certreq.exe CertReq.exe 6b6d76fa54ef77e9e7c12e518c664f36

File info

File name: certreq.exe.mui
Size: 17408 byte
MD5: 6b6d76fa54ef77e9e7c12e518c664f36
SHA1: 7627fd967a44a9caecf7fcf5eb97138253dfaefe
SHA256: 78d1c9f0821314ca89a4f8907c3596d7f171b8557fe8fc0bb4b1eb8157c9d62f
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: certreq.exe CertReq.exe (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
500RequestFileIn - Base64-编码 或二进制文件名:
PKCS10 证书申请,
CMS 证书申请,
PKCS7 证书续订申请,
要交叉证明的 X.509 证书,或
KeyGen tag 格式证书申请
RequestFileOut - Base64-编码输出文件名称
PKCS10FileOut - Base64-编码 PKCS10 输出文件名
CertFileOut - Base64-编码 X-509 文件名
CertChainFileOut - Base64-编码 PKCS7 文件名
FullResponseFileOut - Base64-编码全响应文件名
ConfigString - 以反斜线分隔的服务器名和证书
授权机构名: MachineDnsName\CAName
AttributeString - 以冒号分隔的名称和值字符串对
每一对以反斜线和 "n" 分隔
示例: "Name1: Value1
Name2: Value2"
PolicyFileIn - 包含用于限制申请的扩展的文本表示的
INF 文件
RequestFileIn - Base64-encoded or binary input file name:
PKCS10 certificate request,
CMS certificate request,
PKCS7 certificate renewal request,
X.509 certificate to be cross-certified, or
KeyGen tag format certificate request
RequestFileOut - Base64-encoded output file name
PKCS10FileOut - Base64-encoded PKCS10 output file name
CertFileOut - Base64-encoded X-509 file name
CertChainFileOut - Base64-encoded PKCS7 file name
FullResponseFileOut - Base64-encoded Full Response file name
ConfigString - Backslash separated server name and Certification
Authority name: MachineDnsName\CAName
AttributeString - Colon separated Name and Value string pairs
Each pair is separated by a backslash and "n"
Example: "Name1: Value1
Name2: Value2"
PolicyFileIn - INF file containing a textual representation
of extensions used to qualify a request

501X.509 证书(*.cer; *.crt; *.der)|*.cer;*.crt;*.der|所有文件(*.*)|*.*|| X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt; *.der)|*.cer;*.crt;*.der|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
502检索了证书(%ls) %ls Certificate retrieved(%ls) %ls
503保存申请 Save Request
504证书申请错误。 Certificate request Error.
505CertReqApp CertReqApp
506CertReq 应用程序 CertReq Application
507找不到 RequestId 参数 Missing RequestId parameter
CertReq -?
CertReq [-v] -?
CertReq [-Command] -?
CertReq -?
CertReq [-v] -?
CertReq [-Command] -?
509字符串转换失败 -- 内存不足 String conversion failed -- out of memory
520不完整 Incomplete
521错误 Error
522已拒绝 Denied
523已颁发 Issued
524在区外颁发 Issued out of band
525挂起 Pending
526已吊销 Revoked
527??? ???
540没有颁发证书 (%ls) %ls Certificate not issued (%ls) %ls
541证书申请挂起: %ls (%x) Certificate request is pending: %ls (%x)
542证书申请处理程序 Certificate Request Processor
543DecodeFile 返回了 %ls DecodeFile returned %ls
544ConfigGetConfig 返回了 %ls ConfigGetConfig returned %ls
546找不到文件名参数 Missing filename parameter
548没有可用的证书颁发机构 No Certification Authorities available
549证书列表 Certificate List
550列出登记注册代理证书 List Enrollment Registration Agent certificates
551打开 Inf 文件 Open Inf File
552Inf 文件(*.inf)|*.inf|所有文件(*.*)|*.*|| Inf Files (*.inf)|*.inf|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
553inf inf
554你想覆盖下列文件吗? Do you wish to overwrite the following file?
555PKCS #7 (*.p7b)|*.p7b|X.509 证书(*.cer; *.crt; *.der)|*.cer;*.crt;*.der|完全响应(*.rsp)|*.rsp|所有文件(*.*)|*.*|| PKCS #7 (*.p7b)|*.p7b|X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt; *.der)|*.cer;*.crt;*.der|Full Response (*.rsp)|*.rsp|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
556p7b p7b
557保存证书 Save Certificate
558RequestId: %u RequestId: %u
560选择要续订的证书 Select certificate to be renewed
562选择签名证书 Select signing certificate
563CertReq [-%1] [Options] [RequestFileIn [CertFileOut [CertChainFileOut [FullResponseFileOut]]]]
CertReq [-%1] [Options] [RequestFileIn [CertFileOut [CertChainFileOut [FullResponseFileOut]]]]
Submit a request to a Certification Authority.
564-%2 AttributeString
-%24 PolicyServer
-%5 ConfigString
-%27 ClientCertId
-%28 UserName
-%29 Password
-%2 AttributeString
-%24 PolicyServer
-%5 ConfigString
-%27 ClientCertId
-%28 UserName
-%29 Password
565CertReq -%1 [Options] RequestId [CertFileOut [CertChainFileOut [FullResponseFileOut]]]
CertReq -%1 [Options] RequestId [CertFileOut [CertChainFileOut [FullResponseFileOut]]]
Retrieve a response to a previous request from a Certification Authority.
-%24 PolicyServer
-%5 ConfigString
-%27 ClientCertId
-%28 UserName
-%29 Password
-%24 PolicyServer
-%5 ConfigString
-%27 ClientCertId
-%28 UserName
-%29 Password
567CertReq -%1 [Options] [RequestFileIn [PolicyFileIn [RequestFileOut [PKCS10FileOut]]]]
从一个已有的 CA 证书或已有的申请构造交叉
CertReq -%1 [Options] [RequestFileIn [PolicyFileIn [RequestFileOut [PKCS10FileOut]]]]
Construct a cross certification or qualified subordination request
from an existing CA certificate or from an existing request.
568-%2 AttributeString
-%4 CertId
-%24 PolicyServer
-%27 ClientCertId
-%28 UserName
-%29 Password
-%33 Pin
-%23 HashAlgorithm
-%2 AttributeString
-%4 CertId
-%24 PolicyServer
-%27 ClientCertId
-%28 UserName
-%29 Password
-%33 Pin
-%23 HashAlgorithm
569CertReq -%1 [Options] [RequestFileIn [RequestFileOut]]
CertReq -%1 [Options] [RequestFileIn [RequestFileOut]]
Sign a certificate request with an enrollment agent or qualified
subordination signing certificate.
-%4 CertId
-%24 PolicyServer
-%27 ClientCertId
-%28 UserName
-%29 Password
-%33 Pin
-%23 HashAlgorithm
-%4 CertId
-%24 PolicyServer
-%27 ClientCertId
-%28 UserName
-%29 Password
-%33 Pin
-%23 HashAlgorithm
571CertReq -%1 [Options] [PolicyFileIn [RequestFileOut]]
按 PolicyFileIn 创建一个新申请
CertReq -%1 [Options] [PolicyFileIn [RequestFileOut]]
Create a new request as directed by PolicyFileIn
572-%2 AttributeString
-%4 CertId
-%24 PolicyServer
-%5 ConfigString
-%27 ClientCertId
-%28 UserName
-%29 Password
-%33 Pin
-%21 ExchangeCertFile
-%2 AttributeString
-%4 CertId
-%24 PolicyServer
-%5 ConfigString
-%27 ClientCertId
-%28 UserName
-%29 Password
-%33 Pin
-%21 ExchangeCertFile
573CertReq -%1 [Options] [CertChainFileIn | FullResponseFileIn | CertFileIn]
CertReq -%1 [Options] [CertChainFileIn | FullResponseFileIn | CertFileIn]
Accept and install a response to a previous new request.
-%33 Pin
-%33 Pin
强制 ICertRequest::Submit 以确定编码
Force ICertRequest::Submit to determine encoding
576%2 AttributeString
%2 AttributeString
Request attribute string
Output files in binary format instead of Base64-
578%4 CertId
指定用公用名、系列号、sha-1 键或证书哈希
%4 CertId
Specify signing certificate by common name,
serial number, or by sha-1 key or certificate hash
579%5 ConfigString
或用于 https: 连接: 注册服务器 URL
或用于 SCEP 服务器: 服务器名称或 URL
或者为本地计算机 CA 使用一个减号(-)
%5 ConfigString
or for an https: connection: Enrollment Server URL
or for a SCEP server: Server Name or URL
or use a single minus sign (-) for local machine CA
在 CertChainFileOut 或 RequestFileOut 中
包含 CRL
Include CRLs in CertChainFileOut or
Force existing files to be overwritten
Suppress all interactive dialogs
使用 RPC,不使用 DCOM 服务器连接
Use RPC instead of a DCOM server connection
Display full response properties
Display this usage message
Use the Current User context for accepting
a response
Use the Local Machine context for accepting
a response
使用版本 1 界面
Use version 1 interfaces
使用 IDispatch,不使用 COM 本地方法
Use IDispatch instead of COM native methods
590关键 critical
591非关键 non-critical
592保存完整的响应 Save Full Response
593cer cer
594未引用的 INF 节: Unreferenced INF sections:
Use the Key Service to submit the request from
Local System context
596找不到模板。是否仍要继续? Template not found. Do you wish to continue anyway?
597使用选择的选项需要管理员权限。使用管理员命令提示来完成这些任务。 Administrator permissions are needed to use the selected options. Use an administrator command prompt to complete these tasks.
598参数太多 Too many arguments
599命令行 Command Line
600命令状态 Command Status
601命令成功 Command Succeeded
602CertReq -%1 [选项]
启动 Enroll-On-Behalf-Of 向导。
CertReq -%1 [Options]
Start the Enroll-On-Behalf-Of wizard.
603CertReq -%1 [Options]
CertReq -%1 [Options]
Enroll for multiple certificates.
605CertReq -%1 [选项] TemplateName
CertReq -%1 -%4 CertId [选项] %18 [%19]
CertReq -%1 [Options] TemplateName
CertReq -%1 -%4 CertId [Options] %18 [%19]
Enroll for or renew a certificate.
606-%24 PolicyServer
-%33 Pin
-%24 PolicyServer
-%33 Pin
607CertReq -%1 [Options]
启动自动注册 U/I。
CertReq -%1 [Options]
Start Auto-Enroll U/I.
609CertReq -%1 [Options]
CertReq -%1 [Options]
Create a custom request.
611用户上下文模板与计算机上下文冲突。 User context template conflicts with machine context.
612计算机上下文模板与用户上下文冲突。 Machine context template conflicts with user context.
613需要 %1 参数 Expected %1 argument
614丢失 %1 的参数操作数 Missing argument operand for %1
615不需要的参数: %1 Unexpected argument: %1
616未知参数: %1 Unknown argument: %1
617冲突参数: %1 Conflicting commands: %1
618找不到 RequestID 参数 Missing RequestId argument
619找不到输入文件名 Missing input filename
620找不到输出文件名 Missing output filename
621已禁用 Disabled
Do not filter signing certificate selection by
Enhanced Key Usage
623%21 ExchangeCertFile
包含 CA 加密证书的文件
%21 ExchangeCertFile
File containing the CA encryption certificate
to be used to archive the private key
624打开文件对话框错误: %ws Open File dialog error: %ws
625保存文件对话框错误: %ws Save File dialog error: %ws
626正在搜索私钥... Searching for private key...
627正在使用临时密钥签名 Signing with temporary key
Use alternate signature algorithm
629%23 HashAlgorithm
%23 HashAlgorithm
Use the specified hash algorithm
630%24 PolicyServer
策略服务器 URL 或 Id
或者使用星号(*)通过 U/I 进行选择
%24 PolicyServer
Policy Server URL or Id
or use an asterisk (*) to select via U/I
631注册策略服务器列表 Enrollment Policy Server List
632选择策略服务器 Select Policy Server
633默认 Default
634证书颁发机构列表 Certification Authority List
635选择证书颁发机构 Select Certification Authority
637颁发的证书 Issued Certificate
639选择客户端身份验证证书 Select client authentication certificate
Submit a renewal request on behalf of the subject
identified in the signing certificate
641序列号 Serial Number
642密钥容器名称 Key Container Name
643RequestId:“%ws” RequestId: "%ws"
644匿名 Anonymous
645Kerberos Kerberos
646证书 Certificate
647用户名 Username
648续订 Renewal
649未知 Unknown
以 Unicode 写入重定向输出
Write redirected output in Unicode
以 Unicode 写入输出文件
Write output file in Unicode
Don't process key attestation challenge
653已创建并安装证书 Certificate Created and Installed
654已创建证书 Certificate Created
655已创建请求 Request Created
656事务 ID Transaction Id
657密钥 ID Key Id
658友好名称 Friendly Name
659指纹 Thumbprint
660CertReq -%1 [Options] [KeyContainerName]
注册 AIK 证书。
CertReq -%1 [Options] [KeyContainerName]
Enroll for AIK certificate.
662CertReq -%1 [Options] PFXFile [Provider [Reader [ContainerPrefix [FriendlyName [Flags]]]]]
将 PFX 导入指定的提供程序。
CertReq -%1 [Options] PFXFile [Provider [Reader [ContainerPrefix [FriendlyName [Flags]]]]]
Import PFX to specified provider.
-%29 密码
-%33 Pin
-%15 | -%16
-%29 Password
-%33 Pin
-%15 | -%16
664导入的证书 Imported Certificates
666使用者 Subject
668安装的证书 Installed Certificate
669新证书 New Certificate
670CertReq -%1 [Options] TemplateName [ExtensionInfFile]
注册计算机 Credential Guard 证书。
CertReq -%1 [Options] TemplateName [ExtensionInfFile]
Enroll for machine account Credential Guard certificate.
672模板是必需的,但找不到。 A template is required, but was not found.
673CertReq -%1 [Options] TemplateName [ExtensionInfFile]
注意: 此平台不支持注册计算机帐户 Credential Guard 证书。
CertReq -%1 [Options] TemplateName [ExtensionInfFile]
NOTE: Enrolling for machine account Credential Guard certificate is not supported on this platform.
Not supported on this platform
675CertReq -%1 [Options]
通过 ADFS 注册 Hello 企业版登录证书。
CertReq -%1 [Options]
Enroll for Hello for Business Logon certificate via ADFS.
677现有证书 Existing Certificate
678证书未更改 Certificate is unchanged
900用户 User
901通过身份验证的会话 Authenticated Session
902智能卡登录 Smartcard Logon
903基本 EFS Basic EFS
904系统管理员 Administrator
905EFS 恢复代理 EFS Recovery Agent
906代码签名 Code Signing
907信任列表签名 Trust List Signing
908计算机 Computer
909域控制器 Domain Controller
910Web 服务器 Web Server
912根证书颁发机构 Root Certification Authority
913从属证书颁发机构 Subordinate Certification Authority
914注册代理 Enrollment Agent
915智能卡用户 Smartcard User
917仅用户签名 User Signature Only
919INF 文件中下面的键的值不正确。它应该是一个非零的数值。 The value for the following key is incorrect in the INF file. It should be a non-zero numeric value.
923IPSec IPSec
924CAPolicy.inf 中 RenewalValidityPeriodUnits 的值不正确。它应该是一个非零的数值。 The value for RenewalValidityPeriodUnits is incorrect in CAPolicy.inf. It should be a non-zero numeric value.
925IPSec (脱机申请) IPSec (Offline request)
926CAPolicy.inf 中 RenewalValidityPeriod 的值不正确。它应该是下列之一: 年,月,星期或天(英文)。 The value for RenewalValidityPeriod is incorrect in CAPolicy.inf. It should be one of the following: Years, Months, Weeks or Days (in English).
927路由器(脱机请求) Router (Offline request)
928req req
929打开申请文件 Open Request File
930请求文件(*.req; *.txt; *.cmc; *.der)|*.req;*.txt;*.cmc;*.der|证书文件(*.cer; *.crt; *.der)|*.cer;*.crt;*.der|所有文件(*.*)|*.*|| Request Files (*.req; *.txt; *.cmc; *.der)|*.req;*.txt;*.cmc;*.der|Certificate Files(*.cer; *.crt; *.der)|*.cer;*.crt;*.der|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
931请输入计算机名。 Please enter a computer name.
932请确保计算机上有一个正在运行的 CA。 Please make sure there is a running CA on the computer.
933在此计算机上没有匹配的 CA。这可能是由于计算机处于脱机状态。请与系统管理员联系,或者选择其他 CA。 There is no matched CA on the computer. This might be caused by the computer being offline. Please contact the system administrator or select a different CA.
934无法 ping 所选的 CA。请确定 CA 正在运行。 Cannot ping the selected CA. Please make sure the CA is running.
935交换注册代理(脱机请求) Exchange Enrollment Agent (Offline request)
936Exchange 用户 Exchange User
937仅 Exchange 签名 Exchange Signature Only
938没有已发布的证书颁发机构可用。请与系统管理员联系,或者根据名称选择一个证书颁发机构。 There are no published CAs available. Please contact the system administrator or select a CA by name.
939注册代理(计算机) Enrollment Agent (Computer)
940保存申请文件 Save Request File
941CEP 加密 CEP Encryption
942建立了策略 Built Policy
943策略元素 Policy Element
944策略语句扩展 Policy Statement Extension
945策略 inf 缺少节或键 Policy inf missing section or key
946打开了策略 inf Opened Policy inf
947无法打开策略 inf Cannot open Policy inf
948开始 Begin
949结束 End
950管理 CA Manage CA
951颁发和管理证书 Issue and Manage Certificates
952管理审核日志 Manage Audit Logs
953备份和还原 Backup and Restore
954读取 Read
955请求证书 Request Certificates
964关闭策略 inf Closed Policy inf
965消息框 Message Box
966在无人参与的应答文件中 RenewalValidityPeriod 的值不正确。它应该是下列之一: 年,月,星期或天(英文)。 The value for RenewalValidityPeriod is incorrect in unattended answer file. It should be one of the following: Years, Months, Weeks or Days (in English).
967密钥恢复代理 Key Recovery Agent
968CA 交换 CA Exchange
969970 交叉证书颁发机构 970 Cross Certification Authority
971域控制器身份验证 Domain Controller Authentication
972目录电子邮件复制 Directory Email Replication
你将此 Web 客户端配置为将请求转发到一个企业 CA。如果此 CA 使用企业默认策略模块,此计算机必须启用委派并使用 Kerberos 身份验证。若要启用委派,请参阅“允许计算机帐户被信任为委派”帮助主题。

You have configured this Web client to forward requests to an enterprise CA. If the CA is using the enterprise default policy module, this computer must have delegation enabled and use Kerberos authentication. To enable delegation, see 'Allow computer accounts to be trusted for delegation' help topic.
976无法配置 Web 客户端向选择的 CA 转发请求。 The Web client cannot be configured to forward requests to the selected CA.
977下列密钥的值在 INF 文件中是不正确的。它应该是一个布尔值(Yes/No/True/False/0/1)。 The value for the following key is incorrect in the INF file. It should be a boolean value (Yes/No/True/False/0/1).
978工作站身份验证 Workstation Authentication
979RAS 和 IAS 服务器 RAS and IAS Server
980低确定性 Low Assurance
981中确定性 Medium Assurance
982高确定性 High Assurance
983OCSP 响应签名 OCSP Response Signing
984Kerberos 身份验证 Kerberos Authentication
1002交叉验证的证书颁发机构 Cross-certified certification authority
1003证书颁发机构(CA) Certification authority (CA)
1007Active Directory KRA Active Directory KRA
1008Active Directory AIA Active Directory AIA
1009已登录的用户 Logged on user
1010本地系统 Local system
1011用户名/密码 username/password
1013Windows 集成 windows integrated
1016凭据为专用凭据 credential is private


File Name:certreq.exe.mui
File Size:17 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:CertReq.exe
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:CertReq.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:CertReq.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is certreq.exe.mui?

certreq.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file certreq.exe (CertReq.exe).

File version info

File Description:CertReq.exe
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:CertReq.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:CertReq.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200