File name: | lpdsvc.dll.mui |
Size: | 8192 byte |
MD5: | 6efe2176813aabbe5a3a03ac099dc3ce |
SHA1: | e4d102b155509e8aee8a053e479796ef538847ce |
SHA256: | 620ff8fe832ddbb041e5e6b2e40cfed7eee945cfb42441466e9889ff84aa89ea |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Danish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Danish | English |
500 | Tjenesten LPD | LPD Service |
501 | Gør det muligt for klientcomputere at udskrive til tjenesten LPD (Line Printer Daemon) på serveren ved brug af TCP/IP og LPR-protokollen (Line Printer Remote). | Enables client computers to print to the Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service on this server using TCP/IP and the Line Printer Remote (LPR) protocol. |
503 | Windows LPD-server |
Windows LPD Server |
504 | Printer |
Printer |
505 | Ejer Status Jobnavn Job-id Størrelse Sider Prioritet |
Owner Status Jobname Job-Id Size Pages Priority |
506 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
507 | Fejl: Den angivne printer findes ikke. | Error: specified printer does not exist |
508 | Fejl: Status blev ikke rapporteret. | Error: could not report status |
509 | (Midlertidigt afbrudt) | (Paused) |
510 | (Afventer sletning) | (Pending Deletion) |
511 | ???? | ???? |
512 | Midlertidigt afbrudt | Paused |
513 | Fejl | Error |
514 | Sletter | Deleting |
515 | Sætter i kø | Spooling |
516 | Udskrivning | Printing |
517 | Offline | Offline |
518 | Papir mangler | Paperout |
519 | Udskrevet | Printed |
520 | Venter | Waiting |
521 | Slettet | Deleted |
522 | Blokeret enhedskø | Blocked Device Queue |
523 | Indgreb fra brugeren | User Intervention |
524 | Genstart | Restart |
525 | LPR-klientdokument | LPR client document |
10500 | Åbner den standardport, der bruges af LPD-protokol (Line Printer Daemon). | Opens the default port used by the Line Printer Daemon protocol. |
0x10000038 | Klassisk | Classic |
0x80000FA2 | %1 genoptog printeren %2. Der kræves ingen brugerhandling. | %1 successfully resumed printer %2. No user action is required. |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Spooler-LPDSVC | Microsoft-Windows-Spooler-LPDSVC |
0x90000002 | System | System |
0xC0000FA3 | Tjenesten LPD (Line Printer Daemon) blev ikke startet. Dette kan ske, hvis tjenesten LPD ikke kan opnå adgang til systemressourcer som hukommelse eller registreringsdatabasen. Kontroller den Windows-fejl, der returneres af denne hændelse, for at bestemme årsagen og derefter genstarte tjenesten LPD. | The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service failed to start. This can occur if the LPD service cannot gain access to system resources such as memory or the registry. Check the windows error returned by this event to determine the cause and then restart the LPD service. |
0xC0000FA4 | Tjenesten LPD (Line Printer Daemon) afviste en anmodning fra en klient, fordi systemet mangler ressourcer. Dette kan ske, hvis tjenesten LPD ikke kan opnå adgang til systemressourcer som hukommelse eller registreringsdatabasen. | The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service refused a request from a client because the system is out of resources. This can occur if the LPD service cannot gain access to system resources such as memory or the registry. |
0xC0000FA5 | Tjenesten LPD (Line Printer Daemon) modtog en forkert sekvens af kommandoer fra %1 og afviste udskriftsjobbet. | The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service received an improper sequence of commands from %1 and refused the print job. |
0xC0000FA6 | Tjenesten LPD (Line Printer Daemon) modtog et udskriftsjob fra %1 i et udskriftsformat, der ikke understøttes. Dette kan ske, hvis printerdriveren på klienten er konfigureret til at bruge en type udskriftsdata, der ikke understøttes af denne printer. Derfor vil dokumentet muligvis ikke blive udskrevet korrekt. | The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service received a print job from %1 in an unsupported print format. This can occur if the printer driver on the client is configured to use a print data type that is unsupported by this printer. The document may not print correctly as a result. |
0xC0000FA7 | %1 på %2 kunne ikke fjerne udskriftsjobbet sendt af %3 på %4, fordi brugeren ikke har tilladelse til administration af dokumenter. | %1 on %2 could not remove the print job submitted by %3 on %4 because the user does not have the Manage Documents permission. |
0xC0000FA8 | Tjenesten LPD (Line Printer Daemon) modtog kommandoer i et ugyldigt format fra %1 og afviste udskriftsjobbet. Dette kan ske, hvis klienten LPR (Line Printer Remote) ikke er kompatibel med Windows-tjenesten LPD og RFC (Request for Comments) 1179. Prøv at udskrive ved hjælp af en anden LPR-klient. | The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service received commands in an invalid format from %1 and refused the print job. This can occur if the Line Printer Remote (LPR) client is incompatible with the Windows LPD service and Request for Comments (RFC) 1179. Try printing using a different LPR client. |
0xC0000FA9 | Tjenesten LPD (Line Printer Daemon) afviste et udskriftsjob fra %2 til printer %1, fordi den angivne printer ikke eksisterer på denne computer. Prøv at udskrive fra klienten igen ved hjælp af det korrekte printernavn. | The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service refused a print job from %2 for printer %1 because the specified printer does not exist on this computer. Retry printing from the client using the correct printer name. |
0xC0000FAA | Tjenesten LPD (Line Printer Daemon) kunne ikke opfylde anmodningen fra %1, sandsynligvis på grund af netværksproblemer. Kontroller netværksforbindelsen mellem de to computere. | The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) service could not satisfy the request from %1, most likely because of network problems. Check network connectivity between the two computers. |
File Description: | Tjenesten LPD |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | lpdsvc.dll |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. |
Original Filename: | lpdsvc.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operativsystem |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x406, 1200 |