fwpuclnt.dll.mui FWP/IPsec API i brugertilstand 6a9185d1872918224d252af770563f9c

File info

File name: fwpuclnt.dll.mui
Size: 132096 byte
MD5: 6a9185d1872918224d252af770563f9c
SHA1: 1d538b1bc9baf794fe487162d174613f9a7c719c
SHA256: 5bc31f64dca6e5d161e3845ff8992b18adaf05705f9aa2f5bf52a81c5176c060
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Danish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Danish English
1WFPv4 WFPv4
3WFPv4 er det sæt Windows Filtering Platform-tællere, der anvendes til trafik og forbindelser over Internet Protocol version 4. WFPv4 is the set of Windows Filtering Platform counters that apply to traffic and connections over Internet Protocol version 4.
5Afviste indgående pakker pr. sek. Inbound Packets Discarded/sec
6Inbound Packets Discarded/sec Inbound Packets Discarded/sec
7Afviste indgående pakker pr. sekund er den hastighed, hvormed indgående pakker afvises af Windows Filtering Platform. Inbound Packets Discarded per Second is the rate at which inbound packets are discarded by the Windows Filtering Platform.
9Afviste udgående pakker pr. sek. Outbound Packets Discarded/sec
10Outbound Packets Discarded/sec Outbound Packets Discarded/sec
11Afviste udgående pakker pr. sek. er den hastighed, hvormed udgående pakker afvises af Windows Filtering Platform. Outbound Packets Discarded per Second is the rate at which outbound packets are discarded by the Windows Filtering Platform.
13Afviste pakker pr. sek. Packets Discarded/sec
14Packets Discarded/sec Packets Discarded/sec
15Afviste pakker pr. sek. er den hastighed, hvormed det samlede antal indgående og udgående pakker afvises af Windows Filtering Platform. Packets Discarded per Second is the rate at which the total of inbound and outbound packets are discarded by the Windows Filtering Platform.
17Blokerede bindinger Blocked Binds
18Blocked Binds Blocked Binds
19Blokerede bindinger er det antal anmodninger om netværksressourcetildeling, der er blevet blokeret af Windows Filtering Platform, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Blocked Binds is the number of network resource assignment requests blocked by the Windows Filtering Platform since the computer was last started.
21Blokerede indgående forbindelser pr. sek. Inbound Connections Blocked/sec
22Inbound Connections Blocked/sec Inbound Connections Blocked/sec
23Blokerede indgående forbindelser pr. sek. er den hastighed, hvormed indgående forbindelser blokeres af Windows Filtering Platform. Inbound Connections Blocked per Second is the rate at which inbound connections are being blocked by the Windows Filtering Platform.
25Blokerede udgående forbindelser pr. sek. Outbound Connections Blocked/sec
26Outbound Connections Blocked/sec Outbound Connections Blocked/sec
27Blokerede udgående forbindelser pr. sek. er den hastighed, hvormed udgående forbindelser blokeres af Windows Filtering Platform. Outbound Connections Blocked per Second is the rate at which outbound connections are being blocked by the Windows Filtering Platform.
29Tilladte indgående forbindelser pr. sek. Inbound Connections Allowed/sec
30Inbound Connections Allowed/sec Inbound Connections Allowed/sec
31Tilladte indgående forbindelser pr. sek. er den hastighed, hvormed indgående forbindelser tillades af Windows Filtering Platform. Inbound Connections Allowed per Second is the rate at which inbound connections are being allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform.
33Tilladte udgående forbindelser pr. sek. Outbound Connections Allowed/sec
34Outbound Connections Allowed/sec Outbound Connections Allowed/sec
35Tilladte udgående forbindelser pr. sek. er den hastighed, hvormed udgående forbindelser tillades af Windows Filtering Platform. Outbound Connections Allowed per Second is the rate at which outbound connections are being allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform.
37Indgående forbindelser Inbound Connections
38Inbound Connections Inbound Connections
39Indgående forbindelser er det antal indgående forbindelser, der er blevet tilladt af Windows Filtering Platform, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Inbound Connections is the number of inbound connections allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform since the computer was last started.
41Udgående forbindelser Outbound Connections
42Outbound Connections Outbound Connections
43Udgående forbindelser er det antal udgående forbindelser, der er blevet tilladt af Windows Filtering Platform, siden computeren sidst blev startet Outbound Connections is the number of outbound connections allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform since the computer was last started.
45Aktive indgående forbindelser Active Inbound Connections
46Active Inbound Connections Active Inbound Connections
47Aktive indgående forbindelser er det antal nuværende forbindelser, der tillades af Windows Filtering Platform. Active Inbound Connections is the number of current inbound connections allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform.
49Aktive udgående forbindelser Active Outbound Connections
50Active Outbound Connections Active Outbound Connections
51Aktive udgående forbindelser er det antal nuværende udgående forbindelser, der tillades af Windows Filtering Platform. Active Outbound Connections is the number of current outbound connections allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform.
53Tilladte klassificeringer pr. sek. Allowed Classifies/sec
54Allowed Classifies/sec Allowed Classifies/sec
55Tilladte klassificeringer pr. sek. er hastigheden på Windows Filtering Platform-evalueringer af sikkerhedsregler, der tillader netværksaktivitet. Allowed Classifies per Second is the rate of Windows Filtering Platform security rule evaluations which allow network activity.
57WFPv6 WFPv6
59WFPv6 er det sæt Windows Filtering Platform-tæller, der anvendes til trafik og forbindelser over Internet Protocol version 6. WFPv6 is the set of Windows Filtering Platform counters that apply to traffic and connections over Internet Protocol version 6.
63Afviste indgående pakker pr. sekund er den hastighed, som indgående pakker afvises med af Windows Filtering Platform. Inbound Packets Discarded per Second is the rate at which inbound packets are discarded by the Windows Filtering Platform.
65Afviste udgående pakker pr. sekund Outbound Packets Discarded/sec
67Afviste udgående pakker pr. sekund er den hastighed, som udgående pakker afvises med af Windows Filtering Platform. Outbound Packets Discarded per Second is the rate at which outbound packets are discarded by the Windows Filtering Platform.
69Afviste pakker pr. sekund Packets Discarded/sec
71Afviste pakker pr. sekund er den hastighed, som det samlede antal indgående og udgående pakker afvises med af Windows Filtering Platform. Packets Discarded per Second is the rate at which the total of inbound and outbound packets are discarded by the Windows Filtering Platform.
75Blokerede bindinger er det antal anmodninger om tildeling af netværksressourcer, der er blevet blokeret af Windows Filtering Platform, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Blocked Binds is the number of network resource assignment requests blocked by the Windows Filtering Platform since the computer was last started.
77Blokerede indgående forbindelser pr. sekund Inbound Connections Blocked/sec
79Blokerede indgående forbindelser pr. sekund er den hastighed, som indgående forbindelser blokeres med af Windows Filtering Platform. Inbound Connections Blocked per Second is the rate at which inbound connections are being blocked by the Windows Filtering Platform.
81Blokerede udgående forbindelser pr. sekund Outbound Connections Blocked/sec
83Blokerede udgående forbindelser pr. sekund er den hastighed, som udgående forbindelser blokeres med af Windows Filtering Platform. Outbound Connections Blocked per Second is the rate at which outbound connections are being blocked by the Windows Filtering Platform.
85Tilladte indgående forbindelser pr. sekund Inbound Connections Allowed/sec
87Tilladte indgående forbindelser pr. sekund er den hastighed, som indgående forbindelser tillades med af Windows Filtering Platform. Inbound Connections Allowed per Second is the rate at which inbound connections are being allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform.
89Tilladte udgående forbindelser pr. sekund Outbound Connections Allowed/sec
91Tilladte udgående forbindelser pr. sekund er den hastighed, som udgående forbindelser tillades med af Windows Filtering Platform. Outbound Connections Allowed per Second is the rate at which outbound connections are being allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform.
109Tilladte klassificeringer pr. sekund Allowed Classifies/sec
111Tilladte klassificeringer pr. sekund er hastigheden på Windows Filtering Platform-evalueringer af sikkerhedsregler, der tillader netværksaktivitet. Allowed Classifies per Second is the rate of Windows Filtering Platform security rule evaluations which allow network activity.
115WFP er det sæt af Windows Filtering Platform-tællere, der ikke gælder for en specifik IP-version. WFP is the set of Windows Filtering Platform counters that do not apply to any specific Internet Protocol version.
117Providerantal Provider Count
118Provider Count Provider Count
119Providerantal er det antal providere, der er registreret i Windows Filtering Platform. Provider Count is the number of providers registered with the Windows Filtering Platform.
121IPsec-driver IPsec Driver
122IPsec Driver IPsec Driver
123IPsec-driver er det sæt IPsec-drivertællere (Internet Protocol Security), der anvendes ved trafik via Internet Protocol version 4 og Internet Protocol version 6. IPsec Driver is the set of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) driver counters that apply to traffic over Internet Protocol version 4 and Internet Protocol version 6.
125Aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger Active Security Associations
126Active Security Associations Active Security Associations
127Aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger er antallet af aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i hurtigtilstand. Active Security Associations is the number of active quick mode security associations.
129Ventende sikkerhedstilknytninger Pending Security Associations
130Pending Security Associations Pending Security Associations
131Ventende sikkerhedstilknytninger er antallet af ventende sikkerhedstilknytninger i hurtigtilstand. Pending Security Associations is the number of pending quick mode security associations.
133Forkerte SPI-pakker Incorrect SPI Packets
134Incorrect SPI Packets Incorrect SPI Packets
135Forkerte SPI-pakker er det antal pakker, som havde et forkert SPI (Security Parameters Index), siden computeren sidst blev startet. Et stort antal pakker med forkerte SPI'er inden for et kort tidsrum kan indikere et angreb af pakkeforfalskning. Incorrect SPI packets is the number of packets for which the Security Parameter Index (SPI) was incorrect since the computer was last started. A large number of packets with bad SPIs within a short amount of time might indicate a packet spoofing attack.
137Forkerte SPI-pakker pr. sekund Incorrect SPI Packets/sec
138Incorrect SPI Packets/sec Incorrect SPI Packets/sec
139Forkerte SPI-pakker pr. sekund er hastigheden for pakker, som havde et forkert SPI (Security Parameters Index), siden computeren sidst blev startet. Et stort antal pakker med forkerte SPI'er inden for et kort tidsrum kan indikere et angreb af pakkeforfalskning. Incorrect SPI packets per Second is the rate of packets for which the Security Parameter Index (SPI) was incorrect since the computer was last started. A large number of packets with bad SPIs within a short amount of time might indicate a packet spoofing attack.
141Modtagne byte i tunneltilstand pr. sekund Bytes Received in Tunnel Mode/sec
142Bytes Received in Tunnel Mode/sec Bytes Received in Tunnel Mode/sec
143Modtagne byte i tunneltilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, byte modtages med i tunneltilstand. Bytes Received in Tunnel Mode per Second is the rate of bytes received using tunnel mode.
145Byte sendt i tunneltilstand pr. sekund Bytes Sent in Tunnel Mode/sec
146Bytes Sent in Tunnel Mode/sec Bytes Sent in Tunnel Mode/sec
147Byte sendt i tunneltilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, byte sendes med i tunneltilstand. Bytes Sent in Tunnel Mode per Second is the rate of bytes sent using tunnel mode.
149Bytes Received in Transport Mode/sec Bytes Received in Transport Mode/sec
151Byte modtaget i transporttilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, byte modtages med i transporttilstand. Bytes Received in Transport Mode per Second is the rate of bytes received using transport mode.
153Byte sendt i transporttilstand pr. sekund Bytes Sent in Transport Mode/sec
154Bytes Sent in Transport Mode/sec Bytes Sent in Transport Mode/sec
155Byte sendt i transporttilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, byte sendes med i transporttilstand. Bytes Sent in Transport Mode per Second is the rate of bytes sent using transport mode.
157Aflastede sikkerhedstilknytninger Offloaded Security Associations
158Offloaded Security Associations Offloaded Security Associations
159Aflastede sikkerhedstilknytninger er det antal aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i hurtigtilstand, der aflastes til hardware. Nogle netværkskort kan accelerere IPsec-behandling ved at udføre hardwareaflastning af kryptografiske IPsec-funktioner. Offloaded Security Associations is the number of active quick mode security associations offloaded to hardware. Certain network adapters can accelerate IPsec processing by performing hardware offload of IPsec cryptographic functions.
161Aflastede byte modtaget pr. sekund Offloaded Bytes Received/sec
162Offloaded Bytes Received/sec Offloaded Bytes Received/sec
163Aflastede byte modtaget pr. sekund er den hastighed, byte modtages med ved hjælp af IPsec-hardwareaflastning. Nogle netværkskort kan accelerere IPsec-behandling ved at udføre hardwareaflastning af kryptografiske IPsec-funktioner. Offloaded Bytes Received per Second is the rate of bytes received using IPsec hardware offload. Certain network adapters can accelerate IPsec processing by performing hardware offload of IPsec cryptographic functions.
165Aflastede byte sendt pr. sekund Offloaded Bytes Sent/sec
166Offloaded Bytes Sent/sec Offloaded Bytes Sent/sec
167Aflastede byte sendt pr. sekund er den hastighed, byte sendes med ved hjælp af IPsec-hardwareaflastning. Nogle netværkskort kan accelerere IPsec-behandling ved at udføre hardwareaflastning af kryptografiske IPsec-funktioner. Offloaded Bytes Sent per Second is the rate of bytes sent using IPsec hardware offload. Certain network adapters can accelerate IPsec processing by performing hardware offload of IPsec cryptographic functions.
169Pakker med fejl i sporing af genafspilning Packets That Failed Replay Detection
170Packets That Failed Replay Detection Packets That Failed Replay Detection
171Pakker med fejl i sporing af genafspilning er det antal pakker, der indeholdt et ugyldigt sekvensnummer, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Hvis dette antal øges, kan det indikere et netværksproblem eller et genafspilningsangreb. Packets That Failed Replay Detection is the number of packets that contained an invalid sequence number since the computer was last started. Increases in this counter might indicate a network problem or replay attack.
173Pakker med fejl i sporing af genafspilning pr. sekund Packets That Failed Replay Detection/sec
174Packets That Failed Replay Detection/sec Packets That Failed Replay Detection/sec
175Pakker med fejl i sporing af genafspilning pr. sekund er det antal pakker, der indeholdt et ugyldigt sekvensnummer, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Hvis dette antal øges, kan det indikere et netværksproblem eller et genafspilningsangreb. Packets That Failed Replay Detection per Second is the rate of packets that contained an invalid sequence number since the computer was last started. Increases in this counter might indicate a network problem or replay attack.
177Ikke-godkendte pakker Packets Not Authenticated
178Packets Not Authenticated Packets Not Authenticated
179Ikke-godkendte pakker er det antal pakker, som data ikke kunne godkendes for (hvor integritets-hashbekræftelsen ikke blev udført), siden computeren sidst blev startet. Hvis dette antal øges, kan det indikere et angreb af IPsec-pakkeforfalskning eller et ændringsangreb eller pakkebeskadigelse forårsaget af netværksenheder. Packets Not Authenticated is the number of packets for which data could not be verified (for which the integrity hash verification failed) since the computer was last started. Increases in this counter might indicate an IPsec packet spoofing or modification attack, or packet corruption by network devices.
181Ikke-godkendte pakker pr. sekund Packets Not Authenticated/sec
182Packets Not Authenticated/sec Packets Not Authenticated/sec
183Ikke-godkendte pakker pr. sekund er det antal pakker, som data ikke kunne godkendes for (hvor integritets-hashbekræftelsen ikke blev udført), siden computeren sidst blev startet. Hvis dette antal øges, kan det indikere IPsec-pakkeforfalskning eller et ændringsangreb eller pakkebeskadigelse forårsaget af netværksenheder. Packets Not Authenticated per Second is the rate of packets for which data could not be verified (for which the integrity hash verification failed) since the computer was last started. Increases in this counter might indicate an IPsec packet spoofing or modification attack, or packet corruption by network devices.
185Pakker, der ikke er dekrypteret Packets Not Decrypted
186Packets Not Decrypted Packets Not Decrypted
187Pakker, der ikke er dekrypteret, er det antal pakker, der ikke kunne dekrypteres, siden computeren sidst blev startet. En pakke kan muligvis ikke dekrypteres, hvis den ikke kan valideres. Packets Not Decrypted is the number of packets that could not be decrypted since the computer was last started. A packet might not be decrypted if it fails a validation check.
189Pakker, der ikke er dekrypteret, pr. sekund Packets Not Decrypted/sec
190Packets Not Decrypted/sec Packets Not Decrypted/sec
191Pakker, der ikke er dekrypteret, pr. sekund er det antal pakker, der ikke kunne dekrypteres, siden computeren sidst blev startet. En pakke kan muligvis ikke dekrypteres, hvis den ikke kan valideres. Packets Not Decrypted per Second is the rate of packets that could not be decrypted since the computer was last started. A packet might not be decrypted if it fails a validation check.
193Nøglefornyelser for sikkerhedstilknytninger SA Rekeys
194SA Rekeys SA Rekeys
195Nøglefornyelser for sikkerhedstilknytninger er antallet af gennemførte nøglefornyelser for sikkerhedstilknytninger i hurtigtilstand, siden computeren sidst blev genstartet. SA Rekeys is the number of successful rekey operations for quick mode security associations since the computer was last started.
197Tilføjede sikkerhedstilknytninger Security Associations Added
198Security Associations Added Security Associations Added
199Tilføjede sikkerhedstilknytninger er det antal sikkerhedstilknytninger, der er tilføjet, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Security Associations Added is the number of security associations added since the computer was last started.
201Pakker med fejl i ESP-validering Packets That Failed ESP Validation
202Packets That Failed ESP Validation Packets That Failed ESP Validation
203Pakker med fejl i ESP-validering er det antal modtagne pakker, som ESP-validering ikke kunne udføres for, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Packets That Failed ESP Validation is the number of packets received that failed ESP validation since the computer was last started.
205Pakker med fejl i ESP-validering pr. sekund Packets That Failed ESP Validation/sec
206Packets That Failed ESP Validation/sec Packets That Failed ESP Validation/sec
207Pakker med fejl i ESP-validering pr. sekund er det modtagne antal pakker, som ESP-validering ikke kunne udføres for, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Packets That Failed ESP Validation per Second is the rate of packets received that failed ESP validation since the computer was last started.
209Pakker med fejl i UDP-ESP-validering Packets That Failed UDP-ESP Validation
210Packets That Failed UDP-ESP Validation Packets That Failed UDP-ESP Validation
211Pakker med fejl i UDP-ESP-validering er det antal modtagne pakker, som UDP-ESP-validering (bruges til NAT-traversal) ikke kunne udføres for, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Packets That Failed UDP-ESP Validation is the number of packets received that failed UDP-ESP validation (used for NAT traversal) since the computer was last started.
213Pakker med fejl i UDP-ESP-validering pr. sekund Packets That Failed UDP-ESP Validation/sec
214Packets That Failed UDP-ESP Validation/sec Packets That Failed UDP-ESP Validation/sec
215Pakker med fejl i UDP-ESP-validering pr. sekund er det modtagne antal pakker, som UDP-ESP-validering (bruges til NAT-passage) ikke kunne udføres for, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Packets That Failed UDP-ESP Validation per Second is the rate of packets received that failed UDP-ESP validation (used for NAT traversal) since the computer was last started.
217Pakker modtaget via forkert sikkerhedstilknytning Packets Received Over Wrong SA
218Packets Received Over Wrong SA Packets Received Over Wrong SA
219Pakker modtaget via forkert sikkerhedstilknytning er det antal pakker, der er modtaget af via den forkerte sikkerhedstilknytning, siden computeren sidst blev genstartet. Packets Received Over Wrong SA is the number of packets received over the wrong security association since the computer was last started.
221Pakker modtaget via forkert sikkerhedstilknytning pr. sekund Packets Received Over Wrong SA/sec
222Packets Received Over Wrong SA/sec Packets Received Over Wrong SA/sec
223Pakker modtaget via forkert sikkerhedstilknytning pr. sekund er det antal pakker, der er modtaget via den forkerte sikkerhedstilknytning, siden computeren sidst blev genstartet. Packets Received Over Wrong SA per Second is the rate of packets received over the wrong security association since the computer was last started.
225Modtagne pakker med almindelig tekst Plaintext Packets Received
226Plaintext Packets Received Plaintext Packets Received
227Modtagne pakker med almindelig tekst er det antal pakker med almindelig tekst, der er modtaget, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Plaintext Packets Received is the number of clear text packets received since the computer was last started.
229Modtagne pakker med almindelig tekst pr. sekund Plaintext Packets Received/sec
230Plaintext Packets Received/sec Plaintext Packets Received/sec
231Modtagne pakker med almindelig tekst pr. sekund er det antal pakker med almindelig tekst, der er modtaget, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Plaintext Packets Received per Second is the rate of clear text packets received since the computer was last started.
233Samlet antal indgående pakker modtaget Total Inbound Packets Received
234Total Inbound Packets Received Total Inbound Packets Received
235Samlet antal indgående pakker modtaget er det samlede antal indgående pakker, der er behandlet af IPsec, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Total Inbound Packets Received is the total number of inbound packets successfully processed by IPsec, since the computer was last started.
237Indgående pakker modtaget pr. sekund Inbound Packets Received/sec
238Inbound Packets Received/sec Inbound Packets Received/sec
239Indgående pakker modtaget pr. sekund er det antal indgående pakker, der er behandlet af IPsec. Inbound Packets Received per Second is the rate of inbound packets successfully processed by IPsec.
241Samlet antal indgående anbragte pakker Total Inbound Packets Dropped
242Total Inbound Packets Dropped Total Inbound Packets Dropped
243Samlet antal indgående anbragte pakker er det samlede antal pakker, der er anbragt af IPsec, siden computeren sidst blev startet. Total Inbound Packets Dropped is the total number of inbound packets dropped by IPsec, since the computer was last started.
245Indgående anbragte pakker pr. sekund Inbound Packets Dropped/sec
246Inbound Packets Dropped/sec Inbound Packets Dropped/sec
247Indgående anbragte pakker pr. sekund er det antal indgående pakker, der er anbragt af IPsec. Inbound Packets Dropped per Second is the rate of inbound packets dropped by IPsec.
249IPsec IKEv1 IPv4 IPsec IKEv1 IPv4
251IPsec IKEv1 IPv4 er det sæt IPsec-tællere (Internet Protocol Security) for IKEv1 (Internet Key Exchange Version 1), der anvendes på trafik og forbindelser via Internet Protocol version 4. IPsec IKEv1 IPv4 is the set of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) counters that apply to traffic and connections over Internet Protocol version 4.
253Aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i hovedtilstand Active Main Mode SAs
254Active Main Mode SAs Active Main Mode SAs
255Aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i hovedtilstand er antallet af aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i hovedtilstand. Active Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations.
257Ventende forhandlinger i hovedtilstand Pending Main Mode Negotiations
258Pending Main Mode Negotiations Pending Main Mode Negotiations
259Ventende forhandlinger i hovedtilstand er antallet af ventende forhandlinger i hovedtilstand. Pending Main Mode Negotiations is the number of pending main mode negotiations.
261Forhandlinger i hovedtilstand Main Mode Negotiations
262Main Mode Negotiations Main Mode Negotiations
263Forhandlinger i hovedtilstand er antallet af forhandlinger i hovedtilstand, der er blevet forsøgt, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Main Mode Negotiations is the number of main mode negotiations attempted since IPsec was last started.
265Forhandlinger i hovedtilstand pr. sekund Main Mode Negotiations/sec
266Main Mode Negotiations/sec Main Mode Negotiations/sec
267Forhandlinger i hovedtilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, forhandlinger i hovedtilstand bliver forsøgt med. Main Mode Negotiations per Second is the rate at which main mode negotiations are being attempted.
269Gennemførte forhandlinger i hovedtilstand Successful Main Mode Negotiations
270Successful Main Mode Negotiations Successful Main Mode Negotiations
271Gennemførte forhandlinger i hovedtilstand er antallet af gennemførte forhandlinger i hovedtilstand, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Successful Main Mode Negotiations is the number of main mode negotiations completed since IPsec was last started.
273Gennemførte forhandlinger i hovedtilstand pr. sekund Successful Main Mode Negotiations/sec
274Successful Main Mode Negotiations/sec Successful Main Mode Negotiations/sec
275Gennemførte forhandlinger i hovedtilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, forhandlinger i hovedtilstand bliver gennemført med. Successful Main Mode Negotiations per Second is the rate of main mode negotiations completed.
277Failed Main Mode Negotiations Failed Main Mode Negotiations
279Mislykkede forhandlinger i hovedtilstand er antallet af forhandlinger i hovedtilstand, der er mislykkedes, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Failed Main Mode Negotiations is the number of failed main mode negotiations since IPsec was last started.
281Mislykkede forhandlinger i hovedtilstand pr. sekund Failed Main Mode Negotiations/sec
282Failed Main Mode Negotiations/sec Failed Main Mode Negotiations/sec
283Mislykkede forhandlinger i hovedtilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, forhandlinger i hovedtilstand mislykkes med. Failed Main Mode Negotiations per Second is the rate of failed main mode negotiations.
285Antal modtagne anmodninger om forhandlinger i hovedtilstand Main Mode Negotiation Requests Received
286Main Mode Negotiation Requests Received Main Mode Negotiation Requests Received
287Antal modtagne anmodninger om forhandlinger i hovedtilstand er antallet af forhandlinger i hovedtilstand, der er blevet påbegyndt af en peer, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Main Mode Negotiation Requests Received is the number of main mode negotiations initiated by a peer since IPsec was last started.
289Antal modtagne anmodninger om forhandlinger i hovedtilstand pr. sekund Main Mode Negotiation Requests Received/sec
290Main Mode Negotiation Requests Received/sec Main Mode Negotiation Requests Received/sec
291Antal modtagne anmodninger om forhandlinger i hovedtilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, forhandlinger i hovedtilstand startes af en peer med. Main Mode Negotiation Requests Received per Second is the rate of main mode negotiations initiated by a peer.
293Aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i hurtigtilstand Active Quick Mode SAs
294Active Quick Mode SAs Active Quick Mode SAs
295Aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i hurtigtilstand er antallet af aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i hurtigtilstand. Active Quick Mode SAs is the number of currently active quick mode security associations.
297Ventende forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand Pending Quick Mode Negotiations
298Pending Quick Mode Negotiations Pending Quick Mode Negotiations
299Ventende forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand er antallet af ventende forhandlinger i hovedtilstand. Pending Quick Mode Negotiations is the number of pending quick mode negotiations.
301Forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand Quick Mode Negotiations
302Quick Mode Negotiations Quick Mode Negotiations
303Forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand er antallet af forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand, der er blevet forsøgt, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Quick Mode Negotiations is the number of quick mode negotiations attempted since IPsec was last started.
305Forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand pr. sekund Quick Mode Negotiations/sec
306Quick Mode Negotiations/sec Quick Mode Negotiations/sec
307Forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand bliver forsøgt med. Quick Mode Negotiations per Second is the rate at which quick mode negotiations are being attempted.
309Gennemførte forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand Successful Quick Mode Negotiations
310Successful Quick Mode Negotiations Successful Quick Mode Negotiations
311Gennemførte forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand er antallet af gennemførte forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Successful Quick Mode Negotiations is the number of quick mode negotiations completed since IPsec was last started.
313Gennemførte forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand pr. sekund Successful Quick Mode Negotiations/sec
314Successful Quick Mode Negotiations/sec Successful Quick Mode Negotiations/sec
315Gennemførte forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand gennemføres med. Successful Quick Mode Negotiations per Second is the rate of quick mode negotiations completed.
317Mislykkede forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand Failed Quick Mode Negotiations
318Failed Quick Mode Negotiations Failed Quick Mode Negotiations
319Mislykkede forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand er antallet af forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand, der er mislykkedes, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Failed Quick Mode Negotiations is the number of failed quick mode negotiations since IPsec was last started.
321Mislykkede forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand pr. sekund Failed Quick Mode Negotiations/sec
322Failed Quick Mode Negotiations/sec Failed Quick Mode Negotiations/sec
323Mislykkede forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, forhandlinger i hurtigtilstand mislykkes med. Failed Quick Mode Negotiations per Second is the rate of failed quick mode negotiations.
325IPsec IKEv1 IPv6 IPsec IKEv1 IPv6
327IPsec IKEv1 IPv6 er det sæt IPsec-tællere (Internet Protocol Security) for IKEv1 (Internet Key Exchange Version 1), der anvendes på trafik og forbindelser via Internet Protocol version 6. IPsec IKEv1 IPv6 is the set of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) counters that apply to traffic and connections over Internet Protocol version 6.
331Active Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations. Active Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations.
353Mislykkede forhandlinger i hovedtilstand Failed Main Mode Negotiations
401IPsec AuthIP IPv4 IPsec AuthIP IPv4
403IPsec AuthIP IPv4 (Internet Protocol Security Authenticated IP) er det sæt tællere, der anvendes ved trafik og forbindelser via Internet Protocol version 4. IPsec AuthIP IPv4 is the set of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) Authenticated IP (AuthIP) counters that apply to traffic and connections over Internet Protocol version 4.
445Sikkerhedstilknytninger i hovedtilstand, der har anvendt repræsentation Main Mode SAs That Used Impersonation
446Main Mode SAs That Used Impersonation Main Mode SAs That Used Impersonation
447Sikkerhedstilknytninger i hovedtilstand, der har anvendt repræsentation, er antallet af sikkerhedstilknytninger i hovedtilstand, der er blevet gennemført med repræsentation, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Main Mode SAs That Used Impersonation is the number of main mode security associations completed using impersonation since IPsec was last started.
449Sikkerhedstilknytninger i hovedtilstand, der har anvendt repræsentation, pr. sekund Main Mode SAs That Used Impersonation/sec
450Main Mode SAs That Used Impersonation/sec Main Mode SAs That Used Impersonation/sec
451Sikkerhedstilknytninger i hovedtilstand, der har anvendt repræsentation, pr. sekund er den hastighed, sikkerhedstilknytninger i hovedtilstand blev gennemført med repræsentation med. Main Mode SAs That Used Impersonation per Second is the rate of main mode security associations completed using impersonation.
485Aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i udvidet tilstand Active Extended Mode SAs
486Active Extended Mode SAs Active Extended Mode SAs
487Aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i udvidet tilstand er antallet af aktive sikkerhedstilknytninger i udvidet tilstand. Active Extended Mode SAs is the number of currently active extended mode security associations.
489Ventende forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand Pending Extended Mode Negotiations
490Pending Extended Mode Negotiations Pending Extended Mode Negotiations
491Ventende forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand er antallet af ventende forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand. Pending Extended Mode Negotiations is the number of pending extended mode negotiations.
493Forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand Extended Mode Negotiations
494Extended Mode Negotiations Extended Mode Negotiations
495Forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand er antallet af forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand, der er blevet forsøgt, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Extended Mode Negotiations is the number of extended mode negotiations attempted since IPsec was last started.
497Forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand pr. sekund Extended Mode Negotiations/sec
498Extended Mode Negotiations/sec Extended Mode Negotiations/sec
499Forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand bliver forsøgt med. Extended Mode Negotiations per Second is the rate at which extended mode negotiations are being attempted.
501Gennemførte forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand Successful Extended Mode Negotiations
502Successful Extended Mode Negotiations Successful Extended Mode Negotiations
503Gennemførte forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand er antallet af forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand, der er blevet gennemført, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Successful Extended Mode Negotiations is the number of extended mode negotiations completed since IPsec was last started.
505Gennemførte forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand pr. sekund Successful Extended Mode Negotiations/sec
506Successful Extended Mode Negotiations/sec Successful Extended Mode Negotiations/sec
507Gennemførte forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand gennemføres med. Successful Extended Mode Negotiations per Second is the rate of extended mode negotiations completed.
509Mislykkede forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand Failed Extended Mode Negotiations
510Failed Extended Mode Negotiations Failed Extended Mode Negotiations
511Mislykkede forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand er antallet af forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand, der er mislykkedes, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Failed Extended Mode Negotiations is the number of failed extended mode negotiations since IPsec was last started.
513Mislykkede forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand pr. sekund Failed Extended Mode Negotiations/sec
514Failed Extended Mode Negotiations/sec Failed Extended Mode Negotiations/sec
515Mislykkede forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand pr. sekund er den hastighed, forhandlinger i udvidet tilstand mislykkes med. Failed Extended Mode Negotiations per Second is the rate of failed extended mode negotiations.
517Sikkerhedstilknytninger i udvidet tilstand, der har anvendt repræsentation Extended Mode SAs That Used Impersonation
518Extended Mode SAs That Used Impersonation Extended Mode SAs That Used Impersonation
519Sikkerhedstilknytninger i udvidet tilstand, der har anvendt repræsentation, er antallet af sikkerhedstilknytninger i udvidet tilstand, som er blevet gennemført med repræsentation, siden IPsec sidst blev startet. Extended Mode SAs That Used Impersonation is the number of extended mode security associations completed using impersonation since IPsec was last started.
521IPsec AuthIP IPv6 IPsec AuthIP IPv6
523IPsec AuthIP IPv6 (Internet Protocol Security Authenticated IP) er det sæt tællere, der anvendes ved trafik og forbindelser via Internet Protocol version 6. IPsec AuthIP IPv6 is the set of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) Authenticated IP (AuthIP) counters that apply to traffic and connections over Internet Protocol version 6.
641Generisk IKEv1, AuthIP og IKEv2 Generic IKEv1, AuthIP, and IKEv2
642Generic IKEv1, AuthIP, and IKEv2 Generic IKEv1, AuthIP, and IKEv2
643Generisk IKEv1, AuthIP og IKEv2 er det sæt tællere af typen IPsec (Internet Protocol-sikkerhed) IKEv1 (Internet Key Exchange Version 1), AuthIP (Authenticated IP) og IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange Version 2), der er generiske, og som ikke gælder for en bestemt Internet Protocol-version. Generic IKEv1, AuthIP, and IKEv2 is the set of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) Internet Key Exchange Version 1 (IKEv1), Authenticated IP (AuthIP), and Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) counters that are generic and do not apply to a specific Internet Protocol version.
645Forhandlingstid for IKEv1 i hovedtilstand IKEv1 Main Mode Negotiation Time
646IKEv1 Main Mode Negotiation Time IKEv1 Main Mode Negotiation Time
647Forhandlingstid for IKEv1 i hovedtilstand er det antal millisekunder, det har taget at forhandle den seneste IKEv1-sikkerhedstilknytning i hovedtilstand. IKEv1 Main Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last IKEv1 main mode security association negotiated.
649Forhandlingstid for AuthIP i hovedtilstand AuthIP Main Mode Negotiation Time
650AuthIP Main Mode Negotiation Time AuthIP Main Mode Negotiation Time
651Forhandlingstid for AuthIP i hovedtilstand er det antal millisekunder, det har taget at forhandle den seneste Authenticated-IP-sikkerhedstilknytning i hovedtilstand. AuthIP Main Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last Authenticated IP main mode security association negotiated.
653Forhandlingstid for IKEv1 i hurtigtilstand IKEv1 Quick Mode Negotiation Time
654IKEv1 Quick Mode Negotiation Time IKEv1 Quick Mode Negotiation Time
655Forhandlingstid for IKEv1 i hurtigtilstand er det antal millisekunder, det har taget at forhandle den seneste IKEv1-sikkerhedstilknytning i hurtigtilstand. IKEv1 Quick Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last IKEv1 quick mode security association negotiated.
657Forhandlingstid for AuthIP i hurtigtilstand AuthIP Quick Mode Negotiation Time
658AuthIP Quick Mode Negotiation Time AuthIP Quick Mode Negotiation Time
659Forhandlingstid for AuthIP i hurtigtilstand er det antal millisekunder, det har taget at forhandle den seneste Authenticated IP-sikkerhedstilknytning i hurtigtilstand. AuthIP Quick Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last Authenticated IP quick mode security association negotiated.
661Forhandlingstid i udvidet tilstand Extended Mode Negotiation Time
662Extended Mode Negotiation Time Extended Mode Negotiation Time
663Forhandlingstid i udvidet tilstand er det antal millisekunder, det har taget at forhandle den seneste sikkerhedstilknytning i udvidet tilstand. Extended Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last extended mode security association negotiated.
665Modtagne pakker pr. sekund Packets Received/sec
666Packets Received/sec Packets Received/sec
667Modtagne pakker pr. sekund er den hastighed, som validerede IPsec-pakker modtages med. Packets Received per Second is the rate at which validated IPsec packets are being received.
669Ugyldige pakker modtaget pr. sekund Invalid Packets Received/sec
670Invalid Packets Received/sec Invalid Packets Received/sec
671Ugyldige pakker modtaget pr. sekund er den hastighed, ugyldige IPsec-pakker modtages med. Invalid Packets Received per Second is the rate at which invalid IPsec packets are being received.
673Gennemførte forhandlinger Successful Negotiations
674Successful Negotiations Successful Negotiations
675Gennemførte forhandlinger er det antal forhandlinger, der er gennemført for IKEv1, AuthIP og IKEv2 siden sidste gang, IPsec blev startet. Successful Negotiations is the number of negotiations completed for IKEv1, AuthIP, and IKEv2 since IPsec was last started.
677Gennemførte forhandlinger pr. sekund Successful Negotiations/sec
678Successful Negotiations/sec Successful Negotiations/sec
679Gennemførte forhandlinger pr. sekund er det antal forhandlinger, der er gennemført for IKEv1, AuthIP og IKEv2. Successful Negotiations per Second is the rate of negotiations completed for IKEv1, AuthIP, and IKEv2.
681Mislykkede forhandlinger Failed Negotiations
682Failed Negotiations Failed Negotiations
683Mislykkede forhandlinger er det antal forhandlinger, der er mislykkedes for IKEv1, AuthIP og IKEv2 siden sidste gang, IPsec blev startet. Failed Negotiations is the number of failed negotiations for IKEv1, AuthIP, and IKEv2 since IPsec was last started.
685Mislykkede forhandlinger pr. sekund Failed Negotiations/sec
686Failed Negotiations/sec Failed Negotiations/sec
687Mislykkede forhandlinger pr. sekund er det antal mislykkede forhandlinger, der er forsøgt for IKEv1, AuthIP og IKEv2. Failed Negotiations per Second is the rate of failed negotiations attempted for IKEv1, AuthIP, and IKEv2.
689Forhandlingstid for IKEv2 i hovedtilstand IKEv2 Main Mode Negotiation Time
690IKEv2 Main Mode Negotiation Time IKEv2 Main Mode Negotiation Time
691Forhandlingstid for IKEv2 i hovedtilstand er det antal millisekunder, det har taget at forhandle den seneste IKEv2-sikkerhedstilknytning i hovedtilstand. IKEv2 Main Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last IKEv2 main mode security association negotiated.
693Forhandlingstid for IKEv2 i hurtigtilstand IKEv2 Quick Mode Negotiation Time
694IKEv2 Quick Mode Negotiation Time IKEv2 Quick Mode Negotiation Time
695Forhandlingstid for IKEv2 i hurtigtilstand er det antal millisekunder, det har taget at forhandle den seneste IKEv2-sikkerhedstilknytning i hurtigtilstand. IKEv2 Quick Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last IKEv2 quick mode security association negotiated.
697IPsec IKEv2 IPv4 IPsec IKEv2 IPv4
699IPsec IKEv2 IPv4 er det sæt IPsec-tællere (Internet Protocol security) for IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2), der anvendes på trafik og forbindelser via Internet Protocol version 4. IPsec IKEv2 IPv4 is the set of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) counters that apply to traffic and connections over Internet Protocol version 4.
773IPsec IKEv2 IPv6 IPsec IKEv2 IPv6
775IPsec IKEv2 IPv6 er det sæt IPsec-tællere (Internet Protocol security) for IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2), der anvendes på trafik og forbindelser via Internet Protocol version 6. IPsec IKEv2 IPv6 is the set of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) counters that apply to traffic and connections over Internet Protocol version 6.
849IPsec-forbindelser IPsec Connections
850IPsec Connections IPsec Connections
851IPsec-forbindelser er det sæt IPsec-tællere (Internet Protocol-sikkerhed), der gælder for indkapslede IPsec-forbindelser. IPsec Connections is the set of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) counters that apply to IPsec encapsulated connections.
853Samlet antal aktuelle forbindelser Total Number current Connections
854Total Number current Connections Total Number current Connections
857Samlet antal akkumulerende forbindelser siden start Total number of cumulative connections since boot
858Total number of cumulative connections since boot Total number of cumulative connections since boot
861Maksimalt antal forbindelser siden start Max number of connections since boot
862Max number of connections since boot Max number of connections since boot
865Samlet antal byte ind siden start Total Bytes In since start
866Total Bytes In since start Total Bytes In since start
869Samlet antal byte ud siden start Total Bytes Out since start
870Total Bytes Out since start Total Bytes Out since start
873Antal mislykkede godkendelser Number of failed authentications
874Number of failed authentications Number of failed authentications
1000IPsec DoS-beskyttelse IPsec DoS Protection
1001IPsec DoS Protection IPsec DoS Protection
1002IPsec DoS-beskyttelse er det sæt tællere, der gælder for trafik, som strømmer igennem komponenten IPsec DoS-beskyttelse. IPsec DoS Protection is the set of counters that apply to the traffic flowing through the IPsec DoS Protection component.
1004Tilstandsposter State Entries
1005State Entries State Entries
1006Tilstandsposter er det samlede antal tilstandsposter, der er oprettet af komponenten IPsec DoS-beskyttelse (Denial of Service), siden den sidst blev startet. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. State Entries is the total number of state entries created by the IPsec Denial of Service Protection component since it was last started. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1008Tilstandsposter pr. sek. State Entries/sec
1009State Entries/sec State Entries/sec
1010Tilstandsposter pr. sekund er den hastighed, tilstandsposter oprettes med i komponenten IPsec DoS-beskyttelse. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. State Entries per Second is the rate at which state entries are created by the IPsec Denial of Service Protection component. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1012Aktuelle tilstandsposter Current State Entries
1013Current State Entries Current State Entries
1014Aktuelle tilstandsposter er antallet af tilstandsposter i tabellen. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Current State Entries is the number of state entries in the table. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1016Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker, der ikke er IPsec-godkendt Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets
1017Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets
1018Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker, der ikke er IPsec-godkendt, er det samlede antal ikke-godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker, der er videresendt fra en offentlig grænseflade til en intern grænseflade. En ikke-godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke uden en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets is the total number of unauthenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets forwarded from a public interface to an internal interface. An unauthenticated packet is an IPsec packet without an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1020Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker, der ikke er IPsec-godkendt, pr. sek. Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec
1021Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec
1022Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker, der ikke er IPsec-godkendt, pr. sekund er den hastighed, ikke-godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker videresendes med fra en offentlig grænseflade til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets per Second is the rate at which unauthenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets are forwarded from a public interface to an internal interface. An unauthenticated packet is an IPsec packet without an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1024Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker, der er IPsec-godkendt Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets
1025Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets
1026Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker, der er IPsec-godkendt, er det samlede antal godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker, der er videresendt fra en offentlig grænseflade til en intern grænseflade. En godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke med en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets is the total number of authenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets forwarded from a public interface to an internal interface. An authenticated packet is an IPsec packet with an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1028Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker, der er IPsec-godkendt, pr. sek. Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec
1029Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec
1030Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker, der er IPsec-godkendt, pr. sekund er den hastighed, godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker videresendes med fra en offentlig grænseflade til en intern grænseflade. En godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke med en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Allowed IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets per Second is the rate at which authenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP or ESP IPv6 packets are forwarded from a public interface to an internal interface. An authenticated packet is an IPsec packet with an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1032Tilladte indgående ICMPv6-pakker Inbound Allowed ICMPv6 Packets
1033Inbound Allowed ICMPv6 Packets Inbound Allowed ICMPv6 Packets
1034Tilladte indgående ICMPv6-pakker er det samlede antal ICMPv6-pakker, der er videresendt fra en offentlig grænseflade til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Allowed ICMPv6 Packets is the total number of ICMPv6 packets forwarded from a public interface to an internal interface.
1036Tilladte indgående ICMPv6-pakker pr. sek. Inbound Allowed ICMPv6 Packets/sec
1037Inbound Allowed ICMPv6 Packets/sec Inbound Allowed ICMPv6 Packets/sec
1038Tilladte indgående ICMPv6-pakker pr. sekund er den hastighed, ICMPv6-pakker videresendes med fra en offentlig grænseflade til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Allowed ICMPv6 Packets per Second is the rate at which ICMPv6 packets are forwarded from a public interface to an internal interface.
1040Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker med filterundtagelse Inbound Allowed Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets
1041Inbound Allowed Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets Inbound Allowed Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets
1042Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker med filterundtagelse er det samlede antal IPv6-pakker med filterundtagelse, der er videresendt fra en offentlig grænseflade til en intern grænseflade. En filterundtagelsespakke er en pakke, der er konfigureret af en administrator til at springe over komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse. Inbound Allowed Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets is the total number of IPv6 filter exempt packets forwarded from a public interface to an internal interface. A filter exempt packet is a packet that is configured by an administrator to bypass the Denial of Service Protection component.
1044Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker med filterundtagelse pr. sek. Inbound Allowed Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets/sec
1045Inbound Allowed Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets/sec Inbound Allowed Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets/sec
1046Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker med filterundtagelse pr. sekund er den hastighed, IPv6-pakker med filterundtagelse videresendes med fra en offentlig grænseflade til en intern grænseflade. En filterundtagelsespakke er en pakke, der er konfigureret af en administrator til at springe over komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse. Inbound Allowed Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets per Second is the rate at which IPv6 filter exempt packets are forwarded from a public interface to an internal interface. A filter exempt packet is a packet that is configured by an administrator to bypass the Denial of Service Protection component.
1048Tilladte indgående pakker med standarblokundtagelse Inbound Allowed Default Block Exempt Packets
1049Inbound Allowed Default Block Exempt Packets Inbound Allowed Default Block Exempt Packets
1050Tilladte indgående pakker med standarblokundtagelse er det samlede antal pakker med standarblokundtagelse, der er videresendt fra en offentlig grænseflade til en intern grænseflade. En tilladt pakke med standardblokundtagelser kan være en AH IPv6-pakke, en IPv6-pakke uden IPsec eller en IPv4-pakke. Disse pakker blokeres som standard af komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse, men kan eksplicit tillades af en administrator. Inbound Allowed Default Block Exempt Packets is the total number of default block exempt packets forwarded from a public interface to an internal interface. An allowed default block exempt packet can be an AH IPv6 packet, an IPv6 packet without IPsec, or an IPv4 packet. These packets are blocked by default by the Denial of Service Protection component but can be explicitly allowed by an administrator.
1052Tilladte indgående pakker med standarblokundtagelse pr. sekund Inbound Allowed Default Block Exempt Packets/sec
1053Inbound Allowed Default Block Exempt Packets/sec Inbound Allowed Default Block Exempt Packets/sec
1054Tilladte indgående IPv6-pakker med standarblokundtagelse pr. sekund er den hastighed, IPv6-pakker med standarblokundtagelse videresendes med fra en offentlig grænseflade til en intern grænseflade. En tilladt pakke med standardblokundtagelser kan være en AH IPv6-pakke, en IPv6-pakke uden IPsec eller en IPv4-pakke. Disse pakker blokeres som standard af komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse, men kan eksplicit tillades af en administrator. Inbound Allowed Default Block Exempt Packets per Second is the rate at which default block exempt packets are forwarded from a public interface to an internal interface. An allowed default block exempt packet can be an AH IPv6 packet, an IPv6 packet without IPsec, or an IPv4 packet. These packets are blocked by default by the Denial of Service Protection component but can be explicitly allowed by an administrator.
1056Indgående ikke-IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. hastighedsbegrænsning Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets
1057Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets
1058Indgående ikke-IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. en begrænsning, er det samlede antal ikke-godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker, der er modtaget på en offentlig grænseflade og afvist, da de overstiger grænsen for IPv6 IPsec-pakker, der ikke er godkendt. En ikke-godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke uden en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets is the total number of unauthenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for IPv6 IPsec unauthenticated packets. An unauthenticated packet is an IPsec packet without an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1060Indgående ikke-IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. hastighedsbegrænsning, pr. sek. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec
1061Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec
1062Indgående ikke-IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. en begrænsning, pr. sekund er den hastighed, ikke-godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker modtages med på en offentlig grænseflade og afvises med, fordi de har overskredet grænsen for ikke-godkendte IPv6 IPsec-pakker. En ikke-godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke uden en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets per Second is the rate of unauthenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for IPv6 IPsec unauthenticated packets. An unauthenticated packet is an IPsec packet without an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1064Indgående ikke-IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. hastighedsbegrænsning pr. IP Inbound Per IP Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets
1065Inbound Per IP Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets Inbound Per IP Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets
1066Indgående ikke-IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. en IP-begrænsning, er det samlede antal ikke-godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker, der er modtaget på en offentlig grænseflade og afvist, da de overstiger grænsen pr. intern IP-adresse for IPv6 IPsec-pakker, der ikke er godkendt. En ikke-godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke uden en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound per IP Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets is the total number of unauthenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the per internal IP address rate limit for IPv6 IPsec unauthenticated packets. An unauthenticated packet is an IPsec packet without an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1068Indgående ikke-IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. hastighedsbegrænsning pr. IP, pr. sek. Inbound Per IP Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec
1069Inbound Per IP Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec Inbound Per IP Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec
1070Indgående ikke-IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker pr. IP, der er afvist pga. en begrænsning, pr. sekund er den hastighed, ikke-godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker modtages med på en offentlig grænseflade og afvises med, fordi de har overskredet begrænsningen for ikke-godkendte IPv6 IPsec-pakker pr. intern IP-adresse. En ikke-godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke uden en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound per IP Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets per Second is the rate at which unauthenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets are received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the per internal IP address rate limit for IPv6 IPsec unauthenticated packets. An unauthenticated packet is an IPsec packet without an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1072Indgående og på anden måde afviste IPv6-pakker, der ikke er IPsec-godkendt Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets
1073Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets
1074Indgående og på anden måde afviste IPv6-pakker, der ikke er IPsec-godkendt, er det samlede antal ikke-godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker, der er modtaget på en offentlig grænseflade, og afvist, da fejl eller pakker ikke er normale. En ikke-godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke uden en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets is the total number of unauthenticated IKEv1, IKEv2 ,AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets received on a public interface and discarded because of errors or packet abnormalities. An unauthenticated packet is an IPsec packet without an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1076Indgående og på anden måde afviste IPv6-pakker, der ikke er IPsec-godkendt, pr. sek. Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec
1077Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec
1078Indgående og på anden måde afviste IPv6-pakker, der ikke er IPsec-godkendt, pr. sekund er den hastighed, ikke-godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker, modtages med på en offentlig grænseflade og afvises med, fordi fejl eller pakker ikke er normale. En ikke-godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke uden en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets per Second is the rate at which unauthenticated IKEv1, IKEv2 , AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets are received on a public interface and discarded because of errors or packet abnormalities. An unauthenticated packet is an IPsec packet without an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1080Indgående IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. hastighedsbegrænsning Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets
1081Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets
1082Indgående IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. en begrænsning, er det samlede antal godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker, der er modtaget på en offentlig grænseflade og afvist, da de overstiger grænsen for godkendte IPv6 IPsec-pakker. En godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke med en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets is the total number of authenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for IPv6 IPsec authenticated packets. An authenticated packet is an IPsec packet with an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1084Indgående IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. hastighedsbegrænsning, pr. sek. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec
1085Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec
1086Indgående IPsec-godkendte IPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. en begrænsning, pr. sekund er den hastighed, godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker modtages med på en offentlig grænseflade og afvises med, fordi de har overskredet grænsen for godkendte IPv6 IPsec-pakker. En godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke med en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets per Second is the rate at which authenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets are received on a public interface and discarded because they exceed the rate limit for IPv6 IPsec authenticated packets. An authenticated packet is an IPsec packet with an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1088Indgående og på anden måde afviste IPv6-pakker, der er IPsec-godkendt Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets
1089Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets
1090Indgående og på anden måde afviste IPv6-pakker, der er IPsec-godkendt, er det samlede antal godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker, der er modtaget på en offentlig grænseflade, og afvist, da fejl eller pakker ikke er normale. En godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke med en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets is the total number of authenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets received on a public interface and discarded because of errors or packet abnormalities. An authenticated packet is an IPsec packet with an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1092Indgående og på anden måde afviste IPv6-pakker, der er IPsec-godkendt, pr. sek. Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec
1093Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec
1094Indgående og på anden måde afviste IPv6-pakker, der er IPsec-godkendt, pr. sekund er den hastighed, godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker, modtages med på en offentlig grænseflade og afvises med, fordi fejl eller pakker ikke er normale. En godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke med en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Inbound Other Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets per Second is the rate at which authenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets are received on a public interface and discarded because of errors or packet abnormalities. An authenticated packet is an IPsec packet with an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
1096Indgående ICMPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. hastighedsbegrænsning Inbound Rate Limit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets
1097Inbound Rate Limit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets Inbound Rate Limit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets
1098Indgående ICMPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. en begrænsning er det samlede antal ICMPv6-pakker, der er modtaget på en offentlig grænseflade og afvist, da de overskrider begrænsningen for ICMPv6-pakker. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets is the total number of ICMPv6 packets received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for ICMPv6 packets.
1100Indgående ICMPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. hastighedsbegrænsning, pr. sek. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets/sec
1101Inbound Rate Limit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets/sec Inbound Rate Limit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets/sec
1102Indgående ICMPv6-pakker, der er afvist pga. en begrænsning, pr. sekund er den hastighed, ICMPv6-pakker modtages med på en offentlig grænseflade og afvises med, fordi de overskrider begrænsningen for ICMPv6-pakker. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets per Second is the rate at which ICMPv6 packets are received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for ICMPv6 packets.
1104Indgående IPv6-filterundtagelsespakker, der er afvist pga. hastighedsbegrænsning Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets
1105Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets
1106Indgående IPv6-filterundtagelsespakker, der er afvist pga. en begrænsning er det samlede antal IPv6-pakker, der er modtaget på en offentlig grænseflade og afvist, fordi de overskrider begrænsningen for IPv6-filterundtagelsespakker. En filterundtagelsespakke er en pakke, der er konfigureret af en administrator til at springe komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse over. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets is the total number of filter exempt IPv6 packets received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for filter exempt IPv6 packets. A filter exempt packet is a packet that is configured by an administrator to bypass the Denial of Service Protection component.
1108Indgående IPv6-filterundtagelsespakker, der er afvist pga. hastighedsbegrænsning, pr. sek. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets/sec
1109Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets/sec Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets/sec
1110Indgående IPv6-filterundtagelsespakker, der er afvist pga. en begrænsning, pr. sekund er den hastighed, IPv6-filterundtagelsespakker modtages med på en offentlig grænseflade og afvises med, fordi de overskrider begrænsningen for IPv6-filterundtagelsespakker. En filterundtagelsespakke er en pakke, der er konfigureret af en administrator til at springe komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse over. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Filter Exempt IPv6 Packets per Second is the rate at which filter exempt IPv6 packets are received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for filter exempt IPv6 packets. A filter exempt packet is a packet that is configured by an administrator to bypass the Denial of Service Protection component.
1112Indgående afviste IPv6-filterblokpakker Inbound Discarded Filter Block IPv6 Packets
1113Inbound Discarded Filter Block IPv6 Packets Inbound Discarded Filter Block IPv6 Packets
1114Indgående afviste IPv6-filterblokpakker er det samlede antal IPv6-filterblokpakker, der modtages og afvises på en offentlig grænseflade. En IPv6-filterblokpakke er en pakke, der er konfigureret af en administrator til at blive blokeret af komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse. Inbound Discarded Filter Blocked IPv6 Packets is the total number of filter blocked IPv6 packets received and discarded on a public interface. A filter blocked IPv6 packet is a packet that is configured by an administrator to be blocked by the Denial of Service Protection component.
1116Indgående afviste IPv6-filterblokpakker pr. sek. Inbound Discarded Filter Block IPv6 Packets/sec
1117Inbound Discarded Filter Block IPv6 Packets/sec Inbound Discarded Filter Block IPv6 Packets/sec
1118Indgående afviste IPv6-filterblokpakker pr. sekund er den hastighed IPv6-filterblokpakker modtages og afvises med på en offentlig grænseflade. En IPv6-filterblokpakke er en pakke, der er konfigureret af en administrator til at blive blokeret af komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse. Inbound Discarded Filter Blocked IPv6 Packets per Second is the rate at which filter blocked IPv6 packets are received and discarded on a public interface. A filter blocked IPv6 packet is a packet that is configured by an administrator to be blocked by the Denial of Service Protection component.
1120Indgående pakker, der er undtaget standardblokke, og som er afvist pga. en begrænsning Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Default Block Exempt Packets
1121Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Default Block Exempt Packets Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Default Block Exempt Packets
1122Indgående pakker, der er undtaget standardblokke, og som er afvist pga. en begrænsning, er det samlede antal pakker, der er undtaget standardblokke, som er modtaget på offentlig grænseflade og afvist, fordi de overskrider begrænsningen for pakker, der er undtaget standardblokke. En afvist pakke, der er undtaget standardblokke, kan være en AH IPv6-pakke, en IPv6-pakke uden IPsec eller en IPv4-pakke. Disse pakker blokeres som standard af komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse, men kan udtrykkeligt tillades af administratoren. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Default Block Exempt Packets is the total number of default block exempt packets received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for default block exempt packets. A discarded default block exempt packet can be an AH IPv6 packet, an IPv6 packet without IPsec, or an IPv4 packet. These packets are blocked by default by the Denial of Service Protection component, but can be explicitly allowed by the administrator.
1124Indgående pakker, der er undtaget standardblokke, og som er afvist pga. en begrænsning, pr. sekund Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Default Block Exempt Packets/sec
1125Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Default Block Exempt Packets/sec Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Default Block Exempt Packets/sec
1126Indgående pakker, der er undtaget standardblokke, og som er afvist pga. en begrænsning, pr. sekund er den hastighed, pakker, der er undtaget standardblokke, modtages med på en offentlig grænseflade og afvises med, fordi de har overskredet begrænsningen for IPv6-pakker, der er undtaget standardblokke. En pakke, der er undtaget standardblokke, kan være en AH IPv6-pakke, en IPv6-pakke uden IPsec eller en IPv4-pakke. Disse pakker blokeres som standard af komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse, men kan udtrykkeligt tillades af administratoren. Inbound Rate Limit Discarded Default Block Exempt Packets per Second is the rate at which default block exempt packets are received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for default block exempt IPv6 packets. A default block exempt packet can be an AH IPv6 packet, an IPv6 packet without IPsec, or an IPv4 packet. These packets are blocked by default by the Denial of Service Protection component but explicitly allowed by the administrator.
1128Indgående afviste standardblokpakker Inbound Discarded Default Block Packets
1129Inbound Discarded Default Block Packets Inbound Discarded Default Block Packets
1130Indgående afviste standardblokpakker er det samlede antal standardblokpakker, der er modtaget og afvist på en offentlig grænseflade. En afvist standardblokpakke kan være en AH IPv6-pakke, en IPv6-pakke uden IPsec eller en IPv4-pakke. Disse pakker blokeres som standard af komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse. Inbound Discarded Default Block Packets is the total number of default block packets received and discarded on a public interface. A discarded default block packet can be an AH IPv6 packet, an IPv6 packet without IPsec, or an IPv4 packet. These packets are blocked by default by the Denial of Service Protection component.
1132Indgående afviste standardblokpakker pr. sek. Inbound Discarded Default Block Packets/sec
1133Inbound Discarded Default Block Packets/sec Inbound Discarded Default Block Packets/sec
1134Indgående afviste standardblokpakker pr. sekund er den hastighed, som pakker, der er afvist af standardblokke, modtages og afvises med på en offentlig grænseflade. En afvist standardblokpakke kan være en AH IPv6-pakke, en IPv6-pakke uden IPsec eller en IPv4-pakke. Disse pakker blokeres som standard af komponenten til Denial of Service-beskyttelse. Inbound Discarded Default Block Packets per Second is the rate at which default block discarded packets are received and discarded on a public interface. A discarded default block packet can be an AH IPv6 packet, an IPv6 packet without IPsec, or an IPv4 packet. These packets are blocked by default by the Denial of Service Protection component.
1136Indgående afviste pakker Inbound Discarded Packets
1137Inbound Discarded Packets Inbound Discarded Packets
1138Indgående afviste pakker er det samlede antal pakker, der er modtaget og afvist på en offentlig grænseflade. Denne optælling repræsenterer summeringen af diverse specifikke afviste optællinger. Inbound Discarded Packets is the total number of packets received and discarded on a public interface. This counter represents the summation of all the various specific discarded counters.
1140Afviste indgående pakker pr. sekund Inbound Discarded Packets/sec
1141Inbound Discarded Packets/sec Inbound Discarded Packets/sec
1142Afviste indgående pakker pr. sekund er den hastighed, pakker modtages og afvises med på en offentlig grænseflade. Denne optælling repræsenterer summeringen af alle de forskellige specifikke hastigheder for afviste optællinger. Inbound Discarded Packets per Second is the rate at which packets are received and discarded on a public interface. This counter represents the summation of all the various specific discarded counter rates.
1144Køer med begrænsning pr. IP-adresse Per IP Rate Limit Queues
1145Per IP Rate Limit Queues Per IP Rate Limit Queues
1146Køer med begrænsning pr. IP-adresse er det aktuelle antal køer med begrænsning pr. intern IP-adresse for ikke-godkendte IKEv1-, IKEv2-, AuthIP- eller ESP IPv6-pakker. En ikke-godkendt pakke er en IPsec-pakke uden en tilknyttet tilstandspost. En tilstandspost er to IPv6-adresser, der er godkendt til at passere fra en offentlig til en intern grænseflade. Ikke-godkendte pakker anbringes i en separat kø for de enkelte IP-adresser, der er tilgængelige på den interne grænseflade. Per IP Rate Limit Queues is the current number of per internal IP address rate limit queues for unauthenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets. An unauthenticated packet is an IPsec packet without an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface. Unauthenticated packets are placed in a separate queue for each destination IP address that is available on the internal interface.
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000005Verbose Verbose
0xB0000321SA Context %1 was created SA Context %1 was created
0xB0000322SA Context %1: Result=%2 SA Context %1: Result=%2
0xB0000323SA Context %1:\
Local Address: %2:%4\
Remote Address: %3:%5\
Protocol: %6
SA Context %1:\
Local Address: %2:%4\
Remote Address: %3:%5\
Protocol: %6
0xB0000324SA Context %1 was deleted SA Context %1 was deleted
0xB0000325SA Context %1: SPI=%2 SA Context %1: SPI=%2
0xB0000326----- BEGIN BFE_SA_CONTEXT processing ----- ----- BEGIN BFE_SA_CONTEXT processing -----
0xB0000327----- END BFE_SA_CONTEXT processing ----- ----- END BFE_SA_CONTEXT processing -----
0xB0000328----- BFE SA CONTEXT ID: (%1) ----- ----- BFE SA CONTEXT ID: (%1) -----
0xD0000001Driver Driver
0xD0000002External External
0xD0000003Responder Responder


File Name:fwpuclnt.dll.mui
File Size:129 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:FWP/IPsec API i brugertilstand
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:fwpuclnt.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.
Original File Name:fwpuclnt.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operativsystem
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is fwpuclnt.dll.mui?

fwpuclnt.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Danish language for file fwpuclnt.dll (FWP/IPsec API i brugertilstand).

File version info

File Description:FWP/IPsec API i brugertilstand
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:fwpuclnt.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.
Original Filename:fwpuclnt.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operativsystem
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x406, 1200