edgehtml.dll.mui Microsoft Edge Web 平台 6dc536eed19bbac344c258080b146d16

File info

File name: edgehtml.dll.mui
Size: 385024 byte
MD5: 6dc536eed19bbac344c258080b146d16
SHA1: b814d6ece5dbe4993a59746cb60b88cdaa7b48e4
SHA256: ebf375c6640a0eb855183eeceb5fd1e4b1639e387e5a0491a47ca8ea035ba6bd
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
180HTML 文档 HTML Document
769-30s -30s
770+30s +30s
771播放 Play
772暂停 Pause
773静音 Mute
774取消静音 Unmute
775将视频另存为... Save video as...
776将音频另存为... Save audio as...
777复制视频 URL Copy video URL
778复制音频 URL Copy audio URL
779%sX %sX
780%.3fX %.3fX
781Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
800错误 Error
801已中止 Aborted
802网络错误 Network Error
803解码错误 Decode Error
804无效源 Invalid Source
805未知错误 Unknown Error
806此视频突然停止播放 - 请稍后再试一次。 This video stopped playing suddenly - please try again later.
807找不到视频。 Couldn't find video.
808无法在另一设备播放。 Couldn't cast to another device.
809视频无法解码。 Video couldn't be decoded.
810此类视频文件不受支持。 This type of video file isn't supported.
811出现了错误。请稍后再试。 Something went wrong - please try again later.
812此音频突然停止播放 - 请稍后再试一次。 This audio stopped playing suddenly - please try again later.
813找不到此音频文件。 Couldn't find this audio file.
814音频无法解码。 Audio couldn't be decoded.
815此类音频文件不受支持。 This type of audio file isn't supported.
832..... .....
850定位 Seek
851音量 Volume
854已播放时间/快退 Time elapsed/Skip back
855剩余时间/快进 Time remaining/Skip ahead
856显示音频选择菜单 Show audio selection menu
857显示字幕选择菜单 Show captioning selection menu
858音量/静音 Volume/Mute
859全屏 Full screen
860退出全屏 Exit full screen
861放大 Zoom in
862缩小 Zoom out
880无标题 untitled
881关闭 Off
882%1 (打开) %1 (On)
883设置 Settings
896全屏媒体元素电源请求 Media element power request for full screen
912重置 Reset
1000普通 Normal
1001已编排格式 Formatted
1002地址 Address
1003标题 1 Heading 1
1004标题 2 Heading 2
1005标题 3 Heading 3
1006标题 4 Heading 4
1007标题 5 Heading 5
1008标题 6 Heading 6
1009带编号的列表 Numbered List
1010带项目符号的列表 Bulleted List
1011目录列表 Directory List
1012菜单列表 Menu List
1013定义条目 Definition Term
1014定义 Definition
1016段落 Paragraph
1036BlockQuote BlockQuote
1037pre pre
1038address address
1039h1 h1
1040h2 h2
1041h3 h3
1042h4 h4
1043h5 h5
1044h6 h6
1045ol ol
1046ul ul
1047dir dir
1048menu menu
1049dt dt
1050dd dd
1051P P
1052div div
1517Internet Explorer ... Internet Explorer ...
1520(无标题) (untitled)
2206不支持该命令。 This command is not supported.
2211属性(&P)... &Properties...
2213Windows Internet Explorer Windows Internet Explorer
2215由于出现错误 而导致此项操作无法完成。 Could not complete the operation due to error .
2220请输入介于 和 之间的值。 Enter a value between and .
2221请输入大于零的值。 Enter a value greater than zero.
2222请输入大于或等于零的值。 Enter a value greater than or equal to zero.
2223该对象已经改变,是否更新? The object has changed. Do you want to update it?
2224分析器提前终止 Parser Terminated Early
2225分析器大概提前 终止 Parser Terminated Early around
2226Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft Internet Explorer
2227该图片类型无效。 The picture type is not valid.
2228内容似乎有问题。 There seems to be a problem with the content.
2229控件属性 Control Properties
2230属性 Properties
2243撤消 Undo
2244重复 Redo
2245无法撤消 Can't Undo
2246不能重做 Can't Redo
2247插入对象 Insert Object
2248删除对象 Delete Object
2249属性更改 Property Change
2251Web 浏览器 Web Browser
2252拖放 Drop
2253打不开附加到此 PDF 的文件 We couldn't open the file attached to this PDF
2258粘贴 Paste
2262文本操作 Text Operation
2263自动更正 Autocorrection
2321不能在运行时设置属性。 Can not set property at runtime.
2322由于该控件目前不可见、未启用或其类型不允许,因此无法将焦点移向它。 Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus.
2324该方法无法用在这一上下文中。 This method can't be used in this context.
2325请输入正确的值。 Enter a proper value.
2326无法调用 方法。 Could not call the method.
2327该控件需要有确定的焦点。 The control needs to have the focus.
2329意外地调用了方法或属性访问。 Unexpected call to method or property access.
2330未指明的错误。 Unspecified error.
2331这个值不是图片对象。 The value is not a picture object.
2332无效的属性数组下标。 Invalid property array index.
2333无效的属性值。 Invalid property value.
2334溢出。 Overflow.
2335权限被拒绝。 Permission denied.
2336参数无效。 Invalid argument.
2337由于没有得到正确授权,因此无法创建该控件。 The control could not be created because it is not properly licensed.
2338该操作的目标元件无效。 Invalid target element for this operation.
2339用于此项操作的原始 HTML 无效。 Invalid source HTML for this operation.
2340未知 Unknown
2341该地址无效。请检查地址,然后再试一次。 This address is not valid. Check the address, and try again.
2342未找到站点。请确认地址是否正确,然后再试一次。 The site was not found. Make sure the address is correct, and try again.
2343堆栈溢出,位置: 第 行 Stack overflow at line:
2344内存不足,位置: 第 行 Out of memory at line:
2345该文档包含不匹配的标记,因此未能完全加载。 This document was not completely loaded because it contains mismatched tags.
2346标记指针与此操作不兼容。 Incompatible markup pointers for this operation.
2347此操作所用的标记指针的位置未知。 Unpositioned markup pointer for this operation.
2348该操作所用元素的位置未知。 Unpositioned element for this operation.
2349堆栈溢出 Stack overflow
2350此站点提示... This site says...
2351无法添加动态内容。脚本尝试插入了可能不安全的动态内容或以前经过动态修改的元素。例如,使用 innerHTML 属性添加脚本或格式错误的 HTML 将发生此异常。请使用 toStaticHTML 方法筛选动态内容,或使用诸如 createElement 等方法显式创建元素和属性。有关详细信息,请参阅 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=247104。 Unable to add dynamic content. A script attempted to inject dynamic content, or elements previously modified dynamically, that might be unsafe. For example, using the innerHTML property to add script or malformed HTML will generate this exception. Use the toStaticHTML method to filter dynamic content, or explicitly create elements and attributes with a method such as createElement. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=247104.
2357请输入密码。 Please enter a password.
2358密码不正确。请再试一次。 That password is incorrect. Please try again.
2361此站点无权请求你的位置。 This site doesn't have permission to ask for your location.
2362无法确定你当前的位置。 Couldn't figure out your current location.
2511未知协议 Unknown Protocol
2512, ( 位加密 ); ( 位交换) , with bit encryption ; with bit exchange
2513(低) (Low)
2514(中等) (Medium)
2515(高) (High)
2516已加密 Encrypted
2517内容似乎已损坏。 The content seems to be corrupted.
4688我的电脑 My Computer
4689本地 Intranet Local intranet
4690受信任的站点 Trusted sites
4691Internet Internet
4692受限制的站点 Restricted sites
4700其他(&M) &More
5010加载图片|bmp|所有图片文件|*.bmp;*.wmf;*.emf;*.ico;*.dib;*.cur;*.gif;*.jpg|位图(*.Bmp;*.Dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|图元文件(*.Wmf;*.Emf)|*.wmf;*.emf|图标(*.Ico;*.Cur)|*.ico;*.cur|GIF(*.Gif)|*.gif|JPEG(*.Jpg)|*.jpg|所有文件(*.*)|*.*| Load Picture|bmp|All Picture Files|*.bmp;*.wmf;*.emf;*.ico;*.dib;*.cur;*.gif;*.jpg|Bitmaps(*.Bmp;*.Dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Metafiles(*.Wmf;*.Emf)|*.wmf;*.emf|Icons(*.Ico;*.Cur)|*.ico;*.cur|GIF(*.Gif)|*.gif|JPEG(*.Jpg)|*.jpg|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
5011加载图片|bmp|图标(*.Ico;*.Cur)|*.ico;*.cur|所有文件(*.*)|*.*| Load Picture|bmp|Icons(*.Ico;*.Cur)|*.ico;*.cur|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
5301-- 网页对话框 -- Webpage Dialog
5444选择要加载的文件|*|所有文件(*.*)|*.*|图片 (*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png)|*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png|HTML (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html| Choose File to Upload|*|All Files (*.*)|*.*|Pictures (*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png)|*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png|HTML (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|
8018宋体 Times New Roman
8025无法保存图片。 Could not save the picture.
8026无法设置墙纸。 Could not set the wallpaper.
8028停止运行此脚本吗? 此页面上的脚本造成 Web 浏览器和电脑运行速度减慢。 Stop running this script? A script on this page is slowing down your browser and your PC.
8030该页上的 ActiveX 控件不安全。
An ActiveX control on this page is not safe.
Your current security settings prohibit running unsafe controls on this page.
As a result, this page might not display as intended.
8031该页存在潜在的对 ActiveX 控件不安全的信息。当前安全设置禁止以该方式运行控件。因此,可能无法正确显示该页。 This page provides potentially unsafe information to an ActiveX control. Your current security settings prohibit running controls in this manner. As a result, this page might not display correctly.
8032若要刷新该页面,浏览器需要重复你已完成的任何操作。例如,如果你已将信息输入到表单中,你的信息会重新提交到该站点。 To refresh this page, your browser needs to repeat any actions you've already taken. For example, if you've already entered info into a form, your info will be resubmitted to the site.
8033一个或多个 ActiveX 控件无法显示,原因可能是下列其中之一:

1) 当前安全设置禁止运行此页面中的 ActiveX 控件,或
2) 你已经阻止了其中一个控件的发布者。

One or more ActiveX controls could not be displayed because either:

1) Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page, or
2) You have blocked a publisher of one of the controls.

As a result, the page might not display correctly.
8034第 行上 “” 处有不匹配的或没有正确关闭的 XML 标记。 Mismatched or improperly closed XML tag at "" on line .
8038未能打印此图片。 Could not print the picture.
8039未能以电子邮件形式发送此图片。 Could not email the picture.
8114保存 HTML 文档|htm|HTML 文件 (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|文本文件 (*.txt)|*.txt| Save HTML Document|htm|HTML File (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|
8116保存图片|gif|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif|位图(*.bmp)|*.bmp| Save Picture|gif|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8117保存图片|jpg|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|位图(*.bmp)|*.bmp| Save Picture|jpg|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8118保存图片|bmp|位图(*.bmp)|*.bmp| Save Picture|bmp|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8123保存图片|avi|AVI (*.avi)|*.avi| Save Picture|avi|AVI (*.avi)|*.avi|
8124保存图片|mpg|MPEG (*.mpg)|*.mpg| Save Picture|mpg|MPEG (*.mpg)|*.mpg|
8125保存图片|mov|MOV (*.mov)|*.mov| Save Picture|mov|MOV (*.mov)|*.mov|
8126保存图片||源文件(*.*)|*.*| Save Picture||Original (*.*)|*.*|
8127untitled.bmp untitled.bmp
8128untitled.html untitled.html
8129\Internet Explorer Wallpaper.bmp \Internet Explorer Wallpaper.bmp
8134%s 需要你提供某些信息。 %s needs some info from you.
8138保存图片|png|PNG (*.png)|*.png|位图(*.bmp)|*.bmp| Save Picture|png|PNG (*.png)|*.png|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8139保存图片|tif|TIFF (*.tiff)|*.tiff|位图(*.bmp)|*.bmp| Save Picture|tif|TIFF (*.tiff)|*.tiff|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8140保存图片|jxr|JXR (*.jxr)|*.jxr|位图(*.bmp)|*.bmp| Save Picture|jxr|JXR (*.jxr)|*.jxr|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8141保存图片|svg|可缩放的向量图形(*.svg)|*.svg|PNG (*.png)|*.png|位图(*.bmp)|*.bmp| Save Picture|svg|Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)|*.svg|PNG (*.png)|*.png|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8142untitled.svg untitled.svg
8143保存图片|ico|ICO (*.ico)|*.ico|位图 (*.bmp)|*.bmp| Save Picture|ico|ICO (*.ico)|*.ico|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8144untitled.png untitled.png
8145音频文件 Audio Files
8146图像文件 Image Files
8147视频文件 Video Files
8148自定义文件 Custom Files
8149保存图片|dds|DDS (*.dds)|*.dds|位图 (*.bmp)|*.bmp| Save Picture|dds|DDS (*.dds)|*.dds|Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
8150其他... Other...
8151周 %02d,%d Week %02d, %d
8152周 %02d Week %02d
8153mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy
8154(剩余 项) ( item(s) remaining)
8155正在下载图片 ... Downloading picture ...
8156正在生成网页 ... Generating page ...
8157等待 ... Waiting for ...
8158--------- ---- --------- ----
8159周 --, ---- Week --, ----
8160正在安装组件... Installing components...
8161--:-- -- --:-- --
8162--:-- --:--
8163--:--:-- -- --:--:-- --
8164--:--:-- --:--:--
8165按钮 Buttons
8167正在下载数据 ... Downloading data ...
8169完成 Done
8180日期 Date
8181向上 Up
8182向下 Down
8183接受 Accept
8184取消 Cancel
8185年份 Year
8186 Month
8187星期 Week
8188 Day
8189小时 Hour
8190文档加载错误 Document Load Error
8191分钟 Minute
8192期间 Period
8193无法打开 Internet 站点 。

Unable to open the Internet site .

8194确实要离开该页面吗? Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?
8195 Second
8196可以搜索该索引。请键入要搜索的关键字: You can search this index. Type the keyword(s) you want to search for:
8197按“确定”继续,或按“取消”留在当前页面。 Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.
8198这是可搜索的索引。请输入搜索关键字: This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords:
8199时间 Time
8201FontName FontName
8202FontSize FontSize
8203FontBold FontBold
8204FontItalic FontItalic
8205FontUnder FontUnder
8207BackColor BackColor
8209BorderColor BorderColor
8210BorderStyle BorderStyle
8211TextAlign TextAlign
8212SpecialEffect SpecialEffect
8213FontSuperscript FontSuperscript
8214FontSubscript FontSubscript
8215颜色 Color
8216色调 Hue
8217饱和度 Saturation
8218亮度 Lightness
8219红色 Red
8220蓝色 Blue
8221绿色 Green
8301null null
8302true true
8303false false
8403&w&b页码,&p/&P &w&bPage &p of &P
8404&u&b&d &u&b&d
84050.750000 0.750000
8409XPS 文档(*.xps)|*.xps| XPS Documents (*.xps)|*.xps|
8501提交查询内容 Submit Query
8502浏览... Browse...
8503清除值 Clear value
8504显示密码 Reveal password
8600通过 Web 浏览器发布的表单。 Form posted from web browser.
8601因为默认邮件客户端没有正确安装,所以无法执行该操作。 Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed.

This form is being submitted using e-mail.
Submitting this form will reveal your e-mail address to the recipient,
and will send the form data without encrypting it for privacy.

You may continue or cancel this submission.
8603未找到邮件客户端 Mail client not found
9000保存 PDF|pdf|PDF (*.pdf)|*.pdf| Save PDF|pdf|PDF (*.pdf)|*.pdf|
9001untitled.pdf untitled.pdf
10001包含用于剪贴板、文字查找以及编辑链接的命令。 Contains commands for the clipboard, finding text, and editing links.
10002包含控制页面显示方式的命令。 Contains commands for controlling the display of your page.
10003包含在页中插入元件的命令。 Contains commands for inserting elements into the page.
10004包含编排页中所选元件的格式的命令。 Contains commands for formatting the selected elements on the page.
10600单击此处安装下列 ActiveX 控件: 来自 ’’ 的 ’’... Click here to install the following ActiveX control: '' from ''...
10601选择以设置 Adobe Flash Select for Adobe Flash
12341你所在的站点正在试图关闭此标签页。是否关闭此标签页? The site you're on is trying to close this tab. Do you want to close this tab?
12342你所在的站点正在试图关闭此窗口。是否关闭此窗口? The site you're on is trying to close this window. Do you want to close this window?
12916(混合) (Mixed)
12917未知区域 Unknown Zone
12939保护模式: 启用 Protected Mode: On
12940保护模式: 关闭 Protected Mode: Off
12941保护模式: 增强 Protected Mode: Enhanced
12947%1!ls! | %2!ls! %1!ls! | %2!ls!
14720浏览要上载的文件 Browse for file to upload
14721选中 Check
14722取消选中 Uncheck
14723跳转 Jump
14724 Press
14725选择 Select
14727打开 Open
14728双击 Double Click
14736输入要上载的文件的名称 Enter name of file to upload
14737链接区域类型: link region type:
14738PLUGIN: type=Object PLUGIN: type=Object
14739PLUGIN: type=Embed PLUGIN: type=Embed
14740MSAAHTML Registered Handler MSAAHTML Registered Handler
14741%d%% %d%%
14752Alt+向下键 Alt+Down Arrow
14768 / of
14770递增 Ascending
14771递减 Descending
14772展开 Expand
14773折叠 Collapse
14774切换 Toggle
14775单击 Click
14776取消选择 Deselect
14777标记 mark
14848音频 Audio
14849视频 Video
14858音频: %1 Audio: %1
14859视频: %1 Video: %1
14860播放当前选择的媒体 Plays the current media selection
14861暂停当前选择的媒体 Pauses the current media selection
14863查找跟踪中的任意位置 Seeks to any position in a track
14865已播放 %1 (总时长 %2) At %1 of %2 total
14866 Volume
14867%1%% %1%%
14869%1 %1
14875正在加载 Loading
14876正在加载媒体... Loading media...
15121空格 Space
15128左右箭头键可跳过 10 秒;SHIFT + 左右箭头键可跳过 30 秒。 Left and right arrow keys skip 10 seconds; SHIFT + left or right arrow key skips 30 seconds.
15129下上箭头键可调高或调低音量 Up and down arrow keys raise or lower volume
15130M M
15131A A
15132U U
15133SHIFT + 向左键可快退 30 秒。 SHIFT + left arrow skips back 30 seconds.
15134SHIFT + 向右键可快进 30 秒。 SHIFT + right arrow skips ahead 30 seconds.
15135Alt+Enter Alt+Enter
15136Esc Esc
15139Z Z
15140在 %1 分 %2 秒处(总长 %3 分 %4 秒) At %1 minutes %2 seconds of %3 minutes %4 seconds total
15168Meter Meter
15169良好 Good
15170一般 Fair
15171较差 Poor
15184主要 main
15185窗体 form
15186导航 navigation
15187搜索 search
15188补充 complementary
15189横幅 banner
15190内容信息 content information
15191区域 region
15200 section
15201在旁边 aside
15204页眉 header
15205页脚 footer
15206文章 article
15208blockquote blockquote
15210 Figure
15211meter meter
15213输出 output
15216电子邮件 email
15217文件 file
15218数字 number
15219密码 password
15221电话 telephone
15222URL url
15226 week
15227本地日期和时间 local date and time
15228颜色选取器 Color Picker
45056Success Success
45062No such driver No such driver
45063No such element No such element
45064No such frame No such frame
45065Unknown command Unknown command
45072Stale element reference Stale element reference
45073Element is not visible Element is not visible
45074Invalid element state Invalid element state
45075Unknown error Unknown error
45077Element is not selectable Element is not selectable
45079Javascript error Javascript error
45081XPath lookup error XPath lookup error
45089Timeout Timeout
45091No such window No such window
45092Invalid cookie domain Invalid cookie domain
45093Unable to set cookie Unable to set cookie
45094Unexpected alert open Unexpected alert open
45095No alert open No alert open
45096Script timeout Script timeout
45097Invalid element coordinates Invalid element coordinates
45104IME not available IME not available
45105IME engine activation failed IME engine activation failed
45106Invalid selector Invalid selector
45107Session not created Session not created
45108Move target out of bounds Move target out of bounds
45109No such Browser Extension No such Browser Extension
45110No such Browser Extension Action No such Browser Extension Action
45120Unsupported operation Unsupported operation
45121Unable to take screenshot Unable to take screenshot
45122Not implemented Not implemented
45123Invalid argument Invalid argument
45312F12 F12
45313必须先关闭主 Internet Explorer 窗口中的 F12 开发人员工具,然后才能在此对话框中打开。

要关闭现有 F12 开发人员工具窗口并在此处将它们打开,请单击“确定”。否则,单击“取消”。
The F12 developer tools in the main Internet Explorer window must be closed before opening in this dialog

To close the existing F12 developer tools window and open them here, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel.
45314HTTPS 安全受到 的威胁 HTTPS security is compromised by
45316代码页从 重新启动到 Codepage restart from to
45317错误: 已阻止以下资源,因为该资源要求回退到 SSL 3.0,这是不安全的: Error: The following resource has been blocked because it would require an insecure fallback to SSL 3.0:
45318 的脚本因 Mime 类型不匹配而被阻止 Script from was blocked due to mime type mismatch
45319CSS 因 Mime 类型不匹配而被忽略 CSS was ignored due to mime type mismatch
45320()的代码页 覆盖()的冲突的代码页 Codepage from () overrides conflicting codepage from ()
45321META 标记 META tag
45322不允许使用代码页 ,仅允许使用代码页 。 Codepage is not allowed, only codepage is allowed.
45323如果允许脚本和同源访问,沙盒 iframe 的安全可能会受到威胁。 Security of a sandboxed iframe is potentially compromised by allowing script and same origin access.
45328@charset @charset
45329UNICODE 字节顺序标记 UNICODE byte order mark
45330HTTP 标头 HTTP header
45331 在 Internet Explorer 兼容性视图列表(“”)上。 is on the Internet Explorer Compatibility View List ('').
45335此页上的代码禁用了反向和正向缓存。有关详细信息,请参阅: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=291337 The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=291337
45336@font-face 遇到了未知错误。 @font-face encountered unknown error.
45337@font-face 未能完成 WOFF 完整性检查。 @font-face failed WOFF integrity check.
45338无法识别 @font-face 字体格式 @font-face font format not recognized
45339无可用于 @font-face 规则的字体 No fonts available for @font-face rule
45340@font-face 未能通过 WOFF2 完整性检查。 @font-face failed WOFF2 integrity check.
45341关闭此站点的通知 Turn off notifications for this site
45346@font-face 无法加载无效的 OpenType 字体。 @font-face unable to load invalid OpenType font.
45347:visited 和 :link 样式只能在颜色上不同。有些样式未应用于 :visited。 :visited and :link styles can only differ by color. Some styles were not applied to :visited.
A download in this page was blocked by Tracking Protection.
45351@font-face 跨源请求失败。无 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 标头。 @font-face failed cross-origin request. No Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
45352@font-face 跨源请求失败。资源访问受限。 @font-face failed cross-origin request. Resource access is restricted.
45353无法创建新样式表。文档中已有超过 个样式表。 Failed to create new stylesheet. There are more than stylesheets in the document.
45354已忽略 x-ua-compatible 处理指令(“”),因为文档模式已完成。 x-UA-compatible processing instruction ('') ignored because document mode is already finalized.
45355进行了导航。 Navigation occurred.
45371无效参数 ’url’。无法调用 Blob URL: ’’。 Invalid argument 'url'. Failed to revoke Blob URL: ''.
45372拒绝访问。无法调用跨源 URL:“”。 Access Denied. Failed to revoke cross-origin URL: ''.
45373找不到资源“”。 Resource '' not found.
45378对 的网络请求不成功。
Network request to did not succeed.
Your application manifest does not declare the following capabilities:
45379对 的网络请求不成功。
此 Internet Explorer 实例不具有以下功能:
Network request to did not succeed.
This Internet Explorer instance does not have the following capabilities:
45380拒绝访问。跨源 URL 的资源访问受限:“”。 Access Denied. Resource access is restricted for cross-origin URL: ''.
45381“”中检测到可能的跨站点脚本操作。内容已被 XSS 筛选器修改。 Potential cross-site scripting detected in ''. The content has been modified by the XSS Filter.
45382资源在缓存中不存在:“”。 Resource doesn't exist in the cache: ''.
45383资源在服务器上不存在:“”。 Resource doesn't exist on the server: ''.
45384清单在服务器上不存在:“”。 Manifest doesn't exist on the server: ''.
45385清单分析失败:“”。 Manifest parsing failure: ''.
45386在开始运行更新时更改了清单:“”。 Manifest changed while update was being run: ''.
45387AppCache 严重错误 AppCache Fatal Error
45388正在使用清单创建 AppCache:“”。 Creating AppCache with manifest: ''.
45389Indexed DB 仅在具有 http 或 https URL 方案的网站上可用。 Indexed DB is only available on websites with http or https URL schemes.
45390在导航到新文档之前,未吊销一个或多个 Blob URL。因为未吊销的 Blob URL 可能会继续占用系统资源,
所以请通过调用 URL.revokeObjectURL 吊销 Blob URL,或在调用 URL.createObjectURL 创建 Blob URL 时使用 {oneTimeOnly} 标志。
One or more blob URLs were not revoked prior to navigating to a new document. Because unrevoked blob URLs can continue consuming system resources,
revoke the blob URLs manually by calling URL.revokeObjectURL or use the {oneTimeOnly} flag when you call URL.createObjectURL to create the blob URLs.
45391发现具有不兼容线程模式的第三方 Blob 对象 3rd party Blob object discovered with incompatible threading model
45392通过关闭创建了 URL 的 Blob,撤消一个或多个 Blob URL。无法再解析这些 URL,因为已释放支持 URL 的数据。 One or more blob URLs were revoked by closing the blob for which they were created. These URLs will no longer resolve as the data backing the URL has been freed.
45394无法为 URL 检索 IUriToStreamResolver:“”。 Failed to retrieve IUriToStreamResolver for url: ''.
45396调用 UriToStreamAsync 成功,但返回了一个空的 url 操作: ’’。 Call to UriToStreamAsync succeeded but returned a null operation for url: ''.
45398无法接收来自以下项的 ScriptNotify 事件:“”。网站尝试从未包含在此应用的 ApplicationContentUriRules 中的 WebView URI 向该应用发送 ScriptNotify 事件。若要允许此事件,请将 URI 添加到包清单的 ApplicationContentUriRules 部分。(在 Visual Studio 中,请将此 URI 添加到清单设计器的“内容 URL”选项卡。) Unable to receive a ScriptNotify event from: ''. The website attempted to send a ScriptNotify event to the app from a WebView URI that is not included in the ApplicationContentUriRules for this app. To permit this event, add the URI to the ApplicationContentUriRules section of the package manifest. (In Visual Studio, add this URI to the Content URIs tab of the Manifest Designer.)
45400Windows 7 上的 Internet Explorer 不支持 DDS 图像格式。请访问 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=291257 以获取详细信息。 The DDS image format isn't supported in Internet Explorer on Windows 7. Get more info at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=291257
45401图像“”使用的编码格式不受支持。有关支持的格式列表,请参阅 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=291257。 The image '' uses an unsupported encoding format. See the list of supported formats at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=291257.
45402图像“”包含不明确的 Alpha 通道值。只能显示明确指定 Alpha 行为的 DDS 图像。请访问 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=291257 以获取详细信息。 The image '' has ambiguous alpha-channel values. Only DDS images that explicitly specify the alpha behavior can be displayed. Get more info at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=291257.
45403“”在带 HTTP2 限制的 Internet Explorer 兼容性视图列表上。 '' is on the Internet Explorer Compatibility View List with HTTP2 restrictions.
45404媒体查询 -ms-view-state 已弃用。对于 Windows 8.1 以后的版本,-ms-view-state 媒体查询可能会变更或不可用。请改用 max-width 和 min-width 查询。 The media query -ms-view-state has been deprecated. -ms-view-state media queries may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 8.1. Instead, use max-width and min-width queries.
45408Internet Explorer is running in Enterprise Mode emulating IE8. Internet Explorer is running in Enterprise Mode emulating IE8.
45424console.profile 已弃用且不再受支持。 console.profile has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
45425console.profileEnd 已弃用并且不再受支持。 console.profileEnd has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
45426console.table 未实现。请使用替代机制进行记录。 console.table is not implemented. Please use an alternative mechanism to log.
45427console.memory 未实现,所有属性都将返回 0。请使用内存探查器监视内存使用情况。 console.memory is not implemented and will return 0 for all attributes. Please use the memory profiler to monitor memory utilization.
45428Adobe Flash 已崩溃。 Adobe Flash has crashed.
45429Flash 内容因占用内存过多,已卸载。 Flash content has been unloaded for using too much memory.
45430不允许加载资源“”。 Resource '' not allowed to load.
45568SVG 路径数据的格式不正确,未能进行完全分析。 SVG Path data has incorrect format and could not be completely parsed.
45569SVG 点列表的格式不正确,未能进行完全分析。 SVG Point list has incorrect format and could not be completely parsed.
45824应用集成的 XSLT 处理。 Applying Integrated XSLT Handling.
45825XSLT 处理失败。 XSLT processing failed.
45826已拒绝跨域请求 XSLT。 Request for cross-domain XSLT was denied.
45827不允许在限制的框架中使用 XML+XSLT。 XML+XSLT is not allowed in restricted frames.
45872MX_E_MX MX_E_MX
45873输入意外结束。 Unexpected end of input.
45874无法识别编码。 Unrecognized encoding.
45875无法切换编码。 Unable to switch the encoding.
45876无法识别输入编码签名。 Unrecognized input encoding signature.
45877WC_E_WC WC_E_WC
45878缺少空白。 Whitespace expected.
45879缺少分号。 Semicolon expected.
45880缺少“”。 Expected "".
45881缺少引号字符。 Quote character expected.
45882缺少“=”。 Expected "=".
45883属性值中不允许使用“ The "
45884缺少十六进制数字。 Hexadecimal digit expected.
45885缺少十进制数字 Decimal digit expected
45886缺少“[”。 Expected "[".
45887缺少“(”。 Expected "(".
45888XML 字符非法。 Illegal XML character.
45889名称字符非法。 Illegal name character.
45890文档语法不正确。 Incorrect document syntax.
45891CDATA 节语法不正确。 Incorrect CDATA section syntax.
45892注释语法不正确。 Incorrect comment syntax.
45893条件节语法不正确。 Incorrect conditional section syntax.
45894ATTLIST 声明语法不正确。 Incorrect ATTLIST declaration syntax.
45895DOCTYPE 声明语法不正确。 Incorrect DOCTYPE declaration syntax.
45896ELEMENT 声明语法不正确。 Incorrect ELEMENT declaration syntax.
45897ENTITY 声明语法不正确。 Incorrect ENTITY declaration syntax.
45898NOTATION 声明语法不正确。 Incorrect NOTATION declaration syntax.
45899缺少“NDATA”。 Expected "NDATA".
45900缺少“PUBLIC”。 Expected "PUBLIC".
45901缺少“SYSTEM”。 Expected "SYSTEM".
45902无效名称。 Invalid name.
45903仅允许有一个根元素。 Only one root element is allowed.
45904结束标记名称与对应的开始标记名称不匹配。 End-tag name does not match the corresponding start-tag name.
45905此元素上已存在一个同名的属性。 An attribute with the same name already exists on this element.
45906仅文件开头允许 XML 声明。 An XML declaration is only allowed at the beginning of the file.
45907前导“xml”。 Leading "xml".
45908文本声明语法不正确。 Incorrect text declaration syntax.
45909XML 声明语法不正确。 Incorrect XML declaration syntax.
45910编码名称语法不正确。 Incorrect encoding name syntax.
45911公共标识符语法不正确。 Incorrect public identifier syntax.
45912内部 DTD 子集中的标记声明内不允许使用参数实体引用。 Parameter entity references are not allowed within markup declarations in an internal DTD subset.
45913各标记声明之间使用的参数实体引用的替换文本自身必须包含一系列完整的标记声明。 The replacement text for parameter entity references used between markup declarations must itself contain a series of complete markup declarations.
45914分析的实体不得包含对自身的直接或间接引用。 A parsed entity must not contain a direct or indirect reference to itself.
45915指定实体的内容格式不正确。 The content of the specified entity is not well-formed.
45916指定的实体尚未进行声明。 The specified entity has not been declared.
45917实体引用不能包含未经分析的实体的名称。 Entity reference cannot contain the name of an unparsed entity.
45918属性值不得包含对外部实体的直接或间接引用。 Attribute values must not contain direct or indirect references to external entities.
45919处理指令语法不正确。 Incorrect processing instruction syntax.
45920系统标识符语法不正确。 Incorrect system identifier syntax.
45921缺少问号(?)。 Expected a question mark (?).
45922在元素内容中不得使用 CDATA-section-close 分隔符“]]”。 The CDATA-section-close delimiter "]]" must not be used in element content.
45923尚未读取所有数据块。 Not all chunks of data have been read.
45924DTD 已找到,但被禁止。 DTD was found but is prohibited.
45925找到的 xml:space 属性的值无效。有效值是“preserve”或“default”。 Found xml:space attribute with invalid value. Valid values are "preserve" or "default".
45926NC_E_NC NC_E_NC
45927限定名称字符非法。 Illegal qualified name character.
45928一个限定名称中不得出现多个冒号“:”。 Multiple colons ":" must not occur in a qualified name.
45929一个名称中不得出现冒号“:”。 A colon ":" must not occur in a name.
45930已声明前缀。 Declared prefix.
45931指定的前缀尚未进行声明。 The specified prefix has not been declared.
45932非默认命名空间声明不得包含空 URI。 Non-default namespace declarations must not have an empty URI.
45933“xml”前缀是保留项,必须具有 URI“http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace”。 The "xml" prefix is reserved and must have the URI "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace".
45934“xmlns”前缀保留供 XML 使用。 The "xmlns" prefix is reserved for use by XML.
45935只能将 xml 命名空间 URI (http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace)分配给前缀“xml”。 The xml namespace URI (http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace) must only be assigned to the prefix "xml".
45936xmlns 命名空间 URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/)保留,但不得使用。 The xmlns namespace URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/) is reserved and must not be used.
45937SC_E_SC SC_E_SC
45938超出了最大的嵌套元素深度。 Exceeded maximum depth of nested elements.
45939超出了最大的实体扩展数。 Exceeded maximum number of entity expansions.
45940WR_E_WR WR_E_WR
45941WR_E_NONWHITESPACE: 编写器: 指定的字符串不是空白 WR_E_NONWHITESPACE: writer: specified string is not whitespace
45942WR_E_NSPREFIXDECLARED: 编写器: 命名空间前缀已与另一个命名空间一起声明 WR_E_NSPREFIXDECLARED: writer: namespace prefix is already declared with a different namespace
45943WR_E_NSPREFIXWITHEMPTYNSURI: 编写器: 无法将前缀与空命名空间 URI 一起使用 WR_E_NSPREFIXWITHEMPTYNSURI: writer: cannot use prefix with empty namespace URI
45944WR_E_DUPLICATEATTRIBUTE: 编写器: 重复属性 WR_E_DUPLICATEATTRIBUTE: writer: duplicate attribute
45945WR_E_XMLNSPREFIXDECLARATION: 编写器: 无法重新定义 xmlns 前缀 WR_E_XMLNSPREFIXDECLARATION: writer: can not redefine the xmlns prefix
45946WR_E_XMLPREFIXDECLARATION: 编写器: xml 前缀必须具有 http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace URI WR_E_XMLPREFIXDECLARATION: writer: xml prefix must have the http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace URI
45947WR_E_XMLURIDECLARATION: 编写器: xml 命名空间 URI (http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace)只能分配给前缀“xml” WR_E_XMLURIDECLARATION: writer: xml namespace URI (http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace) must be assigned only to prefix 'xml'
45948WR_E_XMLNSURIDECLARATION: 编写器: xmlns 命名空间 URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/)保留,但不得使用 WR_E_XMLNSURIDECLARATION: writer: xmlns namespace URI (http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/) is reserved and must not be used
45949WR_E_NAMESPACEUNDECLARED: 编写器: 未声明命名空间 WR_E_NAMESPACEUNDECLARED: writer: namespace is not declared
45950WR_E_INVALIDXMLSPACE: 编写器: xml:space 属性的值无效(允许的值是“default”和“preserve”) WR_E_INVALIDXMLSPACE: writer: invalid value of xml:space attribute (allowed values are 'default' and 'preserve')
45951WR_E_INVALIDACTION: 编写器: 执行请求的操作将导致 XML 文档无效 WR_E_INVALIDACTION: writer: performing the requested action would result in invalid XML document
45952WR_E_INVALIDSURROGATEPAIR: 编写器: 输入包含的代理对无效或不完整 WR_E_INVALIDSURROGATEPAIR: writer: input contains invalid or incomplete surrogate pair
45953字符实体中包含意外字符。应是十进制数字。 Unexpected character in character entity. Expected a decimal digit.
45954字符实体中包含意外字符。应是十六进制数字。 Unexpected character in character entity. Expected a hexadecimal digit.
45955指定字符实体的 Unicode 值无效。 The Unicode value of the specified character entity is invalid.
45956编码无效。 Invalid encoding.
45957Unspecified XML error. Unspecified XML error.
45985不支持 XPath 查询“” XPath query "" not supported
46080internetClient internetClient
46081privateNetworkClientServer privateNetworkClientServer
46337模仿 IE9 Emulate IE9
46338模仿 IE8 Emulate IE8
46339模仿 IE7 Emulate IE7
46340未设置 Not Set
46341Quirks Quirks
46342IE7 标准 IE7 Standards
46343IE8 标准 IE8 Standards
46344IE9 标准 IE9 Standards
46352通过 F12 开发者工具栏 Via F12 developer toolbar
46353通过 X-UA-compatible Meta 标记 Via X-UA-compatible meta tag
46354通过 X-UA-compatible HTTP 标头 Via X-UA-compatible HTTP header
46355通过本地兼容性视图设置 Via local compatibility view settings
46356通过兼容性视图列表 Via compatibility view list
46358通过 Intranet 兼容性设置 Via intranet compatibility settings
46418在 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 标头中未找到源 。 Origin not found in Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
46419将凭据标记设置为 true 时,不允许在 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 中使用通配符。 Wildcard in Access-Control-Allow-Origin not allowed when credentials flag is set to true.
46420凭据标记已设置为 true,但 Access-Control-Allow-Credentials 不存在或未设置为 true。 Credentials flag was set to true, but Access-Control-Allow-Credentials was not present or was not set to "true".
46421Access-Control-Allow-Headers 列表中不存在请求标头 。 Request header was not present in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers list.
46422Access-Control-Allow-Methods 列表中不存在请求方法 。 Request method was not present in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods list.
46423 的 XMLHttpRequest 导致响应标头解析失败。 XMLHttpRequest for caused a response headers parsing failure.
46424不允许重定向 CORS 飞行前请求。 Redirects are not allowed for CORS preflight requests.
46425已阻止重定向 CORS 请求。 Redirect was blocked for CORS request.
46432不允许将多个 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 标头用于 CORS 响应。 Multiple Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers are not allowed for CORS response.
46433不允许将多个 Access-Control-Allow-Credentials 标头用于 CORS 响应。 Multiple Access-Control-Allow-Credentials headers are not allowed for CORS response.
46434为同步 XMLHttpRequest 设置 withCredentials 属性已弃用 Setting withCredentials attribute for synchronous XMLHttpRequest is deprecated
46435由于在同步标志设为 True 时使用 XMLHttpRequest 会影响用户感知到的站点性能,因此不建议这样做。 Use of XMLHttpRequest with the synchronous flag set to true is deprecated due to its impact on user-perceived site performance.
46592数字字符引用的开始字符不符合要求,应为: [0-9]。 Unexpected character at start of numeric character reference. Expected [0-9].
46593十六进制数字字符引用的开始字符不符合要求,应为: [0-9]、[a-f] 或 [A-F]。 Unexpected character at start of hexadecimal numeric character reference. Expected [0-9], [a-f], or [A-F].
46594字符引用缺少结束分号 “;”。 Character reference is missing an ending semicolon ";".
46595数字字符引用未解析为有效字符。 Numeric character reference does not resolve to a valid character.
46596无法识别的命名字符引用。 Unrecognized named character reference.
46597无效字符: U+0000 NULL。不应使用 Null 字符。 Invalid character: U+0000 NULL. Null characters should not be used.
46598无效的开始标记 “ Invalid tag start: "
46599无效的标记名称。第一个字符应为 [a-zA-Z]。 Invalid tag name. First character should match [a-zA-Z].
46600无效的结束标记 “”。结束标记不应为空。 Invalid end tag "". End tags should not be empty.
46601无效的属性名称字符。属性名称不应包含(")、(')、( Invalid attribute name character. Attribute names should not contain ("),('),(
46602未加引号的无效属性值。未加引号的属性值不应包含(")、(')、( Invalid unquoted attribute value. Unquoted attribute values should not contain ("), ('), (
46603文件结尾不符合要求。 Unexpected end of file.
46604注释格式不正确。注释应以 “ Malformed comment. Comments should start with "
46605不符合要求的字符: U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN () Unexpected character: U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN ()
46606不符合要求的字符: U+0021 EXCLAMATION MARK (!) Unexpected character: U+0021 EXCLAMATION MARK (!)
46607不符合要求的字符: U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-) Unexpected character: U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-)
46608注释结尾的字符不符合要求。应为 “--” 字符。 Unexpected character in comment end. Expected "--".
46609空 DOCTYPE。最短的有效文档类型是 “”。 Empty DOCTYPE. The shortest valid doctype is "".
46610DOCTYPE 中出现不符合要求的字符。 Unexpected character in DOCTYPE.
46611DOCTYPE 中出现不符合要求的关键字。关键字应为 “PUBLIC” 或 “SYSTEM”。 Unexpected keyword in DOCTYPE. Expected "PUBLIC" or "SYSTEM".
46612“PUBLIC” 或 “SYSTEM” 关键字之后不应为引号。应为空格。 Unexpected quote after "PUBLIC" or "SYSTEM" keyword. Expected whitespace.
46613结束标记的格式不正确。结束标记不应包含属性。 Malformed end tag. End tags should not contain attributes.
46614开始标记的格式不正确。自结束斜线后应跟随 U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN ()。 Malformed start tag. A self closing slash should be followed by a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN ().
46615开始标记的格式不正确。属性应由空格分隔。 Malformed start tag. Attributes should be separated by whitespace.
46616无效字符 Invalid character
46692标记无法自结束。请使用显式结束标记。 Tag cannot be self-closing. Use an explicit closing tag.
46694DOCTYPE 不符合要求。只允许一个 DOCTYPE,并且它必须出现在所有元素之前。 Unexpected DOCTYPE. Only one DOCTYPE is allowed and it must occur before any elements.
46695开始标记不符合要求。 Unexpected start tag.
46696结束标记不符合要求。 Unexpected end tag.
46697字符标记不符合要求。 Unexpected character token.
46698标记不符合要求。 Unexpected token.
46699不符合要求的字符: U+0000 NULL。不应使用 Null 字符。 Unexpected character: U+0000 NULL. Null characters should not be used.
46700不匹配的结束标记。 Unmatched end tag.
46702所需节点不在作用域内。 Required nodes not in scope.
46703在 ”” 之外出现不符合要求的头级元素。 Unexpected head-level element encountered outside of "".
46705找到多余的 “” 标记。每个文档中只应存在一个 “” 标记。 Extra "" tag found. Only one "" tag should exist per document.
46707在文档中极其靠后的位置找到 “”。此标记应在创建 “” 之前出现。 Found "" too far down in the document. This tag should occur before a "" is created.
46708无效嵌套。类似 “” 或 “” 这样的头标记不应置于另一个头标记内。 Invalid nesting. A header tag such as "" or "" should not be placed within another header tag.
46709无效嵌套。“” 标记不应置于另一个 “” 内。 Invalid nesting. A "" tag should not be placed within another "".
46712不符合要求的开始标记: “” 元素已被弃用,因此不应使用。 Unexpected start tag: The "" element is deprecated and should not be used.
46713不符合要求的 “” 或文件结尾。在文档结束之前,所有具有开始标记的元素都应正确结束。 Unexpected "" or end of file. All open elements should be closed before the end of the document.
46714无效的结束标记: “”。请改为使用 “” 或 “”。 Invalid end tag: "". Use "" or "" instead.
46715重叠的结束标记。标记的结构应为 “”,而不是 “”。 Overlapping end tag. Tags should be structured like "" instead of "".
46716HTML5 DOCTYPE 无效。请考虑使用交互式表单“”。 Invalid HTML5 DOCTYPE. Consider using the interoperable form "".
46717在外部内容(MathML/SVG)中发现不符合要求的 HTML 标记。 Unexpected HTML tag found inside foreign content (MathML/SVG).
46719需要 DOCTYPE。请考虑添加有效的 HTML5 doctype:“”。 DOCTYPE expected. Consider adding a valid HTML5 doctype: "".
46720HTML 内容中出现不符合要求的“”。请改用“”。 Unexpected "" in HTML content. Use "" instead.
46721xmlns:xlink 属性值无效。该值必须是“http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink”。 Invalid xmlns:xlink attribute value. The value must be "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink".
46722在结构化表元素中发现文本。表文本只能放在“”、“”或“”元素中。 Text found within a structural table element. Table text may only be placed inside "", "", or "" elements.
46723xmlns 属性值无效。对于 SVG 元素,该值必须是“http://www.w3.org/2000/svg”。 Invalid xmlns attribute value. For SVG elements the value must be "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg".
46724xmlns 属性值无效。对于 MathML 元素,该值必须是“http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML”。 Invalid xmlns attribute value. For MathML elements the value must be "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML".
46792诊断脚本引擎 Diagnostics Script Engine
46793扩展脚本引擎 Extension Script Engine
46849文本轨道: 时间戳无效。hr=。 Text Track: Invalid timestamp. hr=.
46850文本轨道: 内存不足。hr=。 Text Track: Out of memory. hr=.
46851文本轨道: 发生意外错误。hr=。 Text Track: Unexpected error. hr=.
46852文本跟踪: 未知 MIME 类型。hr=。 Text Track: Unknown MIME type. hr=.
46853WebVTT 文本轨道: 文件意外结束。hr=。 WebVTT Text Track: Unexpected end of file. hr=.
46854WebVTT 文本轨道: 文件签名无效。hr=。 WebVTT Text Track: Invalid file signature. hr=.
46855WebVTT 文本轨道: 预期在文件签名后有 2 个或更多个行终止符。hr=。 WebVTT Text Track: Expect 2 or more line terminators after file signature. hr=.
46856WebVTT 文本轨道: 时间戳签名应为 ’--’。hr=。 WebVTT Text Track: Timestamp signature should be '--'. hr=.
46857WebVTT 文本轨道: 预期在提示 ID 后有 2 个行终止符。hr=。 WebVTT Text Track: Expect 2 line terminators after Cue Id. hr=.
46858WebVTT 文本轨道: 在尝试查找要解析的提示时发生意外错误。hr=。 WebVTT Text Track: Unexpected error when trying to find a Cue to parse. hr=.
46859WebVTT 文本轨道: 出现意外空行。hr=。 WebVTT Text Track: Unexpected empty line. hr=.
46860WebVTT 文本轨道: 提示的时间戳中出现空格错误。hr=。 WebVTT Text Track: Whitespace error in Cue's timestamp. hr=.
46861WebVTT 文本轨道: 尝试查找要解析的提示文本时发生意外错误。hr=。 WebVTT Text Track: Unexpected error when trying to find cue text to parse. hr=.
46862TTML 文本轨道: 意外的 ttp:tickRate 值。hr=。 TTML Text Track: Unexpected ttp:tickRate value. hr=.
46863TTML 文本轨道: 意外的 ttp:frameRate 值。hr=。 TTML Text Track: Unexpected ttp:frameRate value. hr=.
46864TTML 文本轨道: 意外的 ttp:frameRateMultiplier 值。hr=。 TTML Text Track: Unexpected ttp:frameRateMultiplier value. hr=.
46865TTML 文本轨道: 遇到意外的元素 - 包含带有无效命名空间的元素。hr=。 TTML Text Track: Unexpected element encountered - this includes element with invalid namespace. hr=.
46866TTML 文本轨道: 遇到不匹配的元素。hr=。 TTML Text Track: Unmatched element encountered. hr=.
46867TTML 文本轨道: 处理样式时出错。hr=。 TTML Text Track: Error in processing styling. hr=.
46868TTML 文本轨道: 遇到无效的 XML。XmlLite 错误代码为: 。 TTML Text Track: Invalid XML encountered. XmlLite error code is: .
46897音频/视频: 未知 MIME 类型。 AUDIO/VIDEO: Unknown MIME type.
46898已为视频呈现禁用独立复合。这可能会降低性能。源: Independent composition is disabled for video rendering. This can negatively impact performance. src:
46899现在已为视频呈现启用独立复合。源: Independent composition is now enabled for video rendering. src:
47112遇到的错误太多,将不再记录更多错误 Too many errors encountered - no more errors will be logged
47121: 描述模式无效。 : Invalid draw mode.
47122: 着色器附件已包含着色器。 : Shader attachment already has a shader.
47123: 统一类型与着色器中声明的类型不匹配。 : Uniform type does not match type declared in shader.
47124: 统一大小与统一方法不匹配。 : Uniform size does not match uniform method.
47125: 混合函数无效 : Invalid blend function
47126: 混合公式无效 : Invalid blend equation
47127: 所需的资源大小大于最大纹理大小。 : Desired resource size is greater than max texture size.
47128: 视口大小不能为负值 : Viewport size cannot be negative
47129: 计数或偏移量为负值。 : Negative count or offset.
47130: 绑定元素数组对于给定计数和偏移量太小。 : Bound element array too small for given count and offset.
47131: UNSIGNED_SHORT 的字节偏移量无效(必须是 2 的倍数)。 : Invalid byte offset for UNSIGNED_SHORT (must be a multiple of 2).
47132: 必须具有元素数组缓冲区绑定。 : Must have element array buffer binding.
47133: 顶点和片段着色器中的统一名称相同但类型不同。 : A uniform in both the vertex and fragment shaders has the same name but different types.
47134: 缓冲区目标枚举无效 : Invalid buffer target enum
47135: 缓冲区已绑定到其他目标 : Buffer already bound to a different target
47136: 缓冲区使用枚举无效 : Invalid buffer usage enum
47137: 着色器类型无效 : Invalid shader type
47138: 没有源,无法编译着色器 : Cannot compile shader without source
47139: 掩码位无效 : Invalid mask bits
47140: 高度或宽度不能为负值 : Cannot have negative height or width
47141: 缓冲区大小不足 : Insufficient buffer size
47142: 只支持 RGBA 格式和 UNSIGNED_BYTE 类型的准确组合 : Only the exact combination of RGBA format and UNSIGNED_BYTE type is supported
47143: 此上下文不包含当前程序 : This context does not have a current program
47144: 起点或计数不能为负值 : Cannot have negative start or count
47145: 参数超出了界限 : Parameter outside of bounds
47146: 程序未链接 : Program not linked
47147: 变量不是当前程序的一部分 : Variable is not part of the current program
47148: 近端值不能大于远端值 : Near value cannot be greater than far
47149: 不能小于 0 或大于最大纹理数 : Cannot be less than 0 or greater than maximum number of textures
47150: 纹理目标无效或不受支持 : Invalid or unsupported texture target
47151: 必须绑定纹理 : A texture must be bound
47152: 格式无效 : Invalid format
47153: 类型无效 : Invalid type
47154: 格式必须与内部格式匹配 : Format must match internal format
47155: 格式和类型组合无效 : Invalid format and type combination
47156: 详细级别超出了范围 : Level of detail outside of range
47157: 内部格式无效 : Invalid internal format
47158: 边框必须为 0 : Border must be 0
47159: 纹理高度和宽度不能为负值并且不能超出最大纹理大小 : Texture height and width cannot be negative and cannot exceed maximum texture size
47160: 需要已启用的缓冲区 : An enabled buffer is required
47161: 仅支持 UNSIGNED_SHORT 类型 : Only UNSIGNED_SHORT type is supported
47162: 步幅不能为负值 : Cannot have negative stride
47163: 顶点属性大小必须为 1、2、3 或 4 : Vertex attribute size must be 1, 2, 3, or 4
47164: 必须绑定缓冲区 : A buffer must be bound
47165: 精度类型无效或不受支持 : Invalid or unsupported precision type
47166: 需要编译着色器 : Shader needs to be compiled
47168: 起点或计数超出缓冲区末尾 : Start or count goes past the end of the buffer
47169: 提供的参数使提供的缓冲区溢出 : The provided parameters overflow with the provided buffer
47170: 应为 WebGLShader 对象 : WebGLShader object expected
47171: 应为 WebGLProgram 对象 : WebGLProgram object expected
47172: 类型化数组类型与像素数据类型必须匹配 : Typed array type and pixel data type must match
47173: 像素数据存储需要类型化数组 : Typed array expected for pixel data storage
47174: 仅支持 RGBA 格式和 UNSIGNED_BYTE 类型 : Only RGBA format and UNSIGNED_BYTE type are supported
47175: 此图像的数据不可用 : The data for this image is not available
47176: 不支持此纹理源 : This texture source is not supported
47177: 纹理筛选器无法识别 : Texture filter not recognized
47178: 纹理环绕模式无法识别 : Texture wrap mode not recognized
47179: 精选模式无法识别 : Cull mode not recognized
47180: 需要顶点着色器 : Vertex shader required
47181: 需要片段着色器 : Fragment shader required
47182: 缓冲区大小与数据类型不符 : Buffer size does not align with data type
47183: WebGL 对象与另一 WebGLRenderingContext 关联 : WebGL object is associated with another WebGLRenderingContext
47184: renderbuffer 附件的参数名无效 : Invalid parameter name for renderbuffer attachment
47185: renderbuffer 目标无效 : Invalid renderbuffer target
47186: framebuffer 目标无效 : Invalid framebuffer target
47187: 必须绑定 framebuffer : A framebuffer must be bound
47188: 必须绑定 renderbuffer : A renderbuffer must be bound
47189: 附加纹理时,Mipmap 级别必须为 0 : Mipmap level must be 0 when attaching a texture
47190: Renderbuffer 宽度和高度不能为负值并且不能超出最大纹理大小 : Renderbuffer width and height cannot be negative and cannot exceed maximum texture size
47191: 附件类型必须与附件对象兼容 : Attachment type must be compatible with attachment object
47192: 附件不存在 : No attachments present
47193: framebuffer 配置不受支持 : Unsupported framebuffer configuration
47194: 附件的尺寸不同 : Attachments do not have the same dimensions
47195: 附件类型无效 : Invalid attachment type
47196: Renderbuffer 宽度和高度必须大于 0 : Renderbuffer width and height must be greater than 0
47197: renderbuffer 内部格式无效 : Invalid renderbuffer internalformat
47198: 当前不支持枚举 : Enum is not currently supported
47200: 图像元素不具有指定源 : The image element does not have a src specified
47201: 纹理源违反域限制 : The texture source violates domain restrictions
47202: 纹理是非二次幂纹理或不是完整的 mipmap : The texture is a non-power-of-two texture or not mipmap complete
47203: 当前的多维数据集映射不完整 : The current cube map is not complete
47204: 指定尺寸超出了纹理界限 : The specified dimensions are outside of the bounds of the texture
47205: 片段着色器中的所有静态使用的不同变量需要顶点着色器中同一类型的对应变量 : All statically used varying variables in fragment shader need a corresponding variable of the same type in the vertex shader
47206: 内部链接器错误 : Internal linker error
47216: 对象无法使用,因为它已删除 : Object cannot be used because it has been deleted
47217: 不允许使用以 ’gl_’ 开头的属性 : Attributes that begin with 'gl_' are not allowed
47218: 程序对象内不同取样器类型的变量不能指向同一纹理图像单元 : Variables of different sampler types within a program object cannot point to the same texture image unit
47219: 程序中定义的取样器数超过了此硬件的限制 : Number of samplers defined in program exceeds the limit for this hardware
47221: 顶点属性分配的矩阵属性空间不足 : Vertex attribute assignment has insufficient space for matrix attribute
47222: TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY 必须大于或等于 1 : TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY must be greater than or equal to 1
47223: 解包对齐值必须为 1、2、4 或 8 : Unpack alignment must be 1, 2, 4, or 8
47224: 传入的纹理目标和格式必须与原来用于定义纹理的目标和格式匹配 : Passed in texture target and format must match the one originally used to define the texture
47225: 每个立方图面都必须具有相同的宽度和高度 : Each cubemap face must have equal width and height
47226: 纹理立方图未完成。所有立方图面必须已定义并且必须大小相同 : Texture is not cubemap complete. All cubemaps faces must be defined and be the same size
47227: 要分离的着色器必须当前已附加到程序 : Shader to be detached must be currently attached to the program
47228: 压缩的纹理维度必须与传入的数据维度完全匹配 : Compressed texture dimensions must exactly match the dimensions of the data passed in
47229: 宽度、高度和偏移量参数必须是 4 的倍数 : Width, height, and offset parameters must be a multiple of 4
47230: 压缩的纹理不支持 mipmap 生成 : Compressed textures do not support mipmap generation
47231: 压缩的纹理无法设置为帧缓冲区目标 : Compressed textures cannot be set as framebuffer destinations
47232: bufferData 必须作为大小或数组传递。Null 和 undefined 的值均无效 : bufferData must be passed a size or an array. Null and undefined are not valid
47233: bufferSubData 需要数组。Null 不是有效值 : bufferSubData expects an array. Null is not a valid value
47234: 数据必须作为类型化数组传入 : Data must be passed in a typed array
47235: 偏移量和步幅必须是传入数据类型的倍数 : Offset and stride must be a multiple of the passed in datatype
47236: 浮动点纹理需要 NEAREST 或 NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST 筛选器 : Floating point textures require NEAREST or NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST filters
47237: 内部格式必须包含当前绑定的帧缓冲区格式的子集。 : internal format must contain a subset of the currently bound framebuffer's format
47238: 对于正面三角形和背面三角形而言,模具引用和掩码值必须相同 : Stencil reference and mask values must be the same for front facing and back facing triangles
47239: 当前不支持上下文属性 : Context attribute is not currently supported
47240: 链接时超过了最大不同向量计数 : Maximum varying vector count exceeded at link time
47241: 必须至少有一个已启用属性具有除数或零 : At least one enabled attribute must have a divisor or zero
47248: Primcount 必须大于或等于零 : Primcount must be greater than or equal to zero
47249: 传入的纹理格式和类型必须与原来用于定义纹理的格式和类型匹配 : Passed in texture format and type must match the one originally used to define the texture
47250: 位置长度不能超过 256 个字符 : Location lengths must not be greater than 256 characters
47251: 顶点属性和片段的统一形式不能具有相同的名称 : Vertex attributes and fragment uniforms cannot have the same name
47252: 不允许使用以 ’gl_’、’webgl_’ 或 ’_webgl_’ 开头的属性 : Attributes that begin with 'gl_', 'webgl_', or '_webgl_' are not allowed
47253: 当前硬件不支持 drawArrays 中的三角形数超过 65536 个。调用被忽略。 : Current hardware does not support having more than 65536 number of triangles in drawArrays. Call ignored.
47254: CONSTANT_COLOR (或 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR)和 CONSTANT_ALPHA (或 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA)不能作为混合函数中的源因子和目标因子一起使用。 : CONSTANT_COLOR (or ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR) and CONSTANT_ALPHA (or ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA) cannot be used together as source and destination factors in the blend function.
47255: SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE 不允许作为硬件的混合函数。 : SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE is not allowed as a blend function on your hardware.
47256: 仅支持 UNSIGNED_SHORT 和 UNSIGNED_BYTE 类型。 : Only UNSIGNED_SHORT and UNSIGNED_BYTE types are supported.
47258: 当前硬件不支持 SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE : Current hardware does not support SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE
47259: 目标混合因子不能是 SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE : Destination blending factor cannot be SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE
47260: 此视频的数据不可用 : The data for this video is not available
47261: 纹理目标和格式组合无效 : Invalid texture target and format combination
47262: 像素数据必须为 null : Pixel data must be null
47263: 纹理级别必须为零 : Texture level must be zero
47264: 当前硬件不支持非二次幂映射纹理 : Current hardware does not support non-power-of-two cube map textures
47265: 附加到当前帧缓冲区的纹理也绑定到当前上下文 : The texture attached to the current framebuffer is also bound to the current context
47360检测到 GPU 重置。正在临时切换到软件呈现。 GPU reset detected. Temporarily switching to software rendering.
47362正在临时切换到软件呈现以显示 WebGL 内容。 Temporarily switching to software rendering to display WebGL content.
49856返回到 %s (Alt+Left) Back to %s (Alt+Left)
49857前进到 %s (Alt+Right) Forward to %s (Alt+Right)
49858返回 Back
49859前进 Forward
49860当前页面 Current Page
50432Could not allocate memory for required operation Could not allocate memory for required operation
50433Parsing error Parsing error
50434JSON format error: command string must begin with "{" JSON format error: command string must begin with "{"
50435Unknown locator Unknown locator
50436Locator not implemented Locator not implemented
50437Element not displayed Element not displayed
50438Element is obscured Element is obscured
50439Could not determine if element is displayed Could not determine if element is displayed
50440Could not determine if element is obscured Could not determine if element is obscured
50441{"message":"%1"} {"message":"%1"}
50442Width and height are out of range Width and height are out of range
50443The element is disabled The element is disabled
50444The element is not editable The element is not editable
50445The element is not in a form The element is not in a form
50446The element is not focusable The element is not focusable
50447Javascript execution context no longer exists Javascript execution context no longer exists
50448missing key parameter missing key parameter
50449missing value parameter missing value parameter
50450The area element is not associated with a map The area element is not associated with a map
50451The map element does not have a name The map element does not have a name
50452The map element is not used by an image element The map element is not used by an image element
50453LocalStorage is disabled LocalStorage is disabled
50454SessionStorage is disabled SessionStorage is disabled
50944JSON format error: For %1 command, %2 object must contain pair with name "%3" JSON format error: For %1 command, %2 object must contain pair with name "%3"
50945JSON format error: For %1, pair with name "%2" must have %s as its value JSON format error: For %1, pair with name "%2" must have %s as its value
50946JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have an array as its value JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have an array as its value
50947JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have a bool as its value JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have a bool as its value
50948JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have a float as its value JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have a float as its value
50949JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have an integer as its value JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have an integer as its value
50950JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have a null as its value JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have a null as its value
50951JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have an object as its value JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have an object as its value
50952JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have a string as its value JSON format error: For %1 command, pair with name "%2" must have a string as its value
50953JSON format error: For %1 command, array with name "%2" must contain only strings JSON format error: For %1 command, array with name "%2" must contain only strings
50954JSON format error: For %1 command, the root has a mismatched type JSON format error: For %1 command, the root has a mismatched type
53249对象不支持此操作 Object doesn't support this action
53250参数是必选项 Argument not optional
53251分配到只读字段或属性 Assignment to read-only field or property
53252调用的对象无效 Invalid calling object
53254参数无效 Invalid argument
53255无法创建”“: 。 Failed to construct '': .
53256无法在“”上执行“”: 。 Failed to execute '' on '': .
53257至少需要 1 个参数 At least 1 argument required
53258已阅读正文 Body has already been read
53259未能根据“”解析 URL Failed to parse URL From ''
53260无法 fetch Failed to fetch
53261A response with a null HTTP status code cannot have a body A response with a null HTTP status code cannot have a body
53262不能利用已被使用的 Request 对象创建 Request Cannot construct a Request with a Request object that has already been used
53263HEAD 或 GET 请求不能有正文 HEAD or GET Requests cannot have a body
53264Failed to parse referrer URL From '' Failed to parse referrer URL From ''
53265无效模式 "navigate" Invalid mode 'navigate'
53266不支持“”HTTP 方法 '' HTTP method is unsupported
53267'only-if-cached' cache mode can only be used with 'same-origin' requests but '' was used 'only-if-cached' cache mode can only be used with 'same-origin' requests but '' was used
53268"no-cors" 模式不支持“”HTTP 方法 '' HTTP method is unsupported in 'no-cors' mode
53269使用“no-cors”模式时完整性属性应为空字符串 The integrity attribute should be an empty string when using 'no-cors' mode
53270无法读取。 Failed to read.
53271无法获取新的 ReadableStreamReader。 Unable to get a new ReadableStreamReader.
53272无法释放 ReadableStream 上的 ReadableStreamReader 锁。 Unable to release ReadableStreamReader's lock on ReadableStream.
53273HTTP 状态代码应在 200 到 599 之间(包括 200 和 599)。 HTTP status codes should be in the range 200 to 599, inclusive.
53279已被内容安全策略阻止 Blocked by Content Security Policy
53296添加到字典 Add to dictionary
53297忽略 Ignore
53298停止更正“%1” Stop correcting "%1"
53299删除重复的字词 Delete repeated word
53300语言 Language
53301更多 More
53302管理设置... Manage settings...
53303管理语言... Manage language...
53312你输入的文本不得多于 %d 个字符 You must enter text with %d or fewer characters
53313请确保输入的值大于 Please enter a value greater than
53314请确保输入的值小于 Please enter a value less than
53315你必须输入介于 %1 到 %2 之间的值 You must enter a value between %1 and %2
53316你必须输入有效值 You must enter a valid value
53317你必须输入有效 URL You must enter a valid URL
53318你必须输入有效电子邮件地址 You must enter a valid email address
53319这是必填字段 This is a required field
53320你必须选中此复选框 You must select this checkbox
53321你必须选择一个选项 You must choose an option
53322你必须选择一个文件 You must choose a file
53323你必须从列表中选择一个项目 You must choose an item from the list
53324你必须使用此格式: You must use this format:
53325你必须以此格式输入 URL: You must enter a URL in this format:
53326你必须以此格式输入电子邮件地址: You must enter an email address in this format:
53327请输入一个数字 Please enter a number
53328大写锁定已打开 Caps Lock is on
53329请输入一个大于以下值的值 Please enter a value after
53330请输入一个小于以下值的值 Please enter a value before
53584下一页 Next page
53601由于 hr=,无法将对象“”公开到 WebView。 Could not expose object '' to the WebView because hr=.
53602无法将对象“”公开到 WebView。请确保该对象的运行时类为 Agile,没有 WebHostHidden 属性,但具有 AllowForWeb 属性。 Could not expose object '' to the WebView. Make sure that the object's runtime class is Agile, doesn't have the WebHostHidden attribute, and that it does have the AllowForWeb attribute.
53603无法对位于 URL“”且 MIME 为“”的图像进行解码。 Unable to decode image at URL: '' with MIME: ''.
53604无法加载语音命令文件:“”。 Failed to load Voice Command file: ''.
53616 请求的 URL 预呈现已启动: Prerender requested by started for url:
53617由于 , 请求的 URL 预呈现被拒绝: Prerender requested by denied due to for url:
53618链接标记 a link tag
53619FlipAhead FlipAhead
53620未知原因 an unknown reason
53621预呈现已禁用 prerendering disabled
53622已达到最大预呈现请求数 the maximum number of prerender requests has been reached
53623无效的 URL 方案 an invalid url scheme
53624与已预呈现的 URI 相同 being the same URI as is already prerendered
53625该目标以前已预呈现 the target was previously prerendered
53626CV 列表限制 CV list restrictions
53627由于 ,URL 的预呈现目标已终止: Prerender target terminated due to for url:
53628替换目标 a replacement target
53629预加载关闭 preloading shutdown
53630超时后,未使用预呈现目标 the prerender target being unused after the timeout
53760复制 Copy
53761剪切 Cut
53764全选 Select all
53765举报为安全 Report as safe
53766仍然继续 Continue anyway
53768由 %1 托管
Hosted by %1
53769已有人举报此 Web 内容不安全 This web content has been reported as unsafe
已向 Microsoft 举报了此 Web 内容,该内容或许会对你的电脑构成威胁,可能导致你的个人或财务信息泄露。
This web content has been reported to Microsoft and might contain threats to your PC that could expose your personal or financial info.
53840comment comment
53841social social
53842sharebar sharebar
53843sharetool sharetool
53844share-tool share-tool
53845controls controls
53846control control
53847mboxdefault mboxdefault
53848buttons buttons
53849button button
53850share share
53851hidden hidden
53852hide hide
53853left-ear left-ear
53854right-ear right-ear
53855ad ad
53856ad_ ad_
53858nocontent nocontent
53859nocontents nocontents
53860promo_holder promo_holder
53861promo-component promo-component
53863googlead googlead
53864sky_ad sky_ad
53865dapif dapif
53866byline byline
53867title title
53868liveblog_ liveblog_
53869sidebar sidebar
53870feed feed
53871map map
53872logo logo
53873stb-processed stb-processed
53874rel_inactive rel_inactive
53875articletool articletool
53876sociable sociable
53877share-article share-article
53878utilities utilities
53879action-overlay action-overlay
53880robots-nocontent robots-nocontent
53882footer footer
53883article-side-rail article-side-rail
53884basic-modal-disclaimer basic-modal-disclaimer
53885wtbchart wtbchart
53886livefyre livefyre
53887tc-tag-item-bing tc-tag-item-bing
53888tc-tag-item-advertising-tech tc-tag-item-advertising-tech
53889mod-ad-4 ad-container mod-ad-4 ad-container
53890post-gallery post-gallery
53891gallery-thumbnails gallery-thumbnails
53892gallery-thumbnail gallery-thumbnail
53893js_replies js_replies
55040:-| :-|
5504155296 由于 ,分析 失败 - 将忽略策略。 55296 Failed parsing because - policy will be ignored.
55297在“”分析指令“”的 中的源失败 - 将忽略源。 Failed parsing source in for directive '' at '' - source will be ignored.
55298 策略为空。 policy was empty.
55299 中指令“”的源“”未知 - 将忽略源。 Unknown source '' for directive '' in - source will be ignored.
55300 中指令“”的源“”不受支持 - 将忽略源。 Unsupported source '' for directive '' in - source will be ignored.
55301没有为“”的指令“”提供源 - 这相当于使用“none”并将阻止下载此类型的所有资源。 No sources given for directive '' for - this is equivalent to using 'none' and will prevent the downloading of all resources of this type.
55302已为 的指令“”提供源“”。 Source '' was already provided for directive '' for .
55303在“”分析 中的指令失败。 Failed parsing directive in at ''.
55304 中的指令“”未知 - 将忽略指令。 Unknown directive '' in - directive will be ignored.
55305 中的指令“”不受支持 - 将忽略指令。 Unsupported directive '' in - directive will be ignored.
55306在 中已提供指令“”- 将忽略重复指令。 Directive '' was already provided in - duplicate directive will be ignored.
55307资源违反了 中的指令“”: 。将阻止资源。 Resource violated directive '' in : . Resource will be blocked.
55308资源违反了 中的指令“”: 。由于策略是“仅报告”策略,将不阻止资源。 Resource violated directive '' in : . Resource will not be blocked due to policy being report-only.
55309由于 ,无法强制执行 中的沙盒指令。 Failed to enforce sandbox directive in because .
55310由于主机替代,将允许脚本 eval。 Script eval being allowed due to host override.
55311由于主机替代,将不允许帧“”。 Frame '' being disallowed due to host override.
55312由于指定了 nonce 或哈希值,将忽略 中指令“”的“不安全内联”。 Ignoring 'unsafe-inline' for directive '' in because nonce or hash value is specified.
55313阻止的资源的哈希值为“”。 The blocked resource has a hash of ''.
55314插件类型 (声明类型匹配真实类型: )违反 中的指令“”。资源将被阻止。 Plugin type (declared type matches real type: ) violated directive '' in . Resource will be blocked.
55315插件类型 (声明类型匹配真实类型: )违反 中的指令“”。由于策略为“仅报告”,因此资源不会被阻止。 Plugin type (declared type matches real type: ) violated directive '' in . Resource will not be blocked due to policy being report-only.
55316资源违反了 中的指令 "": ,位于 中,行 列 处。将阻止资源。 Resource violated directive '' in : , in at line column . Resource will be blocked.
55317资源违反了 中的指令 "": ,位于 中,行 列 处。由于策略是“仅报告”策略,将不阻止资源。 Resource violated directive '' in : , in at line column . Resource will not be blocked due to policy being report-only.
Non-standard status.
55808错误请求 - 由于语法无效,服务器无法处理请求。
BAD REQUEST - The request could not be processed by the server due to invalid syntax.
55809已拒绝 - 请求的资源需要用户身份验证。
DENIED - The requested resource requires user authentication.
55810需要付款 - 服务器需要付款,然后才能继续处理请求。
PAYMENT REQUIRED - The server requires payment before continuing to process requests.
55811禁止访问 - 服务器已了解请求,但将拒绝满足该请求。
FORBIDDEN - The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
55812找不到 - 服务器尚未找到与请求的 URI (统一资源标识符)匹配的任何内容。
NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
55813错误方法 - 不支持使用的 HTTP 谓词。
BAD METHOD - The HTTP verb used is not supported.
55814无法接受 - 找不到客户端可接受的响应。
NONE ACCEPTABLE - No responses acceptable to the client were found.
55815需要代理身份验证 - 使用此代理需要身份验证。
PROXY AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED - Use of this proxy requires authentication.
55816请求超时 - 等待请求时,服务器超时。
REQUEST TIMEOUT - The server timed out waiting for the request.
55817冲突 - 由于与资源的当前状态冲突,无法完成请求。
CONFLICT - The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
55818不存在 - 请求的资源在服务器上不再可用,转发地址未知。
GONE - The requested resource is no longer available at the server, and no forwarding address is known.
55819需要长度 - 没有定义的内容长度,服务器拒绝接受请求。
LENGTH REQUIRED - The server refuses to accept the request without a defined content length.
55820不满足前提条件 - 在服务器上测试了一个或多个请求标头字段中提供的前提条件后,该前提条件求值为 false。
PRECONDITION FAILED - The precondition given in one or more of the request header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server.
55821负载太大 - 服务器将拒绝处理请求,因为请求实体大于该服务器愿意或所能处理的大小。 PAYLOAD TOO LARGE - The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
55822URI 太长 - 服务器将拒绝为请求提供服务,因为请求 URI (统一资源标识符)的长度超过服务器愿意解释的长度。
URI TOO LONG - The server is refusing to service the request because the request URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
55823不支持的媒体类型 - 服务器将拒绝为请求提供服务,因为受请求方法的受请求资源不支持请求实体采用的格式。
UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE - The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.
55824请求的范围不满足要求 - 服务器无法提供客户端所请求的文件部分。该部分可能扩展到文件的末尾之外。
REQUESTED RANGE NOT SATISFIABLE - The server cannot provide the portion of the file the client has requested. The portion may extend beyond the end of the file.
55825预期失败 - 服务器无法满足预期请求标头字段的要求。
EXPECTATION FAILED - The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
55826我是茶壶 - 服务器是茶壶,不能煮咖啡。
IM A TEAPOT - The server is a teapot, it cannot brew coffee.
55827身份验证超时 - 以前有效的身份验证已过期。
AUTHENTICATION TIMEOUT - The previously valid authentication has expired.
55830无法处理的实体 - 请求格式正确,但由于语义错误而无法处理。
UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY - The request was well-formed but could not be processed due to semantic errors.
55831已锁定 - 正在访问的资源已锁定。
LOCKED - The resource being accessed is locked.
55832失败的依赖项 - 由于以前的请求失败,请求失败。
FAILED DEPENDENCY - The request failed due to the failure of a previous request.
55834需要更新 - 客户端必须切换到不同协议。
UPGRADE REQUIRED - The client must switch to a different protocol.
55836需要前提条件 - 原始服务器需要请求具有条件。
PRECONDITION REQUIRED - The origin server requires the request to be conditional.
55837请求太多 - 由于客户端提交的请求太多,服务器将拒绝为请求提供服务。
TOO MANY REQUESTS - The server is refusing to service the request because too many requests have been submitted by the client.
55839请求标头字段太大 - 由于标头字段或所有标头字段的总大小大于服务器愿意或所能处理的大小,该服务器将拒绝为请求提供服务。
REQUEST HEADER FIELDS TOO LARGE - The server is refusing to service the request because a header field, or all header fields collectively, are larger than the server is willing or able to process.
55857稍后重试 - 请求应在执行相应操作后重试。
RETRY WITH - The request should be retried after doing the appropriate action.
55858因法律方面的原因而不可用 - 由于法律方面的要求,服务器拒绝访问资源。
UNAVAILABLE FOR LEGAL REASONS - The server is denying access to the resource due to a legal demand.
56064服务器错误 - 服务器遇到了阻止它完成请求的意外状况。
SERVER ERROR - The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
56065不支持 - 服务器不支持完成请求所需的功能。
NOT SUPPORTED - The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
56066错误网关 - 在尝试完成请求过程中,用作网关或代理的服务器从它访问的上游服务器收到了无效的响应。
BAD GATEWAY - The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.
56067服务不可用 - 服务暂时过载。
SERVICE UNAVAILABLE - The service is temporarily overloaded.
56068网关超时 - 在等待网关时,该请求已超时。
GATEWAY TIMEOUT - The request was timed out waiting for a gateway.
56069版本不受支持 - 服务器不支持或拒绝支持在请求消息中使用的 HTTP 协议版本。
VERSION NOT SUPPORTED - The server does not support, or refuses to support, the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request message.
56070变体也协商 - 请求的透明内容协商导致了循环引用。
VARIANT ALSO NEGOTIATES - Transparent content negotiation for the request resulted in circular references.
56071存储不足 - 服务器无法存储完成请求所需的表示形式。
INSUFFICIENT STORAGE - The server is unable to store the representation needed to complete the request.
56072检测到循环 - 服务器在为请求提供服务时检测到无限循环。
LOOP DETECTED - The server detected an infinite loop while servicing the request.
56074未扩展 - 服务器需要该请求的进一步扩展才能完成该请求。
NOT EXTENDED - Further extensions to the request are required for the server to fulfill it.
56075需要网络身份验证 - 客户端必须进行身份验证才能获得网络访问权限。
NETWORK AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED - The client must authenticate to gain network access.
56321无法逐一创建 帧的 通道的缓冲区。 Unable to create buffer of channel(s) of frames each.
56323提供的 sampleRate ()超出范围 [, ]。 The sampleRate provided () is outside the range [, ].
56324帧数必须大于 0。 Number of frames must be greater than 0.
56325通道索引()超出通道个数()。 Channel index () exceeds number of channels ().
56326输入通道个数()超过最大值()。 Number of input channels () exceeds maximum ().
56327不能多次调用 start。 Cannot call start more than once.
56328’when’ 参数必须是非负数。 The 'when' parameter must be a non-negative number.
56329’offset’ 参数必须是非负数。 The 'offset' parameter must be a non-negative number.
56330’duration’ 参数必须是非负数。 The 'duration' parameter must be a non-negative number.
56331提供的 fftSize 值()不是 2 的幂。 The fftSize value provided () is not a power of two.
56332AudioContexts 数已达到最大值()。 The number of AudioContexts reached maximum ().
56333OfflineAudioContext 已开始呈现。 The OfflineAudioContext has already started rendering.
56334解码错误: 提供的流已损坏或不受支持。 Decoding error: The stream provided is corrupt or unsupported.
56335输出索引()超出输出个数()。 Output index () exceeds number of outputs ().
56336输入索引()超出输入个数()。 Input index () exceeds number of inputs ().
56337无法连接到属于不同 AudioContext 的目标。 Cannot connect to a destination belonging to a different AudioContext.
56338ConvolverNode 的脉冲响应缓冲区必须有 1、2 或 4 个通道。 A ConvolverNode's impulse response buffer must have 1, 2, or 4 channels.
56339无法连接到属于不同 AudioContext 的 AudioParam。 Cannot connect to an AudioParam belonging to a different AudioContext.
56340提供的 channelCount ()超出范围 [1, ]。 The channelCount provided () is outside the range [1, ].
56341缓冲区采样率与上下文率不匹配。 The buffer sample rate of does not match the context rate.
56342无法将 channelCountMode 从“explicit”更改为“”。 channelCountMode cannot be changed from 'explicit' to ''.
56343输入个数()必须介于 1 到 之间。 Number of inputs () must be between 1 and .
56344输出个数()必须介于 1 到 之间。 Number of outputs () must be between 1 and .
56345参数“maxDelayTime”必须介于 0 到 之间(不包括二者)。 The parameter 'maxDelayTime' must be between 0 and , exclusive.
56346HTMLMediaElement 以前已连接到不同的 MediaElementSourceNode。 HTMLMediaElement already connected previously to a different MediaElementSourceNode.
56347HTMLMediaElement 无效。 Invalid HTMLMediaElement.
56348OfflineAudioDestinationNode(, , ) OfflineAudioDestinationNode(, , )
56349实数组的长度()与虚数组的长度()必须匹配。 Length of real array () and length of imaginary array () must match.
56350无法暂停关闭的 AudioContext。 Cannot suspend a closed AudioContext.
56351无法恢复关闭的 AudioContext。 Cannot resume a closed AudioContext.
56353缓冲区大小()必须是介于 256 到 16384 之间 2 的幂。 Buffer size () must be a power of two between 256 and 16384.
56354输入通道个数和输出通道个数都不能为零。 Number of input channels and output channels cannot both be zero.
56356输出通道个数()超过最大值()。 Number of output channels () exceeds maximum ().
56357无法将 channelCount 从 更改为 。 channelCount cannot be changed from to .
56358提供的“curve”值()不能小于 2。 The 'curve' value provided () cannot be less than 2.
56360提供的通道个数()超出范围 [, ]。 The number of channels provided () is outside the range [, ].
56361无法设置“StereoPannerNode”的“channelCountMode”属性: 不允许使用“max”。 Failed to set the 'channelCountMode' property on 'StereoPannerNode': 'max' is not allowed.
56362提供的 smoothingTimeConstant 值超出范围 [0, 1]。 The smoothingTimeConstant value provided is outside the range [0, 1].
56363无法设置“PannerNode”的“channelCountMode”属性: 不允许使用“max”。 Failed to set the 'channelCountMode' property on 'PannerNode': 'max' is not allowed.
56364提供的 maxDecibels 小于或等于下界值。 The maxDecibels provided is less than or equal to the minimum bound.
56365目标值不能为零。 The target value cannot be zero.
56366 必须是非负数。 must be a non-negative number.
56367 必须是正数。 must be a positive number.
56368提供的 fftSize ()超出范围 [, ]。 The fftSize provided () is outside the range [, ].
56369提供的 minDecibels 大于或等于上界值。 The minDecibels provided is greater than or equal to the maximum bound.
56370出现未知解码错误。 An unknown decoding error occured.
56371AudioBuffer 无效。你不能使用 ’audioprocess’ 事件中的 AudioBuffer。 Invalid AudioBuffer. You may not use an AudioBuffer from an 'audioprocess' event.
56372在事先未调用 start 的情况下不能调用 stop。 Cannot call stop without calling start first.
56373MediaStream 没有实时音轨。 MediaStream has no live audio tracks.
56374无法将输出通道数为 0 的 ScriptProcessorNode 连接到任何目标节点。 Cannot connect a ScriptProcessorNode with 0 output channels to any destination node.
56375无法在缓冲区已设置后对其进行设置。 Cannot set buffer after it has been already been set.
56376无效的 ArrayBuffer。提供的 ArrayBuffer 必须包含要解码的音频数据。 Invalid ArrayBuffer. You must provide an ArrayBuffer that contains audio data to decode.
56377提供的类型化数组为 Null 或无效。 Null or invalid typed array was provided.
56378’startInChannel’ 值()超过了源 AudioBuffer 的长度()。 The 'startInChannel' value () exceeds the length of the source AudioBuffer ().
56379’startInChannel’ 值()超过了目标 AudioBuffer 的长度()。 The 'startInChannel' value () exceeds the length of the destination AudioBuffer ().
56380未连接给定目标。 The given destination is not connected.
56381输出()未连接到给定目标。 Output () is not connected to the given destination.
56382输出()未连接到目标的输入()。 Output () is not connected to the input () of the destination.
56383给定 AudioParam 未连接。 The given AudioParam is not connected.
56384指定的目标 AudioParam 和节点输出()未连接。 Specified destination AudioParam and node output () are not connected.
56385 重叠 。 overlaps .
56386所提供的 feedback 系数的数目()在范围 [1, 20] 之外。 The number of feedback coefficients provided () is outside the range [1, 20].
56387所提供的 feedforward 系数的数目()在范围 [1, 20] 之外。 The number of feedforward coefficients provided () is outside the range [1, 20].
56388第一个 feedback 系数不能为零。 The first feedback coefficient cannot be zero.
56389至少一个 feedforward 系数必须为非零值。 At least one feedforward coefficient must be non-zero.
56390提供的 magResponse 长度()小于或等于下界值()。 The magResponse length provided () is less than or equal to the minimum bound ().
56391提供的 phaseResponse 长度()小于或等于下界值()。 The phaseResponse length provided () is less than or equal to the minimum bound ().
56392frequencyHz 长度必须为非零值。 The frequencyHz length must be non-zero.
56393无法关闭正在关闭或已经关闭的 AudioContext。 Cannot close an AudioContext that is being closed or has already been closed.
56394在关闭 AudioContext 后无法连接。 Cannot connect after the AudioContext has been closed.
56395无法关闭 OfflineAudioContext。 Cannot close an OfflineAudioContext.
56396"suspendTime" 参数必须是一个非负数。 The 'suspendTime' parameter must be a non-negative number.
56397无法计划在帧 处暂停,因为它大于或等于总呈现持续时间()。 Cannot schedule a suspend at frame because it is greater than or equal to the total render duration of .
56398无法计划在帧 处暂停,因为它早于当前帧()。 Cannot schedule a suspend at frame because it is earlier than the current frame of .
56399无法计划在帧 处多次暂停。 Cannot schedule more than one suspend at frame .
56400无法恢复尚未启动的 OfflineAudioContext。 Cannot resume an OfflineAudioContext that has not started.
56401在关闭 AudioContext 后,无法创建新的 AudioNode。 Cannot create a new AudioNode after the AudioContext has been closed.
56577ORTC : 一个或多个参数无效。hr=。 ORTC : One or more arguments are invalid. hr=.
56578ORTC : 找不到匹配的接口。hr=。 ORTC : Could not find matching interface. hr=.
56579ORTC : 内存不足。hr=。 ORTC : Out of memory. hr=.
56580ORTC : 设备枚举失败。hr=。 ORTC : Device enumeration failed. hr=.
56581ORTC : 状态无效。hr=。 ORTC : Invalid state. hr=.
56582ORTC : 设备未就绪。hr=。 ORTC : Device is not ready. hr=.
56583ORTC : 通道不可用。hr=。 ORTC : Channel is not available. hr=.
56584ORTC : 未知的编解码器。hr=。 ORTC : Unknown codec. hr=.
56585ORTC : 未知的媒体类型。hr=。 ORTC : Unknown media kind. hr=.
56586ORTC : 设备初始化失败。hr=。 ORTC : Device initialization failed. hr=.
56587ORTC : 加密参数无效。hr=。 ORTC : Invalid crypto parameters. hr=.
56588ORTC : 没有实现。hr=。 ORTC : Not implemented. hr=.
56589ORTC : RTP 参数无效。hr=。 ORTC : Invalid RTP parameters. hr=.
56590ORTC : 传输终结点分配失败。hr=。 ORTC : Transport endpoint allocation failed. hr=.
56591ORTC : DTLS 握手失败。hr=。 ORTC : DTLS handshake failed. hr=.
56592ORTC : 一般错误。hr=。 ORTC : Generic error. hr=.
56593RTCDtlsTransport RTCDtlsTransport
56594RTCIceGatherer RTCIceGatherer
56595RTCRtpReceiver RTCRtpReceiver
56596RTCRtpSender RTCRtpSender
56597RTCSrtpSdesTransport RTCSrtpSdesTransport
56832对 的请求已被扩展 取消。 Request to is cancelled by extension .
56833对 的请求已由扩展 重定向到 。 Request to is redirected to by extension .
56834由于 http 标头 的修改冲突,已丢弃扩展 发出的对 的请求的响应。 Response for request to from extension is dropped due to conflict modification of http header .
57344更改输入模式 Change input mode
57345是否要关闭游戏板输入模式? Turn off gamepad input mode?
57346是否要打开游戏板输入模式? Turn on gamepad input mode?
0x10000031响应时间 Response Time
0x30000001开始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x31000000信息 Info
0x52000002Error Error
0x52000003Warning Warning
0x52000005Verbose Verbose
0x90000001Microsoft-IEResp-MSHTML Microsoft-IEResp-MSHTML
0x91000001Microsoft-IE-JSDumpHeap Microsoft-IE-JSDumpHeap
0x92000001Microsoft-IE Microsoft-IE
0xD2000001capturing phase capturing phase
0xD2000002at target at target
0xD2000003bubbling phase bubbling phase
0xD2000004setTimeout setTimeout
0xD2000005setInterval setInterval
0xD2000006setImmediate setImmediate
0xD2000007requestAnimationFrame requestAnimationFrame
0xD2000008电话号码 telephone number
0xD2000009None None
0xD200000AHostConfiguration HostConfiguration
0xD200000BLoadFromInfo LoadFromInfo
0xD200000CMissingAnchor MissingAnchor
0xD200000DScrollingToFoundAnchor ScrollingToFoundAnchor
0xD200000EScrollingToPosition ScrollingToPosition
0xD200000FBookmarkTaskComplete BookmarkTaskComplete
0xD2000010SwitchMarkup SwitchMarkup
0xD2000011ContinuationHostRules ContinuationHostRules
0xD2000012ContinuationIncompletePaint ContinuationIncompletePaint
0xD2000013LoadStatusParseDone LoadStatusParseDone
0xD2000014SwitchMarkupEmptyTab SwitchMarkupEmptyTab
0xD2000015LoadStatusParseDoneEmptyTab LoadStatusParseDoneEmptyTab
0xD2000016Unknown Unknown
0xD2000017CanvasElement CanvasElement
0xD2000018CanvasImageData CanvasImageData
0xD2000019CanvasPattern CanvasPattern
0xD200001ACanvasGradient CanvasGradient
0xD200001BMarkup Markup
0xD200001CBlob Blob
0xD200001DActiveX ActiveX
0xD200001EImageElement ImageElement
0xD200001FMSWebViewElement MSWebViewElement
0xD2000020WebGLSmallObjects WebGLSmallObjects
0xD2000021WebGLLargeObjects WebGLLargeObjects
0xD2000022MediaElement MediaElement
0xD2000024Concurrent Concurrent
0xD2000025Synchronous Synchronous
0xD2000027Forced Forced
0xD2000028TotalWeight TotalWeight
0xD2000029TotalCount TotalCount
0xD200002ANewWeight NewWeight
0xD200002BNewCount NewCount
0xD200002CNormal Normal
0xD200002EBuilding Building
0xD200002FEnabled Enabled
0xD2000030Disabled Disabled
0xD2000031Running Running
0xD2000032Inertia Inertia
0xD2000033Ready Ready
0xD2000034Suspended Suspended
0xD2000035Invalid Invalid
0xD200003CStopped Stopped
0xD200003DIHTWaitForSecondContact IHTWaitForSecondContact
0xD200003EPostWMAppIHTPointerDown PostWMAppIHTPointerDown
0xD200003FIHTSetContact IHTSetContact
0xD2000040CrossSlideDragHasPendingPreview CrossSlideDragHasPendingPreview
0xD2000041HoldDragIgnoreDManipDragDropDragging HoldDragIgnoreDManipDragDropDragging
0xD2000042DraggableTouchTargetClearDmanipFromDragging DraggableTouchTargetClearDmanipFromDragging
0xD2000043DraggableTouchTargetAddDragPreviewToRootVisual DraggableTouchTargetAddDragPreviewToRootVisual
0xD2000044DraggableTouchTargetPassivate DraggableTouchTargetPassivate
0xD2000045DraggableTouchTargetReleaseDragPreviewPending DraggableTouchTargetReleaseDragPreviewPending
0xD2000046DraggableTouchTargetReleaseDragPreviewActive DraggableTouchTargetReleaseDragPreviewActive
0xD2000047DraggableTouchTargetTransferDragPreviewOwnership DraggableTouchTargetTransferDragPreviewOwnership
0xD2000048DraggableTouchTargetHandlerOnDropped DraggableTouchTargetHandlerOnDropped
0xD2000049Begin Begin
0xD200004AManipulation Manipulation
0xD200004BGestureTap GestureTap
0xD200004CGestureHold GestureHold
0xD200004DGestureCrossSlide GestureCrossSlide
0xD200004EGesturePinchZoom GesturePinchZoom
0xD200004FEnd End
0xD2000051Preselect Preselect
0xD2000052Selecting Selecting
0xD2000053Dragging Dragging
0xD2000054Cancelled Cancelled
0xD2000055Committed Committed
0xD2000056Initial Initial
0xD2000057ShouldPulse ShouldPulse
0xD2000058TooBig TooBig
0xD2000059ThinVerticalRectangle ThinVerticalRectangle
0xD200005AThinHorizontalRectangle ThinHorizontalRectangle
0xD200005BTooSmall TooSmall
0xD200005CThinColumn ThinColumn
0xD200005DRow Row
0xD200005EVerticalRectangle VerticalRectangle
0xD200005FColumn Column
0xD2000060HorizontalRectangle HorizontalRectangle
0xD2000061Ideal Ideal
0xD2000062Unzooming Unzooming
0xD2000063Rest Rest
0xD200006CUnknown Reason Unknown Reason
0xD200006DPrerendering Disabled Prerendering Disabled
0xD200006EReached Maximum Number Of Prerenders Reached Maximum Number Of Prerenders
0xD200006FInvalid URL Scheme Invalid URL Scheme
0xD2000070MetaTag MetaTag
0xD2000071Navigation Failure Navigation Failure
0xD2000072Duplicate URI Duplicate URI
0xD2000073Failed To Create Hidden Tab Failed To Create Hidden Tab
0xD2000074Page Was Previously Prerendered Page Was Previously Prerendered
0xD2000075Uninitialized Preload Manager Uninitialized Preload Manager
0xD2000076Prerendering CV Restricted Prerendering CV Restricted
0xD2000077Defer Active-X Object Loading Defer Active-X Object Loading
0xD2000078Defer Audio/Video Playback Defer Audio/Video Playback
0xD2000079Defer History Object Action Defer History Object Action
0xD200007ADefer Background Sound Defer Background Sound
0xD200007BDefer For Suspend Defer For Suspend
0xD200007CDefer Open New Window Defer Open New Window
0xD200007DDefer Window Focus Defer Window Focus
0xD200007EDefer Session Storage Defer Session Storage
0xD200007FNo Target No Target
0xD2000080WebMaster WebMaster
0xD2000081Rules Based Rules Based
0xD2000082Document Document
0xD2000083Element Element
0xD2000084Free Free
0xD2000085Offer Offer
0xD2000086IndexedDB IndexedDB
0xD2000087CacheStorage CacheStorage
0xD2000091CreateCacheStorage CreateCacheStorage
0xD2000092DeleteCacheStorage DeleteCacheStorage
0xD2000093DeleteAllCacheStorages DeleteAllCacheStorages
0xD2000094CacheStorage_open CacheStorage_open
0xD2000095CacheStorage_has CacheStorage_has
0xD2000096CacheStorage_delete CacheStorage_delete
0xD2000097CacheStorage_match CacheStorage_match
0xD2000098CacheStorage_keys CacheStorage_keys
0xD2000099CacheStorage_close CacheStorage_close
0xD200009ACache_put Cache_put
0xD200009BCache_put_complete Cache_put_complete
0xD200009CCache_match Cache_match
0xD200009DCache_matchAll Cache_matchAll
0xD200009ECache_delete Cache_delete
0xD200009FCache_keys Cache_keys
0xD20000A0Cache_close Cache_close
0xF2000001default canceled default canceled
0xF2000002immediate propagation stopped immediate propagation stopped
0xF2000003propagation stopped propagation stopped
0xF2000004Child List Changed Child List Changed
0xF2000005Attribute Changed Attribute Changed
0xF2000006Character Data Changed Character Data Changed
0xF2000007CrossSlideVertical CrossSlideVertical
0xF2000008CrossSlideHorizontal CrossSlideHorizontal
0xF2000009PinchZoom PinchZoom
0xF200000AVertical Vertical
0xF200000BHorizontal Horizontal
0xF200000CSelectOnly SelectOnly
0xF200000DSelectDrag SelectDrag
0xF200000EHoldDrag HoldDrag


File Name:edgehtml.dll.mui
File Size:376 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:384512
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:11.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:11.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft Edge Web 平台
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:EDGEHTML
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:EDGEHTML.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft Edge Web Platform
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is edgehtml.dll.mui?

edgehtml.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file edgehtml.dll (Microsoft Edge Web 平台).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft Edge Web 平台
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:EDGEHTML
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:EDGEHTML.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft Edge Web Platform
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200