netshell.dll.mui Ljuska mrežnih veza 71de3bb7aa6b82c9aaf65a649c9985f4

File info

File name: netshell.dll.mui
Size: 64000 byte
MD5: 71de3bb7aa6b82c9aaf65a649c9985f4
SHA1: 6ebc0afb38da0ec89c8b13362d6ece6e15a7162e
SHA256: e169b5956be34291ea4ce87af99429c4722d89562ae6f7d4c56bb7991d48681a
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Croato-Serbian (Latin) English
200Mrežni administrator onemogućio je zajedničko korištenje internetske veze Internet Connection Sharing has been disabled by the Network Administrator
900%1 %2 %1 %2


1000Naziv Name
1001Vrsta Type
1002Stanje Status
1003Naziv uređaja Device Name
1004Telefonski broj ili adresa glavnog računala Phone # or Host Address
1005Vlasnik Owner
1006IP adresa IP address
1007Bežični način rada Wireless Mode
1008Način Mode
1009Poslano Sent
1015Primljeno Received
1016Telefonski broj Phone #
1017Adresa glavnog računala Host Address
1018Povezivost Connectivity
1019Kategorija mreže Network Category
1021Dolazno Incoming
1022LAN ili vrlo brz internet LAN or High-Speed Internet
1023Modemska veza Dial-up
1024Virtualna privatna mreža Virtual Private Network
1025Upravitelj povezivanja Connection Manager
1026Nepoznato Unknown
1028Mrežni most Network Bridge
1029Internetski pristupnik Internet Gateway
1030Dolazne veze Incoming Connections
1031Širokopojasno Broadband
1035Pokušaj provjere Attempting to authenticate
1036Provjera autentičnosti nije uspjela Authentication failed
1037Provjera je uspjela Authentication succeeded
1038Provjera identiteta Validating identity
1039Ograničena ili nikakva povezivost Limited or no connectivity
1040Prekinuta veza Disconnected
1041Povezivanje Connecting
1042Povezano Connected
1043Prekidanje veze Disconnecting
1044Nedostupno - nema uređaja Unavailable - device missing
1045Nedostupno - uređaj je onemogućen Unavailable - device disabled
1046Nedostupno - uređaj ne radi ispravno Unavailable - device malfunctioning
1047Mrežni kabel nije priključen Network cable unplugged
1048Onemogućeno Disabled
1049Onemogućivanje Disabling
1050Omogućeno Enabled
1051Omogućivanje Enabling
1052, zajedničko , Shared
1053, premošćeno , Bridged
1054, s vatrozidom , Firewalled
1056Veza nije uspostavljena Not connected
1057Svojstva - %1 %1 Properties
1058Svojstva veze trenutno ne mogu biti prikazana jer %1 pristupa istim podacima. Zatvorite prozor(e) %1 i pokušajte ponovno. Connection Properties cannot be displayed at this time because %1 is accessing the same information. Please close the %1 window(s) and try again.
1060Mrežne veze Network Connections
1061Pogreška preimenovanja veze Error Renaming Connection
1062Vezu nije moguće preimenovati jer odabrani naziv već postoji. Odredite drugi naziv. Cannot rename this connection. A connection with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different name.
1063Vezu nije moguće preimenovati. Cannot rename this connection.
1064Vezu nije moguće preimenovati. Naziv veze ne smije sadržavati tabulatore već samo razmake ili sljedeće znakove: \/:*?|" Cannot rename this connection. A connection name cannot contain tabs, only spaces, or any of the following characters: \/:*?|"
1065Vezu nije moguće nazvati dolaznom vezom Cannot name a connection as Incoming Connections
1070Pogreška pri prekidanju veze Error Disconnecting
1071U ovom trenutku prekid nije moguć. Veza je zauzeta postupkom uspostavljanja ili prekidanja. It is not possible to disconnect at this time. The connection is currently busy with a connect or disconnect operation.
1072Pogreška pri povezivanju Error Connecting
1073U ovom trenutku povezivanje nije moguće. Mreža nije pronađena. Za završetak postupka povezivanja možda ćete morati priključiti mrežni kabel. It is not possible to connect at this time. No network was detected. You may need to plug in your network cable to complete the connection.
1074Pogreška kod onemogućivanja veze Error Disabling Connection
1075Vezu trenutno nije moguće onemogućiti. Povezivanje možda koristi jedan ili više protokola koji ne podržavaju način rada "uključi i radi" ili je inicirano od strane drugog korisničkog ili sistemskog računa. It is not possible to disable the connection at this time. This connection may be using one or more protocols that do not support Plug-and-Play, or it may have been initiated by another user or the system account.
1077Na ovoj je vezi omogućeno zajedničko korištenje internetske veze.
Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati '%1'?
Internet Connection Sharing is enabled on this connection.
Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
1078Odabrana veza ne može biti izbrisana. The connection you selected cannot be deleted.
1079Jedna ili više odabranih veza ne mogu biti izbrisane. One or more of the connections you selected cannot be deleted.
1080Potvrda brisanja veze Confirm Connection Delete
1081Potvrda brisanja višestruke veze Confirm Multiple Connection Delete
1082Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati '%1'? Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
1083Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ove %1 veze? Are you sure you want to delete these %1 connections?
1084S računalom je pomoću dolazne veze trenutno povezan klijent.
Brisanje dolaznih veza prekinut će njegovu vezu.

Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati dolazne veze?
There is currently a client connected to this machine using an Incoming Connection.
Deleting Incoming Connections while this connection is active will disconnect this client.

Are you sure you want to delete Incoming Connections?
1085S računalom je pomoću dolaznih veza trenutno povezano %1!d! klijenata.
Brisanje dolaznih veza prekinut će njihove veze.

Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati dolazne veze?
There are currently %1!d! clients connected to this machine using Incoming Connections.
Deleting Incoming Connections while these connections are active will disconnect all the clients.

Are you sure you want to delete Incoming Connections?
1089Pogreška kod brisanja veze Error Deleting Connection
1090Vezu ne možete izbrisati dok je uspostavljena ili se uspostavlja. Prekinite vezu ili zatvorite stranicu svojstava prijave i pokušajte ponovno. You cannot delete a connection while it is connected or busy connecting. Please disconnect or close the login property page and try again.
1091Jedna ili više veza koje ste odabrali za brisanje trenutno su aktivne. Prekinite veze i pokušajte ponovno. One or more of the connections you selected for deletion are active. Please disconnect and try again.
1094Aktivnu vezu ne možete izbrisati. Pričekajte kraj povezivanja i pokušajte ponovno. You cannot rename a connection while it is being activated. Please wait until the connection is complete and try again.
1096Nemate ovlasti za konfiguriranje svojstava veze. Obratite se administratoru. You do not have sufficient privileges for configuring connection properties. Contact your administrator.
1097Nemate dovoljno ovlasti za pokretanje ove veze. Obratite se svom administratoru. You do not have sufficient privileges to activate this connection. Contact your administrator.
1098Nemate dovoljno ovlasti za prekid ove veze. Obratite se svom administratoru. You do not have sufficient privileges to disconnect this connection. Contact your administrator.
1099Pokušaj povezivanja još je u tijeku. A connection attempt is already in progress.
1100Došlo je do neočekivane pogreške. An unexpected error occurred.
1101Nema dovoljno memorije za završetak tražene akcije. Insufficient memory to complete the requested action.
1102Modemsku vezu nije moguće pronaći. Dial-up connection cannot be found.
1103Nemate dozvolu za otvaranje mape mrežnih veza. You do not have permission to open the Network Connections folder.
1104Povezivanje s %1 Connect %1
1105Sustav Windows ne može ukloniti mrežni most jer je otvorena jedna ili više stranica svojstava mreže. Prvo zatvorite sve stranice svojstava mreže, a zatim uklonite mrežni most. Windows cannot remove the Network Bridge because one or more network property sheets are open. First close all network property sheets, and then remove the Network Bridge.
1106Svojstva pojedine dolazne veze ne možete podešavati.
Umjesto toga u mapi Mrežne veze podesite svojstva ikone 'Dolazne veze'.
You cannot configure the properties of an individual incoming connection.
Please configure the properties of the 'Incoming Connections' icon in the Network Connections Folder instead.
1107Vezu trenutno nije moguće izbrisati jer je otvorena stranica svojstava. Zatvorite je i pokušajte ponovno. You cannot delete this connection because a property page is currently open. Please close this page and try again.
1150Kopija od %1 Copy of %1
1151Kopija (%1) od %2 Copy (%1) of %2
1152Došlo je do pogreške prilikom pokušaja ažuriranja narudžbe davatelju mrežnih servisa. An error has occurred while trying to update the Network Provider order.
1153Pojavila se pogreška prilikom pokušaja ažuriranja narudžbe davatelju usluga ispisa. Servis usmjerivača ispisa na ovom je računalu onemogućen ili ga nije moguće kontaktirati. An error has occurred while trying to update the Print Provider order. The Print Spooler service on this machine may be disabled or could not be contacted.
1154Pogreška prilikom ažuriranja davatelja mrežnih usluga Error updating Network Providers
1155Nema povezanih klijenata No clients connected
1156Povezan je 1 klijent 1 client connected
1157Povezano je %1!d! klijenata %1!d! clients connected
1158%1, %2 %1, %2
1160Internetski pristup Internet access
1161Nema pristupa internetu No Internet access
1162Nema mrežnog pristupa No network access
1163Internetski i domenski pristup Internet and domain access
1164Samo domenski pristup Domain access only
1170Privatna mreža Private network
1171Javna mreža Public network
1172Domenska mreža Domain network
1180%1%2%3%4 %1%2%3%4
1181Potrebna je intervencija Action needed
1201Povezuje s drugim računalima, mrežama i internetom. Connects to other computers, networks, and the Internet.
1507Mapa Mrežne veze nije mogla dohvatiti popis mrežnih prilagodnika u računalu.
Provjerite je li servis mrežnih veza instaliran i pokrenut.
The Network Connections Folder was unable to retrieve the list of Network adapters on your machine.
Please make sure that the Network Connections service is enabled and running.
1525Uspostavi / prekini vezu s bežičnom mrežom Connect / disconnect wireless networks
1530Pokreni ovu vezu Start this connection
1531Pokreni odabrane veze Start the selected connections
1535Prekini ovu vezu Disconnect this connection
1536Prekini odabrane veze Disconnect the selected connections
1540Postavi dijagnozu za ovu vezu Diagnose this connection
1545Postavi dijagnozu za odabrane veze Diagnose the selected connections
1550Preimenuj ovu vezu Rename this connection
1551Preimenuj odabrane veze Rename the selected connections
1555Prikaz stanja ove veze View status of this connection
1556Prikaz stanja odabranih veza View status of the selected connections
1560Izbriši ovu vezu Delete this connection
1561Izbriši odabrane veze Delete the selected connections
1565Omogući mrežni uređaj Enable this network device
1566Omogući odabrane mrežne uređaje Enable the selected network devices
1570Onemogući mrežni uređaj Disable this network device
1571Onemogući odabrane mrežne uređaje Disable the selected network devices
1575Promijeni postavke ove veze Change settings of this connection
1576Promijeni postavke odabranih veza Change settings of the selected connections
1602&Uspostavi/prekini vezu C&onnect / Disconnect
1604&Stanje Stat&us
1605Stvori preča&c Create &Shortcut
1606&Izbriši &Delete
1607Preimen&uj Rena&me
1608Svo&jstva P&roperties
1609Stvori &kopiju Create &Copy
1616&Omogući En&able
1617&Onemogući Disa&ble
1618Pove&zivanja mostom Brid&ge Connections
1619&Dodaj mostu Add to Brid&ge
1620&Ukloni s mosta Remove from Brid&ge
1621Postavi za &zadanu vezu Set as De&fault Connection
1622&Prekini kao zadanu vezu Cancel as De&fault Connection
1623Postavi dij&agnozu D&iagnose
1626Prikaži &Bluetooth mrežne uređaje &View Bluetooth Network Devices
1627&Prekini vezu Disc&onnect
1700Prikaz Bluetooth mrežnih uređaja View Bluetooth network devices
1701%1!s! %1!s!
1702IPv6 omogućen IPv6 Enabled
Fizička adresa: %1!s!

Physical Address: %1!s!
1704Bluetooth veza nije dostupna Bluetooth connection unavailable
1705Uloga: klijent osobne mreže kratkog dometa Role: Personal Area Network Client
1706Uloga: mrežna pristupna točka Role: Network Access Point
1707Uloga: ad hoc mrežni pristupnik Role: Ad-hoc Network Gateway
1708Uloga: nijedna Role: None
1709Uloga: nepoznata Role: Unknown
1710Osobna mreža kratkog dometa Personal Area Network
1711Povezan s %1!s! Connected to %1!s!
1801Veza s virtualnom privatnom mrežom Virtual Private Network Connection
1805ISDN veza ISDN Connection
1807Širokopojasna veza Broadband Connection
1811Lokalna veza Local Area Connection
1813Veza s bežičnom mrežom Wireless Network Connection
1814Bežično Wireless
1817Glavno računalo zajedničkog pristupa Shared Access Host
1825Veza 1394 1394 Connection
18261394 1394
1827na internet to the Internet
1828na moju kućnu mrežu on my Home Network
2001Poveži se Connect
2100Sustav System
2210&Poveži se C&onnect
2211Prekini &vezu Disc&onnect
2227IP adresa: %1!s!
Maska podmreže: %2!s!
IP Address: %1!s!
Subnet Mask: %2!s!
2230Mreža: %1!s! Network: %1!s!
2231Šifriranje: %1!s! Encryption: %1!s!
2232Jačina signala: %1!s! Signal Strength: %1!s!
2400Morate isključiti i ponovno pokrenuti računalo da bi nove postavke imale učinka.

Želite li sada ponovno pokrenuti računalo?
You must shut down and restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.

Do you want to restart your computer now?
2401Što je o&vo? &What's This?
2402, ,
2570Automatske privatne adrese Automatic Private Address
2571Dodijeljeno od DHCP-a Assigned by DHCP
2572Ručno podešena zamjena Alternate Manually Configured
2573Ručno podešeno Manually Configured
2574Dodijelio davatelj usluga Assigned by Service Provider
2600Nema signala No Signal
2601Vrlo nizak Very Low
2602Nizak Low
2603Dobro Good
2604Vrlo dobar Very Good
2605Odličan Excellent
10600Pričekajte dok sustav Windows premosti povezivanja... Please wait while Windows bridges the connections...
10601Pričekajte uklanjanje mrežnog mosta... Please wait while the Network Bridge is removed...
10602Uklanjanje povezivanja iz mrežnog mosta... Removing connection(s) from the Network Bridge...
10603Mrežni most nije moguće podešavati dok su otvorene liste svojstava drugog mrežnog povezivanja. The Network Bridge cannot be configured while other network connection property sheets are open.
10604Da biste stvorili mrežni most, morate odabrati barem dvije LAN veze ili brze internetske veze koje nisu uključene u zajedničko korištenje internetske veze. To create a Network Bridge, you must select at least two LAN or High-Speed Internet connections that are not being used by Internet Connection Sharing.
10605Pri podešavanju mrežnog mosta dogodila se neočekivana pogreška. An unexpected error occurred while configuring the Network Bridge.
10606Jednu ili više odabranih veza već koristi servis usmjeravanja i daljinskog pristupa (RRAS) i trenutno je nije moguće dodati u most. Prije dodavanja jedne od odabranih veza morate onemogućiti RRAS.

Da biste otvorili RRAS, kliknite Start, pokažite mišem na Administrativne alate te kliknite Usmjeravanje i daljinski pristup.
One or more of the selected connections is already being used by the Routing and Remote Access service (RRAS) and cannot be added to the bridge at this time. Before you can add one of the selected connections, you must disable RRAS.

To open RRAS, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Routing and Remote Access.
10607Na ovom su čvoru otkriveni klasterski servisi.
Funkcije klasteriranja mogu biti oslabljene mrežnim mostom.
Clustering Services have been detected on this node.
Certain clustering functionality may be impaired by the Network Bridge.
12001Pokrenite čarobnjak za dolazne veze, koji vam pomaže u stvaranju dolaznih veza s računalom. Start the Incoming Connections wizard, which helps you create incoming connections to your computer.
12002Odabranu vezu učini aktivnom. Activate the selected connection.
12003Privremeno isključi odabranu vezu tako da se ne može koristiti. Temporarily inactivate the selected connection so that it cannot be used.
12004Prikaz veze, trajanja, brzine, aktivnosti i ostalih postavki stanja za ovu vezu. View the connection, duration, speed, activity, and other status settings for this connection.
12005Stvori prečac do odabrane veze. Create a shortcut to the selected connection.
12006Ukloni odabrane veze tako da ne mogu biti korištene. Remove the selected connection(s) so that it can no longer be used.
12007Dodijeli vezi drugi naziv. Give the connection a different name.
12008Promijenite postavke ove veze, na primjer postavke prilagodnika ili konfiguracije protokola. Change settings for this connection, such as adapter or protocol configuration settings.
12009Stvori kopiju odabrane veze. Create a copy of the selected connection.
12016Odabrani mrežni uređaj pripremi za korištenje. Prepare the selected network device for use.
12017Deaktiviraj odabrani mrežni uređaj tako da ne može biti korišten. Inactivate the selected network device so that it cannot be used.
12018Višestruke mrežne veze poveži u mrežni most. Connect multiple network connections to form a network bridge.
12019Odabrane veze dodaj mrežnom mostu. Add the currently selected connection(s) to the network bridge.
12020Odabrane veze ukloni iz mrežnog mosta. Remove the selected connection(s) from the network bridge.
12021Postavi ovu vezu kao zadano. Set this connection as the default connection.
12022Ukloni ovu vezu kao zadano. Cancel this connection as the default.
12023Riješite probleme koji vam onemogućuju povezivanje s mrežom. Correct problems that prevent you from connecting to the network.
12024Prikaz bežičnih mreža dostupnih s vašeg mjesta. View the wireless networks that are available from your location.
12025Prikaz svojstava bežične mreže. View the properties of a wireless network.
12026Prikaz uređaja i računala Bluetooth osobne mreže kratkog dometa i povezivanje s njima. View and connect to Bluetooth Personal Area Network devices and computers.
12028Prikaz informacija o podršci. View support information.
12032Otvara mapu Mrežne veze. Open the Network Connections folder.
12033Otvorite dijaloški okvir u kojem možete podesiti modemsko povezivanje s mrežom. Open a dialog box where you can specify settings for dial-up connections.
12034Otvorite dijaloški okvir u kojem možete odrediti dodatne postavke mreže. Open a dialog box where you can specify advanced network settings.
12036Omogući ili onemogući nazivanje uz pomoć operatera. Enable or disable operator-assisted dialing.
12038Otvara popis naredbi za raspoređivanje stavki u prozoru. Open a list of commands for arranging items in a window.
12039Poredaj povezivanja abecedno po nazivu. Sort connections alphabetically by name.
12040Poredaj veze po vrsti. Sort connections by type.
12041Reda veze po veličini, od najmanje do najveće. Sort connections by size, from smallest to largest.
12048Poredaj veze po vlasniku. Sort connections by owner.
12049Poredaj veze po telefonskom broju ili adresi glavnog računala. Sort connections by phone number or host address.
12050Poredaj veze po nazivu uređaja. Sort connections by device name.
12051Poredaj veze po povezivosti. Sort connections by connectivity.
12052Sortiranje veza po kategorijama. Sort connections by category.
16009Nije moguće dodati traženu značajku. Pogreška je: %1 Could not add the requested feature. The error is: %1
16011Nije moguća deinstalacija značajke %1. Pogreška je %2. Could not uninstall the %1 feature. The error is %2.
16012Svojstva povezivanja s lokalnom mrežom Local Network Connection Properties
16013Nije moguće deinstalirati značajku %1. %1 je značajka potrebna dolje navedenim značajkama te se ne može deinstalirati dok se ne deinstaliraju i one: %2 Could not uninstall the %1 feature. %1 is still required by the following feature(s) and cannot be uninstalled until those features are uninstalled: %2
16016Lokalna mreža Local Network
16017Klijent Client
16018Klijent omogućuje pristup računalima i datotekama u mreži s kojom se povezujete. A client provides access to computers and files on the network you are connecting to.
16020Omogućivanje... Enabling...
16021Povezivanje nije uspjelo! Connection failed!
16023Protokol Protocol
16024Protokol je jezik kojim računala međusobno komuniciraju. A protocol is a language your computer uses to communicate with other computers.
16025Deinstaliraj %1 Uninstall %1
16026Značajka će se deinstalacijom ukloniti iz svih mrežnih veza. Jeste li sigurni da želite deinstalirati %1? Uninstalling a feature removes it from all network connections. Are you sure you want to uninstall %1?
16027Servis Service
16028Servisi pružaju dodatne mogućnosti kao što su zajedničko korištenje datoteka i pisača. Services provide additional features such as file and printer sharing.
16029Nepoznata mrežna kartica. Unknown network card.
16030Pojavila se pogreška tijekom omogućivanja zajedničkog korištenja internetske veze. An error occurred while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled.
16031Pojavila se pogreška tijekom onemogućivanja zajedničkog korištenja internetske veze. An error occurred while Internet Connection Sharing was being disabled.
16032Zajedničko korištenje internetske veze trenutno je omogućeno za vezu '%1'.

Umjesto toga bit će omogućeno za vezu '%2'.
Internet Connection Sharing is currently enabled for connection '%1'.

It will now be enabled for connection '%2' instead.
16033Kad je zajedničko korištenje internetskih veza omogućeno, LAN prilagodnik postavit će se za korištenje IP adrese %1. Vaše računalo možda će izgubiti vezu s ostalim računalima u mreži. Ako ta računala imaju statičke IP adrese, trebali biste ih postaviti tako da adrese dohvaćaju automatski. Jeste li sigurni da želite omogućiti zajedničko korištenje internetske veze? When Internet Connection Sharing is enabled, your LAN adapter will be set to use IP address %1. Your computer may lose connectivity with other computers on your network. If these other computers have static IP addresses, you should set them to obtain their IP addresses automatically. Are you sure you want to enable Internet Connection Sharing?
16036Pojavio se neočekivan uvjet zbog kojeg ne mogu biti primijenjene sve tražene promjene. An unexpected condition occurred. Not all of your requested changes in settings could be made.
16037Nema instaliranih niti omogućenih protokola There are no protocols installed or enabled
16038Za rad ovog povezivanja morate instalirati i omogućiti barem jedan protokol. Želite li ga odabrati sada? You must install and enable at least one protocol for this connection to work. Do you want to select a protocol now ?
16039Trenutni odabir onemogućit će i sljedeće značajke:

Jeste li sigurni da želite onemogućiti te značajke?
Your current selection will also disable the following features:

Are you sure you want to disable these feature(s) ?
16040Neke od kontrola na ovom listu svojstava onemogućene su, jer je otvoren jedan ili više listova mrežnih svojstava. Da biste mogli koristiti kontrole, najprije zatvorite sve listove svojstava i ponovno otvorite ovaj. Some of the controls on this property sheet are disabled because one or more other Network property sheets are already open. To use these controls, close all these property sheets and then reopen this one.
16041Kontrole na ovom listu svojstava onemogućene su, jer se sustav mora ponovno pokrenuti prije provođenja promjena u konfiguraciji. The controls on this property sheet are disabled because the system must first be rebooted before any configuration changes can be made.
16042Neke od kontrola na ovom listu svojstava onemogućene su, jer ovlasti koje imate nisu dovoljne za njihovo korištenje. Some of the controls on this property sheet are disabled because you do not have sufficient privileges to access or change them.

16044Prije uklanjanja ove značajke morate prekinuti sve modemske, VPN i dolazne veze. You must disconnect all Dial-up, VPN, and Incoming connections before this feature can be removed.
16045Prije dodavanja ove značajke morate prekinuti sve modemske, VPN i dolazne veze. You must disconnect all Dial-up, VPN, and Incoming connections before this feature can be added.
16046Prije dodavanja ove značajke morate ponovno pokrenuti računalo. You must reboot the machine before this feature can be added.
16047Prije uklanjanja ove značajke morate ponovno pokrenuti računalo. You must reboot the machine before this feature can be removed.
16049Zajedničko korištenje internetske veze (ICS) ne može se omogućiti jer su na računalu omogućeni preusmjeravanje i daljinski pristup. Da biste omogućili ICS, prvo onemogućite preusmjeravanje i daljinski pristup.

Dodatne informacije o preusmjeravanju i daljinskom pristupu te ICS-u potražite u Pomoći i podršci.
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) cannot be enabled because Routing and Remote Access has been enabled on this computer. To enable ICS, first disable Routing and Remote Access.

For more information about Routing and Remote Access or ICS, see Help and Support.
16050Mjesto: utor %d, priključak %d Location: Slot %d, Port %d
16051Mjesto: utor %d Location: Slot %d
16052Mjesto: priključak %d Location: Port %d
16053MAC adresa: %1!s! MAC Address: %1!s!
16063Svojstva daljinskog ICS povezivanja Remote ICS Connection Properties
16070Povezivanje... Connecting...
16072Odaberite vezu do virtualne privatne mreže Select a private network connection
16073Za omogućivanje zajedničkog korištenja internetske veze morate odabrati vezu s privatnom mrežom. Na popisu dostupnih veza odaberite željeno. To enable Internet Connection Sharing a connection must be selected for the private network. Please select a connection from the list of available connections.
16074Windows ne može prikazati svojstva ove veze ili kućne mreže jer je Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) onemogućen.

Da biste konfigurirali svojstva veze ili kućne mreže, najprije morate omogućiti servis WMI. Da biste to učinili, pritisnite Windows + R. U tekstni okvir "Otvori" upišite "services.msc", a zatim kliknite "U redu". Desnom tipkom miša kliknite Windows Management Instrumentation, a zatim kliknite "Svojstva". Vrstu pokretanja promijenite iz "Onemogućeno" u "Automatski", a zatim kliknite "U redu".
Because the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service has been disabled, Windows cannot display the properties of this connection or the home network.

To configure the properties of this connection or your home network, you must first enable the WMI service. To do this, press Windows+R. In the 'Open' text box, type 'services.msc' and click OK. Right-click Windows Management Instrumentation, and click Properties. Change the Startup type from Disabled to Automatic, and then click OK.
16075Windows ne može prikazati svojstva ove veze. Možda su oštećeni podaci servisa Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI-ja).

Da biste otklonili problem, vratite Windows u prethodno stanje (na tzv. točku vraćanja) pomoću značajke vraćanja sustava. Na početnom zaslonu odaberite "Postavke" pa "Stvaranje točke vraćanja". Kliknite "Vraćanje sustava" da biste pokrenuli čarobnjak za vraćanje sustava.
Windows cannot display the properties of this connection. The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) information might be corrupted.

To correct this, use System Restore to restore Windows to an earlier time (called a restore point). On the Start screen, type System Restore, select Settings and select Create a Restore point. Click System Restore to run the System Restore wizard.
16122Računalo za zajedničko korištenje internetske veze nije podešeno da mrežnim korisnicima dopusti upravljanje ili onemogućivanje zajedničke internetske veze.

Ova postavka može biti promijenjena u dodatnim postavkama zajedničke veze u računalu.
The Internet Connection Sharing computer is not configured to let network users control or disable the shared Internet connection.

This setting can be changed in the Advanced Properties of the shared connection on the Internet Connection Sharing computer.
16123Dodatne postavke Advanced Settings
16128Promijenili ste svojstva ovog povezivanja.
Nastavite li, te će promjene biti izgubljene.

Želite li nastaviti?
You have made changes to the properties of this connection.
If you proceed your changes will be lost.

Do you wish to proceed?
16132Na ovom su čvoru otkriveni klasterski servisi.
Funkcije klasteriranja mogu biti oslabljene vatrozidom za internetske veze.
Clustering Services have been detected on this node.
Certain clustering functionality may be impaired by Internet Connection Firewall.
16133Filtri trenutno instalirani na sustavu dosegnuli su ograničenje Filters currently installed on the system have reached the limit
23014Hardver ne postoji Hardware Not Present
23015Hardver je onemogućen Hardware Disabled
23016Neispravan rad hardvera Hardware Malfunction
23020&Zatvori &Close
23030%d.%1d b/s %d.%1d bps
23031%d.%1d kB/s %d.%1d Kbps
23032%d.%1d Mb/s %d.%1d Mbps
23033%d.%1d Gb/s %d.%1d Gbps
23034%d.%1d Tb/s %d.%1d Tbps
23040Stanje veze Connection Status
23041Stanje %1 %1 Status
23042Vezu nije moguće prekinuti. The connection could not be disconnected.
23050Bajtova: Bytes:
23051Paketi: Packets:
23052&Obustavi &Suspend
23053&Nastavi Re&sume
23054Obustava odabranog uređaja prouzročit će potpun prekid veze %1. Želite li prekinuti vezu? Suspending the selected device will result in disconnecting %1 entirely. Do you want to disconnect?
23055Svojstvo Property
23056Vrijednost Value
23063Adresa odredišta Destination address
23064Adresa izvorišta Origin address
23065IPv4 adresa poslužitelja Server IPv4 address
23066IPv4 adresa klijenta Client IPv4 address
23067IPv6 adresa poslužitelja Server IPv6 address
23068IPv6 adresa klijenta Client IPv6 address
23069dan day
23070dana days
23072Provjera autentičnosti Authentication
23073Šifriranje Encryption
23074Kompresija Compression
23075Korišten mrežni prilagodnik Network Adapter Used
23076Machine certificate Machine certificate
23077PAP PAP
23080EAP EAP
23081Mobike Supported Mobike Supported
23083Vrsta uređaja Device Type
23084Stanje NAP-a NAP State
23085Ne podržava NAP Not NAP-capable
23086Neograničeno Unrestricted
23087Probni rok Probation
23088Ograničeno Restricted
23093MPPE 56 MPPE 56
23094MPPE 40 MPPE 40
23095MPPE 128 MPPE 128
23096IPsec: ESP DES-56 IPsec: ESP DES-56
23097IPsec: ESP 3DES IPsec: ESP 3DES
23098IPsec: AES 128 IPsec: AES 128
23099IPsec: AES 256 IPsec: AES 256
23100IPsec: AES 192 IPsec: AES 192
23101Nema None
23105(nema) (none)
23106(nepoznato) (unknown)
23113PPP višelinijski okviri PPP multilink framing
23114Uključeno On
23115Isključeno Off
23116Da Yes
23117Ne No
23128Nevaljana IP adresa Invalid IP Address
23131IP adresa je uspješno obnovljena. The IP Address has been successfully renewed.
23132IP adresa ne može biti obnovljena. Pojavila se sljedeća pogreška:

Cannot renew the IP Address. The following error has occurred:

23133Predmemorija DNS prevoditelja uspješno je izbrisana. The DNS Resolver Cache has been successfully flushed.
23134Predmemoriju DNS prevoditelja nije moguće izbrisati. Postupak je prekinut tijekom izvođenja. Cannot flush the DNS Resolver Cache. Function failed during execution.
23135Započela je registracija svih zapisa DNS resursa za sve prilagodnike u računalu. Pogreške će biti prijavljene Pregledniku događaja za 15 minuta. Registration of the DNS resource records for all adapters of this computer has been initiated. Any errors will be reported in the Event Viewer in 15 minutes.
23136Zapise DNS izvora nije moguće registrirati. Pojavila se sljedeća pogreška:

Cannot register the DNS resource records. The following error has occurred:

23137Nije dostupno Not Available
23138%1%2 %1%2
23143Fizička adresa Physical Address
23146IP adrese IP Addresses
23147Maska podmreže Subnet Mask
23148Maske podmreže Subnet Masks
23149Zadani pristupnik Default Gateway
23151Zadani pristupnici Default Gateways
23152DHCP poslužitelj DHCP Server
23153DNS poslužitelj DNS Server
23154DNS poslužitelji DNS Servers
23155WINS poslužitelj WINS Server
23156WINS poslužitelji WINS Servers
23157Zakup je započeo Lease Obtained
23158Zakup istječe Lease Expires
23163Lokalna IPv6 adresa na razini veze Link-local IPv6 Address
23164Lokalna IPv6 adresa na razini mjesta Site-local IPv6 Address
23165Privremena IPv6 adresa Temporary IPv6 Address
23166IPv4 adresa temeljem automatske konfiguracije Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address
23167DNS sufiks specifičan za vezu Connection-specific DNS Suffix
23168Opis Description
23169DHCP je omogućen DHCP Enabled
23170Omogućen je NetBIOS putem Tcpip-a NetBIOS over Tcpip Enabled
23175Internet Internet
23176Nije povezano Not Connected
23177IPv4 adresa IPv4 Address
23178IPv4 adrese IPv4 Addresses
23179IPv4 maska podmreže IPv4 Subnet Mask
23180IPv4 maske podmreža IPv4 Subnet Masks
23181IPv4 zadani pristupnik IPv4 Default Gateway
23182IPv4 zadani pristupnici IPv4 Default Gateways
23183IPv4 DHCP poslužitelj IPv4 DHCP Server
23184IPv4 DNS poslužitelj IPv4 DNS Server
23185IPv4 DNS poslužitelji IPv4 DNS Servers
23186IPv4 WINS poslužitelj IPv4 WINS Server
23188IPv6 adresa IPv6 Address
23189IPv6 adrese IPv6 Addresses
23190IPv6 maska podmreže IPv6 Subnet Mask
23191IPv6 maske podmreža IPv6 Subnet Masks
23192IPv6 zadani pristupnik IPv6 Default Gateway
23193IPv6 zadani pristupnici IPv6 Default Gateways
23194IPv6 DHCP poslužitelj IPv6 DHCP Server
23195IPv6 DNS poslužitelj IPv6 DNS Server
23197IPv6 WINS poslužitelj IPv6 WINS Server
23198IPv6 WINS poslužitelji IPv6 WINS Servers
30288Stvori &prečac Create &Shortcut
30291&Svojstva P&roperties
0x10000031Vrijeme odziva Response Time
0x30000002Zaustavi Stop
0x50000004Informacije Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-NetShell Microsoft-Windows-NetShell
0xB0001F41LjuskaMreže: mapa je prikazana NetShell: folder displayed


File Name:netshell.dll.mui
File Size:62 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:63488
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Ljuska mrežnih veza
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:netshell.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original File Name:netshell.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is netshell.dll.mui?

netshell.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Croato-Serbian (Latin) language for file netshell.dll (Ljuska mrežnih veza).

File version info

File Description:Ljuska mrežnih veza
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:netshell.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original Filename:netshell.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x41A, 1200