wmpnetwk.exe Servis za zajedničko mrežno korištenje sadržaja za Windows Media Player 72763513f4a573eae17dcf29283b2fef

File info

File name: wmpnetwk.exe.mui
Size: 43008 byte
MD5: 72763513f4a573eae17dcf29283b2fef
SHA1: a5d9b1f5a774951b6707e97a6e289e3352f984ec
SHA256: 05ff62f92f3818eb716e34104e05012ea28b83a6e7193e9c97af597c6f4368f6
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: wmpnetwk.exe Servis za zajedničko mrežno korištenje sadržaja za Windows Media Player (32-bitno)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Croato-Serbian (Latin) English
101Servis za zajedničko mrežno korištenje sadržaja za Windows Media Player Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
102Omogućuje zajedničko korištenje biblioteka programa Windows Media Player s drugim umreženim uređajima za reprodukciju i medijskim uređajima koji koriste univerzalni Uključi i radi Shares Windows Media Player libraries to other networked players and media devices using Universal Plug and Play
103Nepoznata pogreška %1!d! Unknown Error %1!d!
199Nepoznati uređaj (%1) Unknown Device (%1)
203Windows Media Player Sharing Windows Media Player Sharing
300Zajednički videozapisi Shared Videos
301Zajednička glazba Shared Music
302Zajedničke slike Shared Pictures
303Zajednički TV Shared TV
304Korijen Root
305Glazba Music
306Sva glazba All Music
307Žanr Genre
308Izvođači na albumu Album Artists
309Suradnici na albumu Contributing Artists
310Albumi Albums
311Ocjena Rating
312Popisi za reproduciranje glazbe Music Playlists
313Mape Folders
314Videozapisi Videos
315Svi videozapisi All Videos
316Žanrovi videozapisa Video Genres
317Glumci u videozapisu Video Actors
318Serija Series
319Svi popisi za reproduciranje All Playlists
320Popisi za reproduciranje videozapisa Video Playlists
321Slike Pictures
322Sve slike All Pictures
323Slike po datumu snimanja Pictures Date Taken
325Popisi za reproduciranje slika Picture Playlists
326Popisi za reprodukciju Playlists
327Ključne riječi Keywords
328Snimljene TV emisije Recorded TV
329Sve snimljene TV emisije All Recorded TV
330Žanrovi snimljenih TV emisija Recorded TV Genres
331Glumci u snimljenim TV emisijama Recorded TV Actors
332Popisi za reproduciranje snimljenih TV emisija Recorded TV Playlists
3431 ili više zvjezdica 1 Or More Stars
3442 ili više zvjezdica 2 Or More Stars
3453 ili više zvjezdica 3 Or More Stars
3464 ili više zvjezdica 4 Or More Stars
3475 ili više zvjezdica 5 Or More Stars
348Neocijenjeno Not Rated
369Skladatelji Composers
399Svi izvođači All Artists
402Invalid Args Invalid Args
404Invalid Var Invalid Var
477[nepoznati skladatelj] [Unknown Composer]
478[nepoznati žanr] [Unknown Genre]
479[nepoznati izvođač] [Unknown Artist]
480[nepoznati autor] [Unknown Author]
482[nepoznati album] [Unknown Album]
483[nepoznata ocjena] [Unknown Rating]
484[nepoznata serija] [Unknown Series]
485[nepoznati datum] [Unknown Date]
486[nema ključnih riječi] [No Keywords]
501Action Failed Action Failed
701No such object No such object
702Invalid currentTagValue Invalid currentTagValue
703Invalid newTagValue Invalid newTagValue
704Required tag Required tag
705Read only tag Read only tag
706Parameter Mismatch Parameter Mismatch
708Unsupported or invalid search criteria Unsupported or invalid search criteria
709Unsupported or invalid sort criteria Unsupported or invalid sort criteria
710No such container No such container
711Restricted object Restricted object
712Bad metadata Bad metadata
713Restricted parent object Restricted parent object
720Cannot process the request Cannot process the request
801Access denied Access denied
850Invalid Certificate Invalid Certificate
851Revoked Certificate Revoked Certificate
854Transmitter Failure Transmitter Failure
3000Konfigurirajte postavke napajanja kada uređaji i druga računala reproduciraju medije s vašeg računala. Configure power settings for when devices and computers are playing media from your computer.
3001Multimedijske postavke Multimedia settings
3002Navedite što vaše računalo čini kada neki uređaj ili drugo računalo reproduciraju medije s vašeg računala. Specify what your computer does when a device or computer is playing media from your computer.
3003Tijekom zajedničkog korištenja medija When sharing media
3004Uređaji i računala neće moći reproducirati medije na vašem računalu dok se nalazi u stanju mirovanja. Devices and computers will not be able to play media from your computer while it sleeps.
3005Dopusti računalu stanje mirovanja Allow the computer to sleep
3006Uređaji i računala moći će reproducirati medije na vašem računalu dok ne uđe u stanje mirovanja. Devices and computers will be able to play media from your computer unless you put it to sleep.
3007Spriječi računalo da prijeđe u stanje mirovanja nakon stanja pripravnosti Prevent idling to sleep
3008Uređaji i računala moći će reproducirati medije na vašem računalu dok se nalazi u načinu radu u odsutnosti. Devices and computers will be able to play media from your computer while it is in Away Mode.
3009Omogući računalu da uđe u način rada u odsutnosti Allow the computer to enter Away Mode
3010Zajedničko korištenje multimedijskih sadržaja omogućeno je putem programa Windows Media Player. Media Sharing has been enabled through Windows Media Player.
0x10000031Vrijeme odziva Response Time
0x10000038Klasično Classic
0x30000000Informacije Info
0x30000001Pokreni Start
0x30000002Zaustavi Stop
0x400D3778Servis '%1' je instaliran. '%1' service was installed.
0x400D3779Servis '%1' već je instaliran. '%1' service is already installed.
0x400D377AServis '%1' je deinstaliran. '%1' service was uninstalled.
0x400D377BServis '%1' je deinstaliran. Možda ćete, međutim, morati ponovno pokrenuti računalo da bi se postupak dovršio. '%1' service was uninstalled; however, you might need to restart your computer to complete the process.
0x400D377CServis '%1' je pokrenut. Service '%1' started.
0x400D377DServis '%1' je zaustavljen. Service '%1' stopped.
0x400D377EMedijski poslužitelj '%1' uspješno je inicijaliziran i zajednički koristi medije s umreženim medijskim uređajima. Media server '%1' was successfully initialized and is sharing media with network media devices.
0x400D377FMedijski poslužitelj '%1' uklonjen je i prestao je zajednički koristiti medije s umreženim medijskim uređajima. Media server '%1' was removed and has stopped sharing media with network media devices.
0x400D3780Utvrđivanje blizine je uspjelo. Najbolje utvrđeno vrijeme blizine je %1 milisek. Proximity detection succeeded. The best proximity time detected was %1 milliseconds.
0x400D3781Uređaj s IP adresom '%1!S!' uspješno se registrirao za dohvaćanje zaštićenog sadržaja. A device with IP address '%1!S!' successfully registered itself for protected content retrieval.
0x400D3782Promijenjene su nadzirane mape na poslužitelju medijskih sadržaja \"%1!S!\". Windows Media Player ažurira sigurnosne dozvole za sve obuhvaćene mape radi omogućivanja zajedničkog korištenja medijskih sadržaja. The monitored folders on media server '%1!S!' changed. Windows Media Player is updating security permissions for any included folders to enable media sharing.
0x50000005Opširno Verbose
0x800D3714Podrška za IPv4 onemogućena je u WMPNetworkSvc jer je pri nadzoru promjene mrežne adrese došlo do pogreške '%1'. IPv4 support has been disabled in WMPNetworkSvc because network address change monitoring encountered error '%1'.
0x800D3715Kod zahtjeva nije valjan %1. Invalid request code %1.
0x800D3716Tijekom deinstalacije servisa '%1' vrsta biblioteke nije odjavljena iz registra zbog pogreške '%2'. While uninstalling service '%1', the type library was not unregistered due to error '%2'.
0x800D3717Tijekom deinstalacije servisa '%1' ključ registra 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0' nije izbrisan zbog pogreške '%2'. Ključ registra morate ukloniti ručno. While uninstalling service '%1', the registry key 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0' was not deleted due to error '%2'. You must remove this registry key manually.
0x800D3718Servis zajedničkog mrežnog korištenja za Windows Media Player ne može obraditi zahtjev za URI '%1!S!' s IP adrese '%2!S!' zbog pogreške '%3'. The Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service cannot process the request for URI '%1!S!' from IP address '%2!S!' due to error '%3'.
0x800D3719Nekorišteni uređaji za renderiranje multimedijskih sadržaja nisu uklonjeni s popisa uređaja jer se potrebne DRM komponente ne mogu pokretati dok je pridružen program za ispravljanje pogrešaka. Razdružite program za ispravljanje pogrešaka od računala ili servisa WMPNetworkSvc, a zatim ponovno pokrenite servis WMPNetworkSvc. Unused media renderer devices were not removed from the list of devices because required DRM components cannot run while a debugger is attached. Detach the debugger from the machine or from the WMPNetworkSvc service, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0x90000001Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
0xC00D37DCServis '%1' nije instaliran jer je OpenSCManager naišao na pogrešku odbijanja pristupa '%2'. Pokušajte koristiti privilegirani administratorski račun da biste ponovno instalirali servis. Service '%1' was not installed because OpenSCManager encountered access denied error '%2'. Try using an elevated administrator account to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37DDServis '%1' nije instaliran jer je OpenSCManager naišao na nepoznatu pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' was not installed because OpenSCManager encountered unknown error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37DEServis '%1' nije instaliran jer je CreateService naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' was not installed because CreateService encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37DFServis '%1' nije instaliran jer je RegOpenKey(HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%1) naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Provjerite postoji li ključ i ima li administratorska grupa dopuštenje za izmjenu tog ključa, a zatim pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' was not installed because RegOpenKey(HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%1) encountered error '%2'. Verify that this key exists and that the Administrators group has permission to modify this key, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E0Servis '%1' nije instaliran jer je RegisterTypeLib() naišao na pogrešku '%3'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' was not installed because RegisterTypeLib() encountered error '%3'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E1Servis '%1' nije instaliran jer je LoadTypeLib() naišao na pogrešku '%3'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' was not installed because LoadTypeLib() encountered error '%3'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E2Servis '%1' nije instaliran jer nije moguće stvoriti ključeve registra pod unosom 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0' uslijed pogreške '%2'. Provjerite ima li administratorska grupa dopuštenje za izmjenu tog ključa i njemu nadređenih ključeva, a zatim pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' was not installed because registry keys under 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0' could not be created due to error '%2'. Verify that the Administrators group has permission to modify this key and its parent keys, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E3Servis '%1' nije instaliran jer nije moguće stvoriti ACL potreban za registriranje na poslužitelju Windows HTTP (pogreška '%2'). Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' was not installed because the ACL required to register with the Windows HTTP server could not be created (error '%2'). Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E4Servis '%1' nije instaliran jer je HttpInitialize naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Pokušajte deinstalirati servis putem privilegiranog administratorskog računa. Service '%1' was not installed because HttpInitialize encountered error '%2'. Try using an elevated administrator account to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E5Servis '%1' nije instaliran jer je rezervacija HTTP naišla na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' was not installed because HTTP reservation encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E6Servis '%1' nije instaliran jer je HttpTerminate naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' was not installed because HttpTerminate encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E7Servis '%1' nije deinstaliran jer je OpenSCManager naišao na pogrešku odbijanja pristupa '%2'. Pokušajte deinstalirati servis putem privilegiranog administratorskog računa. Service '%1' was not uninstalled because OpenSCManager encountered access denied error '%2'. Try using an elevated administrator account to uninstall the service.
0xC00D37E8Servis '%1' nije deinstaliran jer je OpenSCManager naišao na nepoznatu pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' was not uninstalled because OpenSCManager encountered unknown error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E9Servis '%1' nije deinstaliran jer je OpenService naišao na nepoznatu pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte deinstalirati servis. Service '%1' was not uninstalled because OpenService encountered unknown error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to uninstall the service.
0xC00D37EAServis '%1' nije deinstaliran jer je DeleteService naišao na nepoznatu pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno deinstalirati servis. Service '%1' was not uninstalled because DeleteService encountered unknown error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to uninstall the service.
0xC00D37EBNadzorni rukovatelj za servis '%1' nije bilo moguće registrirati zbog pogreške %2. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti servis. The control handler for service '%1' could not be registered due to error %2. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37ECServis '%1' nije inicijaliziran jer je CoInitializeEx naišao na pogrešku %2. Ponovno pokrenite računalo pa pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti servis. Service '%1' was not initialized because CoInitializeEx encountered error %2. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37EDServis '%1' nije inicijaliziran jer je CoInitializeSecurity naišao na pogrešku %2. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti servis. Service '%1' was not initialized because CoInitializeSecurity encountered error %2. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37EEServis '%1' nije inicijaliziran zbog nepoznate pogreške %2. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti servis. Service '%1' was not initialized due to unknown error %2. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37EFServis '%1' nije pokrenut jer pravilnik grupe programu Windows Media Player onemogućuje zajedničko korištenje multimedijskih sadržaja s drugim uređajima. Service '%1' did not start because Group Policy is preventing Windows Media Player from sharing media with other devices.
0xC00D37F0Servis '%1' se zatvara jer pravilnik grupe programu Windows Media Player onemogućuje zajedničko korištenje multimedijskih sadržaja s drugim uređajima. Service '%1' is shutting down because Group Policy is preventing Windows Media Player from sharing media with other devices.
0xC00D37F1Servis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut zbog pogreške pomanjkanja memorije '%2'. Zatvorite ostale programe ili ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti servis. Service '%1' did not start correctly due to out-of-memory error '%2'. Close other programs or restart your computer and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37F2Servis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je MFStartup naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player ako je to moguće. Service '%1' did not start correctly because MFStartup encountered error '%2'. If possible, reinstall Windows Media Player.
0xC00D37F3Servis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je MFCreateMDEOpCenter naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player ako je to moguće. Service '%1' did not start correctly because MFCreateWMPMDEOpCenter encountered error '%2'. If possible, reinstall Windows Media Player.
0xC00D37F4Servis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je CoCreateInstance(WindowsMediaPlayer) naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player ako je to moguće. Service '%1' did not start correctly because CoCreateInstance(WindowsMediaPlayer) encountered error '%2'. If possible, reinstall Windows Media Player.
0xC00D37F5Servis '%1' nije pravilno pokrenut jer je QueryService naišao na pogrešku '%2'. U programu Windows Media Player isključite, a zatim ponovno uključite zajedničko korištenje medijskih sadržaja. Service '%1' did not start correctly because QueryService encountered error '%2'. In Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, and then turn it back on.
0xC00D37F6Servis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je događaj stvaranja baze podataka naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' did not start correctly because the event database creation encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37F7Servis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je inicijalizacija radne niti naišla na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' did not start correctly because worker thread intialization encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37F8Servis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer nije moguće dodati pokazivač radnoj niti zbog pogreške '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno instalirati servis. Service '%1' did not start correctly because a handle to a worker thread could not be added due to error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37F9Servis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer nije moguće ažurirati registar zbog pogreške '%2'. Ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player ako je to moguće. Service '%1' did not start correctly because the registry could not be updated due to error '%2'. If possible, reinstall Windows Media Player.
0xC00D37FAServis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer servis izvršava pogrešnu binarnu datoteku ili se izvršava s pogrešnim računom (pogreška '%2'). Binarna datoteka servisa trebala bi biti wmpnetwk.exe, a račun 'NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService'.Ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player ako je to moguće. Service '%1' did not start correctly because the service is running the wrong binary or is running with the wrong account (error '%2'). The service binary should be wmpnetwk.exe and the account should be 'NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService'. If possible, reinstall Windows Media Player.
0xC00D37FBServis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je CoInitialize naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti servis. Service '%1' did not start correctly because CoInitialize encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37FCServis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPDeviceFinder) naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Provjerite je li pokrenut servis UPnPHost i je li komponenta UPnPHost sustava Windows ispravno instalirana. Service '%1' did not start correctly because CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPDeviceFinder) encountered error '%2'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D37FDServis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut zbog pogreške '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti servis. Service '%1' did not start correctly due to error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37FEServis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je IUPnPDeviceFinder::CreateAsyncFind(MediaRenderer) naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Provjerite izvodi li se servis UPnPHost i je li komponenta UPnPHost sustava Windows ispravno instalirana. Service '%1' did not start correctly because IUPnPDeviceFinder::CreateAsyncFind(MediaRenderer) encountered error '%2'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D37FFServis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je IUPnPDeviceFinder::CreateAsyncFind(MediaServer) naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Provjerite izvodi li se servis UPnPHost i je li komponenta UPnPHost sustava Windows ispravno instalirana. Service '%1' did not start correctly because IUPnPDeviceFinder::CreateAsyncFind(MediaServer) encountered error '%2'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D3800Servis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je IUPnPDeviceFinder::StartAsyncFind(MediaRenderer) naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Provjerite je li pokrenut servis UPnPHost i je li komponenta UPnPHost sustava Windows ispravno instalirana. Service '%1' did not start correctly because IUPnPDeviceFinder::StartAsyncFind(MediaRenderer) encountered error '%2'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D3801Servis '%1' nije ispravno pokrenut jer je CreateMediaDevices naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo i pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti servis. Service '%1' did not start correctly because CreateMediaDevices encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D3802Novi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer je CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPRegistrar) naišao na pogrešku '%1'. Provjerite je li pokrenut servis UPnPHost i je li komponenta UpnPHost sustava Windows ispravno instalirana. A new media server was not initialized because CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPRegistrar) encountered error '%1'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D3803Novi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer je QueryInterface(IUPnPReregistrar) naišao na pogrešku '%1'. Provjerite je li pokrenut servis UPnPHost i je li komponenta UPnPHost sustava Windows ispravno instalirana. A new media server was not initialized because QueryInterface(IUPnPReregistrar) encountered error '%1'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D3804Novi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer je GetFriendlyName() naišao na pogrešku '%1'. U programu Windows Media Player isključite zajedničko korištenje medijskih sadržaja, promijenite naziv zajedničke biblioteke, a zatim ponovno uključite zajedničko korištenje. A new media server was not initialized because GetFriendlyName() encountered error '%1'. In Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, change the name of the shared library, and then turn sharing back on.
0xC00D3805Novi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer je GetSerialNumber() naišao na pogrešku '%1'. U programu Windows Media Player isključite zajedničko korištenje medijskih sadržaja, a zatim ga ponovno uključite. A new media server was not initialized because GetSerialNumber() encountered error '%1'. In Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, and then turn it back on.
0xC00D3806Novi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer nije moguće dohvatiti naziv modela zbog pogreške '%1'. Izbrišite vrijednost 'ModelName' u ključu registra HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0, a zatim ponovno pokrenite servis WMPNetworkSvc. A new media server was not initialized because the model name could not be retrieved due to error '%1'. Delete the value 'ModelName' in the registry key HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3807Novi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer je došlo do pogreške pomanjkanja memorije '%1'. Zatvorite ostale programe ili ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim ponovno pokrenite servis WMPNetworkSvc. A new media server was not initialized due to out-of-memory error '%1'. Close other programs or restart your computer and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3808Novi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer je WMCreateDeviceRegistration() naišao na pogrešku '%1'. Komponente Windows Media DRM možda su oštećene. Provjerite reproducira li Windows Media Player zaštićene datoteke ispravno, a zatim ponovno pokrenite servis WMPNetworkSvc. A new media server was not initialized because WMCreateDeviceRegistration() encountered error '%1'. The Windows Media DRM components on your computer might be corrupted. Verify that protected files play correctly in Windows Media Player, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3809Novi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer je uređaj za generiranje dokumenata naišao na pogrešku '%1'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i servis WMPNetworkSvc. Ako time ne riješite problem, ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player ako je to moguće. A new media server was not initialized because device document generation encountered error '%1'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service. If the problem persists, reinstall Windows Media Player if possible.
0xC00D380ANovi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer je RegisterRunningDevice() naišao na pogrešku '%1'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i servis WMPNetworkSvc. A new media server was not initialized because RegisterRunningDevice() encountered error '%1'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D380BNovi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer nije bilo moguće ažurirati ključ registra 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0\\Media Servers' (pogreška '%1'). Izbrišite taj ključ registra, a zatim ponovno pokrenite servis WMPNetworkSvc. A new media server was not initialized because the registry key 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0\\Media Servers' could not be updated (error '%1'). Delete this registry key, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D380CNovi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran zbog pogreške '%1'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i servis WMPNetworkSvc. Ako time ne riješite problem, u programu Windows Media Player isključite zajedničko korištenje medijskih sadržaja pa ga ponovno uključite. A new media server was not initialized due to error '%1'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service. If the problem persists, in Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, and then turn it back on.
0xC00D380DNovi medijski poslužitelj nije inicijaliziran jer zbog pogreške '%1' nije inicijaliziran modul dostave medija. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i servis WMPNetworkSvc. Ako time ne riješite problem, ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player ako je to moguće. A new media server was not initialized because the Windows Media Delivery Engine did not initialize due to error '%1'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service. If the problem persists, reinstall Windows Media Player if possible.
0xC00D380EInicijalizacija novog poslužitelja multimedijskih sadržaja nije moguća jer se potrebne DRM komponente ne mogu pokretati dok je pridružen program za ispravljanje pogrešaka. Razdružite program za ispravljanje pogrešaka od računala ili od servisa WMPNetworkSvc, a zatim ponovno pokrenite servis WMPNetworkSvc. A new media server could not be initialized because required DRM components cannot run while a debugger is attached. Detach the debugger from the machine or from the WMPNetworkSvc service, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D380FMehanizam dostave medija s ID-om '%1' nije inicijaliziran jer zbog pogreške '%2' nije bilo moguće dohvatiti serijski broj davatelja sadržaja. U programu Windows Media Player isključite zajedničko korištenje medijskih sadržaja, a zatim ga ponovno uključite. Ako time ne riješite problem, ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player ako je to moguće. A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because the content provider's serial number could not be retrieved due to error '%2'. In Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, and then turn it back on. If the problem persists, reinstall Windows Media Player if possible.
0xC00D3810Modul dostave medija s ID-om '%1' nije inicijaliziran zbog pogreške '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i servis WMPNetworkSvc. Ako time ne riješite problem, ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player ako je to moguće. A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized due to error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service. If the problem persists, reinstall Windows Media Player if possible.
0xC00D3811Mehanizam dostave medija s ID-om '%1' nije inicijaliziran zbog pogreške '%2' tijekom dodavanja URL-a '%3!S!'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i servis WMPNetworkSvc. Ako time ne riješite problem, ponovno instalirajte Windows Media Player ako je to moguće. A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized due to error '%2' when adding the URL '%3!S!'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service. If the problem persists, reinstall Windows Media Player if possible.
0xC00D3812Modul dostave medija s ID-om '%1' nije inicijaliziran zbog pogreške pomanjkanja memorije '%2'. Zatvorite ostale programe ili ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim pokušajte ponovno pokrenuti servis WMPNetworkSvc. A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized due to out-of-memory error '%2'. Close other programs or restart your computer and then try to restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3813Modul dostave medija s ID-om '%1' nije inicijaliziran jer je MFCreateNetVRoot() naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i servis WMPNetworkSvc. A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because MFCreateNetVRoot() encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3814Modul dostave medija s ID-om '%1' nije inicijaliziran jer je RegisterDelegate() naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i servis WMPNetworkSvc. A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because RegisterDelegate() encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3815Modul dostave medija s ID-om '%1' nije inicijaliziran jer je GetSupportedProfiles() naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Pokrenite ponovno svoje računalo pa ponovno pokrenite servis WMPNetworkSvc. A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because GetSupportedProfiles() encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3816Modul dostave medija s ID-om '%1' nije inicijaliziran jer je numeriranje sadržaja profila naišlo na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i servis WMPNetworkSvc. A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because enumeration of content profiles encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3817Modul dostave medija s ID-om '%1' nije inicijaliziran jer je AddProfile() naišao na pogrešku '%2'. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim i servis WMPNetworkSvc. A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because AddProfile() encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3818IPv4 podrška onemogućena je za WMPNetworkSvc jer je NotifyAddrChange naišao na pogrešku '%1'. Da biste omogućili IPv4 podršku, ponovno pokrenite servis WMPNetworkSvc. IPv4 support has been disabled in WMPNetworkSvc because NotifyAddrChange encountered error '%1'. To enable IPv4 support, restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3819IPv4 podrška onemogućena je za WMPNetworkSvc jer je pri dohvaćanju tablice s IP adresama došlo do pogreške '%1'. Da biste omogućili IPv4 podršku, ponovno pokrenite servis WMPNetworkSvc. IPv4 support has been disabled in WMPNetworkSvc because IP address table retrieval encountered error '%1'. To enable IPv4 support, restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D381AUtvrđivanje blizine nije uspjelo jer servis nije uspio otvoriti mrežni priključak za komunikaciju s uređajem. Pričekajte dvije minute, a zatim se ponovno pokušajte povezati s uređajem. Proximity detection failed because the service could not open a network port to communicate with the device. Wait two minutes, and then try to connect to the device again.
0xC00D381BUtvrđivanje blizine nije uspjelo jer reakcija uređaja nije valjana. Provjerite radi li na uređaju najnovija oprema i radi li ispravno mrežna veza između uređaja i računala. Zatim se ponovno pokušajte povezati s uređajem. Proximity detection failed because the response from the device was not valid. Verify that the device is running the latest firmware and that the network connection between the computer and the device is working properly. Then try to connect to the device again.
0xC00D381CUtvrđivanje blizine nije uspjelo jer se uređaj nalazi predaleko od računala. Najbolje utvrđeno vrijeme blizine bilo je %1 milisek. Proximity detection failed because the device is located too far away from the computer. The best proximity time detected was %1 milliseconds.
0xC00D381DUtvrđivanje blizine nije uspjelo zbog nepoznate pogreške '%1'. Najbolje utvrđeno vrijeme blizine bilo je %2 milisek. Proximity detection failed due to unknown error '%1'. The best proximity time detected was %2 milliseconds.
0xC00D381EUređaj s IP adresom '%2!S!' nije se uspio registrirati za dohvaćanje zaštićenog sadržaja zbog pogreške nevaljanih podataka %1'. Provjerite koristi li se na uređaju najnoviji firmver i funkcionira li mrežna veza između računala i uređaja ispravno. Zatim se ponovno pokušajte povezati s uređajem. A device with IP address '%2!S!' failed to register itself for protected content retrieval due to invalid data error '%1'. Verify that the device is running the latest firmware and that the network connection between the computer and the device is working properly. Then try to connect to the device again.
0xC00D381FUređaj s IP adresom '%1!S!' nije se uspio registrirati za dohvaćanje zaštićenog sadržaja. Uređaj je poslao oštećeni certifikat ili potpis na certifikatu nije moguće provjeriti. Provjerite koristi li se na uređaju najnoviji firmver i funkcionira li mrežna veza između računala i uređaja ispravno. Zatim se ponovno pokušajte povezati s uređajem. A device with IP address '%1!S!' failed to register itself for protected content retrieval. Either the device passed a corrupted certificate or the signature on the certificate could not be verified. Verify that the device is running the latest firmware and that the network connection between the computer and the device is working properly. Then try to connect to the device again.
0xC00D3820Uređaj s IP adresom '%1!S!' nije se uspio registrirati za dohvaćanje zaštićenog sadržaja jer je certifikat uređaja opozvan. Od proizvođača uređaja zatražite upute za ažuriranje uređaja, a zatim se ponovno pokušajte povezati s njim. A device with IP address '%1!S!' failed to register itself for protected content retrieval because the device's certificate has been revoked. Contact the device manufacturer for instructions about how to update the device, and then try to connect the device again.
0xC00D3821Uređaj s IP adresom '%1!S!' nije se uspio registrirati za dohvaćanje zaštićenog sadržaja jer popis opozvanih certifikata nije valjan ili je oštećen. Ponovno pokrenite računalo, a zatim se još jednom pokušajte povezati s uređajem. Ako se problem ne riješi, trebat ćete vratiti izvorne postavke sustava Windows Media DRM na računalu. A device with IP address '%1!S!' failed to register itself for protected content retrieval because the Certificate Revocation List is not valid or corrupted. Restart your computer, and then try to connect to the device again. If this error persists, you might need to reset the Windows Media DRM system on your computer.
0xC00D3822Uređaj s IP adresom '%2!S!' nije se uspio registrirati za dohvaćanje zaštićenog sadržaja zbog nepoznate pogreške '%1'. A device with IP address '%2!S!' failed to register itself for protected content retrieval due to unknown error '%1'.
0xC00D3823Registracija uređaja s IP adresom '%1!S!' za dohvaćanje zaštićenih sadržaja nije moguća jer se potrebne DRM komponente ne mogu pokretati dok je pridružen program za ispravljanje pogrešaka. Razdružite program za ispravljanje pogrešaka od računala ili od servisa WMPNetworkSvc, a zatim ponovno pokrenite servis WMPNetworkSvc. A device with IP address '%1!S!' could not register itself for protected content retrieval because required DRM components cannot run while a debugger is attached. Detach the debugger from the machine or from the WMPNetworkSvc service, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3824Modul za isporuku multimedijskih sadržaja nije inicijaliziran jer nije moguće dohvatiti SSL certifikat iz sistemskog spremišta za certifikate na lokalnom računalu. Pojavila se pogreška '%1'. U programu Windows Media Player isključite zajedničko korištenje multimedijskih sadržaja, a zatim ga ponovno uključite. A media delivery engine was not initialized because the SSL certificate could not be retrieved from the local machine system certificate store. The error encountered was '%1'. In Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, and then turn it back on.


File Name:wmpnetwk.exe.mui
File Size:42 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:42496
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:12.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:12.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Croato-Serbian (Latin)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Servis za zajedničko mrežno korištenje sadržaja za Windows Media Player
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original File Name:WMPNetwk.exe.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:12.0.15063.0

What is wmpnetwk.exe.mui?

wmpnetwk.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Croato-Serbian (Latin) language for file wmpnetwk.exe (Servis za zajedničko mrežno korištenje sadržaja za Windows Media Player).

File version info

File Description:Servis za zajedničko mrežno korištenje sadržaja za Windows Media Player
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original Filename:WMPNetwk.exe.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:12.0.15063.0
Translation:0x41A, 1200