wordpad.exe Windows Wordpad ilovasi 749f8aac4b56990e1e26f5b36b98d77b

File info

File name: wordpad.exe.mui
Size: 55808 byte
MD5: 749f8aac4b56990e1e26f5b36b98d77b
SHA1: cccdd8acbbed7203cd999fd46af6cc3046569540
SHA256: 7b672757e382cf3069029fb684c132190c8ca31629bacce2839576b896659fac
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: wordpad.exe Windows Wordpad ilovasi (32 bit)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Uzbek language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Uzbek English
100OLE initialization failed. WordPad can't continue. OLE initialization failed. WordPad can't continue.
103Noto‘g‘ri qiymat. This is not a valid measurement.
104%d%% yakunlandi. Formatlash davom etmoqda ... iltimos, kuting. %d%% complete Formatting ... please wait.
105%d%% bajarildi. %d%% complete.
108Could not load the RichEdit control DLL. The system may be low on memory or the file MSFTEDIT.DLL may be missing or corrupt. Could not load the RichEdit control DLL. The system may be low on memory or the file MSFTEDIT.DLL may be missing or corrupt.
111Courier New Courier New
112Hujjatni formatlanmagan matn shaklida saqlash formatlashning yo‘qotilishiga olib kelishi mumkin. Shu operatsiyaning bajarilishini tasdiqlaysizmi?

Hujjatni boshqa formatda saqlash uchun "Net" tugmasini cherting .
You are about to save the document in a Text-Only format, which will remove all formatting. Are you sure you want to do this?

To save in other format, click No.
113Fayl saqlanmoqda... Saving file...
115Formatlanmoqda... Formatting...
116Chap chegara bo‘yicha Left
117Markaz bo‘yicha Center
118O‘ng chegara bo‘yicha Right
119Qiymat %1 bilan %2 oralig‘ida bo‘lishi shart. The measurement must be between %1 and %2.
120This is not a valid number. This is not a valid number.
121The number must be between 1 and 1638. The number must be between 1 and 1638.
WordPad hujjati
Windows 6.0 uchun Word (*.doc)
WordPad hujjati
WordPad Document
Word for Windows 6.0 (*.doc)
WordPad Document
129Matnli hujjat
Matnli hujjatlar (*.txt)
Matnli hujjat
Text Document
Text Documents (*.txt)
Text Document
130RTF fayli
RTF fayllari (*.rtf)
RTF hujjati
Rich Text Format (RTF)
Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
Rich Text Document
All Documents (*.*)
All Documents (*.*)
137MS-DOS matnli hujjati
MS-DOS matnli hujjatlari (*.txt)
MS-DOS matnli hujjati
Text Document - MS-DOS Format
Text Documents - MS-DOS Format (*.txt)
MS-DOS Text Document
164WordPad qidirishni yakunladi. WordPad has finished searching the document.
165Changes the font of the selection.
Changes the font of the selection.
166Changes the font size of the selection.
Font Size
Changes the font size of the selection.
Font Size
169" "
170in in
171dyum inch
172inches inches
173cm cm
174pt pt
175pi pi
176There are too many tab stops set in this paragraph. There are too many tab stops set in this paragraph.
179Can't load %1 files. Can't load %1 files.
180Unable to open %1. There are too many files already open. Unable to open %1. There are too many files already open.
181Unable to create %1. This folder is full. Use another folder or delete some files from this folder. Unable to create %1. This folder is full. Use another folder or delete some files from this folder.
182%1 hujjatidan foydalanish mumkin emas, chunki u boshqa ilova tomonidan ishlatilmoqda. The document %1 is in use by another application and cannot be accessed.
189Matnli hujjat Text Document
190RTF formatdagi hujjat Rich Text Document
192Unable to write to %1.
The disk is write-protected.
A file cannot be saved on a write-protected disk.
Unable to write to %1.
The disk is write-protected.
A file cannot be saved on a write-protected disk.
193Yunikoddagi matnli hujjat
Yunikoddagi matnli hujjatlar (*.txt)
Yunikoddagi matnli hujjat
Unicode Text Document
Unicode Text Documents (*.txt)
Unicode Text Document
194Yunikoddagi matnli hujjat Unicode Text Document
195An unexpected error occurred while loading the document. It may appear truncated. An unexpected error occurred while loading the document. It may appear truncated.
201inch inch
The above filename is too long.
The above filename is too long.
207Changes the font script of the selection.
Font Script
Changes the font script of the selection.
Font Script
209Wordpad hujjati Wordpad Document
210This document contains one or more links to other files. Do you want to update this document with the data from the linked files? This document contains one or more links to other files. Do you want to update this document with the data from the linked files?
211Shu formatda sukut bo‘yicha &saqlamoq Save in this format by &default
212Rich Text oynasi Rich Text Window
213Yangi RTF formatidagi hujjat New Rich Text Document
215&Saqlamoq &Save
216S&aqlanmasin Do&n't Save
217%1ga kiritilgan o‘zgartirishlarni saqlashni istaysizmi? Do you want to save changes to %1?
219Calibri Calibri
220Files Files
221Tasvir tanlang Select Picture
222Barcha rasm fayllari All Picture Files
223Barcha fayllar All Files
224Invalid Picture File. Invalid Picture File.
225WordPad can’t insert the picture. WordPad can’t insert the picture.
226Xato! Noto‘g‘ri giperhavola. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
227Ushbu havolani ochishni istaysizmi?

Do you want to open this link?

228WordPad dasturi URL-manzilni ocha olmadi. URL-manzilni tekshiring va qayta urinib ko‘ring. Agar ushbu xato yana qaytarilsa, ehtimol URL-manzildan foydalanish huquqi mavjud emas. WordPad was unable to open the URL. Check the URL and try again. If you continue to see this problem, you might not have access to the URL.
232There was an error resizing picture. There was an error resizing picture.
234OpenDocument matn
OpenDocument matn (*.odt)
OpenDocument matn
OpenDocument Text
OpenDocument Text (*.odt)
OpenDocument Text
235Office Open XML xujjat
Office Open XML hujjat (*.docx)
Office Open XML hujjat
Office Open XML Document
Office Open XML Document (*.docx)
Office Open XML Document
236Tarkibning bir qismi yo‘qotilishi mumkin Some content might be lost
237Nested tables not supported! Please try saving as RTF format Nested tables not supported! Please try saving as RTF format
238Ushbu hujjatni saqlaganda hujjatning, WordPad dasturi ochilmagan qismi, yo‘qotilishi mumkin. Hujjatning asl nusxasini saqlab qolish uchun uning boshqa nusxasini yaratish mumkin. Saving this document will cause some content that can't be displayed in WordPad to be lost. You can save a copy to preserve the original document.
239Kenglik bo‘yicha Justified
240Security warning Security warning
241Tarkibning bir qismi bloklangan Some content is blocked
242Ushbu hujjatning bir qismi bloklangan, sababi hujjat manbai ishonchli emas. Agar ushbu hujjat manbai ishonchliligiga amin bo‘lsangiz, hujjat tarkibini to‘liq ko‘rish uchun "Blokni olib tashlamoq"ni cherting. Some content of this document has been blocked because the source of this document might not be trusted. If you trust the source of this document, click Unblock to show all content.
243Blokni olib tashlamoq
Tarkibni to‘liq ko‘rsatmoq
Show all content
Bloklangan tarkib ko‘rsatilmasin
Don't show blocked content
246WordPad dasturi fayl blokini olib tashlay olmadi. Bloklangan tarkib ko‘rsatilmaydi. WordPad was unable to unblock the file. Blocked content will not be shown.
300Office Open XML formatdagi hujjat Office Open XML Document
301OpenDocument formatdagi matn OpenDocument Text
400Barcha Wordpad hujjatlari
Barcha Wordpad hujjatlari (*.rtf, *.docx, *.odt, *.txt)
All Wordpad Documents
All Wordpad Documents (*.rtf, *.docx, *.odt, *.txt)
1063Enter a value from %d%% to %d%% Enter a value from %d%% to %d%%
6300&Edit &Edit
6301&Ochmoq &Open
6302%1 bog‘langan &obyekt: %2 %1 Linked %2 &Object
6303%1 %2 &obyekt %1 %2 &Object
Tarkibning bir qismi yo‘qotilishi mumkin.
Some content might be lost.
6314Nusxa saqlamoq
Hujjatning asl nusxasi saqlab qolinadi.
Save a copy
The original document will be preserved.
63206321 6321
6322Masshta&b Zoo&m
6323+ +
6324- -
6325%s%% %s%%
6326Masshtab o‘rmalovchisi Zoom Slider
6327Masshtab Zoom level
6328Yirikroq Zoom in
6329Kichikroq Zoom out
10000Wordpad Wordpad
10001So‘nggi hujjatlar Recent documents
10002&Yaratmoq &New
10004Saqla&moq &Save
10005&Update document &Update document
10006&Quyidagicha saqlamoq Sa&ve as
10007Sa&ve copy as Sa&ve copy as
10008Hujjat nusxasini saqlash Save a copy of the document
10009&RTF formatdagi hujjat &Rich Text document
10010&Oddiy matnli hujjat &Plain text document
10011&Boshqa formatlar &Other formats
10012&Rich Text document &Rich Text document
10013&Plain text document &Plain text document
10014&Other formats &Other formats
10015Chop e&tmoq &Print
10016Hujjatni dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish va chop etish Preview and print the document
10017&Tezkor chop etish &Quick print
10018Dastlabki &ko‘rib chiqish Print pre&view
10019&Sahifa parametrlari Pa&ge setup
10020&Elektron pochta orqali yubormoq Sen&d in email
10022Wo&rdPad dasturi haqida Abou&t WordPad
10023C&hiqmoq E&xit
10024E&xit and Return to Document E&xit and Return to Document
10025Q&uyidagicha saqlamoq Save &as
10026Save copy &as Save copy &as
10027Cho&p etmoq P&rint
10028Office Open &XML formatdagi hujjat Office Open &XML document
10029Open&Document formatdagi matn Open&Document text
10030Office Open &XML document Office Open &XML document
10031Open&Document text Open&Document text
21000Bosh Home
21100Bufer Clipboard
21101Paste Paste
21102&Qo‘shib qo‘ymoq &Paste
21103&Maxsus qo‘shib qo‘yish Paste &special
21104Qirqi&b olmoq Cu&t
21105&Nusxa ko‘chirmoq &Copy
21200Shrift Font
21300Satr boshi Paragraph
21301Satr boshini kichiklashtirmoq Decrease indent
21302Satr boshini kattalashtirmoq Increase indent
21304&Ro‘yxatlar &Lists
21305Matnni chap chegara bo‘yicha tenglashtirmoq Align text left
21306Matnni markaz bo‘yicha tenglashtirmoq Align text center
21307Matnni o‘ng chegara bo‘yicha tenglashtirmoq Align text right
21308S&atr boshi P&aragraph
21309Satrlar orasidagi intervalni o‘zgartirmoq Change line spacing
213101 1.0
2131101.01.2015 1.15
2131201.05.2009 1.5
213132 2
21314Satr boshidan so‘ng 10pt interval &qo‘shmoq &Add 10pt space after paragraphs
21315Matnni to‘g‘rilamoq Justify text
21400Kiritmoq Insert
21401Picture Picture
21402&Rasm &Picture
21403Rasm&ni o‘zgartirmoq Chan&ge picture
21404Tasvir &o‘lchamlarini o‘zgartirmoq &Resize picture
21405Paint tasviri Paint drawing
21406Sana va vaqt Date and time
21407Obyektni kiritmoq Insert object
21500Tahrirlash Editing
21501Topmoq Find
21502Almashtirmoq Replace
21503Barchasini belgilamoq Select all
22000Dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish Print preview
22100Chop etmoq Print
22201100% 100%
22202Bir bet One page
22203Ikki bet Two pages
22300Ko‘rib chiqish Preview
22301Keyingi sahifa Next page
22302Avvalgi sahifa Previous page
22400Yopmoq Close
22401Dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish oynasini yopmoq Close print preview
23000Ko‘rib chiqmoq View
23101Kattalashtirmoq Zoom in
23102Kichiklashtirmoq Zoom out
23200Ko‘rsatmoq yoki yashirmoq Show or hide
23201Chizg‘ich Ruler
23202Holat satri Status bar
23300Sozlamalar Settings
23301So‘zlarni ko‘chirish Word wrap
23302&So‘z ko‘chirilishisiz &No wrap
23303&Oyna chegarasi ichida Wrap to &window
23304&Chizg‘ich chegarasi bo‘yicha Wrap to &ruler
23305O‘lchov birligi Measurement units
23306&Dyum &Inches
23307&Santimetr &Centimeters
23308&Nuqtalar &Points
23309&Piklar Pica&s
27857&Havolalar Lin&ks
27860&Obyekt xususiyatlari O&bject properties
31001Bekor qilmoq Undo
31002Qaytarmoq Redo
32000Yordam Help
32815Yo‘q None
32816Markerlangan Bullet
32817Raqamlangan Numbering
32818Alfavit — kichik harflar Alphabet - Lower case
32819Alfavit — katta harflar Alphabet - Upper case
32820Rim raqami — kichik harflar Roman Numeral - Lower case
32821Rim raqami — katta harflar Roman Numeral - Upper case
32836Object P&roperties Object P&roperties
40128Microsoft WordPad - bu matnlarga ishlov berish uchun mo‘ljallangan dastur bo‘lib, undan boy format va rasmlarga ega bo‘lgan matn hujjatlarini yaratish va tahrirlash uchun foydalanish mumkin. WordPad dasturi quyidagi formatdagi fayllarni qo‘llab-quvvatlaydi: DOCX, ODT, RTF va TXT. Microsoft WordPad is a word processing program that you can use to create and edit text documents with rich formatting and pictures. WordPad can open .docx, .odt, .rtf or .txt files.
41001Yaratmoq (Ctrl+N) New (Ctrl+N)
41002Ochmoq (Ctrl+O) Open (Ctrl+O)
41003Saqlamoq (Ctrl+S) Save (Ctrl+S)
41004Elektron pochta orqali yubormoq Send in email
41005Tezkor chop etish Quick print
41007Bekor qilmoq (Ctrl+Z) Undo (Ctrl+Z)
41008Qaytarmoq (Ctrl+Y) Redo (Ctrl+Y)
41009WordPad WordPad
41010Update (Ctrl+S) Update (Ctrl+S)
41011Save as Save as
41012Save copy as Save copy as
41014Oddiy matnli hujjat Plain text document
41015Boshqa formatlar Other formats
41016Rich Text document Rich Text document
41017Plain text document Plain text document
41018Other formats Other formats
41019Chop etmoq (Ctrl+P) Print (Ctrl+P)
41020Quyidagicha saqlamoq Save as
41022Print (Ctrl+P) Print (Ctrl+P)
41023Paste (Ctrl+V) Paste (Ctrl+V)
41024Qo‘shib qo‘ymoq (Ctrl+V) Paste (Ctrl+V)
41025Maxsus qo‘shib qo‘yish (Alt+Ctrl+V) Paste special (Alt+Ctrl+V)
41026Qirqib olmoq (Ctrl+X) Cut (Ctrl+X)
41027Nusxa ko‘chirmoq (Ctrl+C) Copy (Ctrl+C)
41030Ro‘yxatni boshlamoq Start a list
41031Matnni chap chegara bo‘yicha tenglashtirmoq (Ctrl+L) Align text left (Ctrl+L)
41032Markaz bo‘yicha (Ctrl+E) Center (Ctrl+E)
41033Matnni o‘ng chegara bo‘yicha tenglashtirish (Ctrl+R) Align text right (Ctrl+R)
41035Insert picture Insert picture
41036Tasvir kiritmoq Insert picture
41037Rasmni o‘zgartirmoq Change picture
41038Tasvir o‘lchamlarini o‘zgartirmoq Resize picture
41039Paint tasvirini kiritmoq (Ctrl+D) Insert Paint drawing (Ctrl+D)
41040Vaqt va sanani kiritmoq Insert date and time
41042Topmoq (Ctrl+F) Find (Ctrl+F)
41043Almashtirmoq (Ctrl+H) Replace (Ctrl+H)
41044Barchasini belgilamoq (Ctrl+A) Select all (Ctrl+A)
41046One page One page
41047Two pages Two pages
41048Next page Next page
41049Previous page Previous page
41061WordPad Yordam (F1) WordPad Help (F1)
41062Sahifa parametrlari Page setup
41063WordPad dasturidan chiqish Exit WordPad
41066Office Open XML document Office Open XML document
41067OpenDocument text OpenDocument text
41068Satrlar orasidagi interval Line spacing
41083Tenglashtirish (Ctrl+J) Justify (Ctrl+J)
41101Yangi hujjat yaratish. Create a new document.
41102Mos keluvchi hujjatni ochish. Open an existing document.
41103Aktiv hujjatni saqlash. Save the active document.
41104Hujjat nusxasini biriktirma shaklida elektron pochta orqali yuborish. Send a copy of the document in an email message as an attachment.
41105Hujjatni o‘zgartirishlarsiz, sukut bo‘yicha printerga yuborish. Send the document directly to the default printer without making changes.
41106Chop etishdan avval kerakli o‘zgartirishlarni kiritish uchun, hujjatni dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish. Preview and make changes to pages before printing.
41107Oxirgi harakatni bekor qilish. Reverses the last action.
41108Oxirgi harakatni qayta bajarish. Repeats the last action.
41109Hujjatni ochish, saqlash, chop etish yoki istalgan boshqa bir operatsiyani bajarish uchun bu yerni cherting. Click here to open, save, or print, and to see everything else you can do with your document.
41110Update the container to show any changes. Update the container to show any changes.
41111Save the document with a new name or format. Save the document with a new name or format.
41112Save a copy of the document with a new name or format. Save a copy of the document with a new name or format.
41113Hujjatni RTF formatda saqlash. Save the document in the Rich Text format.
41114Hujjatni satr uzilishlari va formatlashlarsiz oddiy ko‘rinishda saqlash. Save the document as plain text without line breaks or formatting.
41115Mumkin bo‘lgan fayl turlarini tanlash uchun "Quyidagicha saqlamoq" dialogli oynasini ochish. Open the Save as dialog box to select from all possible file types.
41116Save the document in the Rich Text format. Save the document in the Rich Text format.
41117Save the document as plain text without line breaks or formatting. Save the document as plain text without line breaks or formatting.
41118Open the Save as dialog box to select from all possible file types. Open the Save as dialog box to select from all possible file types.
41119Chop etishdan avval printerni, nusxalar sonini va boshqa chop etish parametrlarini tanlash. Select printer, number of copies, and other printing options before printing.
41120Hujjatni yangi nom yoki formatda saqlash. Save the document with a new name or format.
41122Select printer, number of copies, and other printing options before printing. Select printer, number of copies, and other printing options before printing.
41123Qo‘shimcha parametrlarni tanlash uchun bu yerni cherting, misol uchun, faqatgina oddiy matnni qo‘shib qo‘yish uchun. Click here for more options such as pasting only plain text.
41124Almashish buferi tarkibini qo‘shib qo‘yish. Paste the contents of the Clipboard.
41126Tanlangan hujjat qismini buferga qirqib olmoq. Cut the selection from the document and put it on the Clipboard.
41127Tanlangan hujjat qismidan buferga nusxa olmoq. Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
41128Satr boshi o‘lchamini kichiklashtirmoq. Decrease the indent level of the paragraph.
41129Satr boshi o‘lchamini kattalashtirmoq. Increase the indent level of the paragraph.
41130Turli xil ro‘yxat usullarini tanlash uchun milni cherting. Click the arrow to choose different list styles.
41131Matnni chap chegara bo‘yicha tenglashtirish. Align text to the left.
41132Matnni markaz bo‘yicha tenglashtirish. Center text.
41133Matnni o‘ng chegara bo‘yicha tenglashtirish. Align text to the right.
41134Star boshi dialogli oynani aks ettirish. Show the Paragraph dialog box.
41135Qo‘shimcha parametrlarni tanlash uchun bu yerni cherting, misol uchun, tasvir o‘lchamlarini o‘zgartirish uchun yoki boshqa tasvirni tanlash uchun. Click here for more options such as change picture and resize picture.
41136Fayldan tasvir kiritish. Insert a picture from a file.
41137Joriy tasvir formatini va o‘lchamlarini saqlab qolgan holda tasvirni almashtirish. Change to a different picture, preserving the formatting and size of the current picture.
41138Joriy tasvir balandligi va kengligini avvaldan berilgan yoki ixtiyoriy proporsiyada o‘zgartirish. Scale height and width of current picture with aspect ratio locked or independently.
41139Microsoft Paint dasturida yaratilgan rasmni kiritmoq. Insert drawing created in Microsoft Paint.
41140Sana va vaqt formatini o‘zgartirish uchun bu yerni cherting. Click here for date and time format options.
41141Obyektni qo‘yish dialogli oynani aks ettirish. Show the Insert object dialog box.
41142Hujjatda matn qidirish. Find text in the document.
41143Hujjatdagi matnni almashtirish. Replace text in the document.
41145Zoom the document to 100% of the normal size. Zoom the document to 100% of the normal size.
41146Zoom the document so that an entire page fits in the window. Zoom the document so that an entire page fits in the window.
41147Zoom the document so that two pages fit in the window. Zoom the document so that two pages fit in the window.
41148Hujjatning keyingi sahifasiga o‘tish. Navigate to the next page of the document.
41149Hujjatning avvalgi sahifasiga o‘tish. Navigate to the previous page of the document.
41150Dastlabki ko‘rib chiqish oynasini yopish va hujjatni tahrirlash rejimiga o‘tish. Close print preview and return to editing the document.
41151Hujjat masshtabini kattalashtirmoq. Zoom in on the document.
41152Hujjat masshtabini kichiklashtirmoq. Zoom out on the document.
41153Hujjatni asl holatidan 100% masshtabda aks ettirish. Zoom the document to 100% of the normal size.
41154Chizg‘ichlarni aks ettirish yoki yashirish. Chizg‘ichdan hujjatdagi matn va obyektlar o‘lchamlarini aniqlashda hamda to‘g‘rilashda foydalanish mumkin. Show or hide ruler. You can use ruler to measure and line up text and objects in the document.
41155Oynaning pastki qismida holat satrini aks ettirmoq. Show or hide status bar at the bottom of the window.
41156Ekranda aks ettirilayotgan matn ko‘rinishi o‘zgartirish uchun so‘zlarni ko‘chirib o‘tish rejimini tanlang. Bu hujjat chop etilganda, uning tashqi ko‘rinishiga ta’sir ko‘rsatmaydi. Select word wrapping option to change how text appears on your screen. This does not affect how document looks when you print it.
41157So‘zlarni o‘chirib o‘tish qabul qilinmaydi. No text wrapping.
41158Matn so‘zlarini oyna chegaralari bo‘yicha ko‘chirish. Wrap text to window.
41159Matn so‘zlarini chizg‘ich chegaralari bo‘yicha ko‘chirish. Wrap text to ruler.
41160Chizg‘ich va sahifa parametrlari uchun o‘lchov barligini tanlash. Select measurement units for ruler and page setup.
41161WordPad bilan ishlash haqida ma’lumot chaqirish. Get help using WordPad.
41162Sahifa chegaralari parametrini o‘zgartirish. Change page layout settings.
41164Hujjatni Office Open XML formatida saqlash. Save the document in the Office Open XML format.
41165Hujjatni OpenDocument formatida saqlash. Save the document in the OpenDocument format.
41166Save the document in the Office Open XML format. Save the document in the Office Open XML format.
41167Save the document in the OpenDocument format. Save the document in the OpenDocument format.
41168Matn satrlari orasidagi intervalni o‘zgartirish. Satr boshlaridan so‘ng intervalni qo‘shish yoki olib tashlash. Change the spacing between lines of text. Add or remove the space after paragraphs.
41183Matnni chap va o‘ng chegaralar bo‘yicha kengaytirish, zarur bo‘lgan hollarda so‘zlar orasiga qo‘shimcha bo‘shliq qo‘ygan holda.
Shunda matn sahifaning ham chap va o‘ng tomonlar bo‘yicha teng taqsimlanadi.
Align text to both left and right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary.
This creates a clean look along the left and right side of the page.
41201F F
41202N N
41203O O
41204S S
41205U U
41206A A
41209R R
41210P P
41216W W
41217Q Q
41218V V
41219G G
41220D D
41221X X
41226H H
41232T T
41233C C
41234AO AO
41235AI AI
41236L L
41237AL AL
41238AC AC
41239AR AR
41240PG PG
41241PI PI
41248FD FD
41250SA SA
41251J J
41257I I
41265M M
41276PS PS
41319Joriy hujjatni chop etish. Print the current document.
41499AJ AJ
57346Select an object you want to get Help on. Select an object you want to get Help on.
57602Closes the active document.
Closes the active document.
57605Changes the printing options.
Page Setup
Changes the printing options.
Page Setup
57606Changes the printer and printing options.
Print Setup
Changes the printer and printing options.
Print Setup
57632Erases the selection.
Erases the selection.
57633Erases everything.
Erase All
Erases everything.
Erase All
57638Inserts Clipboard contents and a link to its source.
Paste Link
Inserts Clipboard contents and a link to its source.
Paste Link
57640Repeats the last find.
Find Next
Repeats the last find.
Find Next
57643Reverses the last action.
Reverses the last action.
57644Carries out the previously undone action.
Carries out the previously undone action.
57653Splits the active window into panes.
Splits the active window into panes.
57664Displays program information, version number, and copyright.
Displays program information, version number, and copyright.
57668Displays instructions about how to use help.
Displays instructions about how to use help.
57669Displays Help for the button, menu, or window you click.
Displays Help for the button, menu, or window you click.
57670Displays Help for current task or command.
Displays Help for current task or command.
57680Switches to the next window pane.
Next Pane
Switches to the next window pane.
Next Pane
57681Switches back to the previous window pane.
Previous Pane
Switches back to the previous window pane.
Previous Pane
57858Converts object to different type.
Convert Object
Converts object to different type.
Convert Object
59136EXT EXT
59137CAP CAP
59138NUM NUM
59140OVR OVR
59141REC REC
59400Object Object
59402%1 (Recovered) %1 (Recovered)
59404Wordpad dasturi ushbu hujjatni ocha olmadi.
Ushbu hujjat yo zararlangan
yoki huquqlarni boshqarish xizmati orqali himoyalangan.
Wordpad can't open this document.
This document is either corrupt
or protected under Rights Management.
61184Oyna o‘lchamini o‘zgartirish. Changes the window size.
61185Oyna holatini o‘zgartirish. Changes the window position.
61186Oynani ikonachaga o‘rash. Reduces the window to an icon.
61187Oynani eng katta o‘lchamgacha kengaytirish. Enlarges the window to full size.
61188Switches to the next document window. Switches to the next document window.
61189Switches to the previous document window. Switches to the previous document window.
61190Aktiv oynani hujjatlarni saqlash so‘rovi bilan yopish. Closes the active window and prompts to save the documents.
61202Oynaning dastlabki o‘lchamlarini tiklash. Restores the window to normal size.
61203Activates Task List. Activates Task List.
61445Closes print preview mode
Cancel Preview.
Closes print preview mode
Cancel Preview.
61500Hujjat ochilishi... Opening document...
61501WordPad dasturi ushbu hujjat formati funksiyalarining hammasini ham qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydi. Tarkibning bir qismi tushirib qoldirilgan yoki noto‘g‘ri ko‘rsatilgan. WordPad does not support all of the features of this document’s format. Some content might be missing or displayed improperly.
61502Segoe UI Segoe UI
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000002Error Error
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Wordpad Microsoft-Windows-Wordpad
0xB0000001Intializing current instance of the application Intializing current instance of the application
0xB0000002Exiting current Instance of the application Exiting current Instance of the application
0xB0000003Failed to Initialize Failed to Initialize
0xB0000004OLE initialization failed OLE initialization failed
0xB0000005Failed to load msftedit.dll Failed to load msftedit.dll
0xB0000006Wordpad is initialized as OLE Server Wordpad is initialized as OLE Server
0xB0000007Creation of Window:%1 failed Creation of Window:%1 failed
0xB0000008Intent Load Failed: %1 Intent Load Failed: %1
0xB0000009New Document Failed: %1 New Document Failed: %1
0xB000000ACreate Font Indirect Failed Create Font Indirect Failed
0xB000000BInsert Picture Failed with HRESULT:%1. Insert Picture Failed with HRESULT:%1.
0xB000000CInsert Picture Failed with HRESULT:%1 and Msg:%2. Insert Picture Failed with HRESULT:%1 and Msg:%2.
0xB000000DGDIPlus Error:%1. GDIPlus Error:%1.
0xB000000EWordpad Launch Start. Wordpad Launch Start.
0xB000000FWordpad Launch End. Wordpad Launch End.
0xB0000010Insert Picture Start. Insert Picture Start.
0xB0000011Insert Picture End. Insert Picture End.
0xB0000012Resize Picture Start. Resize Picture Start.
0xB0000013Resize Picture End. Resize Picture End.
0xB0000014%1 failed since the system is low on memory. %1 failed since the system is low on memory.
0xB0000015Msg:%1 .HRESULT:%2 Msg:%1 .HRESULT:%2
0xB0000017Live Preview Show (Type: %1) Start. Live Preview Show (Type: %1) Start.
0xB0000018Live Preview Show End. Live Preview Show End.
0xB0000019Live Preview Cancel (Type: %1) Start. Live Preview Cancel (Type: %1) Start.
0xB000001ALive Preview Cancel End. Live Preview Cancel End.
0xB000001BLive Preview Execute (Type: %1) Start. Live Preview Execute (Type: %1) Start.
0xB000001CLive Preview Execute End. Live Preview Execute End.
0xB000001DFile Open Start. File Open Start.
0xB000001EFile Open End. File Open End.
0xB000001FFile Save Start. File Save Start.
0xB0000020File Save End. File Save End.
0xB0000021Zoom Start. Zoom Start.
0xB0000022Zoom End. Zoom End.
0xB0000023ParseError:%1. ParseError:%1.
0xB0000024ParseError: HResult: %1, Error: %2. ParseError: HResult: %1, Error: %2.
0xB0000026UnSupported Element:%1. UnSupported Element:%1.
0xB0000027Start reading TOM. Start reading TOM.
0xB0000028End reading TOM. End reading TOM.
0xB0000029Start saving Ole or Picture. Start saving Ole or Picture.
0xB000002AEnd saving Ole or Picture. End saving Ole or Picture.
0xB000002BBegin reading Ole or Picture. Begin reading Ole or Picture.
0xB000002CEnd reading Ole or Picture. End reading Ole or Picture.
0xB000002DIndexed Search String Indexed Search String
0xB000002EWordpad Search Filter Encountered an error Wordpad Search Filter Encountered an error


File Name:wordpad.exe.mui
File Size:54 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:55296
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Uzbek
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows Wordpad ilovasi
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:wordpad
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original File Name:WORDPAD.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is wordpad.exe.mui?

wordpad.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Uzbek language for file wordpad.exe (Windows Wordpad ilovasi).

File version info

File Description:Windows Wordpad ilovasi
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:wordpad
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original Filename:WORDPAD.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x443, 1200