setup_wm.exe Konfiguracijski pripomoček za Microsoft Windows Media 7430abe50c35c03fc4fb88397be62e4e

File info

File name: setup_wm.exe.mui
Size: 62464 byte
MD5: 7430abe50c35c03fc4fb88397be62e4e
SHA1: 57bf5976efbcb98ca6f1480fe3d50b2a01d295e2
SHA256: aa9623fdef21f599c3a6bc2dee6d06deb3bd5ccb001ce4001f32ace35a4d80d2
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: setup_wm.exe Konfiguracijski pripomoček za Microsoft Windows Media (32-bitov)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
100Windows Media Player Windows Media Player
101Namestitveni program ne more nadaljevati Setup cannot continue
102Med namestitvijo se je pojavila ena ali več teh težav. One or more of the following problems has occurred during Setup.
103Preverite jih pred nadaljevanjem namestitve Check before continuing Setup
104Med namestitvijo je prišlo do ene ali več teh težav, ki bi lahko vplivale na namestitev. Preglejte te informacije in primerno ukrepajte. One or more of the following problems has occurred during Setup that could affect your installation. Review the following information and take the corrective action as appropriate.
105Zahvaljujemo se vam, ker ste izbrali Windows Media Player Thank you for choosing Windows Media Player
106Ta programska oprema ima licenco po spodnjem sporazumu. Med namestitvijo bo Windows Media Player navezal stik z Microsoftovim strežnikom in tako določil ter konfiguriral privzeto spletno trgovino. This software is licensed under the agreement below. During the installation process, Windows Media Player will contact a Microsoft server in order to determine and configure the default online store.
107Prilagodi možnosti namestitve Customize the Installation Options
109Izberite privzeti predvajalnik glasbe in videov Select the Default Music and Video Player
110Konfigurirajte privzete nastavitve namizja in programa Windows Media Player. Configure your desktop and Windows Media Player default settings.
111Prenašanje ... Downloading...
113Počakajte, da namestitveni program naloži datoteke v računalnik. Please wait while Setup downloads files to your computer.
114Nameščanje ... Installing...
115Windows bo nadgrajen s programom Windows Media Player. Možnosti programa Windows Media Player lahko nastavite po nadgradnji. Windows is being upgraded with Windows Media Player. After the upgrade is complete, you can configure Player options.
116Izberite možnosti za zasebnost Select Privacy Options
117Microsoft skrbi za varovanje vaše zasebnosti. Da bi vam omogočili boljšo izkušnjo, se bodo morda po internetu izmenjali podatki in se shranili v računalniku. Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy. To deliver an enhanced experience, data is exchanged over the Internet and may be saved on your computer.
119Windows Media Player – posodobitev Windows Media Player Update
120Na voljo je posodobitev za Windows Media Player. Preberite te informacije. A Windows Media Player update is available. Please review the following information.
121Namestitev programa Windows Media Player je dokončana Windows Media Player Setup is complete
122Zahvaljujemo se vam, ker ste izbrali Windows Media Player. Thank you for choosing Windows Media Player.
123Dobrodošli v programu Windows Media Player Welcome to Windows Media Player
124Uživajte v hitrem in prilagodljivem predvajanju glasbe in videa s programom Windows Media Player. Enjoy fast and flexible music and video playback with Windows Media Player.
126Namestitve programa Windows Media Player ni mogoče dokončati Cannot complete Windows Media Player Setup
127Razveljavi namestitev programa Windows Media Player Roll back Windows Media Player
128Če razveljavite namestitev programa Windows Media Player in obnovite prejšnjo različico, ki je bila v računalniku, bo to mogoče vplivalo na druge programe, ki uporabljajo program Windows Media Player, zato jih boste morda morali odstraniti in znova namestiti. Ali ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati? If you roll back Windows Media Player to the previous version that was on your computer, other programs that require the Player may be affected, and you may need to remove and then install those programs again. Are you sure that you want to continue?
129Windows Media Format Runtime Windows Media Format Runtime
130423|418|80|22|Na&zaj 423|418|80|22|&Back
131503|418|80|22|&Naprej 503|418|80|22|&Next
132423|418|80|22|Prekli&či 423|418|80|22|&Cancel
133503|418|80|22|&Dokončaj 503|418|80|22|&Finish
134508|418|80|22|I &Sprejmi 508|418|80|22|I &Accept
135428|418|80|22|I Za&vrni 428|418|80|22|I &Decline
136503|418|80|22|Namest&i 503|418|80|22|&Install
137503|418|80|22|V red&u 503|418|80|22|&OK
139503|418|80|22|Znova za&ženi 503|418|80|22|&Restart
150Pred nadaljevanjem namestitve zaprite Windows Media Player in druge programe. Exit Windows Media Player and all other programs before continuing Setup.
151Namestitev še enega programa ni bila dokončana. Preden začnete naslednjo namestitev, znova zaženite Windows, da dokončate to namestitev. Kliknite »Prekliči«, znova zaženite Windows in nato znova poskusite namestiti Windows Media Player. Another program installation was not completed. You must restart Windows to complete that installation before starting another. Click Cancel, restart Windows, and then try installing Windows Media Player again.
152Windows lahko uporabi večjezični uporabniški vmesnik. Ko je namestitev dokončana, lahko namestite ustrezne jezikovne pakete programa Windows Media Player in tako omogočite možnost preklapljanja jezikov. Windows can use the Multilingual User Interface (MUI). After Setup finishes, you can install the appropriate Windows Media Player language packs to enable language-switching capabilities.
153Na disku ni dovolj prostora Insufficient disk space
154Na disku ni dovolj prostora za namestitev programa Windows Media Player. Potrebujete še najmanj %lu MB prostora. Sprostite ga in nato nadaljujte namestitev. There is not enough free disk space to install Windows Media Player. At least %lu megabytes (MB) of additional space is needed. Free additional space on your hard disk and then continue with Setup.
155Novejša različica programa Windows Media Player je že nameščena. A more recent version of Windows Media Player is already installed.
156V računalniku je nameščena novejša različica programa Windows Media Player (%s). Če želite namestiti datoteke ali popraviti trenutno različico programa Windows Media Player, ne morete uporabiti starejšega namestitvenega paketa (%s). There is a more recent version of Windows Media Player (%s) already installed on your computer. It is not possible to use an older installation package (%s) to install files or to repair your current version of the Player.
157Nezadostne pravice Insufficient Privileges
158Če želite nadgraditi Windows s programom Windows Media Player, morate biti v tem računalniku prijavljeni kot skrbnik ali član skupine skrbnikov. Kliknite »Dokončaj«, odjavite se iz računalnika in se prijavite kot skrbnik. To upgrade Windows with Windows Media Player, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click Finish, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator.
159Zaznana je bila različica sistema Windows z večjezičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom Multilingual User Interface (MUI) version of Windows detected
160Lokalizirane različice programa Windows Media Player ni mogoče namestiti v računalnik, v katerem je nameščena različica sistema Windows z večjezičnim uporabniškim vmesnikom. V ta računalnik namestite angleško različico programa Windows Media Player in nato ustrezne jezikovne pakete programa Windows Media Player ter tako omogočite možnost preklapljanja med jeziki. It is not possible to install a localized version of Windows Media Player on a computer that is running a Multilingual User Interface (MUI) version of Windows. Instead, install the English version of Windows Media Player on this computer, and then install the appropriate Windows Media Player language packs to obtain language-switching capabilities.
161Obnovitev sistema je izklopljena. Če nadaljujete namestitev, ne boste mogli uporabiti obnovitve sistema za obnovitev različice programa Windows Media Player, ki je bila vključena v različico sistema Windows, ki je nameščena v računalniku. Priporočamo, da kliknete »Prekliči«, vklopite obnovitev sistema in nadgradite na Windows Media Player. Več informacij o obnovitvi sistema najdete v pomoči sistema Windows. Ali želite nadaljevati? System Restore is turned off. If you continue Setup, you will be unable to use System Restore to restore the version of Windows Media Player that was included with the version of Windows that your computer is running. It is recommended that you click Cancel, turn on System Restore, and then upgrade to Windows Media Player. For more information about System Restore, see Windows Help. Do you want to continue?
163Priporočamo, da pred nadaljevanjem izklopite mininačin programa Windows Media Player. To storite tako, da z desno tipko kliknete prazen del opravilne vrstice sistema Windows, pokažete na »Orodne vrstice« in počistite kljukico poleg možnosti »Windows Media Player«. It is recommended that you turn off mini Player mode before continuing. To do so, right-click an empty space on the Windows taskbar, point to Toolbars, and then clear Windows Media Player.
166Prenos programske opreme iz spletne trgovine Download Online Store Software
167Preden uporabite %s, morate iz trgovine prenesti programsko opremo. Kliknite »Sprejmem«, če želite prenesti programsko opremo, ali »Zavračam«, če želite preklicati prenos. Before using %s, you must first download software from the store. Click I Accept to download the software, or click I Decline to cancel the download.
170Natisljiva različica Printable Version
172Namestitveni program za Windows Media se že izvaja. Windows Media Setup is already running.
173Upravitelj konfiguracije za Windows Media Windows Media Configuration Manager
174To različico programa Windows Media Player lahko namestite samo v računalnike z operacijskim sistemom Windows XP SP 2.
This version of Windows Media Player can only be installed on a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 2.
175Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake. Namestitveni program ne more zaznati, katere posodobitve programa Windows Media Player so na voljo. Poskusite znova pozneje. An unexpected error has occurred. Setup was not able to detect any Windows Media updates. Please try again later.
176V računalniku je nameščena najnovejša različica programa Windows Media Player in vseh njegovih komponent. Trenutno ni na voljo nobene posodobitve. Your computer is running the most recent version of Windows Media Player and all of its components. No update is available at this time.
177Namestitev se začenja ... Installation is starting...
178%s (število elementov: %lu od %lu) %s (%lu of %lu items)
179Namestitve programa ni bilo mogoče dokončati, ker strežnik za nadgradnjo ni na voljo. Windows Media Player ni bil nameščen. It was not possible to complete Setup, because the upgrade server was not available. Windows Media Player was not installed.
180Ena ali več izbirnih komponent se sicer ni prenesla, lahko pa namestite druge prenesene datoteke. Ali jih želite zdaj namestiti? One or more optional components has failed to download. Other downloaded files can safely be installed at this time. Do you want to install those files now?
181Določanje sistemske obnovitvene točke ... Setting System Restore point...
182Namestitve ni bilo mogoče dokončati. Če želite pomoč, kliknite »Spletna pomoč«. It was not possible to complete Setup. For more assistance, click Web Help.
183Windows je bil uspešno posodobljen Windows has been successfully updated
184Namestitve ni bilo mogoče dokončati, Windows Media Player pa ni bil nameščen. Znova zaženite Windows in nato znova zaženite namestitveni program za Windows Media Player. It was not possible to complete Setup; Windows Media Player was not installed. Restart Windows and then run Windows Media Player Setup again.
185Za Windows Media Player potrebujete %lu MB prostora. Nadgradnja prek povezave hitrosti 28,8 Kb/s bo trajala približno %lu min. Windows Media Player requires %lu megabytes (MB). Upgrading will take approximately %lu minutes over a 28.8 KBps connection.
186To funkcijo je izklopil skrbnik omrežja. Your network administrator has turned off this feature.
187Spodaj navedeni programi za pravilno delovanje potrebujejo Windows Media Player, zato jih morate odstraniti, preden lahko razveljavite njegovo namestitev. Namestitveni program se bo zaprl, ne da bi kar koli spremenil v računalniku. The following programs depend on Windows Media Player to run properly and must be removed before you roll back to a previous version of the Player. Setup will exit without making any changes to your computer.
188Windows Media Player uporabljajo tudi druge komponente tega računalnika, zato ni priporočljivo, da zdaj razveljavite namestitev. Ali ste prepričani, da želite razveljaviti namestitev programa Windows Media Player? Windows Media Player is in use by other components on this computer; it is recommended that you not roll back at this time. Are you sure you want to roll back the Player?
189Zahvaljujemo se vam, ker ste namestili vsestranski predvajalnik predstavnosti, s katerim je odkrivanje, predvajanje in prenašanje digitalne predstavnostne vsebine preprosto, naj bo to s številnimi podprtimi prenosnimi predvajalniki ali v računalnikih s sistemom Windows XP.

Thank you for installing the all-in-one media player that makes it easy to discover, play, and take your digital entertainment anywhere, on both the widest choice of portable players and on computers running Windows XP.

190Windows Media Player bo pri namestitvi nastavljen kot privzeti predvajalnik za predvajanje digitalne predstavnostne vsebine, vključno z glasbo, videoposnetki, TV-oddajami, CD-ji in DVD-ji. Ta postopek namestitve omogoča, da prilagodite privzete nastavitve in druge možnosti namestitve. During setup, Windows Media Player will be set as the default player for playing your digital media content, including music, videos, TV shows, CDs, and DVDs. This setup process will allow you to customize the defaults and other installation options.
191Nameravate spremeniti nastavitve zasebnosti, ki vplivajo na način obravnavanja piškotkov v programu Windows Media Player in vseh drugih, ki uporabljajo te nastavitve zasebnosti.

Predvajalnik uporablja internetno platformo za pošiljanje podatkov o povezavi strežnikom, iz katerih pretaka vsebino. Ponudniki vsebine te podatke uporabljajo pri zagotavljanju storitev. Spreminjanje nastavitev piškotkov bo vplivalo na to, kako bodo podatki posredovani strežnikom.
You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in Windows Media Player and any other programs that rely on these privacy settings.

The Player uses the internet platform to communicate connection information to servers when streaming. This information is used by content providers to provide services. Modifying your cookie settings will affect how information is sent to servers.
194Na voljo je posodobitev za Windows Media. Ali jo želite prenesti zdaj? A Windows Media update is available. Do you want to update now?
195Oblike zapisa %s vključujejo datoteke s priponami %s. The %s format(s) include files with %s extensions.
196Možnosti zasebnosti Privacy Options
197Izjava o zasebnosti Privacy Statement
198Nameravate spremeniti nastavitve zasebnosti, ki vplivajo na način obravnavanja piškotkov v vseh drugih programih, ki uporabljajo te varnostne nastavitve.

Windows Media Player uporablja internetno platformo za komunikacijo s strežniki, iz katerih pretaka vsebino in za komunikacijo s ponudniki vsebine. Spreminjanje nastavitev piškotkov bo morda vplivalo na vsebino, do katere lahko dostopate.
You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in any other programs that rely on these privacy settings.

Windows Media Player uses the internet platform to communicate with servers that stream content and for communication with content providers. Modifying cookie settings will affect the content you can access.
200Izberite vrste datotek, ki naj jih Windows Media Player privzeto predvaja. Select the file types that you want Windows Media Player to play by default.
201Windows Media Player ni bil nameščen. Če želite posodobiti Windows, znova zaženite namestitveni program za Windows Media Player. Windows Media Player was not installed. To update Windows, run Windows Media Player Setup again.
202Spremembe bodo uveljavljene, šele ko znova zaženete sistem Windows. Shranite odprte datoteke in zaprite vse programe ter kliknite »Vnovični zagon«, da znova zaženete sistem Windows. In order for your changes to take effect, you must restart Windows. Save your work and close all programs, then click Restart to restart Windows.
204Italic Italic
20513 13
20622 22
20812 12
210Razveljavljanje namestitve. Počakajte ... Rollback is in progress. Please wait ...
211Razveljavitev za Windows Media Windows Media Rollback
212: razveljavitev je končana. Spremembe bodo uveljavljene, šele ko znova zaženete sistem Windows. Shranite odprte datoteke in zaprite vse programe ter nato znova zaženite sistem Windows. rollback is complete. For your changes to take effect, you must restart Windows. Save your work and exit all programs, and then restart Windows.
213: razveljavitev ni uspela. Windows morate znova zagnati. Če želite to storiti zdaj, najprej shranite odprte datoteke in zaprite vse programe. rollback failed. You must restart Windows. If you want to restart now, first save your work and exit all programs.
215Informacije o zasebnosti spletne trgovine Online Store Privacy Information
216Windows Media Player Beta Windows Media Player Beta
217Windows Media Format Runtime Beta Windows Media Format Runtime Beta
2191 1
220Počakajte, da namestitveni program preveri, ali so na voljo spletne posodobitve Please wait while Setup checks for online updates
222Preprosto odkrivanje, predvajanje in prenašanje digitalne zabave s seboj. Uživajte v svoji digitalni glasbi, videoposnetkih in drugem. The easy way to discover, play, and take all your digital entertainment with you. Get the most from your digital music, video, and more.
224Namestitveni program se je dokončal z nekaj napakami.
Nekatere obstoječe pravice za uporabo predstavnosti niso bile pravilno premaknjene, zato mogoče ne boste mogli predvajati nekaterih zaščitenih datotek.
Poleg tega namestitveni program ni uspel kopirati nekaterih ali vseh datotek s seznami predvajanja.
Setup completed with some errors.
Some of your existing media usage rights were not moved correctly, which might prevent you from playing some of your protected files.
In addition, Setup was not able to copy some or all of the playlist files.
225Windows Media Player je bil uspešno nameščen, vendar pa je med namestitvijo prišlo do teh napak. Windows Media Player was installed successfully. However the following errors occurred during installation.
227Nastavi »%s« za mojo aktivno spletno trgovino. Set %s as my active online store.
229Prilagodite nastavitve predvajanja, zasebnosti in spletne trgovine. To možnost izberite, če želite pregledati ali spremeniti nastavitve iz prejšnje različice predvajalnika. Customize playback, privacy, and online store settings. Select this option if you want to review or change your settings from the previous version of the Player.
230%s: namestitev je končana %s Setup is complete
231Selitev knjižnice programa Windows Media Player Migrating the Windows Media Player Library
233. .
271: razveljavitev je končana. rollback is complete.
272Namestitev programa Windows Media Player bo razveljavljena in obnovljena bo prejšnja različica, nameščena v računalniku. Ali želite nadaljevati? Windows Media Player will be rolled back to the previous version that was on your computer. Do you want to continue?
274Windows morate znova zagnati. Shranite odprte datoteke in zaprite vse programe ter nato znova zaženite sistem Windows. You must restart Windows now. Save your work and exit all programs, and then restart Windows.
275: razveljavitev ni uspela. rollback failed.
276Če želite razveljaviti namestitev programa Windows Media Player in obnoviti prejšnjo različico, ki je bila v računalniku, morate biti v računalnik prijavljeni kot skrbnik ali član skupine skrbnikov. Kliknite »V redu«, odjavite se iz računalnika in se prijavite kot skrbnik. To roll back to the previous version of Windows Media Player that was on your computer, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click OK, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator.
277Programske odvisnosti preprečujejo razveljavitev. Program dependencies are blocking rollback.
278Za pravilno delovanje teh programov potrebujete Windows Media Format Runtime, zato jih morate odstraniti, preden razveljavite njegovo namestitev. Namestitveni program se bo končal brez sprememb v računalniku. The following programs depend on this version of Windows Media Format Runtime to run properly and must be removed before you roll back to the previous version of the Windows Media Format Runtime. Setup will exit without making any changes to your computer.
279Namestitev programa Windows Media Format Runtime bo razveljavljena na prejšnjo različico, ki je bila nameščena v računalniku. Ali želite nadaljevati? The Windows Media Format Runtime will be rolled back to the previous version that was on your computer. Do you want to continue?
280Če razveljavite namestitev programa Windows Media Format Runtime in obnovite prejšnjo različico, ki je bila v računalniku, bo to mogoče vplivalo na druge programe, ki uporabljajo program Windows Media Format Runtime, zato jih boste morda morali odstraniti in znova namestiti. Ali ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati? If you roll back the Windows Media Format Runtime to the previous version that was on your computer, other programs that require the Runtime may be affected, and you may need to remove and then install those programs again. Are you sure that you want to continue?
281Če razveljavite namestitev in se vrnete na prejšnjo različico programa Windows Media Format Runtime, bodo predstavnostne uporabniške pravice iz zaščitenih datotek izbrisane. Za nekatere datoteke boste lahko prenesli nove predstavnostne uporabniške pravice, vendar pa ne boste mogli predvajati datotek, ki zahtevajo najnovejšo različico programa Windows Media Format Runtime. If you roll back to a previous version of the Windows Media Format Runtime, media usage rights for your protected files will be deleted. You may be able to download new media usage rights for some files, but it will not be possible to play any files that require the latest version of the Windows Media Format Runtime.
282&Ali želite nadaljevati razveljavitev? &Do you want to continue with the rollback?
284Po končani razveljavitvi boste morda morali odstraniti in znova namestiti te programe. The following programs may need to be removed and then installed again when the rollback is complete.
291Nameščate preskusno izdajo beta programa Windows Media Player. Namestitveni program mora najprej preveriti, ali je na voljo končna različica programa Windows Media Player. Če je, jo bo namestil namesto preskusne izdaje beta. Kliknite »Da«, če želite preveriti, ali je na voljo posodobitev, ali »Ne«, da zaprete namestitveni program. You are installing a beta release of Windows Media Player. Before installing, Setup must check for the final version of the Player. If the final version is available, Setup will install it instead of the beta release. Click Yes to check for an update or click No to exit Setup.
292Različica programa Windows Media Player, ki jo nameščate, ne ustreza jeziku trenutno nameščenega predvajalnika. Ali želite v prihodnje preverjati, ali so posodobitve programa Windows Media Player na voljo v jeziku trenutno nameščene različice? Kliknite »Da«, če želite v prihodnje preverjati, ali so posodobitve na voljo v jeziku nameščenega predvajalnika, in »Ne«, če želite preverjati, ali so posodobitve na voljo v jeziku različice, ki jo trenutno nameščate. The version of Windows Media Player you are installing does not match the language of the currently installed Player. In the future, do you want to check for updates in the language of your currently installed Player? Click Yes to check for updates in your installed Player's language in the future. Click No to check for updates in the language of the Player you are installing.
293Če želite zagnati namestitveni program, morati biti v računalnik prijavljeni kot skrbnik ali član skupine skrbnikov. Kliknite »Dokončaj«, odjavite se iz računalnika in se prijavite kot skrbnik. To run Setup, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click Finish, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator.
294Na voljo je posodobitev za Windows Media. Ali jo želite prenesti zdaj? Kliknite »Da«, če želite prenesti in namestiti posodobitev, ali »Ne«, če želite končati namestitveni program A Windows Media update is available. Do you want to update now? Click Yes to download and install the update or click No to exit Setup
295Preden lahko nadaljujete razveljavitev namestitve, morate znova zagnati sistem Windows. Shranite odprte datoteke, zaprite vse programe in znova zaženite sistem Windows. You must restart Windows before continuing with rollback. Save your work, close all programs, and then restart Windows.
296Preden lahko nadaljujete razveljavitev namestitve, morate zapreti program Windows Media Player in vse druge programe. You must close Windows Media Player and all other programs before continuing with rollback.
301Nekatere predstav. uporab. pravice niso bile pravilno premaknjene, zato mogoče ne boste mogli predvajati nekaterih zaščitenih datotek. Težavo poskusite odpraviti tako, da znova zaženete sistem Windows in nato še namestitveni program za Windows Media Player. Some of your media usage rights were not moved correctly, which might prevent you from playing some of your protected files. To resolve the problem, try restarting Windows, and then running Windows Media Player Setup again.
306Zahvaljujemo se vam, ker ste namestili vsestranski predvajalnik predstavnosti, s katerim je odkrivanje, predvajanje in prenašanje digitalne predstavnostne vsebine preprosto, saj ta program podpirajo številni prenosni predvajalniki in računalniki s sistemom Windows.

Thank you for installing the all-in-one media player that makes it easy to discover, play, and take your digital entertainment anywhere, on both the widest choice of portable players and on computers running Windows.

307Microsoft je predan varovanju vaše zasebnosti. V Microsoftovi izjavi o zasebnosti je pojasnjeno, kateri podatki se zbirajo, kako se uporabljajo in kakšne nastavitve zasebnosti so na voljo v predvajalniku. Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy as a consumer. The Microsoft privacy statement explains what data is collected, how it is used, and what privacy settings are available in the Player.
308Kliknite gumb, če si želite ogledati Microsoftovo izjavo o zasebnosti. Click the button to view the Microsoft privacy statement.
309Izberite spletno trgovino Choose an Online Store
310Izberite spletno trgovino, ki jo želite nastaviti zdaj. Dodatne trgovine lahko nastavite pozneje. Choose the online store that you want to set up now. You can set up additional stores later.
311Windows Media Player se nadgrajuje iz spletne trgovine, ki ste jo izbrali. Windows Media Player is being upgraded with the online store that you selected.
312Nepodprt operacijski sistem. Unsupported Operating System.
313Ta namestitveni paket je mogoče namestiti le v izdaji x64 sistema Windows XP. This setup package can only be installed on Windows XP x64 edition.
314Ta namestitveni paket je mogoče namestiti le v računalnik z 32-bitno izdajo sistema Windows XP s servisnim paketom SP2. This setup package can only be installed on a computer that is running the 32-bit release of Windows XP Service Pack 2.
315Med zagonom spletnega brskalnika je prišlo do napake. An error occurred when starting your Web browser.
316Obiščite spletno mesto Windows Update in pred namestitvijo programa Windows Media Player prenesite posodobitev Update Rollup 2 za Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. Please visit Windows Update to download the Update Rollup 2 for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 before installing Windows Media Player.
317Če želite izvedeti več o priporočenih nastavitvah, v spletu preberite izjavo o zasebnosti. To learn more about Recommended settings, read the Privacy Statement online.
318Več informacij o teh možnostih za zasebnost More information about these privacy options
321Sistemske zahteve niso bile izpolnjene. System requirements have not been met.
322Izvaja se še ena posodobitev. Počakajte, da se ta posodobitev dokonča, in nato znova zaženite namestitveni program za Windows Media Player. Če pa se je posodobitev prenehala odzivati, znova zaženite sistem Windows in zaženite namestitveni program za Windows Media Player. Another update is in progress. Wait until that update has completed, and then run Windows Media Player Setup again. Or, if the update appears to have stopped responding, restart Windows and then run Windows Media Player Setup.
323Izvaja se posodobitev računalnika, zato namestitveni program ne more nadaljevati: A computer update in progress, Setup can not continue:
324Če želite namestiti Windows Media Player, mora biti v računalniku nameščena različica sistema Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ali novejša različica. To install Windows Media Player, your computer must be running Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 or later.
326Trenutno za prenos in namestitev ni na voljo nobena posodobitev za Windows Media Player. No Windows Media Player updates for your computer are available for download and installation at this time.
327Pridobivanje podatkov o trgovini: počakajte ... Obtaining store information: Please wait...
329Nekateri podatki, vključno z ocenami in štetjem predvajanj, niso bili uvoženi v program Windows Media Player. Some information was not imported into the Player, including ratings and play counts.
330Namestitveni program ni mogel kopirati nekaterih ali vseh datotek s preoblekami. Setup was unable to copy some or all of the skin files.
331Na disku ni dovolj prostora za namestitev programa Windows Media Player. Potrebujete najmanj 50 MB prostora. Sprostite dodaten prostor na trdem disku in nato nadaljujte namestitev. There is not enough free disk space to uninstall Windows Media Player. At least 50 megabytes (MB) of free disk space is needed. Free additional space on your hard disk and then continue with Setup.
332Nadgradi programsko opremo iz trgovine Upgrade Store Software
333V računalniku je manj kot 50 megabajtov (MB) nezasedenega prostora na disku. Priporočamo, da prekličete namestitev, izbrišete nepotrebne datoteke s trdega diska in nato nadaljujete namestitev. There is less than 50 megabytes (MB) of free disk space on your computer. It is recommended that you cancel Setup, delete unneeded files on your hard disk, and then resume Setup.
334V programu Windows Media Player se jezik ne ujema. Windows Media Player language mismatch.
335Različica programa Windows Media Player, ki jo poskušate namestiti, je enaka kot trenutno nameščena različica, le da ja v drugem jeziku. Če želite zamenjati jezik, morate najprej odstraniti trenutni program Windows Media Player z možnostjo »Dodaj in odstrani programe«, nato pa namestite želeno jezikovno različico. The version of Windows Media Player that you are trying to install is the same as the currently installed version, except in a different language. To change the language, you must first uninstall the current Player by using Add and Remove Programs, and then install the language version that you want.
336Namestitve shrambe ni mogoče dokončati Cannot Complete Store Install
337Namestitvenega programa ni bilo mogoče dokončati; %s ni bil nameščen. Zdaj morate znova zagnati sistem Windows. It was not possible to complete Setup; %s was not installed. You must restart Windows now.
338Trgovina %s ni bila nameščena. Če jo želite dodati v program Windows Media Player, znova zaženite namestitveni program %s. %s was not installed. To add this store to Windows Media Player, run %s Setup again.
339Namestitve %s ni bilo mogoče dokončati. It was not possible to complete %s Setup.
340%s je bil nameščen. %s has been installed.
342Spletni opis programa za izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje Online description of the Customer Experience Improvement Program
344Pred nadaljevanjem zaprite %s. Please close %s before continuing.
345Če želite trgovino dodati programu Windows Media Player, morate biti v računalnik prijavljeni kot skrbnik ali član skupine skrbnikov. Kliknite »Dokončaj«, odjavite se iz računalnika in se prijavite kot skrbnik. To add this store to Windows Media Player, you must be logged on to this computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Click Finish, log off from the computer, and then log on as an administrator.
346%s ni mogoče odstraniti, ker so mape za odstranitev že izbrisane. It is not possible to uninstall %s because folders that are required for the uninstall have already been deleted.
347Na voljo je posodobitev za %s. Kliknite »Sprejmem«, če želite prenesti programsko opremo, ali »Zavračam«, če želite preklicati posodobitev. An upgrade is available for %s. Click I Accept to download the software, or click I Decline to cancel the upgrade.
400Namesti zdaj Install now
401V redu OK

Kliknite »Namesti zdaj«, če želite prenesti in namestiti posodobitve.

Click Install Now to download and install these updates.
410423|420|80|22|Na&zaj 423|420|80|22|&Back
411503|420|80|22|&Naprej 503|420|80|22|&Next
412423|420|80|22|&Prekliči 423|420|80|22|&Cancel
413503|420|80|22|&Dokončaj 503|420|80|22|&Finish
414508|420|80|22|&Sprejmi 508|420|80|22|I &Accept
415428|420|80|22|&Zavrni 428|420|80|22|I &Decline
416503|420|80|22|Na&mesti 503|420|80|22|&Install
417503|420|80|22|V &redu 503|420|80|22|&OK
419503|420|80|22|Zaženi zn&ova 503|420|80|22|&Restart
1128Na voljo so posodobitve, ki jih lahko namestite, če obiščete spletno mesto Updates are available that you can install by visiting
1129Računalnik se posodablja. Ali ste prepričani, da želite preklicati namestitev še pred koncem? Your computer is currently being updated. Are you sure you want to cancel this update before it is complete?
1135Predstavnostni obnovitveni paket Media Restore Pack
1137Pridobivanje posodobitev za »%s« Obtaining Updates for %s
1138V računalniku je nameščena najnovejša različica programa %s in njegovih komponent. Trenutno ni na voljo nobena posodobitev. Your computer is running the most recent version of %s and all of its components. No update is available at this time.
1139Na voljo je posodobitev za %s. Ali želite program posodobiti zdaj? A %s update is available. Do you want to update now?
9800Dodaj na seznam programa &Windows Media Player &Add to Windows Media Player list
9801&Predvajaj s programom Windows Media Player &Play with Windows Media Player
9900Zvočni izrezek Sound Clip
9902Filmski izrezek Movie Clip
9903Oblika zapisa zvoka AIFF AIFF Format Sound
9904Oblika zapisa zvoka AU AU Format Sound
9905Videoizrezek Video Clip
9907Zaporedje MIDI MIDI Sequence
9908Zvok Wave Wave Sound
9909Zvočna/videodatoteka Windows Media Windows Media Audio/Video file
9910Seznam predvajanja za Windows Media Audio/Video Windows Media Audio/Video playlist
9911Bližnjica za Windows Media Audio Windows Media Audio shortcut
9912Zvočna datoteka Windows Media Windows Media Audio file
9915Datoteka s preobleko za Windows Media Player Windows Media Player Skin File
9916Paket s preobleko za Windows Media Player Windows Media Player Skin Package
9917Zvočni CD AudioCD
9918Skladba z zvočnega CD-ja CD Audio Track
9919Datoteka programa Windows Media Player Windows Media Player File
9920Prenosni paket za Windows Media Player Windows Media Player Download Package
9921DVD-video DVD Video
9922Seznam predvajanja Media Playlist
9923Seznam predvajanja za Windows Media Windows Media playlist
9924Knjižnica Windows Media Windows Media Library
9925Oblika zapisa zvoka MP3 MP3 Format Sound
9926Datoteka M3U M3U file
9927Posnetek TV-oddaje Microsoft Recorded TV Show
9928Protokol URL:MMS URL:MMS Protocol
9929Protokol URL:MMST URL:MMST Protocol
9930Protokol URL:MMSU URL:MMSU Protocol
9931Protokol URL:MSBD URL:MSBD Protocol
9932Video MP4 MP4 Video
9933Zvok MPEG-4 MPEG-4 Audio
9934Video AVCHD AVCHD Video
9935Video MPEG-2 TS MPEG-2 TS Video
9936Film QuickTime QuickTime Movie
9937Zvok/video 3GPP 3GPP Audio/Video
9938Zvok/video 3GPP2 3GPP2 Audio/Video
9939Zvok ADTS ADTS Audio
9940Posodabljanje registra ... Updating the registry...
9941Posodabljanje datotek INI ... Updating INI files...
9942Preverjanje namestitvenih imenikov ... Verifying installation directories...
9943Brisanje starih imenikov ... Deleting old directories...
9944Izvajajo se ponamestitvene operacije ... (to lahko traja nekaj minut) Performing post-setup operations... (this may take several minutes)
9945Izvaja se prednamestitvena inicializacija ... Performing pre-setup initialization...
9946Registriranje komponent ... Registering components...
9947Preklic registracije komponent ... Unregistering components...
9948Kopiranje datotek ... Copying files...
9949Brisanje datotek ... Deleting files...
9950Video MKV MKV Video
9951Zvok MKA MKA Audio
9952Video MK3D MK3D Video
9953Zvok FLAC FLAC Audio
9960Neznano Unknown
9961Preverjanje digitalnega podpisa ... Verifying digital signature...
9962Ekstrahiranje datotek iz stisnjenega arhiva. Extracting files from compressed archive.
9963Namestitev za Windows Media Windows Media Setup
9964Potek namestitve paketa ... Package install progress...
9980Program Files Program Files
9990&Odpri &Open
9991&Predvajaj &Play
9992Zvočna datoteka AU (au) AU audio file (au)
9993Datoteka MIDI (midi) MIDI file (midi)
9994Zvočna datoteka Windows Media (wma) Windows Media Audio file (wma)
9995Zvočna datoteka za Windows (wav) Windows audio file (wav)
9996Datoteka Windows Media (asf) Windows Media file (asf)
9997Videodatoteka sistema Windows (avi) Windows video file (avi)
9998Predvajanje zvočnega CD-ja Music CD Playback
10000Videodatoteke Windows Media (wmv) Windows Media Video file (wmv)
10002Zvočna datoteka MP3 (mp3) MP3 audio file (mp3)
10003Filmska datoteka (mpeg) Movie file (mpeg)
10004Zvočna datoteka AIFF (aiff) AIFF audio file (aiff)
10005Slikovna datoteka sistema Windows (jpg) Windows picture file (jpg)
10006Posnetek TV-oddaje (dvr-ms) Microsoft Recorded TV Show (dvr-ms)
10007Videodatoteka MP4 MP4 Video file
10008Zvočna datoteka MP4 MP4 Audio file
10009Filmska datoteka QuickTime QuickTime Movie file
10010Vključuje datoteke s priponama .au in .snd. Includes files with .au and .snd extensions.
10011Vključuje datoteke s priponami .mid, .midi in .rmi. Includes files with .mid, .midi, and .rmi extensions.
10012Vključuje datoteke s priponama .wma in .wax. Includes files with .wma and .wax extensions.
10013Vključuje datoteke s pripono .wav. Includes files with .wav extensions.
10014Vključuje datoteke s priponami .asf, .asx, .wpl, .wm, .wmx, .wmd in .wmz. Includes files with .asf, .asx, .wpl, .wm, .wmx, .wmd, and .wmz extensions.
10015Vključuje datoteke s pripono .avi. Includes files with .avi extensions.
10016Vključuje zvočne CD-je in datoteke s pripono .cda. Includes audio CDs and files with .cda extensions.
10017Predvajanje DVD-videa. DVD Video playback.
10018Vključuje datoteke s priponama .wmv in .wvx. Includes files with .wmv and .wvx extensions.
10020Vključuje datoteke s priponami .mp2 .mp3 in .m3u. Includes files with .mp2, .mp3, and .m3u extensions.
10021Vključuje datoteke s priponami .mpeg, .mpg, .mpe, .m1v, .m2v, .mod, .mpv2, .mp2v in .mpa. Includes files with .mpeg, .mpg, .mpe, .m1v, .m2v, .mod, .mpv2, .mp2v, and .mpa extensions.
10022Vključuje datoteke s priponami .aif, .aifc in .aiff. Includes files with .aif, .aifc, and .aiff extensions.
10025Vključuje datoteke s priponami .mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .3gp, .3gpp, .3g2 in .3gp2. Includes files with .mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .3gp, .3gpp, .3g2, and .3gp2 extensions.
10026Vključuje datoteke s priponami .m4a. Includes files with .m4a extensions.
10027Vključuje datoteke s pripono .mov. Includes files with .mov extensions.
10028Vključuje datoteke s priponami .adts, .adt in .aac. Includes files with .adts, .adt, and .aac extensions.
10029Vključuje datoteke s priponami .m2ts, .m2t, .mts, .ts in .tts. Includes files with .m2ts, .m2t, .mts, .ts, and .tts extensions.
10030Vključuje datoteke s priponama .mkv in .mks. Includes files with .mkv, .mks extensions.
10031Vključuje datoteke s pripono .mka. Includes files with .mka extensions.
10032Vključuje datoteke s pripono .mk3d. Includes files with .mk3d extensions.
10033Vključuje datoteke s pripono .flac. Includes files with .flac extensions.
10100Priprava na prenos. Preparing for download.
10101Vzpostavljanje povezave s strežnikom za nadgradnjo. Connecting to upgrade server.
10102Ugotavljanje dostopnosti datoteke. Determining file availability.
10103Prenos datoteke. Preostali čas: %s. Prejeto: %s. Downloading file. Time remaining: %s. Received %s.
10104Prenos je dokončan. Download complete.
10105Inicializacija ... Initializing...
10106Pri prenosu je prišlo do napake. An error has occured while downloading.
10203Odstranjevanje ... Currently uninstalling...
10204Prenos ... Currently downloading...
10220Programska oprema ne bo delovala brez te komponente. This component must be installed for the software to function.
10221To je komponenta v skupni rabi in se je ne sme odstraniti. This is a shared component and should not be uninstalled.
10222270 270
1022360 60
10224%s B %s bytes
10225%s KB %s KB
10226%s MB %s MB
10227%s GB %s GB
10228%s TB %s TB
10229Zvočna datoteka ADTS ADTS Audio file
10230Videodatoteka MPEG-2 TS MPEG-2 TS Video file
10231Videodatoteka MKV MKV Video file
10232Zvočna datoteka MKA MKA Audio file
10233Videodatoteka MK3D MK3D Video file
10234Zvočna datoteka FLAC (flac) FLAC Audio file (flac)
0x30000000Informacije Info
0x30000001Začni Start
0x30000002Ustavi Stop


File Name:setup_wm.exe.mui
File Size:61 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:61952
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:12.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:12.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Konfiguracijski pripomoček za Microsoft Windows Media
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:setup_wm.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:setup_wm.exe.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:12.0.15063.0

What is setup_wm.exe.mui?

setup_wm.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file setup_wm.exe (Konfiguracijski pripomoček za Microsoft Windows Media).

File version info

File Description:Konfiguracijski pripomoček za Microsoft Windows Media
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:setup_wm.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:setup_wm.exe.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:12.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200