BdeHdCfgLib.dll.mui Instrumentul de pregătire a unității Windows BitLocker 754091a3e1f0d196c5e2937fed8521f8

File info

File name: BdeHdCfgLib.dll.mui
Size: 27648 byte
MD5: 754091a3e1f0d196c5e2937fed8521f8
SHA1: 004f26072ca596141ed7db7bfbacb6dd9feebddf
SHA256: 4e8e93e1ff0b9103586aa87e8ca6ac91f6e47c2810265ff4be863ba9bbbbe270
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Romanian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Romanian English
0x3000000AInițializare Initialization
0x3000000BReducere Shrink
0x3000000CCreare Create
0x3000000DPregătire Prepare
0x40A00033BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool version %1!s!Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool version %1!s!Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
0x40A00034Initializing, please wait... Initializing, please wait...
0x40A00035You must restart your computer to apply these changes.Before restarting, save any open files and close all programs. You must restart your computer to apply these changes.Before restarting, save any open files and close all programs.
0x40A00036Usage:BdeHdCfg[.exe] [-driveinfo] [-target {default | unallocated | TargetDriveLetter {shrink | merge}}] [-newdriveletter DriveLetter] [-size SizeInMegabytes] [-quiet] [-restart] [{-? | /?}]Description: This command prepares your hard drive for BitLocker Drive Encryption. Command line parameters are not case-sensitive.Parameters: -driveinfo Displays information about valid target drives. -target Specifies the target and operation. Specify 'shrink' to create a new active partition. Specify 'merge' to make an existing partition active. Specify 'unallocated' to use unformatted space on disk. Specify 'default' for the target to be chosen automatically. Examples: -target D: merge -target C: shrink -target unallocated -target default -newdriveletter Specifies the desired drive letter for the new drive. This option is only valid when a new drive is created. Example: -newdriveletter S: -size Specifies the desired size of the new drive. This option is only valid when a new drive is created. If not specified, the Drive Preparation Tool assumes the required minimum size of %1!d! megabytes. Example: -size 700 -quiet Specifies operation in quiet mode. No output from the drive preparation tool is displayed. -restart Enables an automatic restart after drive preparation. You must restart your computer before enabling BitLocker. -? or /? Displays help for this command.Examples: BdeHdCfg -target c: shrink -newdriveletter x: -size %1!d! -quiet -restart BdeHdCfg -target d: merge -quiet -restart BdeHdCfg -target unallocated -newdriveletter s: BdeHdCfg -target default Usage:BdeHdCfg[.exe] [-driveinfo] [-target {default | unallocated | TargetDriveLetter {shrink | merge}}] [-newdriveletter DriveLetter] [-size SizeInMegabytes] [-quiet] [-restart] [{-? | /?}]Description: This command prepares your hard drive for BitLocker Drive Encryption. Command line parameters are not case-sensitive.Parameters: -driveinfo Displays information about valid target drives. -target Specifies the target and operation. Specify 'shrink' to create a new active partition. Specify 'merge' to make an existing partition active. Specify 'unallocated' to use unformatted space on disk. Specify 'default' for the target to be chosen automatically. Examples: -target D: merge -target C: shrink -target unallocated -target default -newdriveletter Specifies the desired drive letter for the new drive. This option is only valid when a new drive is created. Example: -newdriveletter S: -size Specifies the desired size of the new drive. This option is only valid when a new drive is created. If not specified, the Drive Preparation Tool assumes the required minimum size of %1!d! megabytes. Example: -size 700 -quiet Specifies operation in quiet mode. No output from the drive preparation tool is displayed. -restart Enables an automatic restart after drive preparation. You must restart your computer before enabling BitLocker. -? or /? Displays help for this command.Examples: BdeHdCfg -target c: shrink -newdriveletter x: -size %1!d! -quiet -restart BdeHdCfg -target d: merge -quiet -restart BdeHdCfg -target unallocated -newdriveletter s: BdeHdCfg -target default
0x40A00038Unitatea țintă are o dimensiune de cluster mai mare de 4 KB. The target drive has a cluster size larger than 4 KB.
0x40A00039Unitatea țintă nu este suficient de mare pentru operațiunea solicitată. The target drive is not large enough for the requested operation.
0x40A0003AUnitatea țintă nu are suficient spațiu liber pentru operațiuneasolicitată. The target drive does not have sufficient free space for the requestedoperation.
0x40A0003BUnitatea țintă nu se poate reduce cu dimensiunea solicitată. The target drive cannot shrink by the requested size.
0x40A0003CUnitatea țintă este comprimată și nu poate fi utilizată pentru operațiunea de îmbinare. The target drive is compressed and cannot be used for the merge operation.
0x40A0003DUnitatea țintă nu se află pe același disc fizic ca unitatea de sistem. The target drive is not on the same physical disk as the system drive.
0x40A0003EUnitatea țintă se află pe o partiție logică (extinsă). The target drive is on a logical (extended) partition.
0x40A0003FUnitatea de sistem nu se poate utiliza pentru operațiunea de îmbinare. The system drive cannot be used for the merge operation.
0x40A00040Unitatea țintă este criptată și nu poate fi utilizată pentru operațiunea de îmbinare. The target drive is encrypted and cannot be used for the merge operation.
0x40A00041Unitatea țintă nu este o partiție de tipul 0x07 sau 0x27. The target drive is not a type 0x07 or 0x27 partition.
0x40A00042Unitatea țintă nu este formatată cu sistemul de fișiere NTFS. The target drive is not formatted with the NTFS file system.
0x40A00043Sistemul rulează în prezent pe energie de la baterie. The system is currently running on battery power.
0x40A00044S-a produs o eroare la încercarea de a interoga starea de alimentare a sistemului. An error occurred when attempting to query the system's power status.
0x40A00045DACL al noii unități de disc nu poate fi modificat. The new disk drive's DACL could not be modified.
0x50000002Eroare Error
0x50000003Avertisment Warning
0x50000004Informații Information
0x50000005Detaliat Verbose
0x80A00017Configurarea BitLocker nu a reușit să interogheze starea de alimentare a sistemului. Nu se poate verificadacă computerul este alimentat cu curent alternativ. BitLocker Setup failed to query the system's power status. It could not beverified that the machine is on AC power.
0x80A00037Configurarea BitLocker nu a reușit să blocheze unitatea țintă. Unitatea va fi demontată forțat. BitLocker Setup could not lock the target drive. The drive will be forcibly dismounted.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool/Admin Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool/Admin
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool/Operational Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-DrivePreparationTool/Operational
0xB0010001S-a produs o problemă când se executa Instrumentul de pregătire a unității BitLocker.%nCod eroare: %1%nText eroare: %2 A problem occurred while running the BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool.%nError Code: %1%nError Text: %2
0xB0010100Cod de avertisment: %1%nText de avertisment: %2 Warning Code: %1%nWarning Text: %2
0xB0010200Instrumentul de pregătire a unității BitLocker s-a finalizat cu succes. Hard diskul țintă este gata pentru BitLocker. The BitLocker Drive Configuration Tool successfully completed. The target hard disk is ready for BitLocker.
0xB0011000S-a găsit un volum candidat pentru reducere sau îmbinare.%nSe poate reduce: %1%nNume volum candidat: %3 Found a candidate volume for shrink or merge.%nShrinkable: %1%nCandidate Volume Name: %3
0xB0011001S-a găsit o limită suficient de mare pentru dimensiunea solicitată.%nOffset: %3%nDimensiune: %4 Found an unallocated extent large enough for the requested size.%nOffset: %3%nSize: %4
0xB0011002Limită de disc amplasată pe hard diskul care conține unitatea de sistem.%nOffset: %3%nDimensiune: %4 Disk extent located on the hard disk containing the System Drive.%nOffset: %3%nSize: %4
0xB0011003Parametri în linie de comandă pentru Instrumentul de pregătire a unității BitLocker:%n %1 Command-line parameters for the BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool:%n %1
0xB0011004Unitatea se va reduce și se va crea noua unitate activă %6. %nNume volum: %1%nDimensiune reducere: %5 baiți Drive will shrink and new active drive %6 will be created. %nVolume Name: %1%nShrink Size: %5 Bytes
0xB0011005Se va crea noua unitate %3 din spațiu nealocat%nOffset limită nealocată: %1%nDimensiunea nouă a partiției: %2 baiți New drive %3 will be created from unallocated space%nUnallocated extent offset: %1%nNew partition size: %2 Bytes
0xB0011006Unitatea va fi setată drept nouă unitate de sistem%nNume volum: %1 Drive will be set as the new system drive%nVolume Name: %1
0xB0011007S-a detectat un volum Mediu de recuperare Windows%nCale volum: %1 Detected Windows Recovery Environment volume%nVolume Path: %1
0xB0011008Un volum nu a reușit să îndeplinească cerințele pentru un volum țintă.%nNume volum: %3%nMotiv: %2 A volume failed to meet the requirements for a target volume.%nVolume Name: %3%nReason: %2
0xC0A00001Procesul curent nu este elevate și nu are privilegiile necesarepentru a se executa. Deschideți o linie de comandă Administrator și executați din nou Configurarea BitLocker. The current process is not elevated, and does not have the necessary privilegesto run. Open an Administrator command prompt and run BitLocker Setup again.
0xC0A00002Unitatea de hard disk a computerului este adecvat configurată pentru BitLocker. Nu estenecesar să executați Configurarea BitLocker. This computer's hard drive is properly configured for BitLocker. It is notnecessary to run BitLocker Setup.
0xC0A00003Configurarea BitLocker necesită o unitate de hard disk fix. Executați această configurare de pe unitatea de hard diskprevăzută pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup requires a fixed hard drive. Run this setup from the hard driveintended for BitLocker.
0xC0A00004Configurarea BitLocker aștepta un stil de partiționare MBR (Master Boot Record - sector de boot principal), dar s-a găsit un stil diferit de partiționare. Poate fi necesar să vă pregătiți manual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup was expecting MBR (Master Boot Record) partitioning style, but a different partitioning style was found. You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A00005Configurarea BitLocker necesită ca dimensiunea de cluster a discului să nu aibă mai mult de 4 KB.Poate fi necesar să vă pregătiți manual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup requires the disk cluster size to be no more than than 4 KB.You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A00006Modificările aduse computerului cer să reporniți înainte de a rulaConfigurare BitLocker. Changes made to your computer require that you restart before running BitLockerSetup.
0xC0A00007Configurarea BitLocker nu a putut găsi o unitate de sistem țintă. Poate fi necesar să vă pregătițimanual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup could not find a target system drive. You may need to manuallyprepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A00008Configurarea BitLocker necesită ca sistemul de fișiere al unității să fie NTFS. Faceți conversia sistemului de fișiereși executați din nou Configurarea BitLocker. BitLocker Setup requires the drive file system to be NTFS. Convert the filesystem and run BitLocker Setup again.
0xC0A00009Configurarea BitLocker necesită un disc de bază. Faceți conversia discului dinamic la un disc de bazăși executați din nou Configurarea BitLocker. BitLocker Setup requires a basic disk. Convert your dynamic disk to a basicdisk and run BitLocker Setup again.
0xC0A0000AConfigurarea BitLocker nu poate schimba partiția activă. Poate fi necesar să vă pregătițimanual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup could not change the active partition. You may need to manuallyprepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A0000BConfigurarea BitLocker nu a reușit să copieze fișierele de boot. Poate fi necesar să vă pregătițimanual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup failed to copy boot files. You may need to manually prepareyour drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A0000CConfigurarea BitLocker nu a reușit să exporte depozitul Date de configurare la boot (BCD - Boot Configuration Data). Poate fi necesar să vă pregătițimanual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup failed to export the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store. Youmay need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A0000DNu reporniți acest computer până când unitatea originală nu este setată ca activă! Configurarea BitLockernu a reușit să importe depozitul Date de configurare la boot (BCD - Boot Configuration Data) și nu poateseta din nou partiția activă. Utilizați DISKMGMT.MSC pentru a seta activă partiția de sistem. Do not restart this computer until original drive is set to active! BitLockerSetup failed to import the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store and could notset active partition back. Use DISKMGMT.MSC to set the system partition active.
0xC0A0000EConfigurarea BitLocker nu a reușit să importe depozitul Date de configurare la boot (BCD - Boot Configuration Data). Poate fi necesar să vă pregătițimanual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup failed to import the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store. Youmay need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A0000FConfigurarea BitLocker nu a reușit să modifice depozitul Date de configurare la boot (BCD - Boot Configuration Data). Poate fi necesar să vă pregătițimanual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup failed to modify the exported BCD (Boot Configuration Data)store. You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A00010Noua unitate activă nu poate fi formatată. Poate fi necesar să vă pregătițimanual unitatea pentru BitLocker. The new active drive cannot be formatted. You may need to manually prepare yourdrive for BitLocker.
0xC0A00011Configurarea BitLocker a fost anulată. Este posibil ca configurația hard diskului să se fi schimbat.Executați lați din nou configurarea pentru a vă pregăti sistemul pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup was cancelled. The hard disk configuration may have changed.Run the setup again to prepare your system for BitLocker.
0xC0A00012Configurarea BitLocker nu poate reduce unitatea țintă suficient pentru a creaunitatea activă necesară pentru BitLocker. Poate fi necesar să vă pregătiți manual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup cannot shrink the target drive sufficiently to create the active drive required by BitLocker. You may need to manually prepare your drivefor BitLocker.
0xC0A00013Configurarea BitLocker nu a reușit să obțină elementul solicitat de la depozitul Date de configurare la boot(BCD - Boot Configuration Data). Poate fi necesar să vă pregătițimanual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup failed to get the requested element from the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store. You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A00014Configurarea BitLocker nu a reușit să deschidă un obiect în depozitul Date de configurare la boot (BCD - Boot Configuration Data). Poate fi necesar să vă pregătițimanual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup failed to open an object in the BCD (Boot Configuration Data)store. You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A00015Configurarea BitLocker nu a reușit să deschidă depozitul temporar Date de configurare la boot (BCD - Boot Configuration Data). Poate fi necesar să vă pregătițimanual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup failed to open the temporary BCD (Boot Configuration Data)store. You may need to manually prepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A00016Biblioteca Configurare BitLocker nu a fost corect inițializat. Poate fi necesar să vă pregătiți manual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup library was not properly initialized. You may need to manuallyprepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A00018Configurarea BitLocker cere ca sistemul să fie conectat la o sursă de curent alternativînainte de a efectua orice fel de modificare. Conectați-vă computerul la o sursă de alimentareși rulați din nou Configurare BitLocker. BitLocker Setup requires the system to be connected to an AC power sourcebefore any changes can be made. Please plug your computer into a power sourceand run BitLocker Setup again.
0xC0A00019Configurarea BitLocker nu a putut aplica setările de securitate la noua unitate creată.Verificați setările de securitate ale unității. Poate fi necesar să vă pregătiți manual unitatea pentru BitLocker. BitLocker Setup could not apply security settings to the newly created drive.Please check the drive's security settings. You may need to manually prepareyour drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A0001AConfigurarea BitLocker nu poate muta imaginea Mediu de recuperare Windows pe nouaunitate de sistem. Va trebui să mutați Mediu de recuperare Windows de pe vechea unitateWindows înainte de criptare, altfel Mediu de recuperare Windows nu vafuncționa. BitLocker setup could not move the Windows Recovery Environment image to thenew system drive. You will need to move Windows Recovery Environment from yourWindows drive before encryption or Windows Recovery Environment will notfunction.
0xC0A0001BS-a produs o eroare neașteptată în timp ce ați executat Configurare BitLocker. Poate fi necesar să vă pregătiți manual unitatea pentru BitLocker. An unexpected error occurred while running BitLocker Setup. You may need tomanually prepare your drive for BitLocker.
0xC0A0001CThe '-target' command requires additional arguments.Examples: -target default -target unallocated -target C: shrink -target D: merge The '-target' command requires additional arguments.Examples: -target default -target unallocated -target C: shrink -target D: merge
0xC0A0001DInvalid target drive letter. Use the '-driveinfo' command for a list of validtarget drives.Examples: -target C: shrink -target D: merge Invalid target drive letter. Use the '-driveinfo' command for a list of validtarget drives.Examples: -target C: shrink -target D: merge
0xC0A0001EThe specified target drive could not be found. Specify an existing driveletter.Examples: -target C: shrink -target D: merge The specified target drive could not be found. Specify an existing driveletter.Examples: -target C: shrink -target D: merge
0xC0A0001FThe specified target drive is not valid for shrink. Use the '-driveinfo'command for a list of valid target drives. The specified target drive is not valid for shrink. Use the '-driveinfo'command for a list of valid target drives.
0xC0A00020The specified target drive is not valid for merge. Use the '-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. The specified target drive is not valid for merge. Use the '-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives.
0xC0A00021You must specify a drive letter with the '-newdriveletter' parameter.Example: -newdriveletter S: You must specify a drive letter with the '-newdriveletter' parameter.Example: -newdriveletter S:
0xC0A00022Invalid drive letter. Use a drive letter in the form 'C:'.Example: -newdriveletter S: Invalid drive letter. Use a drive letter in the form 'C:'.Example: -newdriveletter S:
0xC0A00023The specified drive letter is in use. Use a different drive letter.Example: -newdriveletter S: The specified drive letter is in use. Use a different drive letter.Example: -newdriveletter S:
0xC0A00024The '-size' parameter requires a value of at least %1!d!.Example: -size %1!d! The '-size' parameter requires a value of at least %1!d!.Example: -size %1!d!
0xC0A00025The minimum size for the new partition is %1!d! megabytes. Please specify a sizeof at least %1!d!.Example: -size %1!d! The minimum size for the new partition is %1!d! megabytes. Please specify a sizeof at least %1!d!.Example: -size %1!d!
0xC0A00026The 'merge' parameter and the '-size' parameter cannot be specified together. The 'merge' parameter and the '-size' parameter cannot be specified together.
0xC0A00027You must specify a target drive using the '-target' parameter. You must specify a target drive using the '-target' parameter.
0xC0A00028The 'merge' parameter and the '-newdriveletter' parameter cannot be specifiedtogether. The 'merge' parameter and the '-newdriveletter' parameter cannot be specifiedtogether.
0xC0A00029The '-driveinfo' parameter cannot be specified with any other parameters. The '-driveinfo' parameter cannot be specified with any other parameters.
0xC0A0002AInvalid command line syntax. Use the 'BdeHdCfg -?' command for a list of validoperations. Invalid command line syntax. Use the 'BdeHdCfg -?' command for a list of validoperations.
0xC0A0002BNo new drives can be created. Specify a target for the merge. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. No new drives can be created. Specify a target for the merge. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives.
0xC0A0002CInsufficient unallocated space on disk to create new system drive. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. Insufficient unallocated space on disk to create new system drive. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives.
0xC0A0002DThe target drive must be on the same disk as the system drive. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. The target drive must be on the same disk as the system drive. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives.
0xC0A0002EA problem occurred while preparing your drive for BitLocker.Error code: %1!#.8x! A problem occurred while preparing your drive for BitLocker.Error code: %1!#.8x!
0xC0A0002FDisk already has the maximum number of primary and extended partitions. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives. Disk already has the maximum number of primary and extended partitions. Use the'-driveinfo' command for a list of valid target drives.
0xC0A00030There is not enough free space on the target drive. Running DISK CLEANUP maycreate additional free space. There is not enough free space on the target drive. Running DISK CLEANUP maycreate additional free space.
0xC0A00031There is not enough free space on the target Windows Recovery Environmentdrive. 100 MB of free space is required for a Windows Recovery Environmentdrive to be made the new system drive. There is not enough free space on the target Windows Recovery Environmentdrive. 100 MB of free space is required for a Windows Recovery Environmentdrive to be made the new system drive.
0xC0A00032The target drive does not meet the size requirements for BitLocker. The new system drive must be at least %1!d! MB in size. The target drive does not meet the size requirements for BitLocker. The new system drive must be at least %1!d! MB in size.


File Name:BdeHdCfgLib.dll.mui
File Size:27 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:27136
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Romanian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Instrumentul de pregătire a unității Windows BitLocker
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:BdeHdCfgLib.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Original File Name:BdeHdCfgLib.dll.mui
Product Name:Sistem de operare Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is BdeHdCfgLib.dll.mui?

BdeHdCfgLib.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Romanian language for file BdeHdCfgLib.dll (Instrumentul de pregătire a unității Windows BitLocker).

File version info

File Description:Instrumentul de pregătire a unității Windows BitLocker
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:BdeHdCfgLib.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Toate drepturile rezervate.
Original Filename:BdeHdCfgLib.dll.mui
Product Name:Sistem de operare Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x418, 1200