usercpl.dll.mui Panel Kènjizi ojiarụ 6e540c9eb0776ad79b69908862fb5a4a

File info

File name: usercpl.dll.mui
Size: 62976 byte
MD5: 6e540c9eb0776ad79b69908862fb5a4a
SHA1: 3dcb65fbdde29cde833476847808a7b985fac89d
SHA256: 34161760d8371c62de1b0750424cde7b60a7c90949ba573edc74bf2e1a576534
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Igbo language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Igbo English
1Akaụnt Ojiarụ gasị User Accounts
2Gbanwee nwube akaụnt ojiarụ ma okwuntụghe maka ndị mmadụ nwere nkesa na kọmputà a. Change user account settings and passwords for people who share this computer.
3Pịkịnye ebe a iji tinye Click here to type
4Gbanwee àmà akaụnt onye nke a, dịka ụdị akaụnt, aha, okwuntụghe, maọbụ foto, maọbụ kachapụ akaụnt nke a. Change this person’s account information, such as the account type, name, password, or picture, or delete this account.
5Gbanwee fòto akaụntụ ọbịa maọbụ gbochie ohere ọbịa na kọmputà a. Change the guest account picture or prevent guest access to this computer.
6Provide computer access for people without a user account on this computer. Provide computer access for people without a user account on this computer.
7Ihụ kọmputà Nnabata na-egosi aha ndị ọbụla nwere ntughe ojiarụ maka kọmputà a. Ihụ kọmputà a na-apụta mgbe ịbidoro kọmputà maọbụ nwee ngbanwụ ojiarụ. The Welcome screen shows the names of everyone with a user account for this computer. This screen appears when you start the computer or switch users.
8Na menù Mbido ị nwere ike ịhọrọ ihe omume kọmputà, dịka ngụpụta ozi-e ọhụrụ gasị maọbụ nchọgharị na Weebụ. Menù a bụ nkeonwe nye onye ọbụla na-eji kọmputà a. In the Start menu you can choose a computer activity, such as reading new e-mail messages or browsing the Web. This menu is personalized for everyone who shares this computer.
9A password hint can help you remember your password. A password hint can help you remember your password.
10Alò okwuntụghe nwere ike ịnyere onye a aka cheta okwuntụghe ya. A password hint can help this person remember his or her password.
11Windows enweghị ike ịmepe Panel Kènjizi Akaụnt Ojiarụ. Windows cannot open the User Accounts control panel.
12Amataghị ntughe ojiaru ọhụrụ ahụ. Bìdogharịa kọmputà ahụ ma mepekwa Akaụnt Ojiarụ gasị. The current user account is not recognized. Restart the computer and then open User Accounts.
13Okwuntụghe ndị nke ị kunyere adabaghị adaba. Biko kunyegharịa okwuntụghe ọhụrụ ahụ n'igbe abụọ ahụ. The passwords you typed do not match. Please retype the new password in both boxes.
14Okwuntụghe ahụ ịtinyere adịghị mma. Biko tinyegharịa okwuntụghe ọhụrụ gị. The password you typed is incorrect. Please retype your current password.
15Okwuntụghe nke ị tinyere emezughi ìwunjìème ihe ndị a chọrọ maka okwuntụghe. Nwaa iji otu nke dị ogologo karịa maọbụ ùkwù karịa. The password you entered doesn’t meet password policy requirements. Try one that’s longer or more complex.
16Windows enweghị ike ịgbanwe okwuntụghe ahụ. Windows cannot change the password.
17Windows enweghị ike iwepụ okwuntụghe ahụ. Okwuntụghe na/maọbụ iwunchịkwa gasị akaụnt chọrọ ka akaụnt ahu nwee okwuntụghe. Windows cannot remove the password. Password and/or account policies require the account to have a password.
18Aha ojiarụ gasị enweghi ike inwe mkpụrụedemede ndịa na-esote: / \ [ ] " : ; | + = , ? * % @
Biko tibànye otu aha dị iche.
User names can’t contain the following characters: / \ [ ] " : ; | + = , ? * % @
Please enter a different name.
19Enweghi ike iji aha akaụnt ahu maka na ọ bụ aha edotara edota.
Biko tibànye otu aha dị iche.
The account name cannot be used because it is a reserved name.
Please enter a different name.
20Aha ojiarụ ahu agaghị abụ aha kọmputà ahu.

Biko tinye aha dị iche.
The user name cannot be the same as the computer name.

Please type a different name.
21Otu nke ahọpụtara adịghị adị. The specified group does not exist.
22Otu akaụnt e nyere aha “%s” dị adị. Tinye aha dị iche. An account named “%s” already exists. Type a different name.
23Foto nke ahọpụtara bụ ụdị nke amaghị ama maọbụ akwadoghi ya. Họrọ foto nke dị iche. The specified picture is an unknown type or is not valid. Select a different picture.
24Enweghị igwe-ise foto maọbụ nchaaọkụ ńònyìnyò dị adị. Hụ na agbanyer igwe-ise foto ahụ agabnye, ma nwáa ọzọ. No camera or scanner is available. Make sure the camera is connected and is turned on, and then try again.
30Òjiarụ nke a abanyela. Tupu ị kachapụ akaụnt nke a, ị kwesịrị ịgafere na ya ma pụọ. Ọbụrụna ị gaa n'ihu n'emeghi nke a, ihe ègwù nke ntùfù datà nwere ike mee. Ị ka chọrọ ịga n'ihu? This user is signed in. Before you delete this account, you should switch to it and sign out. If you continue without doing this, there is a risk of data loss. Do you still want to continue?
31The Guest account is signed in. Before you can turn off the Guest account, you must switch to it and sign out. The Guest account is signed in. Before you can turn off the Guest account, you must switch to it and sign out.
34Windows enweghị ike ịkachapụ akaụnt nke ahụ nọ na mbanye ndịugbua. Windows can’t delete an account that is currently signed in.
37Okwuntụghe Chedoro Password protected
38Akaụnt ọbịa Guest account
39Kèizùgbe Standard
40Ụdị akaụnt amaghi Unknown account type
41Administrator Administrator
42Guest account is on Guest account is on
43Ntughe ọbịa adịghị n'ọrụ Guest account is off
44Windows enweghị ike iwepụ okwuntụghe ahụ. Windows cannot remove the password.
45Akaụnt gasị Ojiarụ User Accounts
46This action cannot be performed due to an account restriction. Please contact your administrator. This action cannot be performed due to an account restriction. Please contact your administrator.
47Akaụnt ebe Local Account
48Kepụta Akaunt Ọhụrụ Create New Account
49Gbanwee Akaụnt Change an Account
51Nyegharịa aha akaụnt Rename Account
52Gbanye Akaụnt Ọbịa Turn on Guest Account
53Gbanwee Ihenhọrọga Ọbịa Change Guest Options
54Jikwaa akaụnt gasị Manage Accounts
55Gbanwee Aha Gị Change Your Name
56Kachapụ akaụnt Delete Account
57Kwùo ńòjìnaka Nkachapụ Confirm Deletion
58Gbanwee Okwuntụghe Change Password
59Gbanwee Ụdị Akaịụnt Change Account Type
60Gbanwee Okwuntụghe Gị Change Your Password
62Kepụta Okwuntụghe Create Password
63Kepụta Okwuntụghe Gị Create Your Password
64Wepụ Okwuntụghe Remove Password
65Wepụ Okwuntụghe Gị Remove Your Password
66Gbanwee Ụdị Akaụnt Gị Change Your Account Type
67Windows enweghị ike ịbido mkparịta Ihenhọrọga dị elu. Windows failed to start the advanced options dialog.
68Windows ejirilarịị aha ahu na-arụ ọrụ. Biko tibànye otu aha ojiarụ dị iche. Windows is already using that name. Please enter a different user name.
69Fòto akaụntụ ojiarụ User account picture
70Taịlị akaụnt ojiarụ User account tile
71Panel Kènjizi akaụnt Ojiarụ User Accounts Control Panel
72Achọrọ ikikere onye nchịkwa Administrator privileges required
73Okwuntụghe ọhụrụ New password
74Kwùo ńòjìnaka okwuntụghe ọhụrụ Confirm new password
75Tinye alò okwuntụghe Type a password hint
76Okwuntụghe ndịugbua Current password
78Aha akaụnt ọhụrụ New account name
79Ènyemaka Help
80Faịlị̀ Onyinyo (*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg,*.png)|*.bmp;*.dib;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpe;*.jpeg;*.png;*.rle|Bitmapụ (*.bmp,*.dib,*.rle)|*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|PNG (*.png)|*.png|Faịlị̀ niile (*.*)|* Image Files (*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg,*.png)|*.bmp;*.dib;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpe;*.jpeg;*.png;*.rle|Bitmap (*.bmp,*.dib,*.rle)|*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|PNG (*.png)|*.png|All Files (*.*)|*
81O nwere akaụntụ na PC nke a ji akaụntụ Microsoft a arụ ọrụ. An account using this Microsoft account already exists on this PC.
82We couldn’t change your account because there’s already an account on this PC with this email address. We couldn’t change your account because there’s already an account on this PC with this email address.
91This program is blocked by group policy. For more information, contact your system administrator. This program is blocked by group policy. For more information, contact your system administrator.
92User Accounts Related Tasks Pane User Accounts Related Tasks Pane
93User Accounts Main Task Pane User Accounts Main Task Pane
94Ndepụta ojiarụ gasị List of users
95Panel Kènjizi Akaụnt Ojiarụ User Account Control Panel
100Kepụta diìsk nke mwubegharị okwuntụghe Create a password reset disk
101Jikọọ IDs ndị n'ọrụ Link online IDs
102Lekọta asambodo nzonye-àmà faịlị̀ gị Manage your file encryption certificates
103Hàkọọ profaịlị njìrìmaraihe gasị ojiarụ dị elu Configure advanced user profile properties
104Gbanwee ihe-ndịnagabanwe nke ebe m Change my environment variables
105Nchedo Ezinaụlọ Family Safety
106Jikwaa asambodo gị gasị Manage your credentials
121Aha ojiarụ maọbụ okwuntụghe ezighi ezi. Biko nwaa ọzọ. The username or password is incorrect. Please try again.
122Windows enweghi ike ikepụta akaụnt ahu. Windows could not create the account.
123Biko tibànye otu aha ojiarụ ma otu okwuntụghe. Please enter a username and a password.
130Gbakwụnye otu ojiarụ Add a user
140Keputa akaụnt nke ebe Create a local account
141Gbakwụnye otu akaụnt dọmeen Add a domain account
143Keputa akaụnt nke ebe dị ọhụrụ Create your new local account
144Tibànye ozi ndi na-esote iji kepụta akaunt nke ebe. Enter the following information to create a local account.
145Tinye aha ojiarụ mmadụ ma dọmeen iji nye onye ahu ikikere iji kọmputa nke a. Enter someone’s user name and domain to give that person permission to use this computer.
146Kwùo ńòjìnaka okwuntụghe Confirm password
147A chọ̀rọ̀ Required
148Aha ojiarụ ga-enwerirị mkpụrụedemede ana-ahụ anaya The user name must contain visible characters
149Ahà ojiarụ enweghi ike inwe mkpụrụedemede ndịa:
" / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * %
The user name cannot contain these characters:
" / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * %
150Okwuntụghe ndị ahụ adabaghị The passwords do not match
151Okwuntụghe ọhụrụ ahụ na nkwado okwuntụghe ahụ adabaghị. Tinye otu ụdị okwuntụghe ahụ n’igbe abụọ ahụ. The new password and the confirmation password do not match. Type the same password in both boxes.
152A chọrọ àlò okwuntụghe A password hint is required
153Biko tibànye otu alọ̀ okwuntụghe. Please enter a password hint.
154Aha akaụnt ahọpụtara adịkọrịta dịghị, maka na o nwere akaụnt nwere aha ahụ.

Biko tinye otu aha dị iche.
The specified account name is not valid, because there is already an account with that name. Please type a different name.
155Enwere aha ojiarụ ahu The user name already exists
156Biko tinye otu dọmeen anabatara Please enter a valid domain
158Ihenhọrọga akaụnt Windows ọzọ Other Windows account options
159Aha òjìarụ: User name:
160Ị gala emecha You’re almost done
161Ojiarụ na=esote ga-enwe ike ibanye na PC nke a ma nwetaòhèrè na njiarụọrụ gasị sistèm. The following user will be able to sign in to this PC and access system resources.
162Kedu làrìì nnwetaòhèrè ị chọrọ inye òjìarụ nke a? What level of access do you want to grant this user?
163Ọmụmatụ: [email protected] Example: [email protected]
164Àdreèsì ozi-e anabataghi Invalid email address
169%s: %s:
170Kwere otu onye otu dọmeen gị ji kọmputa nke a. Allow a member of your domain to use this computer.
171Akaụnt gasị ndị n’ọrụ na ekwere ojiarịụ gasị inweta òhere ihe ndị ha chọrọ na kọmpụta dị ọtụtụ. Online accounts allow users to access their preferences on multiple computers.
172Akaụnt gasị nke ebe naanị nwere ike iji kọmputa nke a. Local accounts can only use this computer.
173Kedu ụdị akaụnt ojiarụ ị chọrọ ịgbakwunye na kọmputa nke a? What type of user account do you want to add to this computer?
174Gbakwụnye otu %s Add a %s
175Tibànye àdreèsì ozi-e nke akaụnt dị n’ọrụ iji gbakwụnye ha na kọmputa nke a. Enter the email address of an existing online account to add them to this computer.
176Kepụta otu ọhụụ %s Create a new %s
179Kwùo ńòjìnaka na okwuntụghe dị adị Confirm existing password
180Mbụ, kwùo ńòjìnaka okwuntụghe ndịugbua gị. First, confirm your current password.
182Tibànye okwuntụghe Windows Enter your Windows password
183Tibànye gị %s okwuntụghe Enter your %s password
184Okwuntụghe na ezughi ezi Incorrect password
185Okwuntughe ahu ị tinyere ezighi ezi. The password you entered is incorrect.
186Gbanwee ka ọ bụrụ akaụnt ndị n’orụ Change to an online account
187Jìkọọ na akaụnt ndị n’ọrụ Connect to an online account
193Mgbe ọzọ ị banyere na Windows, jiri àdreèsì ozi-e ahu ma okwuntụghe nke akaụntụ Microsoft gị, egosiri n’okpuru. The next time you sign in to Windows, use the email address and password of your Microsoft account, shown below.
194Ị gala ijìkọ akaụnt òhòrò gị na akaụntụ Microsoft. Mwube gasị ndị ị họrọ agaghi adị ire belụsọ ma ị pụrụ. You are about to connect your domain account to your Microsoft account. The settings that you selected might not take effect until you sign out.
195Gaferena na akaụnt nke ebe Switch to a local account
196Wepu njikọ akaụnt dọmeen m Disconnect my domain account
197Wepu njikọ akaụnt dọmeen m sitere na akaụnt ndị n’ọrụ m Disconnect my domain account from my online account
198Mgbe ị wepuru njikọ akaụnt dọmeen gị, ị ghaghi enwe dọmeen na datà ma mwube gasị ID ndị n’ọrụ gị nwetara.

Ọbụrụna ị chọrọ tinyèghàchì ịdị ike ndị na ọganịịhụ, ị nwere ike jikọgharị na akụnt gị.
When you disconnect your domain account, you will lose access to data and settings provided by your Online ID.

If you want to restore these capabilities in the future, you can reconnect your account.
199Mgbe ọzọ ị banyere na Windows, jiri akaụnt nke ebe ahu ị ka kepụtara. The next time you sign in to Windows, use the local account you just created.
200Agaghi akachapụ Akaụntụ Microsoft gị, mana i gaghikwa eji ya abanye na Windows. Tibànye ozi ndi na-esote iji gafere na akaụnt nke ebe. Your Microsoft account won’t be deleted, but you will no longer use it to sign in to Windows. Enter the following information to switch to a local account.
201Gbanwee akaụnt a ka ọ bụrụ akaụnt nke ebe Change this account to a local account
202I jiri akaụntụ nke ebe, ị ghaghi abanye na Windows ma i jiriàdreèsì ozi-e gị. Ị gaghi enwe ike iji adị ikeime dị elu nke Windows dịka ịhakọ mwube gasị gị.

Ị nwere ike gafegharịa na akaụntụ Microsoft n’oge ọbụla.
With a local account, you won’t sign in to Windows with your e-mail address. You will not be able to use advanced capabilities of Windows such as syncing your settings.

You can switch back to a Microsoft account at any time.
203Dara ada ikepụta akaụnt ojiarụ. Koòdù: 0x%1!x! Failed to create the user account. Code: 0x%1!x!
204Akaunt ojiarụ ahu “%1” adịghị ya.

Biko nyochaa aha ahu na dọmeen ma nwaa ọzọ.
The user account “%1” does not exist.

Please check the name and domain and try again.
205Enweghi ike ịgbakwụnye %1.

dọmeen nke a enweela akaụnt na igwe nke a.
Could not add %1.

This domain user already has an account on this machine.
207PC nke a na-enwe nsogbu izìritaozī na dọmeen ahu. Nwaa ọzọ ma emesịa, maọbụ kpọtụrụ onye nchịkwa dọmeen gị. This PC is having problems communicating with the domain. Try again later, or contact your domain administrator.
208Aha ojiarụ enweghi ike inwe @ akara.
Kama chọrọ ka onye a jiri àdreèsì ozi-e banye? Kepụta otu akaụntụ Microsoft.
The user name can’t contain the @ symbol.
Want this person to sign in with an email address instead? Create a Microsoft account.
209Tupu ị kachapụ %username%’s akaụntụ, Windows nwere ike ichedo ndịna gasị nke folda ndị na-esote: Desktọọp, Dọkụmènt gasị, Nkàràchọ gasị, Egwu gasị, foto gasi ma Vidìò gasị. Niile %username%’s a ga-akachapụ faịlị ndị ọzọ nọ na PC a.

Ozi ahu metutara %username%’s akaụntụ Microsoft ka dị n’ọrụ ma enwere ike inweta òhere na ya ma ejiri ya, maọbụ ya, na akaụntụ Microsoft ma okwuntụghe.
Before you delete %username%’s account, Windows can save the contents of the following folders: Desktop, Documents, Favorites, Music, Pictures and Videos. All of %username%’s other files on this PC will be deleted.

The information associated with %username%’s Microsoft account still exists online and can be accessed using his, or her, Microsoft account and password.
220Onye nchịkwa sistèm gị na-ejikwa ụfọdụ mwube gasị. Gini mere na enweghi m ike ịgbanwe ụfọdụ mwube gasị? Some settings are managed by your system administrator. Why can’t I change some settings?
221I ji profaịlị ojiarụ ngagharị banye. Ihenhọrọga ngagharị adịghi adị ugbu a. You are signed in with a roaming user profile. Roaming options are currently unavailable.
222Windows na-emebe na moòdù nchedo. Ihenhọrọga ngagharị adịghi adị ugbua. Windows is running in safe mode. Roaming options are currently unavailable.
223Ị ji profaịlị nwantịtị oge banye. Ihenhọrọga ngagharị adịghi adị ugbua. You are signed in with a temporary profile. Roaming options are currently unavailable.
230Reset Security Policies Reset Security Policies
231Reset Policies Reset Policies
232Cancel Cancel
233Reset Security Policies on this PC? Reset Security Policies on this PC?
234Resetting the security policies on this PC will prevent Windows from enforcing policies required by an app installed on this PC. This might be an email app, management app, or another app. The policies might include minimum password requirements, locking the PC after a period of inactivity, and enforcing a limited number of sign-in attempts. Resetting the security policies on this PC will prevent Windows from enforcing policies required by an app installed on this PC. This might be an email app, management app, or another app. The policies might include minimum password requirements, locking the PC after a period of inactivity, and enforcing a limited number of sign-in attempts.
1100&Kèìzùgbè &Standard
1101O&nye nchịkwa &Administrator
1108Meé mgbanwe gasị na akaunt gị Make changes to your user account
1109Gbanwee aha akaụnt gị Change your account name
1110Kepụta otu okwuntụghe maka akaụnt gị Create a password for your account
1111Gbanwee okwuntụghe gị Change your password
1114Gbanwee ụdị akaunt gị Change your account type
1115Jikwaa akaụnt ọzọ Manage another account
1116Jikwaa akaụnt Ojiarụ gasị Manage User Accounts
1117Iji gbanwe okwuntụghe gị, pịa Ctrl+Alt+Del ma họrọ Gbanwe Okwuntụghe. To change your password, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and select Change a password.
1119Meé mgbanwe na %username% akaụnt Make changes to %username%'s account
1120Gbanwee Aha Change Name
1121Kepụta okwuntụghe Create password
1128Gbakwụnye otu akaụnt ojiarụ Add a user account
1129What do you want to change about the guest account? What do you want to change about the guest account?
1130Turn off the guest account Turn off the guest account
1133Aha nke a ga-ègosìpụta na Ènyòngosịpụta Nnabata ma na ènyòngosìpụta Mbido ahu. This name will appear on the Welcome screen and on the Start screen.
1136Kàgbuo Cancel
1142Tinye aha akaunt ọhụrụ maka %username% akaụnt Type a new account name for %username%'s account
1145Ị chọrọ ịgbanye akaụnt ọbịa ahụ? Do you want to turn on the guest account?
1146Ọ bụrụ na ịgbanye akaụnt ọbịa ahụ, ndị mmadụ ndị enweghị akaụnt nwere ike jiri akaụnt ọbịa ahụ lọọgụ̀ọ na kọmputà ahụ. Ojiarụ ọbịa gasị agaghi enwetaòhèrè na Faịlị̀ ndị eji okwuntụghe chedoo, foldà gasị, maọbụ mwube gasị. If you turn on the guest account, people who do not have an account can use the guest account to log on to the computer. Password-protected files, folders, or settings are not accessible to guest users.
1147Gbanye Turn On
1148Họrọ ojiarụ ahu nke ị ga-achọ ịgbanwe Choose the user you would like to change
1151Wube Nchedo Ezinaụlọ Set up Family Safety
1155Tinye aha akaụnt ọhụrụ Type a new account name
1157Ị chọrọ ịdote %username%'s faịlị gasị? Do you want to keep %username%'s files?
1158Tụpụ ịkachapụ ntughe %username%, Windows nwere ike ịchekwa ndinaya nke desktọọp %username% ma Edemede gasị, Ọdimnobi gasị, Egwu, Foto ma foldà Vịdịo gasị gaa na foldà ọhụrụ akpọrọ '%username%' na desktọpụ gị. Mana, Windows enweghị ike ịchekwa ozi-e %username% ma ihe ndị ọzọ. Before you delete %username%'s account, Windows can automatically save the contents of %username%'s desktop and Documents, Favorites, Music, Pictures and Videos folders to a new folder called '%username%' on your desktop. However, Windows cannot save %username%'s e-mail messages and other settings.
1159Kachapụ Faịlị̀ gasị Delete Files
1160Dote Faịlị̀ gasị Keep Files
1161Iji n'aka na ị chọrọ ịkachapụ %username%'s akaụnt? Are you sure you want to delete %username%'s account?
1162You are deleting the account, but keeping the files. You are deleting the account, but keeping the files.
1163%username% will no longer be able to log on, and all of %username%'s settings will be deleted. However, %username%'s files will be saved on your desktop in a folder called '%username%' %username% will no longer be able to log on, and all of %username%'s settings will be deleted. However, %username%'s files will be saved on your desktop in a folder called '%username%'
1164Kachapụ Akaụnt Delete Account
1165Gbanwee %username%'s okwuntụghe Change %username%'s password
1166Ị na-ewubegharị okwuntụghe maka %username%. I mee nke a, %username% asambodo onwe niile nakwa okwuntụghe nke weebụsaịtị gasị maọbụ iheọrụ netwọkị ga-efu. You are resetting the password for %username%. If you do this, %username% will lose all personal certificates and stored passwords for Web sites or network resources.
1167Ị na-agbanwe okwuntụghe maka %username%. I mee nke a, %username% faịlị nzonyederede-EFS, asambodo keonwe, nakwa okwuntụghe nke weebụsaịtị gasị maọbụ iheọrụ netwọkị ga-efu. You are changing the password for %username%. If you do this, %username% will lose all EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates, and stored passwords for Web sites or network resources.
1172Ọ bụrụ na okwuntụghe gị nwere mkpụrụ-edemede nnukwu, ọdị mkpà ka akunye ha n'otu ụzọ ahụ̀ mgbe ọbụla ị lọọgụ̀ na kọmpụta. If your password contains capital letters, they must be typed the same way every time you log on.
1174Alò okwuntụghe ahụ ga-apụta ìhè nye onye ọbụla ga-eji kọmputà a. The password hint will be visible to everyone who uses this computer.
1175Gbanwee Ụdị Akaụnt Change Account Type
1182Kepụta okwuntụghe maka %username%'s akaụnt Create a password for %username%'s account
1183Ị na-ekepụta okwuntụghe maka %username%. You are creating a password for %username%.
1184I mee nke a, %username% faịlị nzonyederede-EFS, asambodo keonwe, nakwa okwuntụghe nke weebụsaịtị gasị maọbụ njịarụọrụ netwọọ̀k ga-efu. If you do this, %username% will lose all EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates and stored passwords for Web sites or network resources.
1191Wepụ okwuntụghe gị Remove your password
1192Iji n'aka na ị chọrọ iwepụ okwuntụghe gị? Are you sure you want to remove your password?
1193If you remove your password, other people can gain access to your account and change settings. If you remove your password, other people can gain access to your account and change settings.
1195If you have forgotten your password, you can use the password reset floppy disk. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the password reset floppy disk.
1197Họrọ ụdị akaụnt ọhụrụ maka %username% Choose a new account type for %username%
1198Akaụnt ìzùgbè nwere ike iji ọtụtụ ngwanrò wee gbanwee mwube nke sistèm nke na agaghi emetụta ojiarụ ndi ọzọ maọbu nchedo nke PC a. Standard accounts can use most software and change system settings that don’t affect other users or the security of this PC.
1199Onye nchịkwa nwere njikwa zuruoke na PC ahu. Ha nwere ike ịgbanwe mwube gasị nke ọbụla ma nwetaòhèrè na faịlị gasị niile ma ùsòrònsìème ndị echedoro na PC ahu. Administrators have complete control over the PC. They can change any settings and access all of the files and programs stored on the PC.
1200Họrọ ụdị akaụnt ọhụrụ gị Select your new account type
1203Ị nweghi ike ịgbanwe ụdị akaụnt gị maka na ị nwere naanị akaụnt onyenchịkwaọrụ na PC a. Ị ga-emerịrị ojiarụ ọzọ onyenchịkwaọrụ tụpụ ịnwe ike gbanwe akaụnt gị. You can’t change your account type because you have the only administrator account on this PC. You must make another user an administrator before you can change your account.
1206Gịnị kpatara eji chọọ akaụnt kèìzùgbè? Why is a standard account recommended?
1207Windows ga-akachapụ faịlị̀ niile nke %username%, ma kachapụkwa %username%'s akaụnt. Windows will delete all of %username%'s files, and then delete %username%'s account.
1213Gbanwee mwube gasị Njizi Akaụnt Òjìàrụ Change User Account Control settings
1216Gbanwee aha akaụnt ahu Change the account name
1217Kepụta otu okwuntụghe Create a password
1218Gbanwee okwuntụghe ahụ Change the password
1221Gbanwee ụdị ntughe ahụ Change the account type
1222Kachapụ akaụnt ahụ Delete the account
1226Ọ bụrụ na okwuntụghe ahụ nwee nnukwu mkpuruedemede, ọdi mkpà ka etinye ya n'otu ụzọ mgbe ọbụla. If the password contains capital letters, they must be typed the same way every time.
1245&Aha: &Name:
1246&Okwuntụghe: &Password:
1262Alò &okwuntụghe: Password &hint:
1263&Dọmeen: &Domain:
1264L&ènyeanya... B&rowse...
1265pịkịnye click
1270&Ọzọ: &Other:
1271Otu gasị Akaụnt ọzọ Other Account Groups
1296Mee mgbanwe na mwube gasị akaụnt PC m Make changes to my account in PC settings
1297Gbakwụnye ojiarụ ọhụrụ na Nnwube PC gasị Add a new user in PC settings
1536Dị-mma OK
1538Họrọ mwube gasị gị nke ị chọrọ iji eme ngagharị Select which of your settings you want to roam with you
1539Mgbe ị ji okwuntụghe gị nke ejikọrọ lọọgụ̀ọ na kọmputa gasị ma njịarụ gasị ndị dị iche, mwube nkeonwe ị na-akpachapụrụ anya ga eso gị ma ọ ga dị adị mèrènàònwe. When you use your connected password to log on to different computers and devices, the personal settings you care about will travel with you and automatically be available.
1540Mụtakwuo maka okwuntụghe ejikọrọ ma njikọ ngagharị Learn more about connected passwords and roaming
1541Mụtakwuo maka okwuntụghe gasị ejikọrọ ma njikọ ngagharị Learn more about connected passwords and roaming
1542Mwube gasị iji njikọ ngagharị Settings to roam
1543Nkụ̀rụnònwe Personalization
1544Onyinyo bakgraụnd desktọọp, ụcha enyo Desktop background image, glass color
1545Nnwetaòhèrè Accessibility
1546Panel kènjizi Nnyeòhèrè kemfe, mmeōkpookpo, maọbụ ụgbọọtụgwo ènyòngosìpụta, onyenkọwa, na mwube nkọta okwu Ease of access control panel, magnifier, on screen keyboard, narrator, and speech recognition settings
1547Mwube gasị asụsụ Language Settings
1548Profaịlị asụsụ, nkọwa ngwè keakacha hụ n’anya, na Ọkọwaokwu IME Language profile, text prediction preferences, and IME dictionary
1549Mwube ngwa gasị Application Settings
1550Mwube ngwa gasị ma ntọala ọchịchọ Application settings and search history
1551Mwube gasị Windows Windows Settings
1552Ogwēenyemọrụ, Explorer, Ọchịchọ, ma mwube gasị nwambe Taskbar, Explorer, search, and mouse settings
1553Ozinkọwa gasị Credentials
1554Profaịlị gasị netwọọ̀k enwewayà ma ozinkọwa gasị weebụsaịtị Wireless network profiles and saved website credentials
1555Ihenhọrọga netwọọ̀k Network options
1556Mèe njikọ ngagharị kà onweeike na netwọọ̀k ndị kwụrụ ụgwọ Enable roaming on paid networks
1557Mèe njikọ ngagharị kà onweeike na ùhìèbandị dị ala Enable roaming on low bandwidth
2101Òjìarụ gasị Users
2102Gbanwee akaụnt gị maọbụ gbakwụnye ndị ọhụrụ. Change your account or add new ones.
2152Mbuli ihuakwụkwọ Page loading
2153Users Users
2154Akaụnt gị Your account
2155Ozi akaụnt gị Your account information
2158Iji gbanwe okwuntụghe gị, pịa Ctrl+Alt+Del ma họrọ Gbanwee otu Okwuntụghe To change your password, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and choose Change a password
2159Ihenhọrọga mbanye Sign-in options
2160Kepụta okwuntughe foto Create a picture password
2161Gbanwee okwuntughe foto Change picture password
2162Wepụ Remove
2163Ị nwere ike iji àdreèsì ozi-e gị dị ka akaụntụ Microsoft iji banye na Windows. Ị ga-enwe ike nwetaòhèrè na faịlị gasị ma foto gasị ebe ọbụla, hàkọọ ogè mwube gasị, ma ihe ndị ọzọ. You can use your email address as a Microsoft account to sign in to Windows. You’ll be able to access files and photos anywhere, sync settings, and more.
2164Gaferena akaụntụ Microsoft Switch to a Microsoft account
2165Jìkọọ akaụnt òhòrò gị na akaụntụ Microsoft gị iji hàkọọ ogè mwube gasị PC. Connect your domain account to your Microsoft account to sync PC settings.
2166Jìkọọ na akaụntụ Microsoft gị Connect your Microsoft account
2167Ejikọrọ akaụnt dọmeen nke a na %1 This domain account is connected to %1
2168Wepu njikọ akaụntụ Microsoft gị Disconnect your Microsoft account
2169Ojiarụ ndị ọzọ Other users
2171Ozi akaụnt ndị ọzọ Other account information
2172Manage users Manage users
2174Kepụta otu PIN Create a PIN
2175Gbanwee PIN Change PIN
2176Wepu Remove
2177Ejikọọla na akaụntụ Microsoft. Connected to a Microsoft account.
2178Bannye dị ka onye nchịkwa iji gbakwunye ojiarụ gasị na PC nke a. Sign in as an administrator to add users to this PC.
2179Jikwaa ojiarụ dọmeen gasị Manage domain users
2180Onye nchịkwa sistèm gị na-ejikwa ụfọdụ mwube gasị. Some settings are managed by your system administrator.
2181Chọọ okwuntughe ma ihe ngosi nyuọ rmaka Require a password after the display is off for
2182Security policies on this PC are preventing you from choosing some options. Security policies on this PC are preventing you from choosing some options.
2183Your PC’s power settings are preventing some options from being shown. Your PC’s power settings are preventing some options from being shown.
2184Delay lock list Delay lock list
2185Ojiarụ ọbụla nwere okwuntụghe ga-etibànyeriri ya mgbe a na-agbanye PC nke a. Any user who has a password must enter it when waking this PC.
2186Ojiarụ ọbụla nwere okwuntụghe ekwesighi itibànye ya mgbe a na-agbanye PC nke a. Any user who has a password doesn’t need to enter it when waking this PC.
2187I kwesịrị itibànye okwuntụghe mgbe a na-agbanye PC. Bàa dị ka onye nchịkwa iji gbanwee mwube nke a. You need to enter a password when waking your PC. Sign in as an administrator to change this setting.
2188I kwesịghi itibànye okwuntụghe mgbe a na-agbanye PC. Bàa dị ka onye nchịkwa iji gbanwee mwube nke a. You don’t need to enter a password when waking your PC. Sign in as an administrator to change this setting.
2189Ojiarụ ọbụla nwere okwuntụghe ga-abànyeriri ya mgbe a na-agbanye PC nke a. Iji gbanwee mwube nke a, mepee Panel Kènjizi ma họrọ Ihenhọrọga nke Ike. Any user who has a password must enter it when waking this PC. To change this setting, open Control Panel and choose Power Options.
2190Ojiarụ ọbụla nwere okwuntụghe ekwesighi itibànye ya mgbe a na-agbanye PC nke a. Iji gbanwee mwube nke a, mepee Panel Kènjizi ma họrọ Ihenhọrọga nke ịke. Any user who has a password doesn’t need to enter it when waking this PC. To change this setting, open Control Panel and choose Power Options.
2191Gbanwee Change
2192O nweghizi ojiarụ ọzọ na PC nke a. There are no other users on this PC.
2193I nwere ike gaferena akaụnt nke ebe, mana mwube gasị gị agaghi ahàkọ ogè n’etiti PC ndị ahu ị ji. You can switch to a local account, but your settings won’t sync between the PCs you use.
2194Gaferena akaụnt nke ebe Switch to a local account
2195Some settings are not available in safe mode. Some settings are not available in safe mode.
2196+ +
219730;Semibold;None;Segoe UI 30;Semibold;None;Segoe UI
2198Iji gbanwee okwuntụghe gị, pịa Ctrl+Alt+Del. To change your password, press Ctrl+Alt+Del.
2199Iji gbanwee okwuntụghe gị, pịa ma jide ọdụmbi Windows ma pịazie ọdụmbi ike. To change your password, press and hold the Windows button and then press the power button.
2200Wepu okwuntughe foto Remove picture password
2201Remove PIN Remove PIN
2202Mezilite akaụntụ Microsoft mụ Update my Microsoft account
2203Akaụntụ gi enweghi okwuntụghe.A chọrọ ka ewube otu PIN a ọbụ otu okwuntughe foto. Your account doesn’t have a password. A password is required to set up a PIN or a picture password.
2204Security policies on this PC are preventing you from changing this setting. Security policies on this PC are preventing you from changing this setting.
2210Chọọ okwuntughe oge niile Always require a password
22111 nkeji 1 minute
2212Nkeji 2 2 minutes
2213Nkeji 3 3 minutes
2214Nkeji 5 5 minutes
2215Nkeji 10 10 minutes
2216Nkeji 15 15 minutes
2217Achọna okwuntughe ma ncha Never require a password
2901lkwesiri iji okwuntụghe akaụntụ Microsoft gị dị nsonso abanye . You need to sign in with your most recent Microsoft account password.
2902Banye Sign in
2903Àdreèsì ozi-e gị agbanweela. Jiri àdreèsì ozi-e gị mezilite akaụntụ Microsoft gị na PC nke a. Your email address has changed. Sign in again with your new email address to update your Microsoft account on this PC.
2904Pụọ Sign out
2905Iji mechaa mwube akaụntụ Microsoft, ị kwesịrị ịnata ikikere nnenanna. To finish setting up this Microsoft account, you need a parent’s permission.
2906Jụọ otu nnenanna Ask a parent
2907Akaụntụ Microsoft gị akụsịla ịdị ire. Your Microsoft account has expired.
2908Mezilita akaụnt gị Update your account
2909Iji nyeaka dote akaụnt nke a na nchedo, anyi kwesịrị ịkwado na ọ bụ nke gị. To help keep this account secure, we need to verify that it’s yours.
2910Kwàdo eziokwū Verify
2911Anyi kwesịrị ikwàdo na àdreèsì ozi-e nke a bụ nke gị. Nyochaa àdreèsì ozi-e gị maka ozi siterena otu akaụntụ Microsoft ahu. We need to verify that this email address is yours. Check your email for the message from the Microsoft account team.
2912Ụfọdụ Ozi More info
2913Ị kwesịrị imezilite ụfọdụ ozi maka akaụntụ Microsoft gị. You need to update some info for your Microsoft account.
2914Mezilite Ozi Update info
2915I kwesịrị ịkwàdo mgbanwe gasị emere na akaụntụ Microsoft gị. You need to verify changes to your Microsoft account.
2917I kwesịrị ịgbakwụnye ozi nchedo iji nyere gị nweghachita akaụntụ Microsoft gị. You need to add security info to help you get back into your Microsoft account.
2918Gbakwụnye ozi Add info
2919Okwuntụghe gị echekwara maka ngwa gasị, weebụsaịtị gasị, na netwọọ̀k gasị agaghi ahàkọ ogè belụsọ ma ị tụkwasịrị obi na PC nke a. Your saved passwords for apps, websites, and networks won’t sync until you trust this PC.
2920Tụkwasị obi na PC nke a Trust this PC
2921Ikwesiri itinye di Okwuntụghe akaụntụ Microsoft gị agbanweela. Tibànye ya ugbua iji nọrọ na nhàkọogè. You need to enter your most recent Microsoft account password to stay in sync.
2922Tibànye Okwuntụghe Enter password
3011Osote Next
3012Gafere Skip
3150Gbakwụnye ojiarụ Add a user
3151Banye na akaụntụ Microsoft na PC a Switch to a Microsoft account on this PC
3152Jìkọọ n’akaụntụ Microsoft nọ na PC a Connect to a Microsoft account on this PC
3157Banye n’akaụntụ Microsoft nọ na PC a Switch to a Microsoft account on this PC
320020;light;none;Segoe UI 20;light;none;Segoe UI
320111;normal;none;Segoe UI 11;normal;none;Segoe UI
3202Nke a bụ fild a chọrọ. This is a required field.
3203Mèchie Close
3204Mechaa Finish
3205Olee àdreèsì ozi-e onye a ga-achọ iji bàa na Windows? (Ọbụrụna ị maara àdreèsì ozi-e ahu ha ji bàa na ọrụ gasị Microsoft, tibànye ya ebe a.) What email address would this person like to use to sign in to Windows? (If you know the email address they use to sign in to Microsoft services, enter it here.)
3206Àdreèsì ozi-e Email address
3207Tinye adreesị ozi-e ziri ezi. Ịmaatụ: [email protected] Enter a valid email address. Example: [email protected]
3208Debanye aha maka àdreèsì ozi-e ọhụrụ Sign up for a new email address
3209Banye n’ejighi akaụntụ Microsoft (akwadoghi nkea) Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended)
3210Akaụntụ Microsoft Microsoft account
3211O nwere Ihenhọrọga abụọ iji banye: There are two options for signing in:
3212Akaụnt nke ebe Local account
3213Butùo ngwa gasị siterena Ụlọ Ahịa Windows. Download apps from Windows Store.
3214Nweta ndịna ndị n’ọrụ gị na ngwa gasị Microsoft na mèrènàònwe. Get your online content in Microsoft apps automatically.
3215Mwube nhàkọogè gasị ndị n’ọrụ iji mee PCs yie ma dịka—ka ntọala ihe nlenyeanya gị, fòto akaụntụ , na ụcha. Sync settings online to make PCs look and feel the same—like your browser history, account picture, and color.
3218Họrọ okwuntụghe ga-adịrị gị mfe ịcheta mana nye ndị ọzọ nsogbu ịkọta. Maọbụrụna ị chefuo, anyị ga-egosi gị alò. Choose a password that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess. If you forget, we’ll show the hint.
3219Aha òjìarụ User name
3220Aha ojiarụ ana-akwàdoghi Invalid username
3221Okwuntụghe Password
3222Okwuntụghe anakwàdoghi Invalid password
3223Okwuntụghe ndị iyinyere ahakọghi. Nwaa ọzọ. The passwords you entered don’t match. Try again.
3224Tinyegharịa okwuntụghe Reenter password
3225Alò Okwuntụghe Password hint
3226Alò okwuntụghe gị enweghi ike inwe okwuntụghe gị. Your password hint cannot contain your password.
3227Anyi dị nwute, mana o nwere ihe na-agazighi agazi. We’re sorry, but something went wrong.
3228Anyi dị nwute, mana o nwere ihe na-agazighi agazi. Agakwụnyeghi ojiarụ a na PC nke a.
Kòodù: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. This user wasn’t added to this PC.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3230Na mbụ, kwenye na okwuntughe gị dị ugbu a. First, confirm your current password.
3231Okwuntughe dị ugbu a Current password
3232Okwuntụghe ahụ ezighi ezi. Nwaa ọzọ. The password is incorrect. Try again.
3233Kedu mwube gasị PC siterena akaụntụ Microsoft gị ị chọrọ ịhàkọ ogè na dọmeen akaụnt gi? Which PC settings from your Microsoft account do you want to sync with your domain account?
3234Mpụtaìhè Appearance
3235Desktọọp nkụ̀rụnònwe Desktop personalization
3236Nnwetaòhèrè Kemfe Ease of Access
3237Asụsụ akacha chọọ Language preferences
3238Datà app App data
3239Ihe nlenyeanya (meghee taabù ntọala na nkàràchọ) Web browser (open tabs, history, and favorites)
3240Mwube gasị Windows ndị ọzọ Other Windows settings
3241Okwuntụghe (ngwa, weèbụsaịtị na netwọọ̀k) Passwords (apps, websites, and networks)
3242Onye nchịkwa sistèm gị egbochiela otu mwube ndị a maọbụ karịa. One or more of these settings has been blocked by your system administrator.
3243Ojiarụ nke na-esote ga-enwe ike banye na PC nke a. The following user will be able to sign in to this PC.
3244Ị mechawala. A ga-agbanwe akaụntụ gị dị adị ugbua ka ọ bụrụ akaụnt Microsoft. Ma faịlụ gị niile nọ na PC a ga-akwụrụ kwa ebe ọnọ̀. You’re almost done. Your existing account will now be changed to a Microsoft account. All of your files on this PC will remain in place.
3245Ị mechawala. Ị ga-enwe ike iji ọrụ akaụntụ nke Microsoft ị ji akaụntụ dọmeen gị banye, ma mwube nkeonwe gi ga-nhàkọ. You’re almost done. You’ll be able to use Microsoft account services while signed in with your domain account, and your personal settings will sync.
3246Ị mechawala. Ị ga-enwe ike iji ọrụ gasị akaụntụ nke Microsoft mgbe ị ji akaụntụ dọmeen gị banye. You’re almost done. You’ll be able to use Microsoft account services while signed in with your domain account.
3247Ọ fọdụrụ ntakịrị ka ị mechaa. Hụ na ị chekwara ọrụ gị, ma jiri Okwuntụghe ọhụrụ mgbe ọzọ ị banyere.

Ozi ahu nke metụtara akaụntụ Microsoft gị ka nọ ya, mana ngwa nwere ike sị gị banye tupu ị nwetaòhèrè n’ozi ahu.
You’re almost done. Make sure you’ve saved your work, and use your new password the next time you sign in.

The information associated with your Microsoft account still exists, but apps might ask you to sign in before accessing that info.
3248Ị na-achọ iwepu njikọ akaụntụ Microsoft gị sitere na akaụntụ dọmeen gị.

Ozi ahu nke metụtara akaụntụ Microsoft gị ka nọ ya, mana ngwa ga nwere ike sị gị banye tupu ị nwetaòhèrè n’ozi ahu.

Faịlụ ọbụla ga nke i nweburu na SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME ka ga-anọ ebe ahụ, mana ọ bụ naanị faịlụ ga ndị enyere akàrà maka adịnọrụ bụ ndị ka ga-anọ na PC a. Ngwa ga na PC a agaghị kwa enwetaòhèrè faịlụ na SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME gị ga maọbụ foldà ga.
You’re about to disconnect your Microsoft account from your domain account.

The information associated with your Microsoft account still exists, but apps might ask you to sign in before accessing that info.

Any files that you had in SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME will still be there, but only files marked for offline use will stay on this PC. Apps on this PC will no longer have access to your SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME files or folders.
3249Mgbe ọzọ ibanyere, jiri okwuntụghe ọhụrụ gị. Next time you sign in, use your new password.
3250Windows enweghi ike jìkọọ na ịntaneèt ugbu a. Nyochaa njìkọ ịntaneèt gị ma nwaa ọzọ ma emechaa maọbụrụna ị chọrọ ịgbakwuụye otu akaụntụ Microsoft. Windows can’t connect to the Internet right now. Check your Internet connection and try again later if you want to add a Microsoft account.
3251Ị nwere ike iji otu akaụntụ naanị na PC, kama iji akaụntụ Microsoft gị ba. Chedoo ọrụ gị ugbua, maka na ị kwesịrị ịpụ apụ mee nke a.

Mbu, anyi chọrọ ikwado okwuntụghe ndịugbua gị.
You can use an account on this PC only, instead of signing in with your Microsoft account. Save your work now, because you’ll need to sign out to do this.

First, we need to verify your current password.
3252Pụọ ma Mechaa Sign out and finish
3253Tinye ozi ndị a. Ị ga-eji akaụntụ otuebe banye na Windows bido ugbu a gaa n’ihu.

Ọ bụrụ na i jiri PIN maọbụ Windows Hello na banye na Windows, i ga-ewube okwuntụghe iji gaa n’ihu iji ha rụọ ọrụ.
Enter the following information. You’ll sign in to Windows with a local account from now on.

If you sign in to Windows with a PIN or Windows Hello, you must set up a password to continue using them.
3255Ka onye a mata na ha kwesịrị inwe njikọ na ịntaneèt iji banye n’oge mbụ. Let this person know they’ll need to be connected to the Internet to sign in for the first time.
3256Ị kwesịrị ikepụta otu aha ojiarụ na akaụnt maka PC ọbụla iji arụ ọrụ. You have to create a user name and account for each PC you use.
3257Ị kwesịrị inwe otu akaụntụ Microsoft ịbutù ngwa gasị, mana ị nwere ike wube ya ma emechaa. You’ll need a Microsoft account to download apps, but you can set it up later.
3259Anyi dị nwute, mana ọ nwere ihe na-agazighi agazi. A gbanweghi akaụntụ gị ka ọ bụru akaụntụ Microsoft nke a.
Koòdù: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your account wasn’t changed to this Microsoft account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3260Anyi dị nwute, mana ọ nwere ihe na-agazighi agazi. E jikọghi akaụntụ Microsoft gị na akaụntụ dọmeen nke a .
Koòdù: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account was not connected to this domain account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3261Anyi dị nwute, mana ọ nwere ihe na-agazighi agazi. O nwere ike agabnwebeghi okwuntụghe gi.
Koòdù: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your password may not have been changed.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3263Fix this problem online Fix this problem online
3264Ndo, anyi enweghị ike jikọọ n’ọrụ Microsoft ugbua. Ma ọbụrụ na nsogbu a gaa n’ihu, chọọ maka “nsogbu netwọọk gasị” na Ènyòngosịpụta Mbido. Sorry, we couldn’t connect to Microsoft services right now. If this problem persists, search for “network problems” on the Start screen.
3265Bànye na ngwa nke ọbụla ma ọ bụghị ya (ahọpụtaghị ya) Sign into each app separately instead (not recommended)
3266Ènyòngosịpụta Mbido Start screen
3267Ngwa (ndesịta ngwa ga nke ị kwakọnyere) Apps (list of apps you’ve installed)
3268Bido ugbua gàwa, jiri akaụntụ Microsoft gị maọbụ okwuntụghe iji wee bànye na ngwaọrụ a. From now on, use your Microsoft account and password to sign in to this device.
327111;bold;none;Segoe UI 11;bold;none;Segoe UI
3272Na-agbakwụnye ojiarụ Adding user
3273Na-emezi akaụntụ Microsoft gị Preparing your Microsoft account
3274Na-ejikọ akaụnt gasị gị Connecting your accounts
3275Na-emezi akaụnt nke ebe gị Preparing your local account
3276Na-ewepu njikọ akaụnt gasị gị Disconnecting your accounts
3277Na-agbanwe okwuntụghe gị Changing your password
3278Nkwusara ọnọdụ nzoroonwē Privacy statement
3279Iji àdreèsì ozi-e gị banye na PCs na-ekwe gị: Signing in to PCs with your email address lets you:
3280Iji akaụnt nke ebe banye pụtara: Signing in with a local account means:
3281Agaghi ahakọ mwube gasị gị na PCs ndị ị ji arụ ọrụ. Your settings won’t be synced across the PCs that you use.
3282We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account wasn’t connected to this domain account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account wasn’t connected to this domain account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3283We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account is still connected to this domain account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account is still connected to this domain account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3284We’re sorry, but your password couldn’t be changed.
Code: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but your password couldn’t be changed.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3285We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your account wasn’t changed to this Microsoft account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your account wasn’t changed to this Microsoft account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3286We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account wasn’t changed to a local account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account wasn’t changed to a local account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3287Sorry, we couldn’t verify your password. Try signing out of Windows and signing in again. Sorry, we couldn’t verify your password. Try signing out of Windows and signing in again.
3288Go online to fix this problem with your account. Go online to fix this problem with your account.
3289Enweghi ike iji ụfọdụ mkpụrụedemede n’ime àdreèsì ozi-e. Biko nwaa ọzọ. Some characters can’t be used in an email address. Please try again.
3290Mgbe ị ji akaụntụ Microsoft gị abanye na Windows, ị nwere ike: When you sign in to Windows with a Microsoft account, you can:
3291I kwesiri i nwe ikike nne na nna iji gbanwee okwuntụghe gị. You need a parent’s permission to change your password.
3294Ụmụ ndịna PC a bụ nke ejiri nzonye ederede iji chedo ọnọdụ nzoroonwe ma ọ bụrụ na-ezuru PC gị maọbụ o furu efù. Windows ga-eji mmereonwe weghàchịta ọtụgwo gị n’akaụnt Microsoft gị. Tupu gị abànye n’akụntụ otùebe, i kwesiri ime nṅomi mèta kènkwàdo nke mweghàchịta ọtụgwo gị. Ọ bụrụ na ihe ọbụla emee PC gị, i kwesiri ka iweghàchita ọtụgwo iji bànye ma nwetaòhèrè na faịlụ ga na fòto ga gị dị ezigbo mkpà.

Iji mee mèta kènkwàdo nke mweghàchita ọtụgwo gị, mechie igbe ụbụbọ ma jiri Nchọ chaamụ̀ iji Chọọ maka “ngwaọrụ nzonye ederede.” Kpatụ maọbụ pịkịnye “Jikwaa BitLocker,” ma soro ụmụ atụmaatụ mmèta kènkwàdo maka ǹnyà nzonye ederede nke ọbụla na PC gị.
The contents of this PC are encrypted to protect your privacy if this PC is lost or stolen. Windows automatically stores your recovery key with your Microsoft account. Before you switch to a local account, you should back up a copy of your recovery key. If anything happens to your PC, you’ll need your recovery key to sign in and access your important files and photos.

To back up your recovery key, close this dialog box and use the Search charm to search for “device encryption.” Tap or click “Manage BitLocker,” and then follow the backup instructions for each encrypted drive on your PC.
3295Ụmụ ndịna PC a bụ nke ejiri nzonye ederede iji chedo ọnọdụ nzoroonwe ma ọ bụrụ na-ezuru PC gị maọbụ o furu efù. Windows ga-eji mmereonwe weghàchịta ọtụgwo gị n’akaụnt Microsoft gị. Tupu gị abànye n’akụntụ otùebe, i kwesiri ime nṅomi mèta kènkwàdo nke mweghàchịta ọtụgwo gị. Ọ bụrụ na ihe ọbụla emee PC gị, i kwesiri ka iweghàchita ọtụgwo iji bànye ma nwetaòhèrè na faịlụ ga na fòto ga gị dị ezigbo mkpà.

Iji mee mèta kènkwàdo nke mweghàchita ọtụgwo gị, mechie igbe ụbụbọ ma jiri Nchọ chaamụ̀ iji Chọọ maka “ngwaọrụ nzonye ederede.” Kpatụ maọbụ pịkịnye “Mepụta ndabere igodo nweghachite gị,” ma soro ụmụ atụmaatụ mmèta kènkwàdo maka ǹnyà nzonye ederede nke ọbụla na PC gị.
The contents of this PC are encrypted to protect your privacy if this PC is lost or stolen. Windows automatically stores your recovery key with your Microsoft account. Before you switch to a local account, you should back up a copy of your recovery key. If anything happens to your PC, you’ll need your recovery key to sign in and access your important files and photos.

To back up your recovery key, close this dialog box and use the Search charm to search for “device encryption.” Tap or click “Back up your recovery key,” and then follow the backup instructions for each encrypted drive on your PC.
3296Mèchie ma mee mmèta kènkwàdo Close and back up
3297Gafèe usoro a Skip this step
3298You didn’t use your Microsoft account for a while, so it expired. Switch to a local account. You can create a Microsoft account later. You didn’t use your Microsoft account for a while, so it expired. Switch to a local account. You can create a Microsoft account later.
3300Something went wrong. Try signing out of your PC and then signing back in. Something went wrong. Try signing out of your PC and then signing back in.
3301The password you signed in with is different from your password for your Microsoft account. Sign in again using your current password, or reset it. The password you signed in with is different from your password for your Microsoft account. Sign in again using your current password, or reset it.
3302We need a little more info from you before you can continue. We need a little more info from you before you can continue.
3303Your account was locked because there have been too many attempts to sign in with an incorrect password. Your account was locked because there have been too many attempts to sign in with an incorrect password.
3304You need to verify your email address to continue. You need to verify your email address to continue.
3305You have signed in to too many PCs using this Microsoft account. You have signed in to too many PCs using this Microsoft account.
3306Someone might have misused your Microsoft account, so we suspended it to help protect it. Someone might have misused your Microsoft account, so we suspended it to help protect it.
3307Something went wrong connecting to the Microsoft account service. Please try again later. Something went wrong connecting to the Microsoft account service. Please try again later.
3309Jiri àdreèsì ozi-e gị bàa na Windows. Ọbụrụna ị ji otu àdreèsì nkàràchọ ozi-e bàa na PCs ndị na mebe Windows, tibànye ya ebe a. Use your favorite email address to sign in to Windows. If you already use an email address to sign in to PCs running Windows, enter it here.
3310Tibànye àdreèsì ozi-e gị Enter your email address
3311Ọbụụna ị nwere otu akaụntụ Microsoft, jiri ya ebe. Maọbụghi, jiri àdreèsì nkàràchọ ozi-e gị. If you already have a Microsoft account, use it here. Otherwise, use your favorite email address.
3312Caps Lock nọ nọrụ Caps Lock is on
3313Your account can’t be changed right now. Try signing out of Windows and signing in again. Your account can’t be changed right now. Try signing out of Windows and signing in again.
3314Nke a bụ akaụnt nwa nta? Gbanye %1 iji nweta rịpọọtụ gasị maka ojiji PC ha. Is this a child’s account? Turn on %1 to get reports of their PC use.
3315The password you entered is too short to meet this PC’s requirements. Please go back and try a longer password. The password you entered is too short to meet this PC’s requirements. Please go back and try a longer password.
3316The password you entered is too long. Please go back and try a shorter password. The password you entered is too long. Please go back and try a shorter password.
3317The password you entered isn’t complex enough to meet this PC’s requirements. Please go back and try a password that contains numbers, letters, and symbols. The password you entered isn’t complex enough to meet this PC’s requirements. Please go back and try a password that contains numbers, letters, and symbols.
3318The user name you entered isn’t available. Please go back and try a different user name. The user name you entered isn’t available. Please go back and try a different user name.
3319Kedu otu onye a ga-esi banye? How will this person sign in?
3320Tinye akaụntụ nwata Add a child’s account
3322Mgbe nwa gị ji akaụnt ha banye na Windows. ị ga-enweta mkpesa gbasara ọrụ arụrụ na PC ndịa, ma ị nwere ike iji Family Safety iji nwetakwuo njedebe kewube. When your child signs in to Windows with their account, you’ll get reports about their PC activities, and you can use Family Safety to set additional limits.
3323Adreesị ozi-e nwata Child’s email address
3324Tibanye adịreesị ozi-e maka nnwa gị Enter an email address for your child
3325Nnwa gị nwere ike iji adreesị ozi-e banye. Mana ya bụrụ na ha nwebuuru akaụnt ha ji abanye n’, Skype, SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME, Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE, maọbụ PC ọzọ, jiri otu ụdị akaụnt ahụ iji wekọta ozi niile ọnụ na PC a. Your child can sign in using any email address. But if they already have an account they use to sign in to, Skype, SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME, Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE, or another PC, use the same account here to bring all their info together on this PC.
3330Ị chọghị ka nnwa gị rụọ ọrụ n’ozi-e? Don’t want your child to use email?
3331Nnwa gị nwere ike banye ma wube PC a ka ọ dịka otu ha chọrọ ya, mana ha agaghị enwe akaụnt ozi-e, ma ha ga-achọ enyemaaka gị iji nweta ngwa site na Windows Store. Your child can sign in and set up this PC to look the way they want, but they won’t have an email account, and they’ll need your help to get apps from the Windows Store.
3332Tinye akaụntụ nwata na-enweghị ozi-e Add a child’s account without email
3333Onye ka akaụnt a bụ maka ya? Who’s this account for?
3334Nwata gị nwere ike iji akaụntụ a iji banye na PC a wee hazie ahụmịhe ha. A ga-agbanwu Nchedo Ezinụlọ dị ka otu esi burupụta, anyị agaghị emepụta adreesị ozi-e maka nwata a. Your child can use this account to sign in to this PC and personalize their experience. Family Safety will be turned on by default, and we won’t create an email address for this child.
3335Ọ bụrụ na ị tọọ okwuntughe, gbaa mbọ hụ na ọ dị mfe maka nwata gị ịcheta. If you set a password, make sure it’s easy for your child to remember.
3336Etinyela akaụntụ ọhụrụ ahụ The new account has been added
3337Tinye onye ọrụ a ugbu a Add this user now
3338Nwata a ga-enwe ike ịbanye na PC a. This child will be able to sign in to this PC.
3340A ga-agbanwu nyocha Nchedo Ezinụlọ maka akaụntụ a. Ị nwere ike ịgbanwe ihe nwata gị na-ahụ na Ụlọ Ahịa Windows ma jikwaa mwube ndị ọzọ na weebụsaịtị Nchedo Ezinụlọ. Family Safety monitoring will be turned on for this account. You can always change what your child sees in the Windows Store and manage other settings on the Family Safety website.
3341A ga-agbanwu nyocha Family Safety maka akaụntụ a mgbe ọ bụ nnwa gị mbụ bànye na PC a. Ị nwere ike ịgbanwe ihe nwa gị na-ahụ na Nchekwa Windows ma jikwaa mwube ndị ọzọ na weebụsaịtị Family Safety. Family Safety monitoring will be turned on for this account when your child signs in to this PC for the first time. You can always change what your child sees in the Windows Store and manage other settings on the Family Safety website.
3342[email protected] [email protected]
3343Onye a ga-abanye iji nweta n’ụzọ dị mfe ndịnọrụ ozi-e, fòto, faịlụ, na mwube (dịka ntọala nlenyeanya na ọkacha mma) nọ na ngwa ndịa niile. Ha ga-ejikwa mwube nhàkọ ha n’oge ọbụla. This person can sign in to easily get their online email, photos, files, and settings (like browser history and favorites) on all of their devices. They can manage their synced settings at any time.
3346Ngbanwụ Switch
3347Jikọọ n’akaụntụ Microsoft nọ na PC a Connect to a Microsoft account on this PC
3348Jikọọ Connect
3349Ọtụtụ ngwa na ọrụgasị (dịka nke a) chekwubere n’akaụnt Microsoft iji hàkọọ ndịna ma mee mwube ngwa mgbabechi. Anyị ga-enyere gị aka iwube akaụnt Microsoft gị ugbua.

Kembụ, hụ nkwenye okwuntụghe ebe keugbua gị (anyị kwesiri ị ma na ọ bụ gị).
Many apps and services (like this one) rely on a Microsoft account to sync content and settings across devices. We’ll help you set up your Microsoft account now.

First, confirm your current local password (we need to know this is you).
3350Ọtụtụ ngwa na ọrụgasị (dịka nke a) chekwubere n’akaụnt Microsoft iji hàkọọ ndịna ma mee mwube ngwa mgbabechi. Anyị ga-enyere gị aka iwube akaụnt Microsoft gị ugbua. Many apps and services (like this one) rely on a Microsoft account to sync content and settings across devices. We’ll help you set up your Microsoft account now.
3351A ga-agbanwu nyocha Family Safety maka akaụntụ a. Ị nwere ike ịgbanwe ihe nwata gị na-ahụ na Nchekwa Windows ma jikwaa mwube ndị ọzọ na panelụ njizi Family Safety. Family Safety monitoring will be turned on for this account. You can always change what your child sees in the Windows Store and manage other settings in the Family Safety control panel.
3360Nwa gị nwere ike iji adreesị ozi-e ọ bụla wee banye. Mana ọ bụrụ na ha enweela akaụntụ ha ji abanye na, Skype, SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME, Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE, ma ọ bụ PC ọzọ, jiri otu akaụntụ ahụ ebe a iji wekọta ozi ha niile ọnụ na PC a. Your child can sign in using any email address. But if they already have an account they use to sign in to, Skype, SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME, Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE, or another PC, use the same account here to bring all their info together on this PC.
0x10000031Response Time Response Time
0x10000034SQM SQM
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000002Error Error
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-User Control Panel Microsoft-Windows-User Control Panel
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-User Control Panel/Operational Microsoft-Windows-User Control Panel/Operational
0xB0002329Failed execution of [%1]. (Result %2) Failed execution of [%1]. (Result %2)
0xB000232AFailed execution of [%1] for instance = %2. (Result %3) Failed execution of [%1] for instance = %2. (Result %3)


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Original File Name:USERCPL.DLL.MUI
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Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is usercpl.dll.mui?

usercpl.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Igbo language for file usercpl.dll (Panel Kènjizi ojiarụ).

File version info

File Description:Panel Kènjizi ojiarụ
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:USERCPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Nwe ikikere niile.
Original Filename:USERCPL.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x470, 1200