sppcext.dll.mui Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll 6b9bb9704f7d63e1a0adc6d3a344c88a

File info

File name: sppcext.dll.mui
Size: 11264 byte
MD5: 6b9bb9704f7d63e1a0adc6d3a344c88a
SHA1: eca8b3c81db0168e2c6fe5e9f2445934ac13461f
SHA256: 03d5a908b5b162e7a5cc1c8fbc6febb8605bc1c6d74e2feda8cbfb751c1a3eb7
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
0x100金鑰管理服務 Key Management Service
0x10000038傳統 Classic
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x40000384正在啟動軟體保護服務。%n參數:%1 The Software Protection service is starting.%nParameters:%1
0x40000386已啟動軟體保護服務。%n%1 The Software Protection service has started.%n%1
0x40000387已停止軟體保護服務。%n The Software Protection service has stopped.%n
0x400003EB軟體保護服務已完成授權狀態檢查。%n應用程式識別碼=%1%n授權狀態=%2 The Software Protection service has completed licensing status check.%nApplication Id=%1%nLicensing Status=%2
0x400003EC軟體保護服務已成功安裝授權。%n授權標題=%1%n授權識別碼=%2 The Software Protection service has successfully installed the license.%nLicense Title=%1%nLicense Id=%2
0x400003EF已成功擷取安全處理器憑證。%n Acquisition of Secure Processor Certificate was successful.%n
0x400003F1已成功擷取權限帳戶憑證。%n Acquisition of Rights Account Certificate was successful.%n
0x400003F3已成功擷取產品憑證。%nSku 識別碼=%1 Acquisition of Product Certificate was successful.%nSku Id=%1
0x400003F5已成功擷取使用者授權。%nSku 識別碼=%1 Acquisition of End User License was successful.%nSku Id=%1
0x400003F8成功安裝購買證明。%nACID=%1%nPKeyId=%2 Proof of Purchase installed successfully. %nACID=%1%nPKeyId=%2
0x400003FA已順利移除購買證明。%nACID=%1%nPKeyId=%2%n Proof of Purchase removed successfully. %nACID=%1%nPKeyId=%2%n
0x40000401已啟動寬限期。寬限天數=%1 寬限類型=%2。 Grace period has been started. Grace days=%1 Grace type=%2.
0x40000409這些原則已被排除,因為它們僅定義為僅覆寫屬性。%n原則名稱=%1%n應用程式識別碼=%2%nSKU 識別碼=%3 These policies are being excluded since they are only defined with override-only attribute.%nPolicy Names=%1%nApp Id=%2%nSku Id=%3
0x4000040A找到重複的原則定義。原則名稱=%1 優先順序=%2 Duplicate definition of policy found. Policy name=%1 Priority=%2
0x4000040B找到優先順序較高但沒有僅覆寫屬性的原則。原則名稱=%1 目前優先順序=%2 之前的優先順序=%3 A higher priority policy without override-only attribute found. Policy name=%1 Current priority=%2 Previous priority=%3
0x4000040C有效期已經開始。有效分鐘=%1 寬限類型=%2。 Validity period has been started. Validity minutes=%1 Grace type=%2.
0x40000410上次開機後硬體已經變更。%n AppId=%1,SkuId=%2。 Hardware has changed from previous boot.%n AppId=%1, SkuId=%2.
0x40000424在 Windows Right Consumption 後未更新核心原則快取。這對特定狀況而言並沒有問題。%n Kernel policy cache has not been updated after Windows Right consumption. This is OK in certain situations.%n
0x40000425版本已在 Windows Right 消耗後從 %1 變更為 %2。 Edition changed from %1 to %2 after Windows Right consumption.
0x4000042A服務物件的初始化狀態。%n%1 Initialization status for service objects.%n%1
0x40000430成功符合儲放的安裝識別碼與確認識別碼。%nSku Id=%1 Successfully matched deposited Installation ID with Confirmation ID.%nSku Id=%1
0x4000200E找不到權杖存放區。正在重新建立權杖存放區。%n Token Store not found. Recreating Token Store.%n
0x40002020找不到現有的排程器資料。將重新評估排程。 Existing scheduler data could not be found. The schedule will be re-evaluated.
0x40002021現有的排程器資料不符合預期的資料。將重新評估排程。%n原因:%1 The existing scheduler data does not match the expected data. The schedule will be re-evaluated.%nReason:%1
0x40002022現有的排程器資料不完整。將重新評估排程。%n原因:%1 The existing scheduler data is incomplete. The schedule will be re-evaluated.%nReason:%1
0x40002023現有的排程資料已過期。將重新評估排程。%n原因:%1 The existing schedule data is expired. The schedule will be re-evaluated.%nReason:%1
0x40002024規則引擎無法評估規則。%n原因:%1%n階段:%2%n其他資料:%n%3 The rules engine failed to evaluate the rules.%nReason:%1%nStage:%2%nAdditional Data:%n%3
0x40002025規則引擎無法執行一或多個已排程的動作。%n錯誤碼:%1%n路徑:%2%n引數:%3 The rules engine failed to perform one or more scheduled actions.%nError Code:%1%nPath:%2%nArguments:%3
0x40002026規則引擎已順利重新評估排程。%n核心原則:%n%1 The rules engine successfully re-evaluated the schedule.%nKernel policies:%n%1
0x40002027規則引擎已收集下列內容資料:%n%1 The rules engine gathered the following context data:%n%1
0x40002028規則引擎嘗試更新工作觸發程序時失敗,代碼為 %1。稍後將再次進行重新評估。 The rules engine failed while trying to update the task triggers with code %1. Reevaluation will occur again soon.
0x40002029規則引擎報告 VL 啟用嘗試失敗。%n原因:%1%nAppId = %2,SkuId = %3%n觸發程式=%4 The rules engine reported a failed VL activation attempt.%nReason:%1%nAppId = %2, SkuId = %3%nTrigger=%4
0x40003000用戶端已對金鑰管理服務機器送出啟用要求。%n資訊:%n%1 The client has sent an activation request to the key management service machine.%nInfo:%n%1
0x40003001用戶端已處理金鑰管理服務機器的啟用回應。%n資訊:%n%1 The client has processed an activation response from the key management service machine.%nInfo:%n%1
0x40003002已處理啟用要求。%n資訊:%n%1 An activation request has been processed.%nInfo:%n%1
0x40003003金鑰管理服務 (KMS) 無法啟動。%n資訊:%n%1 Key Management Service (KMS) failed to start.%nInfo:%n%1
0x40003005將金鑰管理服務 (KMS) 發佈到 '%2' 網域的 DNS 失敗。%n資訊:%n%1 Publishing the Key Management Service (KMS) to DNS in the '%2' domain failed.%nInfo:%n%1
0x40003006將金鑰管理服務 (KMS) 發佈到 '%1' 網域的 DNS 成功。%n Publishing the Key Management Service (KMS) to DNS in the '%1' domain is successful.%n
0x40003010已順利擷取範本識別碼 %1 的 Genuine 票證 Successfully acquired genuine ticket for template Id %1
0x40003011應用程式識別碼 %1 Genuine 狀態已設定為 Genuine Genuine state set to genuine for application Id %1
0x40003012重設授權狀態成功,AppId = %1,SkuId = %2 - %3 剩餘的重設授權狀態。 Rearm successful for AppId = %1, SkuId = %2 - %3 Rearms Remaining.
0x40003013重設授權狀態已略過,AppId = %1,SkuId = %2。 Skipped Rearm for AppId = %1, SkuId = %2.
0x40003014Active Directory 啟用成功。%nSKU 識別碼 = %1%nAO 名稱 = %2%nAO DN = %3 Active Directory Activation has succeeded.%nSku Id = %1%nAO name = %2%nAO DN = %3
0x40003015用戶端已處理來自父分割之自動 VM 啟用回應。%n傳回的 hr=%1%n%2 The client has processed an Automatic VM activation response from the parent partition.%nReturned hr=%1%n%2
0x40003016已處理「自動的 VM 啟用」要求。%n傳回的 hr=%1%n%2 An Automatic VM activation request has been processed.%nReturned hr=%1%n%2
0x40003017MSA 用戶端已順利觸發以更新「裝置授權」 The MSA client has been successfully triggered to update the Device License
0x40003020權杖型啟用成功。%nSku Id=%1 Token-based Activation has succeeded.%nSku Id=%1
0x40004000順利排程軟體保護服務在 %1 重新啟動。原因: %2。 Successfully scheduled Software Protection service for re-start at %1. Reason: %2.
0x40004002已成功啟動工作 %1\\%2。 Successfully started task %1\\%2.
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000004資訊 Information
0x800003F7詳細的 HRESULT。傳回 hr=%1,原始 hr=%2 Detailed HRESULT. Returned hr=%1, Original hr=%2
0x800003F9購買證明安裝失敗。%1%n部分 Pkey=%2%nACID=%3%n詳細錯誤[%4]%n Installation of the Proof of Purchase failed. %1%nPartial Pkey=%2%nACID=%3%nDetailed Error[%4]%n
0x800003FB購買證明移除失敗。%1%nACID=%2%nPKeyId=%3 Removal of the Proof of Purchase failed. %1%nACID=%2%nPKeyId=%3
0x800003FC無法載入 Proxy 執行金鑰。%1%nProxy 執行原則=%2 Proxy Execution Key has failed to load. %1%nProxy Execution Policy=%2
0x800003FE系統已被竄改。%1 The system has been tampered. %1
0x80000400硬體已被變更。 The hardware has changed.
0x80000405使用授權時無法取得詳細的錯誤資訊。上個錯誤 %1。 Unable to get detailed error information during license consumption. Last error %1.
0x80000408核心原則快取更新失敗。%1。 Kernel policy cache update failed. %1.
0x8000040D時間式授權剩餘 %1 時間 %2 分鐘。 Time-based license remaining %1 time %2 minutes.
0x80000414授權評估期間發生下列錯誤:%n%1%n The following errors occurred during license evaluation:%n%1%n
0x80000420已重設部分資料。%1 [%2]。 Some data has been reset. %1 [%2].
0x80000421無法更新登錄中的 Windows PID 資訊: %1%n Unable to update Windows PID information in the registry: %1%n
0x80000422從 ACPI 安裝「購買證明」失敗。錯誤碼:%n%1 Installation of the Proof of Purchase from the ACPI table failed. Error code:%n%1
0x80000423偵測到由 OS 轉譯變更所觸發的授權重新評估。 Detected OS composition change triggered license re-evaluation.
0x80000424偵測到由 OEM 產品金鑰變更所觸發的授權重新評估。 Detected OEM product key change triggered license re-evaluation.
0x8000042B應用程式的正版資訊組。%1,%2,%3。%n Genuine information set for application. %1, %2, %3.%n
0x80000442「軟體授權」版本檢查失敗。%n錯誤碼:%1%n The Software Licensing edition check failed.%nError code:%1%n
0x800004A0在移轉 Blob 中偵測到無效的區塊雜湊。%nUri: %1 Invalid chunk hash detected in migration blob.%nUri: %1
0x800004A1無法收集 SKU 的 PKEY 資訊。%nSKU 識別碼: %1 Failed to gather PKEY information for SKU.%nSku id: %1
0x800004A2已移轉的 PKEY 安裝失敗,錯誤為 %1。%nSKU 識別碼: %2 Installing migrated PKEY failed with %1.%nSku id: %2
0x800004A3未在本機機器上安裝與 IID/CID 關聯的 SKU。%nSKU 識別碼: %1 The Sku associated with the IID/CID is not installed on the local machine.%nSku id: %1
0x800004A4與 IID/CID 關聯的 SKU 未安裝 PKEY。%nSKU 識別碼: %1 The Sku associated with the IID/CID does not have a PKEY installed.%nSku id: %1
0x800004A6無法儲放區塊,因為 HWID 不符。%nUri: %1 Unable to deposit chunk due to HWID mismatch.%nUri: %1
0x800004A7無法儲放區塊,因為正在重新建立「信任的存放區」。%nUri: %1 Unable to deposit chunk due to Trusted Store being recreated.%nUri: %1
0x800004A8無法收集備份產品金鑰的 PKEY 資訊。%n錯誤: %1%n產品金鑰: %2 Failed to gather PKEY information for backup product key.%nError: %1%nProduct key: %2
0x800004A9無法收集 OEM:DM 產品金鑰的 PKEY 資訊。%n錯誤: %1%n產品金鑰: %2 Failed to gather PKEY information for OEM:DM product key.%nError: %1%nProduct key: %2
0x800004AA無法收集 PID 的目標 OS 資訊。%n錯誤: %1%nPID: %2 Failed to gather target OS information for PID.%nError: %1%nPID: %2
0x800004AB無法收集目標 OS 資訊輸入金鑰資料。%n錯誤: %1 Failed to gather target OS information input key data.%nError: %1
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP
0xC00003E9軟體保護服務無法啟動。%1%n%2 The Software Protection service failed to start. %1%n%2
0xC00003F0擷取安全處理器憑證失敗。%1 Acquisition of Secure Processor Certificate failed. %1
0xC00003F2擷取權限帳戶憑證失敗。%1 Acquisition of Rights Account Certificate failed. %1
0xC00003F4擷取產品憑證失敗。%1%nSku Id=%2 Acquisition of Product Certificate failed. %1%nSku Id=%2
0xC00003F6擷取使用者授權失敗。%1%nSku Id=%2 Acquisition of End User License failed. %1%nSku Id=%2
0xC0000404有 %1 個無效的授權。 There are %1 invalid license(s).
0xC0000411無法收集硬體資料。錯誤碼 %1。 Failed to collect hardware data. Error code %1.
0xC0000426確認識別碼儲放失敗。%1%nSku Id=%2 Deposition of Confirmation ID failed. %1%nSku Id=%2
0xC00004A5無法讀取移轉 Blob - 無法識別加密金鑰。 Failed to read migration blob - encryption key not recognized.
0xC0002003sppcomapi 中的 SLSetGenuineInformation 失敗,錯誤碼為:%n%1 SLSetGenuineInformation in sppcomapi failed with the following error code:%n%1
0xC0002004用於從 SLUI.exe 載入 Sppcommdlg.dll 的 LoadLibrary 呼叫失敗,錯誤碼為:%n%1 LoadLibrary call for loading Sppcommdlg.dll from SLUI.exe failed with error code:%n%1
0xC0002005已使用下列命令列參數啟動 SLUI.exe:%n%1 SLUI.exe was launched with the following command-line parameters:%n%1
0xC0002006授權啟用 (slui.exe) 失敗,錯誤碼為:%n%1%n命令列引數:%n%2 License Activation (slui.exe) failed with the following error code:%n%1%nCommand-line arguments:%n%2
0xC0002008授權擷取失敗詳細資料。%n%1 License acquisition failure details. %n%1
0xC000200D發現權杖存放區已損毀。正在重新建立權杖存放區。%n Token Store found to be corrupt. Recreating Token Store.%n
0xC0002010擷取範本識別碼 %2 的 Genuine 票證失敗 (%1) Acquisition of genuine ticket failed (%1) for template Id %2
0xC0002011應用程式識別碼 %2 的 Genuine 狀態已設定為 非 Genuine (%1) Genuine state set to non-genuine (%1) for application Id %2
0xC0002012更新目前版本的產品金鑰識別碼失敗,錯誤為 %1 Update current edition product key id failed with %1
0xC0002013更新 Windows 授權和產品金鑰權杖失敗,錯誤為 %1。%n%2 Update Windows license and product key tokens failed with %1. %n%2
0xC0002014重設授權狀態失敗,AppId = %2,SkuId = %3 - %4 剩餘的重設授權狀態。錯誤碼: %1 Rearm failed for AppId = %2, SkuId = %3 - %4 Rearms Remaining. Error Code: %1
0xC0002015無法從 Active Directory 抓取啟用物件。%n錯誤碼 = %1%nKMS 識別碼 = %2 Activation Object cannot be retrieved from Active Directory.%nError Code = %1%nKms Id = %2
0xC0002016Active Directory 啟用物件無法使用。%n錯誤碼 = %1%nKMS 識別碼 = %2%nAO 名稱 = %3%nAO DN = %4 Active Directory Activation Object is not usable.%nError Code = %1%nKms Id = %2%nAO Name = %3%nAO DN = %4
0xC0002017Active Directory 啟用失敗。%n錯誤碼 = %1%nSkKU 識別碼 = %2 Active Directory Activation has failed.%nError Code = %1%nSku Id = %2
0xC0003022無法儲放權杖型啟用回應。%1%nSku Id = %2 Failed to deposit Token-based Activation response. %1%nSku Id = %2
0xC0004001無法排程軟體保護服務在 %2 重新啟動。錯誤碼: %1。 Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start at %2. Error Code: %1.
0xC0004003無法執行工作 %2\\%3。錯誤碼: %1。 Failed to run task %2\\%3. Error Code: %1.
0xC0004004PID 的授權更新: %1。 Authorized upgrade for PID: %1.
0xC0004005已順利儲放「舊版正版票證」。 Downlevel Genuine Ticket successfully deposited.
0xC0005001已起始健康情況檢查。%n Health check initiated. %n
0xC0005002健康情況檢查通過。%n Health check passed. %n
0xC0005003偵測到竄改: %n ScanNeutralFiles = %1,ScanMuiFiles: %2 Tamper detected: %n ScanNeutralFiles = %1, ScanMuiFiles: %2
0xC0005004執行健康情況檢查時發生錯誤: %n hr = %1 Error occurred during Health check: %n hr = %1
0xC0005005已起始正版驗證。%n Genuine validation initiated. %n
0xC0005006正版驗證結果: %n hr = %1 Genuine validation result: %n hr = %1
0xC0005007正版驗證失敗: %n hr = %1 Genuine validation failure: %n hr = %1
0xC0005008已開始執行正版驗證資料收集作業。%n Genuine validation data collection started. %n
0xC0005009正版驗證資料收集作業已結束。%n Genuine validation data collection ended. %n


File Name:sppcext.dll.mui
File Size:11 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:10752
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:sppcext
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:sppcext.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is sppcext.dll.mui?

sppcext.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file sppcext.dll (Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll).

File version info

File Description:Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:sppcext
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:sppcext.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200