13001 | Metoda preprostega ponudnika zahteva vhodni parameter, ki ni vrednosti NULL.
The simple provider method requires a non-null input parameter.
13002 | Preprosti ponudnik je že inicializiran.
The simple provider has previously been initialized.
13003 | Preprosti ponudnik v enoti spremembe zahteva več podatkov. Enota spremembe ni bila dodeljena, kot je bilo pričakovano.
The simple provider expects more data in the change unit. The change unit was not allocated as expected.
13004 | Preprosti ponudnik ni mogel najti elementa, ki naj bi bil v shrambi metapodatkov.
The simple provider could not find an item expected to be in the metadata store.
13005 | Preprosti ponudnik je prejel podatke o nepričakovani spremembi po popravljivi ali nepopravljivi napaki.
The simple provider received unexpected change data after a recoverable or non-recoverable error.
13007 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva podatke o uspešni spremembi nalaganja, ki niso vrednosti NULL.
The simple provider requires non-null change data on a successful load change.
13009 | Preprosti ponudnik ni inicializiran.
The simple provider has not been initialized.
13010 | Preprosti ponudnik je prejel neveljaven vzorec klica za SkipChangeDetection.
The simple provider received a call pattern that is not valid for SkipChangeDetection.
13011 | Preprosti ponudnik je prejel nepričakovana polja elementa po popravljivi ali nepopravljivi napaki.
The simple provider received unexpected item fields after a recoverable or non-recoverable error.
13012 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva polja elementa o uspešnem dokončanju tega klica, ki niso vrednosti NULL.
The simple provider requires non-null item fields on a successful completion of this call.
13013 | Preprosti ponudnik ne prepozna podanega dejanja sinhronizacije.
The simple provider does not recognize the given synchronization action.
13014 | Preprosti ponudnik je med ustvarjanjem elementa prejel neveljavno dejanje posodobitve za enoto spremembe.
The simple provider received an update action that is not valid for the change unit during the creation of an item.
13015 | Preprosti ponudnik ni prejel nobenih sprememb za kakršne koli enote spremembe v elementu.
The simple provider received no changes for any change units in the item.
13016 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da je shema AddItemMetadataSchema poklicana samo v shemi GetMetadataSchema.
The simple provider requires that AddItemMetadataSchema be called only in GetMetadataSchema.
13018 | Metoda preprostega ponudnika zahteva prazno polje, podano kot vrednost NULL s številom nič, in polje, ki ni vrednosti NULL, za število, večje od nič.
The simple provider method requires an empty array to be passed as a null value with a count of zero and a non-null array for a count of greater than zero.
13019 | Preprosti ponudnik ne prepozna navedenega lokalnega načina brisanja.
The simple provider does not recognize the specified local delete mode.
13020 | Preprosti ponudnik že ima določeno shemo.
The simple provider already has a schema defined.
13021 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da mora element vsebovati vrednosti za pravila primarne identitete.
The simple provider requires that the item contains values for the primary identity rules.
13022 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da mora element vsebovati samo polja, ki so določena v shemi.
The simple provider requires that the item contains only fields that are defined in the schema.
13023 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da mora element vsebovati samo eno vrednost za vsako polje.
The simple provider requires that the item contains only one value for each field.
13024 | Preprosti ponudnik ne prepozna te vrste polja.
The simple provider does not recognize this type of field.
13025 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da identifikacijska polja ne smejo imeti vrednosti NULL.
The simple provider requires that identity fields cannot have null values.
13026 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da mora biti shramba metapodatkov inicializirana tako, da pokliče to metodo.
The simple provider requires that the metadata store be initialized to call this method.
13027 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva velikost, ki ni nič, za vrste velikosti spremenljivk.
The simple provider requires a non-zero size for variable size types.
13028 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da mora biti v shemi določeno vsaj eno polje, največ pa jih je lahko 255.
The simple provider requires that at least one field and at most 255 fields are specified in a schema.
13029 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da morajo biti vsi ID-ji polj v shemi enolični.
The simple provider requires all field IDs in a schema to be unique.
13030 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da mora biti v shemi določeno vsaj eno identifikacijsko pravilo, največ pa jih je lahko 255.
The simple provider requires that at least one identity rule and at most 255 rules are specified in a schema.
13031 | Preprosti ponudnik ne more povezati polja s pravilom, ker polje ne obstaja.
The simple provider cannot associate the field with the rule because the field does not exist.
13032 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva vsaj eno polje različice enote spremembe za vsako pravilo različice enote spremembe.
The simple provider requires at least one change unit version field for each change unit version rule.
13033 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da morajo biti ID-ji enote spremembe enolični.
The simple provider requires that change unit IDs be unique.
13034 | Preprosti ponudnik je v pravilu dvakrat zaznal enako polje.
The simple provider detected the same field twice in a rule.
13035 | Preprosti ponudnik nepričakovano ni uspel serializirati sheme.
The simple provider unexpectedly failed in serializing the schema.
13036 | Preprosti ponudnik nepričakovano ni uspel deserializirati sheme.
The simple provider unexpectedly failed in deserializing the schema.
13037 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da mora biti povratni klic filtriranja paketa sprememb inicializiran, preden se lahko pokliče ta metoda.
The simple provider requires the change batch filtering callback to be initialized before this method can be called.
13038 | Preprosti ponudnik ni mogel povezati indeksa ID-ja enote spremembe z ID-jem enote spremembe v shemi.
The simple provider could not match the given change unit ID index with a change unit ID in the schema.
13039 | Preprosti ponudnik je ugotovil, da je velikost podanega ID-ja elementa neveljavna.
The simple provider found that the given item ID size is not valid.
13040 | Preprosti ponudnik dovoli nastavitev samo ene popravljive napake na vsakem elementu ali enoti spremembe.
The simple provider allows only one recoverable error to be set on each item or change unit.
13041 | Podan ID enote spremembe ni veljaven ali pa ne obstaja v shemi. |
The given change unit ID is not valid or does not exist in the schema. |
13042 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da je za popravljivo napako lahko nastavljen samo rezultat neuspeha.
The simple provider requires that only a fail result be set as a recoverable error.
13043 | Preprosti ponudnik ne prepozna navedenega načina filtriranja.
The simple provider does not recognize the specified filtering mode.
13044 | Preprosti ponudnik ne prepozna navedene vrste spremembe za oštevilčenje sidra.
The simple provider does not recognize the specified change type for anchor enumeration.
13045 | Preprosti ponudnik v vseh spremembah elementa zahteva polja elementa, ki niso vrednosti NULL.
The simple provider requires non-null item fields in all item changes.
13046 | Preprosti ponudnik podpira samo klic elementa ReportChanges ali ReportItemsAndAutodetectDeletes med sejo; obeh elementov ni mogoče poklicati med isto sejo.
The simple provider supports either ReportChanges or ReportItemsAndAutodetectDeletes being called during a session; they cannot both be called during the same session.
13047 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva dolžino sidra, večjo od nič.
The simple provider expected an anchor length greater than zero.
13048 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da mora ponudnik sidra vrniti HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) iz elementa GetEnumerationAnchor v primeru, da je posredovani medpomnilnik premajhen.
The simple provider requires that the anchor provider return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) from GetEnumerationAnchor in the case when the buffer that was passed in is too small.
13049 | Preprosti ponudnik v shrambi metapodatkov ni našel pravilnih podatkov. Ta različica preprostega ponudnika se lahko razlikuje od različice, ki je predhodno pisala v shrambo metapodatkov.
The simple provider did not find the correct data in the metadata store. This version of the simple provider might differ from a version that previously wrote to the metadata store.
13050 | Preprosti ponudnik ne pričakuje napak omejitev na elementih, ki imajo že nastavljene popravljive napake.
The simple provider does not expect constraint errors on items with recoverable errors already set.
13051 | Preprosti ponudnik omogoča, da je lahko na vsakem elementu ali enoti spremembe nastavljena samo ena napake omejitve.
The simple provider allows only one constraint error to be set on each item or change unit.
13052 | Napake omejitve ne morete nastaviti v kontekstu tega klica.
A constraint error cannot be set from the context of this call.
13054 | Posodobljena polja morajo biti vrednosti NULL za spor posodobitev-brisanje, ko prevlada brisanje.
Updated fields must be null for an update-delete conflict when the delete wins.
13055 | Napaka omejitve ne more biti prijavljena na istem elementu kot dohodni element, saj element ne more biti v sporu s samim seboj.
A constraint error cannot be reported on the same item as the incoming one because an item cannot be in conflict with itself.
13056 | Preprosti ponudnik je prejel neveljaven vzorec klica za element ReportItems ali ReportChanges.
The simple provider received an invalid call pattern for ReportItems or ReportChanges.
13057 | Identifikacijskih pravil ni mogoče spremeniti med nadgradnjo ponudnika.
Identity rules cannot be modified during provider upgrade.
13058 | Pravil enote spremembe ni mogoče odstraniti med nadgradnjo ponudnika.
Change unit rules cannot be removed during provider upgrade.
13059 | Ta predmet ni več veljaven.
This object is no longer valid.
13060 | BeginRemoveItemsFromReplica: že klicano.
BeginRemoveItemsFromReplica has already been called.
13061 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva klic BeginRemoveItemsFromReplica pred klicanjem RemoveItemFromReplica.
The simple provider requires that BeginRemoveItemsFromReplica is called before calling RemoveItemFromReplica.
13062 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva klic BeginRemoveItemsFromReplica pred klicanjem EndRemoveItemsFromReplica.
The simple provider requires that BeginRemoveItemsFromReplica is called before calling EndRemoveItemsFromReplica.
0x80041500 | Preprosti ponudnik nima določene sheme elementa. |
The simple provider has no item schema defined. |
0x80041501 | Zaznavanje spremembe preprostega ponudnika ni uspelo. |
Simple provider change detection failed. |
0x80041502 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da morajo vsi zaznani elementi vsebovati vsa polja. |
The simple provider requires that new items being reported contain all fields. |
0x80041503 | Preprosti ponudnik je zaznal kršitev optimistične hkratnosti. |
The simple provider detected an optimistic concurrency violation. |
0x80041504 | Preprosti ponudnik ni zaznal nobenih enot sprememb, ki so skupne ponudnikom, na katerih poteka sinhronizacija. |
The simple provider detected no change units in common in the providers being synchronized. |
0x80041505 | Preprosti ponudnik je ugotovil, da ta replika ni prepoznala ID-ja enote spremembe. |
The simple provider determined that this change unit ID is not recognized by this replica. |
0x80041506 | Preprosti ponudnik je v shrambi metapodatkov našel element z enakimi identifikacijskimi polji, kot jih ima trenutni element. |
The simple provider found an item in the metadata store with the same identity fields as the current item. |
0x80041507 | Preprosti ponudnik ne podpira te operacije zaradi trenutnega stanja predmeta. |
The simple provider does not support this operation due to the current state of the object. |
0x80041508 | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva, da je popravljiva napaka zapisana samo na ravni elementa in ne na enoto spremembe v tem kontekstu. |
The simple provider requires that a recoverable error only be recorded at the item level and not per change unit in this context. |
0x80041509 | Preprosti ponudnik v shrambi metapodatkov ni našel elementa s podanimi identifikacijskimi polji. |
The simple provider did not find an item with the given identity fields in the metadata store. |
0x8004150A | Ponudnik je preskočil to spremembo. |
This change has been skipped by the provider. |
0x8004150B | Ta sprememba je bila odložena, ker ponudnik ne podpira razreševanja sporov po meri. |
This change has been deferred because the provider does not support custom conflict resolution. |
0x8004150C | Preprosti ponudnik zahteva komponento shrambe metapodatkov različice 2 ali novejše. |
The simple provider requires a metadata store component of version 2 or later. |
0x8004150E | Ta sprememba je bila odložena, ker je bil element med sejo sinhronizacije spremenjen lokalno. |
This change has been deferred because the item was modified locally during the synchronization session. |
0x8004150F | Ponudnik mora uvesti vmesnik za generator ID-jev po meri za nestandardne oblike ID-jev. |
The provider must implement the custom ID generator interface for non-standard ID formats. |
0x80041511 | Shrambe metapodatkov ni mogoče odpreti, saj je bila posodobljena s komponentami sinhronizacije, ki so novejše od tistih, nameščenih v tem računalniku. |
The metadata store cannot be opened because it has been updated by synchronization components that are newer than those installed on this computer. |
0x80041512 | Različica ponudnika se ne ujema z različico, ki je shranjena v shrambi metapodatkov. |
The provider version does not match the version stored in the metadata store. |