ProtectionManagement.dll.mui 保护管理 WMIv2 提供程序 726d9d9dbe685417310b65796172bf14

File info

File name: ProtectionManagement.dll.mui
Size: 17408 byte
MD5: 726d9d9dbe685417310b65796172bf14
SHA1: 8d55ef5e1fa777706618677a44f008c0f7a2f3fd
SHA256: 355108c4093ea2c17c80f35b401bd6e25e6cc93f44948a7d3ddf824e42a388da
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
1这是一个显示基本状态的抽象类。 This is an abstract class that shows the base status.
2由 MAPS 创建的计算机 ID Computer ID created by MAPS
3当前的计算机状态 The current computer state
4CleanState CleanState
5PendingFullScan PendingFullScan
6PendingReboot PendingReboot
7PendingManualSteps PendingManualSteps
8PendingOfflineScan PendingOfflineScan
9CriticalFailure CriticalFailure
10产品版本(主要、次要、内部、修订) Product version (major, minor, build, revision)
11服务版本(主要、次要、内部、修订) Service version (major, minor, build, revision)
12反间谍软件特征版本(主要、次要、内部、修订) The Antispyware Signature version (major, minor, build, revision)
13反间谍软件特征期限(天) - 如果特征从未更新,则期限将显示为 65535 天 Antispyware Signature age in days - if signatures have never been updated you will see an age of 65535 days
14上次更新反间谍软件的本地时间。如果此项从未更新,则此属性中将显示 null 值 Antispyware Last updated local time. If this has never updated you will see a null value in this property
15防病毒软件特征版本(主要、次要、内部、修订) The Antivirus Signature version (major, minor, build, revision)
16防病毒软件特征期限(天) - 如果特征从未更新,则期限将显示为 65535 天 Antivirus Signature age in days- if signatures have never been updated you will see an age of 65535 days
17上次更新防病毒软件的本地时间 - 如果此项从未更新,则此属性中将显示 null 值 Antivirus Last updated local time - If this has never updated you will see a null value in this property
18NRI 特征版本(主要、次要、内部、修订) The NRI Signature version (major, minor, build, revision)
19NRI 特征期限(以天为单位) - 如果特征从未更新,则期限将显示为 65535 天 NRI Signature age in days- if signatures have never been updated you will see an age of 65535 days
20上次更新 NRI 的本地时间 - 如果此项从未更新,则该属性中将显示 null 值 NRI Last updated local time - If this has never updated you will see a null value in this property
21上次完全扫描开始时间 - 如果此项从未更新,则此属性中将显示 null 值 Time of last Full Scan start - If this has never updated you will see a null value in this property
22上次完全扫描结束时间 - 如果此项从未更新,则此属性中将显示 null 值 Time of last Full Scan end - If this has never updated you will see a null value in this property
23上次完全扫描期限(天) - 如果特征从未更新,则期限将显示为 65535 天 Last full scan age in days- if signatures have never been updated you will see an age of 65535 days
24上次扫描源 Last scan source
25未知 Unknown
26用户 User
27系统 System
28实时 Real-time
30实时扫描方向枚举 Real-time scan direction enumeration
31两者 Both
32传入 Incoming
33传出 Outcoming
34上次快速扫描开始时间 - 如果此项从未更新,则此属性中将显示 null 值 Time of last Quick Scan start - If this has never updated you will see a null value in this property
35上次快速扫描结束时间 - 如果此项从未更新,则此属性中将显示 null 值 Time of last Quick Scan end - If this has never updated you will see a null value in this property
36上次快速扫描期限(天) - 如果特征从未更新,则期限将显示为 65535 天。 Last quick scan age in days- if signatures have never been updated you will see an age of 65535 days.
37AM 引擎版本(主要、次要、内部、修订) The AM Engine version (major, minor, build, revision)
38如果 AM 引擎已启用 If the AM Engine is enabled
39指定计算机是否正在监视计算机上的文件和程序活动 Specifies whether the computer is monitoring file and program activity on your computer
40扫描所有下载的文件和附件 Scan all downloaded files and attachments
41指定是否已启用行为监视 Specifies whether behavior monitoring is enabled
42指定是否已启用防病毒保护 Specifies whether Antivirus protection is enabled
43指定是否已启用反间谍软件保护 Specifies whether Antispyware protection is enabled
44指定是否已启用实时保护 Specifies whether real-time protection is enabled
45NRI 引擎版本(主要、次要、内部、修订) NRI Engine version (major, minor, build, revision)
46如果 NRI 引擎已启用 If the NRI Engine is enabled
47架构版本 The Schema Version
48唯一的检测 ID Unique Detection ID
49威胁的名称 The name of the threat
50严重性 ID - 枚举 Severity ID - Enumeration
51 Low
52 Moderate
53 High
54严重 Severe
55类别 ID - 枚举 Category ID - Enumeration
102类型 ID - 枚举 Type ID - Enumeration
103已知错误 Known Bad
104行为 Behavior
105已知正确 Known Good
107威胁汇总状态 Threat Rollup Status
108ThreatClean ThreatClean
109RebootRequired RebootRequired
110OfflineScanRequired OfflineScanRequired
111ManualStepsRequired ManualStepsRequired
112FullScanRequired FullScanRequired
113ReinfectionLoop ReinfectionLoop
114Executed Executed
115受威胁影响的资源的列表 List of resources affected by the threat
116指定是否已执行威胁 Specifies if threat has executed
117指定威胁是否处于活动状态 Specifies if the threat is active
118这是一个表示 Microsoft 反恶意软件服务感染状态的 Singleton This is a singleton that represents the Microsoft Antimalware service infection status
119此类表示已识别威胁的目录 This class represents the catalog of recognized threats
120唯一的威胁 ID Unique Threat ID
121所涉及的进程的名称 The name of the process involved
122请求了修正的用户 The user who requested remediation
123检测源类型 ID - 枚举 Detection Source Type ID - Enumeration
125LocalAttestation LocalAttestation
126RemoteAttestation RemoteAttestation
127受检测影响的资源列表 List of resources affected by the detection
128初始威胁检测时间 The initial threat detection time
129威胁状态的最新更改时间 The most recent time of the threat status change
130修复的时间。 The time of the remediation.
131执行状态 ID - 枚举 Execution Status ID - Enumeration
132已阻止 Blocked
133已允许 Allowed
134Executing Executing
135NotExecuting NotExecuting
136威胁状态 ID - 枚举 The Threat Status ID - Enumeration
137已检测 Detected
138已清理 Cleaned
139已隔离 Quarantined
140已删除 Removed
141CleanFailed CleanFailed
142QuarantineFailed QuarantineFailed
143RemoveFailed RemoveFailed
144AllowFailed AllowFailed
145Abandoned Abandoned
146BlockedFailed BlockedFailed
147威胁状态错误代码 The threat status error code
148清除操作 - 枚举 The cleaning action - Enumeration
149清除 Clean
150隔离 Quarantine
151删除 Remove
152允许 Allow
153UserDefined UserDefined
154NoAction NoAction
155Block Block
156指定清除操作是否成功 Specifies if the cleaning action was successful
157需要执行其他操作才能完成修正 - 枚举 Additional actions required to complete remediation - Enumeration
158 None
159FullScanAndRebootRequired FullScanAndRebootRequired
160FullScanAndManualStepsRequired FullScanAndManualStepsRequired
161RebootAndManualStepsRequired RebootAndManualStepsRequired
162FullScanAndRebootAndManualStepsRequired FullScanAndRebootAndManualStepsRequired
163FullScanAndOfflineScanRequired FullScanAndOfflineScanRequired
164RebootAndOfflineScanRequired RebootAndOfflineScanRequired
165FullScanAndRebootAndOfflineScanRequired FullScanAndRebootAndOfflineScanRequired
166ManualStepsAndOfflineScanRequired ManualStepsAndOfflineScanRequired
167FullScanAndManualStepsAndOfflineScanRequired FullScanAndManualStepsAndOfflineScanRequired
168RebootAndManualStepsAndOfflineScanRequired RebootAndManualStepsAndOfflineScanRequired
169FullScanAndRebootAndManualStepsAndOfflineScanRequired FullScanAndRebootAndManualStepsAndOfflineScanRequired
170这是一个表示威胁的当前详细状态的类 This is a class that represents the current detailed state of a threat
171允许管理员指定是否应关闭服务器 SKU 的自动排除功能。 Allows an administrator to specify if Automatic Exclusions feature for Server SKUs should be turned off.
172允许管理员明确禁止扫描时检查列出的任何路径。 Allows an administrator to explicitly disable a scan from checking any of the paths listed.
173允许管理员明确禁止扫描时检查列出的任何扩展。 Allows an administrator to explicitly disable a scan from checking any of the extensions listed.
174允许管理员明确禁止扫描时检查列出的任何进程。 Allows an administrator to explicitly disable a scan from checking any of the processes listed.
175指示项在删除前应保留在隔离文件夹中的天数。 Indicates how many days items should kept in Quarantine folder before being removed.
176实时扫描方向 - 枚举 Real-time scan direction - Enumeration
177指示星期几执行计划的完全扫描以完成修正。 Indicates what day of the week to perform the scheduled full scan to complete remediation.
178每天 Every Day
179星期日 Sunday
180星期一 Monday
181星期二 Tuesday
182星期三 Wednesday
183星期四 Thursday
184星期五 Friday
185星期六 Saturday
186从不 Never
187指示何时执行计划的完全扫描以完成修正。 Indicates what time to perform the scheduled full scan to complete remediation.
188为需要其他操作的检测配置超时。 Configure timeout for detections requiring additional action.
189检测到“严重失败”状态到转换为“其他操作”或“已清除”状态的时间(分钟)。 Time in minutes for a detection in the 'critically failed' state to move to either 'additional action' or 'cleared' state.
190检测到“失败”状态到转换为“已清除”状态的时间(分钟)。 Time in minutes for a detection in the 'failed' state to move to the 'cleared' state.
191指定扫描期间 CPU 使用率的最大百分比。使用此策略设置,可以配置扫描期间允许的最大 CPU 使用率百分比。此设置的有效值为以整数 5 到 100 表示的百分比。值为 0 指示 CPU 使用率不应有限制。 Specify the maximum percentage of CPU utilization during a scan. This policy setting allows you to configure the maximum percentage CPU utilization permitted during a scan. Valid values for this setting are a percentage represented by the integers 5 to 100. A value of 0 indicates that there should be no throttling of CPU utilization.
192设置后,Windows Defender 防病毒程序将在运行扫描前检查新签名。如果找到新签名,则将先下载并安装这些签名,然后再开始扫描。如果未找到新签名,将基于现有签名启动扫描。 When set, Windows Defender Antivirus will check for new signatures before running a scan. If new signatures are found they will be downloaded and installed before the scan begins. If no new signatures are found, the scan will start based on the existing signatures.
193启用从扫描历史记录文件夹中删除项。此设置定义项在永久删除前应保留在扫描历史记录文件夹中的天数。该值表示在文件夹中保留项的天数。如果设置为零,则将永远保留项,不会将其自动删除。 Turn on removal of items from scan history folder. This setting defines the number of days items should be kept in the scan history folder before being permanently removed. The value represents the number of days to keep items in the folder. If set to zero, items will be kept forever and will not be automatically removed.
194仅当系统处于空闲状态时才运行计划的扫描。 Run scheduled scans only if system is idle.
195指定要用于计划的扫描的扫描类型。 Specify the scan type to use for a scheduled scan.
196快速扫描 Quick Scan
197完全扫描 Full Scan
198指定星期几运行计划的扫描。 Specify the day of the week to run a scheduled scan.
199指定在一天的什么时间运行计划的快速扫描。 Specify the time of day to run a scheduled quick scan.
200指定在一天的什么时间运行计划的扫描。 Specify the time of day to run a scheduled scan.
201在紧接着首次安装后的已配置时间内中止所有服务启动的更新。 Aborts any service-initiated update immediately after first install by the configured amount of time.
202重写 CheckForSignatureBeforeRunningScan。如果签名在此时间内已成功更新,则中止所有服务启动的更新。时间以分钟为单位。 Overrides CheckForSignatureBeforeRunningScan. Aborts any service-initiated update if signature was updated successfully within this amount of time. Time in minutes.
203定义用于下载定义更新的文件共享。使用此设置,可以配置用于下载定义更新的 UNC 文件共享源。将按指定的顺序联系源。应以竖线分隔的、枚举定义更新源的字符串形式输入此设置的值。例如: {\unc1 | \unc2 }。默认情况下,该列表为空。 Defines the file shares for downloading definition updates. setting allows you to configure UNC file share sources for downloading definition updates. Sources will be contacted in the order specified. The value of this setting should be entered as a pipe-separated string enumerating the definition update sources. For example: {\unc1 | \unc2 }. The list is empty by default.
204如果设置为 true,则 AM 服务在启动时将不会启动定义更新(无论引擎是否存在)。 When set to true, AM Service will not initiate definition update on start-up, regardless of whether an Engine is present or not.
205定义用于下载定义更新的源的顺序。使用此设置,可以定义应联系不同定义更新源的顺序。应以竖线分隔的、枚举定义更新源的字符串形式按顺序输入此设置的值。可能的值包括: 'InternalDefinitionUpdateServer'、'MicrosoftUpdateServer'、'MMPC'、'FileShares' Define the order of sources for downloading definition updates. This setting allows you to define the order in which different definition update sources should be contacted. The value of this setting should be entered as a pipe-separated string enumerating the definition update sources in order. Possible values are: 'InternalDefinitionUpdateServer' 'MicrosoftUpdateServer' 'MMPC' 'FileShares'
206指示星期几进行签名更新。如果设置为零(0x0),则会每天进行签名更新。 Indicates the day of the week in which signature updates occur. If set to zero (0x0) then signature update occurs daily.
207指定签名更新检查发生的时间。默认情况下,会在计划的扫描开始之前检查签名。 Specifies the time at which signature update check happens. By default the signatures are checked before the scheduled scan.
208定义天数,更新签名将保证在该天数后提供。可以使用 SignatureUpdateLastChecked。0 = 无更新;1 = 1 天;2 = 2 天,等等。 Defines the number of days after which a catch-up signature is warranted. Works with SignatureUpdateLastChecked. 0 = no catch-up; 1 = 1 day; 2 = 2 days, etc.
209时间值以更新检查间隔的小时数表示。有效值范围为 1(每小时)到 24(每天一次)。 The time value is represented as the number of hours between update checks. Valid values range from 1 (every hour) to 24 (once per day).
210加入 Microsoft MAPS。 Join Microsoft MAPS.
211已禁用 Disabled
212基本 Basic
213Advanced Advanced
214Consent for sample submission. Consent for sample submission.
215Always Always
216禁用隐私模式。 Disable the privacy mode.
217使用此设置,可以允许或禁止随机选择计划的扫描开始时间和计划的定义更新开始时间。此设置用于分散扫描对资源的影响。例如,可以在共享主机的来宾虚拟机中使用此设置,以防止多个来宾虚拟机同时执行占用大量磁盘空间的操作。 This setting allows you to enable or disable randomization of the scheduled scan start time and the scheduled definition update start time. This setting is used to distribute the resource impact of scanning. For example, it could be used in guest virtual machines sharing a host, to prevent multiple guest virtual machines from undertaking a disk-intensive operation at the same time.
218禁用行为监视。 Disable behavior monitoring.
219禁用入侵防护系统。 Disable intrusion prevention system.
220禁用 IOAV 保护。 Disable IOAV protection.
221禁用实时监视。 Disable real-time monitoring.
222禁用脚本扫描。 Disable script scanning.
223禁用存档扫描。 Disable archive scanning.
224禁用更新完全扫描。更新扫描是指由于错过了计划的定期扫描而启动的扫描。通常,这些计划的扫描是由于计算机在计划的时间处于关闭状态而错过的。 Disable catch-up full scan. A catch-up scan is a scan that is initiated because a regularly scheduled scan was missed. Usually these scheduled scans are missed because the computer was turned off at the scheduled time.
225禁用更新快速扫描。更新扫描是指由于错过了计划的定期扫描而启动的扫描。通常,这些计划的扫描是由于计算机在计划的时间处于关闭状态而错过的。 Disable catch-up quick scan. A catch-up scan is a scan that is initiated because a regularly scheduled scan was missed. Usually these scheduled scans are missed because the computer was turned off at the scheduled time.
226禁用电子邮件扫描。 Disable email scanning.
227禁用可移动驱动器扫描。 Disable removable drive scanning.
228禁用还原点。 Disables restore point.
229禁止在已映射的网络驱动器上运行完全扫描。 Disable running full scan on mapped network drives.
230禁止扫描网络文件。 Disables scanning network files.
231启用 UI 锁定模式。 Enable UI Lockdown mode.
232威胁 ID,检测到这些威胁时,不应对其执行默认操作。需要以 ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids 中 ID 的相同顺序指定 ThreatIDDefaultAction_Actions 中的操作 The Ids of threats upon which default action should not be taken when detected. The actions in ThreatIDDefaultAction_Actions need to be specified in the same order as the Ids in ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids
233威胁的默认操作,检测到这些威胁时,不应对其执行默认操作。需要以 ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids 属性中指定的相应 ID 顺序指定这些操作。 Default actions for threats upon which default action should not be taken when detected. The actions need to be in the same order as their respective Ids specified in the ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids property.
234未知威胁的默认操作。 Default action for unknown threats.
235严重性为“低”的威胁的默认操作。 Default action for low severity threats.
236严重性为“中等”的威胁的默认操作。 Default action for moderate severity threats.
237严重性为“高”的威胁的默认操作。 Default action for high severity threats.
238严重性为“严重”的威胁的默认操作。 Default action for severe severity threats.
239指定 PUA (可能有害的应用程序)防护模式。 Specify PUA(Potentially Unwanted Application) protection mode.
240已启用 Enabled
241审核模式 AuditMode
242禁用“首次看到时阻止”。 Disable block at first seen.
243Define the order of sources for downloading definition updates This setting allows you to define the order in which different definition update sources should be contacted. The value of this setting should be entered as a pipe-separated string enumerating the definition update sources in order. Possible values are: 'InternalDefinitionUpdateServer' 'MicrosoftUpdateServer' 'MMPC' 'FileShares' Define the order of sources for downloading definition updates This setting allows you to define the order in which different definition update sources should be contacted. The value of this setting should be entered as a pipe-separated string enumerating the definition update sources in order. Possible values are: 'InternalDefinitionUpdateServer' 'MicrosoftUpdateServer' 'MMPC' 'FileShares'
244Indicates the day of the week in which signature updates occur. If set to zero then signature update occurs daily. Indicates the day of the week in which signature updates occur. If set to zero then signature update occurs daily.
245定义在多少天后确保提供更新签名。可以使用 SignatureUpdateLastChecked。0 = 无更新,1 = 1 天,2 = 2 天,等等。 Defines the number of days after which a catch-up signature is warranted. Works with SignatureUpdateLastChecked. 0 = no catch-up, 1 = 1 day, 2 = 2 days, etc.
247默认情况下,此 cmdlet 需获得用户确认。如果指定 -Force,则不进行默认情况下所需的用户确认。 A user confirmation is sought by default by this cmdlet. If -Force is specified, the default confirmation is not sought from the user.
2481.0 1.0
249Windows Defender Antivirus Preferences Class Windows Defender Antivirus Preferences Class
250The Windows Defender Antivirus Scan Class The Windows Defender Antivirus Scan Class
251The Windows Defender Antivirus Signature Class The Windows Defender Antivirus Signature Class
252Category of Notification. Category of Notification.
253ScanStateNotifications ScanStateNotifications
254ThreatStateNotifications ThreatStateNotifications
255SignatureStateNotifications SignatureStateNotifications
256ComputerStateNotifications ComputerStateNotifications
257Detailed Scan Notifications. Detailed Scan Notifications.
258ErrorOccurred ErrorOccurred
259ScanCompleted ScanCompleted
260Detailed Threat Notifications. Detailed Threat Notifications.
261SuccessfulRemediation SuccessfulRemediation
262NonCriticalFailure NonCriticalFailure
263Detailed Signature Notifications. Detailed Signature Notifications.
264SignaturesOutOfDate SignaturesOutOfDate
265Detailed Computer Notifications. Detailed Computer Notifications.
266ScansOutOfDate ScansOutOfDate
267ComponentsChanged ComponentsChanged
268StateRecovered StateRecovered
269生成 WMI 事件的日期和时间 Date and time the WMI Event was generated
270其他数据。目前仅在 CategoryDiscriminant 等于 ThreatStateNotificationsthen 的情况下使用。此值将包含 ThreatID Additional Data. At the moment, the only use is when the CategoryDiscriminant is equal to ThreatStateNotificationsthen this value will contains the ThreatID
271Windows Defender 防病毒程序事件指示类 Windows Defender Antivirus Event Indication Class
272Windows Defender 防病毒程序 WDO 扫描类 The Windows Defender Antivirus WDO Scan Class
273Windows Defender 防病毒程序检测信号类 The Windows Defender Antivirus Heart Beat Class
500%1!s! 正在扫描你的设备 %1!s! is scanning your device
501这可能需要一些时间,具体取决于所选的扫描类型。 This might take some time, depending on the type of scan selected.
502扫描已成功完成。 Scan was completed successfully.
503尝试扫描你的设备时遇到错误。 Errors were encountered when attempted to scan your device.
504自定义扫描 Custom Scan
508%1!s! %2!s! %1!s! %2!s!
510正在更新病毒和间谍软件定义 Updating virus and spyware definitions
511%1!s! 可自动更新你的病毒和间谍软件定义,以帮助保护你的设备。 %1!s! updates your virus and spyware definitions automatically to help protect your device.
512病毒和间谍软件定义更新已成功完成。 Virus and spyware definitions update was completed successfully.
513病毒和间谍软件定义更新已完成,但出现错误。 Virus and spyware definitions update was completed with errors.
514病毒和间谍软件定义 Virus and spyware definitions
515操作失败,出现以下错误: 0x%1!x! Operation failed with the following error: 0x%1!x!
516运行自定义扫描时需要 ScanPath 参数。 ScanPath parameter is required when running a custom scan.
517此设备上已在执行扫描。 A scan is already in progress on this device.
518此设备上已在执行病毒和间谍软件定义更新。 Virus and spyware definitions update is already in progress on this device.
519已在清除检测到的可能有害的项目。 Items detected as potentially harmful are already being cleaned.
520你的设备上当前没有任何已检测到的活动项目可供清除。 There are currently no active detected items on your device to clean.
521尝试清除已检测为可能有害的项目时遇到错误。 Errors were encountered while attempted to clean items detected as potentially harmful.
522应为每个 ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids 参数指定 ThreatIDDefaultAction_Actions 值。 A ThreatIDDefaultAction_Actions value should be specified for each ThreatIDDefaultAction_Ids parameter.
523无法获取威胁 ID 的默认操作。错误: 0x%1!x! Failed to get default action for threat id. Error: 0x%1!x!
524操作失败,出现以下错误: 0x%1!x!。操作: %2!s!。目标: %3!s!。 Operation failed with the following error: 0x%1!x!. Operation: %2!s!. Target: %3!s!.
525你的权限不足,无法执行请求的操作。 You don't have enough permissions to perform the requested operation.
526尝试在你的设备上运行 WDO 扫描时遇到错误。 Errors were encountered when attempted to run WDO scan on your device.
0x1388%2 WMI 提供程序实例检索方法中存在错误 %1。%0 There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider instance retrieval methods.%0
0x1389%2 WMI 提供程序静态方法中存在错误 %1。%0 There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider static method.%0
0x138A%2 WMI 提供程序 FireEvent 方法中存在错误 %1。%0 There was an error %1 in the %2 WMI provider FireEvent method.%0
0x138B尝试从所有活动的计算机会话注册 %2 WMI 提供程序通知时出现错误 %1。只会收到来自当前会话的通知。%0 There was an error %1 when attempted to register for %2 WMI provider notifications from all the active computer sessions. Only notifications from the current session will be received.%0
0x138C尝试为 %2 WMI 提供程序创建事件监视线程时出现错误 %1。%0 There was an error %1 when attempted to create event monitoring thread for %2 WMI provider.%0
0x138E尝试为监视反恶意软件通知注册 %2 WMI 提供程序时出现错误 %1。%0 There was an error %1 when attempted to register %2 WMI provider for monitoring antimalware notifications.%0


File Name:ProtectionManagement.dll.mui
File Size:17 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:16896
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:4.11.15063.0
Product Version Number:4.11.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:保护管理 WMIv2 提供程序
File Version:4.11.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:ProtectionManagement
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:ProtectionManagement.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:4.11.15063.0

What is ProtectionManagement.dll.mui?

ProtectionManagement.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file ProtectionManagement.dll (保护管理 WMIv2 提供程序).

File version info

File Description:保护管理 WMIv2 提供程序
File Version:4.11.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:ProtectionManagement
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:ProtectionManagement.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:4.11.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200