PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui Telefon hyzmaty üçin DLL gory 6988e222b36df1dcc7979257c2018c1f

File info

File name: PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
Size: 14848 byte
MD5: 6988e222b36df1dcc7979257c2018c1f
SHA1: db1faaefc7cf0d0e648700eefb0f7ea7bafbeec1
SHA256: f75215f08ea088081624555abcc9bf7b90ad60584d18ffb090ab503ff42f87ff
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in turkmence (Turkmenistan) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id turkmence (Turkmenistan) English
10000Phone Service Phone Service
10001Enjamda telefonyň ýagdaýyny dolandyrýar Manages the telephony state on the device
10002Ýazan parollaryňyz biri-birine gabat gelenok. The passwords you typed don't match.
10003Parol üýtgedildi Password changed
10004Parol dogry däl. Dogry paroly girizip, täzeden synanyşyň. The password isn't valid. Enter the correct password and try again.
10005Tora girip bolanok. Täzeden synanyşyň. Can't access the network. Try again.
10007Bu kod goldanmaýar. This code isn't supported.
10008Parametrler nädogry. The parameters are invalid.
10010Bu kod bilen baglanyşykly mesele çykdy. There was a problem with this code.
10012Seans ýapyldy Session closed
10014SIM karta ýok. The SIM card is missing.
10015PUK hökmany PUK required
10017SIM karta nädogry. The SIM card is invalid.
10018Jaňy tamamlap bolmaýar, sebäbi SIM kartaňyzda üýtgewsiz aýlaýyş belgisi rejesi işledilen. The call can't be completed because Fixed Dialing Number mode is enabled on your SIM card.
10019Kod iberildi Code sent
10020Üstünlikli Succeeded
10021Telefonyň bökdemesi aýryldy Phone unblocked
10022Hyzmat işledildi Service enabled
10023%1 üçin hyzmat işledildi Service enabled for %1
10024Hyzmat işlemeýän edildi Service disabled
10025%1 üçin hyzmat işlemeýän edildi Service disabled for %1
10026Hyzmatyň ýagdaýy nämälim Service state unknown
10027%4 üçin %1 ugrukdyrmak %2, şuňa: %3 Forward %1 is %2 to %3 for %4
10028%4 üçin %1 ugrukdyrmak %2 Forward %1 is %2 for %4
10029%4 üçin %1 ugrukdyrmak %2, şuňa:%3, %5 sekunt soň Forward %1 is %2 to %3 for %4 after %5 seconds
10030%4 üçin %1 ugrukdyrmak %2, %5 sekunt soň Forward %1 is %2 for %4 after %5 seconds
10031%1 üçin ugrukdyrmak %2, şuňa: %3 Forward %1 is %2 to %3
10032%1 ugrukdyrmak %2 Forward %1 is %2
10033%1 üçin ugrukdyrmak %2, şuňa: %3, %5 sekunt soň Forward %1 is %2 to %3 after %5 seconds
10034%1 üçin ugrukdyrmak %2, %5 sekunt soň Forward %1 is %2 after %5 seconds
10035Işjeň Enabled
10036Öçürilen Disabled
10037Şertsiz Unconditionally
10038Meşgul jaňlar Busy calls
10039Jogap bolmasa If no reply
10040Telefon elýeterli däl bolsa If phone isn't reachable
10041Ähli jaňlar All calls
10042Ähli jaňlar şertli All calls conditionally
10043%1 %1
10044%1 we %2 %1 and %2
10045%1, %2 we %3 %1, %2, and %3
10046%1, %2, %3 we %4 %1, %2, %3, and %4
10047%1, %2, %3, %4 we %5 %1, %2, %3, %4, and %5
10048%1, %2, %3, %4, %5 we %6 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, and %6
10049%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6 we %7 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, and %7
10050%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7 we %8 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, and %8
10051Ses Voice
10052Maglumat Data
10053Faks Fax
10054SMS SMS
10055Sinhron maglumat geçiriş Data circuit sync
10056Sinhron däl maglumat geçiriş Data circuit async
10057Paket ygtyýary Packet access
10058PAD ygtyýary PAD Access
10059Gyssagly jaň Emergency call
10060Sesli poçta Voicemail
10062SIM kartaňyzdan %2 belgiden %3 jaň etmekde %1# ýarlygyny ulanmak üçin Jaňy saýlaň. Başga bir belgä aýlamak üçin "Bes et" düwmesini saýlap, aýlamaga dowam ediň. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your SIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
10063SIM kartaňyzdan %2 belgä jaň etmekde %1# ýarlygyny ulanmak üçin Jaňy saýlaň. Başga bir belgä aýlamak üçin "Bes et" düwmesini saýlap, aýlamaga dowam ediň. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your SIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
10064Telefon Phone
10067Jaň et Call
10068Jaňy gadagan ediş sazlamalaryňyz bu belgä jaň etmäge rugsat bermeýär. Jaňy gadagan etmegi ýapyp, täzeden jaň etmäge synanyşyň. Your call barring settings don't allow a call to this number. Disable call barring and try calling again.
10069Üýtgewsiz aýlaýyş belgisi (FDN) rejesi bu belgä jaň etmäge rugsat bermeýär. FDN rejesini ýapyp, täzeden jaň etmäge synanyşyň. Your Fixed Dialing Number (FDN) mode doesn't allow a call to this number. Disable FDN mode and try calling again.
10070Sesli poçta sazlanmandyr. Sesli poçta belgiňizi giriziň, täzeden synanyşyň. Voicemail isn't set up. Enter your voicemail number and try again.
10071Garaşylýar... Waiting...
10072Jaň edip bolanok. Goşmaça jaňy ýerleşdirmezden ozal häzirki jaňy kesiň. Can't place the call. Please end your current call before placing an additional call.
10073Birigip bolanok Can't connect
10074Simsiz tor signalyňyz gowşak ýa-da telefon belgiňiz ýalňyş bolup biler. You may have a weak wireless signal, or the wrong number.
10076Siziň jaň edýän şahsyňyzyň gelýän jaňlary almagy çäklendirilen. The person you're trying to call is restricted from receiving incoming calls.
10077Birigip bolanok. Ulgamyň çägindedigiňizi anyklap, täzeden synanyşyň. Can't connect. Make sure you have network coverage, and try again.
10078Jaňy tamamlap bolanok. The call can't be completed.
10080SIM karta başagaý, täzeden synanyşyň. The SIM card is busy, please try again.
10081Tor hyzmaty elýeterli däl. Soňra täzeden synanyşyň. The network service is unavailable. Please try again later.
10082Bu telefony diňe gyssagly jaňlar üçin ulanyp bilersiňiz. You can use this phone for emergency calls only.
10083Sesli poçta jaň edip bolanok, sebäbi başga elýeterli liniýa ýok. Can't call voicemail because another line isn't available.
10084Jaňy geçirip bolanok. Can't transfer call.
10085Hyzmat kodlaryny göni telefonyň san düwmelerinden giriziň. Enter service codes directly from the phone's dial pad.
10089Uçar rejesi häzir öçürilen Airplane mode is now off
10091Bolýar OK
10092Bes et Cancel
10093Sesli poçta belgisini ýatda saklap bolanok. Can't save voicemail number.
10094Gyssagly yzyna jaň ediş rejesinde In Emergency Callback Mode
10095Telefonyňyzy adatdakysy ýaly ulanmak üçin bu rejäni bes ediň. Cancel this mode to use your phone as you normally would.
10096Rejäni bes et Cancel mode
10097Gyssagly jaňy aýla Dial emergency call
10108Öýjükli birikmäni açmalymy? Turn on cellular connection?
10109Telefonyňyz uçar rejesinde. Jaň etmek üçin öýjükli birikmäňizi açyň. Your phone is in airplane mode. To make a call, turn on your cellular connection.
10110 Turn on
10115Iber Send
10116Ýap Close
10117Seansyň wagty gutardy. The session timed out.
10118Bir zat boldy, onsoň bu herekedi tamamlap bolmady. Something happened and we couldn't complete this action.
10128Wideo jaňyna dowam etmelimi? Continue with video call?
10129Bu, garaşdyrylýan jaňy keser. Dowam etmelimi? This will end the call that's on hold. Continue?
10130Dowam et Continue
10132Wideo jaňyny başladyp bolanok Can't start video call
10133%1 häzirki wagtda %2 hasabyna girmedik. %1 is currently not signed into %2.
10140Belle Set
10142Standart programma bellemelimi? Set default app?
10143%1!s! standart jaň ediji ID programmaňyz bolsunmy? Do you want to set %1!s! as your default caller ID app?
10144%1!s! standart spam filtr programmaňyz bolsunmy? Do you want to set %1!s! as your default spam filter app?
50001SIM/UIM kartasy ýok. The SIM/UIM card is missing.
50002SIM/UIM kartasy nädogry. The SIM/UIM card is invalid.
50003SIM/UIM kartaňyzda üýtgewsiz aýlaýyş belgisi rejesi işjeň, şonuň üçin jaňy tamamlap bolanok. The call can't be completed because Fixed Dialing Number mode is enabled on your SIM/UIM card.
50004SIM/UIM kartaňyzdan %2 belgiden %3 jaň etmekde %1# ýarlygyny ulanmak üçin Jaňy saýlaň. Başga bir belgä aýlamak üçin "Bes et" düwmesini saýlap, aýlamaga dowam ediň. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your SIM/UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50005SIM/UIM kartaňyzdan %2 belgä jaň etmekde %1# ýarlygyny ulanmak üçin Jaňy saýlaň. Başga bir belgä aýlamak üçin "Bes et" düwmesini saýlap, aýlamaga dowam ediň. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your SIM/UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50006SIM/UIM kartasy başagaý, täzeden synanyşyň. The SIM/UIM card is busy, please try again.
50008Jaň edip bolanok Can't call
50009Siz rouming sebtinde, şonuň üçin birine jaň etmek isleseňiz, sesli rumingi açmaly. Ony Sazlamalar Tor we simsiz Öýjükli we SIM bölüminde açyp bilersiňiz. You need to turn on voice roaming to call someone because you're in a roaming area. You can do this in Settings Network & wireless Cellular & SIM.
50010Sazlamalar Settings
50020UIM kartaňyzdan %2 belgiden %3 jaň etmekde %1# ýarlygyny ulanmak üçin Jaňy saýlaň. Başga bir belgä aýlamak üçin "Bes et" düwmesini saýlap, aýlamaga dowam ediň. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50021UIM kartaňyzdan %2 belgä jaň etmekde %1# ýarlygyny ulanmak üçin Jaňy saýlaň. Başga bir belgä aýlamak üçin "Bes et" düwmesini saýlap, aýlamaga dowam ediň. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50023UIM kartasy başagaý, täzeden synanyşyň. The UIM card is busy, please try again.
50024Siz rouming sebtinde, şonuň üçin birine jaň etmek isleseňiz, sesli roumingi açmaly. Ony Sazlamalar Tor we simsiz Öýjükli we SIM/UIM bölüminde açyp bilersiňiz. You need to turn on voice roaming to call someone because you're in a roaming area. You can do this in Settings Network & wireless Cellular & SIM/UIM.
50025Sesli jaňlar üçin programmalar Apps for voice calls
50026Dükandan programma gözlemelimi? Search for an app in the Store?
50027Jaň etmäge mümkinçilik berýän bir programma gurnamaly. Dükandan şeýle programma tapmaga kömek edip bileris. You need to install an app that lets you make voice calls, and we can help you find one in the Store.
50028Hawa Yes
50029Ýok No
50030LTE wideoly jaňlaşmagy açmalymy? Turn on LTE video calling?
50031LTE wideoly jaňlaşmak öçürilen. Wideoly jaň etmek üçin LTE wideoly jaňlaşmagy açyň. LTE video calling is turned off. To make a video call, turn on LTE video calling.
50034LTE wideoly jaňlaşmak LTE video calling
50035Wideo jaňlary boýunça adaty maglumat we sesli jaň bahalary degişli bolýar. Başgalar siziň wideoly jaň edip we wideoly jaňlary alyp bilýändigiňizi öwrenip bilerler. Standard data and voice rates apply during video calls. Other people may discover that you can make and receive video calls.
50036Bu habary indi görkezme Don't show this message again
50038Wideo Video
50039Wi-Fi bilen jaň etmelimi? Call over Wi-Fi?
50040Jaňy öýjükli tor arkaly tamamlap bolmaýar. SIM sazlamalarynda Wi-Fi jaňyny açyp, täzeden jaň edip görüň. Can't complete the call over a cellular network. Turn on Wi-Fi calling in SIM settings, then try calling again.
50044WLAN bilen jaň etmelimi? Call over WLAN?
50045Jaňy öýjükli tor arkaly tamamlap bolmaýar. SIM sazlamalarynda WLAN jaňyny açyp, täzeden jaň edip görüň. Can't complete the call over a cellular network. Turn on WLAN calling in SIM settings, then try calling again.
50100%1 %2 %1 %2
50101%1 - konferensiýa %2 %1 - conference %2
50102Näbelli Unknown
50200Häzirki jaňy ýapyp, täzeden öňürtilikli jaň edip görüň. End the current call, then try to make the priority call again.


File Name:PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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Linker Version:14.10
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (0442)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Telefon hyzmaty üçin DLL gory
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:PhoneServiceRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original File Name:PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui?

PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain turkmence (Turkmenistan) language for file PhoneServiceRes.dll (Telefon hyzmaty üçin DLL gory).

File version info

File Description:Telefon hyzmaty üçin DLL gory
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:PhoneServiceRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original Filename:PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x442, 1200