240 | 協助使用者防制惡意程式碼及其他潛在垃圾軟體 |
Helps protect users from malware and other potentially unwanted software |
241 | Microsoft 反惡意程式碼服務 |
Microsoft Antimalware Service |
242 | 協助抵禦以網路通訊協定中已知與新發現的弱點為目標而發動的入侵攻擊 |
Helps guard against intrusion attempts targeting known and newly discovered vulnerabilities in network protocols |
243 | Microsoft 網路檢查 |
Microsoft Network Inspection |
300 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體軟體 |
Windows Defender Antivirus |
310 | Windows Defender Antivirus Service |
Windows Defender Antivirus Service |
320 | Windows Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service |
Windows Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service |
330 | Windows Defender Antivirus Mini-Filter Driver |
Windows Defender Antivirus Mini-Filter Driver |
340 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體即時監視惡意程式碼保護迷你篩選器驅動程式 |
Windows Defender Antivirus On-Access Malware Protection Mini-Filter Driver |
370 | Windows Defender Antivirus Network Inspection System Driver |
Windows Defender Antivirus Network Inspection System Driver |
380 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體使用的非關鍵檔案 |
Non critical files used by Windows Defender Antivirus |
390 | Windows Defender Antivirus Boot Driver |
Windows Defender Antivirus Boot Driver |
400 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體開機驅動程式 |
Windows Defender Antivirus Boot Driver |
1000 | 無法辨識 |
Unknown |
1001 | 廣告軟體 |
Adware |
1002 | 間諜軟體 |
Spyware |
1003 | 盜竊密碼程式 |
Password Stealer |
1004 | 特洛伊木馬下載程式 |
Trojan Downloader |
1005 | 蠕蟲 |
Worm |
1006 | 後門程式 |
Backdoor |
1008 | 特洛伊木馬病毒 |
Trojan |
1009 | 濫發電子郵件程式 |
Email Flooder |
1011 | 撥號程式 |
Dialer |
1012 | 監視軟體 |
Monitoring Software |
1013 | 瀏覽器修改程式 |
Browser Modifier |
1019 | 惡作劇程式 |
Joke Program |
1021 | 軟體搭配程式 |
Software Bundler |
1022 | 特洛伊木馬病毒通知程式 |
Trojan Notifier |
1023 | 設定修改程式 |
Settings Modifier |
1027 | 潛在的垃圾軟體 |
Potentially Unwanted Software |
1030 | 入侵程式 |
Exploit |
1031 | 檔案共用程式 |
File Sharing Program |
1032 | 惡意程式碼建立工具 |
Malware Creation Tool |
1033 | 遠端控制軟體 |
Remote Control Software |
1034 | 工具 |
Tool |
1036 | 特洛伊木馬病毒阻斷服務 |
Trojan Denial of Service |
1037 | 特洛伊木馬病毒植入程式 |
Trojan Dropper |
1038 | 特洛伊木馬病毒大量傳送郵件程式 |
Trojan Mass Mailer |
1039 | 特洛伊木馬病毒監視軟體 |
Trojan Monitoring Software |
1040 | 特洛伊木馬病毒 Proxy 伺服器 |
Trojan Proxy Server |
1042 | 病毒 |
Virus |
1043 | 已允許 |
Permitted |
1044 | 未分類的 |
Not Yet Classified |
1046 | 可疑的行為 |
Suspicious Behavior |
1047 | 弱點 |
Vulnerability |
1048 | 原則 |
Policy |
1049 | 企業垃圾軟體 |
Enterprise Unwanted Software |
1050 | 勒索軟體 |
Ransomware |
2000 | 偵測到系統變更。這通常是在安裝軟體時發生。 |
A system change was detected. This generally occurs when software is installed. |
2001 | 會顯示廣告的一種程式。某些廣告軟體可以透過贊助程式或服務來獲利,而其他廣告軟體則可能未獲得適當的同意,就直接顯示廣告。 |
A program that displays advertisements. While some adware can be beneficial by subsidizing a program or service, other adware programs may display advertisements without adequate consent. |
2002 | 會在未獲得適當同意的情況下,擅自收集諸如使用者所瀏覽網站之類資訊的一種程式。未經授權的動作可能包括未提供顯著的通知就進行安裝,或是未清楚提供可用來停用該程式的方法就直接執行。 |
A program that collects information, such as the websites a user visits, without adequate consent. Unauthorized actions may include installing without prominent notice or running without a clear method to disable the program. |
2003 | 會將擷取或傳輸密碼給攻擊者的特洛伊木馬病毒。 |
A Trojan that captures or transmits passwords to an attacker. |
2004 | 會在未經使用者同意下靜默地方式安裝其他程式的特洛伊木馬病毒。 |
A Trojan that silently installs other programs without consent. |
2005 | 能夠透過網路連線,自動將它自己從一部電腦散佈至其他電腦的可自我傳播惡意程式碼。 |
Self-propagating malicious code that can automatically distribute itself from one computer to another through network connections. |
2006 | 用來略過安全性原則,或是取得電腦存取權的特洛伊木馬病毒。 |
A Trojan used to bypass security policies or gain access to a computer. |
2008 | 看起來是有用或無害的程式,但包含隱藏的程式碼設計用來入侵或損害執行它的系統。 |
A program that appears to be useful or harmless but contains hidden code designed to exploit or damage the system on which it is run. |
2009 | 專門設計用來利用郵件讓使用者的電子郵件收件匣爆滿的特洛伊木馬病毒。 |
A Trojan designed to overwhelm an e-mail user's inbox with messages. |
2011 | 會使用電腦的數據機,未經授權逕行撥打付費電話的特洛伊木馬病毒。 |
A Trojan that uses the computer's modem to generate unauthorized telephone charges. |
2012 | 會監視許多活動的程式,例如按鍵輸入或螢幕影像。 |
A program that monitors activity, such as keystrokes or screen images. |
2013 | 會在未獲得適當的同意下,變更瀏覽器諸如首頁之類設定的程式。 |
A program that changes browser settings, such as the home page, without adequate consent. |
2019 | 專門設計用來消遣或嚇唬使用者的程式,例如模仿一種病毒,但不會執行任何動作。 |
A program designed to amuse or scare a user, such as imitating a virus without taking action. |
2021 | 會安裝其他垃圾軟體的程式,例如廣告軟體或間諜軟體。搭配程式的授權合約可能需要這些額外的元件才能運作。 |
A program that installs other potentially unwanted software, such as adware or spyware. The license agreement of the bundling program may require these other components in order to function. |
2022 | 會在安裝軟體時,通知攻擊者的特洛伊木馬病毒。 |
A Trojan used to notify an attacker when the software has been installed. |
2023 | 會在未獲得適當的同意下,變更設定的程式。 |
A program that changes settings without adequate consent. |
2027 | 含有潛在不必要的行為的程式,這個行為會引起使用者的注意,因此對其進行檢視。這個行為可能會影響到使用者的隱私權、安全性或運算經驗。 |
A program with potentially unwanted behavior that is brought to the user's attention for review. This behavior may impact the user's privacy, security, or computing experience. |
2030 | 會入侵安全性弱點的程式。 |
A program that exploits a security vulnerability. |
2031 | 用來傳播及下載檔案的程式,它通常是作為對等 (P2P) 網路的一部分來進行。 |
A program used to distribute and download files, often as part of a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. |
2032 | 用來建立病毒、蠕蟲及其他惡意程式碼的工具。 |
A tool used to create viruses, worms and other malware. |
2033 | 可從遠端位置提供電腦的存取權的程式。這些程式通常是由電腦擁有者或系統管理員所安裝,並且只有在不知情的狀況下才會產生風險。 |
A program that provides access to a computer from a remote location. These programs are often installed by the computer owner or administrator, and are only a risk if unexpected. |
2034 | 可能會遭到攻擊者的濫用,並且可以用來略過或降低安全性的工具。 |
A tool that can be abused by an attacker, and may be used to bypass or lower security. |
2036 | 會建立阻斷服務攻擊的程式。 |
A program that creates a Denial of Service attack. |
2037 | 會隨著特洛伊木馬病毒傳送的程式。 |
A program that comes bundled with a Trojan. |
2038 | 會傳送大量電子郵件的特洛伊木馬病毒。 |
A Trojan that sends large volumes of e-mail. |
2039 | 會記錄使用者諸如按下按鍵之類活動的特洛伊木馬病毒。這個資訊可能會透過電子郵件或其他方式,傳送至攻擊者手中。 |
A Trojan that records user activity, such as keystrokes. This information may be sent to an attacker using e-mail or other methods. |
2040 | 會在機器上安裝 Proxy 伺服器的特洛伊木馬病毒。 |
A Trojan that installs a proxy server on a machine. |
2042 | 會藉由將其本身附加至主機程式中,嘗試從一部電腦擴散至另一部電腦的惡意程式碼。 |
Malicious code that attempts to spread from computer to computer by attaching itself to a host program. |
2043 | 已分類並且允許執行的程式。 |
A program that has been classified and permitted to run. |
2044 | 尚未分類的程式。 |
A program that has not yet been classified. |
3001 | 此程式會將潛在的垃圾廣告傳遞到您的電腦。 |
This program delivers potentially unwanted advertisements to your computer. |
3002 | 此程式似乎是間諜軟體移除軟體,但是不會進行廣告行為。 |
This program appears to be a spyware removal software, but does not disclose advertising behavior. |
3003 | 此程式會在父程式以外獨立顯示廣告。 |
This program displays advertisements separate from the parent program. |
3004 | 此程式會顯示快顯廣告。 |
This program displays pop-up advertisements. |
3005 | 此程式會以網頁瀏覽習慣為基礎來顯示廣告。 |
This program displays advertisements based on Web browsing habits. |
3006 | 此程式會顯示含有成人內容的廣告。 |
This program displays advertisements with adult content. |
3007 | 此程式會顯示廣告,並且通常會與其他程式搭配。 |
This program displays advertisements and is often bundled with other programs. |
3008 | 此程式會顯示廣告,並且可能難以移除。 |
This program displays advertisements and may be difficult to remove. |
3009 | 此程式會以網頁搜尋習慣為基礎來顯示廣告。 |
This program displays advertisements based on Web search habits. |
3010 | 此程式會傳遞廣告並追蹤活動。 |
This program delivers advertisements and tracks activity. |
3011 | 此程式會顯示廣告,並且可能會利用未經要求就自行安裝的方式來傳遞。 |
This program displays advertisements and may be delivered through unsolicited installation. |
3012 | 此程式會顯示廣告,並且不需要使用者介面即可執行。 |
This program displays advertisements and runs without a user interface. |
3013 | 此程式會在其他軟體中顯示廣告。 |
This program displays advertisements inside other software. |
3014 | 此程式會顯示詐騙的產品訊息。 |
This program displays deceptive product messages. |
3015 | 此程式會顯示廣告,並且可能會安裝其他軟體。 |
This program displays advertisements and may install other software. |
3016 | 此程式可用來略過安全性原則。 |
This program is used to bypass security policies. |
3017 | 此程式會在未獲得適當的同意下,就直接變更不同的網頁瀏覽器設定。 |
This program changes various Web browser settings without adequate consent. |
3018 | 此程式會變更預設的首頁。 |
This program changes the default home page. |
3019 | 此程式會變更預設的搜尋引擎及首頁。 |
This program changes the default search engine and the homepage. |
3020 | 此程式會變更預設的搜尋引擎、首頁及其他瀏覽器設定。 |
This program changes the default search engine, the homepage, and other browser settings. |
3021 | 此程式會重新導向網頁的存取。 |
This program redirects access to Web pages. |
3022 | 此程式會變更瀏覽器設定及顯示廣告。 |
This program changes browser settings and displays advertisements. |
3023 | 此程式會修改網頁內容。 |
This program modifies Web page content. |
3024 | 此程式會變更網頁連結。 |
This program changes Web page links. |
3025 | 此程式會新增到成人內容的連結。 |
This program adds links to adult content. |
3026 | 此程式會新增瀏覽器工具列,並且可能會利用未經要求就自行安裝的方式來傳遞。 |
This program adds a browser toolbar and may be delivered through unsolicited installation. |
3027 | 此程式會將可顯示廣告的資訊看板新增至瀏覽器上。 |
This program adds a sidebar to the browser that displays advertisements. |
3028 | 此程式會顯示成人內容。 |
This program displays adult content. |
3029 | 此程式會變更預設的搜尋引擎。 |
This program changes the default search engine. |
3030 | 此程式會變更瀏覽器設定,並且通常會與其他程式搭配。 |
This program changes browser settings and is often bundled with other programs. |
3035 | 此程式會撥打付費電話,帶來龐大的電話費。 |
This program dials toll numbers to create telephone charges. |
3036 | 此程式會撥打付費電話,取得成人內容。 |
This program dials toll numbers to gain access to adult content. |
3037 | 此程式會撥打付費電話,並且傳遞成人內容廣告。 |
This program dials toll numbers and delivers advertisements for adult content. |
3038 | 此程式會用於執行阻斷服務攻擊。 |
This program can be used to perform a denial of service attack. |
3039 | 此程式會利用電子郵件讓使用者的收件匣爆滿。 |
This program overwhelms a user's inbox with email messages. |
3041 | 此程式會利用安全性弱點。 |
This program takes advantage of a security vulnerability. |
3042 | 此程式允許使用者下載或共用檔案。 |
This program allows users to download or share files. |
3046 | 此程式專門設計用來消遣或嚇唬使用者。 |
This program is designed to amuse or scare the user. |
3047 | 此程式會監視使用者的活動,例如輸入的按鍵。 |
This program monitors user activity, such as keystrokes typed. |
3049 | 此程式會用於建立病毒、病蟲及其他惡意程式碼。 |
This program is used to create viruses, worms or other malware. |
3050 | 此程式會監視使用者的資訊。 |
This program monitors user information. |
3052 | 此程式非常危險,並且會擷取使用者密碼。 |
This program is dangerous and captures user passwords. |
3054 | 此程式通常會與其他程式搭配安裝。 |
This program is often installed a bundle with other programs. |
3055 | 此程式會在未獲得使用者適當的同意下進行安裝。 |
This program may have been installed without adequate user consent. |
3056 | 此程式會在未適當通知使用者的情況下自動執行。 |
This program runs automatically and without adequate user notification. |
3058 | 此程式可能會未經使用者適當地同意便進行更新,並且可能會利用未經要求就自行安裝的方式來傳遞。 |
This program may update without adequate user consent and may be delivered through unsolicited installation. |
3059 | 此程式會在未獲得使用者適當的同意下自動更新。 |
This program updates automatically without adequate user consent. |
3061 | 此程式會不適當地洩露潛在不必要的行為。 |
This program does not adequately disclose potentially unwanted behavior. |
3062 | 此程式通常會做為其他潛在的垃圾軟體的元件來發佈。 |
This program is often distributed as a component of other potentially unwanted software. |
3063 | 此程式具有潛在不必要的行為。 |
This program has potentially unwanted behavior. |
3064 | 此程式在安裝過程中,會停用其他軟體。 |
This program disables other software as part of its installation. |
3066 | 此程式會提供其安裝所在之電腦的遠端存取。 |
This program provides remote access to the computer it is installed on. |
3069 | 此程式會在未獲得使用者適當的同意下變更不同的電腦設定。 |
This program changes various computer settings without adequate consent. |
3070 | 此程式會安裝其他潛在的垃圾軟體。 |
This program installs other potentially unwanted software. |
3072 | 此程式可能會安裝其他潛在的垃圾軟體。 |
This program may install other potentially unwanted software. |
3073 | 此程式會安裝廣告軟體。 |
This program installs adware. |
3074 | 此程式會安裝間諜軟體。 |
This program installs spyware. |
3075 | 此程式會安裝瀏覽器修改程式。 |
This program installs browser modifiers. |
3076 | 此程式會安裝可顯示成人內容的軟體。 |
This program installs software that displays adult content. |
3077 | 此程式會傳送未經授權的電子郵件。 |
This program sends unauthorized e-mail. |
3078 | 此程式會收集使用者資訊。 |
This program collects user information. |
3079 | 此程式會追蹤活動,並且傳遞廣告。 |
This program tracks activity and delivers advertisements. |
3080 | 此程式會追蹤活動,並且可能會停用其他程式。 |
This program tracks activity and may disable other programs. |
3081 | 此程式會追蹤活動,並且通常會與其他程式搭配。 |
This program tracks activity and is often bundled with other programs. |
3082 | 此程式會追蹤活動,並且可能會難以移除。 |
This program tracks activity and may be difficult to remove. |
3083 | 此程式會追蹤活動及所有網頁內容,包括安全的網頁。 |
This program tracks activity and all Web page content, including secure pages. |
3084 | 此程式會在背景連線到網際網路。 |
This program connects to the Internet in the background. |
3087 | 此程式會用於未獲授權的惡意用途。 |
This program can be used for malicious purposes if unauthorized. |
3089 | 此程式非常危險,並且會入侵它執行所在的電腦。 |
This program is dangerous and exploits the computer on which it is run. |
3090 | 此程式非常危險、會入侵電腦,並且提供使用者檔案的存取權。 |
This program is dangerous, exploits the computer, and provides access to user files. |
3091 | 此程式非常危險、會入侵電腦,以及共用使用者資訊。 |
This program is dangerous, exploits the computer, and shares user information. |
3092 | 此程式非常危險,並且會下載其他程式。 |
This program is dangerous and downloads other programs. |
3093 | 此程式非常危險,並且會安裝其他程式。 |
This program is dangerous and installs other programs. |
3095 | 此程式非常危險,並且會記錄使用者活動。 |
This program is dangerous and records user activity. |
3096 | 當安裝此程式時,它能夠以無訊息方式通知伺服器。 |
This program silently informs a server when it has been installed. |
3097 | 此程式非常危險,並且可做為 Proxy 伺服器。 |
This program is dangerous and acts as a proxy server. |
3100 | 此程式非常危險,並且會透過網路連線自我傳播。 |
This program is dangerous and self-propagates over a network connection. |
3104 | 此程式會監視使用者資訊,例如網頁瀏覽習慣。 |
This program monitors user information, such as Web browsing habits. |
3105 | 此程式會變更不同的電腦設定。 |
This program changes various computer settings. |
3106 | 此程式會變更系統主機檔案。 |
This program changes the system hosts file. |
3108 | 此程式會監視敏感資料,例如輸入的按鍵。 |
This program monitors sensitive information, such as keystrokes typed. |
3109 | 此程式非常危險,並且會監視使用者資訊。 |
This program is dangerous and monitors user information. |
3110 | 此程式非常危險,並且會透過感染其他檔案來進行複製。 |
This program is dangerous and replicates by infecting other files. |
3111 | 此程式非常危險,並且會隱藏程式或略過安全性。 |
This program is dangerous and can hide programs or bypass security. |
3112 | 此程式非常危險,並且會執行來自攻擊者的命令。 |
This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker. |
3114 | 已移除此應用程式,因為已根據「Windows Defender 進階威脅防護」原則將它封鎖。 |
This application was removed because it is blocked according to the Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection policy. |
4000 | 只有當您信任程式或軟體的發行者時,才應允許此偵測到的項目。 |
Permit this detected item only if you trust the program or the software publisher. |
4001 | 除非本軟體是在您不知情的狀況下安裝,否則它在您的電腦上執行時,通常是有益的。如果您不確定是否應允許它執行,請檢閱警示詳細資訊,或是確認您是否能識別並信任該軟體的發行者。 |
This software is typically benign when it runs on your computer, unless it was installed without your knowledge. If you're not sure whether to permit it, review the alert details or check if you recognize and trust the publisher of the software. |
4002 | 檢閱警示詳細資訊,了解為什麼會偵測出軟體。如果您不喜歡該軟體的操作方式,或是您無法識別且信任其發行者,可考慮封鎖或移除該軟體。 |
Review the alert details to see why the software was detected. If you do not like how the software operates or if you do not recognize and trust the publisher, consider blocking or removing the software. |
4004 | 立即移除此軟體。 |
Remove this software immediately. |
5001 | 低 |
Low |
5002 | 適中 |
Medium |
5004 | 高 |
High |
5005 | 嚴重 |
Severe |
6001 | 一種程式,除非它們是在您不知情的狀況下安裝在您的電腦上,否則它們通常是有益的。 |
Programs that are typically benign unless they are installed on your computer without your knowledge. |
6002 | 一種程式,它們可能會對您的隱私權造成影響,或是在您的電腦上進行可能會對運算經驗產生負面影響的變更,例如收集個人資訊或變更設定。 |
Programs that might affect your privacy or make changes to your computer that could negatively impact your computing experience, for example, by collecting personal information or changing settings. |
6004 | 一種程式,它們通常會在您不知情或未經您同意的狀況下收集您的個人資訊,並且對您的隱私權造成負面影響,或是損害您的電腦。 |
Programs that might collect your personal information and negatively affect your privacy or damage your computer, for example, by collecting information or changing settings, typically without your knowledge or consent. |
6005 | 能夠對您的隱私權及電腦的安全性造成負面的影響,並且會對電腦造成損害的一種極為普遍或特別具有破壞力的程式,類似病毒或蠕蟲。 |
Widespread or exceptionally harmful programs, similar to viruses or worms, that negatively affect your privacy and your computer's security, and that damage your computer. |
7001 | 清除 |
Clean |
7002 | 隔離 |
Quarantine |
7003 | 移除 |
Remove |
7004 | 封鎖 |
Block |
7005 | 略過 |
Ignore |
7006 | 一律略過 |
Ignore Always |
7007 | 還原 |
Revert |
7008 | 選取動作 |
Select Action |
41101 | 反惡意程式碼引擎已停止回應 |
Antimalware engine has stopped responding |
41103 | 應用程式名稱 |
Application Name |
41104 | 應用程式版本 |
Application Version |
41105 | 引擎版本 |
Engine Version |
41106 | 獨立系統清理工具掃描引擎已停止回應 |
Standalone System Sweeper scanning engine has stopped responding |
41107 | Microsoft 反惡意程式碼掃描引擎已停止回應 |
Microsoft Antimalware scanning engine has stopped responding |
41108 | Windows Defender 掃描引擎已停止回應 |
Windows Defender scanning engine has stopped responding |
41110 | 獨立系統清理工具 |
Standalone System Sweeper |
41111 | Microsoft 反惡意程式碼 |
Microsoft Antimalware |
41112 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體 |
Windows Defender Antivirus |
41114 | 掃描您的系統是否有惡意程式碼、Rootkit 及潛在的垃圾軟體 |
Scan your system for malware, rootkits, and potentially unwanted software |
41115 | 提供對惡意及潛在垃圾軟體的防護 |
Protection against malicious and unwanted software |
41116 | 提供對間諜軟體及其他潛在垃圾軟體的防護 |
Protection against spyware or other potentially unwanted software |
41124 | 定期清理工作。 |
Periodic cleanup task. |
41125 | 定期驗證工作。 |
Periodic verification task. |
41126 | 定期維護工作。 |
Periodic maintenance task. |
41127 | 定期掃描工作。 |
Periodic scan task. |
41128 | 定期特徵碼更新工作。 |
Periodic signature update task. |
41129 | 需要掃描才能完成補救。 |
A scan required to complete remediation. |
41130 | 反惡意程式碼狀態變更 |
Antimalware status change |
41131 | Microsoft Antimalware 偵測到因惡意程式碼而導致的設定變更。 |
Microsoft Antimalware has detected setting changes due to malware. |
41132 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體偵測到因惡意程式碼而導致的設定變更。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus has detected setting changes due to malware. |
41133 | 獨立系統清理工具偵測到因惡意程式碼而導致的設定變更。 |
Standalone System Sweeper has detected setting changes due to malware. |
41134 | 威脅 ID |
Threat ID |
43132 | Microsoft 安全性用戶端發現威脅,且正從您的裝置移除這些威脅。 |
Microsoft Security Client found threats and is removing them from your device. |
43133 | Microsoft 安全性用戶端發現威脅。請重新啟動您的裝置。 |
Microsoft Security Client found a threat. Please restart your device. |
43134 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體發現威脅。獲取詳情。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus found threats. Get details. |
43135 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體在 [%s] 中發現 [%s]。請重新啟動您的裝置。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus found [%s] in [%s]. Please restart your device. |
43138 | 重新啟動 |
Restart |
43139 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體發現威脅。請對裝置執行離線掃描。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus found Threats. Please run an offline scan of your device. |
43140 | Windows Defender 所需的動作 |
Actions needed in Windows Defender |
43141 | 掃描 |
Scan |
43143 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體在 [%s] 中發現 [%s]。請重新啟動並掃描您的裝置。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus found [%s] in [%s]. Please restart and scan your device. |
43144 | 重新啟動並掃描 |
Restart and scan |
43146 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體在 [%s] 中發現 [%s]。請對裝置執行完整掃描。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus found [%s] in [%s]. Please run a full scan of your device. |
43148 | 您的 Windows 版本支援即將結束 |
Support for your version of Windows is ending |
43149 | 當此支援結束時,將不再支援 Windows Defender,而且您的裝置可能暴露在風險中。 |
When this support ends, Windows Defender won't be supported and your device might be at risk. |
43150 | 您的 Windows 版本支援已結束 |
Support for your version of Windows has ended |
43151 | Windows Defender 已不再受支援,且您的裝置可能暴露在風險中。 |
Windows Defender is no longer supported, and your device might be at risk. |
43158 | 檢閱 Windows Defender 將傳送給 Microsoft 的檔案 |
Review files that Windows Defender will send to Microsoft |
43159 | 將此資訊傳送給我們,可以改進 Windows Defender 防毒軟體保護裝置安全的方式。 |
Sending us this information can improve how Windows Defender Antivirus helps protect your device. |
43160 | 檢閱 |
Review |
43161 | 傳送檔案 |
Send files |
43162 | Microsoft 安全性用戶端採取了動作 |
Microsoft Security Client took action |
43163 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體採取了動作 |
Windows Defender Antivirus took action |
43165 | 您的 IT 設定造成系統偵測可能會在您電腦上執行非預期動作的所有 App。 |
Your IT settings cause the detection of any app that might perform unwanted actions on your computer. |
43166 | Windows Defender 摘要 |
Windows Defender summary |
43167 | 自上次摘要之後,Windows Defender 防毒軟體未發現任何威脅。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus did not find any threats since your last summary. |
43168 | 自上次摘要之後,Windows Defender 防毒軟體已成功對 %s 個威脅採取動作。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus successfully took action on %s threats since your last summary. |
43169 | 自上次摘要之後,Windows Defender 防毒軟體並未發現任何威脅。已掃描您的裝置 %s 次。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus did not find any threats since your last summary. Your device was scanned %s times. |
43170 | 自上次摘要之後,Windows Defender 防毒軟體已成功對 %s 個威脅採取動作。已掃描您的裝置 %s 次。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus successfully took action on %s threats since your last summary. Your device was scanned %s times. |
43171 | Windows Defender 掃描結果 |
Windows Defender scan results |
43172 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體已在 %s 的 %s 掃描您的裝置。未發現任何威脅。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus scanned your device at %s on %s. No threats were found. |
43173 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體已在 %s 的 %s 掃描您的裝置,並對威脅採取動作。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus scanned your device at %s on %s, and took action against threats. |
43174 | Windows Defender 定期掃描已開啟 |
Windows Defender periodic scanning on |
43175 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體會定期掃描您的裝置。您同時使用其他防毒程式積極進行保護。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus is periodically scanning your device. You’re also using another antivirus program for active protection. |
43176 | 發現企業垃圾應用程式 |
Enterprise Unwanted Application found |
43177 | 已移除此應用程式,因為它已由您的 IT 安全性設定封鎖。 |
This application was removed because it is blocked by your IT security settings. |
43178 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體正在掃描此檔案 |
Windows Defender Antivirus is scanning this file |
43179 | 您的檔案即將可供使用 |
Your file will be available shortly |
43180 | 您的組織要求執行此掃描 |
Your organization requires this scan |
43181 | 該檔案即將可供使用 |
The file will be available shortly |
43182 | Microsoft 安全性用戶端正在採取動作。 |
Microsoft Security Client is taking action. |
43183 | 發現的威脅數 |
Threats found |
43184 | 需要採取動作 |
Actions needed |
43186 | 您的 IT 設定致使 Windows Defender 防毒軟體封鎖可能在您的裝置上執行有害動作的應用程式。 |
Your IT settings caused Windows Defender Antivirus to block an app that may potentially perform unwanted actions on your device. |
43187 | 您的 IT 設定致使 Microsoft 安全性用戶端封鎖可能在您的裝置上執行有害動作的應用程式。 |
Your IT settings caused Microsoft Security Client to block an app that may potentially perform unwanted actions on your device. |
43188 | 掃描期間已略過的項目 |
Items skipped during scan |
43189 | 因為您的排除項目設定,Windows Defender 防毒軟體會掃描已略過的項目。 |
The Windows Defender Antivirus scan skipped items because of your exclusion settings. |
43190 | 威脅掃描資訊 |
Threat scan info |
43191 | Windows Defender 防毒軟體無法完整解決潛在的威脅。 |
Windows Defender Antivirus couldn't completely resolve a potential threat. |
43192 | Windows Defender 通知選項 |
Windows Defender notification options |
43193 | 要繼續收到 Windows Defender 活動的定期摘要嗎? |
Would you like to continue receiving periodic summaries of Windows Defender activity? |
43194 | 是 |
Yes |
43195 | 否 |
No |
43196 | 詳細通知設定 |
Detailed notification settings |
0x800106B5 | 此程式的服務已經停止。您可以手動啟動服務或重新啟動裝置,這樣就會啟動服務。 |
This program's service has stopped. You can start the service manually or restart your device, which will start the service. |
0x800700D8 | 這個版本的軟體與您執行的 Windows 版本不相容。請檢查您的裝置系統資訊,了解您是否需要 x86 (32 位元) 或 x64 (64 位元) 版本的程式,然後連絡軟體發行者。 |
This version of the software is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your device's system information to see whether you need a x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher. |
0x80070641 | 無法存取 Windows Installer 服務。請確定您已安裝 Windows Installer,並且不是在安全模式中執行 Windows,然後再試一次。 |
The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. Make sure that Windows Installer is installed and that you are not running Windows in safe mode, and then try again. |
0x80240000 | 檢查更新時發生意外的問題。如需有關安裝更新或針對更新進行疑難排解的詳細資訊,請參閱 [說明及支援]。 |
An unexpected problem occurred while checking for updates. For information on installing or troubleshooting updates, see Help and Support. |
0x80240022 | 程式無法檢查定義更新。 |
The program can't check for definition updates. |
0x80500000 | 發生意外的問題。請安裝任何可取得的更新,然後再次嘗試啟動程式。如需有關安裝更新的資訊,請參閱 [說明及支援]。 |
An unexpected problem occurred. Install any available updates, and then try to start the program again. For information on installing updates, see Help and Support. |
0x80501001 | 一或多個動作無法順利完成。如需詳細資訊,請按一下個別的項目或移至 [歷史記錄]。 |
One or more actions could not be completed successfully. For details, click on an individual item or go to History. |
0x80501002 | 程式找不到可協助偵測垃圾軟體的定義檔。請檢查是否有更新的定義檔,然後再試。如需有關安裝更新的資訊,請參閱 [說明及支援]。 |
The program can't find definition files that help detect unwanted software. Check for updates to the definition files, and then try again. For information on installing updates, see Help and Support. |
0x80508001 | 由於發生問題,導致程式無法啟動。請安裝任何可取得的更新,然後再次嘗試啟動程式。如需有關安裝更新的資訊,請參閱 [說明及支援]。 |
A problem is preventing the program from starting. Install any available updates, and then try to start the program again. For information on installing updates, see Help and Support. |
0x80508007 | 裝置的記憶體不足。請關閉部分程式,然後再試一次。或是在 [說明及支援] 中,搜尋有關避免記憶體不足之問題的說明。 |
Your device is low on memory. Close some programs and try again, or search Help and Support for information about preventing low memory problems. |
0x8050800D | 無法顯示某些歷程記錄項目。請等候幾分鐘然後再試一次。如果這個方式沒有用,請清除記錄,然後再試一次。 |
Some history items could not be displayed. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If that doesn't work, clear the history and then try again. |
0x8050800E | 若要使用此程式,您必須在裝置上安裝最新的更新。如需有關安裝更新的資訊,請參閱 [說明及支援]。 |
To use this program, you need to install the latest updates for your device. For information on installing updates, see Help and Support. |
0x80508011 | 由於發生了預期外的問題,導致程式無法掃描您的裝置中是否有垃圾軟體。請再次嘗試掃描您的裝置。 |
An unexpected problem has prevented the program from scanning your device for unwanted software. Try to scan your device again. |
0x80508013 | 由於發生了預期外的問題,導致程式無法掃描您的裝置中是否有垃圾軟體。請嘗試清除程式歷程記錄,然後再次掃描裝置。 |
An unexpected problem has prevented the program from scanning your device for unwanted software. Try clearing the program history, and then scan your device again. |
0x80508014 | 無法還原隔離的項目。 |
The quarantined item cannot be restored. |
0x80508017 | 某些動作無法套用到具有潛在危險的項目。項目可能儲存在唯讀的位置。請刪除包含這些項目的檔案或資料夾,如需從檔案或資料夾移除唯讀權限的詳細資訊,請參閱 [說明及支援]。 |
Some actions couldn't be applied to potentially harmful items. The items might be stored in a read-only location. Delete the files or folders that contains the items or, for information on removing read-only permissions from files and folders, see Help and Support. |
0x80508019 | 您嘗試掃描的檔案或磁碟機不存在於此裝置上。請選擇其他檔案或磁碟機,然後再次掃描您的裝置。 |
The file or drive you are trying to scan does not exist on this device. Choose another file or drive, and then scan your device again. |
0x80508022 | 若要完成移除間諜軟體和其他潛在的垃圾軟體,請重新啟動裝置。 |
To finish removing malware and other potentially unwanted software, restart the device. |
0x80508023 | 程式在這台裝置上找不到間諜軟體及其他潛在的垃圾軟體。 |
The program could not find the malware and other potentially unwanted software on this device. |
0x80508024 | 若要完成移除間諜軟體及其他潛在的垃圾軟體,您必須執行完整掃描。如需有關掃描選項的詳細資訊,請參閱 [說明及支援]。 |
To finish removing malware and other potentially unwanted software, you need to run a full scan. For information about scanning options, see Help and Support. |
0x80508025 | 若要檢視如何完成移除間諜軟體及其他潛在的垃圾軟體,請參閱 Microsoft 資訊安全網站上的支援文章。 |
To see how to finish removing malware and other potentially unwanted software, see the support article on the Microsoft Security website. |
0x80508026 | 這個程式無法移除封存的檔案內容中有潛在性危險的項目。若要移除該項目,您必須刪除該封存。如需其他資訊,請在 [說明及支援] 中搜尋有關移除間諜軟體。 |
This program can't remove a potentially harmful item from the contents of an archived file. To remove the item, you need to delete the archive. For more information, search for removing malware in Help and Support. |
0x80508027 | 此份 Windows 不是正版。為使用此程式的完整防護功能,您必須驗證您所使用的 Windows 是否為正版。順利驗證此份 Windows 為正版之前,此程式只能移除某些設定威脅。只有正版 Microsoft 軟體的使用者可以存取最新的更新、功能和產品支援。 |
This copy of Windows is not genuine. To receive the full protection of this program, you must verify that your copy of Windows is genuine. Until you successfully validate your copy of Windows, this program will only remove certain threats. Only users of genuine Microsoft software get access to the latest updates, features, and product support. |
0x80508028 | 部分電子郵件是儲存在我們無法修改的地方。中毒的電子郵件清單會顯示在詳細資訊窗格中。您應該使用郵件用戶端,試著移除這些電子郵件。 |
Some e-mail components are stored in a location we were unable to modify. A list of infected e-mail messages are displayed in the details pane. You should try to remove these e-mail messages using your mail client. |
0x8050A003 | 此套裝程式未包含此程式的最新定義檔。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 [說明及支援]。 |
This package does not contain up-to-date definition files for this program. For more information, see Help and Support. |