File name: | appmgr.dll.mui |
Size: | 38400 byte |
MD5: | 73066d3268021a51c60ada5e014b765e |
SHA1: | 05ff6ff39734cb88cd6cb1ee5272ab82005524e4 |
SHA256: | add3a8c519f80bef218f2f86a76b9e7cb35b78d8e5ac40b3cfbba2113a78bb2d |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Slovenian | English |
1 | Namestitev programske opreme | Software installation |
2 | Ime | Name |
3 | Različica | Version |
4 | Vrsta nadgradnje | Upgrade type |
5 | Nadgrajevanje | Upgrading |
6 | Stanje uvajanja | Deployment state |
7 | Samodejna namestitev | Auto-install |
8 | Področne nastavitve | Locale |
9 | Arhitektura | Architecture |
10 | Spremembe | Modifications |
11 | Založnik | Publisher |
12 | Vir | Source |
13 | Paketi | Packages |
14 | Doda paket. | Adds a package. |
15 | Odstrani ta paket. | Removes this package. |
16 | Osveži seznam paketov. | Refreshes the package list. |
17 | Potrdite to polje, če želite samodejno namestiti programsko opremo, zahtevano za odpiranje tovrstnih dokumentov. | Select this check box to automatically install the software needed to open documents of this type. |
18 | Uvrsti ta paket med tiste, ki se bodo namestili pri prijavi uporabnika. | Assign this package to install at user log on. |
19 | Omogoči dostop do tega paketa prek možnosti »Dodaj/Odstrani programe« na nadzorni plošči ali s priklicem dokumenta (samodejna namestitev). | Make this package available either through the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel or via document invocation (Auto-Install). |
20 | Prepreči namestitev tega paketa z možnostjo »Dodaj/Odstrani programe« na nadzorni plošči ali s klikom dokumenta (samodejna namestitev). | Prevent this package from being installed either through the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel or by clicking on a document (Auto-Install). |
21 | Znova namesti ta paket na vsa mesta, kjer je že nameščen. | Reinstall this package everywhere it is already installed. |
22 | Operacija imenika »Active Directory« ni uspela. Paketa ni mogoče označiti kot ustreznega za vnovično uvedbo. | Active Directory operation failed. The package cannot be marked for redeployment. |
23 | Izključi paket x86 v Win64 | Exclude x86 package on Win64 |
24 | Namesti ob prijavi | Install at logon |
31 | Dodeljeno | Assigned |
32 | Objavljeno | Published |
33 | Onemogočeno | Disabled |
42 | Izvor | Origin |
43 | Obseg upravljanja | Scope of Management |
44 | Pokaži pakete, za katere je navedeno, da jih je namestil pravilnik. | Show packages listed as installed by policy. |
45 | Pokaži pakete, ki so navedeni kot odstranjeni. | Show packages listed as removed. |
47 | Pokaži pakete, ki so navedeni v možnosti »Dodaj/Odstrani programe« po pravilniku. | Show packages listed in Add/Remove Programs by policy. |
50 | Namestitev programske opreme (Uporabniki) | Software Installation (Users) |
51 | Namestitev programske opreme (Računalniki) | Software Installation (Computers) |
300 | &Paket ... | &Package... |
301 | O&sveži | &Refresh |
302 | &Odstrani ... | R&emove... |
303 | Samodejno namest&i | Auto-&Install |
304 | D&odeli | A&ssign |
305 | O&bjavi | &Publish |
306 | One&mogoči | &Disable |
307 | &Znova uvedi program | &Redeploy application |
308 | Če znova uvedete program, bo ta nameščen na vseh mestih, kjer je že nameščen. Ali želite nadaljevati? | Redeploying this application will reinstall the application everywhere it is already installed. Do you want to continue? |
309 | .msi | .msi |
310 | Paketi Windows Installer (*.msi)|*.msi|| | Windows Installer packages (*.msi)|*.msi|| |
311 | Paketi Windows Installer (*.msi)|*.msi|ZAW Programski paketi »down-level« (*.zap)|*.zap|| | Windows Installer packages (*.msi)|*.msi|ZAW Down-level application packages (*.zap)|*.zap|| |
313 | V predlogo pravilnika skupine ni mogoče pisati. | Cannot write to the Group Policy Template. |
314 | Operacija dodajanja ni uspela. Informacij o uvajanju ni bilo mogoče izvleči iz paketa. Zaženite preverjanje paketa in se tako prepričajte, ali je pravilen. |
Add operation failed. Unable to extract deployment information from the package. Run validation on the package to ensure that the package is correct. |
315 | Operacija dodajanja ni uspela. Pravilnika za ta vsebnik ni mogoče spremeniti. Preverite dovoljenja. |
Add operation failed. The policy cannot be modified for this container. Check permissions. |
316 | Postopek dodajanja ni uspel. Posodabljanje informacij o namestitvi programske opreme v imeniku Active Directory ni uspelo. Preverite, ali je mogoča komunikacija z imenikom Active Directory. |
Add operation failed. Unable to update the software installation information in Active Directory. Make sure that you can communicate with Active Directory. |
317 | .mst | .mst |
318 | Windows Installer – paketi za preoblikovanje (*.mst)|*.mst|| | Windows Installer transform packages (*.mst)|*.mst|| |
319 | Na tem paketu ni mogoče uporabiti seznama sprememb. | The list of modifications cannot be applied to this package. |
320 | Izberite mapo, v kateri želite začeti iskati pakete in preoblikovanja. | Select the folder from where you wish to begin browsing for packages and transforms. |
321 | Imenika Active Directory ni mogoče posodobiti z novim seznamom sprememb. | Active Directory cannot be updated with the new list of modifications. |
326 | Ne | No |
327 | Da | Yes |
328 | Več | Multiple |
329 | Brez | None |
330 | Izbirno | Optional |
331 | Zahtevano | Required |
332 | Ni mogoče preveriti, ali je pot omrežno mesto. Če paket ni na voljo v omrežnem pogonu, ga odjemalci ne bodo mogli namestiti. Ali ste prepričani, da želite uvesti paket in pri tem uporabiti navedeno pot? | Cannot verify path is a network location. If this package is not available from a network share, clients will not be able to install it. Are you sure you want to deploy this package using this path? |
333 | Operacija brisanja ni uspela. Pravilnika tega vsebnika ni mogoče spremeniti. Preverite dovoljenja. |
Delete operation failed. The policy for this container cannot be modified. Check permissions. |
334 | Operacija brisanja ni uspela. | Delete operation failed. |
335 | Odstrani paket | Remove Package |
336 | Ali želite odstraniti paket, vendar ohraniti obstoječe namestitve programa? | Remove the package but leave the application installed everywhere it is already installed? |
337 | V računalnike ni mogoče uvesti programskih paketov »down-level« (datotek *.zap). | Cannot deploy down-level application packages (*.zap files) to computers. |
338 | Operacija dodajanja ni uspela. Informacij o uvajanju ni mogoče izvleči iz datoteke z nastavitvami za namestitev programske opreme. Preverite, ali ste izbrali pravo datoteko in ali je dostopna. |
Add operation failed. Unable to extract deployment information from the software installation settings file. Check to ensure that the file is correct and accessible. |
339 | Nameščeni program&i | &Installed Applications |
340 | Odst&ranjeni programi | &Removed Applications |
341 | Ne&uspeli paketi | &Failed Packages |
342 | &Programi, ki so na voljo | &Available Applications |
343 | S poti, ki se začenjajo s http: ali ftp:, ni mogoče uvesti paketov. | Packages may not be deployed from paths beginning with http: or ftp: |
344 | Paketa ni mogoče uvesti. Paket ne podpira platforme, združljive s sistemom Windows. | Unable to deploy package. The package does not support a Windows compatible platform. |
345 | .cer | .cer |
346 | Varnostna potrdila (*.cer; *.spc)|*.cer;*.spc|Paketi programa Windows Installer (*.msi)|*.msi|| | Security Certificates (*.cer; *.spc)|*.cer;*.spc|Windows Installer packages (*.msi)|*.msi|| |
347 | .txt | .txt |
348 | Besedilna datoteka (*.txt)|*.txt|| | Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|| |
349 | Postopek dodajanja ni uspel. Podatki o registraciji COM v paketu so preveliki za Active Directory. Če želite omogočiti uvedbo, uredite paket ali ga uvedite brez podatkov o registraciji COM. |
Add operation failed. The package's COM registration data is too large for Active Directory. The package can be edited or deployed without COM registration data to allow deployment. |
350 | Sprememb nastavitev OLE informacij ni mogoče uporabiti za ta paket. | The changes to OLE information settings cannot be applied to this package. |
351 | Imenika Active Directory ni mogoče posodobiti z novim seznamom nastavitev podatkov OLE. | Active Directory cannot be updated with the new list of OLE information settings. |
400 | Kateri koli | Any |
401 | Windows 32s | Windows 32s |
402 | Windows 95 | Windows 95 |
403 | Windows NT | Windows NT |
409 | Neznan procesor | Unknown Processor |
410 | x86 | x86 |
411 | MIPS | MIPS |
412 | Alpha | Alpha |
413 | PPC | PPC |
414 | SH | SH |
415 | ARM | ARM |
416 | IA64 | IA64 |
417 | x64 | x64 |
418 | MSIL | MSIL |
600 | Ta paket bo samodejno nameščen, ko uporabnik klikne z njim povezan dokument. |
This package will automatically install when a user clicks on a document associated with this package. |
601 | Ta paket ne bo samodejno nameščen, ko uporabnik klikne z njim povezan dokument. |
This package will not automatically install when a user clicks on a document associated with this package. |
602 | Ali želite samodejno namestiti ta paket, ko uporabnik klikne z njim povezan dokument? |
Auto-install this package when a user clicks on a document associated with this package? |
603 | Uporabniki bodo lahko ta paket namestili z možnostjo »Dodaj/Odstrani programe« na nadzorni plošči. |
Users will be able to install this package from the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. |
604 | Uporabniki ne bodo mogli namestiti tega paketa z možnostjo »Dodaj/Odstrani programe« na nadzorni plošči. |
Users will not be able to install this package from the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. |
605 | Ta paket ne bo več postavljen na namizje vseh uporabnikov. Še naprej pa bo nameščen pri uporabnikih, ki so ga že namestili. |
This package will no longer be placed on the computer's desktop of every user. It will continue to be installed for users who have already installed it. |
606 | Ta paket bo postavljen na namizje vseh uporabnikov. | This package will be placed on the desktop of every user. |
607 | Neveljavna izbira | Invalid selection |
608 | Niste navedli platforme. Navesti morate vsaj eno platformo. | You have not specified a platform. You must specify at least one platform. |
609 | Spremeni obstoječo zvrst | Modify existing category |
610 | Vnesi novo zvrst | Enter new category |
611 | Sprememb zvrsti ni mogoče uporabiti. | Cannot apply category changes. |
612 | Zamenjava | Replace |
613 | Nadgradnja | Upgrade |
614 | Operacija je bila preklicana. Paketa ni mogoče nastaviti za nadgradnjo samega sebe. | This operation was canceled. A package cannot be set to upgrade itself. |
615 | Računalnik | Computer |
616 | Uporabnik | User |
617 | Sprememb lastnosti ni bilo mogoče uporabiti. | Failed to apply property changes. |
618 | To ime je že zasedel drug paket. | Another package is already using this name. |
619 | Paket morate poimenovati. | You must give the package a name. |
620 | Ime paketa je predolgo. | The package name is too long. |
621 | Pri dostopanju do podatkov o namestitvi programske opreme v imeniku Active Directory je prišlo do napake. Dodatne podrobnosti so navedene v dnevniku dogodkov. | An error occurred accessing the software installation data in Active Directory. See the event log for additional details. |
622 | Številke revizije predmeta pravilnika skupine ni mogoče spremeniti. Zaprite snap-in, ga znova zaženite in znova poskusite izvesti operacijo. | Cannot change the revision number of the Group Policy Object. Exit and restart the snap-in and retry the operation. |
623 | Zvrsti morate poimenovati. | You must give the category a name. |
624 | Ime zvrsti je predolgo. | The category name is too long. |
625 | Izberite to možnost, če želite objaviti program, ne da bi ga spremenili. | Select this option to Publish the application without modifications. |
626 | Izberite to možnost, če želite dodeliti program, ne da bi ga spremenili. | Select this option to Assign the application without modifications. |
627 | Izberite to možnost, če želite konfigurirati možnosti objavljanja ali dodeljevanja in spremeniti paket. | Select this option to configure the Published or Assigned options, and to apply modifications to a package. |
628 | Odst&rani obstoječe namestitve tega izdelka za uporabnike, če izdelka ni namestila storitev za nameščanje, ki temelji na pravilniku skupine | &Remove existing installs of this product for users, if the product was not installed by Group Policy-based Software Installation |
629 | Odst&rani obstoječe namestitve tega izdelka iz računalnikov, če izdelka ni namestila storitev za nameščanje, ki temelji na pravilniku skupine | &Remove existing installs of this product from computers, if the product was not installed by Group Policy-based Software Installation |
630 | Odstrani, če je zunaj obsega | Uninstall if out of scope |
631 | Pokaži v možnosti »Dodaj/Odstrani programe« | Show in Add/Remove Programs |
632 | Vrsta uporabniškega vmesnika | User interface type |
633 | Prezri jezik | Ignore language |
634 | Odstrani prejšnje namestitve | Remove previous installations |
635 | Koda izdelka | Product code |
636 | Nadgradil | Upgraded by |
637 | Ime skripta | Script name |
638 | Osnovna | Basic |
639 | Največja | Maximum |
640 | Dovoljenja za branje | Read Permissions |
641 | Dovoljenja za spreminjanje | Modify Permissions |
642 | Spremeni lastnika | Modify Owner |
643 | Ustvari vse podrejene predmete | Create All Child Objects |
644 | Izbriši vse podrejene predmete | Delete All Child Objects |
645 | Prikaži seznam vsebine | List Contents |
646 | Vsa preverjena pisanja | All Validated Writes |
647 | Preberi vse lastnosti | Read All Properties |
648 | Zapiši vse lastnosti | Write All Properties |
649 | Izbriši poddrevo | Delete Subtree |
650 | Navedi predmet | List Object |
651 | Vse razširjene pravice | All Extended Rights |
652 | Branje | Read |
653 | Pisanje | Write |
655 | Poln nadzor | Full Control |
656 | Izbriši | Delete |
657 | Ni dostopa | No Access |
658 | Vrstni red | Order |
659 | ImePaketa | PackageName |
660 | Ime predmeta pravilnika skupine | GPO Name |
661 | Datum beleženja | Date Logged |
662 | Nevtralno | Neutral |
663 | Izdan za | Issued To |
664 | Izdal | Issued By |
665 | Velja do | Expiration Date |
666 | Nameščeni programi | Installed Applications |
668 | Programi, ki so na voljo | Available Applications |
670 | Odstranjeni programi | Removed Applications |
672 | Med poskusom ekstrahiranja potrdila iz paketa je prišlo do napake: | The following error was encountered while trying to extract a certificate from a package: |
673 | Med poskusom dodajanja potrdila v shrambo potrdil je prišlo do napake: | The following error was encountered while trying to add a certificate to the certificate store: |
674 | Pa&keti, ki bodo nadgradili ta paket: | Pa&ckages that will upgrade this package: |
675 | n/v | n/a |
676 | Ni podatkov. | No data. |
677 | Ta program je bil uporabljen zaradi teh pogojev: | This application was applied due to the following conditions: |
678 | Program je bil dodeljen. | The application was assigned. |
679 | Uporabnik je namestil program z možnostjo »Dodaj/Odstrani programe«. | The application was installed by the user via Add/Remove Programs. |
680 | Program je že bil nameščen v obstoječem profilu. | The application had already been installed in the existing profile. |
681 | Program je bil nameščen zaradi aktiviranja datotečne pripone. | The application was installed due to a file extension activation. |
682 | Program je bil nameščen zaradi aktiviranja CLSID. | The application was installed due to a CLSID activation. |
683 | Program je bil nameščen zaradi prisilne nadgradnje. | The application was installed as the result of a forced upgrade. |
684 | Program je bil nameščen zaradi aktiviranja PROGID. | The application was installed due to a PROGID activation. |
685 | Jezik se je ujemal s sistemskim jezikom. | Its language matched the system language. |
686 | Jezik je bila angleščina. | Its language was English. |
687 | Nastavljen je bil tako, da je prezrl jezikovne nastavitve. | It was set to ignore language settings. |
688 | Bil je neodvisen od jezika. | It was language neutral. |
689 | Njegov jezik se ni ujemal s sistemskim jezikom. | Its language did not match the system language. |
690 | Datotečna pripona, ki je povzročila aktiviranje, je %s. | The file extension that caused the activation is %s. |
691 | CLSID, ki je povzročil aktiviranje, je %s. | The CLSID that caused the activation is %s. |
692 | PROGID, ki je povzročil aktiviranje, je %s. | The PROGID that caused the activation is %s. |
693 | Program je bil odstranjen zaradi teh pogojev: | This application was removed due to the following conditions: |
694 | Program je bil nadgrajen. | The application was upgraded. |
695 | Program je bil odstranjen. | The application was uninstalled. |
696 | Program ni več upravljan. | The application has become unmanaged. |
697 | Nadgradil jo je %s. | It was upgraded by %s. |
698 | Odstranil jo je skrbnik. | It was removed by the administrator. |
699 | Odstranil jo je uporabnik. | It was removed by the user. |
700 | Padla je iz obsega. | It fell out of scope. |
701 | Odstranjena je bila zaradi spora preoblikovanja s %s. | It was removed due to a transform conflict with %s. |
702 | Odstranjena je bila zaradi spora izdelka s %s. | It was removed due to a product conflict with %s. |
703 | Program je bila znova nameščen zaradi vnovične uvedbe. | The application was re-installed because it was re-deployed. |
704 | Odstranjena je bila zaradi odstranitve iz uporabniškega profila, verjetno v drugem računalniku. | It was removed due to removal from the user profile, possibly on another computer. |
705 | Ti podatki so bili ustvarjeni, ko je uporabnik nazadnje uporabil možnost »Dodaj/Odstrani programe« na nadzorni plošči. Če se želite prepričati, da so podatki posodobljeni, preverite, ali si je uporabnik pred kratkim v možnosti »Dodaj/Odstrani programe« ogledal seznam programov, ki so na voljo v omrežju. | This data was generated the last time the user executed the Add/Remove Programs control panel applet. To ensure that this data is current, please verify that the user has recently viewed the list of programs available on the network in Add/Remove Programs. |
0x65 | V storitvi za namestitev programske opreme je prišlo do te napake: %1 | Software Installation encountered the following error: %1 |
0x66 | Inicializacija storitve za namestitev programske opreme ni uspela. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation failed to initialize. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x67 | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo uvesti paketa %2. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation failed to deploy package %2. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x68 | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo pridobiti dostopa do DS. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to obtain access to the DS. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x69 | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo dodati paketa %2 v DS. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to add the package %2 to the DS. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x6A | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo razčleniti datoteke ZAP %2. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to parse the ZAP file %2. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x6B | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo prebrati datoteke MSI %2. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to read the MSI file %2. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x6C | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo odstraniti paketa %2. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to remove the package %2. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x6E | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo ustvariti skripta za %2. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to generate the script for %2. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x6F | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo rezervirati GUID-a za novo zvrst %2. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to obtain a GUID for new category %2. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x70 | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo ustvariti zvrsti %2. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to create category %2. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x71 | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo odstraniti zvrsti %2. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to remove category %2. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x72 | Storitev za namestitev programske opreme je dodala zvrst %2. | Software Installation added category %2. |
0x73 | Storitev za namestitev programske opreme je odstranila zvrst %2. | Software Installation removed category %2. |
0x74 | Storitev za namestitev programske opreme je preimenovala zvrst %2. | Software Installation renamed category %2. |
0x75 | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo preimenovati zvrsti %2. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to rename category %2. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x76 | Storitvi za namestitev programske opreme ni uspelo pridobiti seznama zvrsti iz DC. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation was unable to retrieve the list of categories from the DC. The following error was encountered: %1 |
0x77 | V storitvi za namestitev programske opreme je prišlo do napake med branjem MSI datoteke %2. Napaka ni bila dovolj resna, da bi zaustavila operacijo. Prišlo je do te napake: %1 | Software Installation encountered an unexpected error while reading from the MSI file %2. The error was not serious enough to justify halting the operation. The following error was encountered: %1 |
File Description: | Razširitveni snap-in za namestitev programske opreme |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | Software Installation Editor Snapin |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane. |
Original Filename: | appmgr.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x424, 1200 |