WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui Biblioteka upravljača bežične mreže 69a14438b74db7bcf4d5b60dba7c28bb

File info

File name: WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui
Size: 73216 byte
MD5: 69a14438b74db7bcf4d5b60dba7c28bb
SHA1: e2d717dc79cd7c3700822ca2fdfa406fd83a7029
SHA256: a9344b1122666f0a5314d95fb487216756bece02acea352d9d1c2243e669779b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Serbia (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Serbia (Latin) English
4097Upravljač bežične mreže Wireless Network Manager
4098Upravlja konfiguracijom i L3 potvrdom identiteta za raznovrsne tipove bežičnih mreža. Manages the configuration and L3 authentication for various different types of Wireless networks.
4099Bežično Wireless
4196Ime Name
4197206-555-0123 206-555-0123
4198[email protected] [email protected]
4199Potrebna je lozinka za %s Password required for %s
4200Potrebno je preduzeti neku radnju za %s Action needed for %s
4201Često svraćate ovde? Come here often?
4203Želite li da se povežete? Connect?
4204Povežite se na Wi-Fi. Connect to Wi-Fi.
4205Izaberite da biste to popravili. Select to fix it.
4206Povezivanje Connecting
4207Pređi u pregledač Go to browser
4208Završi sa deljenjem mreže Finish sharing the network
4209Prijavite se pomoću Microsoft naloga da biste se povezali sa predloženim i otvorenim hotspotovima. Sign in with your Microsoft account to connect to suggested open hotspots.
4211Potrebna je lozinka proxy servera za %s Proxy password needed for %s
4212Izaberite da biste otvorili pregledač i uspostavili vezu. Select to open the browser and connect.
4296Kontakti u usluzi Outlook.com Outlook.com contacts
4297Skype kontakti Skype contacts
4298Facebook prijatelji Facebook friends
4299Samostalno hostovanje Selfhost
19204Povežite se na WLAN. Connect to WLAN.
0x11000001Greška Error
0x11000002Performanse Performance
0x11000003API skupovi protokola APIs
0x11000004Status Status
0x11000005Detaljno Verbose
0x1100000FMoja ključna reč MyKeyword
0x11000010Memorija Memory
0x12000031Vreme odziva Response Time
0x31000001Pokreni Start
0x31000002Zaustavi Stop
0x50000003Upozorenje Warning
0x50000004Informacije Information
0x72000001Potvrda identiteta za hotspot Hotspot Authentication
0x72000002WISPr otkrivanje WISPr Detection
0x72000003Otkrivanje hotspota Hotspot Detection
0x90000001WiFiConnSvc praćenje WiFiConnSvc tracing
0x92000001Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth
0x92000002Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth/Analytic Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth/Analytic
0x92000003Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth/Operational Microsoft-Windows-HotspotAuth/Operational
0xB0000064NotifMgr – Nije kreiran događaj za registraciju klijenta za obaveštenja, %1. NotifMgr - Failed to create event for client notification registration, %1.
0xB0000066NotifMgr – Klijent se registrovao za obaveštenja. NotifMgr - Client successfully registered for notifications.
0xB0000067NotifMgr – Klijent je opozvao registraciju za obaveštenja. NotifMgr - Client successfully unregistered for notifications.
0xB0000068NotifMgr – Završeno je pokretanje. NotifMgr - Finished initializing.
0xB0000069NotifMgr – Nije pokrenuto. NotifMgr - Uninitialized.
0xB000006ANotifMgr - Objavljivanje novog stanja WNF veze, tip = %1, stanje = %2, ntStatus = %3. NotifMgr - Publishing new WNF connection state, type = %1, state = %2, ntStatus = %3.
0xB000006BNotifMgr – Primljeno obaveštenje o ažuriranju stanja smernica. Novo stanje = %1. NotifMgr - Received policy state update notifiction. New state = %1.
0xB000006CNotifMgr – Nije uspela registracija za obaveštenja o smernicama. NotifMgr - Failed to register for policy notifications.
0xB000006DNotifMgr – Primljen podsetnik za podsticanje korišćenja. NotifMgr - Received hint to encourage usage.
0xB00000C8PowerMgr – Nije poslat upit za stanje napajanja za ukazivanje na promenu stanja, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to query power state for indicating state change, %1.
0xB00000C9PowerMgr – Primljeno obaveštenje o promeni stanja radija od WlanSvc, PhyIndex = %1, stanje = %2. PowerMgr - Received radio state change notification from WlanSvc, PhyIndex = %1, state = %2.
0xB00000CAPowerMgr – Nije uspela registracija za WLAN obaveštenja, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to register for Wlan Notifications, %1.
0xB00000CBPowerMgr – Nije poslat upit za početni način odziva iz registra, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to query initial prompting state from registry, %1.
0xB00000CCPowerMgr – Nije sačuvan način odziva u registar, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to save prompting state to registry, %1.
0xB00000CDPowerMgr – Završeno je pokretanje WLAN veze. PowerMgr - Finished initializing Wlan.
0xB00000CEPowerMgr – Nije pokrenut WLAN, %1. PowerMgr - Uninitialized Wlan, %1.
0xB00000CFPowerMgr – Završeno je pokretanje napajanja. PowerMgr - Finished initializing Power.
0xB00000D0PowerMgr – Nije pokrenuto napajanje. PowerMgr - Uninitialized Power.
0xB00000D1PowerMgr – Primljeno obaveštenje o početku rominga. PowerMgr - Received roaming start notification.
0xB00000D2PowerMgr – Primljeno obaveštenje o završetku rominga. PowerMgr - Received roaming end notification.
0xB00000D3PowerMgr – Slanje obaveštenja o promenjenom stanju napajanja klijentima, %1. PowerMgr - Sending power state changed notification to clients, %1.
0xB00000D4PowerMgr – Postavljanje trenutnog keširanog Phy broja na %1. PowerMgr - Setting current cached Phy count to %1.
0xB00000D5PowerMgr – Slanje upita za trenutno stanje radija interfejsa. PowerMgr - Querying current radio state of interface.
0xB00000D6PowerMgr – Nije dobijeno trenutno stanje radija, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to get current radio state, %1.
0xB00000D7PowerMgr – Dobijeno je trenutno stanje radija = %1. PowerMgr - Successfully got current radio state = %1.
0xB00000D8PowerMgr – Postavljanje novog stanja napajanja = %1. PowerMgr - Setting new power state = %1.
0xB00000D9PowerMgr – Nije postavljeno trenutno stanje napajanja, %1. PowerMgr - Failed to set current power state, %1.
0xB00000DAPowerMgr – Postavljeno je trenutno stanje napajanja. PowerMgr - Successfully set current power state.
0xB00000DBPowerMgr – Dobijen nevažeći poziv za postavljanje napajanja, newState = %1, curState = %2, isChanging = %3. PowerMgr - Got an invalid call to set power, newState = %1, curState = %2, isChanging = %3.
0xB00000DCPowerMgr - Dobijen asinhroni poziv za postavljanje napajanja sa jednim koji je trenutno na čekanju. PowerMgr - Got an async set power call with one currently pending.
0xB00000DDPowerMgr – Postavljanje novog stanja napajanja (asinhrono) = %1. PowerMgr - Setting new power state (async) = %1.
0xB00000DEPowerMgr – Nije postavljeno trenutno stanje napajanja (asinhrono), %1. PowerMgr - Failed to set current power state (async), %1.
0xB00000DFPowerMgr – Postavljeno je trenutno stanje napajanja (asinhrono). PowerMgr - Successfully set current power state (async).
0xB00000E0PowerMgr – Objavljivanje novog statusa napajanja, %1. PowerMgr - Publishing new power status, %1.
0xB00000E1PowerMgr – Nije uspela registracija za AC WNF obaveštenja. PowerMgr - Failed to register for AC WNF notifications.
0xB00000E2PowerMgr – Nije uspela registracija za WNF obaveštenja o nadgledanju. PowerMgr - Failed to register for Monitor WNF notifications.
0xB00000E3PowerMgr – Nije uspela registracija za WNF obaveštenja o prisustvu korisnika. PowerMgr - Failed to register for USer Presence WNF notifications.
0xB00000E4PowerMgr – Nije uspela registracija za WNF obaveštenja o aktivnostima. PowerMgr - Failed to register for Activity WNF notifications.
0xB00000E5PowerMgr – Nije uspela registracija za WNF obaveštenja o uštedi baterije. PowerMgr - Failed to register for Battery Saver WNF notifications.
0xB00000E6PowerMgr – Nije uspela registracija za WNF obaveštenja o AOAC. PowerMgr - Failed to register for AOAC WNF notifications.
0xB00000E7PowerMgr – Pokrenut je tajmer skeniranja u pozadini. PowerMgr - Background scan timer fired.
0xB000012CScanMgr – Primljeno obaveštenje o neuspešnom skeniranju iz usluge WlanSvc. WLAN_REASON_CODE: %1 ScanMgr - Received a scan failed notification from WlanSvc. WLAN_REASON_CODE: %1
0xB000012DScanMgr – Primljeno obaveštenje o završenom skeniranju iz usluge WlanSvc (važeće mreže: %1). ScanMgr - Received a scan complete notification from WlanSvc (%1 valid networks).
0xB000012EScanMgr – Brisanje keširane liste skeniranja zbog više neuspešnih skeniranja zaredom. ScanMgr - Clearing cached scan list because of multiple scan failures in a row.
0xB000012FScanMgr – Režim skeniranja promenjen u AKTIVNO. ScanMgr - Scan mode changed to ACTIVE.
0xB0000130ScanMgr – Režim skeniranja promenjen u PASIVNO. ScanMgr - Scan mode changed to PASSIVE.
0xB0000131ScanMgr – Nije pokrenuto skeniranje za skrivenu mrežu, %1. ScanMgr - Failed to start scan for hidden network, %1.
0xB0000132ScanMgr – Nije pokrenuto skeniranje za aktivno skeniranje, %1. ScanMgr - Failed to start scan for active scan, %1.
0xB0000133ScanMgr - Nije dobijen WLAN interfejs prilikom pokretanja usluge, %1. ScanMgr - Failed to get wlan interface at start of service, %1.
0xB0000134ScanMgr – Završeno je pokretanje. ScanMgr - Finished initializing.
0xB0000135ScanMgr – Nije pokrenuto. ScanMgr - Uninitialized.
0xB0000136ScanMgr – Dobijen GUID interfejsa STA režima sa WLAN mreže. ScanMgr - Successfully got the STA mode interface GUID from Wlan.
0xB0000137ScanMgr – Nije dobijen GUID interfejsa STA režima sa WLAN mreže, %1. ScanMgr - Failed to get the STA mode interface GUID from Wlan, %1.
0xB0000138ScanMgr – Obrisan je keširani GUID WLAN interfejsa. ScanMgr - Cached Wlan interface GUID cleared.
0xB0000139ScanMgr – Obrisana je keširana WLAN lista dostupnih mreža. ScanMgr - Cached Wlan available network list cleared.
0xB000013AScanMgr – Klijent pokreće skeniranje za skrivenu mrežu: %2. ScanMgr - Client initiating a scan for a hidden network: %2.
0xB000013BScanMgr – Klijent je zatražio listu dostupnih mreža kad trenutno nije bilo nijedne. ScanMgr - Client requested available network list when there currently was none.
0xB000013CScanMgr – Nije dobijena lista dostupnih mreža sa WLAN mreže, %1 ScanMgr - Failed to get the available network list from Wlan, %1
0xB000013DScanMgr – SSID nije konvertovan u nisku u toku sastavljanja liste dostupnih mreža: %2. ScanMgr - Failed to convert SSID to string while building available network list: %2.
0xB000013EScanMgr – Postavljanje režima skeniranja na PASIVNO za onemogućeno skeniranje u pozadini. ScanMgr - Setting scan mode to PASSIVE on background scan disable.
0xB000013FScanMgr – Pretplata na WNF obaveštenja za zahteve korisničkog interfejsa medija, ntstatus=%1. ScanMgr - Subscribing for WNF notifications for Media UI Requests, ntstatus=%1.
0xB0000140ScanMgr – Otkazivanje pretplate na WNF obaveštenja za zahteve korisničkog interfejsa medija, ntstatus=%1. ScanMgr - Unsubscribing for WNF notifications for Media UI Requests, ntstatus=%1.
0xB0000141ScanMgr – Nije pronađena trenutna mreža na keširanoj listi mreža u toku postavljanja statistike veze. ScanMgr - Failed to find the current network in the cached network list while setting the connection statistics.
0xB0000142ScanMgr – Nije pokrenuto skeniranje, %1. ScanMgr - Failed to start scan, %1.
0xB0000143ScanMgr – Pronađen keš za trenutnu vezu. Potvrda identiteta = %1, Šifrovanje = %2, Bezbednost = %3, Jačina signala = %4. ScanMgr - Found cache for current connection. Auth = %1, Cipher = %2, Secure = %3, Signal Strength = %4.
0xB0000144ScanMgr – Postavljanje trenutne veze, %1, kao „Potrebno je preduzeti neku radnju“ zbog isteka vremena zahteva korisničkog interfejsa. ScanMgr - Setting Current Connection, %1, as Action Required because of UI Request Timeout.
0xB0000145ScanMgr – Postavljanje trenutne veze, %1, kao „Potrebno je preduzeti neku radnju“ zbog neuspele potvrde identiteta za automatsko povezivanje. ScanMgr - Setting Current Connection, %1, as Action Required because of Auth Fail for Auto Connect.
0xB0000146ScanMgr - Vraćanje stavke mreže u toku skeniranja kao „Potrebno je preduzeti neku radnju“, %2. ScanMgr - Returning Network Item in Scan as Action Required, %2.
0xB0000147ScanMgr – Vraćanje ime veze %1 kao „Potrebno je preduzeti neku radnju“ na zahtev. ScanMgr - Returning Connection Name %1 as Action Required on request.
0xB0000148ScanMgr – Izdavanje zahteva za aktivno skeniranje WLAN mreži. ScanMgr - Issuing an active scan request to Wlan.
0xB0000149ScanMgr – Izdavanje zahteva za normalno skeniranje WLAN mreži. ScanMgr - Issuing an normal scan request to Wlan.
0xB000014AScanMgr – Klijent je zahtevao BSS listu kad trenutno nije bilo nijedne. ScanMgr - Client requested bss list when there currently was none.
0xB000014BScanMgr - Zanemarivanje duplog otkazivanja postavke „Potrebno je preduzeti neku radnju“ za %1. ScanMgr - Ignoring duplicate action required failure for %1.
0xB000014CScanMgr – Ažurirana keširana Bss lista. ScanMgr - Updated the cached Bss List.
0xB000014DScanMgr - Pronađeni važeći SSID identifikatori (%1) pomoću kojih će se ažurirati keš. ScanMgr - Found %1 valid SSIDs to update cache with.
0xB000014EScanMgr – Ažurirana keširana SSID lista. ScanMgr - Updated the cached Ssid List.
0xB000014FScanMgr – Predavanje liste mreža automatskom povezivanju. ScanMgr - Passing network list to AutoConnect.
0xB0000150ScanMgr – Pronađen AP kombinovanog režima koji je trenutno konfigurisan kao WPA. Potencijalni kandidat za konverziju u WPA2. ScanMgr - Found a Mixed Mode AP currently configured as WPA. Possibly candidate for conversion to WPA2.
0xB0000190WiFiUserHost – Pokretanje matičnih modula. WiFiUserHost - Initializing host modules.
0xB0000191WiFiUserHost – Završeno je pokretanje matičnih modula, %1. WiFiUserHost - Finished initializing host modules, %1.
0xB0000192WiFiUserHost – Opozivanje pokretanja matičnih modula. WiFiUserHost - Uninitializing host modules.
0xB0000193WiFiUserHost – Završeno je opozivanje pokretanja matičnih modula, %1. WiFiUserHost - Finished uninitializing host modules, %1.
0xB0000194WiFiUserHost – Nije omogućen dobavljač za WPP evidentiranje za dobavljača %1 sa h = %2. WiFiUserHost - Failed to enable provider for WPP Logging for provider %1 with hr = %2.
0xB0000195WiFiUserHost – Nije zaustavljena WPP sesija sa dwError = %1. WiFiUserHost - Failed to stop WPP session with dwError = %1.
0xB0000196WiFiUserHost - Nije poslat upit o stanju WPP sesije sa dwError = %1. WiFiUserHost - Failed to query WPP session state with dwError = %1.
0xB0000197WiFiUserHost – Nije učitan DataCollection.dll, GetLastError() = %1. WiFiUserHost - Failed to load DataCollection.dll, GetLastError() = %1.
0xB0000198WiFiUserHost – Nije preuzet GetProcAddress „%1“, GetLastError() = %2. WiFiUserHost - Failed to GetProcAddress '%1', GetLastError() = %2.
0xB0000199WiFiUserHost – Pokrenut DataCollection. WiFiUserHost - Started DataCollection.
0xB000019AWiFiUserHost – Zaustavljen DataCollection WiFiUserHost - Stopped DataCollection
0xB0000258WiFiUserRpc – Neuspeo poziv RpcServerUseProtseqEp, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Failed call RpcServerUseProtseqEp, %1.
0xB0000259WiFiUserRpc – Neuspeo poziv RpcServerInqBindings, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Failed call RpcServerInqBindings, %1.
0xB000025AWiFiUserRpc – Neuspeo poziv RpcEpRegister, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Failed call RpcEpRegister, %1.
0xB000025BWiFiUserRpc – Završena je registracija, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Registration complete, %1.
0xB000025CWiFiUserRpc – Neuspeo poziv RpcEpUnregister, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Failed call RpcEpUnregister, %1.
0xB000025DWiFiUserRpc – Završeno je poništavanje registracije, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Unregistration complete, %1.
0xB000025EWiFiUserRpc – Nije uspeo poziv za QueryTransientObjectSecurityDescriptor za TransportSecurityDescriptor, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Call to QueryTransientObjectSecurityDescriptor for TransportSecurityDescriptor failed, %1.
0xB000025FWiFiUserRpc – Nije uspeo poziv za QueryTransientObjectSecurityDescriptor za InterfaceSecurityDescriptor, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Call to QueryTransientObjectSecurityDescriptor for InterfaceSecurityDescriptor failed, %1.
0xB0000260WiFiUserRpc – Nije uspeo poziv za RpcImpersonateClient, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Call to RpcImpersonateClient failed, %1.
0xB0000261WiFiUserRpc – Nije uspeo poziv za OpenThreadToken, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Call to OpenThreadToken failed, %1.
0xB0000262WiFiUserRpc – Nije uspeo poziv za CapabilityCheck, %1. WiFiUserRpc - Call to CapabilityCheck failed, %1.
0xB00003E8UiRequestMgr – Pokrenuto je. UiRequestMgr - Initialized.
0xB00003E9UiRequestMgr – Nije pokrenuto. UiRequestMgr - Uninitialized.
0xB00003EAUiRequestMgr – Primljen zahtev korisničkog interfejsa. UiRequestMgr - Received UI Request.
0xB00003EBUiRequestMgr – Primljen NULL zahtev. UiRequestMgr - Received NULL Request.
0xB00003ECUiRequestMgr – Primljen NULL L2 zahtev. UiRequestMgr - Received NULL L2 Request.
0xB00003EDUiRequestMgr – Primljen NULL WLAN zahtev. UiRequestMgr - Received NULL Wlan Request.
0xB00003EEUiRequestMgr – Primljen nepodržani tip WLAN zahteva, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unsupported Wlan Request Type, %1.
0xB00003EFUiRequestMgr – Primljen NULL MSM bezbednosni zahtev. UiRequestMgr - Received NULL MSM Sec Request.
0xB00003F0UiRequestMgr – Primljen WEP zahtev korisničkog interfejsa. UiRequestMgr - Received WEP UI Request.
0xB00003F1UiRequestMgr – Primljen PSK zahtev korisničkog interfejsa. UiRequestMgr - Received PSK UI Request.
0xB00003F2UiRequestMgr – Primljen OneX zahtev korisničkog interfejsa. UiRequestMgr - Received OneX UI Request.
0xB00003F3UiRequestMgr – Primljen NULL OneX zahtev. UiRequestMgr - Received NULL OneX Request.
0xB00003F4UiRequestMgr – Primljen nepodržan tip MSM bezbednosnog zahteva, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unsupported MSM Sec Request Type, %1.
0xB00003F5UiRequestMgr – Neuspeo poziv za WlanIsUIRequestPending, %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed call to WlanIsUIRequestPending, %1.
0xB00003F6UiRequestMgr – Trenutni poziv nije više na čekanju. UiRequestMgr - Current request is no longer pending.
0xB00003F7UiRequestMgr – Dostignut je maksimalno dozvoljen broj zahteva na čekanju. UiRequestMgr - Reached Max Number of pending requests.
0xB00003F8UiRequestMgr – Slanje zahteva korisničkog interfejsa klijentima, regulator za [%1]. UiRequestMgr - Sending UI Request to clients, handle[%1].
0xB00003F9UiRequestMgr – Istek vremenskog ograničenja zahteva, regulator za [%1]. UiRequestMgr - Request timed out, handle[%1].
0xB00003FAUiRequestMgr – Primljen nevažeći odgovor, regulator za [%1]. UiRequestMgr - Received invalid response, handle[%1].
0xB00003FBUiRequestMgr – Primljen važeći odgovor, regulator za [%1]. UiRequestMgr - Received valid response, handle[%1].
0xB00003FCUiRequestMgr – Slanje PSK odgovora korisničkog interfejsa WLAN mreži, %1. UiRequestMgr - Sending PSK UI response to Wlan, %1.
0xB00003FDUiRequestMgr – Nije konvertovana WEP fraza za prolaz, %1, razlog %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed to convert WEP passphrase, %1, reason %1.
0xB00003FEUiRequestMgr – Nije konvertovana PSK fraza za prolaz, %1, razlog %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed to convert PSK passphrase, %1, reason %1.
0xB00003FFUiRequestMgr – Nije konvertovana ključna fraza za prolaz, %1, razlog %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed to convert Key passphrase, %1, reason %1.
0xB0000400UiRequestMgr – Došlo je do EAP greške: Port(%1): informacije o EAP grešci sadrži winError=%2, reasonCode=%3, EapMethod(Type=%4), rootCauseString=%5. UiRequestMgr - Encountered Eap Error: Port(%1): Eap error info contains winError=%2, reasonCode=%3, EapMethod(Type=%4), rootCauseString=%5.
0xB0000401UiRequestMgr – Primljen nepodržani tip OneX zahteva, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unsupported OneX Request Type, %1.
0xB0000402UiRequestMgr – Primljen nepodržani tip EAP zahteva, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unsupported EAP Request Type, %1.
0xB0000403UiRequestMgr – Primljen nepodržani tip EAP polja, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unsupported EAP Field Type, %1.
0xB0000404UiRequestMgr – Nije uspeo poziv za slanje upita o EAP blob objektu, %1, zanemarivanje... UiRequestMgr - Call to query EAP blob failed, %1, ignoring...
0xB0000405UiRequestMgr – Nije uspeo poziv za kreiranje OneX odgovora, %1. UiRequestMgr - Call to Create OneX response failed, %1.
0xB0000406UiRequestMgr – Slanje OneX odgovora korisničkog interfejsa WLAN mreži, %1. UiRequestMgr - Sending OneX UI response to Wlan, %1.
0xB0000407UiRequestMgr – Nije konvertovan SSID „%3“ u toku keširanja korisničkog imena, %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed to convert SSID '%3' while caching username, %1.
0xB0000408UiRequestMgr – Nije keširano korisničko ime u CM konfiguraciji, %1. UiRequestMgr - Failed to cache username in CM Config, %1.
0xB0000409UiRequestMgr – Primljeni akreditivi za nevažeći regulator, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received credentials for an invalid handle, %1.
0xB000040AUiRequestMgr – Primljeni akreditivi za ispravan regulator (%1), %2. UiRequestMgr - Received credentials for the correct handle (%1), %2.
0xB000040BUiRequestMgr – Brisanje zahteva za %1. UiRequestMgr - Cleaning request for %1.
0xB000040CUiRequestMgr – Primljeni nevažeći podaci akreditiva iz dodatne komponente. Slanje klijentima. UiRequestMgr - Received invalid credential data from plugin. Sending to clients.
0xB000040DUiRequestMgr – Primljeni akreditivi iz dodatne komponente. UiRequestMgr - Received credentials from plugin.
0xB000040EUiRequestMgr – Primljen direktan zahtev za korisnički interfejs, zastavice = %1. UiRequestMgr - Received direct request for UI, flags = %1.
0xB000040FUiRequestMgr – Primljen IHV zahtev korisničkog interfejsa. UiRequestMgr - Received IHV UI request.
0xB0000410UiRequestMgr – Primljen nepoznati tip IHV zahteva korisničkog interfejsa, %1. UiRequestMgr - Received unknown IHV UI request type, %1.
0xB0000411UiRequestMgr – Primljen nevažeći tip IHV zahteva korisničkog interfejsa. UiRequestMgr - Received invalid IHV UI request type.
0xB0000412UiRequestMgr – Slanje PSK IHV odgovora korisničkog interfejsa WLAN mreži, %1. UiRequestMgr - Sending PSK IHV UI response to Wlan, %1.
0xB0000413UiRequestMgr – Slanje IHV odgovora korisničkog interfejsa certifikata WLAN mreži, %1. UiRequestMgr - Sending Cert IHV UI response to Wlan, %1.
0xB0000414UiRequestMgr – Primljen OneX zahtev korisničkog interfejsa otkrivanja. Slanje zahteva za PEAP ili SIM akreditive. UiRequestMgr - Received OneX Discovery UI Request. Sending request for either PEAP or SIM credentials.
0xB0000415UiRequestMgr – Primljeno otkazivanje odgovora, regulator za [%1]. UiRequestMgr - Received cancel response, handle[%1].
0xB0000416UiRequestMgr – Primljena komanda za otkazivanje svih zahteva na čekanju. UiRequestMgr - Received command to cancel all pending requests.
0xB0000417UiRequestMgr – Primljen tip %1 OneX zahteva korisničkog interfejsa. UiRequestMgr - Received OneX UI request type %1.
0xB0000578PowerMgr – Isključivanje nije uspelo (asinhrono = %1) nije uspelo, greška %2. PowerMgr - Turn off failed (async = %1) failed, error %2.
0xB0000579PowerMgr – Isključivanje nije uspelo nije uspelo, greška %1. PowerMgr - Turn on failed failed, error %1.
0xB000057APowerMgr – Aktiviranje okidača %1 – Prethodno stanje: Aktivno %2, Odloženo %3, Preostalo vreme %4. PowerMgr - Activating trigger(s) %1 - Prev State: Active %2, Delayed %3, Time Left %4.
0xB000057BPowerMgr – Otpuštanje okidača %1 – Prethodno stanje: Aktivno %2, Odloženo %3, Preostalo vreme %4. PowerMgr - Releasing trigger(s) %1 - Prev State: Active %2, Delayed %3, Time Left %4.
0xB000057CPowerMgr – Otpuštanje odloženog okidača – Prethodno stanje: Aktivno %2, Odloženo %3. PowerMgr - Releasing delayed trigger(s) - Prev State: Active %2, Delayed %3.
0xB000057DPowerMgr – Novo AOAC stanje, %1. PowerMgr - New AOAC state, %1.
0xB000057EPowerMgr – Novo stanje napajanja: Aktivno %1, Odloženo %2, Preostalo vreme %3. PowerMgr - New Power State: Active %1, Delayed %2, Time Left %3.
0xB000057FPowerMgr – Novo stanje uštede baterije, %1. PowerMgr - New Battery Saver state, %1.
0xB0000580PowerMgr – Korisničke željene opcije napajanja pri pokretanju sistema, %1. PowerMgr - User power preference at boot, %1.
0xB00005DCRadioMgr – Kreiranje događaja nije uspelo, greška %1. RadioMgr - Create event failed, error %1.
0xB00005DDRadioMgr – Čeka se prethodna nit podešavanja napajanja. RadioMgr - Waiting on previous set power thread.
0xB00005DERadioMgr – Isteklo je vreme dok se čekalo na prethodnu nit. RadioMgr - Timed out while wait for previous thread.
0xB00005DFRadioMgr – Nije kreirana nit podešavanja napajanja, greška %1. RadioMgr - Failed to create set power thread, error %1.
0xB00005E0RadioMgr – Isteklo je vreme dok se čekalo na stabilnost početnog podešavanja napajanja. RadioMgr - Timeout out while waiting for intial set power stability.
0xB00005E1RadioMgr – Isteklo je vreme dok se čekalo na stabilnost drugog podešavanja napajanja. RadioMgr - Timeout out while waiting for second set power stability.
0xB00005E2RadioMgr – Metod SetPowerState nije uspeo da asinhrono podesi napajanje. RadioMgr - SetPowerState failed to set the power async.
0xB00005E3RadioMgr – Zanemarivanje završetka skeniranja jer napajanje nije uključeno. RadioMgr - Ignoring scan complete because power is not on.
0xB00005E4RadioMgr – Ponovno uključivanje napajanja, %1. RadioMgr - Bringing power back on, %1.
0xB00005E5RadioMgr – Podešavanje opcije ponovnog uključivanja napajanja: %1, tajmer: %2. RadioMgr - Setting bring power back on option: %1, timer: %2.
0xB00005E6RadioMgr – Zanemarivanje završetka skeniranja jer je uključen soft ap. RadioMgr - Ignoring scan complete because soft ap is on.
0xB00005E7RadioMgr – Opcija ponovnog uključivanja napajanja pri pokretanju sistema: %1, tajmer - %2. RadioMgr - Bring power back on option at boot: %1, timer - %2.
0xB00005E8RadioMgr – Pozvana Cortana za kreiranje pravila: %1. RadioMgr - Called Cortana to Create Rule: %1.
0xB00005E9RadioMgr – Primljen podsetnik za ponovno uključivanje napajanja. RadioMgr - Received hint to turn power back on.
0xB0000640Automatsko povezivanje – %1 AutoConnect - %1
0xB0000642Automatsko povezivanje – QueryAutoConnectParameters: USPEŠNO pročitano %1 – Podrazumevano=%2, Pročitano=%3 AutoConnect - QueryAutoConnectParameters: SUCCESSfully read %1 - Default=%2, Read=%3
0xB0000643Automatsko povezivanje – CheckAndUpdateAutoConnectState: Ažurirano stanje: QueryScm=[%1--%2], CredSharing=[%3--%4], CP=[%5--%6], ACEnabled=[%7--%8], ServiceInit=[%9], StateFlags=[%10] AutoConnect - CheckAndUpdateAutoConnectState: State updated: QueryScm=[%1--%2], CredSharing=[%3--%4], CP=[%5--%6], ACEnabled=[%7--%8], ServiceInit=[%9], StateFlags=[%10]
0xB0000644Automatsko povezivanje – New%1NotificationInternal [%2]: +++ [%3:%4] [%5:%6] +++ AutoConnect - New%1NotificationInternal [%2]: +++ [%3:%4] [%5:%6] +++
0xB0000645Automatsko povezivanje – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Rezultat=NE povezuje .. UserConfiguredNetworks=[%1+%2], AutoConnectable:Trajno=[%3:%4], Stanje=[%5], Mreža=[%6] AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Result=NOT connecting .. UserConfiguredNetworks=[%1+%2], AutoConnectable:Stationary=[%3:%4], State=[%5], Network=[%6]
0xB0000646Automatsko povezivanje – CheckAndAddAuthCipherPair: Već postoji bezbedni SSID unos za [%1:%2:%3] AutoConnect - CheckAndAddAuthCipherPair: Secure Ssid entry for [%1:%2:%3] already exists
0xB0000647Automatsko povezivanje – CheckAndAddAuthCipherPair: NE dodaje [%1:%2:%3] – Prekoračenje + AuthCipher je suviše slabo AutoConnect - CheckAndAddAuthCipherPair: NOT adding [%1:%2:%3] - Overflow + AuthCipher too weak
0xB0000648Automatsko povezivanje – [%1] TM SSID=[%2:%3:%4], LinkQ=[%5], Zastavice:Rezultat=[%6:%7], CP=[%8-%9], Cr=[%10-%11] AutoConnect - [%1] TM SSID=[%2:%3:%4], LinkQ=[%5], Flags:Score=[%6:%7], CP=[%8-%9], Cr=[%10-%11]
0xB0000649Automatsko povezivanje – TileMgrQueryNetworks: Tip:Izvori=[%1:%2]: vratio je [%3/%4] NetInfos, Zastavice=[%5], ACEnabled:ConfScanTO:MinLinkQ:MinScore=[%6:%7:%8:%9], ScoreWt:SignalWt:OverlapP:Ponovnih pokušaja=[%10:%11:%12:%13] AutoConnect - TileMgrQueryNetworks: Type:Sources=[%1:%2]: returned [%3/%4] NetInfos, Flags=[%5], ACEnabled:ConfScanTO:MinLinkQ:MinScore=[%6:%7:%8:%9], ScoreWt:SignalWt:OverlapP:Retries=[%10:%11:%12:%13]
0xB000064AAutomatsko povezivanje – ApplyConfigurationAndSetPolicies: NumNetworks=[%1], AutoConnectableNetworks=[%2], GlobalFlags=[%3], Upravljano:Korisnik:WPS=[%4:%5:%6] AutoConnect - ApplyConfigurationAndSetPolicies: NumNetworks=[%1], AutoConnectableNetworks=[%2], GlobalFlags=[%3], Managed:User:WPS=[%4:%5:%6]
0xB000064BAutomatsko povezivanje – Automatsko povezivanje je ONEMOGUĆENO, StateFlags=[%1] AutoConnect - AutoConnect is DISABLEd, StateFlags=[%1]
0xB000064CAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], BEZ CM imena, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], NO CM name, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000064DAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], NE-USPOSTAVLJAJ-VEZU, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], DO-NOT-CONNECT, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000064EAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], NEPOZNATA mreža, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], UNKNOWN network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000064FAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], mreža SA TROŠKOVIMA, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], COSTED network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB0000650Automatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], NIJE CredShared, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], NOT CredShared, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB0000651Automatsko povezivanje – RefreshAllProfiles: Mreža [%1] sada nije u stanju povlačenja AutoConnect - RefreshAllProfiles: Network [%1] is now out of backoff state
0xB0000652Automatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] ++ [%3:%4:%5] [%6:%7]: LinkQuality=[%8], Rezultat=[%9], CfgWt:CalcWt=[%10:%11], ConfigFlags:ProfFlags=[%12:%13], CPLength=[%14], CredsLength=[%15] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] ++ [%3:%4:%5] [%6:%7]: LinkQuality=[%8], Score=[%9], CfgWt:CalcWt=[%10:%11], ConfigFlags:ProfFlags=[%12:%13], CPLength=[%14], CredsLength=[%15]
0xB0000653Automatsko povezivanje – ConfigureCMProfiles: Ažuriranje težina profila... AutoConnect - ConfigureCMProfiles: Updating Profile Weights ...
0xB0000654Automatsko povezivanje – [%1] Ažuriranje profila [%2:%3], Težina = [%4 to %5], ProfileFlags=[%6] AutoConnect - [%1] Updating Profile [%2:%3], Weight = [%4 to %5], ProfileFlags=[%6]
0xB0000655Automatsko povezivanje – ConfigureCMProfiles: Brisanje profila... AutoConnect - ConfigureCMProfiles: Deleting profiles ...
0xB0000656Automatsko povezivanje – %1: Brisanje profila [%2:%3] AutoConnect - %1: Deleting Profile [%2:%3]
0xB0000657Automatsko povezivanje – ConfigureCMProfiles: Dodavanje profila... AutoConnect - ConfigureCMProfiles: Adding profiles ...
0xB0000658Automatsko povezivanje – [%1] Kreiranje CM profila za [%2:%3], Težina = [od %4 do %5], ProfileFlags=[%6] AutoConnect - [%1] Creating CM profile for [%2:%3], Weight = [%4 to %5], ProfileFlags=[%6]
0xB0000659Automatsko povezivanje – GetConnectableNetwork: Pronađeno! ScanIndex=[%1] Mreža=[%2:%3], Težina = [od %4 do %5], ProfileFlags=[%6] AutoConnect - GetConnectableNetwork: Found! ScanIndex=[%1] Network=[%2:%3], Weight = [%4 to %5], ProfileFlags=[%6]
0xB000065AAutomatsko povezivanje – DeleteAllHotspotNetworks: Brisanje veza: %1 AutoConnect - DeleteAllHotspotNetworks: Deleting %1 Connections
0xB000065BAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1] Brisanje veze [%2] AutoConnect - [%1] Deleting Connection [%2]
0xB000065CAutomatsko povezivanje – HandleNewConnectionToNetworkInternal: Status=[%1], Mreža=[%2], IsUserNetwork=[%3], bACProfileExists=[%4], ProfileFlags=[%5] AutoConnect - HandleNewConnectionToNetworkInternal: Status=[%1], Network=[%2], IsUserNetwork=[%3], bACProfileExists=[%4], ProfileFlags=[%5]
0xB000065DAutomatsko povezivanje – HandleUserConnectionToNetworkInternal: Promenjeno je [%1:%2] u Korisnički konfigurisano AutoConnect - HandleUserConnectionToNetworkInternal: Successfully changed [%1:%2] to User-configured
0xB000065EAutomatsko povezivanje – HandleConnectionDisconnected: Mreža [%1] ima još pokušaja, trenutno je iskorišćeno pokušaja [%2 / %3] AutoConnect - HandleConnectionDisconnected: Network [%1] has retries left, Have currently used [%2 / %3] retries
0xB000065FAutomatsko povezivanje – HandleConnectionDisconnected: BLOKIRANA mreža [%1] for [%2], Ponovni pokušaji=[%3], BackoffTimeSecs=[%4+%5] AutoConnect - HandleConnectionDisconnected: BLOCKed network [%1] for [%2], Retries=[%3], BackoffTimeSecs=[%4+%5]
0xB0000660Automatsko povezivanje – HandleConnectionStateChange: Nepoznata mreža – NIJE pronađen profil za [%1] AutoConnect - HandleConnectionStateChange: Unknown network - Did NOT find profile for [%1]
0xB0000661Automatsko povezivanje – HandleConnectionStateChange: Obaveštenje o stanju duplikata, Stanje=[%1], Profil=[%2] AutoConnect - HandleConnectionStateChange: Dup state notification, State=[%1], Profile=[%2]
0xB0000662Automatsko povezivanje – SetAutoConnectStatusInternal: Novo stanje=[%1] AutoConnect - SetAutoConnectStatusInternal: New State=[%1]
0xB0000663Automatsko povezivanje – SetDisconnectReasonInternal: Razlog prekida veze = [%1], Veza=[%2] AutoConnect - SetDisconnectReasonInternal: Disconnect Reason = [%1], Connection=[%2]
0xB0000664Automatsko povezivanje – UpdateNetworksList: TotalNetworks=[%1], Novo=[%2+%3+%4], Opšte=[%5+%6+%7+%8], Keširano=[%9], Ispušteno=[%10] - AutoConnectable=[%11+%12], StationaryNetworks=[%13] AutoConnect - UpdateNetworksList: TotalNetworks=[%1], New=[%2+%3+%4], Common=[%5+%6+%7+%8], Cached=[%9], Dropped=[%10] - AutoConnectable=[%11+%12], StationaryNetworks=[%13]
0xB0000665Automatsko povezivanje – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Tajmer potvrde – Preostalo vreme = [%1] ms AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Confirmation Timer - TimeLeft = [%1] msecs
0xB0000666Automatsko povezivanje – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Rezultat=Zakazivanje skeniranja potvrde za [%1] s AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Result=Scheduling Confirmation Scan in [%1] secs
0xB0000667Automatsko povezivanje – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Zaustavljanje tajmera potvrde - Preostalo vreme=[%1], manje od [%2] ms AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Stopping Confirmation timer - TimeLeft=[%1], less than [%2] msecs
0xB0000668Automatsko povezivanje – ConfirmationScanTimerCallbackInternal: --- Pokrenut je tajmer skeniranja potvrde! AutoConnect - ConfirmationScanTimerCallbackInternal: --- Confirmation Scan Timer fired!
0xB0000669Automatsko povezivanje – OpenAutoConnectFile: Odlaganje=[%1], Datoteka=[%2] AutoConnect - OpenAutoConnectFile: Disposition=[%1], File=[%2]
0xB000066AAutomatsko povezivanje – InitializeACBlackList: Pročitano [%1] (u bajtovima), SSID identifikatora [%2–%3] AutoConnect - InitializeACBlackList: Read [%1] bytes, [%2-%3] Ssids
0xB000066BAutomatsko povezivanje – AddNewEntryToBlackList: Dodat SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2]- NumBssids=[%3] na BlackList, Korišćeni SSID identifikatori:Dodeljeno=[%4-%5] AutoConnect - AddNewEntryToBlackList: Added SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2]- NumBssids=[%3] to BlackList, Ssids Used:Alloc=[%4-%5]
0xB000066CAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], KORISNIČKI konfigurisana mreža, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], USER-Configured network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000066DAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] ** [%3:%4:%5], Mreža RASTEREĆENJA hotspota, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] ** [%3:%4:%5], Hotspot OFFLOAD network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000066EAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Mreža koju je KORISNIK BLOKIRAO, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], USER-BLOCKED network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000066FAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], U stanju POVLAČENJA, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], In BACKOFF State, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB0000670Automatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Ispod kvaliteta VEZE, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], MinLinkQuality=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Below LINK Quality, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], MinLinkQuality=[%8]
0xB0000671Automatsko povezivanje – FindEntryInBlackList: Pronađen SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2], Indeks=[%3/%4], bDelete=[%5] AutoConnect - FindEntryInBlackList: Found SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2], Index=[%3/%4], bDelete=[%5]
0xB0000672Automatsko povezivanje – FindEntryInBlackList: Uklanja se SSID=[%1], NumBssidsIn=[%2], NumSsidsLeft=[%3] AutoConnect - FindEntryInBlackList: Removing SSID=[%1], NumBssidsIn=[%2], NumSsidsLeft=[%3]
0xB0000673Automatsko povezivanje – AddNewEntryToBlackList: Dodavanje novog unosa SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2], Ssid:Bssid indeks=[%3:%4], Prethodni NumBssids=[%5] AutoConnect - AddNewEntryToBlackList: Adding new entry SSID:BSSID=[%1:%2], Ssid:Bssid Index=[%3:%4], Previous NumBssids=[%5]
0xB0000674Automatsko povezivanje – GetNewBlackListIndex -- Kreirana NOVA lista – Prethodni SsidsAllocated=[%1] Novi SsidsAllocated=[%2] AutoConnect - GetNewBlackListIndex -- Created NEW list - Previous SsidsAllocated=[%1] New SsidsAllocated=[%2]
0xB0000675Automatsko povezivanje – HandleNewConnectionToNetworkInternal: Uklonjen je Ssid=[%1:%2:%3] sa BlackList AutoConnect - HandleNewConnectionToNetworkInternal: Successfully removed Ssid=[%1:%2:%3] from BlackList
0xB0000676Automatsko povezivanje – SetAutoConnectNetworkStateInternal[ACTIVE]: Uklonjen je Ssid=[%1:%2:%3] sa BlackList AutoConnect - SetAutoConnectNetworkStateInternal[ACTIVE]: Successfully removed Ssid=[%1:%2:%3] from BlackList
0xB0000677Automatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Prolazna mreža, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Transient Network, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB0000678Automatsko povezivanje – GetConnectionInfoInternal: Nedosledno stanje veze Interno=[%1], Stvarno=[%2] AutoConnect - GetConnectionInfoInternal: Inconsistent Connection State Internal=[%1], Actual=[%2]
0xB0000679Automatsko povezivanje – SendConnectionUpdateNotification: Mreža=[%1], Kontekst=[%2], QueryTileManagerForNetwork je vratila=[%3] AutoConnect - SendConnectionUpdateNotification: Network=[%1], Context=[%2], QueryTileManagerForNetwork returned=[%3]
0xB000067AAutomatsko povezivanje – SendConnectionUpdateNotification [%1 : %2]: Mreža=[%3], Rezultat=[%4], flightId=[%5], networkId=[%6], DataNeeded=[%7] AutoConnect - SendConnectionUpdateNotification [%1 : %2]: Network=[%3], Score=[%4], flightId=[%5], networkId=[%6], DataNeeded=[%7]
0xB000067BAutomatsko povezivanje – SetAutoConnectPCDValueInternal: ConnectionContext=[%1], PCD=[%2], trenutni ConnectionContext=[%3] AutoConnect - SetAutoConnectPCDValueInternal: ConnectionContext=[%1], PCD=[%2], current ConnectionContext=[%3]
0xB000067CAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Ispod MIN rezultata, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], MinScoreNormalized=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Below MIN Score, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], MinScoreNormalized=[%8]
0xB000067DAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Mreža rasterećenja hotspota sa pločice, ali nije označeno lokalno, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Hotspot Offload Network from Tile, but not marked locally, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000067EAutomatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], Automatsko povezivanje je ONEMOGUĆENO, LinkQuality=[%6], Rezultat=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%3:%4:%5], AutoConnect DISABLED, LinkQuality=[%6], Score=[%7], CfgFlags=[%8]
0xB000067FAutomatsko povezivanje – AddAutoConnectProfile: DODAT je CM profil za [%1] AutoConnect - AddAutoConnectProfile: SUCCESSfully added CM profile for [%1]
0xB0000680Automatsko povezivanje – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Rezultat=Zanemarivanje jer je automatsko povezivanje onemogućeno, StateFlags=[%1] AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: Result=Ignoring as AutoConnect is Disabled, StateFlags=[%1]
0xB0000682Automatsko povezivanje – [%1.%2] -- [%4:%5:%6], %3, LinkQuality=[%7], Rezultat=[%8], CfgFlags=[%9] AutoConnect - [%1.%2] -- [%4:%5:%6], %3, LinkQuality=[%7], Score=[%8], CfgFlags=[%9]
0xB0000683Automatsko povezivanje – FlushNetworkList: Kontekst=[%1], SSIDs=[%2], BssEntries=[%3] AutoConnect - FlushNetworkList: Context=[%1], SSIDs=[%2], BssEntries=[%3]
0xB0000684Automatsko povezivanje – FirewallBlockWiFiPrivateNet Postavljeno=[%1]: Rezultat=[%2] AutoConnect - FirewallBlockWiFiPrivateNet Set=[%1]: Result=[%2]
0xB0000686Automatsko povezivanje – [CREDSHARING] MarkProfilesForDeletion: Istek vremena keša akreditiva za [%1], Context=[%2], CredSharing handle=[%3] AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] MarkProfilesForDeletion: Credentials Cache timed out for [%1], Context=[%2], CredSharing handle=[%3]
0xB0000687Automatsko povezivanje – [CREDSHARING] CheckIsNetworkConnectable: NE zahtevaju se akreditivi jer je trenutno preostao zahtev za [%1], Kontekst=[%2], Regulator za CredSharing=[%3] AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] CheckIsNetworkConnectable: NOT Requesting creds as request is currently outstanding for [%1], Context=[%2], CredSharing handle=[%3]
0xB0000688Automatsko povezivanje – [CREDSHARING] CheckIsNetworkConnectable: Zahtevanje akreditiva za [%1], Kontekst=[%2], Regulator za CredSharing=[%3] ... AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] CheckIsNetworkConnectable: Requesting creds for [%1], Context=[%2], CredSharing handle=[%3] ...
0xB0000689Automatsko povezivanje – [CREDSHARING] -- CredentialAvailableCallbackInternal: SUCCESS -- Korišćenje akreditiva za [%1], Kontekst=[%2], Regulator za CredSharing=[%3] AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] -- CredentialAvailableCallbackInternal: SUCCESS -- Using credentials for [%1], Context=[%2], CredSharing handle=[%3]
0xB000068AAutomatsko povezivanje – [CREDSHARING] ConnectToAvailableNetwork: Korišćenje akreditiva za [%1], Kontekst=[%2], CredsLength=[%3] AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] ConnectToAvailableNetwork: Using creds for [%1], Context=[%2], CredsLength=[%3]
0xB000068BAutomatsko povezivanje – [CREDSHARING] CheckAndUpdateAutoConnectState: Ažurirano stanje deljenja akreditiva – %1 -- %2 AutoConnect - [CREDSHARING] CheckAndUpdateAutoConnectState: Credential sharing State updated - %1 -- %2
0xB000068CAutomatsko povezivanje – [NLO] SetNetworkMostRecentlyUsedHintInternal: Mreža=[%1], Zahtev=[%2], CurrentFlags=[%3] AutoConnect - [NLO] SetNetworkMostRecentlyUsedHintInternal: Network=[%1], Request=[%2], CurrentFlags=[%3]
0xB000068DAutomatsko povezivanje – ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: UserTMSettings=[QueryTM=%1, SCM=%2, CRED=%3, CP=%4], TMFlags=[%5, Omogućeno=%6] AutoConnect - ConfigureAutoConnectNetworksInternal: UserTMSettings=[QueryTM=%1, SCM=%2, CRED=%3, CP=%4], TMFlags=[%5, Enabled=%6]
0xB00006A4WlanMgr – Primljeno WLAN obaveštenje: %1 WlanMgr - Recieved wlan notif: %1
0xB00006A6WlanMgr – Poslat je upit za Bss listu i vraćeno je stavki %1 WlanMgr - Queried for Bss List and got %1 items back
0xB00006A7WlanMgr – Postavljeno novo Nic stanje = %1 WlanMgr - Set new Nic State = %1
0xB00006A8WlanMgr – AOAC nivo podrške = %1 WlanMgr - AOAC Support Level = %1
0xB00006A9WlanMgr – Nije uspela registracija za obaveštenja o promeni Nic stanja, %1 WlanMgr - Failed to register for Nic state change notifications, %1
0xB00006AAWlanMgr – Primljena promena Nic stanja: %1 WlanMgr - Received Nic state change: %1
0xB00006ABWlanMgr – Podešavanje događaja stabilnog Nic stanja. WlanMgr - Setting Nic state steady event.
0xB00006ACWlanMgr – Početak skeniranja kao odgovor na skeniranje slabog napajanja dovodi do. WlanMgr - Starting scan in response to scan low power bring up.
0xB00006ADWlanMgr – Isteklo je vreme dok se čekalo na događaj stabilnog Nic stanja. WlanMgr - Timed out while waiting for the Nic state steady event.
0xB00006AEWlanMgr – Zanemarivanje podešavanja stanja duplikata na, %1. WlanMgr - Ignoring duplicate state set to, %1.
0xB00006AFWlanMgr – Isteklo je vreme dok se čekalo na završetak Nic stanja. WlanMgr - Timed out while waiting for the set Nic state to complete.
0xB00006B0WlanMgr – Slanje NLO funkcije odeljku WlanSvc. WlanMgr - Sending Nlo to WlanSvc.
0xB00006B1WlanMgr – Nlo[%1] : %2 WlanMgr - Nlo[%1] : %2
0xB00006B2WlanMgr – WlanSetProfileListForOffload rezultat: %1 WlanMgr - WlanSetProfileListForOffload result: %1
0xB000076CPostavke korišćenja uređaja kao modema u romingu – Nije uspela registracija za obaveštenja o promeni Bluetooth veze, %1 Roaming Tethering Settings - Failed to register Bluetooth Change notifications, %1
0xB000076DPostavke korišćenja uređaja kao modema u romingu – Nije ažuriran ključ registratora za promenu Bluetooth veze, %1 Roaming Tethering Settings - Failed to update bluetooth change registry key, %1
0xB000076EPostavke korišćenja uređaja kao modema u romingu – Dobijeno obaveštenje o promeni Bluetooth veze Roaming Tethering Settings - Got bluetooth change notification
0xB00007D0Deljenje akreditiva – Nije moguće pisati u ključ registratora za deljenje akreditiva na čekanju, %1 Credential Sharing - Unable to write to the Credential Sharing Pending registry key, %1
0xB00007D1Deljenje akreditiva – Nije moguće čitati ključ registratora za deljenje akreditiva na čekanju, %1 Credential Sharing - Unable to read the Credential Sharing Pending registry key, %1
0xB00007D2Deljenje akreditiva – Nije moguće potvrditi prijavu korisnika, %1. Credential Sharing - Unable to verify user sign in, %1.
0xB00007D3Deljenje akreditiva – Neispravna dodela Credential Sharing - Bad Alloc
0xB00007D4Deljenje akreditiva – Nije uspeo zahtev za MSA token, %1. Credential Sharing - MSA token request failed, %1.
0xB0000834Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Neuspešan povratni poziv. HTTP status = %1, Status odgovora = %2 Credential Sharing Manager - Callback Failure. HTTP Status = %1, Reponse Status = %2
0xB0000835Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Nije poslat upit za MCC kôd, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - Failed to query MCC code, %1
0xB0000836Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Pokušaj zatvaranja NULL regulatora za deljenje akreditiva Credential Sharing Manager - Tried to close NULL Cred Sharing handle
0xB0000837Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Zatraženo dobijanje statusa davanja saglasnosti Credential Sharing Manager - Get Opt In Status requested
0xB0000838Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Već je zatraženo dobijanje statusa davanje saglasnosti Credential Sharing Manager - Get Opt In Status already requested
0xB0000839Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Zatraženo podešavanje statusa davanje saglasnosti Credential Sharing Manager - Set Opt In Status requested
0xB000083AUpravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Završen SendSocialProfileRequestAsync, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - SendSocialProfileRequestAsync completed, %1
0xB000083BUpravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Završen BuildCredSharingRequest, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - BuildCredSharingRequest completed, %1
0xB000083CUpravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Pozvan WinJsonResponse povratni poziv Credential Sharing Manager - WinJsonResponse Callback called
0xB000083DUpravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Pozvan SendSocialProfileRequestAsync Credential Sharing Manager - SendSocialProfileRequestAsync called
0xB000083EUpravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Pozvan BuildCredSharingRequest Credential Sharing Manager - BuildCredSharingRequest called
0xB000083FUpravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Primljen odgovor lozinke za %1, %2 Credential Sharing Manager - Received password response for %1, %2
0xB0000840Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Primljen odgovor dobijanja statusa davanja saglasnosti Credential Sharing Manager - Received Get Opt in Status response
0xB0000841Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Primljen odgovor podešavanja statusa davanja saglasnosti Credential Sharing Manager - Received Set Opt in Status response
0xB0000842Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Nije izvršeno podešavanja statusa davanja saglasnosti, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - Set Opt In Status Request failed to be made, %1
0xB0000843Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Nije dobijen status davanja saglasnosti, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - Get Opt In Status failed, %1
0xB0000844Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Društvene mreže nisu uključene u sinhronizaciju Credential Sharing Manager - Social Networks are out of sync
0xB0000845Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Zatraženo stavljanje mrežnih podataka Credential Sharing Manager - Put Network Data requested
0xB0000846Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Primljen odgovor stavljanja mrežnih podataka Credential Sharing Manager - Received Put NetworkData response
0xB0000847Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Primljen odgovor lozinke Credential Sharing Manager - Received password response
0xB0000848Upravljač za deljenje akreditiva – Nisu sinhronizovane povezane deljene mreže, %1 Credential Sharing Manager - Sync connected shared network failed, %1
0xB0000898Upravljač za deljenje profila – Podešavanje stanja deljenja mreže na %2 za %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Set Network Exchange State to %2 for %1
0xB0000899Upravljač za deljenje profila – Nevažeća lozinka je prosleđena podešavanju stanja deljenja mreže Profile Sharing Manager - Invalid password passed to set network exchange state
0xB000089AUpravljač za deljenje profila – Nije podešeno stanje deljenja mreže, %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Set Network Exchange State failed, %1
0xB000089BUpravljač za deljenje profila – Nije podešen registrator za %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Failed to set the registry for %1
0xB000089CUpravljač za deljenje profila – Podešavanje stanja davanja saglasnosti za deljenje akreditiva na %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Set Cred Sharing Opt In State to %1
0xB000089DUpravljač za deljenje profila – Nije podešeno stanje davanja saglasnosti za deljenje akreditiva, %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Set Cred Sharing Opt In State failed, %1
0xB000089EUpravljač za deljenje profila – Pozvano dobijanje stanja davanja saglasnosti za deljenje akreditiva Profile Sharing Manager - Get Cred Sharing Opt In State called
0xB000089FUpravljač za deljenje profila – Nije dobijeno stanje davanja saglasnosti za deljenje akreditiva, %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Get Cred Sharing Opt In State failed, %1
0xB00008A0Upravljač za deljenje profila – Dobijeno je stanje davanja saglasnosti za deljenje akreditiva. Stanje, %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Get Cred Sharing Opt In State succeeded. State, %1
0xB00008A1Upravljač za deljenje profila – Nije podešena društvena mreža %2 u registratoru. Stanje, %1 Profile Sharing Manager - Set social network %2 in registry failed. State, %1
0xB00008FCUpravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Korisnik nije dao saglasnost. Zalaganje za otpremanje profila. Profile Sharing Upload Manager - User is not opted in. Bailing on profile upload.
0xB00008FDUpravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – # od otpremljenih mreža, %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - # of uploaded networks, %1
0xB00008FEUpravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Otpremanje u WCS Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Uploading to WCS
0xB00008FFUpravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Otpremanje u datoteku Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Uploading to File
0xB0000900Upravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Nije otpremljeno, %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Upload failed, %1
0xB0000901Upravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Sastavljanje JSON korisnih podataka za %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Building Json payload for %1
0xB0000902Upravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Prazna BSSID lista. Preskakanje mreže. Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Empty BSSID list. Skipping network.
0xB0000903Upravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Sastavljanje JSON korisnih podataka je završeno uz rezultat %1, deljeno = %2 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Building Json payload completed with result %1, shared = %2
0xB0000904Upravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Mreža nije deljena Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Network not shared
0xB0000905Upravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Slanje deljenih mreža Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Send Shared Networks
0xB0000906Upravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Sastavljanje JSON korisnih podataka deljenih mreža Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Building Shared networks Json payload
0xB0000907Upravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Sastavljanje JSON korisnih podataka deljenih mreža je završeno uz rezultat %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Building Shared networks Json payload completed with result %1
0xB0000908Upravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Lokacija nije uspela da onemogući stanje deljenja, %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Failed to disable exchange state by location, %1
0xB0000909Upravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Nije uspela pretplata na obaveštenja o lokaciji. Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Failed to subscribe to location notifications.
0xB000090AUpravljač za otpremanje deljenja profila – Nije podešen status davanja saglasnosti za WNF promenu lokacije, %1 Profile Sharing Upload Manager - Failed to set opt in status on location WNF change, %1
0xB0000960FeatureManager – Izveštavanje o deljenju akreditiva nije dozvoljeno zbog lokacije FeatureManager - Reporting cred sharing as not allowed due to location
0xB0000961FeatureManager – Izveštavanje o automatskom povezivanju nije dozvoljeno FeatureManager - Reporting autoconnect not allowed
0xB0000962FeatureManager – Nije uspela pretplata na obaveštenja o lokaciji uz rezultat %1 FeatureManager - Failed to subscribe to location notifications with result %1
0xB0000963FeatureManager – Nije pokrenut raspored sinhronizovanja društvenih mreža uz rezultat %1 FeatureManager - Failed to start social network sync schedule with result %1
0xB0000964FeatureManager – Nije pokrenut sqm raspored uz rezultat %1 FeatureManager - Failed to start sqm schedule with result %1
0xB0000965FeatureManager – Nije uspela pretplata na obaveštenja o promeni smernica uz rezultat %1 FeatureManager - Failed to subscribe to policy changed notifications with result %1
0xB0000966FeatureManager – EnableFeatureInternal nije uspelo uz rezultat %1 FeatureManager - EnableFeatureInternal failed with result %1
0xB0000967FeatureManager – DisableFeatureInternal nije uspelo uz rezultat %1 FeatureManager - DisableFeatureInternal failed with result %1
0xB0000968FeatureManager – Obaveštavanje upravljača mreže o promeni stanja funkcije #%1 nije uspelo uz rezultat %2 FeatureManager - Notifying NetworkManager of feature state change #%1 failed with result %2
0xB0000969FeatureManager – SetFeatureRegValue nije uspelo uz rezultat %1 FeatureManager - SetFeatureRegValue failed with result %1
0xB000096AFeatureManager – GetFeatureRegValue nije uspelo uz rezultat %1 FeatureManager - GetFeatureRegValue failed with result %1
0xB10003E8Usluga: pokrenuto Service: Launched
0xB10003E9Usluga: postojeće Service: Exiting
0xB10003EADodatna komponenta usluge: pokrenuto ServicePlugin: Initialized
0xB10003EBUsluga: pok: %1 NIJE USPELO, greška=%2 Service: Init: %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10003ECUsluga: pokretanje procesa hosta – %1 NIJE USPELO, greška=%2 Service: LaunchHostProcess - %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10003EDUsluga: pokretanje procesa hosta je USPELO – hProces=%1, hNit=%2 Service: LaunchHostProcess SUCCEEDed - hProcess=%1, hThread=%2
0xB10003EEUsluga: Rpc klijent: %1 NIJE USPELO, greška=%2 Service: RpcClient: %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10003EFUsluga: događaj obaveštenja – %1, vrednost=%2 Service: Notification Event - %1, Value=%2
0xB10003F0Usluga: greška obaveštenja – %1 NIJE USPELO, greška=%2 Service: Notificaton Error - %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10003F1Usluga: događaj dodatne komponente – %1, vrednost=%2 Service: Plugin Event - %1, Value=%2
0xB10003F2Usluga: greška dodatne komponente – %1 NIJE USPELO, greška=%2 Service: Plugin Error - %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10003F3Usluga: događaj povezivanja – %1, vrednost=%2 Service: Connect Event - %1, Value=%2
0xB10003F4Usluga: greška povezivanja – %1 NIJE USPELO, greška=%2 Service: Connect Error - %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB10007D0Test: S1=%1, S2=%2, D1=%3, D2=%4, D3=%5 Test: S1=%1, S2=%2, D1=%3, D2=%4, D3=%5
0xB1000BB8Uslužni programi: dodeljivanje memorije NIJE USPELO: greška=%1, broj bajtova=%2 Utils: Allocate Memory FAILed: Error=%1, ByteCount=%2
0xB1000BB9Uslužni programi: dodeljena memorija: 0x%1 broj bajtova=%2 Utils: Allocated Memory: 0x%1 ByteCount=%2
0xB1000BBAUslužni programi: oslobađanje memorije: 0x%1 Utils: Freeing Memory: 0x%1
0xB1000BBBUslužni programi: uuid vektor: 0x%1, broj bajtova=%2 Utils: UuidVector: 0x%1, ByteCount=%2
0xB1000BBCUslužni programi: %1 NIJE USPELO, greška=%2 Utils: %1 FAILed, Error=%2
0xB1000FA0:: %1 :: %1
0xB1000FA1++ %1: [%2] ++ %1: [%2]
0xB1000FA2-- %1: [%2] -- %1: [%2]
0xB1000FA3[%1]: SSID=%2:%3, Aut:Ciph=%4:%5, oznake=%6, CmName=%7 [%1]: SSID=%2:%3, Auth:Ciph=%4:%5, Flags=%6, CmName=%7
0xB1000FA4Promenjeno je stanje hotspot veze: CmName=%1, novo stanje=%2 HotspotConnectionStateChanged: CmName=%1, NewState=%2
0xB20003E9Započeta je potvrda identiteta za hotspot za interfejs %1 Hotspot authentication started for interface %1
0xB20003EAUspešno je dovršena potvrda identiteta za hotspot za interfejs %1 Hotspot authentication successfully completed for interface %1
0xB20003EBNije uspela potvrda identiteta za hotspot za interfejs %1 uz status (%2) i kôd odziva (%3) Hotspot authentication failed for interface %1 with status (%2) and response code (%3)
0xB20003ECOtkazana je potvrda identiteta za hotspot za interfejs %1 Hotspot authentication has cancelled for interface %1
0xB20003EDDovršena je potvrda identiteta za hotspot za interfejs %1 uz status (%2) Hotspot authentication has completed for interface %1 with status (%2)
0xB20003EEOtkazan je scenario potvrde identiteta za hotspot za interfejs %1 Hotspot authentication scenario has cancelled for interface %1
0xB20007D1Započeto je otkrivanje WISPr protokola za interfejs %1 Discovering WISPr has started for interface %1
0xB20007D2Hotspot na interfejsu %1 podržava WISPr The hotspot on interface %1 supports WISPr
0xB20007D3Nije uspelo WISPr otkrivanje za interfejs %1 uz grešku (%2) WISPr detection failed for interface %1 with error (%2)
0xB20007D4Dovršeno je WISPr otkrivanje za interfejs %1 uz status (%2) WISPr detection completed for interface %1 with status (%2)
0xB20007D5Otkazan je scenario WISPr otkrivanja za interfejs %1 WISPr detection scenario has cancelled for interface %1
0xB20007D6Hotspot na interfejsu %1 ne podržava WISPr The hotspot on interface %1 does not support WISPr
0xB20007D7Nije izvršeno WISPr otkrivanje za hotspot na interfejsu %1 No WISPr discovery performed for the hotspot on interface %1
0xB2000BB9Nije otkriven hotspot na interfejsu %1 No hotspot detected on interface %1
0xB2000BBAInterfejs %1 je isključen Interface %1 disconnected
0xD0000001DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_80211_OPEN DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_80211_OPEN
0xD0000019WiFiPowerFlagUser WiFiPowerFlagUser
0xD000001AWiFiPowerFlagSoftAP WiFiPowerFlagSoftAP
0xD000001BWiFiPowerFlagVoip WiFiPowerFlagVoip
0xD000001CWiFiPowerFlagP2P WiFiPowerFlagP2P
0xD000001DWiFiPowerFlagBacklight WiFiPowerFlagBacklight
0xD000001EWiFiPowerFlagAC WiFiPowerFlagAC
0xD000001FWiFiPowerFlagActivity WiFiPowerFlagActivity
0xD0000020WiFiPowerFlagScan WiFiPowerFlagScan
0xD0000021WiFiPowerFlagPeriodicScan WiFiPowerFlagPeriodicScan
0xD0000022WiFiPowerFlagBatterySaver WiFiPowerFlagBatterySaver
0xD0000023WiFiPowerFlagNetworkAvailable WiFiPowerFlagNetworkAvailable
0xD0000024WiFiPowerFlagConnecting WiFiPowerFlagConnecting
0xD0000025WiFiPowerFlagProbing WiFiPowerFlagProbing
0xD0000026wlan_notification_acm_start wlan_notification_acm_start
0xD0000027wlan_notification_acm_autoconf_enabled wlan_notification_acm_autoconf_enabled
0xD0000028wlan_notification_acm_autoconf_disabled wlan_notification_acm_autoconf_disabled
0xD0000029wlan_notification_acm_background_scan_enabled wlan_notification_acm_background_scan_enabled
0xD000002Awlan_notification_acm_background_scan_disabled wlan_notification_acm_background_scan_disabled
0xD000002Bwlan_notification_acm_bss_type_change wlan_notification_acm_bss_type_change
0xD000002Cwlan_notification_acm_power_setting_change wlan_notification_acm_power_setting_change
0xD000002Dwlan_notification_acm_scan_complete wlan_notification_acm_scan_complete
0xD000002Ewlan_notification_acm_scan_fail wlan_notification_acm_scan_fail
0xD000002Fwlan_notification_acm_connection_start wlan_notification_acm_connection_start
0xD0000030wlan_notification_acm_connection_complete wlan_notification_acm_connection_complete
0xD0000031wlan_notification_acm_connection_attempt_fail wlan_notification_acm_connection_attempt_fail
0xD0000032wlan_notification_acm_filter_list_change wlan_notification_acm_filter_list_change
0xD0000033wlan_notification_acm_interface_arrival wlan_notification_acm_interface_arrival
0xD0000034wlan_notification_acm_interface_removal wlan_notification_acm_interface_removal
0xD0000035wlan_notification_acm_profile_change wlan_notification_acm_profile_change
0xD0000036wlan_notification_acm_profile_name_change wlan_notification_acm_profile_name_change
0xD0000037wlan_notification_acm_profiles_exhausted wlan_notification_acm_profiles_exhausted
0xD0000038wlan_notification_acm_network_not_available wlan_notification_acm_network_not_available
0xD0000039wlan_notification_acm_network_available wlan_notification_acm_network_available
0xD000003Awlan_notification_acm_disconnecting wlan_notification_acm_disconnecting
0xD000003Bwlan_notification_acm_disconnected wlan_notification_acm_disconnected
0xD000003Cwlan_notification_acm_adhoc_network_state_change wlan_notification_acm_adhoc_network_state_change
0xD000003Dwlan_notification_acm_profile_unblocked wlan_notification_acm_profile_unblocked
0xD000003Ewlan_notification_acm_screen_power_change wlan_notification_acm_screen_power_change
0xD000003Fwlan_notification_acm_profile_blocked wlan_notification_acm_profile_blocked
0xD0000040wlan_notification_acm_scan_list_refresh wlan_notification_acm_scan_list_refresh
0xD0000041wlan_notification_msm_start wlan_notification_msm_start
0xD0000042wlan_notification_msm_associating wlan_notification_msm_associating
0xD0000043wlan_notification_msm_associated wlan_notification_msm_associated
0xD0000044wlan_notification_msm_authenticating wlan_notification_msm_authenticating
0xD0000045wlan_notification_msm_connected wlan_notification_msm_connected
0xD0000046wlan_notification_msm_roaming_start wlan_notification_msm_roaming_start
0xD0000047wlan_notification_msm_roaming_end wlan_notification_msm_roaming_end
0xD0000048wlan_notification_msm_radio_state_change wlan_notification_msm_radio_state_change
0xD0000049wlan_notification_msm_signal_quality_change wlan_notification_msm_signal_quality_change
0xD000004Awlan_notification_msm_disassociating wlan_notification_msm_disassociating
0xD000004Bwlan_notification_msm_disconnected wlan_notification_msm_disconnected
0xD000004Cwlan_notification_msm_peer_join wlan_notification_msm_peer_join
0xD000004Dwlan_notification_msm_peer_leave wlan_notification_msm_peer_leave
0xD000004Ewlan_notification_msm_adapter_removal wlan_notification_msm_adapter_removal
0xD000004Fwlan_notification_msm_adapter_operation_mode_change wlan_notification_msm_adapter_operation_mode_change
0xF2000001Uspešan Wispr status dovršenosti Wispr Completion Status Success
0xF2000002Wispr je prisutan Wispr Present
0xF2000003Wispr podrška za proxy je prisutna Wispr Proxy Support Present
0xF2000004Uspešan status dovršenosti potvrde identiteta Auth Completion Status Success
0xF2000005Podrška za prozivanje potvrde identiteta je prisutna Auth Polling Support Present


File Name:WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui
File Size:72 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:72704
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (241A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Biblioteka upravljača bežične mreže
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WiFiNetworkManager.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original File Name:WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui?

WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Serbia (Latin) language for file WiFiNetworkManager.dll (Biblioteka upravljača bežične mreže).

File version info

File Description:Biblioteka upravljača bežične mreže
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WiFiNetworkManager.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original Filename:WiFiNetworkManager.dll.mui
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x241A, 1200