2303 | Tippimisega otsimise saab määrata ainult ühe otsinguvälja jaoks. |
Type to Search can only be set on one search box. |
2304 | Otsingupaani API-de kasutamiseks peavad otsingulaiendid olema manifestis määratud. |
The search extension must be specified in the manifest in order to use the Search Pane APIs. |
2305 | Rakendust ei saa otsingupaanil peita, kuna rakendusel on juba juurdepääs otsingupaanile. |
Can't hide this app in the search pane because the app has already accessed the search pane. |
2306 | Otsingupaani ei saa kasutada, kuna rakendus on ennast otsingupaanilt peitnud. |
Can't use the search pane because the app has hidden itself from the search pane. |
4096 | twin api |
twin api |
8150 | Objekt SettingsCommand on muutmatu. |
The SettingsCommand object is immutable. |
8151 | The application needs to be in the foreground to call this method. |
The application needs to be in the foreground to call this method. |
8152 | Too many SettingsCommand items have been added to the Settings pane. |
Too many SettingsCommand items have been added to the Settings pane. |
8153 | The application should not be in the snapped state when it calls this method. |
The application should not be in the snapped state when it calls this method. |
8154 | Paanile AccountSettings on lisatud liiga palju AccountProviderCommandi üksusi. |
Too many AccountProviderCommand items have been added to the AccountSettings pane. |
8156 | Paanile AccountSettings on lisatud liiga palju CredentialCommandi üksusi. |
Too many CredentialCommand items have been added to the AccountSettings pane. |
8157 | Paanile AccountSettings on lisatud liiga palju SettingsCommandi üksusi. |
Too many SettingsCommand items have been added to the AccountSettings pane. |
8158 | Kontod |
Accounts |
8159 | SettingsCommandi ID on reserveeritud. |
The SettingsCommand Id is reserved. |
8160 | Täielik meetod tuleks kutsuda ainult üks kord |
Complete method should only be called once |
8161 | PasswordCredentialit pole mandaadilaekas olemas. |
The PasswordCredential does not exist in cred locker. |