error can occur when using incorrect usernames and passwords with NTLM, mismatched LmCompatibility settings between client and server, an incorrect service principal name, duplicate Kerberos service principal names, incorrect Kerberos ticket-granting service tickets, or Guest accounts without Guest access enabled
0xB00203ED交涉完整性檢查失敗。%n%n狀態: %2%n用戶端名稱: %4%n用戶端位址: %8%n使用者名稱: %6%n工作階段識別碼: %9%n%n指導方針:%n%n此事件表示用戶端與伺服器之間的網路上的用戶端交涉要求已因為錯誤或攔截式攻擊而變更。用戶端已斷線以防止安全性降級。 Negotiate integrity check failed.%n%nStatus: %2%nClient Name: %4%nClient Address: %8%nUser Name: %6%nSession ID: %9%n%nGuidance:%n%nThis event indicates that the client's negotiate request was altered on the network between the client and server due to errors or a \"man-in-the-middle\" attack. The client has been disconnected to prevent a security downgrade.
0xD0000001SPN optional / no validation SPN optional / no validation
0xD0000002SPN optional / validate service name SPN optional / validate service name
0xD0000003SPN optional / validate full SPN optional / validate full
0xD0000004SPN 為必要 / 驗證服務名稱 SPN required / validate service name
0xD0000005SPN 為必要 / 驗證完整 SPN required / validate full
0xD0000006已停止的 I/O Stalled I/O
0xD0000007Tdi Tdi
0xD0000008Wsk Wsk
0xD0000009Rdma Rdma
0xD000000A新增 Add
0xD000000B更新 Update
0xD000000CRemove Remove
0xD000000DNone None
0xD000000EReconnect durable file Reconnect durable file
0xD000000FRKF resume create RKF resume create
0xD0000010Build create response Build create response
0xD0000011不適用 N/A
0xD00000122.0.2 2.0.2
0xD00000132.1 2.1
0xD00000143.0 3.0
0xD00000153.0.2 3.0.2
0xD00000163.1.1 3.1.1
0xD0000017已關閉 closed
0xD0000018已建立 created
0xD0000019已停用 disabled
0xD000001A已啟用 enabled
0xD000001B取得介面 %2 的單點傳播 IP 位址表格時發生錯誤。%3 Error getting unicast ip address table for interface %2. %3
0xD000001C取得介面 %2 的單點傳播 IP 位址項目時發生錯誤。%3 Error getting unicast ip address entry for interface %2. %3
0xD000001D尋找或新增介面 %2 時發生錯誤。 Error finding or adding the interface %2.
0xD000001EDadState 與介面 %2 的 IpDadStatePreferred 不同。目前的 DadState: %6。 DadState is different from IpDadStatePreferred for interface %2. Current DadState: %6.
0xD000001F取得介面 %2 的 Nsi 參數時發生錯誤。%3 Error getting Nsi parameters for interface %2. %3
0xD0000020配置集區記憶體時發生錯誤 Error allocating pool memory
0xD0000021更新裝置 %5 的傳輸清單時發生錯誤。%3。 Error updating transport list for device %5. %3.
0xD0000022配置及取得表格時發生錯誤。%3。 Error allocating and getting table. %3.
0xD0000023不支援通知類型 %6。未完成任何動作。 Notification type %6 is not supported. Nothing was done.
0xD0000024從介面 %2 的 TransportName 取得位址時發生錯誤。%3 Error getting Address from TransportName for interface %2. %3
0xD0000025尋找介面 %2 的位址時發生錯誤。%3 Error finding the address of the interface %2. %3
0xD0000026發生錯誤,因為介面 %2 不支援「SMB 直接傳輸」。%3 Error because SMB Direct is not supported in interface %2. %3
0xD0000027初始化介面 %2 中的 SMB 時發生錯誤。%3 Error initializing SMB in interface %2. %3
0xD0000028初始化非同步控制代碼時發生錯誤。%4 Error initilizing the async handle. %4
0xD0000029XsActSrv 不是作用中。 XsActSrv is not active.
0xD000002APnp 例外狀況。%4 Pnp exception. %4
0xD000002B完成 pnp 作業時發生逾時。%4 Timeout on comleting pnp operation. %4
0xD000002CPnp 作業花太久的時間且並未完成,因此必須予以取消。%4 Pnp operation took too long and it was never completed so it must be cancelled. %4
0xD000002D取消 Pnp 作業時發生錯誤。%4 Error cancelling Pnp opearion. %4
0xD000002ENsiParameterNotification NsiParameterNotification
0xD000002FNsiAddInstance NsiAddInstance
0xD0000030NsiDeleteInstance NsiDeleteInstance
0xD0000031NsiInitialNotification NsiInitialNotification
0xD0000032MibParameterNotification MibParameterNotification
0xD0000033MibAddInstance MibAddInstance
0xD0000034MibDeleteInstance MibDeleteInstance
0xD0000035MibInitialNotification MibInitialNotification
0xD0000036登錄值定義 FSCTL 的屬性,但它已在另一個登錄值中定義。 Registry value defines properties for an FSCTL that has already been defined in another registry value.
0xD0000037指定 FSCTL 屬性的登錄值也必須指定非零 FSCTL 代碼。 Registry value specifying FSCTL properties must also specify a non-zero FSCTL code.
0xD0000038指定 FSCTL 屬性的登錄值具有錯誤的格式。 Registry value specifying FSCTL properties have the wrong format.


File Name:srv2.sys.mui
File Size:40 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:40960
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Driver
File Subtype:6
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Smb 2.0 伺服器驅動程式
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:SRV2.SYS
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:SRV2.SYS.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is srv2.sys.mui?

srv2.sys.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file srv2.sys (Smb 2.0 伺服器驅動程式).

File version info

File Description:Smb 2.0 伺服器驅動程式
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:SRV2.SYS
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:SRV2.SYS.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200