appwiz.cpl.mui Gabyk programma dolandyryjysy 6fa2e07687fde67fbbb8492b6aab5d41

File info

File name: appwiz.cpl.mui
Size: 32768 byte
MD5: 6fa2e07687fde67fbbb8492b6aab5d41
SHA1: e5495ba407b9eced3d4db9acbe74790d62083f3f
SHA256: 99791f94ff2da1c14d083cc93030ef96566aab5f88ce67f5d7395e8be2c7abcf
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in turkmence (Turkmenistan) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id turkmence (Turkmenistan) English
21Ölçeg Size
43Ady Name
68%2 (%3) üçin %1 %1 for %2 (%3)
69Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
70Kritiki Täzelenme Critical Update
71Düzeltme Hotfix
72Gorag Täzelenmesi Security Update
73Hyzmat toplumy Service Pack
74Programma üpjünçiligi täzelenmesi Software Update
75Täzelenme Update
76Täzelenme toplumy Update Rollup
77Draýwer Driver
83Kömek Help
89Garaşmagyňyzy haýyş edýäris... Please wait...
95Webe seredip görmek, e-poçta ibermek ýaly işjeňlikler üçin öňünden kabul edilýän, başlangyç ekranyndan girip bolýan programmalary, iş stolun we beýleki ýerleri kesgitleýän programma düzülişi.

Düzülişi saýlaň:
A program configuration specifies default programs for certain activities, such as Web browsing or sending e-mail, and which programs are accessible from the Start menu, desktop, and other locations.

Choose a configuration:
96Bolýar OK
97Bes et Cancel
98Üýtgetmeler ýerine ýetirilýär Applying Changes
99Giriş işjeňleşdirilýär: Enabling access:
100Ygtyýar aýrylýar: Removing access:
101Öňünden kabul edilen programma hökmünde gurnalýar: Setting as default application:
102Kompýuter Öndürijisi Computer Manufacturer
103Kompýuter öndürijiňiziň kesgitlän programmalaryny öňünden kabul edilen edip sazlar we aşakda görkezilen programmalara girilmegine mümkinçilik berer ýa-da bermez. Sets programs specified by your computer manufacturer as defaults, and enables or removes access to the programs shown below.
105%MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% %WINDOWS_GENERIC% içinde bar bolan programmalary dymmaklykda gurar we aşakda görkezilen programmalara girilmegine mümkinçilik berer ýa-da bermez. Sets programs included in %MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% %WINDOWS_GENERIC% as defaults, and enables or removes access to the programs shown below.
107%MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% däl programmalary (elýeterli bolsa) deslapky edip gurýar we aşakda görkezilen programmalara girilmegine mümkinçilik berer ýa-da bermez. Sets non-%MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% programs (when available) as defaults, and enables or removes access to the programs shown below.
108Ýörite Custom
109Bellik: Bir programma, ygtyýarlylygyna mümkinçilik bermek ýa-da aýyrmak ýaly saýlanyňyza jogap bermese programma satyjysyna ýüz tutuň. Note: If a program does not respond to your choice to enable or remove access to it, please contact the vendor of that program.
110Web brauzeri : Web browser :
111Şu wagtky web brauzerimi ulan Use my current Web browser
112Öňünden kabul edilen web brauzeri saýlaň Choose a default Web browser
113E-poçta programmasy : E-mail program :
114Häzirki e-poçta programmamy ulan Use my current e-mail program
115Öňünden kabul edilen e-poçta programmasyny saýlaň Choose a default e-mail program
116Media pleýer : Media player :
117Häzirki media pleýerimi ulan Use my current media player
118Öňünden kabul edilen media pleýeri saýlaň Choose a default media player
119Göni habarlaşma programmasy : Instant messaging program :
120Şu wagtky göni habarlaşma programmamy ulan Use my current instant messaging program
121Öňünden kabul edilen gyssagly habarlaşma programmasyny saýlaň Choose a default instant messaging program
122Java üçin hyýaly maşyn : Virtual machine for Java :
123Java üçin şu wagtky hyýaly maşynymy ulan Use my current virtual machine for Java
124Java üçin öňünden kabul edilen hyýaly enjamy saýlaň Choose a default virtual machine for Java
125Bu programma girmäge rugsat ber Enable access to this program
126Girişe rugsat ber: Enable access:
127Ygtyýary aýyr: Remove access:
128%1, %2 %1, %2
129Programma girişi we öňünden kabul edilenleri sazlamaga rugsadyňyz ýok. You do not have permission to set program access and defaults.
130Programma girişi we kompýuteriň öňünden kabul edilenlerini sazla Set Program Access and Computer Defaults
131Öňünden kabul edilenleri sazlaýar... Setting Defaults...
132Öňünden kabul edilen web brauzeri saýlaň : Choose a default web browser :
133Öňünden kabul edilen e-poçta programmasyny saýlaň : Choose a default e-mail program :
134Öňünden kabul edilen media pleýeri saýlaň : Choose a default media player :
135Öňünden kabul edilen gyssagly habarlaşma programmasyny saýlaň : Choose a default instant messaging program :
136Java üçin öňünden kabul edilen hyýaly enjamy saýlaň : Choose a default virtual machine for Java :
137Häzirki Microsoft e-poçta programmamy ulan Use my current Microsoft e-mail program
138Bu programma girişi işjeňleşdir (%1) Enable access to this program (%1)
139Parser Error Parser Error
143Gurnalan Installed On
144%1 gurnalyşdan aýyrmaga synanyşylanda säwlik ýüze çykdy.

Ol öňden gurnalyşdan aýrylypdyr.
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1.

It has already been uninstalled.
152Bu täzelenmäni gurnalyşdan aýyrmagy anyk isleýärsiňizmi? Are you sure you want to uninstall this update?
153Täzele Update
155Tordan ýa onlaýndan täze programmalary alyň. Get new programs from the network or online.
156Programmalary Al Get Programs
157Gurnalan täzelenmeler Installed Updates
158Programmany gurnalyşdan aýyr Uninstall a program
159Programmalar we aýratynlyklar Programs and Features
160Kompýuteriňizdäki programmalary gurnalyşdan aýryň ýa-da üýtgediň. Uninstall or change programs on your computer.
162Amaly programmany gurnalyşdan aýryň ýa-da üýtgediň Uninstall or change an application
165Gurnalyşdan aýyr Uninstall
166Bu programmany gurnalyşdan aýryň. Uninstall this program.
167Üýtget Change
168Bu programmanyň gurnalyşyny üýtgediň. Change the installation of this program.
169Bejer Repair
170Bu programmanyň gurnalyşyny bejeriň. Repair the installation of this program.
171Gurnalyşdan aýyr/Üýtget Uninstall/Change
172Bu programmany gurnalyşdan aýryň ýa-da üýtgediň. Uninstall or change this program.
173&Gurnalyşdan aýyr &Uninstall
174&Üýtget &Change
175&Bejer R&epair
176&Gurnalyşdan aýyr/Üýtget &Uninstall/Change
177&Gurna &Install
178Gurna Install
179Programma gurnaýar Installs a program
180Programmany gurnalyşdan aýyr ýa-da üýtget Uninstall or change a program
182Tordan programma gurna Install a program from the network
183Your system administrator has disabled Programs and Features. Your system administrator has disabled Programs and Features.
184Täzelenmäni gurnalyşdan aýyr Uninstall an update
185Your system administrator has disabled Get Programs. Your system administrator has disabled Get Programs.
186Windows aýratynlyklary Windows Features
187Windows aýratynlyklaryny açyň ýa-da öçüriň. Turn Windows features on or off.
188Windows aýratynlyklaryny aç ýa-da öçür Turn Windows features on or off
189Bir aýratynlygy açmak üçin onuň gutusyny saýlaň. Bir aýratynlygy öçürmek üçin onuň gutusyny arassalaň. Doldurylan guty, aýratynlygyň diňe bir böleginiň açylandygyny aňladýar. To turn a feature on, select its check box. To turn a feature off, clear its check box. A filled box means that only part of the feature is turned on.
190System Restore System Restore
191Restores system to chosen restore point. Restores system to chosen restore point.
193Windows aýratynlyklarda üýtgetme edýänçä garaşyň. Bu birnäçe minut alyp biler. Please wait while Windows makes changes to features. This might take several minutes.
194Säwlik ýüze çykdy. Aýratynlyklaryň ählisi şowly üýtgedilmedi. An error has occurred. Not all of the features were successfully changed.
196Torda elýeterli programmalar gözlenýär... Searching the network for available programs...
197Torda gurnap boljak programma ýok. There are no programs available to install from the network.
200Şu wagt gurnalan programmalar Currently installed programs
201%d programma gurnalan %d programs installed
202Şu wagtky gurnalan täzelenmeler Currently installed updates
203%d gurnalan täzelenmeler %d updates installed
204Elýeterli programmalar Available programs
205%d programmalar elýeterli %d programs available
206Torda gurnap boljak programma ýok. Täze programma gurnamak üçin diski dakyň There are no programs available to install from the network. Insert a disc to install a new program
210Bu kompýuterde hiç hili programma gurnalmandyr. No programs are installed on this computer.
211Gurnalan programmalar gözlenýär... Searching for installed programs...
212Bu kompýuterde hiç hili täzelenme gurnalmandyr. No updates are installed on this computer.
213Gurnalan täzelenmeler gözlenýär... Searching for installed updates...
214Tabşyryklar Tasks
215Şuňa-da ser salyň See also
216Your system administrator has disabled Installed Updates. Your system administrator has disabled Installed Updates.
217Gurnalan täzelenmeleri görkez View installed updates
222Programmany aýyrmak üçin ony sanawdan saýlaň we "Aýyr", "Üýtget" ýa-da "Bejer" düwmesine basyň. To uninstall a program, select it from the list and then click Uninstall, Change, or Repair.
223Programmany gurnamak üçin ony sanawdan saýlaň we "Gurna" düwmesine basyň. To install a program, select it from the list and then click Install.
224Täzelenmäni aýyrmak üçin ony sanawdan saýlaň we"Aýyr" ýa-da "Üýtget" düwmesine basyň. To uninstall an update, select it from the list and then click Uninstall or Change.
231Hyper-V gurnap bolanok: Prosessorda zerur hyýalylaşdyrmak ukyplary ýok. Hyper-V cannot be installed: The processor does not have required virtualization capabilities.
232Hyper-V gurnap bolanok: Prosessorda ikinji derejeli salgy terjimesi (SLAT) ukyplary ýok. Hyper-V cannot be installed: The processor does not have second level address translation (SLAT) capabilities.
233Hyper-V cannot be installed: Virtualization support is disabled in the firmware. Hyper-V cannot be installed: Virtualization support is disabled in the firmware.
234Hyper-V cannot be installed: Data Execution Prevention is not enabled. Hyper-V cannot be installed: Data Execution Prevention is not enabled.
500Windows Update Windows Update
501Bir säwlik emele geldi. Täzelenmeleriň ählisi üstünlikli aýrylmady. An error has occurred. Not all of the updates were successfully uninstalled.
504Täzelenmeler aýrylýarka garaşyň. Bu birnäçe minut alyp biler. Please wait while the updates are being uninstalled. This might take several minutes.
505%1 elementine garaşly bolandygy üçin aşakdaky Windows aýratynlyklary hem öçüriler. Dowam etmek isleýärsiňizmi? The following Windows features will also be turned off because they are dependent on %1. Do you want to continue?
506%1 öçürmek, öňünden kabul edilen sazlamalary hem hasaba almak bilen beýleki Windows aýratynlyklaryna we kompýuteriňizde gurnalan programmalara täsir edip biler. Dowam etmek isleýärsiňizmi? Turning off %1 might affect other Windows features and programs installed on your computer, including default settings. Do you want to continue?
507Has giňişleýin öwrenmek üçin onlaýn bol Go online to learn more
508Kompýuteriňizdäki öňünden kabul edilen sazlamalary hem goşmak bilen beýleki Windows aýratynlyklaryna we programmalara hem täsir edip biler.
Goşmaça maglumat üçin onlaýn boluň
Other Windows features and programs installed on your computer might also be affected, including default settings.
Go online to learn more
1001Şu wagtky programmany aýyrmak ýa-da üýtgetmek gutarýança garaşyň. Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed.
2003%1 faýly tapylanok. The file %1 cannot be found.
2012%1 atly ýarlyk bu bukjada öňden bar. Muny üýtgetmek isleýärsiňizmi? A shortcut named %1 already exists in this folder. Do you want to replace it?
2013At saýla Choose a Title
2014exe exe
2016Seredip gör Browse
2020Setup Programs@*Instal*.exe;*Setup*.exe;Felrak.exe;Imposta.exe;KUR.exe;Yükle*.exe;Ayarla.exe;*.msi@Programs@*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd@All Files@*.* Setup Programs@*Instal*.exe;*Setup*.exe;Felrak.exe;Imposta.exe;KUR.exe;Yükle*.exe;Ayarla.exe;*.msi@Programs@*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd@All Files@*.*
2027Ýarlygy döredip bolmady. Unable to create shortcut.
2028install@setup@uninst@unwise@felrak@imposta@kur@Yükle@Ayarla install@setup@uninst@unwise@felrak@imposta@kur@Yükle@Ayarla
2031An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled.

Would you like to remove %1 from the Programs and Features list?
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled.

Would you like to remove %1 from the Programs and Features list?
2032An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled.

Would you like to remove %1 from the Installed Updates list?
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled.

Would you like to remove %1 from the Installed Updates list?
2035The system folder %1 can not be deleted. The system folder %1 can not be deleted.
2037Program Group Program Group
2038No folder selected. No folder selected.
2042An error occurred while trying to uninstall %s. You do not have access to %s.
You can specify the new uninstall program below.
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %s. You do not have access to %s.
You can specify the new uninstall program below.
2044%1 programmasyny Programmalar we aýratynlyklar sanawyndan aýyrmaga ýeterlik ygtyýarlylygyňyz ýok.
Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň.
You do not have sufficient access to remove %1 from the Programs and Features list.
Please contact your system administrator.
2045%1 programmasyny aýyrmaga ýeterlik ygtyýarlygyňyz ýok.
Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysyna ýüz tutuň.
You do not have sufficient access to uninstall %1.
Please contact your system administrator.
2060Girizen ýarlyk adyňyz, faýl atlary üçin nädogry nyşany öz içine alýar ýa-da gaty uzyn. The shortcut name you entered either contained characters that are invalid for file names or was too long.
2072Ýarlygyň salgylanjak ýerini aşakdan saýlaň: Select the target of the shortcut below:
2200Ýarlyk döret Create Shortcut
2201Haýsy element üçin ýarlyk döretmek isleýärsiňiz? What item would you like to create a shortcut for?
2202Ýarlygy nirä goýmak isleýärsiňiz? Where would you like to place the shortcut?
2203Ýarlyga näme at bermek isleýärsiňiz? What would you like to name the shortcut?
3001PC-ňizdäki bir programma üçin aşakdaky Windows aýratynlyklary zerur: An app on your PC needs the following Windows feature:
3002Zerur faýllar gözlenýär Searching for required files
3003Windows-a käbir aýratynlyklary gurnamagy tamamlamak üçin Windows Update-den faýllar gerek. Windows needs files from Windows Update to finish installing some features.
3004Zerur faýllar göçürilip alynýar Downloading required files
3005Gurnalýar Installing
3006Aşakdaky aýratynlyklar şowly gurnaldy: The following feature was successfully installed:
3007Windows islenen üýtgetmeleri tamamlady. Windows completed the requested changes.
3008Windows-yň aşakdaky aýratynlyklary gurnamagy tamamlamagy üçin PC-ňizi täzeden deslapky ýüklemek gerek: Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the following feature:
3009Aşakdaky aýratynlygy gurnap bolmady: The following feature couldn't be installed:
3010Aşakdaky aýratynlyk üçin gurnama bes edildi: The installation was canceled for the following feature:
3011Windows zerur faýllary göçürip almak üçin internete birigip bilmedi. Internete birigendigiňize göz ýetiriň we täzeden synanyşmak üçin "Täzeden synanyş" düwmesine basyň. Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you're connected to the Internet, and click "Retry" to try again.
3012&Täzeden synanyş &Retry
3013Bo&lýar O&K


• %1

• %1
3016Häzir täzede&n işlet Restart &now
3017Täzeden işletme Don't restart
3019Windows requires a reboot to return the system to its original state. Windows requires a reboot to return the system to its original state.

Säwlik kody: %1

Error code: %1
3021Error code: %1 Error code: %1
3022Windows islenen üýtgetmeleri tamamlap bilmedi. Windows couldn't complete the requested changes.
3023Windows Serwer tabşyryklaryny we aýratynlyklaryny Windows aýratynlyklary dolandyryş paneli arkaly awtomatiki gurnap ýa-da gurnalyşdan aýryp bolmaýar.

Windows Serwer tabşyryklaryny we aýratynlyklaryny gurnamak üçin Serwer dolandyryjysyny başladyň ýa-da Windows PowerShell üçin Serwer dolandyryjysy cmdlet-lerini ulanyň.
Windows Server roles and features cannot be automatically installed or uninstalled via the Windows Features Control Panel.

To install Windows Server roles and features, start Server Manager, or use the Server Manager cmdlets for Windows PowerShell.
3024Üýtgetmeleri tamamlap bolmady. Kompýuteriňizi täzeden deslapky ýükläň we gaýtadan synanyşyň. The changes couldn't be completed. Please reboot your computer and try again.
3025Işjeňleşdir:%1 Enable:%1
3026Işlemeýän et:%1 Disable:%1
3027Features on Demand User Experience Tool

FONDUE.exe /enable-feature: [/caller-name:]
[/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest}]

Fondue.exe enables Windows optional features by downloading required files
from Windows Update or a source that Group Policy specifies.

/enable-feature - Specifies the name of the Windows optional feature that
you want to enable. You can enable only one feature per command line. To
enable multiple features, use Fondue.exe for each feature.

/caller-name - Specifies the program or process name when you call
Fondue.exe from a script or a batch file. You can use this option to send
a report of the program name to Microsoft.

/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest} - Use "all" to hide all messages to the user,
including progress and permission requests to access Windows Update. If
permission is required, the operation will fail.
Use "rebootRequest" only to hide user messages that ask for permission to
reboot the PC. Use this option if you have a script that controls reboot

FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3
FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3 /caller-name:Admin.bat /hide-ux:all
Features on Demand User Experience Tool

FONDUE.exe /enable-feature: [/caller-name:]
[/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest}]

Fondue.exe enables Windows optional features by downloading required files
from Windows Update or a source that Group Policy specifies.

/enable-feature - Specifies the name of the Windows optional feature that
you want to enable. You can enable only one feature per command line. To
enable multiple features, use Fondue.exe for each feature.

/caller-name - Specifies the program or process name when you call
Fondue.exe from a script or a batch file. You can use this option to send
a report of the program name to Microsoft.

/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest} - Use "all" to hide all messages to the user,
including progress and permission requests to access Windows Update. If
permission is required, the operation will fail.
Use "rebootRequest" only to hide user messages that ask for permission to
reboot the PC. Use this option if you have a script that controls reboot

FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3
FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3 /caller-name:Admin.bat /hide-ux:all
3028Aýratynlyk barada jikme-jik maglumatlar ýygnalýar Collecting feature details
3029Parametr hökmünde nädogry Windows aýratynlygy ady görkezilen. Invalid Windows feature name has been specified as a parameter.
3032Bu aýratynlyk bolmasa, programmalaryňyz dogry işlemän biler. Your apps might not work correctly without this feature.
3034PC-ňizde hiç hili üýtgetme edilmez. No changes will be made to your PC.
3036Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information. Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information.
3037Windows couldn't find required files to complete the requested changes. Make sure you're connected to Internet, and try again. Windows couldn't find required files to complete the requested changes. Make sure you're connected to Internet, and try again.
3038Windows özüne zerur faýllary Windows Update-den alar we gurnamagy tamamlar. Windows will get the files that it needs from Windows Update and complete the installation.
3040Bu aýratynlygy göçürip al we gurna Download and install this feature
3041Ýap Close
3042Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the requested changes. Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the requested changes.
3043PC-ňizdäki %1 üçin şu Windows aýratynlyklary zerur: %1 on your PC needs the following Windows feature:
12309Soňky Ulanylan Senesi Last Used On
12312Your system administrator has disabled Set Program Access and Computer Defaults. Your system administrator has disabled Set Program Access and Computer Defaults.
12313Ulgamyňyzyň iş dolandyryjysy Windows Aýratynlyklary-ny işlemeýän edipdir. Your system administrator has disabled Windows Features.
12325%s programmasyny aýyrmagy anyk isleýärsiňizmi? Are you sure you want to uninstall %s?
12800Neşirçi Publisher
12801Wersiýa Version
12802Ýazgydaky Ulanyjy Registered Owner
12803Hasaba alnan kompaniýa Registered Company
12805Goldaw baglanyşygy Support Link
12806Goldaw telefony Support Telephone
12807Kömek baglanyşygy Help Link
12808Ýeri Location
12809Çeşme Source
12816Kontakt Contact
12817Teswirler Comments
12818Menioka Readme
12819Täzelenme maglumatlary baglanyşygy Update Info Link
12820Programma Program
12822Önüm ID Product ID
12823Täzelenme ID-si Update ID
13056Create New Shortcut Create New Shortcut
13058This program can't run This program can't run
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AppWizCpl Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AppWizCpl


File Name:appwiz.cpl.mui
File Size:32 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (0442)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Gabyk programma dolandyryjysy
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:APPWIZ
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original File Name:APPWIZ.CPL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is appwiz.cpl.mui?

appwiz.cpl.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain turkmence (Turkmenistan) language for file appwiz.cpl (Gabyk programma dolandyryjysy).

File version info

File Description:Gabyk programma dolandyryjysy
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:APPWIZ
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original Filename:APPWIZ.CPL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x442, 1200