106 | Ustvarite novo geslo naprave |
Create a new password for the device |
107 | Nastavite geslo za razširjeno shrambo |
Set Enhanced Storage Password |
108 | Prevečkrat ste vnesli napačno geslo. |
An incorrect password was entered too many times. |
109 | Vnesite &trenutno geslo naprave: |
Type ¤t device password: |
110 | Vnesite varnostni identifikator, ki je natisnjen na napravi |
Type the Security Identifier that is printed on the device |
111 | Geslo naprave |
Device password |
112 | Obnovitveno geslo |
Recovery password |
113 | Staro geslo ni pravilno. |
Old password is not correct. |
114 | Varnostni identifikator ni pravilen. |
Security Identifier is not correct. |
115 | Obnovitveno geslo je bilo uspešno ustvarjeno |
Successfully created recovery password |
116 | Naprava za razširjeno shrambo ni združljiva s to različico sistema Windows |
The Enhanced Storage device is not compatible with this version of Windows |
117 | Windows ni mogel izvesti zahtevane operacije. |
Windows could not perform the requested operation. |
118 | Uporabnik naprave |
Device User |
119 | Skrbnik vam je preprečil, da bi nastavili geslo za to napravo |
Your Administrator has blocked you from setting a password for this device |
120 | (Če nastavite prazno geslo, bo varnost gesla odstranjena.) |
(If you set a blank password, password security will be removed.) |
121 | Vnesite &trenutno obnovitveno geslo: |
Type ¤t recovery password: |
122 | Geslo mora imeti najmanj %d znakov, ki so lahko črke, številke in simboli. |
The password should have at least %d characters and can include letters, numbers, and symbols. |
123 | Geslo ne sme imeti več kot %d znakov, ki so lahko črke, številke in simboli. |
The password cannot have more than %d characters and can include letters, numbers, and symbols. |
124 | Namig za geslo ima lahko največ %d znakov. |
Password hint cannot have more than %d characters. |
125 | Geslo naprave je bilo uspešno spremenjeno |
Successfully changed device password |
126 | Obnovitveno geslo uspešno spremenjeno |
Successfully changed recovery password |
127 | (Novo geslo ne more biti prazno.) |
(The new password cannot be blank.) |
128 | Nov nosilec |
New Volume |
144 | Gesli se ne ujemata |
Passwords did not match |
145 | Geslo naprave ne sme biti prazno |
Device password cannot be blank |
161 | Windows ni mogel zagnati programa za nastavitev gesla |
Windows could not launch the application to set password |
167 | Gesla ni bilo mogoče spremeniti |
The password could not be changed |
168 | Gesla ni bilo mogoče ponastaviti |
The password could not be reset |
185 | Razširjena shramba |
Enhanced Storage |
186 | Ime naprave: %s |
Device name: %s |