ieframe.dll.mui Internet 浏览器 6c8acbef6684dc8e379032aa28186a79

File info

File name: ieframe.dll.mui
Size: 1609216 byte
MD5: 6c8acbef6684dc8e379032aa28186a79
SHA1: 2a0ae433aeabcfcc88807e425053ecce61a88923
SHA256: 5ebfebd8e00b31dd0e12e7ba37f9466f59f1d2b202a73b3831fb3922cd26c1b6
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
256%s 小时 %s hr
257%s 分钟 %s min
258%s 秒 %s sec
266 ,
272星期日 Sunday
273星期一 Monday
274星期二 Tuesday
275星期三 Wednesday
276星期四 Thursday
277星期五 Friday
278星期六 Saturday
279今天 Today
280昨天 Yesterday
281(混合) (Mixed)
283本次操作由于这台计算机的限制而被取消。请与你的系统管理员联系。 This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.
284限制 Restrictions
285明天 Tomorrow
286%u 分钟之前 %u minutes ago
287%u 小时之前 %u hours ago
288%c 驱动器没有磁盘。

There is no disk in drive %c.

Insert a disk, and then try again.
289%c 驱动器中的磁盘没有格式化。

The disk in drive %c is not formatted.

Do you want to format it now?
290%c 驱动器中的磁盘无法格式化。 The disk in drive %c cannot be formatted.
291%c 驱动器无法访问。 Drive %c cannot be accessed.
292移动文件或文件夹时出错 Error Moving File or Folder
293复制文件或文件夹时出错 Error Copying File or Folder
294删除文件或文件夹时出错 Error Deleting File or Folder
295重命名文件或文件夹时出错 Error Renaming File or Folder
296安全警报 Security Alert
297你正打开的文件或文件夹中包含可能不安全的 Web 内容。这些 Web 内容已被修改或者来源未知。是否允许用脚本对它进行初始化和访问? The file or folder you are opening contains Web content that may be unsafe. The Web content has either been modified or is from an unknown source. Do you want to allow it to be initialized and be accessed by scripts?
304有关详细信息,请单击“帮助”。 For more information, click Help.
335|剪切|复制|粘贴|编码|打印预览|| |Cut|Copy|Paste|Encoding|Print Preview||

是: 保存修改结果
否: 放弃修改结果
取消: 仍打开该文档
This document has been modified. Do you want to save changes?

Yes: Saves your changes
No: Discards your changes
Cancel: Keeps this document open
514Internet Explorer 无法转到指定的页。

Internet Explorer cannot go to the specified page.

556ie ie
5576.0 6.0
576编辑(&E) &Edit
609正在查找 %s Looking up %s
610正在连接站点 %s Connecting to site %s
611正重新定向到站点: %s Redirecting to site: %s
612从以下站点开始下载: %s Start downloading from site: %s
613正在从以下站点下载: %s Downloading from site: %s
615开始下载组件 %s Start downloading component %s
616正在安装组件 %s Installing component %s
617结束下载组件 %s End downloading component %s
618从缓存 %s 中读取数据 Getting data from cache %s
619已经找到网站。正在等待回应... Website found. Waiting for reply...
620正在检测代理设置... Detecting proxy settings...
711未知 Unknown
716该频道受密码保护。没有用户名和密码,你将无法同步频道。如果知道用户名和密码,可单击“自定义”并使用向导输入用户名和密码。如果不想脱机使用该频道,请取消选中“允许脱机使用”。 This channel is password-protected. You will not be able to synchronize this channel without a username and password. If you know your username and password, click Customize and use the wizard to enter them. If you don't want this channel available offline, uncheck 'Make available offline'.
724无法找到“%1!ws!”。请确保路径或 Internet 地址正确。 Cannot find ‘%1!ws!’. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct.
726Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
728无法下载 %1!ws!。

Unable to download %1!ws!.

730%1!ws! (来自 %2!ws!) %1!ws! from %2!ws!
731下载完毕 Download complete
An unexpected error has occurred.
738%1!ws! (已复制 %2!ws!,共 %3!ws!) %1!ws! (%2!ws! of %3!ws! copied)
741未知(目前已打开 %1!ws!) Not known (Opened so far %1!ws!)
744文档 Document
745无法为此类文档启动 OLE 服务器。

Cannot start the OLE server for this type of document.

Do you want to download it as a file?
746相关的 OLE 服务器无法加载此文档。

The associated OLE server cannot load this document.

Do you want to download it as a file?
748单击目标文件夹。 Click the folder that you want to move the selected files to.
750(空) (empty)
751%s (新) %s (new)
752%s (已过期) %s (expired)
754%s (即将过期) %s (expiring)
756无法为 %1!ws! 打开此帮助应用程序。

Unable to open this helper application for %1!ws!.

757添加到收藏夹 Add to Favorites
760已复制 %2!ws! 中的 %1!ws! %1!ws! of %2!ws! Copied
761已完成 %1!d!%% - %2!ws! %1!d!%% of %2!ws! Completed
790文件下载 File Download
791Windows 消息 Windows Messaging
793无法打开 Internet 站点 %1!ws!。

Unable to open the Internet site %1!ws!.

Would you like to search for this site?
794你所输入的快捷方式名称已在“收藏夹”菜单上。是否覆盖? The name you have entered for the shortcut already exists on your Favorites menu. Would you like to overwrite it?
\ / : * ? " |
A file name cannot contain any of the following characters:
\ / : * ? " |
797%1!.1023ws!(总共 %2!.1023ws!) %1!.1023ws! in %2!.1023ws!
799无法打开搜索页。 Unable to open the search page.
800包括使用所选项的命令。 Contains commands for working with the selected items.
810输入的收藏夹名称太长。 The name you have entered for the favorite is too long.
811收藏夹 Favorites
814无法创建目录。 The directory could not be created.
815%1|*%2|所有文件|*.*|| %1|*%2|All Files|*.*||
816%1 文档|*%2|所有文件|*.*|| %1 Document|*%2|All Files|*.*||
817所有文件|*.*|| All Files|*.*||

Unable to create ‘%1!ws!’:

834向收藏夹添加标签页组时出错。 An error occurred while adding tab group to Favorites.
840打开(&O) &Open
864包含编辑命令。 Contains edit commands.
867每日提示(&T) &Tip of the day
868显示每日提示。 Shows the tip of the day.
873此网页 The webpage
881查找并显示 Internet 上的信息和网站。 Finds and displays information and websites on the Internet.
882Internet Explorer (无加载项) Internet Explorer (No add-ons)
883启动没有 ActiveX 控件或浏览器扩展的 Internet Explorer。 Start Internet Explorer without ActiveX controls or browser extensions.
903URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol
904URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol with Privacy URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol with Privacy
905URL:File Transfer Protocol URL:File Transfer Protocol
906URL:Gopher Protocol URL:Gopher Protocol
907URL:Telnet Protocol URL:Telnet Protocol
908URL:RLogin Protocol URL:RLogin Protocol
909URL:TN3270 Protocol URL:TN3270 Protocol
910URL:MailTo Protocol URL:MailTo Protocol
912HTML 文档 HTML Document
913MHTML 文档 MHTML Document
914SVG 文档 SVG Document
915XHTML 文档 XHTML Document
916XML 文档 XML Document
917部分下载 Partial Download
924确实要替换桌面壁纸吗? Are you sure you want to replace your desktop wallpaper?
925无法在文件资源管理器中查看此 FTP 站点。 This FTP site cannot be viewed in File Explorer.
927若要在文件资源管理器中查看此 FTP 站点,请单击“视图”,然后单击“在文件资源管理器中打开 FTP 站点”。 To view this FTP site in File Explorer: press Alt, click View, and then click Open FTP Site in File Explorer.
928包含操作视图的命令。 Contains commands for manipulating the view.
992包含工具命令。 Contains tools commands.
1031Internet 选项 Internet Options
1056包含显示帮助的命令。 Contains commands for displaying Help.
1136包含浏览不同页的命令。 Contains commands for browsing to various pages.
1168显示收藏夹的内容。 Displays the contents of your Favorites folder.
1201Web 文档@*.htm;*.html;*.mhtml;*.mht;*.xml;*.xht;*.xhtml;*.svg@文本文件@*.txt@图像文件@*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.svg@所有文件@*.*@ Web Documents@*.htm;*.html;*.mhtml;*.mht;*.xml;*.xht;*.xhtml;*.svg@Text Files@*.txt@Image Files@*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.svg@All Files@*.*@
1202无法完成下载! Download could not complete!
1203%1!ws!/秒 %1!ws!/Sec
1204临时文件夹 Temporary Folder
1205无标题 Untitled
1207当前安全设置不允许下载该文件。 Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded.
1208大于 12 小时 Greater than 12 hours
1209大于 49 天 Greater than 49 days
1210? ?
1213不允许访问资源“%1”。 Accessing the resource ‘%1’ has been disallowed.
1220起始页 Start Page
1221是否将“%s”设为起始页? Would you like to set your Start Page to “%s”?
1230你正在添加一个可能不安全的收藏页。是否继续? You are adding a favorite that might not be safe. Do you want to continue?
1231导航到此链接可能不安全。你希望继续吗? Navigating to this link may not be safe. Do you want to continue?
1232是否要添加此小书签? Do you want to add this bookmarklet?
1233小书签可以运行脚本并向 Internet 上的网站发送信息。请只添加来自于你信任网站的小书签。 Bookmarklets run script and can send information to sites on the Internet. Only add bookmarklets from websites you trust.
1234有何风险? What’s the risk?
1264Microsoft Internet 和外壳对象类型库 Microsoft Internet and Shell Object Type Library
1265Microsoft Web 浏览器控件 Microsoft Web Browser Control
1282桌面区 Desktop Bands
1284Internet Explorer 浏览器区 Internet Explorer Browser Band
1289Internet Explorer 浏览器通讯带 Internet Explorer Browser Communication Band
2002网站想要使用你计算机上的程序打开 Web 内容 A website wants to open web content using this program on your computer
2003此程序将以非保护模式打开。Internet Explorer 的保护模式有助于保护计算机。如果你不信任此网站,则不要打开此程序。 This program will open outside of Protected mode. Internet Explorer's Protected mode helps protect your computer. If you do not trust this website, do not open this program.
2008此程序没有验证其发布者的有效数字签名。此程序将以非保护模式打开,使计算机处于风险中。应该仅运行来自受信任发布者的程序。 This program does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher. This program will open outside of Protected mode, putting your computer at risk. You should only run programs from publishers you trust.
2019未知发布者 Unknown Publisher
已保存到“Internet 临时文件”文件夹

For your computer’s security, this file was
saved to the Temporary Internet Files folder

Do you want to open this folder?
2029详细信息(&E) D&etails
2102是否要允许将 Web 内容复制到此程序? Do you want to allow web content to be copied to this program?
2104为了计算机的安全,Internet Explorer 不允许在事先未经批准的情况下将 Web 内容拖动到保护模式以外的程序中。 For your computer’s security, Internet Explorer does not allow you to drag web content to a program outside Protected mode without prior approval.
2309某个网站想使用你计算机上的过时程序打开网站内容 A website wants to open web content using an outdated program on your computer
2310建议你更新该程序。如果你不信任此网站,请勿打开该程序。 It is recommended that you update the program. If you do not trust this website, do not open this program.
3005历史记录 History
3006 Feeds
3007该操作受到限制。详细信息,请与系统管理员联系。 This action is restricted. For more information, please contact your system administrator.
3009命名空间树控件 Namespace Tree Control
3010树视图 Tree View
3014在新标签页中打开 (Ctrl+Enter) Open in new tab (Ctrl+Enter)
3015在标签页组中打开“%s” (Ctrl+Enter) Open '%s' in a tab group (Ctrl+Enter)
3016从收藏夹中删除此页面 Delete this page from Favorites
3017刷新此源 Refresh this feed
3857建议的时间(%1!u! 分钟) Suggested (%1!u! minutes)
385815 分钟 15 minutes
385930 分钟 30 minutes
38601 小时 1 hour
38614 小时 4 hours
38621 天 1 day
38631 周 1 week
3864从不 Never
3865%1!u! 分钟 %1!u! minutes
3872源属性无效。 Invalid feed properties.
3873请输入有效的 URL。 Please enter a valid URL.
3874请输入有效的源名称。 Please enter a valid feed name.
3875已经存在具有该名称的源。 There is already a feed with that name.
3876是否还希望下载当前源内容的附件? Would you also like to download attached files for the current feed content?
3878Internet Explorer 显示源阅读视图中最新的 %1!i! 个项目。 Internet Explorer displays the recent %1!i! items in the feed reading view.
3880默认值: %s Default: %s
已更新 %3
Updated %3
3890(%d 个新的) (%d new)
3891%1%2 %1%2
4073站点 Site
4074Cookie Cookies
4075隐私报告 Privacy report
4076没有 Cookie No cookie
4077已接受 Accepted
4078已取消 Suppressed
4079受限的 Restricted
4080已阻止 Blocked
4081受限网站 Restricted websites
4082所有网站 All websites
4085基于你的隐私设置,某些 cookie 被限制或阻挡。 Based on your privacy settings, some cookies were restricted or blocked.
4086基于你的隐私设置,没有被限制或阻挡的 cookie。 Based on your privacy settings, no cookies were restricted or blocked.
4096该地址无效。请检查地址,然后再试一次。 This address is not valid. Check the address, and try again.
4097未找到站点。请确认地址是否正确,然后再试一次。 The site was not found. Make sure the address is correct, and try again.
4098该地址指定的协议无效。请确认地址是否正确,然后再试一次。 The protocol specified in this address is not valid. Make sure the address is correct, and try again.
4099找到了站点,但已超出系统的重定向限制。 The site was found but exceeded the system limits for redirection.
4100无法打开 Internet 站点。请求的站点不可用或无法找到。请稍后再试。 Unable to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.
4105管理加载项 Manage add-ons
4106此网页正在请求一个已禁用的加载项。要启用该加载项,请单击此处。 This webpage is requesting an add-on that is disabled. To enable the add-on, click here.
4107已禁用加载项 Add-on Disabled
4210当前在你的服务器上启用了 Internet Explorer 增强的安全配置。此增强的安全级别降低了基于 Web 的不安全内容所带来的攻击风险,但同时也可能会使网站内容无法正常显示,并且限制访问网络资源。 Internet Explorer’s Enhanced Security Configuration is currently enabled on your server. This enhanced level of security reduces the risk of attack from web-based content that is not secure, but it might also prevent websites from displaying correctly and restrict access to network resources.
4211服务器正在尝试通过 Internet Explorer 访问 Internet。

当前启用了 Internet Explorer 的增强的安全配置。此增强的安全级别降低了来自不安全的基于 Web 内容的攻击的风险,但同时也可能会使网站内容无法正确显示,并且限制访问网络资源。
Your server is trying to access the internet through Internet Explorer.

The Enhanced Security Configuration for Internet Explorer is currently enabled. This enhanced level of security reduces the risk of attacks from unsecure web-based content, but it might prevent websites from displaying correctly and restrict access to network resources.
4864%s 文件 %s File
4865文件 File
4866文件夹 Folder
4867不再显示此消息 Do not show this message again
5723Internet The Internet
5725&Open &Open
5726Open in S&ame Window Open in S&ame Window
5732在同一窗口中打开(&A) Open in S&ame Window
8195Internet 安全性 Internet Security
8419打印到文件... Print To File...
8420确定 OK
8421打印机文件(*.prn),*.prn,所有文件(*.*),*.* Printer Files (*.prn),*.prn,All Files (*.*),*.*
8423-空- -Empty-
84248425 标题 8425 Title
8426&w &w
8428&u &u
8429页码 Page number
8430&p &p
8431总页数的第 # 页 Page # of total pages
8432第 &p 页/共 &P 页 Page &p of &P
8433总页数 Total Pages
8434&P &P
8435短格式的日期 Date in short format
8436&d &d
8437长格式的日期 Date in long format
8438&D &D
8439时间 Time
8440&t &t
8441采用 24 小时制的时间 Time in 24hr format
8442&T &T
8443自定义 Custom
9025关闭窗口。 Closes the window.
9027删除所选项目。 Deletes the selected items.
9028重命名所选项目。 Renames the selected item.
9029显示所选项目的属性。 Displays the properties of the selected items.
9057删除当前所选内容并复制到剪贴板。 Removes the current selection and copies it onto the Clipboard.
9058将当前选定内容复制到剪贴板上。 Copies the current selection onto the Clipboard.
9059将复制或者剪切的项目插入到所选位置。 Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.
9060选定该页上的所有项目。 Selects all items on this page.
9061创建所选项目的快捷方式。 Creates shortcuts to the selected items.
9062编辑该页。 Edits this page.
9121连接到网络驱动器。 Connects to a network drive.
9122断开网络驱动器的连接。 Disconnects from a network drive.
9281转到上一页。 Goes to the previous page.
9282转到下一页。 Goes to the next page.
9283允许你更改设置。 Enables you to change settings.
9285转到主页。 Goes to your home page.
9290打开你的 Internet 电子邮件程序。 Opens your Internet e-mail program.
9293创建新邮件。 Creates a new mail message.
9294在电子邮件中发送指向该页的链接。 Sends a link to this page in an e-mail message.
9295在电子邮件正文中发送该页。 Sends this page in the body of an e-mail message.
9298诊断网络和 Internet 连接问题。 Diagnose network and Internet connection problems.
9299清除浏览器所存储的敏感信息。 Clear sensitive information stored by the browser.
9328管理弹出窗口行为。 Manage pop-up window behavior.
9362打开收藏夹。 Opens the Favorites folder.
9363将当前页添加到收藏夹列表中。 Adds the current page to your Favorites list.
9364在你的收藏夹中显示更多的项目。 Displays more items in your Favorites folder.
9365打开收藏夹中的这一项目。 Opens this item in your Favorites folder.
9446管理计算机上安装的 ActiveX 控件和其他加载项。 Manage ActiveX controls and other add-ons installed on your computer.
9453在文件资源管理器中打开此 FTP 站点的文件夹视图。 Opens a folder view for this FTP Site in File Explorer.
9505显示或隐藏工具栏。 Shows or hides toolbars.
9506显示或隐藏状态栏。 Shows or hides the status bar.
9509显示地址栏。 Displays the Address bar.
9510显示快速链接栏。 Displays the Quick Links bar.
9514显示菜单。 Displays the menu.
9516锁定工具栏的大小和位置。 Locks the sizes and positions of the toolbars.
9529请指定网页中文字显示的相对大小。 Specifies the relative size of text displayed in pages.
9530停止加载当前页。 Stops the current page from loading.
9531将窗口扩大到全屏幕。 Maximizes window to full screen.
9534请指定用于显示该网页的字符集。 Specifies the character set to use for displaying this webpage.
9536刷新当前页的内容。 Refreshes the contents of the current page.
9539显示此网站的隐私策略。 Shows the privacy policies for this website.
9541显示此网站的安全报告。 Shows the security report for this website.
9552显示或隐藏浏览栏。 Shows or hides an Explorer bar.
9553显示有关此网站的国际网站地址(域名)信息。 Displays information about the International website address (domain name) of this website.
9554显示或隐藏收藏夹栏。 Shows the Favorites bar.
9555显示或隐藏历史记录栏。 Shows the History bar.
10015将所选内容复制到剪贴板上。 Copies the selection to the Clipboard.
10016剪切所选内容并放入“剪贴板”。 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard.
10017删除所选内容。 Deletes the selection.
10025插入 ActiveX 对象。 Inserts an ActiveX Object.
10026在当前插入点处插入剪贴板内容。 Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point.
10028编辑当前所选内容的属性。 Edits the current selection’s properties.
10029重做上一次被撤消的操作。 Redoes the previously undone action.
10031选择该页的所有项目。 Selects all of the items on this page.
10032ishortct.url ishortct.url
10033新建 Internet 快捷方式.url New Internet Shortcut.url
10034在目标 URL 框中指定的“%1!ws!”名称无效。请确保该名称正确。 The name “%1!ws!” specified in the Target URL box is not valid. Make sure the name is correct.
10035“%1!ws!”协议没有已注册的程序。是否仍保留这一目标? The protocol “%1!ws!” does not have a registered program. Do you want to keep this target anyway?
10036快捷方式存在问题 Problem with Shortcut
10039无法打开此 Internet 快捷方式。“%1!ws!”协议没有已注册的程序。 Unable to open this Internet Shortcut. The protocol “%1!ws!” does not have a registered program.
10040此 Internet 快捷方式的目标“%1!ws!”无效。请转到 Internet 快捷方式的属性页,确保目标正确。 The target “%1!ws!” of this Internet Shortcut is not valid. Go to the Internet Shortcut property sheet and make sure the target is correct.
10041无法打开 Internet 快捷方式“%1!ws!”。 Unable to open Internet Shortcut “%1!ws!”.
10043撤消上次操作。 Undoes the last action.
10046Internet 快捷方式 Internet Shortcut
10047URL:%s 协议 URL:%s Protocol
10052无法将所做的改动应用于该 Internet 快捷方式。 Cannot apply changes to this Internet Shortcut.
10064打开该页。 Opens this page.
10067在当前页搜索文字。 Searches for text on this page.
10090设置当前所选内容的格式。 Sets formatting for current selection.
10241打开主页(&H) Open &home page
10242固定到“收藏夹”菜单(&F) Pin to &Favorites menu
10243将此收藏夹固定到“收藏夹”菜单 Pins this favorite to the Favorites menu
10244从“收藏夹”菜单取消固定(&F) Unpin from &Favorites menu
10245从“收藏夹”菜单取消固定此收藏夹 Unpins this favorite from the Favorites menu
10246在没有加载项的情况下启动 Start without add-ons
10320启动导航 Start Navigation
10321完成导航 Complete Navigation
10322移动菜单项 Move Menu Item
10323选择 Select
10324显示工具栏区 Show Toolbar Band
10325阻止的弹出窗口 Blocked Pop-up Window
10326通知栏 Notification bar
10504选定的网页数量超出了主标签页组所支持的最大网页数量(8 页)。 The number of webpages you’ve selected exceeds the maximum of eight supported for a home page tab group.
10519[email protected] [email protected]
10560httpFolder (iepeers.dll)加载失败。 The httpFolder behavior (iepeers.dll) failed to load.
12124插入或编辑链接。 Inserts or edits a link.
12125删除所选区域的链接。 Removes links in selection.
12126浏览此页。 Browse this page.
12127编辑此页。 Edit this page.
12128删除所选区域中的书签。 Removes bookmarks in selection.
12132显示或隐藏格式标志。 Shows or hides formatting indicators.
12133隐藏除文字外的所有元素。 Hides all elements except text.
12135更改 Internet Explorer 的选项。 Changes the options for Internet Explorer.
12136在当前窗口中打开所选链接。 Opens selected link in current window.
12137在新窗口中打开所选链接。 Opens selected link in a new window.
12138停止打开文件。 Stops opening a file.
12139显示该页的 HTML 源文件。 Displays the source (HTML) for this page.
12141选用最小的字体。 Selects smallest font size.
12142选用小字体。 Selects small font size.
12143选用中等字体。 Selects medium font size.
12144选用大字体。 Selects large font size.
12145选用最大的字体。 Selects largest font size.
12150插入水平线。 Inserts a horizontal line.
12151插入换行符并忽略图像。 Inserts line break, ignoring images.
12152在左对齐的图像下插入换行符。 Inserts line break below left-aligned images.
12153在右对齐的图像下插入换行符。 Inserts line break below right-aligned images.
12154在图像下面插入换行符。 Inserts line break below images.
12155插入一个空格但不换行。 Inserts a space that won’t line break.
12156插入符号或国际字符。 Inserts a symbol or international character.
12168插入文件中的图片。 Inserts a picture from a file.
12182插入字幕控件。 Inserts a marquee control.
12183创建或更改项目符号或编号。 Creates or changes bulleting or numbering.
12186增加缩进。 Increases indent.
12187删除缩进。 Removes indent.
12292更改文档的语言编码。 Changes the language encoding of the document.
12310打开脚本调试程序。 Opens script debugger.
12311在执行下一个脚本命令之前跳到脚本调试程序。 Jumps to script debugger before next script statement is executed.
12352地址栏 Address Bar
12353Windows 无法找到“%1”。请检查拼写是否正确,然后再试一次。 Windows cannot find ‘%1’. Check the spelling and try again.
12385收藏夹栏 Favorites Bar
12386Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
12387选择文件夹或键入 Internet 地址 Choose a folder, or type an Internet address
12388新建工具栏 New Toolbar
12390链接 Links
12435在新的标签页中打开选中的链接。 Opens selected link in a new tab.
12436切换插入光标浏览模式。 Toggles caret browsing mode.
12478添加搜索提供程序 Add search providers
12481名称 Name
12484请在删除此选择之前选择其他 Internet Explorer 的默认搜索提供程序。 Please choose another default search provider for Internet Explorer before removing this selection.
12485添加搜索提供程序... Add search providers...
12487已安装下列搜索提供程序。是否将其替换? The following search provider is already installed. Do you want to replace it?

The following search provider is already installed:

12489已达到搜索提供程序的最大数量。在添加新的提供程序前,必须从搜索设置中删除一个提供程序。 You have reached the maximum number of search providers. Before you can add a new provider, you must delete one from Search Settings.
12490Internet Explorer 无法安装此搜索提供程序。

Internet Explorer could not install this search provider.

There was a problem with the search provider’s information.

- 无法下载所需的文件
- 该网站不可用
- 你未连接到 Internet

The search provider could not be installed.

This might have happened because:
- A required file could not be downloaded
- The website is unavailable
- You are not connected to the Internet

You might want to try again later.
12493已安装下面的搜索提供程序。是否要更新该程序以添加其他功能? The following search provider is already installed. Do you want to update it to add additional features?
12496更改或添加搜索提供程序 Change or add search provider
12497查找... Find...
12498添加 Add
12509“%s” “%s”
12510Internet Explorer 不支持此类型的搜索提供程序。
Internet Explorer does not support this type of search provider.
It cannot be added to your Toolbar Search Box.

如果你的 Internet Explorer 地址栏正重新定向到你不需要的网站,删除此功能可以帮助停止该重新定向。
Would you also like to remove Address bar search functionality installed by other programs?

If your Internet Explorer Address bar is redirecting to websites you do not expect, removing this could help stop it.
12512Bing Bing
12513已发现搜索提供程序 Search Provider Discovered
12514已安装下面的加速器。是否要替换它? The following Accelerator is already installed. Do you want to replace it?
12515Internet Explorer 无法安装此加速器。

Internet Explorer could not install this Accelerator.

There was a problem with the Accelerator’s information.

- 无法下载所需的文件
- 网站不可用
- 你未连接到 Internet

The Accelerator could not be installed.

This might have happened because:
- A required file could not be downloaded
- The website is unavailable
- You are not connected to the Internet

You might want to try again later.

The following Accelerator is already installed:

12518该加速器中有错误。未安装该加速器。 There is an error with the Accelerator. The Accelerator was not installed.

You have successfully installed the following Accelerator:

12520已由应用程序安装。 Installed by an application.
12521应用程序 Application

- 无法下载所需的文件
- 该网站不可用
- 你未连接到 Internet

The Tracking Protection List could not be added.

This might have happened because:
- A required file could not be downloaded
- The website is unavailable
- You are not connected to the Internet

You might want to try again later.

The following Tracking Protection List has already been added:

12533!!! (无效,已忽略): %1 !!! (Not valid, ignored): %1
12534跟踪保护列表格式设置不正确,并且不包含任何允许或阻止规则。 The Tracking Protection List is not formatted correctly and does not contain any allow or block rules.
12535跟踪保护 Tracking Protection
12536你已启用了所有安装的跟踪保护列表 You’ve turned on all installed Tracking Protection Lists
12537你可以随时关闭任何网站的跟踪保护。了解详细信息 You can turn off Tracking Protection at any time for any site. Learn more
12538你至少需要添加一个跟踪保护列表才能开始阻止内容。 You need to add at least one Tracking Protection List to start blocking content.
12539获取其他跟踪保护列表 Get other Tracking Protection Lists
12540获取跟踪保护列表 Get Tracking Protection Lists
12541现在不启用 Not now
12548你已启用跟踪保护 You’ve turned on Tracking Protection
12550了解详细信息 Learn more
12576不安全内容 Unsafe content
12598启用建议网站... Turn on Suggested Sites...
12599查看建议网站 See your suggested sites
12601搜索历史记录 Search History
12605查看收藏夹 (Ctrl+I) View Favorites (Ctrl+I)
12606查看历史记录 (Ctrl+H) View History (Ctrl+H)
12607查看源(Ctrl+G) View Feeds (Ctrl+G)
12608桌面 Desktop
12657转至“%s”(按 Alt+Enter 可在新标签页中打开) Go to “%s” (Alt+Enter to open in a new tab)
12658|自动隐藏|关闭|| |Auto-hide|Close||
12659编辑(&D) E&dit
12660使用 %s 编辑(&D) E&dit with %s
12661停止 (Esc) Stop (Esc)
12662刷新 (F5) Refresh (F5)
12663安全报告 Security report
12665证书警告 Certificate warning
12666证书错误 Certificate error
12667可疑网站 Suspicious website
12668不安全网站 Unsafe website
12671%1!ls!, %2!ls! %1!ls!, %2!ls!
12672%1!ls! [%2!ls!] %1!ls! [%2!ls!]
12674由 %1!ls! 标识 Identified by %1!ls!
由 %2!ls! 识别

Identified by %2!ls!

Click for more information
12676显示地址栏自动完成 Show Address bar Autocomplete
12677安全报告 - %1!ls! [%2!ls!] Security Report - %1!ls! [%2!ls!]
12678确实要离开此页吗? Are you sure you want to leave this page?

Message from webpage:

12680离开此页(&L) &Leave this page
12681留在此页(&S) &Stay on this page
12682拖至任务栏以固定网站 Drag to taskbar to pin site
12685可能不需要的软件 Potentially unwanted software
12686Windows Defender SmartScreen 未显示此网站上的部分内容。如果你选择查看这些内容并从中下载部分内容,可能需要安装其他你不需要的程序或更改你的设置(例如,主页)。所以,请务必仔细查看要安装的程序。 Windows Defender SmartScreen isn't showing some content on this website. If you choose to see this content and download something from it, it might install other programs you don't want or change your settings (like your home page). So be sure to carefully review what's being installed.
12687显示内容 Show content
12688国际网站地址是什么? What are international website addresses?
12689国际网站地址 International Website Address
12690此网站地址包含来自扩展(Unicode)字符集的字符。 This website address contains characters from extended (Unicode) character sets.
12691当前使用的字符集: Character sets currently in use:
12692母语地址: Native language address:
12693编码地址: Encoded address:
12694若要查看地址栏中的母语地址,请调整语言设置 To see the native language address in the Address bar, adjust your language settings
12695国际网站地址报告 International website address report
12697调整语言设置 Adjust language settings
12698可能不安全的内容 Potentially unsafe content
12699托管者: Hosted by:
12700未知内容 Unknown content
12701未知主机 Unknown host
12702Windows Defender SmartScreen 未显示此网站上的部分内容,因为其中可能包含针对你的电脑、个人数据或财务信息的威胁。

Windows Defender SmartScreen isn't showing some content on this website because it might contain threats to your PC, your personal data, or your financial info.

If you choose to view unsafe content, malicious software might be installed immediately on your PC.
12703显示不安全内容 Show unsafe content
12704此网站通过 %1 进行管理 This website is managed by %1
12718 Press
12719关闭 Close
12728已将此站点标识为: has identified this site as:
12736网站标识 Website Identification
12737与该服务器的这次连接是加密的。 This connection to the server is encrypted.
12742无法联系到证书颁发者 Certificate Issuer Unreachable
12743此网站出具的安全证书有效,但是 Internet Explorer 无法与颁发者联系以确保该证书尚未被吊销。 The security certificate presented by this website is valid, but Internet Explorer was unable to contact the issuer to ensure the certificate has not been revoked.
12746证书无效 Certificate Invalid
12747证书已过期 Certificate Expired
12748不匹配的地址 Mismatched Address
12749不受信任的证书 Untrusted Certificate
12750弱签名 Weak signature
12752此网站出具的安全证书有错误。 The security certificate presented by this website has errors.
12753此问题表明可能有人试图欺骗你或截获你向服务器发送的数据。 This problem might indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
12754建议关闭此网页。 We recommend that you close this webpage.
12756此网站出具的安全证书已过期或还未生效。 The security certificate presented by this website has expired or is not yet valid.
12757该证书可能已不再可信。 It is possible that the certificate is no longer trustworthy.
12758此网站提供的安全证书是为其他网站地址颁发的。 The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website’s address.
12759此网站出具的安全证书不是由受信任的证书颁发机构颁发的。 The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority.
12760此站点不安全。 This site isn’t secure.
12762我应该信任该站点吗? Should I trust this site?
12763关于证书错误 About certificate errors
12764查看证书 View certificates
12765已阻止此网站 This website’s been blocked
12766你的反恶意软件已阻止此站点,因为它可能会对你的电脑或隐私构成威胁。 Your antimalware software blocked this site because it might contain threats to your PC or your privacy.
12768是否尝试访问此网站? Are you trying to visit this website?
12769Windows Defender SmartScreen 帮助你避免假冒合法网站地址和内容的不安全网站的威胁。

提供下面的反馈有助于 Windows Defender SmartScreen 识别不安全网站。
Windows Defender SmartScreen helps protect you from unsafe websites that impersonate addresses or content from legitimate websites.

You can help Windows Defender SmartScreen identify unsafe websites by providing your feedback below.
12770报告该网站是否为不安全网站。 Report whether or not this is an unsafe website.
12771已报告的不安全网站 Reported unsafe website
12772已有人向 Microsoft 举报了这个网站,它会威胁你的计算机安全,可能会泄漏你的个人或财务信息。

Microsoft 建议不要访问那些有人报告包含不安全内容的网站。
This website has been reported to Microsoft to contain threats to your computer, personal or financial information.

Microsoft recommends that you do not visit websites reported to contain unsafe content.
12773报告此站点不包含威胁 Report that this site does not contain threats
12774什么是 Windows Defender SmartScreen? What is Windows Defender SmartScreen?
12781Microsoft Windows Defender SmartScreen Microsoft Windows Defender SmartScreen
12783由于 Microsoft Online Service 暂时不可用,Windows Defender SmartScreen 无法检查此网站。 Windows Defender SmartScreen cannot check this website because the Microsoft online service is temporarily unavailable.
12784帮助检测不安全网站。 Helps detect unsafe websites.
12785对照已知不安全网站列表检查此网站。 Check this website against a list of known unsafe websites.
12786对照已知不安全网站列表手动检查地址。 Manually check addresses against a list of known unsafe websites.
12787对照已知不安全网站列表自动检查地址。 Automatically check addresses against a list of known unsafe websites.
12788报告此网站是否为不安全网站。 Report whether this is an unsafe website or not.
12790 No
12791 Yes
12792不报告此网站 Do not report this site
12794%1!ls!: 显示 %2!d! 个(共 %3!d! 个) %1!ls!: showing %2!d! of %3!d!
12796垂直 Vertical
12797用来更改垂直方向查看区域 Used to change the vertical viewing area
12798%1!ls!: 显示 %2!d! 个(单击获取更多) %1!ls!: showing %2!d! (click for more)
12799%1!ls!: 显示 %2!d! 个匹配项 %1!ls!: showing %2!d! matches
12800以前键入的地址 Previously Typed Addresses
12803文件和文件夹 Files and Folders
12805导航提示 Navigation Tips
12806自动完成建议 Autocomplete Suggestion
12808搜索建议 Search Suggestions
12809%s 建议 %s Suggestions
12810域联想 Domain Suggestions
12816正在搜索... Searching...
12817没有结果。 No results.
12818出现错误。 An error occurred.
12821删除 Delete
12832转到“%s” Go to ‘%s’
12833在新标签页中打开“%s” Open ‘%s’ in a new tab
12835在背景标签页中打开“%s” Open ‘%s’ in a background tab
12836导航到“%s” Navigate to ‘%s’
12837Enter Enter
12838Ctrl + Enter Ctrl + Enter
12839Ctrl + Shift + Enter Ctrl + Shift + Enter
12840Alt + Enter Alt + Enter
12841Alt + Shift + Enter Alt + Shift + Enter
12842显示较多的键盘快捷键和用法提示 Show more keyboard shortcuts and usage tips
12843显示较少的键盘快捷键和用法提示 Show fewer keyboard shortcuts and usage tips
12844Shift + Enter Shift + Enter
12845为历史记录和收藏夹建立索引。结果可能不完整。 Indexing your history and favorites. Results might be incomplete.
12846单击此处改进历史记录和收藏夹结果 Click here to improve history and favorites results
12847下载 Windows Search 以改进历史记录和收藏夹结果 Download Windows Search to improve history and favorites results
12848Internet Explorer 历史记录 Internet Explorer History
12849Internet Explorer 源 Internet Explorer Feeds
12850打开 Open
12852执行 Execute
12854应用程序菜单栏 Application Menu Bar
12855分隔符 Separator
12856显示隐藏项目 Show Hidden Items
12857Alt + Alt +
12858地址栏自动完成 Address bar Autocomplete
已在 %3 上查看
Viewed on %3
12860常用 Frequent
12861继续浏览以查看你经常访问的网站。 Keep browsing to see the sites you visit often.
12862启用建议(将输入的内容发送到 %1!s!) Turn on suggestions (send keystrokes to %1!s!)
12863关闭建议(停止将输入的内容发送到 %1!s!) Turn off suggestions (stop sending keystrokes to %1!s!)
12864这是该网站的正确地址。将该网站报告为安全网站。 This is the website’s correct address. Report this website as safe.
12865这不是我要访问的网站的地址。将该网站报告为不安全的网站。 This is not the address of the website I want to visit. Report this website as unsafe.
12866%1%2%3 搜索建议 %1%2%3 Search suggestion
12867%1%2%3 天气建议 %1%2%3 Weather suggestion
12868%1%2%3 财务建议 %1%2%3 Finance suggestion
12869%1%2%3 应用建议 %1%2%3 App suggestion
12896地址(&D) A&ddress
12898使用 %s 查找网址和搜索 Address and search using %s
12914无法找到“%1!hs!”。请确保路径或 Internet 地址正确。 Cannot find ‘%1!hs!’. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct.
12915Internet 选项(&O) Internet &Options

This window is busy.
Closing this window might cause some problems.

Do you want to close it anyway?
12920无法找到“%1!ls!”。请确保路径或 Internet 地址正确。 Cannot find ‘%1!ls!’. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct.
12937启动 Internet Explorer 浏览器 Launch Internet Explorer browser
12939保护模式: 启用 Protected Mode: On
12940保护模式: 关闭 Protected Mode: Off
12941双击更改安全性设置 Double-click to change security settings
12942已打开新窗口 Opened a new window
12943为了保护计算机的安全,不同安全区域的网站必须在不同的窗口中打开。 For your computer’s security, websites that are in different security zones must open in different windows.
12944Internet Explorer 需要打开一个新窗口来显示此网页。

Internet Explorer needs to open a new window to display this webpage.

For your computer’s security, websites that are in different security zones must open in different windows.
12948从此网站下载某些内容时要小心,因为它可能会安装你不想要的其他程序或更改你的设置(如主页)。因此,请确保检查所要安装的内容。 Be careful when you download something from this website because it might install other programs you don't want or change your settings (like your home page). So be sure to check what's being installed.
12949此警告不正确 This warning is incorrect
13057警告 Warning
13060在 Internet 上(&I)... On the &Internet...
13061搜索网站 Search the web
13120... ...
13121搜索“%s” Search for “%s”
13122? %s ? %s
13141自动建议下拉菜单 AutoSuggest Drop-Down
13142页面控制 Page Control
13143命令栏 Command Bar
13153向左翻页控制 Page Control Left
13154地址组合控制 Address Combo Control
13155搜索组合控制 Search Combo Control
13156收藏夹和工具栏 Favorites and Tools Bar
13157“清除文字”按钮 Clear Text button
13165了解更多有关 InPrivate 的信息 Learn more about InPrivate
13166“InPrivate 浏览”可帮助阻止 Internet Explorer 存储你的浏览页面的数据。这包括 Cookie、Internet 临时文件、历史记录以及其他数据。默认情况下将禁用工具栏和扩展。 InPrivate Browsing helps prevent Internet Explorer from storing data about your browsing session. This includes cookies, temporary Internet files, history, and other data. Toolbars and extensions are disabled by default.
13167InPrivate 浏览处于启用状态 InPrivate Browsing is On
13168InPrivate InPrivate
13169历史记录 Ctrl+Shift+H History Ctrl+Shift+H
13170打开新标签页 Open new tab
13171开始 InPrivate 浏览 Start InPrivate Browsing
13172重新打开最后一次页面 Reopen last session
13200“InPrivate 浏览”能帮助阻止 Internet Explorer 保存有关你的浏览页面的数据,包括 Cookie、临时 Internet 文件、历史记录和其他数据。 InPrivate Browsing helps prevent Internet Explorer from storing data about your browsing session. This includes cookies, temporary Internet files, history, and other data.
13216EmIE EmIE
13217企业模式可帮助提高你公司所标识的网站的兼容性。 Enterprise Mode helps improve the compatibility of websites identified by your company.
13218企业模式已打开 Enterprise Mode is On
13312请勿跟踪 Do Not Track
13313了解有关 “请勿跟踪” 的详细信息

需要重启 Internet Explorer 才能完成启用 “请勿跟踪”。
Learn more about Do Not Track

You'll need to restart Internet Explorer to finish turning on Do Not Track.
13314了解有关 “请勿跟踪” 的详细信息

需要重启 Internet Explorer 才能完成关闭 “请勿跟踪”。
Learn more about Do Not Track

You'll need to restart Internet Explorer to finish turning off Do Not Track.
13317向你在 Internet Explorer 中访问的站点发送“请勿跟踪”请求 Send Do Not Track requests to sites you visit in Internet Explorer
13826搜索(Ctrl+E) Search (Ctrl+E)
13904垂直浏览器栏 Vertical Explorer Bar
13905水平浏览器栏 Horizontal Explorer Bar
13906导航栏 Navigation Bar
13907菜单栏 Menu Bar
13952空白页 Blank Page
13953新标签页 New tab
13954热门站点和新闻提要标签页 Top sites and news feed tab
14084显示已阻止的弹出窗口。 Show blocked pop-ups.
14085从允许的站点列表删除当前站点。 Remove the current site from the allowed sites list.
14086将当前站点添加到允许的站点列表。 Add the current site to the allowed sites list.
14087更改弹出窗口阻止程序设置。 Change Pop-up Blocker settings.
14088启用或禁用弹出窗口阻止程序。 Enable or disable Pop-up Blocker.
14097关闭标签页(Ctrl+W) Close Tab (Ctrl+W)
14098新建标签页(Ctrl+T) New tab (Ctrl+T)
14099标签页列表 Tab List
14100正在连接... Connecting...
14101标签页行 Tab Row
14102此网页出现问题,导致 Internet Explorer 关闭了该标签页并重新打开它。 A problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab.
14103标签页菜单 Tab Menu
14104打开 Microsoft Edge Open Microsoft Edge
14115Alt+D Alt+D
14116Ctrl+E Ctrl+E
14120向后滚动标签页列表 Scroll tab list backward
14121向前滚动标签页列表 Scroll tab list forward
14130网页显示问题 Webpage display problem
14131显示网页时出现问题,导致 Internet Explorer 使用“兼容性视图”刷新了网页。 A problem displaying a webpage caused Internet Explorer to refresh the page using Compatibility View.
14337最近访问的页面 Recent Pages
14352更改缩放级别 Change zoom level
14353缩放级别 Zoom Level
14354正在等待来自 %1 的响应... Waiting for response from %1...
14359正在等待 %1 Waiting for %1
14432阻止某些内容以帮助保护你的隐私 Some content is blocked to help protect your privacy
14433跟踪保护已阻止此站点上 %1 服务提供的内容。 Tracking Protection has blocked content from %1 services on this site.
14434是否阻止此网站上的内容? Block content on this site?
14435打开跟踪保护可阻止此站点上 %1 服务提供的内容。 Turn on Tracking Protection to block content from %1 services on this site.
14436阻止 Block
14437取消阻止内容 Unblock content
14451跟踪保护已阻止此站点上某个服务提供的内容。 Tracking Protection has blocked content from a service on this site.
14452打开跟踪保护可阻止此站点上某个服务提供的内容。 Turn on Tracking Protection to block content from a service on this site.
145989pt;Normal;None;Microsoft YaHei UI 9pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
1459911pt;Semibold;None;Microsoft YaHei UI 11pt;Semibold;None;Segoe UI
14756在新标签页中打开 Open in new tab
14775在新窗口中打开标签页 Open tab in new window
16042刷新当前框架内容。 Refreshes the contents of the current frame.
16384在该窗口中打开文档。 Opens a document in this window.
16385保存所做的改动。 Saves changes.
16386将该文档保存到文件中。 Saves this document as a file.
16387更改该页的纸张、页眉、页脚、方向以及页边距。 Changes paper, headers and footers, orientation, and margins for this page.
16388打印该页。 Prints this page.
16390显示该文档的属性。 Displays the properties of this document.
16391删除所选项目并将其复制到剪贴板上。 Removes the selected items and copies them to the clipboard.
16392将所选项目复制到剪贴板。 Copies the selected items to the clipboard.
16394再次打开当前页。 Opens the current page again.
16395取消此次下载。 Cancels the current download.
16398打开起始页。 Opens your start page.
16399打开或关闭你的搜索栏。 Opens/closes your search bar.
16400%s 已从该计算机上删除。是否清除有关该程序的个人化设置? %s has been removed from this computer. Do you want to clean up your personalized settings for this program?
16403打开新的 Internet Explorer 窗口。 Opens a new Internet Explorer window.
16404将当前页添加到收藏夹中。 Adds the current page to your Favorites folder.
16405预览文档的打印结果。 Previews how this document will print.
16406打印所选框中的文档。 Prints the document in the selected frame.
16409以电子邮件的形式发送该页,或发送到桌面上。 Sends this page by e-mail or to your desktop.
16412在桌面上创建指向该页的快捷方式 Creates a shortcut to this page on your desktop
16413打开一个不与现有窗口共享凭据的新的 Internet Explorer 窗口。 Opens a new Internet Explorer window that does not share credentials with existing windows.
16464显示程序信息、版本号和版权。 Displays program information, version number, and copyright.
16465打开帮助。 Opens Help.
16466打开 Internet 上的 Web 教程页。 Opens the web tutorial page (on the Internet).
16470打开 Windows 更新网页以更新组件。 Opens the Windows Update webpage to update components.
16472打开 Microsoft 产品支持页。 Opens the Microsoft Product Support page.
16502导入或导出收藏夹和书签。 Imports and exports your favorites and bookmarks.
16504将当前页面添加到受信任的站点区域。 Adds the current page to the trusted sites zone.
16505将当前页面添加到本地 Intranet 区域中。 Adds the current page to the local intranet zone.
16506将此页面添加到一个区域。 Adds this page to a zone.
16509打开一个新的 Internet Explorer 标签页。 Opens a new Internet Explorer tab.
16640%s 需要你的信息 %s has requested information from you
16641配置文件助理 Profile Assistant
站点无法记住你的配置文件信息,可通过“Internet 选项”对话框中
的“高级”选项卡禁用“Internet cookie”。
You have chosen to allow this site to read your profile information for
one visit only. If you want to make sure the site does not remember
your profile information, you might want to disable 'Internet cookies'
from the 'Advanced' tab of the Internet Options dialog.
All items you have agreed to share with this site are blank.
Would you like to enter this information now?
16704该站点 This site
16720常用名 Common Name
16721名字 First Name
16722姓氏 Last Name
16723中间名 Middle Name
16724性别 Gender
16725移动电话 Cellular Phone
16726电子邮件 E-mail
16727个人主页 Personal Home Page
16728公司 Company
16729部门 Department
16730职务 Job Title
16731寻呼机 Pager
16732家庭地址 Home Address
16733市/县(家庭) City (Home)
16734邮政编码(家庭) Zip Code (Home)
16735省/自治区(家庭) State (Home)
16736国家/地区(家庭) Country/Region (Home)
16737家庭电话 Home Phone
16738传真(家庭) Fax (Home)
16739公司地址 Business Address
16740市/县(公司) City (Business)
16741邮政编码(公司) Zip Code (Business)
16742省/自治区(公司) State (Business)
16743国家/地区(公司) Country/Region (Business)
16744业务电话 Business Phone
16745传真(公司) Fax (Business)
16746公司主页 Business Home Page
16747办公室 Office
16800无法确定该信息的用途。 Can not determine what this information is used for.
16801专门用来管理系统和系统规则,如辨认站点问题。 Used solely to administer the system and its rules, such as identifying problems at the site.
16802用于研究和产品开发。 Used for research and product development.
16803用于完成当前交易,如购买商品或服务。 Used to complete a current transaction, such as a purchase.
16804用于自定义站点的内容和设计。 Used to customize the content and design of the site for you.
16805用于改善包括广告在内的站点内容。 Used to improve the content of the site including advertisements.
16806用于发送网站更新内容。 Used to send you website updates.
16807用来为服务和/或产品营销而跟你联系。 Used to contact you for marketing of services or products.
16808与你的其他信息结合。 Combined with other information about you.
16809用于其他目的。 Used by site for other purposes.
16810透露给自定义或完善该站点的内容和设计的人。 Disclosed to others for customization or improvement of the content and design of the site.
16811透露给为服务和/或产品营销而跟你联系的人。 Disclosed to others who might contact you for marketing of services and/or products.
16812透露给为服务和/或产品营销而跟你联系的人。你可以要求该站点不透露这些信息。 Disclosed to others who might contact you for marketing of services and/or products. You will have an opportunity to ask the site not to do this.
16813因任何目的而向其他人透露。 Disclosed to others for any purposes.
16897导入收藏夹 Import Favorites
16898从另一个浏览器或文件中导入收藏夹。 Import favorites from another browser or file.
16899导出收藏夹 Export Favorites
16900向另一个浏览器或文件导出收藏夹。 Export favorites to another browser or file.
16901导入 Cookie Import Cookies
16902从另一个浏览器或文件中导入 cookie。 Import cookies from another browser or file.
16903导出 Cookie Export Cookies
16904向另一个浏览器或文件导出 cookie。 Export cookies to another browser or file.
16905导入/导出选择 Import/Export Selection
16906可以选择导入或导出的内容。 You can select what to import or export.
16907你希望从何处导入收藏夹? Where do you want to import your favorites from?
16908可以选择从何处导入收藏夹。 You can select where to import your favorites from.
16909选择导入收藏夹的目标文件夹 Select a destination folder for your favorites
16910请选择文件夹,放置导入的收藏夹。 Select the folder where the imported favorites will be placed.
16911选择你希望从哪个文件夹导出收藏夹 Select the folder that you want to export your favorites from
16912请选择从哪个文件夹导出。 Select which folder you want to export from.
16913你希望将收藏夹导出至何处? Where do you want to export your favorites?
16914请选择放置导出的收藏夹的目标位置。 Select where you would like your favorites exported to.
16915你希望从何处导入 Cookie? Where do you want to import your cookies from?
16916可以选择从何处导入 cookie。 You can select where we should import your cookies from.
16917你希望将 Cookie 导出至何处? Where do you want to export your cookies?
16918可以选择要导出的 cookie 的目标位置。 You can select where we should export your cookies to.
16919%s 已存在。
%s already exists.
Do you want to replace it?
16920找不到 %s。
Cannot find %s.
Please choose another file.
16921从 %s 导入 cookie Import the cookies from %s
16922将 cookie 导出到 %s Export the cookies to %s
16923从 %s 导入收藏夹 Import the favorites from %s
16924将收藏夹导出到 %s Export the favorites to %s
16925导入/导出设置 Import/Export Settings
16926Netscape 版本低于 4.0 Netscape versions less than 4.0
16927Netscape Navigator 4.0 配置文件: %s Netscape Navigator 4.0 profile: %s
16928Netscape Navigator 配置文件: %s Netscape Navigator profile: %s
16929请选择书签文件 Select Bookmark File
16930请选择 Cookie 文件 Select Cookie File
16931HTML 文件(*.htm, *.html)@*.htm;*.html@所有文件(*.*)@*.*@ HTML files (*.htm, *.html)@*.htm;*.html@All (*.*)@*.*@
16932文本文件(*.txt)@*.txt@所有文件(*.*)@*.*@ Text files (*.txt)@*.txt@All (*.*)@*.*@
16933cookies.txt cookies.txt
16934bookmark.htm bookmark.htm
16935\..\Users \..\Users
16936feeds.opml feeds.opml
16944选择源文件 Select Feeds File
16945OPML 文件 (*.opml, *.xml)@*.opml;*.xml@全部 (*.*)@*.*@ OPML files (*.opml, *.xml)@*.opml;*.xml@All (*.*)@*.*@
16946将源导出到 %s Export the feeds to %s
16962你希望从何处导入源? Where do you want to import your feeds from?
16963你可以选择从何处导入源的位置。 You can select where we should import your feeds from.
16964选择源的目标文件夹 Select a destination folder for your feeds
16965选择将放置所导入源的文件夹。 Select the folder where the imported feeds will be placed.
16966导出源 Export Feeds
16967将源导出到文件。 Export feeds to a file.
16976导入源 Import Feeds

Import feeds from a file.

Importing feeds will start background updates for all of your subscribed feeds.
17152已由 Internet Explorer 11 保存 Saved by Internet Explorer 11
17153保存: %1 Saving: %1
17184标题: %1!ls!

Title: %1!ls!

17185详细信息 Details
17201按日期查看 View By Date
17202按站点查看 View By Site
17203按访问次数查看 View By Most Visited
17204按今天的访问顺序查看 View By Order Visited Today
17216你希望将源导出至何处? Where do you want to export your feeds?
17217你可以选择我们应导出你的源的位置。 You can select where we should export your feeds to.
17236_files _files
17237%s%03d.tmp %s%03d.tmp
17238保存网页|htm|网页,全部(*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Web 档案,单个文件(*.mht)|*.mht|网页,仅 HTML (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt| Save Webpage|htm|Webpage, complete (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Web Archive, single file (*.mht)|*.mht|Webpage, HTML only (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|
17239保存网页|htm|网页,仅 HTML (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt| Save Webpage|htm|Webpage, HTML only (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|
17243保存网页时出错 Error Saving Webpage
17244内存不足,无法保存此网页。 There is insufficient memory to save this webpage.
17245无法保存此网页。 This webpage could not be saved.
17246无法在所选的位置保存该网页。 The webpage could not be saved to the selected location.
17247磁盘已满,无法保存该网页。 The webpage could not be saved because the disk is full.
17248已取消保存网页。 Webpage save canceled.
17249正在将: %1!ls! 保存到 %2!ls!。 Saving: %1!ls! to %2!ls!.
17250%d%% 完成。 %d%% complete.
17251由于缺少该网页中的某个文件,无法保存该网页。 The webpage could not be saved because one of its files is missing.
17252保存网页|htm|网页,全部(*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|网页,仅 HTML (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt| Save Webpage|htm|Webpage, complete (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Webpage, HTML only (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|
17253编码(&E): &Encoding:
17254保存网页|xml|网页,仅源代码(*.xml;*.xht;*.xhtml;*.svg)|*.xml;*.xht;*.xhtml;*.svg|文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt| Save Webpage|xml|Webpage, source only (*.xml;*.xht;*.xhtml;*.svg)|*.xml;*.xht;*.xhtml;*.svg|Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|
17285转换书签时出错 Error Converting Bookmarks
17286书签文件无效 Not a valid bookmark file
17287无法打开收藏夹文件 Couldn’t open Favorites file
17288无法下载收藏夹 Unable to download favorites
17289收藏夹导入成功 Successfully imported favorites
17290无法导出收藏夹 Unable to export favorites
17291收藏夹导出成功 Successfully exported favorites
17292无法下载 cookie Unable to download cookies
17293cookie 导入成功 Successfully imported cookies
17294无法导出 cookie Unable to export cookies
17295cookie 导出成功 Successfully exported cookies
17296将收藏夹另存为 HTML 文件 Save Favorites As HTML File
17297将书签 HTML 导入收藏夹 Import Bookmarks HTML into Favorites
17298请输入有效的文件名。 Please enter a valid file name.
17299从文件导入 Import from a file
17300从文件导出 Export from a file
17303确实要将“%ls”导入到收藏夹文件夹吗? Are you sure you want to import ‘%ls’ to your Favorites folder?
17304确实要将收藏夹导出到“%ls”吗? Are you sure you want to export your Favorites to ‘%ls’?
17305因为本机已禁用修改收藏夹,所以无法导入收藏夹。 Favorites cannot be imported because modification of favorites on this machine has been disabled.
17306系统管理员已禁用导入/导出向导。 The Import/Export Wizard has been disabled by your system administrator.
17307请选择书签要导入的文件夹,或要从中导出收藏夹的文件夹。 Select Folder to Import Bookmarks into or Export Favorites from.
1730812 12
17312%s 源 %d %s Feed %d
17313源 %d Feed %d
17314(新) (new)
17315已发现源 Feed Discovered
17316添加网页快讯 (Alt+J)
Add Web Slices (Alt+J)
Get updates to content from this webpage on the Favorites bar.
17318找不到网页快讯 No Web Slices Found
源: %1
To finish subscribing to this feed, enter a username and password to be saved for automatic updates.
Feed: %1
网页快讯: %1
To finish adding this Web Slice, enter a username and password to be saved for automatic updates.
Web Slice: %1
17324此源的用户名和密码不正确或丢失。请输入此源的用户名和密码: %1 There is incorrect or missing username and password for this feed. Enter username and password for feed: %1
17325此网页快讯的用户名和密码不正确或丢失。请输入此网页快讯的用户名和密码: %1 There is incorrect or missing username and password for this Web Slice. Enter username and password for Web Slice: %1
17326请输入此源的用户名和密码: %1 Please enter the user name and password for this feed: %1
17327请输入此网页快讯的用户名和密码: %1 Please enter the user name and password for this Web Slice: %1
17328建议网站 Suggested Sites
17329Internet Explorer 建议网站 Internet Explorer Suggested Sites
17331建议的网站 Suggested Sites
17333是否启用”建议的网站“? Do you want to turn on Suggested Sites?
17334联机阅读隐私声明 Read the privacy statement online
17335启用建议的网站 Turn on Suggested Sites
17336以后再用 Maybe later
17337寻找你可能喜欢的其他网站 Discover other sites you might like
17338通过页面预测快速翻页 Flip ahead with page prediction
17339启用快速翻页可转到站点上的下一页面。你的浏览历史记录将被发送到 Microsoft 以改进快速翻页的工作情况。 Turn on flip ahead to go to the next page on a site. Your browsing history will be sent to Microsoft to improve how flip ahead works.
17340了解更多信息 Learn more
17341启用通过页面预测快速翻页 Turn on flip ahead with page prediction
17427自定义(&C) &Custom
17428%u%% %u%%
17430Ctrl+0 Ctrl+0
17431%s (%u%%) %s (%u%%)
17440%s (默认) %s (Default)
17441400%(&4) &400%
17442300%(&3) &300%
17443250%(&2) &250%
17444200%(&2) &200%
17445175%(&1) &175%
17446150%(&1) &150%
17447125%(&1) &125%
17448100%(&0) 1&00%
1744975%(&7) &75%
1745650%(&5) &50%
17557无法导出源 Unable to export feeds
17558已成功导出源 Successfully exported feeds
17665添加到收藏夹栏(&B) Add to Favorites &bar
17666添加到收藏夹(&A)... Ctrl+D &Add to favorites... Ctrl+D
17667订阅此源(&S)... &Subscribe to this feed...
17668已订阅 Already subscribed
17669将当前所有的标签页添加到收藏夹(&T)... Add current &tabs to favorites...
17670导入和导出(&I)... &Import and export...
17671整理收藏夹(&O)... &Organize favorites...
17672收藏中心 Favorites Center
17674查看收藏夹、源和历史记录(Alt+C) View favorites, feeds, and history (Alt+C)
17675%s (Alt+Z) %s (Alt+Z)
17676C C
17677Z Z
View feeds on this page (Alt+J)
Feeds provide updated website content
No feeds detected on this page (Alt+J)
Feeds provide updated website content
17680页面(Alt+P) Page (Alt+P)
17681工具 (Alt+O) Tools (Alt+O)
17682帮助 (Alt+L) Help (Alt+L)
17683主页(Alt+M) Home (Alt+M)
17684打印(Alt+R) Print (Alt+R)
17685全景手柄(Alt+G) Panning hand (Alt+G)
17686F12 开发人员工具(F12) F12 Developer Tools (F12)
17687B B
17689M M
17697安全(Alt+S) Safety (Alt+S)
17698添加到收藏夹栏 Add to Favorites bar
17700订阅此源... Subscribe to this feed...
17701N N
17702主页(Alt+Home) Home (Alt+Home)
17703Alt+home Alt+home
17704Alt+c Alt+c
17705Alt+x Alt+x
17706工具 Tools
17707Alt+k Alt+k
17708让我们知道你的想法 Let us know what you think
17709发送笑脸(Alt+J) Send a smile (Alt+J)
17710发送愁眉苦脸(Alt+K) Send a frown (Alt+K)
17724Alt+j Alt+j
17920主页(&M) Ho&me
17936源(&J) Feeds (&J)
17952打印(&R) P&rint
17953打印(&P)... Ctrl+P &Print... Ctrl+P
17954打印预览(&V)... Print pre&view...
17955页面设置(&U)... Page set&up...
17968页面(&P) &Page
17969新建窗口(&N) Ctrl+N &New window Ctrl+N
17970剪切(&T) Ctrl+X Cu&t Ctrl+X
17971复制(&C) Ctrl+C &Copy Ctrl+C
17972粘贴(&P) Ctrl+V &Paste Ctrl+V
17973样式(&Y) St&yle
17974将网站添加到“开始”菜单(&M) Add site to Start &menu
17975另存为(&A)... Ctrl+S Save &as... Ctrl+S
17976通过电子邮件发送页面(&E)... S&end page by e-mail...
17977缩放(&Z) &Zoom
17978文字大小(&X) Te&xt size
17979查看源(&S) View &source
17980安全报告(&R) Security &report
17981网页隐私报告(&V)... Webpage pri&vacy report...
17982通过电子邮件发送链接(&L)... Send &link by e-mail...
17983编码(&G) Encodin&g
17984工具(&O) T&ools
17985全屏(&L) F11 Fu&ll screen F11
17986工具栏(&T) &Toolbars
17987将站点添加到“应用”视图(&I) Add s&ite to Apps
17988修复连接问题(&C)... Fix &connection problems...
17989Windows Defender SmartScreen 筛选器(&T) Windows Defender SmartScreen Fil&ter
17990弹出窗口阻止程序(&P) &Pop-up Blocker
17991管理加载项(&A) Manage &add-ons
17992菜单栏(&M) &Menu bar
17993重新打开上次浏览页面(&S) Reopen last browsing &session
17996查看下载(&N) Ctrl+J View dow&nloads Ctrl+J
18000建议网站(&G) Su&ggested Sites
18001帮助(&L) He&lp
18002Internet Explorer 帮助(&I) F1 &Internet Explorer Help F1
18003联机支持(&S) Online &support
18004客户反馈选项(&F)... Customer &feedback options...
18006增强的安全配置(&E) &Enhanced security configuration
18007Windows 更新(&U) Windows &Update
18008关于 Internet Explorer(&A) &About Internet Explorer
18009报告网页问题(&R)... &Report a webpage problem...
18017F12 开发人员工具(&D) F12 &Developer Tools
18018浏览器栏(&X) E&xplorer bars
18022[InPrivate] [InPrivate]
18023安全(&S) &Safety
18024删除浏览历史记录(&D)... Ctrl+Shift+Del &Delete browsing history... Ctrl+Shift+Del
18025InPrivate 浏览(&I) Ctrl+Shift+P InPrivate Brows&ing Ctrl+Shift+P
18032跟踪保护(&K)... Trac&king Protection...
18033国际网站地址(&I) &International website address
18034启用跟踪保护(&K) Turn on Trac&king Protection
18035关闭跟踪保护(&K) Turn off Trac&king Protection
18036启用“请勿跟踪”请求(&T) &Turn on Do Not Track requests
18037关闭“请勿跟踪”请求(&T) &Turn off Do Not Track requests
18038管理媒体许可证(&M) &Manage media licenses
18049兼容性视图设置(&B) Compati&bility View settings
18064报告网站问题(&R) &Report website problems
18082编码 Encoding
18083编辑 Edit
18084阅读邮件 Read mail
18086剪切 Cut
18087复制 Copy
18088粘贴 Paste
18089全屏 Full screen
18096全景手柄(&G) Pannin&g hand
18097在文件资源管理器中打开 FTP 站点(&O) &Open FTP site in File Explorer
18098属性(&R) P&roperties
18116Internet Explorer 11 中的新功能(&W) &What’s new in Internet Explorer 11
18144帮助菜单扩展 Help Menu Extensions
18145工具菜单扩展 Tools Menu Extensions
18146插入光标浏览(&B) F7 Caret &browsing F7
18147控件(&X) Alt+X Controls Alt+&X
18148打印(&P) &Print
18149文件(&F) &File
18150管理加载项(&M) &Manage add-ons
18151F12 开发人员工具(&L) F12 Deve&loper Tools
18153在此页上查找(&F) Ctrl+F &Find on this page Ctrl+F
18154X X
18155转到已固定的网站(&G) &Go to pinned sites
18157性能仪表板 Ctrl+Shift+U Performance dashboard Ctrl+Shift+U
18160关闭标签页(&C) Ctrl+W &Close tab Ctrl+W
18161关闭其他标签页(&O) Close &other tabs
18162刷新(&R) F5 &Refresh F5
18163全部刷新(&L) Refresh a&ll
18164新建标签页(&N) Ctrl+T &New tab Ctrl+T
18165重新打开关闭的标签页(&T) Ctrl+Shift+T Reopen closed &tab Ctrl+Shift+T
18166最近关闭的标签页(&E) R&ecently closed tabs
18167打开所有关闭的标签页(&P) O&pen all closed tabs
18168取消此标签页分组(&U) &Ungroup this tab
18169关闭此组标签页(&G) Close this tab &group
18170重复打开标签页(&D) Ctrl+K &Duplicate tab Ctrl+K
18171在单独一行上显示标签页(&H) S&how tabs on a separate row
18184选择要从其中导入收藏夹和源的浏览器 Select a browser from which to import favorites and feeds
18185选择要从中导入设置的浏览器 Choose which browser to import from
18186这些设置已成功导入 These settings were imported successfully
18192扩展名 Extensions
18194搜索提供程序 Search Providers
18195Firefox 设置 Firefox settings
18196Opera 设置 Opera settings
18197Safari 设置 Safari settings
18208正在导入: %s Importing: %s
18209已导入 %i 个源。 You have imported %i feeds.
18210未导入源。 No feeds were imported.
18221Chrome 设置 Chrome settings
18223Firefox(&F) &Firefox
18224Opera(&O) &Opera
18225Safari(&S) &Safari
18226导入(&I) &Import
18227导出(&E) &Export
18228Chrome(&C) &Chrome
18231下一步(&N) &Next
18232(来自 Firefox) (From Firefox)
18233(来自 Opera) (From Opera)
18234(来自 Safari) (From Safari)
18235(已导入) (Imported)
18236(来自 Chrome) (From Chrome)
18432你已成功导入了这些设置 You have successfully imported these settings
18433某些设置未成功导入 Some settings were not imported successfully
18434你已成功导出了这些设置 You have successfully exported these settings
18435某些设置未成功导出 Some settings were not exported successfully
18436你希望如何导入或导出你的浏览器设置? How do you want to import or export your browser settings?
18437你希望导入哪些内容? What would you like to import?
18438你希望导出哪些内容? What would you like to export?
20018字体名称 Font name
20019字体大小 Font size
20027打印 Print
20028属性 Properties
20029恢复 Redo
20043撤消 Undo
20051背景颜色 Background color
20052加粗 Bold
20055字体颜色 Font color
20056斜体 Italic
20057居中 Center justify
20059左对齐 Left justify
20060右对齐 Right justify
20063下划线 Underline
20070保存 Save
20528XML 文件|*.xml|所有文件|*.*|| XML Files|*.xml|All Files|*.*||
20529%s 行: %ld 字符: %ld %s Line: %ld Character: %ld
20530订阅 Subscribe
20531订阅源时出错。 Error subscribing to feed.
20532创建文件夹时出错。 Error creating folder.
20534此文件夹中已经存在以该名称命名的源。 A feed already exists by that name in this folder.
20535此文件夹中已经存在以该名称命名的文件夹。 A folder already exists by that name in this folder.
20537LTR LTR

Are you sure you want to delete this folder?

This will delete all feeds in the folder.

Are you sure you want to delete this feed?

This will delete all items in this feed including any associated enclosures.
20540按 %s 筛选: Filter by %s:

Are you sure you want to delete this feed item?

This will delete the item and any associated enclosure.

即使在 Internet Explorer 不运行时,你的计算机也将定期联机检查
Are you sure you want to turn on automatic feed updates?

Your computer will periodically check online for updates to subscribed feeds,
even when Internet Explorer is not running.
20545固定收藏中心 Pin the Favorites Center
20546关闭收藏中心 Close the Favorites Center
20547I I
20737刷新(&E) R&efresh
20739删除(&D) &Delete
20741重命名(&N) Re&name
20742标记为“已读”(&M) &Mark as Read
20744重命名(&R) &Rename
20745剪切(&T) Cu&t
20746粘贴(&P) &Paste
20748新建文件夹 New Folder
20749新文件夹 (%d) New Folder (%d)
20768Internet 临时文件 Temporary Internet Files
20769Internet 临时文件夹中包含为快速查看而存储在硬盘上的网页。你的网页个人化设置将被完整保留。 The Temporary Internet Files folder contains webpages stored on your hard disk for quick viewing. Your personalized settings for webpages will be left intact.
20770查看文件(&V) &View files
20771脱机网页 Offline webpages
20772脱机网页是存储在你计算机上的网页,不必连接到 Internet 就可查看这些网页。即使现在删除这些网页,以后仍然可以通过同步这些网页,脱机查看你的收藏夹。你的网页个人化设置将被完整保留。 Offline pages are webpages that are stored on your computer so you can view them without being connected to the Internet. If you delete these pages now, you can still view your favorites offline later by synchronizing them. Your personalized settings for webpages will be left intact.
20773查看网页(&V) &View pages
20825Internet 主机 Internet Host
20826时间段 Time Period
20827Internet 地址 Internet Address
20828本地文件名 Local File Name
20829状态 Status
20830大小 Size
20831类型 Type
20832上次修改时间 Last Modified
20833过期时间 Expires
20834上次访问时间 Last Accessed
20835上次检查时间 Last Checked
20836 None
20839访问次数 Number of Visits
20840新增内容 What’s New
20841描述 Description
20842作者 Author
20843标题 Title
20844上一次更新时间 Last Updated
20846我的电脑 My Computer
20848%1!ws! 到 %2!ws! %1!ws! to %2!ws!
20849%1!ws! 周 Week of %1!ws!
20850%s 时访问的网页 Pages visited at %s
20851%s 访问的网页 Pages visited %s
20852从 %1!ws! 开始一周内访问过的网页 Pages visited in week starting %1!ws!
20853从 %1!ws! 到 %2!ws! 访问过的网页 Pages visited from %1!ws! to %2!ws!
20854今天访问过的网页 Pages visited Today
20855%d 周之前 %d Weeks Ago
20856上周 Last Week
20858(%s) (%s)
20861打开所选项目。 Opens the selected items.
20890按标题的字母顺序排列项目。 Sorts items alphabetically by title.
20891按 Internet 地址的字母顺序排列项目。 Sorts items alphabetically by Internet address.
20892按上次访问时间排列项目。 Sorts items by last visited time.
20893按上次更新时间排列项目。 Sorts items by last updated time.
20900按名称的字母顺序排列项目。 Sorts items alphabetically by name.
20902按从小到大顺序排列项目。 Sorts items by size, from smallest to largest.
20903按过期时间排列项目。 Sorts items by expiration time.
20904按上次修改时间排列项目。 Sorts items by last modified time.
20906按上次检查时间排列项目。 Sorts items by last checked time.
20980确实要删除历史记录项: %s 吗? Are you sure you want to delete History Item: %s?
20981确实要删除这些 %d 历史记录项吗? Are you sure you want to delete these %d History items?
20982确实要删除选中的 Cookie 吗? Are you sure you want to delete the selected Cookies?
21072添加或更改主页(&C)... Add or &change home page...
21073删除(&R) &Remove
21074全部删除(&A)... Remove &all...
21089主页 Home Page
21091主页 (2) Home Page (2)
21104最小化 Minimize
21105还原 Restore
21120上次浏览页面意外关闭。 Your last browsing session closed unexpectedly.
21121还原页面(&R) &Restore session
21136%1 未响应。 %1 is not responding.
21137恢复网页(&R) &Recover webpage
21138%1 未响应,因为脚本长时间运行。 %1 is not responding due to a long-running script.
21139停止脚本(&S) &Stop script
21140(未响应) (Not Responding)
21141恢复网页(F5) Recover Webpage (F5)
21142停止运行脚本(Esc) Stop Running Script (Esc)
21143该网页未响应。 The webpage is not responding.
21144网页未响应,因为脚本长时间运行。 The webpage is not responding due to a long-running script.
21763在收藏夹栏上显示此网站的链接以提供快速访问。 Displays a link to this website on the Favorites bar to provide quick access.
21765Url(&U): &Url:
21766将链接添加到收藏夹栏 Add link to Favorites bar
21767什么是收藏夹栏? What is the Favorites bar?
21770已更新的 %s Updated %s
21771已过期的 %s Expired %s
21780IE 此时无法连接到服务器。 连接可能断开。 IE cannot connect to the server at this time. You might be disconnected.
21781此链接不再存在。 This link no longer exists.
21782此链接要求凭据。 This link requires credentials.
21783单击该按钮进行刷新,或者单击“打开”访问此网页快讯的网页。 Click the button to refresh, or click Open to go to the webpage for this Web Slice.
21784IE 此时无法从服务器获得信息。 IE cannot get information from the server at this time.
21785你未订阅此源。 You are not subscribed to this feed.
21791打开所有项目(%u 个新项目) Open all items (%u new)
21792全部标记为“已读” Mark all as read
21801在新窗口中打开(&N) Open in &new window
21802在新标签页中打开(&W) Open in ne&w tab
21803在标签页组中打开(&G) Open in tab &group
21805全部刷新(&A) Refresh &all
21806更新标记为粗体(&B) &Bold on update
21807新建文件夹(&F) New &folder
21809复制(&C) &Copy
21812按名称排序(&B) Sort &by name
21818属性(&P) &Properties
21821刷新 Refresh
21822即将过期 Expiring
21823已过期 Expired
21824网页快讯工具栏 Web Slice Toolbar
21825自定义标题宽度 Customize title widths
21826长标题 Long titles
21827短标题 Short titles
21828仅图标 Icons only
21831无法更新网页快讯 Cannot update Web Slice
21833单击此处输入密码 Click to enter password
21834无法更新网页快讯。 Cannot update Web Slice.
21835IE 无法访问服务器 IE cannot reach the server
21836订阅此网页快讯 Subscribe to this Web Slice
21838网页快讯。一个显示网页中更新内容的链接。按 Enter 键转到该内容。 Web Slice. A link that displays updated content from a webpage. Press enter to go to that content.
21839启用网页快讯订阅功能 Turn on subscribing to Web Slices
21840打开此网页快讯的网页。 Opens the webpage for this Web Slice.
21842Internet Explorer 无法连接到此网页快讯的网站。检查 Internet 连接,然后单击该按钮刷新。 Internet Explorer cannot connect to the website for this Web Slice. Check your Internet connection, and click the button to refresh.
21843该网页快讯不再存在。单击该按钮尝试打开此网页快讯的网页。 The Web Slice no longer exists. Click the button to try to open the webpage for this Web Slice.
21844此网页快讯需要用户名和密码。 This Web Slice requires a user name and password.
21845Internet Explorer 无法连接到此网页快讯的网站。单击该按钮尝试打开此网页快讯的网页。 Internet Explorer cannot connect to the website for this Web Slice. Click the button to try to open the webpage for this Web Slice.
21846你未订阅此网页快讯。 You are not subscribed to this Web Slice.
21847刷新此网页快讯。 Refreshes this Web Slice.
21848此项目已过期 %s This item expired %s
21849过期期限: %s Expires in: %s
21850过期时间: %s Expires at: %s
22000打开 HTML 文档 Open HTML document
22001新建 HTML 文档 New HTML document
22005拼写检查 Spell check
22006粘贴格式 Paste format
22017Microsoft Microsoft
22032Windows.url Windows.url
22033Windows Marketplace.url Windows Marketplace.url
22034Windows Media.url Windows Media.url
22035自定义链接.url Customize Links.url
22064免费 Hotmail.url Free Hotmail.url
22065Windows 更新.url Windows Update.url
22150横线 Horizontal line
22168图像 Image
22184编号列表 Numbered list
22185点符列表 Bulleted list
22186增加缩进量 Increase indent
22187减少缩进量 Decrease indent
22231页面信息 Page information
22232电传 Teletype
22234段落样式 Paragraph style
22235显示/隐藏代码 Show/hide codes
22236表格 Table
22247下标 Subscript
22248上标 Superscript
22350从左到右的文档 Left-to-right document
22351从右到左的文档 Right-to-left document
22352从左到右的段落 Left-to-right paragraph
22353从右到左的段落 Right-to-left paragraph
22354从左到右选择 Left-to-right selection
22355从右到左选择 Right-to-left selection
24576工具(Alt+X)(&X) Tools (Alt+&X)
24585层叠样式表文档 Cascading Style Sheet Document
24833查看在此网页上发现的 web 源。 View web feeds discovered on this webpage.
25856MSIEPrivacySettings MSIEPrivacySettings
25857formatVersion formatVersion
25858p3pCookiePolicy p3pCookiePolicy
25859zone zone
25860internet internet
25861intranet intranet
25862trustedSites trustedSites
25863action action
25864firstParty firstParty
25865thirdParty thirdParty
25866noPolicyDefault noPolicyDefault
25867noRuleDefault noRuleDefault
25868accept accept
25869prompt prompt
25870forceFirstParty forceFirstParty
25871forceSession forceSession
25872reject reject
25873alwaysAllowSession alwaysAllowSession
25874yes yes
25875no no
25876if if
25877expr expr
25878alwaysReplayLegacy alwaysReplayLegacy
25879flushCookies flushCookies
25880flushSiteList flushSiteList
25881MSIESiteRules MSIESiteRules
25882site site
25883domain domain
25884MSIEPrivacy MSIEPrivacy
28672你已选择关闭“%1”工具栏。 You have chosen to close the “%1” toolbar.
28674确认关闭工具栏 Confirm Toolbar Close


To add a toolbar to your desktop, right-click an existing toolbar, click Toolbars, and then click an item.
A toolbar is already hidden on this side of your screen.
You can have only one auto-hide toolbar per side.
28677工具栏 Toolbar
28679断开网络驱动器的连接 Disconnect Net Drive
28680网络提供程序 %2 报告以下错误: %3(%1!d!)。 The network provider %2 reported the following error: %3(%1!d!).
28684无法创建工具栏。 Cannot create toolbar.
30806使用 %s 搜索 Search with %s
30839%s 加速器 %s Accelerator
31008同时打开 %d 个标签页可能需要较长时间,并且可能会导致 Internet Explorer 响应缓慢。

Opening %d tabs at once might take a long time and cause Internet Explorer to respond slowly.

Do you want to continue?
31009标签页组 %d Tab Group %d
34046查找(&F) &Find
34047来自 Internet 的文件可能对你有所帮助,但有些文件可能会危害你的计算机。如果你不信任其来源,请不要查找可打开此文件的程序或保存此文件。有何风险? While files from the Internet can be useful, some files can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not find a program to open this file or save this file. What’s the risk?
34048是要保存此文件,还是要联机查找程序来打开此文件? Do you want to save this file, or find a program online to open it?
34050阻止了弹出窗口。 Pop-ups were blocked.
34051允许了弹出窗口。 Pop-ups were allowed.
34052未阻止弹出窗口。 Pop-ups were not blocked.
34053运行(&R) &Run
Click here to find out more about the software being verified.
34057未知文件类型 Unknown File Type
34064%1!s!, %2!s! %1!s!, %2!s!
34065你想运行或保存此文件吗? Do you want to run or save this file?
34066来自 Internet 的文件可能对你有所帮助,但此文件类型可能危害你的计算机。如果你不信任其来源,请不要运行或保存该软件。有何风险? While files from the Internet can be useful, this file type can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not run or save this software. What’s the risk?
34067是否要保存此文件? Do you want to save this file?
34068来自 Internet 的文件可能对你有所帮助,但此文件类型可能危害你的计算机。如果你不信任其来源,请不要保存该软件。有何风险? While files from the Internet can be useful, this file type can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not save this software. What’s the risk?
34069你想运行此文件吗? Do you want to run this file?
34070来自 Internet 的文件可能对你有所帮助,但此文件类型可能危害你的计算机。如果你不信任其来源,请不要运行该软件。有何风险? While files from the Internet can be useful, this file type can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not run this software. What’s the risk?
34071你正在下载的文件无法用默认程序打开。文件可能损坏或文件类型错误。出于安全考虑,建议你取消下载。如何决定要打开的软件? The file you are downloading cannot be opened by the default program. It is either corrupted or it has an incorrect file type. As a security precaution, it is recommended that you cancel the download. How can I decide what software to open?
34072必须取消阻止该发布者才能运行此软件。如何取消阻止该发布者? You must unblock this publisher to run this software.How do I unblock this publisher?
34073已经阻止此发布者在你的计算机上运行软件。 This publisher has been blocked from running software on your machine.
34080来自 Internet 的文件可能对你有所帮助,但此文件类型可能危害你的计算机。请你专门运行来自信任的发布者提供的软件。有何风险? While files from the Internet can be useful, this file type can potentially harm your computer. Only run software from publishers you trust. What’s the risk?
34081无法验证发布者。你确实要保存此软件吗? The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to save this software?
34082无法验证发布者。你确实要运行此软件吗? The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?
34083此文件没有包含有效的数字签名以验证其发布者。你应该只保存来自你信任的发布者的软件。如何决定要运行的软件? This file does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher. You should only save software from publishers you trust. How can I decide what software to run?
34084此文件没有包含有效的数字签名以验证其发布者。你应该只运行来自你信任的发布者的软件。如何决定要运行的软件? This file does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher. You should only run software from publishers you trust. How can I decide what software to run?
34085你要打开还是保存此文件? Do you want to open or save this file?
34086来自 Internet 的文件可能对你有所帮助,但此文件类型可能危害你的计算机。如果你不信任其来源,请不要打开或保存该软件。有何风险? While files from the Internet can be useful, this file type can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not open or save this software. What’s the risk?
34087来自 Internet 的文件可能对你有所帮助,但某些文件可能危害你的计算机。如果你不信任其来源,请不要打开或保存该文件。有何风险? While files from the Internet can be useful, some files can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not open or save this file. What’s the risk?
34088来自 Internet 的文件可能对你有所帮助,但某些文件可能危害你的计算机。如果你不信任其来源,请不要保存该文件。有何风险? While files from the Internet can be useful, some files can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not save this file. What’s the risk?
34089你要打开此文件吗? Do you want to open this file?
34096来自 Internet 的文件可能对你有所帮助,但此文件类型可能危害你的计算机。如果你不信任其来源,请不要打开该软件。有何风险? While files from the Internet can be useful, this file type can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not open this software. What’s the risk?
34097来自 Internet 的文件可能对你有所帮助,但某些文件可能危害你的计算机。如果你不信任其来源,请不要打开该文件。有何风险? While files from the Internet can be useful, some files can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not open this file. What’s the risk?
34098%s - 安全警告 %s - Security Warning
34099打开此文件前总是询问(&W) Al&ways ask before opening this file
34101打开文件 Open File
34102包装程序 Packager
34103你想允许来自“%s”的弹出窗口吗? Would you like to allow pop-ups from ‘%s’?
34104你想阻止来自“%s”的弹出窗口吗? Would you like to block pop-ups from ‘%s’?
34105弹出窗口阻止程序设置(&P) &Pop-up Blocker settings
34106暂时允许弹出窗口(&T) &Temporarily allow pop-ups
34107总是允许来自此站点的弹出窗口(&A)... &Always allow pop-ups from this site...
34108阻止来自此站点的弹出窗口(&L)... B&lock pop-ups from this site...
34126关闭弹出窗口阻止程序(&B) Turn off Pop-up &Blocker
34127启用弹出窗口阻止程序(&B) Turn on Pop-up &Blocker
34128阻止了弹出窗口时,你将看到此图标。要查看更多选项,你可以在图标显示时单击它。 When a pop-up is blocked you will see this icon. To see more options you can click it when it appears.
34304Internet Explorer 阻止了上一网页安装 ActiveX 控件。 Internet Explorer blocked the previous webpage from installing an ActiveX control.
34305上一个网站想要安装以下加载项: 来自“%2!s!”的“%1!s!”。 The previous website wants to install the following add-on: ‘%1!s!’ from ‘%2!s!’.
34306上一个网站想要安装来自以下发布者的软件:“%1!s!”。 The previous website wants to install software from: ‘%1!s!’.
34307此网站想要安装以下加载项: 来自“%2!s!”的“%1!s!”。 This website wants to install the following add-on: ‘%1!s!’ from ‘%2!s!’.
34308此网站想要安装来自以下发布者的软件:“%1!s!”。 This website wants to install software from: ‘%1!s!’.
34311Internet Explorer 阻止了此网站安装 ActiveX 控件。 Internet Explorer blocked this website from installing an ActiveX control.
34312此网站的某个加载项无法运行。 An add-on for this website failed to run.
34314Internet Explorer 阻止了一个弹出窗口。 Internet Explorer blocked a pop-up.
34315Internet Explorer 阻止了一个来自 %1 的弹出窗口。 Internet Explorer blocked a pop-up from %1.
34316暂时允许弹出窗口。 Pop-ups are temporarily allowed.
34317暂时允许 %1 的弹出窗口。 Pop-ups are temporarily allowed for %1.
34318Internet Explorer 已限制此网页运行脚本或 ActiveX 控件。 Internet Explorer restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls.
34319此内容受到限制,可能无法正确显示。 This content was restricted and might not display correctly.
34320此网页使用的协议被安全设置阻止。 This webpage uses a protocol blocked by your security settings.
34322允许活动内容(如脚本和 ActiveX 控件)可能对你有所帮助。

Allowing active content such as script and ActiveX controls can be useful.
However, active content might also harm your computer.

Are you sure you want to let this file run active content?
34323安全警告 Security Warning
34324此协议允许活动内容在你的计算机上以不安全的方式运行。你确定要继续吗? This protocol allows active content to run on your computer in an unsafe manner. Are you sure that you want to continue?
34325禁用协议限制 Disable Protocol Restrictions
34326为帮助保护你的安全,你的 Web 浏览器已经限制此站点显示特定内容。单击此处查看选项... To help protect your security, your web browser has restricted this site from showing certain content. Click here for options...
34327为帮助保护你的安全,你的 Web 浏览器已经阻止此站点将文件下载到你的计算机。单击此处查看选项... To help protect your security, your web browser blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. Click here for options...
34328为帮助保护你的安全,你的 Web 浏览器已经阻止此站点在你的计算机上安装 ActiveX 控件。单击此处查看选项... To help protect your security, your web browser stopped this site from installing an ActiveX control on your computer. Click here for options...
34329此网站的某个加载项运行失败。请检查“Internet 选项”中的安全设置是否存在潜在冲突。 An add-on for this website failed to run. Check the security settings in Internet Options for potential conflicts.
34331阻止了一个弹出窗口。要查看此弹出窗口或其他选项,请单击此处... Pop-up blocked. To see this pop-up or additional options click here...
34332阻止了一个弹出窗口。同时,为帮助保护你的安全,你的 Web 浏览器已经阻止了来自此站点的其他内容。单击此处查看选项... Pop-up blocked. Also, to help protect your security, your web browser blocked other content from this site. Click here for options...
34333为帮助保护你的安全,你的 Web 浏览器已经限制此文件显示可能访问你的计算机的活动内容。单击此处查看选项... To help protect your security, your web browser has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options...
34334此网页可能显示不正确。网页的内容与服务器指定的类型不匹配。请单击这里获取选项... This webpage might not be displayed properly. The content of the webpage does not match the type specified by the server. Click here for options...
34335你的 Web 浏览器阻止上一页在你的计算机上安装 ActiveX 控件。单击此处返回并安装此软件... Your web browser stopped the previous page from installing an ActiveX control on your computer. Click here to go back and install this software...
34336此网页正在尝试使用安全设置不允许的协议与你的计算机进行通信。单击此处查看选项... This webpage is trying to communicate with your computer using a protocol that your security settings won’t allow. Click here for options...
34337此网页正在尝试使用安全设置不允许的协议与你的计算机进行通信。单击此处获取详细信息... This webpage is trying to communicate with your computer using a protocol that your security settings won’t allow. Click here for more information...
34338暂时允许弹出窗口。同时,为帮助保护你的安全,你的 Web 浏览器阻止了来自此站点的其他内容。单击此处查看选项... Pop-ups temporarily allowed. Also, to help protect your security, your web browser blocked other content from this site. Click here for options...
34339当前禁用加载项。 Add-ons are currently disabled.
34340此网页想要运行以下加载项: 来自“%2!s!”的“%1!s!”。 This webpage wants to run the following add-on: ‘%1!s!’ from ‘%2!s!’.
34341只显示安全内容。 Only secure content is displayed.
34342Internet Explorer 已阻止此网站显示有安全证书错误的内容。 Internet Explorer blocked this website from displaying content with security certificate errors.
34343默认情况下关闭 Intranet 设置。 Intranet settings are turned off by default.
34344当前的安全设置使计算机面临风险。 Your current security settings put your computer at risk.
34345“家庭安全”功能阻止了此网页上的某些内容。 Family Safety blocked certain content on this webpage.
34346上一网页想要运行以下加载项: 来自“%2!s!”的“%1!s!”。 The previous webpage wants to run the following add-on: ‘%1!s!’ from ‘%2!s!’.
34348此网页可能需要一个加载项。请刷新此页面以获取有关该加载项的详细信息。 This webpage might require an add-on. Please refresh the page for more information about this add-on.
34349“家庭安全”功能阻止了此网页安装加载项。 Family Safety blocked this webpage from installing an add-on.
34350此网站想要使用执行脚本的窗口来获得信息。 This website wants to use a scripted window to ask for information.
34351即使未将该站点作为包含威胁的网站报告给 Microsoft,也要检查其地址以确保该站点是你所信任的站点。如果你认为该站点是不安全站点,请单击“工具”按钮,指向“安全”,然后单击“举报不安全网站”。 Even though this site has not been reported to Microsoft for containing threats, check the address to make sure it is a site you trust. If you believe this is an unsafe site, click the Tools button, point to Safety, and the click Report unsafe website.
34353检查此网站(&C) &Check this website
34355举报不安全网站(&R) &Report unsafe website
34356Windows Defender SmartScreen 正在检查此网站 Windows Defender SmartScreen is checking this website
34357Windows Defender SmartScreen 已检查此网站,未报告任何威胁 Windows Defender SmartScreen checked this website and did not report any threats
34363打开 Windows Defender SmartScreen(&O)... Turn &on Windows Defender SmartScreen...
34364关闭 Windows Defender SmartScreen(&F)... Turn o&ff Windows Defender SmartScreen...
343659 9
34366帮助使你的浏览器更安全: Help make your browser more secure:
34367设置 Windows Defender SmartScreen Set up Windows Defender SmartScreen
34368%s (未验证的发布者) %s (unverified publisher)
34370控件名称不可用 Control name is not available
34371这个网页想要运行与 Internet Explorer 的增强安全功能不兼容的“%1!s!”。如果你信任此站点,则可以为它禁用增强保护模式并允许运行该控件。 This webpage wants to run ‘%1!s!’ which isn’t compatible with Internet Explorer’s enhanced security features. If you trust this site, you can disable Enhanced Protected Mode for this site and allow the control to run.
34376这个 Web 地址包含无法显示的字母或符号。 This web address contains letters or symbols that can’t be displayed.
34377此 Web 地址包含不能使用当前语言设置显示的字母或符号。单击此处查看选项... This web address contains letters or symbols that cannot be displayed with the current language settings. Click here for options...
34384确实要关闭 Internet Explorer 弹出窗口阻止程序吗? Are you sure you want to turn off Internet Explorer’s Pop-up Blocker?
34385确实要启用 Internet Explorer 弹出窗口阻止程序吗? Are you sure you want to turn on Internet Explorer’s Pop-up Blocker?
34386弹出窗口阻止程序 Pop-up Blocker
34388此网站想要安装以下更新的加载项: 来自“%2!s!”的“%1!s!”。 This website wants to install the following updated add-on: ‘%1!s!’ from ‘%2!s!’.
34389Internet Explorer 已对此页面进行了修改,以帮助阻止跨站点脚本。 Internet Explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting.
34390Web 浏览器已对此页面进行了修改,以帮助阻止跨站脚本。单击此处,获取详细信息... Your web browser has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting. Click here for more information...
34391%1 想要跟踪你的实际位置。 %1 wants to track your physical location.
34392你需要在控制面板的“隐私”设置中启用“允许应用使用我的位置”,这样网站才能定位到你所处的位置。 You need to turn on “Allow apps to use my location” in your Control Panel Privacy settings before sites can locate you.
34393是否要以全屏模式查看 %1? (按 Esc 退出。) Do you want to view %1 in full screen? (Press Esc to exit.)
34400家庭安全 Family Safety

Family Safety has blocked this download

To find out why this download is blocked, check your Family Safety settings. If you need access to this download, ask permission from the person who set up Family Safety.
34402下载不可用 Download is unavailable
34403为了保护你的操作系统,你的组织已阻止与工作无关的下载 To help safeguard your operating system, your organization has blocked non work related downloads
34416Windows Defender SmartScreen 已检查此下载,未报告任何威胁。报告不安全的下载。 Windows Defender SmartScreen checked this download and did not report any threats. Report an unsafe download.
34417Windows Defender SmartScreen 联机服务暂时不可用。 The Windows Defender SmartScreen online service is temporarily unavailable.


The file you are downloading has been reported to be unsafe. The download website contains links to viruses or other software that can harm your computer or reveal your personal information.

For your safety, we recommend you cancel this file download.

Disregard and download unsafe file (not recommended)

The file you are downloading has been reported to be unsafe. The download website contains links to viruses or other software that can harm your computer or reveal your personal information.

Unsafe downloads are blocked by your system administrator.
34420已有人将这个网站报告给了 Microsoft,它会对威胁你的计算机安全。报告此下载安全。 This website has been reported to Microsoft as containing threats to your computer. We recommend you do not run or open this file. Report safe download.
34421不安全的下载 - 安全警告 Unsafe Download - Security Warning
34422报告此下载是安全的 Report that this download is safe
34423已有人报告此下载是不安全的 This download has been reported as unsafe
3442416 16
34425上一个网页可能需要以下加载项: 来自“%2!s!”的“%1!s!”。单击此处允许其运行... The previous webpage might require the following add-on: ‘%1!s!’ from ‘%2!s!’. Click here to allow it to run...
34426上一个站点可能需要以下加载项: 来自“%2!s!”的“%1!s!”。单击此处安装... The previous site might require the following add-on: ‘%1!s!’ from ‘%2!s!’. Click here to install...
34427上一个站点可能需要来自以下发布者的软件:“%1!s!”。单击此处安装... The previous site might require software from: ‘%1!s!’. Click here to install...
34428此网站想要安装以下加载项: 来自“%2!s!”的“%1!s!”。如果你信任此网站及加载项并打算安装加载项,请单击此处... This website wants to install the following add-on: ‘%1!s!’ from ‘%2!s!’. If you trust the website and the add-on and want to install it, click here...
34429此站点可能需要来自以下发布者的软件:“%1!s!”。单击此处安装... This site might require software from: ‘%1!s!’. Click here to install...
34430暂时允许弹出窗口。如果希望总是允许来自此站点的弹出窗口,请单击此处... Pop-ups temporarily allowed. To always allow pop-ups from this site, click here...
34431Internet Explorer 当前正在禁用加载项的状态下运行。单击此处管理、禁用或删除你的加载项。 Internet Explorer is currently running with add-ons disabled. Click here to manage, disable, or remove your add-ons.
34432此网站想要运行以下加载项: 来自“%2!s!”的“%1!s!”。如果你信任此网站及加载项并允许运行加载项,请单击此处... This website wants to run the following add-on: ‘%1!s!’ from ‘%2!s!’. If you trust the website and the add-on and want to allow it to run, click here...
34433为了帮助保护你的安全,你的 Web 浏览器已经阻止此网站显示不安全的内容。单击此处查看选项... To help protect your security, your web browser has blocked this website from displaying non-secure content. Click here for options...
34434为了帮助保护你的安全,Internet Explorer 已经阻止此网站显示有安全证书错误的内容。 To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has blocked this website from displaying content with security certificate errors.
34435默认情况下现在关闭 Intranet 设置。Intranet 设置不如 Internet 设置安全。单击此处查看选项... Intranet settings are now turned off by default. Intranet settings are less secure than Internet settings. Click for options...
34436页面上的某些内容已被“Microsoft 家庭安全”功能阻止。单击此处查看选项... Some content on the page has been blocked by Microsoft Family Safety. Click here for options...
34437“家庭安全”设置阻止了此网页安装加载项。单击此处了解详细信息... Family Safety settings prevented this webpage from installing an add-on. Click here for more information...
34438此网站需要更新的加载项: 来自“%2!s!”的“%1!s!”。单击此处从网站进行安装... This website requires an updated add-on: ‘%1!s!’ from ‘%2!s!’. Click here to install it from their website...
34439此网站使用执行脚本的窗口来要求你提供信息。如果你信任此网站,请单击此处允许执行脚本的窗口... This website is using a scripted window to ask you for information. If you trust this website, click here to allow scripted windows...
34440让 %1 暂时关闭鼠标指针吗? Let %1 temporarily turn off your mouse pointer?
34441按 ESC 可退出。这会重新启用鼠标指针。 Press ESC to exit. This will turn your mouse pointer back on.
34444当前安全设置使你的计算机面临风险。单击此处更改安全设置... Your current security settings put your computer at risk. Click here to change your security settings...
34445此网页想要运行一个加载项。 This webpage wants to run an add-on.
34446用于此站点的选项(&O) &Options for this site
34447安装(&I) &Install
34448允许(&A) &Allow
34449不再显示此消息(&D) &Don’t show this message again
34450更改语言设置(&C) &Change language settings
34452修复设置(&F) &Fix settings for me
34453设置(&S) &Settings
34454暂时允许 Allow temporarily
34455总是允许此站点 Always allow this site
34456从不允许此站点 Never allow this site
34457在所有网站上运行 Run on all websites
34458允许阻止的内容(&A) &Allow blocked content
34459显示内容(&S) &Show content
34460允许所有协议(&A) &Allow all protocols
34461启用 Intranet 设置(&T) &Turn on Intranet settings
34462启用保护模式(&T) &Turn on Protected mode
34463暂时允许执行脚本窗口(&T) &Temporarily allow scripted windows
34464有何风险(&W)? &What’s the risk?
34466拒绝一次(&D) &Deny once
34471显示所有内容(&S) &Show all content
34472允许一次(&A) &Allow once
34473始终允许 Always allow
34474始终拒绝 Always deny
34475为所有用户安装(&A) Install for &all users
34476允许所有网站 Allow for all websites
34479禁用(&D) &Disable
34480始终忽略(&A) &Always ignore
34481网站 %1 使用的加载项要求在桌面上运行 Internet Explorer。 The site %1 uses add-ons that require Internet Explorer in the desktop.
34482网站使用的加载项要求在桌面上运行 Internet Explorer。 The site uses add-ons that require Internet Explorer in the desktop.
34483打开桌面 Open desktop
34484不再为这个网站显示 Don’t show again for this site
34485网站 %1 使用的对话框要求在桌面上运行 Internet Explorer。 The site %1 uses dialogs that require Internet Explorer in the desktop.
34486网站使用的对话框要求在桌面上运行 Internet Explorer。 The site uses dialogs that require Internet Explorer in the desktop.
34576%1 要使用你的摄像头。 %1 wants to use your webcam.
34577%1 要使用你的麦克风。 %1 wants to use your microphone.
34578%1 要使用你的摄像头和麦克风。 %1 wants to use your webcam and microphone.
34579你是否信任 %1 并且希望授予其访问你网络的权限? Do you trust %1 and want to give it access to your network?
34580允许访问(&A) &Allow access
38065上一个(Shift+Enter) Previous (Shift+Enter)
38066下一个(Enter) Next (Enter)
38067突出显示所有匹配项 Highlight all matches
38068关闭查找栏 Close the Find bar
38069上一个 Previous
38070下一个 Next
38071突出显示 Highlighting
38072选项 Options
38080未找到匹配项 No matches found
380811 个匹配项 1 match
38082%u 个匹配项 %u matches
38083匹配项超过 100 个 More than 100 matches
38084你已到达此页的最后一个匹配。 You have reached the last match on the page.
38085查找: Find:
38090Ctrl+F Ctrl+F
38464%1!s! 区域已关闭保护模式。 Protected mode is turned off for the %1!s! zone.
38465%1!s! 和 %2!s! 区域已关闭保护模式。 Protected mode is turned off for the %1!s! and %2!s! zones.
38466%1!s!、%2!s! 和 %3!s! 区域已关闭保护模式。 Protected mode is turned off for the %1!s!, %2!s! and %3!s! zones.
38467%1!s!、%2!s!、%3!s! 和 %4!s! 区域已关闭保护模式。 Protected mode is turned off for the %1!s!, %2!s!, %3!s! and %4!s! zones.
38737Internet Explorer 兼容性评估日志记录已启用。
Internet Explorer compatibility evaluation logging is turned on.
Click the icon for more information.
38740正在验证 %1!ws! Verifying %1!ws!
38741此程序将不运行 This program will not run
38742此程序被组策略阻止。有关详细信息,请与系统管理员联系。 This program is blocked by group policy. For more information, contact your system administrator.
38768Web Browser File Download Web Browser File Download
38769是否要取消文件下载? Do you want to cancel your file download?
39169确实要删除该拨号网络连接吗? Are you sure you want to delete this Dial-Up Networking connection?
39170网络连接删除工具 Network Connections Deletion Tool
39175%1!s! %1!s!
39176是否要启用此加载项? Do you want to enable this add-on?
39177同时将启用的相关加载项: Related add-ons that will also be enabled:
39178启用加载项 Enable add-on
39179禁用加载项 Disable add-on
39180是否要禁用此加载项? Do you want to disable this add-on?
39181同时将禁用的相关加载项: Related add-ons that will also be disabled:
39182启用 Enable
39183禁用 Disable
39184内容审查程序 Content Advisor
39185选择你要启用的来自此发布者的其他加载项: Select other add-ons from this publisher that you want to enable:
39186选择你要禁用的来自此发布者的其他加载项: Select other add-ons from this publisher that you want to disable:
39194显示相关加载项 Show related add-ons
39195隐藏相关加载项 Hide related add-ons
39197总加载时间: %3.2f 秒 Total load time: %3.2f seconds
39199%1!s! (%2!s!) %1!s! (%2!s!)
39202显示从 %s 同步的标签页 Show synced tabs from %s
39203删除此页 Remove this page
39204单击 Click
39205重新打开关闭的标签页 Reopen closed tabs
39207开始进行 InPrivate 浏览 Start InPrivate Browsing
39208非常频繁 Very active
39209经常 Active
39210搜索 Web search the web
39212搜索 Web。在此处输入词语时,你的搜索词将显示在地址栏中。 Search the web. When you enter words here, your search terms will appear in the address bar.
39213转到 %s Go to %s
39215启用我的新闻提要 Enable my news feed
39216偶尔 Less active
39217显示网站 Show sites
39218隐藏网站 Hide sites
392197 7
39220电子邮件(&E) &E-mail
39221查看和管理 Internet Explorer 加载项 View and manage your Internet Explorer add-ons
39222工具栏和扩展(&T) &Toolbars and Extensions
39223搜索提供程序(&S) &Search Providers
39224加速器(&A) &Accelerators
39225拼写更正(&C) Spelling &Correction
39226加载项类型 Add-on Types
39227显示: Show:
39228关闭(&L) C&lose
39229在没有加载项的情况下浏览(&A) Browse without &add-ons
39232名称(&N) &Name
39233应用程序(&A) &Application
39234发布者(&P) &Publisher
39235状态(&S) &Status
39236类型(&T) &Type
39237上次访问时间(&L) &Last accessed
39238已使用(&U) &Used
39239已阻止(&B) &Blocked
39240类 ID(&C) &Class ID
39242所在文件夹(&I) &In folder
39243版本(&V) &Version
39244文件日期(&D) File &date
39245地址(&R) Add&ress
39246类别(&A) C&ategory
39247搜索地址(&R) Search add&ress
39248建议地址(&G) Su&ggestions address
39249列表顺序(&L) &Listing order
39250搜索建议(&U) Search s&uggestions
39251地址(&A) &Address
39252查看和管理浏览器加载项 View and manage your browser add-ons
39253体系结构(&H) Arc&hitecture
39254加载时间(&M) Load ti&me
39255导航时间(&G) Navi&gation time
39256网站(&W) &Website
39264这是 %s 的完整列表。没有可用筛选。 This is the full list of %s. No filters are available.
39265显示(&W): %s Sho&w: %s
39266Internet Explorer 已经使用的加载项 Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer
39267不请求许可即可运行的加载项 Add-ons that run without requiring permission
39268下载 ActiveX 控件(32 位) Downloaded ActiveX Controls (32-bit)
39269Internet Explorer 中当前加载的加载项 Add-ons currently loaded in Internet Explorer
39270所有加载项 All add-ons
39271未经许可运行 Run without permission
39272已下载控件 Downloaded controls
39273当前已加载的加载项 Currently loaded add-ons
39274浏览器已使用的加载项 Add-ons that have been used by your browser
39275浏览器中当前已加载的加载项 Add-ons currently loaded in your browser
39276已安装的语言 Installed languages
39277所有字典 All dictionaries
39280版本: Version:
39281文件日期: File date:
39282类型: Type:
39283状态: Status:
39284已选择多个加载项 Multiple add-ons are selected
39285你已经在上面的列表中选择了多个加载项。可以单击下面的相应按钮来启用或禁用选定的所有加载项。 You have selected multiple add-ons in the list above. You can enable or disable all selected add-ons by clicking the appropriate button below.
39286详细信息(&R) Mo&re information
39287选择一个加载项以修改状态或查看详细信息。 Select an add-on to modify status or view details.
39288主页: Home page:
39289应用程序: %s Application: %s
39290适用于: Available on:
39291安装自: Installed from:
39292搜索建议: Search suggestions:
39293搜索建议地址: Search suggestions address:
39294搜索地址: Search address:
39295已选择多个搜索提供程序 Multiple search providers are selected
39296你已经在上面的列表中选择了多个搜索提供程序。可以单击下面的相应按钮来删除选定的所有提供程序。 You have selected multiple search providers in the list above. You can delete all selected providers by clicking the appropriate button below.
39297请选择你想查看或更改的搜索提供程序。 Select the search provider you want to view or change.
39298列表顺序: Listing order:
39299(%s 加速器的默认值) (Default for %s Accelerator)
39300此加速器运行代码。要删除此加速器,请尝试使用“控制面板”中的“删除程序”。 This Accelerator runs code. To remove this Accelerator, please try Remove Programs from the Control Panel.
39301不可用 Not available
39302类别: Category:
39303更改(&C) &change
39304选择要查看或更改的加速器。 Select the accelerator you want to view or change.
39309选定多个跟踪保护列表 Multiple Tracking Protection Lists are selected
39310你已经在上面的列表中选择了多个跟踪保护列表。可以单击下面的相应按钮来启用或禁用选定的所有跟踪保护列表。 You have selected multiple Tracking Protection Lists in the list above. You can enable or disable all selected Tracking Protection Lists by clicking the appropriate button below.
39313跟踪保护(&K) Trac&king Protection
39316联机获取跟踪保护列表(&G)... &Get a Tracking Protection List online...
39317%.2f s %.2f s
39318(%.2f s) (%.2f s)
39319你的个人化列表 Your Personalized List
39320正在设置此列表... Settings for this list...
39321联机获取更多拼写字典(&G)... &Get more Spelling Dictionaries online...
39322选择要安装的字典。 Select a dictionary to install.
39323下载拼写字典可能需要几分钟时间,具体取决于你的网速。 Spelling dictionaries can take a few minutes to download depending on your internet connection speed.
39324启用拼写更正(&E) &Enable spelling correction
39648所有加速器 All Accelerators
39649查找更多加速器 Find more Accelerators
39650管理加速器... Manage Accelerators...
39651此加速器此时不可用。请尝试其他加速器,或稍后重试。 This Accelerator is not available at this time. Try a different Accelerator, or try again later.
39654加速器预览 Accelerator Preview
40960名称: Name:
40961发布者: Publisher:
40966上次访问日期: Date last accessed:
40967类 ID: Class ID:
40968使用计数: Use count:
40969阻止次数: Block count:
40970文件: File:
40971文件夹: Folder:
40972“删除所有站点”会将该加载项从所有网站中删除。“在所有站点上允许”将允许在所有网站上运行该控件。 ‘Remove all sites’ will remove the add-on from all websites. ‘Allow on all sites’ will allow the control to run on all websites.
40973你已经批准在以下网站上运行此加载项: You have approved this add-on to run on the following websites:
40974允许的站点: Allowed sites:
40975阻止的站点: Blocked sites:
40977地址: Address:
40978架构: Architecture:
40992%1, %2 %1, %2
40994选定范围 Selection
41008已启用 Enabled
41009已禁用 Disabled
41010默认 Default
41012这是默认的搜索提供程序。 This is your default search provider.
41013单击下面的按钮将该提供程序设为默认的搜索提供程序。 Click the button below to make this your default search provider.
41015确实要删除此加速器吗? Are you sure you want to remove this Accelerator?
41016确实要删除此电子邮件提供程序吗? Are you sure you want to remove this E-mail provider?
41018已安装 Installed
41019可用 Available
41024已存在相同类别和域的加速器。 There is already an Accelerator with the same category and domain.
41040加载项列表 List of Add-ons
41043正在查找工具栏和扩展... Looking for Toolbars and Extensions...
41044筛选 Filter
41045不兼容 Incompatible
41046此加载项为什么不兼容 Why is this add-on incompatible
41050全部允许(&L) A&llow all
41052允许(&L) A&llow
41053下载并安装(&D) &Download and install
41056设为默认(&U) Set as defa&ult
41057解除默认(&U) Remove as defa&ult
41058删除(&M) Re&move
41059全部删除(&M) Re&move all
41060上移(&P) Move u&p
41061下移(&W) Move do&wn
41062按字母顺序排序(&H) Alp&habetic sort
41063启用建议(&B) Ena&ble suggestions
41064禁用建议(&G) Disable su&ggestions
41065启用(&E) &Enable
41066禁用(&B) Disa&ble
41067全部启用(&E) &Enable all
41068全部禁用(&B) Disa&ble all
41069通过默认的搜索提供程序搜索此加载项(&C) Sear&ch for this add-on via default search provider
41070删除所有站点(&R) &Remove all sites
41071在所有站点上允许(&A) &Allow on all sites
41072查找更多工具栏和扩展(&F)... &Find more toolbars and extensions...
41074了解有关工具栏和扩展的详细信息(&N) Lear&n more about toolbars and extensions
41075查找更多搜索提供程序(&F)... &Find more search providers...
41076查找更多加速器(&F)... &Find More Accelerators...
41078了解有关搜索提供程序的详细信息(&N) Lear&n more about search provider preferences
41080了解有关跟踪保护的详细信息(&N) Lear&n more about Tracking Protection
41081了解有关加速器的详细信息(&N) Lear&n more about Accelerators
41082了解有关拼写更正的详细信息(&N) Lear&n more about spelling correction
41104“%1”与 Internet Explorer 不兼容,已被暂时禁用。 ’%1‘ isn’t compatible with Internet Explorer and is temporarily disabled.
41105检查更新 Check for updates
41106详细信息... More information...
41112已经可以使用来自“%2”的“%1”加载项。 The ‘%1’ add-on from ‘%2’ is ready for use.
41113有些加载项已经可以使用。 Several add-ons are ready for use.
41115不启用(&D) &Don’t enable
41116检查更新(&C) &Check for updates
41117保留禁用状态(&L) &Leave it disabled
41118继续使用(&K) &Keep using it
41119来自未知发布者的“%1”加载项已经可以使用。 The ‘%1’ add-on from an unknown publisher is ready for use.
41152通知 Notification
41153为何我会看见此内容(&W)? &Why am I seeing this?
41154通知栏文本 Notification bar Text
41157警告文本 Warning Text
41234未安装 Not Installed
41236加载项遇到故障 Add-on encountered a problem
41238未能更新此加载项。 The attempt to update this add-on failed.
41239成功地安装了加载项。请重新启动计算机完成更新。 The add-on was installed successfully. Please restart your computer to complete the update.
41240现在没有此加载项的更新可用。 There is no update available for this add-on at this time.
41241成功地更新了加载项。 The add-on was updated successfully.
41242取消了更新。 The update was cancelled.
41243更新加载项 Update Add-on
41244新安装 New
4124532 位 32-bit
4124664 位 64-bit
4124732 位和 64 位 32-bit and 64-bit
41264(未验证) %s (Not verified) %s
41271正在查找搜索提供程序... Looking for Search Providers...
41273正在查找加速器... Looking for Accelerators...
41274正在查找跟踪保护列表... Looking for Tracking Protection Lists...
41276正在查找电子邮件... Looking for E-mail...
41278正在查找拼写字典... Looking for Spelling Dictionaries...
41279附加字典当前不可用。请稍后再试。 Additional dictionaries are not currently available. Please try again later.
41281资源管理器 Explorer
41297ActiveX 控件 ActiveX Control
41299浏览器帮助程序对象 Browser Helper Object
41300浏览器扩展 Browser Extension
41301不受信任的扩展 Untrusted Extension
41302浏览器栏 Explorer Bar
41557上一步(&B) &Back
41558下一步(&N) &Next
41559稍后询问(&A) &Ask me later
41560欢迎使用 Internet Explorer 8 Welcome to Internet Explorer 8
41561使用快速设置(&U) &Use express settings
41562选择自定义设置(&C) &Choose custom settings
41563逐一检查和修改每项设置。 Review and modify each setting individually.
41564选择默认的搜索提供程序 Choose a default search provider
41565你可以使用搜索提供程序在 Internet 上搜索信息。 Search providers enable you to search for information on the Internet.
41566当前的默认搜索提供程序是: Your current default search provider is:
41567保留我当前的默认搜索提供程序(&K) &Keep my current default search provider
41568设置后为我显示一个网页以选择更多搜索提供程序(&S) &Show me a webpage after setup to choose more search providers
41569选择加速器 Choose your Accelerators
41570将加速器用于从网页中选择的文本,以快速映射地址、定义单词以及执行更多操作。 Use Accelerators with text selected from a webpage to quickly map addresses, define words and more.
41571保留我当前的加速器(&K): &Keep my current Accelerators:
41572设置后为我显示一个网页以选择更多加速器(&S) &Show me a webpage after setup to choose more Accelerators
41573关闭 Internet Explorer 随附的所有加速器(&T) &Turn off all Accelerators that are included with Internet Explorer
41574打开 Windows Defender SmartScreen Turn on Windows Defender SmartScreen
41575使用 Windows Defender SmartScreen 可避免使用恶意软件、访问欺骗性网站和遭受在线网络钓鱼网站的欺骗。 Windows Defender SmartScreen can help protect you from malicious software, fraudulent websites, and online phishing scams.
41577Windows Defender SmartScreen: 已启用 Windows Defender SmartScreen: Enabled
41578打开 Windows Defender SmartScreen(&T)(推荐) &Turn on Windows Defender SmartScreen (recommended)
41582更改默认浏览器 Change your default browser
41583是否将 Internet Explorer 设为默认浏览器? Do you want to make Internet Explorer your default browser?
41585是(&Y) &Yes
41586否(&N) &No
41587完成(&F) &Finish
41588搜索提供程序: %s Search provider: %s
41589加速器: %s Accelerators: %s
41590, ,
41592设置完成后从我的其他浏览器中导入设置(&I) &Import settings from my other browser after setup has completed
41593在开始之前,执行你希望的操作: Before you get started, do you want to:
41596选择你的设置 Choose your settings
41597是否根据曾访问过的网站来查找你可能会喜欢的网站? Do you want to discover websites you might like based on websites you’ve visited?
41598“建议网站”是一种在线服务,它根据你的浏览历史记录提供专门为你建议的网站。你可以随时关闭“建议网站”。 Suggested Sites is an online service that uses your browsing history to make personalized website suggestions. You can turn off Suggested Sites at any time.
41599是,启用建议网站(&Y) &Yes, turn on Suggested Sites
41600不,不启用建议网站(&O) N&o, don’t turn on
41601介绍有关加速器的信息 Tell me about Accelerators
41602某些网站地址将被发送给 Microsoft 以备检查。收到的信息不会用于识别你的个人身份。 Some website addresses will be sent to Microsoft to be checked. Information received will not be used to personally identify you.
41603关闭 Windows Defender SmartScreen(&O) Turn &off Windows Defender SmartScreen
41604网站地址不会发送给 Microsoft,除非你选择检查网站地址。 Website addresses will not be sent to Microsoft unless you choose to check them.
41605默认浏览器: Internet Explorer Default Browser: Internet Explorer
41608联机阅读 Internet Explorer 隐私声明 Read the Internet Explorer Privacy Statement online
41609取消 Cancel
41611兼容性设置 Compatibility Settings
41612是否要使用兼容性视图更新? Do you want to use Compatibility View updates?
41613兼容性视图: 使用更新 Compatibility View: Use updates
41614是,我希望使用更新(&Y) &Yes, I want to use updates
41615不,我不希望使用更新(&O) N&o, I don’t want to use updates
41616兼容性视图有助于使为老式浏览器设计的网站在 Internet Explorer 8 中更美观。你可以随时停用兼容性视图更新。 Compatibility View helps make websites designed for older browsers look better in Internet Explorer 8. You can stop using Compatibility View updates at any time.
41617启用建议网站 Turn on Suggested Sites
41618Internet Explorer 8 可帮助你提高 Internet 的使用速度。 Internet Explorer 8 helps you use the Internet even faster than before.
41619可享受诸如根据输入内容提供检索信息的搜索建议,以及只需移动鼠标到相应位置,就可以预览在线服务的加速器等全新功能。 New features like search suggestions retrieve information as you type, and Accelerators let you preview online services just by pointing your mouse at them.
41620了解有关这些新功能以及如何管理其设置的信息 Learn about these new features and how to manage their settings
41622搜索更新: 下载提供程序更新 Search Updates: Download provider updates
41623搜索提供程序更新 Search Provider Updates
41624是否要下载搜索提供程序的更新? Do you want to download updates for your search providers?
41625是,我想下载更新 Yes, I want to download updates
41626不,我不想下载更新 No, I don’t want to download updates
41748此加载项会导致 Internet Explorer 停止响应或崩溃 This add-on can cause Internet Explorer to stop responding or crash
41749“%3”发布的“%1”加载项版本“%2”与 Internet Explorer 11 不兼容。 The ‘%1’ add-on version ‘%2’ published by ‘%3’ is not compatible with Internet Explorer 11.
41750始终在不使用此加载项的情况下打开 Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 将仅禁用此加载项。
Always open Internet Explorer without this add-on
Internet Explorer will disable only this add-on.
Internet Explorer 将帮助你安装更新的版本(如果可用)。
Check online for an update
Internet Explorer will help you install a newer version if available.
Keep using this add-on anyway
41756260 260
41757允许 Internet Explorer 加载此不兼容加载项(&I) Allow Internet Explorer to load this &incompatible add-on
41759这可能导致 Internet Explorer 停止响应或崩溃。 This might cause Internet Explorer to stop responding or crash.
41993阻止程序建议更改默认搜索提供程序(&R) P&revent programs from suggesting changes to my default search provider
41995Internet Explorer - 默认的搜索提供程序 Internet Explorer - Search Provider Default
41996你计算机上的某个程序已损坏了你对 Internet Explorer 默认搜索提供程序的设置。

Internet Explorer 已对你的原始搜索提供程序 %1 (%2) 重置了此设置。

Internet Explorer 将立即打开搜索设置,在这里你可以更改此设置或安装其他搜索提供程序。
A program on your computer has corrupted your default search provider setting for Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer has reset this setting to your original search provider, %1 (%2).

Internet Explorer will now open Search Settings, where you can change this setting or install more search providers.
41997在地址栏中搜索(&B) Search in the address &bar
41998在新标签页页上的地址栏和搜索框中搜索(&B) Search in the address &bar and the search box on the new tab page
42000IE 拼写词典安装程序 IE Spelling Dictionary Installer
42001正在安装 %1 字典... Installing %1 Dictionary...
42002Internet Explorer 无法安装字典。一个可能的原因是 Windows 更新不完整或网络连接中断。请确保你的计算机具有最新的更新并连接到 Internet,然后重试。 Internet Explorer is unable to install the dictionary. A possible cause may be an incomplete Windows update or lack of network connectivity. Make sure your computer has the latest updates and is connected to the Internet, and try again.
42076内容提供商 Content provider
42077内容 Content
42079使用者 Used by
42081%ld 个站点 %ld sites
42083已允许 Allowed
42084未定 Undecided
42091显示来自提供程序的内容,这些提供程序是你曾经访问该数量(3-30)的网站所使用的提供程序。 Show content from providers used by this number of websites you’ve visited. (3-30)
42092当你访问的多个网站包含来自同一提供商的内容(例如地图、广告或网站测量工具)时,某些访问信息可能会共享给内容提供商。如果你选择阻止内容,部分网站可能无法访问。 When you visit multiple websites that contain content from the same provider, such as a map, advertisement, or web measurement tools, some information about your visits might be shared with the content provider. If you choose to block content, portions of the websites you visit might not be available.
42240* *
42772设为默认 Set as default
42773解除默认 Remove as default
42774全部删除 Remove all
42775全部启用 Enable all
42776全部禁用 Disable all
42777上移 Move up
42778下移 Move down
42779按字母顺序排序 Alphabetic sort
42780启用建议 Enable suggestions
42781禁用建议 Disable suggestions
42782删除所有站点 Remove all sites
42783在所有站点上允许 Allow on all sites
42788设置(&G) Settin&gs
42808无效域 Invalid Domain
在 Internet 区域中并且必须使用 HTTP 或 HTTPS 协议。
以 xn- 开始的 URL 必须是有效 IDN 名称。


You have entered an invalid domain. Domains must be
in the Internet zone and must use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.
URLs beginning with xn-- must be valid IDN names.

Examples of valid domains:

42811要允许这个网站打开应用吗? Do you want to allow this website to open an app?
49856返回到 %s (Alt+Left) Back to %s (Alt+Left)
49857前进到 %s (Alt+Right) Forward to %s (Alt+Right)
49858返回 Back
49859前进 Forward
49860当前页面 Current Page
53312查看和跟踪下载项 View and track your downloads
53313选项(&O) &Options
53315关闭(&C) &Close
53316搜索下载项 Search downloads
53318位置 Location
53319操作 Actions
53320InPrivate 下载 - Internet Explorer InPrivate Downloads - Internet Explorer
53322清除列表(&L) Clear &list
53323查看下载 - Internet Explorer View Downloads - Internet Explorer
53328保存(&S) &Save
53330打开方式 Open with
53332暂停(&P) &Pause
53333从列表中删除 Remove from list
53334取消(&C) &Cancel
53336重试(&R) &Retry
53337继续(&R) &Resume
53338操作(&A) &Actions
53344将此文件保存到默认的下载文件夹 Save this file to your default downloads folder
53345打开此文件 Open this file
53346使用另一个程序打开此文件 Open this file with another program
53347运行此程序 Run this program
53348暂停此下载 Pause this download
53349从列表中删除此下载项 Remove this download from the list
53350取消此下载 Cancel this download
53351从计算机中删除此文件 Delete this file from your computer
53352尝试重新下载此文件 Try downloading this file again
53353服务器不支持恢复此下载 The server does not support resuming this download
53354恢复此下载 Resume this download
53355要对此程序执行什么操作? What do you want to do with this program?
53360剩余 %1 %1 remaining
53361已下载 %1!d!%% %1!d!%% downloaded
53362已下载 %1 %1 downloaded
53363%1/秒 %1/sec
53364%1!d!%%(速率为 %2) %1!d!%% at %2
53365%1(速率为 %2) %1 at %2
53376Press Press
53379用于更改垂直查看区域 Used to change the vertical viewing area
53380完成此下载所需的预计剩余时间 Estimated time remaining for this download to complete
53381搜索 Search
53382清除 Clear
53383将此程序保存到默认的下载文件夹 Save this program to your default downloads folder
53384从计算机中删除此程序 Delete this program from your computer
53385尝试重新下载此程序 Try downloading this program again
53386Windows Defender SmartScreen 无法检查此文件 Windows Defender SmartScreen couldn’t check this file
53387Windows Defender SmartScreen 无法检查此程序 Windows Defender SmartScreen couldn’t check this program
53388Windows Defender SmartScreen 已检查此程序 Windows Defender SmartScreen checked this program
53389完成百分比和下载速度 Percentage completed and download speed
53393Windows Defender SmartScreen - Internet Explorer Windows Defender SmartScreen - Internet Explorer
53395此程序可能会危害你的计算机 This program might harm your computer
53414更多选项 More Options
53415不运行此程序 Don’t run this program
53416删除程序 Delete program
53417类型: %1
来源: %2
Type: %1
From: %2
53418要对 %1 执行什么操作? What do you want to do with %1?
53419大小: %1
类型: %2
来源: %3
Size: %1
Type: %2
From: %3
53420大小: %1
来源: %2
Size: %1
From: %2
The file won’t be saved automatically.
53423另存为(&A) Save &as
53424为你下载的内容选择一个默认目标文件夹 Select a default destination folder for your downloads
Don’t run this program
53426运行 Run anyway
53439来源: %1 From: %1
53440要运行或保存此程序吗? Do you want to run or save this program?
53441无法下载此程序。 This program couldn’t be downloaded.
53442可能已移动或删除此程序。 This program might have been moved or deleted.
53443Internet Explorer 无法访问下载目录。 Internet Explorer could not access the download directory.
53444此程序的签名已损坏或无效。 The signature of this program is corrupt or invalid.
53445此程序包含病毒,已被删除。 This program contained a virus and was deleted.
53446Windows Defender SmartScreen 将此程序报告为不安全。 This program was reported as unsafe by Windows Defender SmartScreen.
53447要保存此程序吗? Do you want to save this program?
53448此下载已中断。 This download was interrupted.
53456要打开或保存此文件吗? Do you want to open or save this file?
53457无法下载此文件。 This file couldn’t be downloaded.
53458可能已移动或删除此文件。 This file might have been moved or deleted.
53459此文件的签名已损坏或无效。 The signature of this file is corrupt or invalid.
53460此文件包含病毒,已被删除。 This file contained a virus and was deleted.
53461Windows Defender SmartScreen 将此文件报告为不安全。 This file was reported as unsafe by Windows Defender SmartScreen.
53462Windows Defender SmartScreen 已阻止此不安全的下载。 This unsafe download was blocked by Windows Defender SmartScreen.
53463已暂停 Paused
53464正在恢复... Resuming...
53465正在重启... Restarting...
53466要保存此文件吗? Do you want to save this file?
53467正在复制... Copying...
53468要打开此文件吗? Do you want to open this file?
53469正在保存... Saving...
53470正在打开... Opening...
53471正在运行... Running...
53472正在运行安全扫描... Running security scan...
53473无法验证此程序的发布者。 The publisher of this program couldn’t be verified.
53474了解详情(&L) &Learn more
53476Windows Defender SmartScreen 已关闭。 Windows Defender SmartScreen is turned off.
53477此程序不是常见的下载内容,可能会危害你的计算机。 This program is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer.
53478此程序具有可用的安全更新。 A security update for this program is available.
53479了解如何联机获得更新的版本(&L) &Learn how to get the newer version online
53480已暂停安全扫描 Security scan paused
53481系统管理员阻止了此程序。 This program was blocked by your System Administrator.
53482无法验证此程序的发布者。确实要运行此程序吗? The program’s publisher couldn’t be verified. Are you sure you want to run the program?
53483Windows Defender SmartScreen 不支持你的 Internet Explorer 版本。 Windows Defender SmartScreen doesn’t support your version of Internet Explorer.
53484Windows Defender SmartScreen 已启用。 Windows Defender SmartScreen has been turned on.
53488复制下载链接 Copy download link
53489转到下载网页 Go to download webpage
53490打开所在文件夹 Open containing folder
53492报告此程序不安全 Report that this program is unsafe
53493报告此程序安全 Report that this program is safe
53495打开此类程序之前总是询问 Always ask before opening this type of program
53496对此程序重新运行安全检查 Rerun security checks on this program
53497下载不安全的程序 Download unsafe program
53498报告此文件不安全 Report that this file is unsafe
53499报告此文件安全 Report that this file is safe
53500删除文件 Delete file
53501打开此类文件之前总是询问 Always ask before opening this type of file
53502对此文件重新运行安全检查 Rerun security checks on this file
53503下载不安全的文件 Download unsafe file
53504已固定的网站快捷方式 Pinned Site Shortcut
53505新固定的网站快捷方式.website New Pinned Site
53536无法将此网站添加到“开始”菜单。 This website can’t be added to your Start menu.
53537无法将此网站添加到“开始”菜单,因为这些设置由系统管理员进行管理。 This website can’t be added to your Start menu because of settings managed by your system administrator.
53539无法将此网站添加到“开始”屏幕。 This website can’t be added to your Start Screen.
53540无法将此网站添加到“开始”屏幕,因为这些设置由系统管理员进行管理。 This website can’t be added to your Start Screen because of settings managed by your system administrator.
53632发布者: %2
名称: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen 报告这个程序不是常见的下载内容。不常见的程序更有可能感染你的计算机并使你的个人数据受到威胁。

Publisher: %2
Name: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen reported that this program is not commonly downloaded. Uncommon programs are more likely to infect your computer and put your personal data at risk.

If you do not trust this program, you should delete it.
53633发布者: %2
名称: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen 报告这个程序不是常见的下载内容。

Publisher: %2
Name: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen reported that this program is not commonly downloaded.

If you received this program as an unexpected solicitation, link, or attachment, it might be an attempt to fool you. We recommend that you delete it.
53634发布者: %2
名称: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen 从其他 Internet Explorer 用户收集到的关于这个程序的信息有限,或者根本没收到任何相关信息。

Publisher: %2
Name: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen has limited or no information about this program from other Internet Explorer users.

We recommend that you delete this program unless you trust it with your computer and personal data.
53635发布者: %2
名称: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen 报告这个程序不是常见的下载内容。

某些从 Internet 下载的程序可能会损害你的计算机。请仅运行来自你信任的发布者的软件。
Publisher: %2
Name: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen reported that this program is not commonly downloaded.

Some programs downloaded from the Internet can harm your computer. Only run software from publishers you trust.
53636Windows Defender SmartScreen 没有识别出这个程序。运行这个程序可能会损害你的计算机。

名称: %1
发布者: %2
This program is not recognized by Windows Defender SmartScreen. Running this program might harm your computer.

Name: %1
Publisher: %2
53637Windows Defender SmartScreen 没有关于这个程序的信息或只有极少信息。运行这个程序可能会损害你的计算机。

名称: %1
发布者: %2
Windows Defender SmartScreen has little or no information about this program. Running this program might harm your computer.

Name: %1
Publisher: %2
53640发布者: 未知
名称: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen 报告这个程序不是常见的下载内容,并且没有作者签名。不常见的程序更有可能感染你的计算机并使你的个人数据受到威胁。

Publisher: Unknown
Name: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen reported that this program is not commonly downloaded and is not signed by its author. Uncommon programs are more likely to infect your computer and put your personal data at risk.

If you do not trust this program, you should delete it.
53641发布者: 未知
名称: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen 报告这个程序不是常见的下载内容,并且没有作者签名。

Publisher: Unknown
Name: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen reported that this program is not commonly downloaded and is not signed by its author.

If you received this program as an unexpected solicitation, link, or attachment, it might be an attempt to fool you. We recommend that you delete it.
53642发布者: 未知
名称: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen 从其他 Internet Explorer 用户收集到的关于这个程序的信息有限,或者根本没收到任何相关信息。这个程序没有作者签名。

Publisher: Unknown
Name: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen has limited or no information about this program from other Internet Explorer users. It is not signed by its author.

We recommend that you delete this program unless you trust it with your computer and personal data.
53643发布者: 未知
名称: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen 报告这个程序不是常见的下载内容。

某些从 Internet 下载的程序可能会损害你的计算机。请仅运行来自你信任的发布者的软件。
Publisher: Unknown
Name: %1

Windows Defender SmartScreen reported that this program is not commonly downloaded.

Some programs downloaded from the Internet can harm your computer. Only run software from publishers you trust.
53644Windows Defender SmartScreen 没有识别出这个未签名的程序。运行这个程序可能会损害你的计算机。

名称: %1
发布者: 未知
This unsigned program is not recognized by Windows Defender SmartScreen. Running this program might harm your computer.

Name: %1
Publisher: Unknown
53645Windows Defender SmartScreen 没有关于这个未签名程序的信息或只有极少信息。运行这个程序可能会损害你的计算机。

名称: %1
发布者: 未知
Windows Defender SmartScreen has little or no information about this unsigned program. Running this program might harm your computer.

Name: %1
Publisher: Unknown
53760要将 Internet Explorer 设为默认浏览器吗? Would you like to make Internet Explorer your default browser?
53762要保存来自 %2 的 %1 吗? Do you want to save %1 from %2?
53763无法下载 %1。 %1 couldn’t be downloaded.
53764%1 下载已完成。 The %1 download has completed.
53765查看下载(&V) &View downloads
53766你需要重新启动你的计算机才能使更改生效。 You need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
53767%1 下载已暂停。 The %1 download is paused.
53768要运行或保存来自 %2 的 %1 吗? Do you want to run or save %1 from %2?
53769已下载 %1!d!%%(%2) %3 %1!d!%% of %2 downloaded %3
53770已下载 %1(共 %2) %1 of %2 downloaded
53771%1!d! 个下载正在进行 %1!d! downloads in progress
53772%1!d! 个下载正在进行 %2 %1!d! downloads in progress %2
53773是否保存来自 %3 的 %1 (%2)? Do you want to save %1 (%2) from %3?
53774可能已移动或删除 %1。 %1 might have been moved or deleted.
53775打开文件夹(&P) O&pen folder
53777你需要重新启动 Internet Explorer 以更改模式。 You need to restart Internet Explorer to change modes.
53778是否希望“自动完成”功能记住 Web 表单项? Do you want AutoComplete to remember web form entries?
53779了解“自动完成”功能(&L) &Learn about AutoComplete
53780%1 %2 %1 %2
53781%1 (%2) %3 %1 (%2) %3
53782要运行或保存来自 %3 的 %1 (%2) 吗? Do you want to run or save %1 (%2) from %3?
53783%2 已下载 %1!d!%% %1!d!%% of %2 downloaded
53784下载 %1 不安全,已被 Windows Defender SmartScreen 阻止。 %1 is unsafe to download and was blocked by Windows Defender SmartScreen.
53785%1 包含病毒,已被删除。 %1 contained a virus and was deleted.
53786%1 的签名已损坏或无效。 The signature of %1 is corrupt or invalid.
53787Windows Defender SmartScreen 将 %1 报告为不安全。 Windows Defender SmartScreen reported %1 as unsafe.
53789无法验证 %1 的发布者。 The publisher of %1 couldn’t be verified.
53790%1 不是常见的下载内容,可能会危害你的计算机。 %1 is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer.
53791%1 具有可用的安全更新。 A security update for %1 is available.
53792系统管理员阻止了 %1。 Your System Administrator blocked %1.
53793是否要存储 %1 的密码? Would you like to store your password for %1?
53794是否要更新存储的 %1 密码? Do you want to update your stored password for %1?
53797Internet Explorer 已完成删除所选的浏览历史记录。 Internet Explorer has finished deleting the selected browsing history.
53798是否要转到 %1? Do you want to go to %1?
53799这种类型的文件可能会危害你的计算机。 This type of file could harm your computer.
53800要打开或保存来自 %2 的 %1 吗? Do you want to open or save %1 from %2?
53801要打开或保存来自 %3 的 %1 (%2)吗? Do you want to open or save %1 (%2) from %3?
53802无法验证 %1 的发布者。确实要运行此程序吗? The publisher of %1 couldn’t be verified. Are you sure you want to run the program?
53803%1 下载已中断。 The %1 download was interrupted.
53804Internet Explorer 需要更新 Internet Explorer needs an update
53805联机获取所需的更新,将更新安装在计算机上,然后使用 Internet Explorer。 Get the required update online, install it on your computer, and then use Internet Explorer.
53806获取更新 Get update
53807正在运行安全扫描 Running security scan
53809不运行(&D) &Don't run
53811运行控件(&R) &Run control
53812查看加载项(&V) &View add-ons
53821%1 中的这个网页将在“%2”中显示。是否要禁用增强保护模式以运行此控件? 你只有在信任该站点的情况下才能这么做。 This webpage from %1 displays in ‘%2’. Do you want to disable Enhanced Protected Mode to run the control? You should only do this if you trust the site.
53822是否打开来自 %3 的 %1 (%2)? Do you want to open %1 (%2) from %3?
53823是否打开来自 %2 的 %1? Do you want to open %1 from %2?
53826了解详细信息(&L) &Learn more
53830已刷新某些标签页以应用 Internet Explorer Flash Player 更新。 Some of your tabs were refreshed to apply an Internet Explorer Flash Player update.
53831无法运行“%1”,因为它与 Internet Explorer 的增强安全功能不兼容。这些设置由系统管理员来管理。 ‘%1’ can’t run because it isn’t compatible with Internet Explorer’s enhanced security features. These settings are managed by your system administrator.
53832不用于此站点(&N) &Not for this site
53834管理密码(&M) &Manage passwords
53836详细信息(&M) &More info
53843一些加载项无法运行,因为它们与 Internet Explorer 的增强安全功能不兼容。这些设置由系统管理员来管理。 Several add-ons can’t run because they aren’t compatible with Internet Explorer’s enhanced security features. These settings are managed by your system administrator.
53854“%2”的“%1”与 Internet Explorer 的增强安全功能不兼容,并已禁用。 ‘%1’ from ‘%2’ isn’t compatible with Internet Explorer’s enhanced security features and has been disabled.
53856几个加载项与 Internet Explorer 的增强安全功能不兼容,并已禁用。 Several add-ons aren’t compatible with Internet Explorer’s enhanced security features and have been disabled.
53889下载完成。 Your download has completed.
54018通过禁用不需要的加载项来提高浏览速度 Speed up browsing by disabling the add-ons that you don’t want
54019这些加载项会增加启动浏览器、打开新标签页或导航到网站的时间,平均增加 %.2f 秒。你也可以在“管理加载项”对话框中启用或禁用加载项。 These add-ons increase the time it takes to start the browser, open a new tab or navigate to websites by an average of %.2f seconds. You can also enable or disable add-ons in the Manage Add-ons dialog.
54020选择加载项(&C) &Choose add-ons
54022%3.2f 秒 %3.2f seconds
54023完成(&D) &Done
54024全部禁用(&A) Disable &All
54025当加载项引发的延迟超出以下值时通知我: Tell me when the delay caused by add-ons exceeds:
54026阈值 Threshold
54027%3.1f 秒 %3.1f seconds
54030通过禁用加载项来提高浏览速度。 Speed up browsing by disabling add-ons.
54031禁用加载项... Disable add-ons...
54033选择要启用的加载项 Choose the add-ons you would like to enable
54034加载项可向 Internet Explorer 提供更多功能,但也会增加浏览所用的时间。你也可以在“管理加载项”对话框中启用或禁用加载项。 Add-ons provide extra functionality to Internet Explorer, but can also increase the time it takes to browse. You can also enable or disable add-ons in the Manage Add-ons dialog.
54040%1 (正在加载...) %1 (Loading...)
54041恢复标签页(&R) &Recover Tab
54048保持等待(&W) Keep &Waiting
54049加载项时间 Add-on Time
54052%1 %2 %1 %2
54056这些加载项增加了启动浏览器、打开新标签页或导航到网站的时间,平均增加 %1 秒。你也可以在“管理加载项”对话框中启用或禁用加载项。 These add-ons increase the time it takes to start the browser, open a new tab or navigate to websites by an average of %1 seconds. You can also enable or disable add-ons in the Manage Add-ons dialog.
54057%1 秒 %1 seconds
54059总加载时间: %1 秒 Total load time: %1 seconds
54061(%1 秒) (%1 s)
54063要禁用所有加载项吗? Do you want to disable all add-ons?
54065这些加载项会增加启动浏览器、打开新标签页或导航到网站的时间,平均增加 %1 秒。 These add-ons increase the time it takes to start the browser, open a new tab or navigate to web sites by an average of %1 seconds.
54096ActiveX 筛选(&X) Active&X Filtering
54097在此站点上筛选出了一些内容 Some content is filtered on this site
54098在此站点上未筛选出任何内容 No content is filtered on this site
54099若要查看站点上的所有内容,可以关闭筛选。 To see all the content on the site, you can turn off filtering.
54100使用下面的按钮配置筛选选项。 Use the buttons below to configure filtering options.
54102关闭 ActiveX 筛选 Turn off ActiveX Filtering
54103启用 ActiveX 筛选 Turn on ActiveX Filtering
54104关闭跟踪保护 Turn off Tracking Protection
54105启用跟踪保护 Turn on Tracking Protection
54106启用所有筛选 Turn on all filtering
54107关闭所有筛选 Turn off all filtering
54272某个未知程序要将你的默认搜索提供程序更改为“%1”(%2)。 An unknown program would like to change your default search provider to ‘%1’ (%2).
54273更改(&G) Chan&ge
54274不更改(&O) D&on’t change
54275由于默认搜索提供程序设置已损坏,Internet Explorer 重置了你的默认搜索提供程序。要将默认搜索提供程序更改为“%1”(%2)吗? Internet Explorer reset your default search provider because the default search provider setting was corrupt. Do you want to change your default search provider to ‘%1’ (%2)?
54276由于网络连接问题,无法将你的默认搜索提供程序更改为“%1”(%2)。 A network connection problem prevented us from changing your default search provider to ‘%1’ (%2).
54278取消(&L) Cance&l
54279默认搜索提供程序已由安全软件重置。 Your Default Search Provider was reset by your security software.
54292某个未知程序要将你的主页更改为 %1。 An unknown program wants to change your home page to %1.
54293由于主页设置已损坏,Internet Explorer 重置了你的主页。要将主页更改为 %1 吗? Internet Explorer reset your home page because the home page setting was corrupt. Do you want to change your home page to %1?
54294由于网络连接问题,无法将你的主页更改为 %1。 A network connection problem prevented us from changing your home page to %1.
54295默认主页已由安全软件重置。 Your Default Home Page was reset by your security software.
54321安装 Internet Explorer 11 Install Internet Explorer 11
54325安装程序无法启动你的默认 Web 浏览器。 Setup could not start your default web browser.
54329Windows Defender SmartScreen 可以将一些网址发送到 Microsoft 进行检查,从而帮助你免受恶意网站和软件的攻击。已下载兼容性列表,以便让 Internet Explorer 11 的功能更好地在改版网站以及旧款的电脑硬件上运行。请联机阅读 Internet Explorer 隐私声明。 Windows Defender SmartScreen helps protect you from malicious websites and software by sending some web addresses to Microsoft to be checked. Compatibility lists are downloaded to make Internet Explorer 11 features work better with changing websites and older PC hardware. Read the Internet Explorer privacy statement online.
54336回退(&S) &Switch Back
54337试用(&R) T&ry It Out
要随时更改此设置,请访问"Internet 选项"或立即回退。
We’ve updated your new tab with news and headlines tailored for you. Enjoy!
To change this at any time, go to Internet Options, or switch back now.
54528Windows Windows
54529Windows 需要更新 Windows needs an update
54530联机获取所需的更新,将更新安装在计算机上,然后使用此应用程序。 Get the required update online, install it on your computer, and then use this application.
54608Internet Explorer 正在下载或上载文件 Internet Explorer is downloading or uploading a file
54793你指的是要切换应用吗? Did you mean to switch apps?
54807应用 an app
55177Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
55312来自 %1 的内容 Content from %1
55313来自 Internet Explorer 的内容 Content from Internet Explorer
55314来自 %1 的共享内容 Shared content from %1
55315来自 Internet Explorer 的共享内容 Shared content from Internet Explorer
55330自动安装新版本(&I) &Install new versions automatically
55332© 2015 Microsoft Corporation(&M)。保留所有权利。 © 2015 &Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
55333版本: %1 Version: %1
55334更新版本: %1 Update Versions: %1
55335产品 ID: %1 Product ID: %1
55336关于 Internet Explorer About Internet Explorer
55338(&%1) (&%1)
55340徽标 Logo
55344某些设置由系统管理员进行管理。 Some settings are managed by your system administrator.
55360预加载 %1 Preloading %1
55361刷新预加载的页(F5) Refresh preloaded page (F5)
55363正在加载预加载的页... Loading preloaded page...
57425更新(&U) &Update
57426此次运行(&R) &Run this time
57427已阻止 %1!s!,因为它已过时并且需要更新。 %1!s! was blocked because it is out of date and needs to be updated.
57611不允许此页创建更多消息 Don’t let this page create more messages
58689后退 Back
58934显示/隐藏文件夹 Show/hide folders
59136是否允许 %1 在你的计算机上使用额外的存储? Do you want to allow %1 to use additional storage on your computer?
59139网站文件存储已满,但你可以通过删除网站来腾出空间。 Website file storage is full, but you can make room by deleting websites.
59140管理存储(&M) &Manage Storage
59141网站数据存储已满,但你可以通过删除网站来腾出空间。 Website data storage is full, but you can make room by deleting websites.
0x1已经启用了一个加载项。应用程序: %1。加载项: %2。发布者: %3。版本:%4 An add-on has been enabled. Application: %1. Add-on: %2. Publisher: %3. Version:%4
0x2已经禁用了一个加载项。应用程序: %1。加载项: %2。发布者: %3。版本:%4 An add-on has been disabled. Application: %1. Add-on: %2. Publisher: %3. Version:%4
0x11000031响应时间 Response Time
0x30000001开始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x31000000信息 Info
0x52000005详细 Verbose
0x90000001Application Application
0x91000001Microsoft-IEResp-IEFRAME Microsoft-IEResp-IEFRAME
0x92000001Microsoft-IEFRAME Microsoft-IEFRAME


File Name:ieframe.dll.mui
File Size:1572 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:1608704
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:11.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:11.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Internet 浏览器
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:IEFRAME.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:IEFRAME.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is ieframe.dll.mui?

ieframe.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file ieframe.dll (Internet 浏览器).

File version info

File Description:Internet 浏览器
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:IEFRAME.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:IEFRAME.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200