mprmsg.dll.mui 多個通訊協定路由服務訊息 DLL 6f5c378b4b333f57011e0dd55154b479

File info

File name: mprmsg.dll.mui
Size: 47104 byte
MD5: 6f5c378b4b333f57011e0dd55154b479
SHA1: f26aba86ad2e751c4e8984551d7e9af75564de8a
SHA256: d47ac72482a89da98f4511e2bb7dadd6b7d09fb337aaf662458d418ee9649dd6
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
19000內部 Internal
19001回送 Loopback
19002針對 VPN 相關問題進行疑難排解 Troubleshoot VPN related issues
32000RAS 非同步媒體驅動程式 RAS Asynchronous Media Driver
32001遠端存取 NDIS TAPI 驅動程式 Remote Access NDIS TAPI Driver
32002遠端存取 NDIS WAN 驅動程式 Remote Access NDIS WAN Driver
32003WAN 迷你連接埠 (IrDA) WAN Miniport (IrDA)
32004WAN 迷你連接埠 (IrDA 數據機) WAN Miniport (IrDA Modem)
32005WAN 迷你連接埠 (L2TP) WAN Miniport (L2TP)
32006WAN 迷你連接埠 (PPTP) WAN Miniport (PPTP)
32007遠端存取 PPPOE 驅動程式 Remote Access PPPOE Driver
32008允許您安全地使用網際網路連線到私人網路。 Allows you to securely connect to a private network using the Internet.
32010提供將主機連線到支援 RFC2516 之遠端存取集訊器的能力。 Provides the ability to connect a host to a Remote Access Concentrator that supports RFC2516.
32011遠端存取 IP ARP 驅動程式 Remote Access IP ARP Driver
32012遠端存取 IPv6 ARP 驅動程式 Remote Access IPv6 ARP Driver
32013IP 流量篩選器驅動程式 IP Traffic Filter Driver
32014遠端存取舊版 NDIS WAN 驅動程式 Remote Access LEGACY NDIS WAN Driver
32015乙太網路上的點對點通訊協定 Point to Point Protocol Over Ethernet
0x258操作擱置。%0 An operation is pending.%0
0x259偵測出不正確的連接埠控制代碼。%0 An invalid port handle was detected.%0
0x25A指定的連接埠已開啟。%0 The specified port is already open.%0
0x25B來電者的緩衝區太小。%0 The caller's buffer is too small.%0
0x25C指定了不正確的資訊。%0 Incorrect information was specified.%0
0x25D%0 %0
0x25E指定的連接埠尚未連線。%0 The specified port is not connected.%0
0x260指定的裝置不存在。%0 A device was specified that does not exist.%0
0x261指定的裝置類型不存在。%0 A device type was specified that does not exist.%0
0x262指定了不正確的緩衝區。%0 An invalid buffer was specified.%0
0x264指定了尚未配置的路由。%0 A route was specified that is not allocated.%0
0x267找不到指定的連接埠。%0 The specified port was not found.%0
0x268非同步要求正在擱置中。%0 An asynchronous request is pending.%0
0x269數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 目前已經中斷連線。%0 The modem (or other connecting device) is already disconnecting.%0
0x26A指定的連接埠尚未開啟。%0 The specified port is not open.%0
0x26B無法建立與遠端電腦的連線,因此已關閉用於此連線的連接埠。%0 A connection to the remote computer could not be established, so the port used for this connection was closed.%0
0x26D系統無法開啟電話簿檔案。%0 The system could not open the phone book file.%0
0x26E系統無法載入電話簿檔案。%0 The system could not load the phone book file.%0
0x26F系統找不到這個連線的電話簿資料項。%0 The system could not find the phone book entry for this connection.%0
0x270系統無法更新電話簿檔案。%0 The system could not update the phone book file.%0
0x271系統在電話簿檔案中找到不正確的資訊。%0 The system found invalid information in the phone book file.%0
0x273找不到機碼。%0 A key could not be found.%0
0x274遠端電腦在連線完成前終止了連線。%0 The connection was terminated by the remote computer before it could be completed.%0
0x275遠端電腦已將連線關閉。%0 The connection was closed by the remote computer.%0
0x276由於硬體失敗,數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 目前已經中斷連線。%0 The modem (or other connecting device) was disconnected due to hardware failure.%0
0x277使用者中斷了數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 的連線。%0 The user disconnected the modem (or other connecting device).%0
0x278偵測出不正確的結構大小。%0 An incorrect structure size was detected.%0
0x279數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 已在使用中,或者設定不正確。%0 The modem (or other connecting device) is already in use or is not configured properly.%0
0x27B發生不明的錯誤。%0 There was an unknown error.%0
0x27C連結到連接埠上的裝置不是正確的裝置。%0 The device attached to the port is not the one expected.%0
0x27E遠端伺服器並未及時回應。%0 The remote server is not responding in a timely fashion.%0
0x285發生內部驗證錯誤。%0 There was an internal authentication error.%0
0x286不允許帳戶在這個時間登入。%0 The account is not permitted to log on at this time of day.%0
0x287帳戶已停用。%0 The account is disabled.%0
0x288這個帳戶的密碼已到期。 %0 The password for this account has expired.%0
0x289這個帳戶沒有撥入網路的使用權限。%0 The account does not have permission to dial in.%0
0x28B數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 回報了一個錯誤。%0 The modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error.%0
0x28C從數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 傳回一個無法辨識的回應。%0 There was an unrecognized response from the modem (or other connecting device).%0
0x28D在 device.INF 檔案中找不到數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 所必需的巨集。%0 A macro required by the modem (or other connecting device) was not found in the device.INF file.%0
0x28Edevice.INF 檔案區段中的命令或回應參照了一個未定義的巨集。%0 A command or response in the device.INF file section refers to an undefined macro.%0
0x28F在 device.INF 檔案區段中找不到 巨集。%0 The macro was not found in the device.INF file section.%0
0x290device.INF 檔案區段的 巨集中包含一個未定義的巨集。%0 The macro in the device.INF file section contains an undefined macro.%0
0x291無法開啟 device.INF 檔案。%0 The device.INF file could not be opened.%0
0x292device.INF 或 media.INI 檔案中的裝置名稱太長。%0 The device name in the device.INF or media.INI file is too long.%0
0x293media.INI 檔案參照了一個無法辨識的裝置名稱。%0 The media.INI file refers to an unknown device name.%0
0x294device.INF 檔案未包含命令的回應。%0 The device.INF file contains no responses for the command.%0
0x295device.INF 檔案遺失了一個命令。%0 The device.INF file is missing a command.%0
0x296嘗試設定未列在 device.INF 檔案區段中的巨集。%0 There was an attempt to set a macro not listed in device.INF file section.%0
0x297media.INI 檔案參照了一個無法辨識的裝置類型。%0 The media.INI file refers to an unknown device type.%0
0x298系統的記憶體不足。%0 The system has run out of memory.%0
0x299數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 的設定不正確。%0 The modem (or other connecting device) is not properly configured.%0
0x29A數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 並未正常運作。%0 The modem (or other connecting device) is not functioning.%0
0x29B系統無法讀取 media.INI 檔案。%0 The system was unable to read the media.INI file.%0
0x29C連線已終止。%0 The connection was terminated.%0
0x29Dmedia.INI 檔案中的使用方式參數不正確。%0 The usage parameter in the media.INI file is invalid.%0
0x29E系統無法從 media.INI 檔案中讀取區段名稱。%0 The system was unable to read the section name from the media.INI file.%0
0x29F系統無法從 media.INI 檔案中讀取裝置類型。%0 The system was unable to read the device type from the media.INI file.%0
0x2A0系統無法從 media.INI 檔案中讀取裝置名稱。%0 The system was unable to read the device name from the media.INI file.%0
0x2A1系統無法從 media.INI 檔案中讀取使用方式。%0 The system was unable to read the usage from the media.INI file.%0
0x2A4電話線正在忙線中。%0 The phone line is busy.%0
0x2A5有人接聽,而不是數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 接聽。%0 A person answered instead of a modem (or other connecting device).%0
0x2A6遠端電腦沒有回應。若要確定可以連線到伺服器,請偵測該遠端電腦。%0 The remote computer did not respond. To make sure that the server can be reached, ping the remote computer.%0
0x2A7系統無法偵測到載波。%0 The system could not detect the carrier.%0
0x2A8沒有撥號音。%0 There was no dial tone.%0
0x2B3遠端連線遭拒,因為系統無法辨識您提供的使用者名稱與密碼組合,或遠端存取伺服器不允許選取的驗證通訊協定。%0 The remote connection was denied because the user name and password combination you provided is not recognized, or the selected authentication protocol is not permitted on the remote access server.%0
0x2B4數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 發生硬體失敗。%0 There was a hardware failure in the modem (or other connecting device).%0
0x2B7狀態電腦尚未啟動。%0 The state machines are not started.%0
0x2B8狀態電腦已經啟動。%0 The state machines are already started.%0
0x2B9回應迴圈處理並未完成。%0 The response looping did not complete.%0
0x2BAdevice.INF 檔案中的回應關鍵名稱不是所要求的格式。%0 A response keyname in the device.INF file is not in the expected format.%0
0x2BB數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 的回應導致了緩衝區溢位。%0 The modem (or other connecting device) response caused a buffer overflow.%0
0x2BCdevice.INF 檔案中的擴充命令太長。%0 The expanded command in the device.INF file is too long.%0
0x2BD數據機變更到不受 COM 驅動程式支援的連線速度。%0 The modem moved to a connection speed not supported by the COM driver.%0
0x2BE意外接收到裝置的回應。%0 Device response received when none expected.%0
0x2BF連線需要與您提供資訊,但是應用程式不允許使用者進行互動。%0 The connection needs information from you, but the application does not allow user interaction.%0
0x2C0回撥號碼不正確。%0 The callback number is invalid.%0
0x2C1授權狀態不正確。%0 The authorization state is invalid.%0
0x2C3發生和 X.25 通訊協定相關的錯誤。%0 There was an error related to the X.25 protocol.%0
0x2C4帳戶已到期。%0 The account has expired.%0
0x2C5在網域中變更密碼時發生錯誤。密碼可能太短,或和先前使用過的密碼相同。%0 There was an error changing the password on the domain. The password might have been too short or might have matched a previously used password.%0
0x2C6進行數據機通訊時,偵測到序列滿溢錯誤。%0 Serial overrun errors were detected while communicating with the modem.%0
0x2C7此操作無法完成,因為它無法及時啟動遠端存取連線管理員服務。請再次嘗試此操作。%0 The operation could not finish because it could not start the Remote Access Connection Manager service in time. Please try the operation again.%0
0x2C9沒有任何使用中的 ISDN 線路可供利用。%0 No active ISDN lines are available.%0
0x2CC無法使用遠端存取服務 IP 設定。%0 The Remote Access Service IP configuration is unusable.%0
0x2CD遠端存取服務 IP 位址的靜態集區中沒有可用的 IP 位址。%0 No IP addresses are available in the static pool of Remote Access Service IP addresses.%0
0x2CE連線已終止,因為遠端電腦並未及時回應。%0 The connection was terminated because the remote computer did not respond in a timely manner.%0
0x2D0無法建立與遠端電腦的連線。您可能需要變更這個連線的網路設定。%0 A connection to the remote computer could not be established. You might need to change the network settings for this connection.%0
0x2D1因為遠端存取伺服器沒有回應,未建立與遠端存取伺服器的連線。%0 A connection to the remote access server was not made because the remote access server did not respond.%0
0x2D2從遠端電腦收到不正確的資料。該資料已被略過。%0 Invalid data was received from the remote computer. This data was ignored.%0
0x2D3包含首碼和尾碼的電話號碼太長。%0 The phone number, including prefix and suffix, is too long.%0
0x2D6無法同時在數個數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 上使用 IPX 通訊協定撥號。%0 The IPX protocol cannot be used for dialing out on more than one modem (or other connecting device) at a time.%0
0x2D8系統找不到 IP 介面卡。%0 The system cannot find an IP adapter.%0
0x2D9除非已安裝了 IP 通訊協定,否則無法使用 SLIP。%0 SLIP cannot be used unless the IP protocol is installed.%0
0x2DB尚未設定通訊協定。%0 The protocol is not configured.%0
0x2DC您的電腦和遠端電腦無法同意 PPP 控制通訊協定。%0 Your computer and the remote computer could not agree on PPP control protocols.%0
0x2DD無法完成與遠端電腦的連線。您可能需要調整這台電腦的通訊協定。%0 A connection to the remote computer could not be completed. You might need to adjust the protocols on this computer.%0
0x2DE已經終止 PPP 連結控制通訊協定。%0 The PPP link control protocol was terminated.%0
0x2DF伺服器拒絕了所要求的位址。%0 The requested address was rejected by the server.%0
0x2E0遠端電腦終止了控制通訊協定。%0 The remote computer terminated the control protocol.%0
0x2E1偵測到回送。%0 Loopback was detected.%0
0x2E2因為遠端存取伺服器未指派 IP 位址,未建立遠端連線。%0 The remote connection was not made because the remote access server did not assign an IP address.%0
0x2E3遠端伺服器要求的驗證通訊協定無法使用儲存的密碼。在這個項目中,請重撥並重新輸入明確的密碼。%0 The authentication protocol required by the remote server cannot use the stored password. Redial, entering the password explicitly.%0
0x2E4偵測到不正確的撥號規則。%0 An invalid dialing rule was detected.%0
0x2E5本機電腦不支援所需要的資料加密類型。%0 The local computer does not support the required data encryption type.%0
0x2E6遠端電腦不支援所需要的資料加密類型。%0 The remote computer does not support the required data encryption type.%0
0x2ED目的地位址或電話號碼無效或不存在。%0 The destination address or phone number is either invalid or not present.%0
0x2F0處理指令檔時發生語法錯誤。%0 A syntax error was encountered while processing a script.%0
0x2F1因為使用者沒有中斷連線的必要權限,所以無法中斷連線。%0 The connection could not be disconnected because the user does not have the required permission to disconnect.%0
0x2F2系統找不到多重連結 bundle。%0 The system could not find the multi-link bundle.%0
0x2F3系統無法執行自動撥號,因為這個連線有一個指定的自訂撥號程式。%0 The system cannot perform automated dial because this connection has a custom dialer specified.%0
0x2F4連線已經進行撥號。%0 This connection is already being dialed.%0
0x2F5遠端存取服務無法自動啟動。事件記錄檔中含有詳細資料。%0 Remote Access Services could not be started automatically. Additional information is provided in the event log.%0
0x2FC沒有安裝智慧卡讀卡機。%0 No smart card reader is installed.%0
0x2FD無法啟用網際網路連線共用。已經使用自動 IP 定址所需的 IP 位址設定區域網路連線。%0 Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled. A LAN connection is already configured with the IP address that is required for automatic IP addressing.%0
0x2FE找不到憑證。透過 IPSec 使用 L2TP 通訊協定的連線要求安裝機器憑證 (也稱為電腦憑證)。%0 A certificate could not be found. Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPSec require the installation of a machine certificate, also known as a computer certificate.%0
0x2FF無法啟用網際網路連線共用。選取做為私人網路的區域網路連線設定了一個以上的 IP 位址。啟用網際網路連線共用之前,請先使用單一 IP 位址的區域網路連線重新設定。%0 Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled. The LAN connection selected as the private network has more than one IP address configured. Please reconfigure the LAN connection with a single IP address before enabling Internet Connection Sharing.%0
0x300因為資料加密失敗,所以連線的嘗試失敗。%0 The connection attempt failed because of failure to encrypt data.%0
0x301無法與指定的目的地取得連線。%0 The specified destination is not reachable.%0
0x302遠端電腦拒絕連線嘗試。%0 The remote computer rejected the connection attempt.%0
0x303因為網路正在忙碌中,造成連線的嘗試失敗。%0 The connection attempt failed because the network is busy.%0
0x304遠端電腦的網路硬體和所要求的撥號類型不相容。%0 The remote computer's network hardware is incompatible with the type of call requested.%0
0x305因為目的號碼已變更,所以連線的嘗試失敗。%0 The connection attempt failed because the destination number has changed.%0
0x306因為暫時性的錯誤,造成連線的嘗試失敗。請再試連線。%0 The connection attempt failed because of a temporary failure. Try connecting again.%0
0x307遠端電腦中止了這個撥號。%0 The call was blocked by the remote computer.%0
0x308撥號無法連線,因為遠端電腦已啟動了 [請勿打擾] 的功能。%0 The call could not be connected because the remote computer has invoked the Do Not Disturb feature.%0
0x309連線嘗試失敗,因為遠端電腦的數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 故障。%0 The connection attempt failed because the modem (or other connecting device) on the remote computer is out of order.%0
0x30A無法查驗伺服器的識別。%0 It was not possible to verify the identity of the server.%0
0x30C這個功能無法在這個連線上使用。%0 An attempted function is not valid for this connection.%0
0x30E無法啟用網際網路連線共用 (ICS) 和網際網路連線防火牆 (ICF),因為這部電腦上已啟用了路由及遠端存取。若要啟用 ICS 或 ICF,請先停用路由及遠端存取。如需路由及遠端存取、ICS 或 ICF 的詳細資訊,請參閱說明及支援。%0 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) and Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) cannot be enabled because Routing and Remote Access has been enabled on this computer. To enable ICS or ICF, first disable Routing and Remote Access. For more information about Routing and Remote Access, ICS, or ICF, see Help and Support.%0
0x30F無法啟用網際網路連線共用。選取做為私人網路的區域網路連線不存在,或已和網路中斷連線。啟用網際網路連線共用之前,請先確定區域網路介面卡已連接。%0 Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled. The LAN connection selected as the private network is either not present, or is disconnected from the network. Please ensure that the LAN adapter is connected before enabling Internet Connection Sharing.%0
0x310您不能在登入時使用這個連線來撥號,因為它被設定為使用與智慧卡不同的使用者名稱。如果您想要在登入時使用這個連線,必須將它設定為使用智慧卡上的使用者名稱。%0 You cannot dial using this connection at logon time, because it is configured to use a user name different than the one on the smart card. If you want to use it at logon time, you must configure it to use the user name on the smart card.%0
0x311您不能在登入時使用這個連線來撥號,因為它並未被設定為使用智慧卡。如果您想要在登入時使用這個連線,您必須編輯這個連線的內容,讓它可以使用智慧卡。%0 You cannot dial using this connection at logon time, because it is not configured to use a smart card. If you want to use it at logon time, you must edit the properties of this connection so that it uses a smart card.%0
0x312因為您的電腦上沒有正確的機器憑證可以用來進行安全性驗證,所以嘗試連線時失敗。%0 The connection attempt failed because there is no valid machine certificate on your computer for security authentication.%0
0x313嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為安全性階層無法驗證遠端電腦。%0 The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer could not authenticate the remote computer.%0
0x314嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為安全性階層無法與遠端電腦交涉相容的參數。%0 The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer could not negotiate compatible parameters with the remote computer.%0
0x315嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為安全性階層在與遠端電腦進行初始交涉時處理錯誤。%0 The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer encountered a processing error during initial negotiations with the remote computer.%0
0x316L2TP 連線嘗試失敗,因為遠端電腦的憑證驗證失敗。%0 The L2TP connection attempt failed because certificate validation of the remote computer failed.%0
0x317嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為找不到連線的安全性原則。%0 The L2TP connection attempt failed because security policy for the connection was not found.%0
0x318嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為安全性交涉逾時。%0 The L2TP connection attempt failed because security negotiation timed out.%0
0x319嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為在進行安全性交涉時發生錯誤。%0 The L2TP connection attempt failed because an error occurred while negotiating security.%0
0x31A這個使用者的已框架處理通訊協定 RADIUS 屬性不是 PPP。%0 The Framed Protocol RADIUS attribute for this user is not PPP.%0
0x31B遠端連線要求遭拒,因為不允許要使用的 VPN 通道類型。%0 The remote connection request was denied because the VPN tunnel type being used is not allowed.%0
0x31C這個使用者的服務類型 RADIUS 屬性既不是框架也不是回呼框架。%0 The Service Type RADIUS attribute for this user is neither Framed nor Callback Framed.%0
0x31D因為找不到數據機,未建立與遠端存取伺服器的連線。 %0 A connection to the remote access server was not made because the modem was not found.%0
0x31E找不到可以使用這個可延伸的驗證通訊協定的憑證。%0 A certificate could not be found that can be used with this Extensible Authentication Protocol.%0
0x31F無法啟用網際網路連線共用 (ICS),因為網路上有 IP 位址衝突。ICS 要求需設定主機使用。請確定網路上沒有其他用戶端設定為使用。%0 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) cannot be enabled due to an IP address conflict on the network. ICS requires the host be configured to use Please ensure that no other client on the network is configured to use
0x320因為嘗試的 VPN 通道失敗,未建立遠端連線。可能無法連線到 VPN 伺服器。若此連線嘗試使用 L2TP/IPsec 通道,可能是因為未正確設定 IPsec 交涉所需的安全性參數。%0 The remote connection was not made because the attempted VPN tunnels failed. The VPN server might be unreachable. If this connection is attempting to use an L2TP/IPsec tunnel, the security parameters required for IPsec negotiation might not be configured properly.%0
0x321設定這個連線以確認存取伺服器的身分識別,但是 Windows 無法檢查伺服器所傳送的數位憑證。%0 This connection is configured to validate the identity of the access server, but Windows cannot verify the digital certificate sent by the server.%0
0x322提供的卡片無法辨識,請檢查卡片是否正確插入妥當。%0 The card supplied was not recognized. Please check that the card is inserted correctly, and fits tightly.%0
0x323存放在工作階段 cookie 中的 PEAP 設定與目前的工作階段設定不符。%0 The PEAP configuration stored in the session cookie does not match the current session configuration.%0
0x324存放在工作階段 cookie 中的 PEAP 身分識別與目前的身分識別不符。%0 The PEAP identity stored in the session cookie does not match the current identity.%0
0x325在登入時,您不能使用這個連線來撥號,因為它被設定為使用已登入使用者的認證。%0 You cannot dial using this connection at logon time, because it is configured to use logged on user's credentials.%0
0x326無法完成您電腦與 VPN 伺服器之間的連線。最可能的原因是您的電腦與 VPN 伺服器之間,至少有一個網際網路裝置 (例如防火牆或路由器) 並未設定為允許 Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) 通訊協定封包。如果問題持續發生,請連絡您的網路系統管理員或網際網路服務提供者。%0 The VPN connection between your computer and the VPN server could not be completed. The most common cause for this failure is that at least one Internet device (for example, a firewall or a router) between your computer and the VPN server is not configured to allow Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) protocol packets. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator or Internet Service Provider.%0
0x327在您的電腦與 VPN 伺服器之間的網路連線已經中斷。這可能是 VPN 傳輸過程中造成的問題,通常是因為網際網路延遲或只是您的 VPN 伺服器已經到達最大負荷。請嘗試重新連線到 VPN 伺服器。如果這個問題持續發生,請連絡 VPN 管理員並分析網路連線的品質。%0 The network connection between your computer and the VPN server was interrupted. This can be caused by a problem in the VPN transmission and is commonly the result of internet latency or simply that your VPN server has reached capacity. Please try to reconnect to the VPN server. If this problem persists, contact the VPN administrator and analyze quality of network connectivity.%0
0x328因為遠端伺服器拒絕連線,所以在您的電腦與 VPN 伺服器之間的網路連線無法建立。這通常是因為伺服器的設定與您的連線設定不相符。請連絡遠端伺服器的系統管理員,檢查伺服器的設定與您的連線設定。%0 The network connection between your computer and the VPN server could not be established because the remote server refused the connection. This is typically caused by a mismatch between the server's configuration and your connection settings. Please contact the remote server's Administrator to verify the server configuration and your connection settings.%0
0x329因為遠端伺服器沒有回應,所以在您的電腦與 VPN 伺服器之間的網路連線無法建立。這可能是在您的電腦與遠端伺服器之間的網路裝置 (例如防火牆、NAT、路由器等) 並未設定允許 VPN 連線。請連絡您的系統管理員或是您的服務提供者,以確定是哪個裝置造成問題。%0 The network connection between your computer and the VPN server could not be established because the remote server is not responding. This could be because one of the network devices (e.g, firewalls, NAT, routers, etc) between your computer and the remote server is not configured to allow VPN connections. Please contact your Administrator or your service provider to determine which device may be causing the problem.%0
0x32A連線已經在您的電腦與 VPN 伺服器之間啟動,但是無法完成 VPN 連線。這可能是因為在用戶端與伺服器之間,使用不正確或逾期的憑證來進行驗證。請連絡您的系統管理員,以確定驗證使用正確的憑證。%0 A network connection between your computer and the VPN server was started, but the VPN connection was not completed. This is typically caused by the use of an incorrect or expired certificate for authentication between the client and the server. Please contact your Administrator to ensure that the certificate being used for authentication is valid.%0
0x32B因為遠端伺服器沒有回應,所以在您的電腦與 VPN 伺服器之間的網路連線無法建立。這可能是在用戶端與伺服器之間發生預先共用金鑰問題。預先共用金鑰用於在 IP 安全性 (IPSec) 通訊循環中確認您的身份。請連絡您的系統管理取得協助,判斷預先共用金鑰的問題來源。%0 The network conection between your computer and the VPN server could not be established because the remote server is not responding. This is typically caused by a pre-shared key problem between the client and server. A pre-shared key is used to guarantee you are who you say you are in an IP Security (IPSec) communication cycle. Please get the assistance of your administrator to determine where the pre-shared key problem is originating.%0
0x32C因為您 RAS/VPN 伺服器設定的原則,連線被禁止。明確的說,伺服器用於檢查您使用者名稱與密碼的驗證方法不符合您連線設定檔設定的驗證方法。請連絡 RAS 伺服器的系統管理員並通知他們這個錯誤。%0 The connection was prevented because of a policy configured on your RAS/VPN server. Specifically, the authentication method used by the server to verify your username and password may not match the authentication method configured in your connection profile. Please contact the Administrator of the RAS server and notify them of this error.%0
0x32D您嘗試使用與先前已經建立之寬頻連線的相同裝置或連接埠建立第二個寬頻連線。請中斷連線先前的連線並重新建立連線。%0 You have attempted to establish a second broadband connection while a previous broadband connection is already established using the same device or port. Please disconnect the earlier connection and then reestablish the connection.%0
0x32E找不到寬頻連線所需要的乙太網路連線。請在嘗試這個連線之前,透過網路連線資料夾,安裝並啟用您電腦的乙太網路卡。%0 The underlying Ethernet connectivity required for the broadband connection was not found. Please install and enable the Ethernet adapter on your computer via the Network Connections folder before attempting this connection.%0
0x32F因為遠端伺服器沒有回應,無法在您的電腦上建立寬頻網路連線。這可能是這個連線 [服務名稱] 欄位的值不正確。請連絡您的網際網路服務提供者並詢問這個欄位正確的值,然後在 [連線內容] 中更新。%0 The broadband network conection could not be established on your computer because the remote server is not responding. This could be caused by an invalid value for the 'Service Name' field for this connection. Please contact your Internet Service Provider and inquire about the correct value for this field and update it in the Connection Properties.%0
0x330遠端存取服務已經不再支援您嘗試啟用的功能或設定。%0 A feature or setting you have tried to enable is no longer supported by the remote access service.%0
0x331當連線時,無法刪除連線。%0 Cannot delete a connection while it is connected.%0
0x332網路存取保護 (NAP) 強制用戶端無法建立遠端存取連線的系統資源。某些網路服務或資源可能無法使用。如果問題持續發生,請中斷連線並再次嘗試遠端存取連線,或是連絡遠端存取伺服器的系統管理員。 The Network Access Protection (NAP) enforcement client could not create system resources for remote access connections. Some network services or resources might not be available. If the problem persists, disconnect and retry the remote access connection or contact the administrator for the remote access server.
0x333遠端存取保護代理 (NAPAgent) 服務已經停用或是並未在這台電腦上安裝。某些網路服務或資源可能無法使用。如果問題持續發生,請中斷連線並再次嘗試遠端存取連線,或是連絡遠端存取伺服器的系統管理員。 The Network Access Protection Agent (NAPAgent) service has been disabled or is not installed on this computer. Some network services or resources might not be available. If the problem persists, disconnect and retry the remote access connection or contact the administrator for the remote access server.
0x334網路存取保護 (NAP) 強制用戶端無法登錄網路存取保護代理 (NAPAgent) 服務。某些網路服務或資源可能無法使用。如果問題持續發生,請中斷連線並再次嘗試遠端存取連線,或是連絡遠端存取伺服器的系統管理員。 The Network Access Protection (NAP) enforcement client failed to register with the Network Access Protection Agent (NAPAgent) service. Some network services or resources might not be available. If the problem persists, disconnect and retry the remote access connection or contact the administrator for the remote access server.
0x335因為遠端存取連線不存在,所以網路存取保護 (NAP) 強制用戶端無法處理要求。請重新嘗試遠端存取連線。如果問題持續,請確定您可以連線到網際網路,然後連絡遠端存取伺服器的管理員。 The Network Access Protection (NAP) enforcement client was unable to process the request because the remote access connection does not exist. Retry the remote access connection. If the problem persists, make sure that you can connect to the Internet, and then contact the administrator for the remote access server.
0x336網路存取保護 (NAP) 強制用戶端沒有回應。某些網路服務或資源可能無法使用。如果問題持續發生,請中斷連線並再次嘗試遠端存取連線,或是連絡遠端存取伺服器的系統管理員。 The Network Access Protection (NAP) enforcement client did not respond. Some network services or resources might not be available. If the problem persists, disconnect and retry the remote access connection or contact the administrator for the remote access server.
0x337收到的 Crypto-Binding TLV 無效。%0 Received Crypto-Binding TLV is invalid.%0
0x338Crypto-Binding TLV 並未收到。%0 Crypto-Binding TLV is not received.%0
0x339因為點對點通道通訊協定 (PPTP) 與 IPv6 不相容,未建立遠端連線。請使用其他通道通訊協定。%0 The remote connection was not made because Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is incompatible with IPv6. Use any other tunneling protocol. %0
0x33A快取認證的 EAPTLS 驗證失敗。請捨棄快取的認證。 EAPTLS validation of the cached credentials failed. Please discardcached credentials.
0x33B無法完成 VPN 連線,因為 IKE 與 AuthIP IPSec 金鑰處理模組服務和/或基礎篩選引擎服務並未執行。必須執行這些服務才能建立連線。請確定這些服務已啟動,再進行連線。 The VPN connection cannot be completed because the 'IKE and AuthIP IPSec Keying Modules' service and/or the 'Base Filtering Engine' service is not running. These services are required to establish the connection. Please ensure that these services have been started before dialing the connection.
0x33C連線已終止,因為閒置逾時。%0 The connection was terminated because of idle timeout.%0
0x33D數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 目前已經中斷連線,因為連結失敗。%0 The modem (or other connecting device) was disconnected due to link failure.%0
0x33E連線已終止,因為使用者已登出。%0 The connection was terminated because user logged off.%0
0x33F連線已終止,因為使用者帳戶已切換。%0 The connection was terminated because user switch happened.%0
0x340連線已終止,因為系統已進入休眠狀態。%0 The connection was terminated because of hibernation.%0
0x341連線已終止,因為系統已暫停。%0 The connection was terminated because the system got suspended.%0
0x342連線已終止,因為遠端存取連線管理員已停止。%0 The connection was terminated because Remote Access Connection manager stopped.%0
0x343L2TP 連線嘗試失敗,因為安全性階層無法驗證遠端電腦。這可能是因為無法驗證遠端伺服器出示之憑證的一或多個欄位是否屬於目標電腦。 The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer could not authenticate the remote computer. This could be because one or more fields of the certificate presented by the remote server could not be validated as belonging to the target destination.
0x344無法判斷電腦的網路存取保護 (NAP) 健康情況。請連絡您的系統管理員以確認是否已啟用 NAP 強制用戶端、NAP 代理程式服務是否正在執行,以及是否在遠端存取連線之受保護的可延伸驗證通訊協定 (PEAP) 內容中強制執行 NAP。 The Network Access Protection (NAP) health state of the computer cannot be determined. Contact your administrator to verify that the NAP enforcement client is enabled, the NAP Agent service is running, and NAP is enforced in the Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) properties of the remote access connection.
0x345無效的通道識別碼。%0 Invalid Tunnel ID.%0
0x346其他更新連線要求正在進行中。RAS 一次只允許一個更新連線要求。%0 Another Update connection request is in progress. RAS allows only one Update Connection request at a time.%0
0x347使用設定的通訊協定的交涉已經停用。請編輯連線內容並為交涉選取其他通訊協定,然後再試一次。%0 Negotiating using configured protocol is disable. Edit connection properties and select different protocol for negotiation and try again.%0
0x348內部位址交涉失敗。%0 Internal address negotiation failed.%0
0x349用戶端必須要求內部 IPv4 或 IPv6 位址。%0 Client has to request a Internal IPv4 or IPv6 address.%0
0x34A流量選擇器交涉失敗。%0 Traffic Selectors negotiation failed.%0
0x34B此連線已停用行動功能。 Mobility is disabled for this connection.
0x34C因為隔離狀態變更,VPN 連線仍在連線或重新驗證中。只有在連線狀態為「已連線」時才能起始 mobike 更新。 The VPN Connection is still connecting or reauthenticating because of Quarantine state change. Initiate mobike update only when connection state is 'Connected'.
0x34D伺服器已拒絕用戶端驗證,因為未預期的 TLV 或 TLV 的值不符。 Server rejected client authentication, due unexpected TLV or value mismatch for a TLV.
0x34E使用者未選取 VPN 目的地喜好設定,或喜好設定已不再有效。 Either VPN Destination preference is not selected by the user or it is no longer valid.
0x34F快取的智慧卡認證無效。 Cached smart card credential is invalid.
0x350由於新增 Cookie 到安全通訊端通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 時發生內部錯誤,所以 VPN 連線嘗試失敗。請檢視系統事件記錄檔以取得詳細資訊。 VPN connection attempt failed due to internal error occurred while adding cookies to the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP). Please see the System Event Log for the detailed information.
0x351儲存在 Cookie 的 PEAP 內部方法屬性無效 The PEAP inner method attributes stored in the cookie is invalid
0x352電腦上未安裝驗證遠端存取連線所需的可延伸驗證通訊協定類型。 The Extensible Authentication Protocol type required for authentication of the remote access connection is not installed on your computer.
0x353遠端存取連線上設定的可延伸驗證通訊協定類型不支援單一登入。 The Extensible Authentication Protocol type configured on the remote access connection does not support single sign-on.
0x354遠端存取連線上設定的可延伸驗證通訊協定類型不支援要求的操作。 The Extensible Authentication Protocol type configured on the remote access connection does not support the requested operation.
0x355遠端存取連線已完成,但是用來向伺服器驗證用戶端的憑證無效,因此驗證失敗。請確定用於驗證的憑證有效。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because the certificate that authenticates the client to the server is not valid. Ensure that the certificate used for authentication is valid.
0x356遠端存取連線已完成,但是用來向伺服器驗證用戶端的憑證到期,因此驗證失敗。請更新憑證。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because the certificate that authenticates the client to the server is expired. Renew the certificate.
0x357遠端存取連線已完成,但是用來向伺服器驗證用戶端的憑證已遭撤銷,因此驗證失敗。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because the certificate that authenticates the client to the server is revoked.
0x358遠端存取連線已完成,但是用來向伺服器驗證用戶端的憑證發生錯誤,因此驗證失敗。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because of an error in the certificate that authenticates the client to the server.
0x359遠端存取連線已完成,但是用戶端用來驗證伺服器的憑證無效,因此驗證失敗。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because the certificate that the client uses to authenticate the server is not valid.
0x35A遠端存取連線已完成,但是用戶端用來驗證伺服器的憑證已到期,因此驗證失敗。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because the certificate that the client uses to authenticate the server is expired.
0x35B遠端存取連線已完成,但是用戶端用來驗證伺服器的憑證已遭撤銷,因此驗證失敗。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because the certificate that the client uses to authenticate the server is revoked.
0x35C遠端存取連線已完成,但是用戶端用來驗證伺服器的憑證發生錯誤,因此驗證失敗。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because of an error in the certificate that the client uses to authenticate the server.
0x35D遠端存取連線已完成,但是在受信任的根憑證授權單位憑證存放區中找不到用來驗證使用者憑證的受信任根憑證,因此驗證失敗。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because a trusted root certificate that validates the user certificate was not found in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store.
0x35E遠端存取連線已完成,但是用來驗證使用者憑證的受信任根憑證無效,因此驗證失敗。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because the trusted root certificate that is used to validate the user certificate is not valid.
0x35F遠端存取連線已完成,但是驗證使用者憑證的受信任根憑證授權單位憑證存放區到期,因此驗證失敗。請更新憑證。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because the certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store that authenticates the user certificate is expired. Renew the certificate.
0x360遠端存取連線已完成,但是在受信任根憑證授權單位憑證存放區中找不到用來驗證伺服器憑證的憑證,因此驗證失敗。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because a certificate that validates the server certificate was not found in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store.
0x361遠端存取連線已完成,但是在受信任根憑證授權單位憑證存放區中用來驗證伺服器憑證的憑證無效,因此驗證失敗。 The remote zccess connection completed, but authentication failed because the certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store that validates the server certificate is not valid.
0x362遠端存取連線已完成,但是伺服器電腦上的憑證未指定伺服器名稱,因此驗證失敗。 The remote access connection completed, but authentication failed because the certificate on the server computer does not have a server name specified.
0x363關閉識別隱私權時,PEAP 外部識別與內部識別不同。 The PEAP outer identity is not same as the inner identity when identity privacy is turned OFF.
0x364無法建立遠端連線,因為無法解析遠端存取伺服器的名稱。 The remote connection was not made because the name of the remote access server did not resolve.
0x365為憑證提供的密碼無效。 Password provided for certificate is not valid.
0x366無法啟用介面,因為使用預先共用金鑰的驗證方法建立了目的地相同的多個介面。請變更目的地/驗證方法並啟用介面。 The Interface could not be enabled as more than one interface with same destination has been created with authentication method as Pre Shared Key. Change the destination/auth method and enable the interface.
0x367無法啟用該介面,因為找不到它的有效目的地。請確定已設定有效/可解析的目的地 IP,然後再試一次。 The Interface could not be enabled as no valid destination is found for it. Ensure that a valid/resolvable destination IP is configured and try again.
0x368介面的設定無效 The configuration for the interface is not valid
0x384路由器並未運作。%0 The router is not running.%0
0x385已經與介面連線。%0 The interface is already connected.%0
0x386路由器不認得指定的通訊協定識別元。%0 The specified protocol identifier is not known to the router.%0
0x387並未執行指定撥號介面管理員。%0 The Demand-dial Interface Manager is not running.%0
0x388已經有一個具有這個名稱的介面向路由器登錄了。%0 An interface with this name is already registered with the router.%0
0x389尚無具有這個名稱的介面向路由器登錄。%0 An interface with this name is not registered with the router.%0
0x38A尚未與介面連線。%0 The interface is not connected.%0
0x38B指定的通訊協定正在停止中。%0 The specified protocol is stopping.%0
0x38C介面已經連線,所以無法刪除。%0 The interface is connected and hence cannot be deleted.%0
0x38D尚未設定介面認證。%0 The interface credentials have not been set.%0
0x38E這個介面已經在連線的處理程序中。%0 This interface is already in the process of connecting.%0
0x38F已經在處理這個介面上的路由資訊更新。%0 An update of routing information on this interface is already in progress.%0
0x390介面設定不正確。已經有另一個介面連線到相同的遠端路由器介面。%0 The interface confugration in invalid. There is already another interface that is connected to the same inteface on the remote router.%0
0x391有一個遠端存取用戶端嘗試連線到保留給路由器的連接埠上。%0 A Remote Access Client attempted to connect over a port that was reserved for Routers only.%0
0x392一個指定撥號路由器嘗試連線到保留給遠端存取用戶端的連接埠上。%0 A Demand Dial Router attempted to connect over a port that was reserved for Remote Access Clients only.%0
0x393具有這個名稱的用戶端介面已經存在,而且目前已在連線狀態中。%0 The client interface with this name already exists and is currently connected.%0
0x394介面處於停用狀態。%0 The interface is in a disabled state.%0
0x395遠端同儕節點拒絕了驗證通訊協定。%0 The authentication protocol was rejected by the remote peer.%0
0x396沒有可用的驗證通訊協定。%0 There are no authentication protocols available for use.%0
0x397因為 RAS/VPN 伺服器用來確認您的使用者名稱及密碼的驗證通訊協定,與您連線設定檔中的設定不符,所以無法建立連線。%0 The connection could not be established because the authentication protocol used by the RAS/VPN server to verify your username and password could not be matched with the settings in your connection profile.%0
0x398遠端帳戶沒有遠端存取權限。%0 The remote account does not have Remote Access permission.%0
0x399遠端帳戶已到期。%0 The remote account has expired.%0
0x39A遠端帳戶已停用。%0 The remote account is disabled.%0
0x39B在這一天的這個時段中不允許遠端帳戶登入%0 The remote account is not permitted to logon at this time of day.%0
0x39C存取遠端同儕節點被拒,因為網域使用者名稱及(或)密碼不正確。%0 Access was denied to the remote peer because username and/or password is invalid on the domain.%0
0x39D沒有已啟用路由的連接埠可讓這個指定撥號介面使用。%0 There are no routing enabled ports available for use by this demand dial interface.%0
0x39E連接埠已經中斷連線,因為它處於非使用狀態。%0 The port has been disconnected due to inactivity.%0
0x39F介面目前無法連線。%0 The interface is not reachable at this time.%0
0x3A0指定撥號服務處在暫停狀態中。%0 The Demand Dial service is in a paused state.%0
0x3A1系統管理員已經中斷與介面的連線。%0 The interface has been disconnected by the administrator.%0
0x3A2驗證伺服器並未用適當的形式回應驗證要求。%0 The authentication server did not respond to authentication requests in a timely fashion.%0
0x3A3已經到達連接埠多重連結式連線的最大允許數目。%0 The maximum number of ports allowed for use in the multilinked connection has been reached.%0
0x3A4已經達到了使用者的連線時間限制。%0 The connection time limit for the user has been reached.%0
0x3A5LAN 介面的數目已經到達支援的最大限制。%0 The maximum limit on the number of LAN interfaces supported has been reached.%0
0x3A6指定撥號介面的數目已經到達支援的最大限制。%0 The maximum limit on the number of Demand Dial interfaces supported has been reached.%0
0x3A7遠端存取用戶端的數目已經到達支援的最大限制。%0 The maximum limit on the number of Remote Access clients supported has been reached.%0
0x3A8因為 BAP 原則的限制,連接埠已經中斷連線。%0 The port has been disconnected due to the BAP policy.%0
0x3A9因為另一個與您的類型相同的連線正在使用中,連入連線無法接受您的連線要求。%0 Because another connection of your type is in use, the incoming connection cannot accept your connection request.%0
0x3AA在網路上找不到 RADIUS 伺服器。%0 No RADIUS servers were located on the network.%0
0x3AB接收到一個來自 RADIUS 驗證伺服器無效的回應。 請確定您的 RADIUS 伺服器密碼 (會分辨大小寫) 設定是否正確。%0 An invalid response was received from the RADIUS authentication server.Make sure that the case sensitive secret pasword for the RADIUS server is set correctly.%0
0x3AC目前您沒有連線的使用權限。%0 You do not have permission to connect at this time.%0
0x3AD您沒有連線的使用權限來使用目前的裝置類型。%0 You do not have permission to connect using the current device type.%0
0x3AE因為 RAS/VPN 伺服器上設定的存取原則不允許使用您連線設定檔使用的驗證方法,所以無法建立連線。明確地說,這可能是因為 RAS/VPN 伺服器上選取的驗證方法和為它設定的存取原則,兩者之間的設定差異所造成的。%0 The connection could not be established because the authentication method used by your connection profile is not permitted for use by an access policy configured on the RAS/VPN server. Specifically, this could be due to configuration differences between the authentication method selected on the RAS/VPN server and the access policy configured for it.%0
0x3AF這個使用者需要 BAP。%0 BAP is required for this user.%0
0x3B0目前不允許該介面連線。%0 The interface is not allowed to connect at this time.%0
0x3B1儲存的路由器設定與目前的路由器不相容。%0 The saved router configuration is incompatible with the current router.%0
0x3B2RemoteAccess 偵測到無法自動遷移的舊使用者帳戶格式。如果您要以手動方式來遷移,請執行 XXXX。 RemoteAccess has detected older format user accounts that will not bemigrated automatically. To migrate these manually, run XXXX.
0x3B4路由器上已經安裝了傳輸。%0 The transport is already installed with the router.%0
0x3B5從 RADIUS 伺服器接收到封包中無效的簽章長度。%0 Received invalid signature length in packet from RADIUS server.%0
0x3B6從 RADIUS 伺服器接收到封包中無效的簽章。%0 Received invalid signature in packet from RADIUS server.%0
0x3B7未從 RADIUS 伺服器與 EAPMessage 一起接收到簽章。%0 Did not receive signature along with EAPMessage from RADIUS server.%0
0x3B8從 RADIUS 伺服器接收到具有無效長度或識別碼的封包。%0 Received packet with invalid length or Id from RADIUS server.%0
0x3B9從 RADIUS 伺服器接收到具有無效長度屬性的封包。%0 Received packet with attribute with invalid length from RADIUS server.%0
0x3BA從 RADIUS 伺服器接收到無效的封包。%0 Received invalid packet from RADIUS server.%0
0x3BB來自 RADIUS 伺服器封包中的授權者不符。%0 Authenticator does not match in packet from RADIUS server.%0
0x3BC未設定路由及遠端存取服務,或服務未執行。%0 Routing and Remote access server is either not configured or not running.%0
0x00004E21無法載入 NetBIOS 閘道 DLL 元件,因為發生下列錯誤: %1 Cannot load the NetBIOS gateway DLL component because of the following error: %1
0x00004E22無法存取登錄機碼值。 Cannot access registry key values.
0x00004E23無法列舉登錄機碼值。%1 Cannot enumerate Registry key values. %1
0x00004E24參數 %1 的類型不正確。 Parameter %1 has an invalid type.
0x00004E25無法列舉遠端存取連線管理員連接埠。%1 Cannot enumerate the Remote Access Connection Manager ports. %1
0x00004E26遠端存取服務並未設定為接收撥號呼叫,或是所有設定為接收撥號呼叫的連接埠都被其他應用程式使用。 The Remote Access Service is not configured to receive calls or all ports configured for receiving calls are in use by other applications.
0x00004E29%1 連接埠上的使用者連線已中斷,因為系統沒有足夠的可用記憶體。 The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because there is not enough memory available in the system.
0x00004E2A由於系統錯誤,%1 連接埠上使用者的連線已中斷。 The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to a system error.
0x00004E2B%1 連接埠上使用者的連線已中斷,因為區域網路上有嚴重的網路錯誤。 The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to a critical network error on the local network.
0x00004E2C%1 連接埠上使用者的連線已中斷,因為非同步網路上有嚴重的網路錯誤。 The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to a critical network error on the async network.
0x00004E2D連結到連接埠 %1 的通訊裝置目前並未發揮功能。 The communication device attached to port %1 is not functioning.
0x00004E30%1 連接埠上使用者的連線已被中斷,因為驗證交談中出現傳輸層級錯誤。 The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because there was a transport-level error during the authentication conversation.
0x00004E32無法重設 LANA %1 的網路介面卡。錯誤碼為資料。 Cannot reset the network adapter for LANA %1. The error code is the data.
0x00004E33遠端存取伺服器安全性失敗。找不到電腦名稱。GetComputerName 呼叫失敗。 Remote Access Server Security Failure. Cannot locate the computer name. GetComputerName call has failed.
0x00004E34遠端存取伺服器安全性失敗。無法新增 LANA %1 上安全性代理程式的通訊名稱。 Remote Access Server Security Failure. Cannot add the name for communication with the security agent on LANA %1.
0x00004E35遠端存取伺服器安全性失敗。無法存取 LANA %1 上的網路介面卡位址。 Remote Access Server Security Failure. Cannot access the network adapter address on LANA %1.
0x00004E36遠端存取伺服器安全性失敗。安全性代理程式已拒絕遠端存取伺服器要在 LANA %1 建立一個工作階段的呼叫。 Remote Access Server Security Failure. The security agent has rejected the Remote Access server's call to establish a session on LANA %1.
0x00004E37遠端存取伺服器安全性失敗。安全性代理程式已拒絕遠端存取伺服器要在 LANA %1 的這台電腦上啟動服務的要求。 Remote Access Server Security Failure. The security agent has rejected the Remote Access server's request to start the service on this computer on LANA %1.
0x00004E38遠端存取伺服器安全性失敗。嘗試用 LANA %1 上的安全性代理程式建立工作階段時,系統發生錯誤。錯誤碼為資料。 Remote Access Server Security Failure. A network error has occurred when trying to establish a session with the security agent on LANA %1. The error code is the data.
0x00004E39在連接埠 %1 的使用者連線已經中斷連線,因為沒有可用的作業系統資源。 The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because there are no operating system resources available.
0x00004E3A%1 連接埠上的使用者連線已中斷,因為使用者記憶體鎖定失敗。 The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because of a failure to lock user memory.
0x00004E3B遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為無法開啟 NDISWAN。 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because NDISWAN could not be opened.
0x00004E3C遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為它無法初始化安全性屬性。請嘗試重新啟動遠端存取連線管理員服務。如果問題持續發生,請連絡系統管理員。%1 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not initialize the security attributes. Try restarting the Remote Access Connection Manager service. If the problem persists, contact the system administrator. %1
0x00004E3D遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為沒有可用的端點。請嘗試重新啟動遠端存取連線管理員服務。如果問題持續發生,請連絡系統管理員。 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because no endpoints were available. Try restarting the Remote Access Connection Manager service. If the problem persists, contact the system administrator.
0x00004E3E遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為它無法載入一或多個通訊 DLL。請先確定您已安裝通訊硬體,然後重新啟動遠端存取連線管理員服務。如果問題持續發生,請連絡系統管理員。%1 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not load one or more communication DLLs. Ensure that your communication hardware is installed and then restart the Remote Access Connection Manager service. If the problem persists, contact the system administrator. %1
0x00004E3F遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為它在媒體 DLLs 中找不到連接埠資訊。%1 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not locate port information from media DLLs. %1
0x00004E40遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為它無法存取登錄中的通訊協定資訊。%1 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not access protocol information from the Registry. %1
0x00004E41遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為它無法登錄本機安全性授權。請嘗試重新啟動遠端存取連線管理員服務。如果問題持續發生,請連絡系統管理員。%1 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not register with the local security authority. Try restarting the Remote Access Connection Manager service. If the problem persists, contact the system administrator. %1
0x00004E42遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為它無法建立共用檔案對應。請嘗試重新啟動遠端存取連線管理員服務。如果問題持續發生,請連絡系統管理員。%1 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not create shared file mapping. Try restarting the Remote Access Connection Manager service. If the problem persists, contact the system administrator. %1
0x00004E43遠端存取連線管理員無法起動,因為它無法建立緩衝區。請嘗試重新啟動遠端存取連線管理員服務。如果問題持續發生,請連絡系統管理員。%1 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not create buffers. Try restarting the Remote Access Connection Manager service. If the problem persists, contact the system administrator. %1
0x00004E44遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為它無法存取資源。請嘗試重新啟動遠端存取連線管理員服務。如果問題持續發生,請連絡系統管理員。%1 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not access resources. Try restarting the Remote Access Connection Manager service. If the problem persists, contact the system administrator. %1
0x00004E45遠端存取連線管理員服務無法啟動,因為它無法啟動背景工作執行緒。請嘗試重新啟動遠端存取連線管理員服務。如果問題持續發生,請連絡系統管理員。 Remote Access Connection Manager service failed to start because it could not start worker threads. Try restarting the Remote Access Connection Manager service. If the problem persists, contact the system administrator.
0x00004E46遠端存取伺服器設定錯誤。找不到網路介面卡的 LANA 編號。使用 NBF 通訊協定來進行連線的遠端用戶端將只能存取本機電腦上的資源。 Remote Access Server Configuration Error. Cannot find the LANA numbers for the network adapters. Remote clients connecting with the NBF protocol will only be able to access resources on the local machine.
0x00004E4A遠端存取伺服器無法為連接埠 %1 的使用者連線配置路由,因為發生下列錯誤: %2 使用者已經中斷連線。請檢查您的遠端存取服務設定。 The Remote Access server cannot allocate a route for the user connected on port %1 because of the following error: %2 The user has been disconnected. Check the configuration of your Remote Access Service.
0x00004E4B無法在 [遠端存取服務] 的管理支援執行緒中配置記憶體。 Cannot allocate memory in the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service.
0x00004E4C無法在 [遠端存取服務] 的管理支援執行緒中建立例項執行緒。 Cannot create an instance thread in the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service.
0x00004E4D無法在 [遠端存取服務] 的管理支援執行緒中建立具名管道例項。 Cannot create a named pipe instance in the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service.
0x00004E4E[遠端存取服務] 的管理支援執行緒中出現一般的具名管道失敗。 General named pipe failure occurred in the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service.
0x00004E4F[遠端存取服務] 的管理支援執行緒收到一無效請求,可能來自下層的系統管理工具。系統不處理該請求。 An invalid request was sent to the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service, possibly from a down-level admin tool. The request was not processed.
0x00004E53在連接埠 %1 的使用者連線已經中斷連線,因為發生一個內部驗證錯誤。 The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because an internal authentication error occurred.
0x00004E54NetBIOS 閘道已經被設定來存取網路,但沒有可使用的網路介面卡。使用 NBF 通訊協定來進行連線的遠端用戶端將只能存取本機電腦上的資源。 The NetBIOS gateway has been configured to access the network but there are no network adapters available. Remote clients connecting with the NBF protocol will only be able to access resources on the local machine.
0x00004E55使用者 %1 在遠端工作站 %2 和網路伺服器 %3 之間,建立了 NetBIOS 工作階段。 The user %1 established a NetBIOS session between the remote workstation %2 and the network server %3.
0x00004E56遠端存取服務無法啟動,因為遠端存取連線管理員無法初始化,發生下列錯誤: %1 Remote Access Service failed to start because the Remote Access Connection Manager failed to initialize because of the following error: %1
0x00004E57無法為連線到連接埠 %3 的用戶端新增 LANA %2 的遠端電腦名稱 %1。錯誤碼是資料。 Cannot add the remote computer name %1 on LANA %2 for the client being connected on port %3. The error code is the data.
0x00004E58無法為已在連接埠 %3 中斷連線的用戶端移除 LANA %2 的遠端電腦名稱 %1。錯誤碼是資料。 Cannot delete the remote computer name %1 from LANA %2 for the client being disconnected on port %3. The error code is the data.
0x00004E59不能將遠端電腦群組名稱 %1 加在 LANA %2 上。錯誤碼為資料。 Cannot add the remote computer group name %1 on LANA %2. The error code is the data.
0x00004E5A不能刪除 LANA %2 上面的遠端電腦群組名稱 %1。錯誤碼為資料。 Cannot delete the remote computer group name %1 from LANA %2. The error code is the data.
0x00004E5B%1 上的數據機轉換到不支援的 BPS 速率。 The modem on %1 moved to an unsupported BPS rate.
0x00004E5C序列驅動程式無法配置適當的 I/O 佇列。如此將會造成不可靠的連線。 The serial driver could not allocate adequate I/O queues. This may result in an unreliable connection.
0x00004E5D[遠端存取連線管理員] 無法重新開啟 biplex 埠 %1。這個連接埠不可用來進行往來呼叫。重新啟動所有的 [遠端存取服務] 組件。 Remote Access Connection Manager could not reopen biplex port %1. This port will not be available for calling in or calling out. Restart all Remote Access Service components.
0x00004E5E內部錯誤: %2 的中斷連線操作完成,發生一個錯誤。%1 Internal Error: Disconnect operation on %2 completed with an error. %1
0x00004E5F遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為「通訊協定」引擎 [%2] 無法初始化。%1 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because the Protocol engine [%2] failed to initialize. %1
0x00004E60由於所有通訊協定引擎無法初始化,所以遠端存取服務無法啟動。%1 Remote Access service failed to start because the all Protocol engine failed to initialize. %1
0x00004E61遠端存取閘道 Proxy 無法建立處理程序。 The Remote Access Gateway Proxy could not create a process.
0x00004E62遠端存取閘道 Proxy 無法建立具名管道。 The Remote Access Gateway Proxy could not create a named pipe.
0x00004E63遠端存取閘道 Proxy 無法與遠端存取 Supervisor Proxy 建立具名管道連線。 The Remote Access Gateway Proxy could not establish a named pipe connection with the Remote Access Supervisor Proxy.
0x00004E64從遠端存取 Proxy 的具名管道進行讀取時發生一般錯誤。 A general error occurred reading from the named pipe in the Remote Access Proxy.
0x00004E65無法開啟,或無法取得 PPP 識別碼或子機碼資訊。%1 Cannot open or obtain information about the PPP key or one of its subkeys. %1
0x00004E66點對點通訊協定引擎無法載入 %1 模組。%2 Point to Point Protocol engine was unable to load the %1 module. %2
0x00004E67在初始化時,點對點通訊協定模組 %1 傳回一個錯誤。%2 The Point to Point Protocol module %1 returned an error while initializing. %2
0x00004E68點對點通訊協定無法載入所需的 PAP 和/或 CHAP 確認模組。 The Point to Point Protocol failed to load the required PAP and/or CHAP authentication modules.
0x00004E6F系統不支援 %3 連接埠上使用者 %1\\%2 的軟體版本。連線已被中斷。 The software version of the user %1\\%2 connected on port %3 is unsupported. The line has been disconnected.
0x00004E70伺服器電腦的設定需要資料編碼。%3 連接埠上的使用者 %1\\%2 的電腦不支援編碼。連線已被中斷。 The server machine is configured to require data encryption. The machine for user %1\\%2 connected on port %3 does not support encryption. The line has been disconnected.
0x00004E71遠端存取伺服器安全性失敗。無法重設 lana %1 (錯誤碼為資料)。未執行安全性檢查。 Remote Access Server Security Failure. Could not reset lana %1 (the error code is the data). Security check not performed.
0x00004E72遠端存取伺服器無法重設 lana %1 (錯誤碼為資料),所以無法在 lana 上使用。 The Remote Access Server could not reset lana %1 (the error code is the data) and will not be active on it.
0x00004E74遠端存取伺服器將停止使用 IP 位址 %1 (原因可能是它無法從 DHCP 伺服器上更新租用,系統管理員在靜態位址集區和 DHCP 位址間進行切換,或系統管理員變更 DHCP 位址到一個不同的網路)。所有使用 IP 的連線使用者將無法存取網路上的資源。使用者可以重新連接到伺服器來還原 IP 連線。 The Remote Access Server will stop using IP Address %1 (either because it was unable to renew the lease from the DHCP Server, the administrator switched between static address pool and DHCP addresses, or the administrator changed to a different network for DHCP addresses). All connected users using IP will be unable to access network resources. Users can re-connect to the server to restore IP connectivity.
0x00004E75遠端存取伺服器無法從 DHCP 伺服器更新 IP 位址 %1 的租用。指派給這個 IP 位址的使用者將無法使用 IP 來存取網路資源。如果重新連線到伺服器,可以還原 IP 連線能力。 The Remote Access Server was unable to renew the lease for IP Address %1 from the DHCP Server. The user assigned with this IP address will be unable to access network resources using IP. Re-connecting to the server will restore IP connectivity.
0x00004E76[遠端存取伺服器] 無法從 DHCP 伺服器取得 IP 位址以指派給連入的使用者。 The Remote Access Server was unable to acquire an IP Address from the DHCP Server to assign to the incoming user.
0x00004E77[遠端存取伺服器] 無法從 DHCP 伺服器取得 IP 位址供伺服器介面卡使用。連入的使用者將無法取得連線所需的 IP。 The Remote Access Server was unable to acquire an IP Address from the DHCP Server to be used on the Server Adapter. Incoming user will be unable to connect using IP.
0x00004E78遠端存取伺服器取得使用於伺服器介面的 IP 位址 %1。 The Remote Access Server acquired IP Address %1 to be used on the Server Adapter.
0x00004E7A寫入遠端存取 Proxy 具名管道時發生一般錯誤。 A general error occurred writing to the named pipe in the Remote Access Proxy.
0x00004E7B無法開啟 RAS 安全性主機登錄機碼。發生下列錯誤: %1 Cannot open the RAS security host Registry key. The following error occurred: %1
0x00004E7C無法載入安全性主機模組元件。發生下列錯誤: %1 Cannot load the Security host module component. The following error occurred: %1
0x00004E7D使用者 %1 已經連線,但無法通過連接埠 %2 的協力廠商安全性驗證。 The user %1 has connected and failed to authenticate with a third party security on port %2. The line has been disconnected.
0x00004E7E連接埠 %1 的使用者連線已經中斷,因為協力廠商安全性模組發生下列內部驗證錯誤: %2 The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because the following internal authentication error occurred in the third party security module: %2
0x00004E80使用者被協力廠商的安全性主機模組驗證成 %1,但是被 RAS 安全性驗證成 %2。使用者已經中斷連線。 The user was authenticated as %1 by the third party security host module but was authenticated as %2 by the RAS security. The user has been disconnected.
0x00004E82使用者無法連線連接埠 %1。遠端存取伺服器的 NetBIOS 通訊協定已經停用。 A user was unable to connect on port %1. The NetBIOS protocol has been disabled for the Remote Access Server.
0x00004E83無法存取 %1 的登錄數值。 Cannot access Registry value for %1.
0x00004E84無法存取登錄機碼 %1。 Cannot access the Registry key %1.
0x00004E85使用登錄參數的預設值 %1,因為您所指定的值不在參數的合法範圍內。 Using the default value for Registry parameter %1 because the value given is not in the legal range for the parameter.
0x00004E86無法列舉登錄機碼 %1 的機碼。 Cannot enumerate keys of Registry key %1.
0x00004E87無法載入 %1。 Unable to load %1.
0x00004E88記憶體配置失敗。 Memory allocation failure.
0x00004E89無法從登錄載入介面 %1。發生下列錯誤: %2 Unable to load the interface %1 from the registry. The following error occurred: %2
0x00004E8ARoutingDomainID- %1: 無法用路由器管理員為通訊協定 %3 新增介面 %2。發生下列錯誤: %4 RoutingDomainID- %1: Unable to add the interface %2 with the Router Manager for the %3 protocol. The following error occurred: %4
0x00004E8BRoutingDomainID- %1: 無法用路由器管理員為通訊協定 %3 移除介面 %2。發生下列錯誤: %4 RoutingDomainID- %1: Unable to remove the interface %2 with the Router Manager for the %3 protocol. The following error occurred: %4
0x00004E8C無法開啟連接埠 %1 以供使用。%2 Unable to open the port %1 for use. %2
0x00004E8E在嘗試初始連線時,連接埠 %1 的點對點通訊協定模組發生一個錯誤。%2 An error occurred in the Point to Point Protocol module on port %1 while trying to initiate a connection. %2
0x00004E8FRoutingDomainID- %1: 在連接埠 %3 上成功初始遠端介面 %2 的指定撥號連線,但操作無法全部完成,因為發生下列錯誤: %4 RoutingDomainID- %1: A Demand Dial connection to the remote interface %2 on port %3 was successfully initiated but failed to complete successfully because of the following error: %4
0x00004E90無法開啟協力廠商的 RAS 管理主機 DLL 登錄機碼。發生下列錯誤: %1 Cannot open the RAS third party administration host DLL Registry key. The following error occurred: %1
0x00004E91無法載入 RAS 協力廠商系統管理的 DLL 元件。發生下列錯誤: %1 Cannot load the RAS third party administration DLL component. The following error occurred: %1
0x00004E92服務無法接收呼叫。並未設定可使用的通訊協定。 The Service will not accept calls. No protocols were configured for use.
0x00004E9DRoutingDomainID- %1: 無法成功初始化遠端介面 %2 的指定撥號持續連線。發生下列錯誤: %3 RoutingDomainID- %1: A Demand Dial persistent connection to the remote interface %2 failed to be initiated successfully. The following error occurred: %3
0x00004E9E一個從 %1 到 %2 透過通訊協定 0x%3 傳送的封包導致介面 %4 連線。封包最前面 %5 個位元組在資料中。 A packet from %1 destined to %2 over protocol 0x%3 caused interface %4 to be brought up. The first %5 bytes of the packet are in the data.
0x00004E9FRoutingDomainID- %1: 指定撥號介面 %2 並未載入。在指定撥號模式中並未啟動路由器。 RoutingDomainID- %1: The Demand Dial interface %2 was not loaded. The router was not started in in Demand Dial mode.
0x00004EA4遠端存取連線管理員無法啟動,因為 RAS RPC 模組無法初始化。%1 Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because the RAS RPC module failed to initialize. %1
0x00004EAARoutingDomainID- %1: 有一個連線到遠端介面 %2 的指定撥號無法起始。發生下列錯誤: %3 RoutingDomainID- %1: A Demand Dial connection to the remote interface %2 failed to be initiated successfully. The following error occurred: %3
0x00004EAF無法從登錄載入 %1。這個指定撥號介面沒有可用的路由連接埠。請使用路由及遠端存取系統管理工具來設定這個介面,使用已啟用路由的裝置。請停止並重新啟動指定撥號介面的路由,才能從登錄載入介面。 Unable to load the interface %1 from the registry. There are no routing enabled ports available for use by this demand dial interface. Use the Routing and RemoteAccess Administration tool to configure this interface to use a device that is routing enabled. Stop and restart the router for this demand dial interface to be loaded from the registry.
0x00004EB0指定撥號介面 %1 並未與路由器登記。Windows NT 工作站不支援指定撥號介面。 The Demand-Dial interface %1 was not registered with the Router. Demand-Dial interfaces are not supported on a Windows NT Workstation.
0x00004EB1無法初始化遠端存取以及路由服務以接受使用 TCP/IP 傳輸通訊協定的呼叫。發生下列錯誤: %1 Cannot initialize the Remote Access and Router service to accept calls using the TCP/IP transport protocol. The following error occurred: %1
0x00004EB2RADIUS 伺服器 %1 並未回應起始要求。請確定伺服器名稱或 IP 位址及密碼正確。 The RADIUS server %1 did not respond to the initial request. Please make sure that the server name or IP address and secret are correct.
0x00004EB3遠端存取服務無法啟動,因為點對點並未成功初始化。%1 The Remote Access service failed to start because the Point to Point was not initialized successfully. %1
0x00004EB4RADIUS 伺服器名稱 %1 無法成功解析成 IP 位址。請確定名稱輸入正確,而且 RADIUS 伺服器正確執行。 The RADIUS server name %1 could not be successfully resolved to an IP address. Please make sure that the name is spelled correctly and that the RADIUS server is running correctly.
0x00004EB5沒有任何通用設定支援 IP 路由器管理員。請重新執行安裝程式。 No global configuration was supplied to the IP Router Manager. Please rerun setup.
0x00004EB6無法新增介面 %1 的指定撥號篩選器 Unable to add demand dial filters for interface %1
0x00004EB7點對點通訊協定模組 %2 中的控制通訊協定 %1 在初始化時傳回一個錯誤。%3 The Control Protocol %1 in the Point to Point Protocol module %2 returned an error while initializing. %3
0x00004EB8無法載入目前設定的驗證提供者,而且初始化失敗。%1 The currently configured authentication provider failed to load and initialize successfully. %1
0x00004EB9無法載入目前設定的帳戶處理提供者,並且初始化失敗。%1 The currently configured accounting provider failed to load and initialize successfully. %1
0x00004EBD介面 %1 無法啟用成多點傳送。%2 將不會在這個介面上啟動。 The interface %1 could not be enabled for multicast. %2 will not be activated over this interface.
0x00004EC5介面 %2 到連接埠 %1 的連線已經建立,但並未取得任何 IP 位址。 A connection has been established on port %1 using interface %2, but no IP address was obtained.
0x00004EC6介面 %2 到連接埠 %1 的連線已經建立,但遠端部分並未取得任何 IP 位址。 A connection has been established on port %1 using interface %2, but the remote side got no IP address.
0x00004EC7RoutingDomainID- %1: 無法提供撥入用戶端任何可用的 IP 位址。 RoutingDomainID- %1: No IP address is available to hand out to the dial-in client.
0x00004EC8無法抓取遠端存取伺服器的憑證,因為下列的錯誤: %1 Could not retrieve the Remote Access Server's certificate due to the following error: %1
0x00004EC9無法連絡一個 DHCP 伺服器。自動私人 IP 位址 %1 將被指派給撥入用戶端。用戶端可能無法存取網路上的資源。 Unable to contact a DHCP server. The Automatic Private IP Address %1 will be assigned to dial-in clients. Clients may be unable to access resources on the network.
0x00004ECA使用者 %1 已經連線,其驗證失敗,因為下列錯誤: %2 The user %1 has connected and failed to authenticate because of the following error: %2
0x00004ECB無法在連接埠 %1 上套用 IP 安全性,因為錯誤: %2。這個連接埠將不接受任何撥號。 Failed to apply IP Security on port %1 because of error: %2. No calls will be accepted to this port.
0x00004ECC多點傳送領域與 %1 不相符:本機設定名稱 \"%2\",遠端設定名稱 \"%3\"。 Multicast scope mismatch with %1: Locally-configured name \"%2\", Remotely-configured name \"%3\".
0x00004ECD領域 \"%1\" 的多點傳送領域不相符,本機設定名稱 \"%4-%5\",遠端設定名稱 \"%2-%3\"。 Multicast scope address mismatch for scope \"%1\", Locally-configured range is %4-%5, Remotely-configured range is %2-%3
0x00004ECE已偵測到這台電腦和 %1 間多點傳送的本機領域可能發生溢位。因為 %2 似乎已經存在一個界線,但本機領域則沒有。如果這個警告持續存在,某個問題可能存在。 Possible leaky multicast Local Scope detected between this machine and %1, since a boundary appears to exist for %2, but not for the local scope. If this warning continues to occur, a problem likely exists.
0x00004ECF多點傳送領域 '%1' 是 non-convex,因為界線路由器 %2 可能在框線外。 Multicast scope '%1' is non-convex, since border router %2 appears to be outside.
0x00004ED0多點傳送領域 '%1' 偵測到一個溢位。下列中的路由器有一個設定不正確: %2 A leak was detected in multicast scope '%1'. One of the following routers is misconfigured: %2
0x00004ED1介面 %1 目前無法連線,原因是 %2。 Interface %1 is unreachable because of reason %2.
0x00004ED2介面 %1 現在可以連線。 Interface %1 is now reachable.
0x00004ED3RoutingDomainID- %1: 介面 %2 無法連線,因為沒有這個介面可以使用的數據機 (或其他連線裝置)。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Interface %2 is unreachable because there are no modems (or other connecting devices) available for use by this interface.
0x00004ED4RoutingDomainID- %1: 介面 %2 無法連線,因為連線嘗試失敗。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Interface %2 is unreachable because the connection attempt failed.
0x00004ED5RoutingDomainID- %1: 介面 %2 無法連線,因為它已被系統管理員停用。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Interface %2 is unreachable because it has been administratively disabled.
0x00004ED6RoutingDomainID- %1: 介面 %2 無法連線,因為路由及遠端存取服務目前處於暫停狀態。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Interface %2 is unreachable because the Routing and RemoteACcess service is in a paused state.
0x00004ED7RoutingDomainID- %1: 介面 %2 無法連線,因為它不能在此時進行連線。請檢查這個介面的撥出時段設定。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Interface %2 is unreachable because it is not allowed to connect at this time. Check the dial-out hours configured on this interface.
0x00004ED8RoutingDomainID- %1: 介面 %2 無法連線,因為它目前並未連線到網路。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Interface %2 is unreachable because it is not currently connected to the network.
0x00004ED9RoutingDomainID- %1: 介面 %2 無法連線,因為這個介面的網路卡已被移除。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Interface %2 is unreachable because the network card for this interface has been removed.
0x00004EDARoutingDomainID- %1: 介面 %2 現在可以連線。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Interface %2 is now reachable.
0x00004EDE因為尚未設定憑證讓用戶端以 EAP-TLS 撥入,所以將預設憑證傳送給使用者 %1。請進入使用者的 [遠端存取原則],然後設定可延伸驗證通訊協定 (EAP)。 Because no certificate has been configured for clients dialing in with EAP-TLS, a default certificate is being sent to user %1. Please go to the user's Remote Access Policy and configure the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).
0x00004EDF因為找不到設定為讓用戶端以 EAP-TLS 撥入的憑證,所以將預設憑證傳送給使用者 %1。請進入使用者的 [遠端存取原則],然後設定可延伸驗證通訊協定 (EAP)。 Because the certificate that was configured for clients dialing in with EAP-TLS was not found, a default certificate is being sent to user %1. Please go to the user's Remote Access Policy and configure the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).
0x00004EE0找不到憑證。透過 IPSec 使用 L2TP 通訊協定的連線要求安裝機器憑證 (也稱為電腦憑證)。L2TP 呼叫將不會被接受。 A certificate could not be found. Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPsec require the installation of a machine certificate, also known as a computer certificate. No L2TP calls will be accepted.
0x00004EE1CoID=%1: 設定使用者 %2 在連接埠 %3 上的 IP 封包篩選器時發生錯誤。 CoID=%1: An error occurred while configuring IP packet filters for user %2 over port %3.
0x00004EE4從 RADIUS 伺服器 %1 接受到無效的回應。%2 An invalid response was received from the RADIUS server %1. %2
0x00004EE5RAS 音訊加速無法 %1。%2 Ras Audio Acceleration failed to %1. %2
0x00004EE6為驗證選擇 RADIUS 伺服器 %1。 Choosing radius server %1 for authentication.
0x00004EE7不再支援 IPinIP 通道介面 IPinIP tunnel interfaces are no longer supported
0x00004EEA嘗試還原模擬時,發生錯誤。 An error occurred while trying to revert impersonation.
0x00004EEB無法載入安全性主機模組元件。發生下列錯誤: %1 不是正確的 win32 應用程式。 Cannot load the Security host module component. The following error occurred: %1 is not a valid win32 application.
0x00004EEC無法載入 RAS 協力廠商系統管理 DLL 元件。發生下列錯誤: %1 不是正確的 win32 應用程式。 Cannot load the RAS third party administration DLL component. The following error occurred: %1 is not a valid win32 application.
0x00004EED已不再支援 IPX 路由。 IPX routing is no longer supported.
0x00004EEE磁碟已滿。已刪除較舊的記錄檔 %1 來建立可用的磁碟空間。 Disk full. Deleted older logfile %1 to create free space.
0x00004EEF磁碟已滿。無法刪除較舊的記錄檔 %1 來建立可用的磁碟空間。 Disk full. Could not delete older logfile %1 to create free space.
0x00004EF0磁碟已滿。找不到較舊的記錄檔來刪除並建立可用的磁碟空間。 Disk full. Could not find older logfile to delete and create free space.
0x00004EF1VPN 伺服器與 VPN 用戶端 %1 之間的連線已經建立,但是無法完成 VPN 連線。很可能是因為在 VPN 用戶端與 VPN 伺服器之間,防火牆或路由器並未設定允許 Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) 通訊協定封包 (通訊協定 47)。 A connection between the VPN server and the VPN client %1 has been established, but the VPN connection cannot be completed. The most common cause for this is that a firewall or router between the VPN server and the VPN client is not configured to allow Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) packets (protocol 47).
0x00004EF3網路存取保護 (NAP) 強制用戶端無法在以下的遠端存取連線啟動 PPP 重新交涉: %d。某些網路服務或資源可能無法使用。如果問題持續發生,請中斷連線並再次嘗試遠端存取連線,或是連絡遠端存取伺服器的系統管理員。 The Network Access Protection (NAP) enforcement client could not start PPP renegotiation on the following remote access connection: %d. Some network services or resources might not be available. If the problem persists, disconnect and retry the remote access connection or contact the administrator for the remote access server.
0x00004EF4傳送到網路存取保護代理 (NAPAgent) 的要求已經失敗。某些網路服務或資源可能無法使用。如果問題持續發生,請中斷連線並再次嘗試遠端存取連線,或是連絡遠端存取伺服器的系統管理員。 The request sent to the Network Access Protection Agent (NAPAgent) failed. Some network services or resources might not be available. If the problem persists, disconnect and retry the remote access connection or contact the administrator for the remote access server.
0x00004EF5網路存取保護 (NAP) 強制用戶端接收到下列遠端存取連線的不正確要求: %d。連線不存在。請重試遠端存取連線。如果問題持續發生,請確定您可以連線到網際網路,然後連絡遠端存取伺服器的系統管理員。 The Network Access Protection (NAP) enforcement client received an invalid request for the following remote access connection: %d. The connection does not exist. Retry the remote access connection. If the problem persists, make sure that you can connect to the Internet, and then contact the administrator for the remote access server.
0x00004EF6網路存取保護 (NAP) 強制用戶端接收到遠端存取連線的不正確要求。某些網路服務或資源可能無法使用。如果問題持續發生,請中斷連線並再次嘗試遠端存取連線,或是連絡遠端存取伺服器的系統管理員。 The Network Access Protection (NAP) enforcement client received an invalid request for the remote access connection. Some network services or resources might not be available. If the problem persists, disconnect and retry the remote access connection or contact the administrator for the remote access server.
0x00004EF7IAS/RADIUS 伺服器傳遞不正確的 RADIUS 屬性數值到執行路由及遠端存取的伺服器: 屬性類型 %1、廠商識別碼 %2、廠商特定類型 %3。請使用 netsh ras 設定追蹤命令啟用封包追蹤。請確定 RADIUS 封包符合 RFC 2548 指定的標準。 The IAS/RADIUS server has passed an invalid value to the server running Routing and Remote Access for the following RADIUS attribute: Attribute Type %1, Vendor ID %2, Vendor specific type %3. Use the netsh ras set trace command to enable packet tracing. Ensure that the RADIUS packets conform to the standards specified in RFC 2548.
0x00004EF8無法啟動路由及遠端存取服務。可能的原因是 %1 通訊協定並未在遠端存取伺服器上安裝。 The Routing and Remote Access service could not start. The most common reason could be because %1 protocol is not installed on the remote access server.
0x00004EF9嘗試停用路由及遠端存取服務的 %1 封包篩選時發生錯誤。 An error occurred while trying to disable %1 packet filtering for Routing and Remote Access service.
0x00004EFA嘗試啟用路由及遠端存取服務的 %1 封包篩選時發生錯誤。 An error occurred while trying to enable %1 packet filtering for Routing and Remote Access service.
0x00004EFB%1 封包篩選已經停用。路由及遠端存取服務設定的靜態篩選器將不會套用。 %1 packet filtering has been disabled. Static filters configured for Routing and Remote Access service will not be applied.
0x00004EFC使用裝置 %2 連至 %1 的連線已終止。%3 The connection to %1 made using device %2 was terminated. %3
0x00004EFDCoId=%1: 使用者 %2 已開始使用名為 %5 的 %4 連線設定檔來撥接 %3 連線。連線設定是: %6。 CoId=%1: The user %2 has started dialing a %3 connection using a %4 connection profile named %5. The connection settings are: %6.
0x00004EFECoId=%1: 使用者 %2 嘗試使用下列裝置來為名為 %3 的連線,建立連至遠端存取伺服器的連結: %4。 CoId=%1: The user %2 is trying to establish a link to the Remote Access Server for the connection named %3 using the following device: %4.
0x00004EFFCoId=%1: 使用者 %2 已成功地使用下列裝置建立連至遠端存取伺服器的連結: %3。 CoId=%1: The user %2 has successfully established a link to the Remote Access Server using the following device: %3.
0x00004F00CoId=%1: 使用者 %2 已建立連至遠端存取伺服器的連結。 CoId=%1: The link to the Remote Access Server has been established by user %2.
0x00004F01CoId=%1: 使用者 %2 已撥接名為 %3 的連線,已成功地連線到遠端存取伺服器。連線參數是: %4。 CoId=%1: The user %2 has dialed a connection named %3 to the Remote Access Server which has successfully connected. The connection parameters are:%4.
0x00004F02CoId=%1: 使用者 %2 撥接名為 %3 的連線已終止。傳回的終止理由代碼是 %4。 CoId=%1: The user %2 dialed a connection named %3 which has terminated. The reason code returned on termination is %4.
0x00004F03CoId=%1: 使用者 %2 撥接名為 %3 的連線已失敗。傳回的失敗錯誤碼是 %4。 CoId=%1: The user %2 dialed a connection named %3 which has failed. The error code returned on failure is %4.
0x00004F04具有相互關聯識別碼 %1 的遠端存取連線已啟用網路存取保護 (NAP) 強制。此連線的對應 NAP 相互關聯識別碼是 %2。 The remote access connection with the correlation ID %1 has Network Access Protection (NAP)-Enforcement enabled on it. The corresponding NAP correlation ID for this connection is %2.
0x00004F05具有相互關聯識別碼 %1 的遠端存取連線已收到伺服器對其健康情況聲明 (SoH) 的意外/不相符的回應。此交易的 NAP 相互關聯識別碼是 %2。 The remote access connection with the correlation ID %1 received an unexpected/mismatched response to its Statement of Health (SoH) from the server. The NAP correlation ID for this transaction is %2.
0x00004F06使用者 %1 在連接埠 %2 的連線已經中斷,因為從 RADIUS 伺服器收到的工作階段逾時已經到期。這個連線只從 RRAS 伺服器收到 IPv6 位址,而此位址無法用來設定 NPS 伺服器上只有 IPv6 連線的 MS-Quarantine-Session-Timeout 屬性。 The connection from user %1 on port %2 has been disconnected because the Session Timeout received from the RADIUS server has expired. This connection received only an IPv6 address from the RRAS server and it is invalid to configure the MS-Quarantine-Session-Timeout attribute on the NPS server for IPv6-only connections.
0x00004F17CoId=%1: 無法在連接埠 %2 上接收初始框架,因為發生下列錯誤: %3 使用者已經中斷連線。 CoId=%1: Cannot receive initial frame on port %2 because of the following error: %3 The user has been disconnected.
0x00004F18CoId=%1: 由於沒有進行活動,%2 連接埠上使用者的連線已被中斷。 CoId=%1: The user connected to port %2 has been disconnected due to inactivity.
0x00004F19CoId=%1: %2 使用者連線到連接埠 %3,但驗證失敗。該連線已被中斷。 CoId=%1: The user %2 has connected and failed to authenticate on port %3. The line has been disconnected.
0x00004F1ARoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: 使用者 %3 已連線,而且已經在連接埠 %4 上驗證成功。 RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: The user %3 has connected and has been successfully authenticated on port %4.
0x00004F1BRoutingDomainID- %1: CoId=%2: 使用者 %3 在 %5 %6 連線到連接埠 %4,並在 %7 %8 中斷連線。使用者使用了 %9 分鐘 %10 秒。傳送了 %11 個位元組,接收了 %12 個位元組。連接埠速度是 %13。中斷連線的理由是 %14。使用的通道是 %15。隔離狀態是 %16。 RoutingDomainID- %1: CoId=%2: The user %3 connected on port %4 on %5 at %6 and disconnected on %7 at %8. The user was active for %9 minutes %10 seconds. %11 bytes were sent and %12 bytes were received. The port speed was %13. The reason for disconnecting was %14. The tunnel used was %15. The quarantine state was %16.
0x00004F1CCoId=%1: 由於驗證處理並未在要求的時間內完成,連線到連接埠 %2 的使用者連線已被中斷。 CoId=%1: The user connected to port %2 has been disconnected because the authentication process did not complete within the required amount of time.
0x00004F1DRoutingDomainID- %1: CoId=%2: 已中斷連線到連接埠 %4 的使用者 %3 的連線,因為未能與網路通訊協定成功交涉。 RoutingDomainID- %1: CoId=%2: The user %3 connected to port %4 has been disconnected because no network protocols were successfully negotiated.
0x00004F1ECoId=%1: 連接埠 %3 上的使用者 %2 從號碼 %4 接受回撥。 CoId=%1: The user %2 on port %3 was called back at the number %4.
0x00004F1FCoId=%1: 連接埠 %2 的點對點通訊協定模組發生下列錯誤,UserName: %3。%4 CoId=%1: The following error occurred in the Point to Point Protocol module on port: %2, UserName: %3. %4
0x00004F20CoId=%1: %4 連接埠上使用者 %2\\%3 的密碼已到期。連線已中斷。 CoId=%1: The password for user %2\\%3 connected on port %4 has expired. The line has been disconnected.
0x00004F21CoId=%1: %4 連接埠上使用者 %2\\%3 的帳戶已到期。連線已中斷。 CoId=%1: The account for user %2\\%3 connected on port %4 has expired. The line has been disconnected.
0x00004F22CoId=%1: %4 連接埠上的使用者 %2\\%3 的帳戶沒有 [遠端存取] 權限。其連線已中斷。 CoId=%1: The account for user %2\\%3 connected on port %4 does not have Remote Access privilege. The line has been disconnected.
0x00004F23CoId=%1: 遠端存取伺服器嘗試回撥 %4 上連接埠 %3 的使用者 %2 失敗,因為發生下列錯誤: %5 CoId=%1: The Remote Access Server's attempt to callback user %2 on port %3 at %4 failed because of the following error: %5
0x00004F24CoId=%1: 無法在連接埠 %2 上接收初始資料,因為發生下列錯誤: %3 使用者已經中斷連線。 CoId=%1: Cannot receive initial data on port %2 because of the following error: %3 The user has been disconnected.
0x00004F25CoId=%1: 使用者無法連線到連接埠 %2。因為電腦已經超過它的用戶端使用權限制,所以無法再連線到這個遠端電腦。 CoId=%1: A user was unable to connect on port %2. No more connections can be made to this remote computer because the computer has exceeded its client license limit.
0x00004F26CoId=%1: 無法辨識連接埠 %2 所收到的初始框架。已經中斷連線。 CoId=%1: Cannot recognize initial frame received on port %2. The line has been disconnected.
0x00004F27CoID=%1: 連接埠 %2 已經中斷連線,因為它處於非使用狀態。 CoID=%1: The port %2 has been disconnected due to inactivity.
0x00004F28CoID=%1: 連接埠 %2 已經中斷連線,因為使用者到達系統管理員所定的最大連線時間。 CoID=%1: The port %2 has been disconnected because the user reached the maximum connect time allowed by the administrator.
0x00004F29RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: 使用者 %3 已經連線,而且已經在連接埠 %4 上驗證成功。透過這個連結所傳送及接收的資料已加密。 RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: The user %3 has connected and has been successfully authenticated on port %4. Data sent and received over this link is encrypted.
0x00004F2ARoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: 使用者 %3 已經連線,而且已經在連接埠 %4 上驗證成功。透過這個連結所傳送及接收的資料已加強加密。 RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: The user %3 has connected and has been successfully authenticated on port %4. Data sent and received over this link is strongly encrypted.
0x00004F2BCoID=%1: 使用者 %2 成功地使用裝置 %4 建立 %3 的連線。 CoID=%1: The user %2 successfully established a connection to %3 using the device %4.
0x00004F2CCoID=%1: 使用者 %3 使用裝置 %4 所建立的 %2 連線已中斷。 CoID=%1: The connection to %2 made by user %3 using device %4 was disconnected.
0x00004F2DCoId=%1: 使用者 %2 嘗試驗證失敗,因為下列原因: %3 CoId=%1: The user %2 failed an authentication attempt due to the following reason: %3
0x00004F2ECoID=%1: 嘗試在 %3 連線的使用者 %2 已中斷連線,因為下列原因: %4 CoID=%1: The user %2, attempting to connect on %3, was disconnected because of the following reason: %4
0x00004F2FCoId=%1: 由於以下原因,使用者 %2 由 %3 連線,但嘗試驗證時失敗: %4 CoId=%1: The user %2 connected from %3 but failed an authentication attempt due to the following reason: %4
0x00004F30RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: 使用者 %3 在 %5 %6 連線到連接埠 %4,並在 %7 %8 中斷連線。使用者使用了 %9 分鐘 %10 秒。傳送了 %11 位元組,接收了 %12 位元組。中斷連線的理由是 %13。使用的通道是 %14,隔離狀態是 %15。 RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: The user %3 connected on port %4 on %5 at %6 and disconnected on %7 at %8. The user was active for %9 minutes %10 seconds. %11 bytes were sent and %12 bytes were received. The reason for disconnecting was %13. The tunnel used was %14. The quarantine state was %15.
0x00004F32RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: 已指派位址 %5 給連線到連接埠 %4 的使用者 %3。 RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: The user %3 connected on port %4 has been assigned address %5
0x00004F33RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: IP 位址為 %3 的使用者已中斷連線。 RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: The user with ip address %3 has disconnected
0x00004F34CoId=%1: Layer=%2: SubLayer=%3: 因為選取的驗證通訊協定,嘗試在連接埠 %4 上的連線失敗。請檢查連線的用戶端與伺服器端的作業系統是否支援該驗證通訊協定 CoId=%1: Layer=%2: SubLayer=%3: The connection attempt failed on port: %4 because of the authentication protocol selected. Check to see if the authentication protocol is supported in the operating systems at the client and server ends of the connection
0x00004F35CoId=%1: 已成功處理名為 '%2' 之連線的 MOBIKE 更新。新的通道端點為 %3。 CoId=%1: Successfully processed MOBIKE update for connection named '%2'. The new tunnel end points are %3.
0x00004F36CoId=%1: 無法處理名為 '%2' 之連線的 MOBIKE 更新。傳回的錯誤碼為 %3。 CoId=%1: Unable to process MOBIKE update for connection named '%2'. The error code returned is %3.
0x00004F37CoId=%1: 正在停用連接埠 %4 上 %2\\\\%3 的 PPP AUTH。 CoId=%1: Disabling PPP AUTH for %2\\\\%3 on port %4.
0x00004F38RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: 伺服器的相互關聯識別碼是 %3。 RoutingDomainID- %1: CoID=%2: The correlation ID on the server is %3.
0x00004F39CoID=%1: 連線支援 MOBIKE。 CoID=%1: Connection supports MOBIKE.
0x00004F3ARoutingDomainID- %1: 無法在介面 %2 上啟用 IPv4 轉送,發生錯誤: %3。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Failed to enable IPv4 forwarding on interface %2 with error: %3.
0x00004F3BRoutingDomainID- %1: 無法在介面 %2 上停用 IPv4 轉送,發生錯誤: %3。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Failed to disable IPv4 forwarding on interface %2 with error: %3.
0x00004F3CRoutingDomainID- %1: 無法連接一或多個指定撥號介面的 IKEv2 原則。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Failed to plumb IKEv2 policies for one or more demand dial interfaces.
0x00004F3D找不到設定供 IKEv2 本機驗證使用的憑證。 Did not find the certificate configured to be used for IKEv2 local authentication.
0x00004F3E無法連接自訂 IKEv2 原則。 Failed to plumb the custom IKEv2 policy.
0x00004F3FRoutingDomainID- %1: 找不到設定供 IKEv2 連線之本機或遠端驗證使用的 PreSharedKey。 RoutingDomainID- %1: Did not find the PreSharedKey configured to be used for local or remote authentication for the IKEv2 connection.
0x00004F40RoutingDomainID- %1: 因為對應的介面未提供 IPv4 傳輸,所以未新增指定撥號連線的 IPv4 路由。 RoutingDomainID- %1: IPv4 routes are not added for the demand dial connection as IPv4 transport is not available on the corresponding interface.
0x00004F41RoutingDomainID- %1: 因為對應的介面未提供 IPv6 傳輸,所以未新增指定撥號連線的 IPv6 路由。 RoutingDomainID- %1: IPv6 routes are not added for the demand dial connection as IPv6 transport is not available on the corresponding interface.
0x00004F42正在停用 S2S 介面 %1 (RoutingDomain: %2) 因為未設定目的地 IP,或已設定之目的地 IP 位址的 DNS 解析失敗。若要啟用此介面,請設定目的地 IP 位址。若您是使用 FQDN,請確定正在解析該名稱。接著,嘗試啟用該介面。 Disabling S2S interface %1 (RoutingDomain: %2) because either there is no destination IP configured or DNS resolution failed for the configured destination IP address. To enable this interface, configure destination IP address. If you are using FQDN, make sure it is getting resolved. Then try to enable the interface.
0x00004F43%1 需要注意。 %1 requires attention.
0x00004F44抓取連線數目上限失敗。連線數目上限: %1。HResult: %2 Retrieving Max connections failed. MaxCon: %1. HResult: %2
0x10000038傳統 Classic
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-MPRMSG Microsoft-Windows-MPRMSG


File Name:mprmsg.dll.mui
File Size:46 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:多個通訊協定路由服務訊息 DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:routemsg.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:routemsg.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is mprmsg.dll.mui?

mprmsg.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file mprmsg.dll (多個通訊協定路由服務訊息 DLL).

File version info

File Description:多個通訊協定路由服務訊息 DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:routemsg.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:routemsg.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200