Windows.UI.Immersive.dll.mui WINDOWS.UI.IMMERSIVE 68348dfcb6fff70f88d8387bafd794d0

File info

File name: Windows.UI.Immersive.dll.mui
Size: 13824 byte
MD5: 68348dfcb6fff70f88d8387bafd794d0
SHA1: 178a63d0d1250f66903b6b98a6d6cac8a161e325
SHA256: c491ae13575619b72079192d77628b7c5dd9f40a08bb4181ceabbef129d1fd95
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Serbia (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Serbia (Latin) English
1600Prikaži detalje View details
1601Datoteke koje će se slati korporaciji Microsoft Files that will be sent to Microsoft
8603Kliknite Click
860411pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
8606Prikazivanje kontekstualnog menija nije uspelo. Display of the context menu failed.
8607U kontekstualni meni je dodato previše stavki. Too many menu items have been added to the context menu.
8608Prozor aplikacije nije dostupan za prikazivanje kontekstualnog menija. Application window not available to show context menu.
8609Kontekstualni meni se već prikazuje. A context menu is already being shown.
8610Otkazivanje kontekstualnog menija nije uspelo. Cancellation of context menu failed.
8703&Zatvori &Close
870420pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 20pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
870520pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 20pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
870616pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 16pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
870711pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
8711Nazad Back
8716Iskačući prozor Flyout window
8717Prozor dijaloga Dialog window
8718Prozor dugmeta Charm window
8730Ovaj API mora da se poziva iz niti sa svojstvom CoreWindow ili prozor mora da bude nedvosmisleno podešen. This API must be called from a thread with a CoreWindow or a window must have been set explicitly.
8731Istovremeno je moguće otvoriti samo jedan dijalog. Only one dialog may be open at a time.
8732Prozor je već uništen. The window has already been destroyed.
8733Navedite najviše 3 komande. Specify no more than 3 commands.
8734Nedostaje oznaka komande. Command label is missing.
8735Istovremeno je moguće otvoriti samo jedan iskačući prozor ovog tipa. Only one popup of this type can be open at a time.
8736Nevažeći skup zastavica opcija. Invalid Options flag set.
8740Kontekst Context
8750 
8751 
8752 
8753 
87600,1,%s;1,1,ImmersiveControlLightRoundButtonOutlineLayerHover;2,1,ImmersiveControlLightRoundButtonGlyphLayerHover 0,1,%s;1,1,ImmersiveControlLightRoundButtonOutlineLayerHover;2,1,ImmersiveControlLightRoundButtonGlyphLayerHover
87610,2,%s;2,1,%s 0,2,%s;2,1,%s
87620,2,%s 0,2,%s
87630,1,%s;1,1,ImmersiveControlDarkRoundButtonOutlineLayerHover;2,1,ImmersiveControlDarkRoundButtonGlyphLayerHover 0,1,%s;1,1,ImmersiveControlDarkRoundButtonOutlineLayerHover;2,1,ImmersiveControlDarkRoundButtonGlyphLayerHover
8766ImmersiveControlLightRoundButtonFillLayerHover ImmersiveControlLightRoundButtonFillLayerHover
8767ImmersiveControlDarkRoundButtonFillLayerHover ImmersiveControlDarkRoundButtonFillLayerHover
8801Iseci Cut
8802Kopiraj Copy
8803Nalepi Paste
8804Opozovi radnju Undo
8805Izaberi sve Select All
9802%1 je naišao na problem %1 ran into a problem
9803Pomozite nam da poboljšamo ovu aplikaciju tako što ćete poslati informacije o problemu korporaciji Microsoft. You can send info to Microsoft about what went wrong to help improve this app.
9804Računar je naišao na problem Your PC ran into a problem
9805Ovaj problem je izazvao ponovno pokretanje računara. Pomozite nam da poboljšamo Windows tako što ćete poslati informacije o problemu korporaciji Microsoft. This problem caused your PC to restart. You can send info to Microsoft about what went wrong to help us improve Windows.
9807Pošalji detalje Send details
9808Ne šalji Don’t send
981011pt;Semibold;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Semibold;None;Segoe UI
9812Pomozite nam da poboljšamo Windows tako što ćete poslati informacije o problemu korporaciji Microsoft. You can send info to Microsoft about what went wrong to help us improve Windows.
1010211;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
10110Došlo je do neke greške i ova aplikacija trenutno ne može da odabere datoteke. Something went wrong and this app can’t pick files right now.
10111Pokušajte ponovo da izaberete aplikaciju. Try selecting the app again.
10112Došlo je do neke greške i ova aplikacija trenutno ne može da sačuva datoteke. Something went wrong and this app can’t save files right now.
10114Došlo je do neke greške i ova aplikacija trenutno ne može da ažurira datoteke. Something went wrong and this app can’t update files right now.
10115Pokušajte ponovo da otvorite ili sačuvate datoteku. Try opening or saving the file again.
10116Došlo je do neke greške i ova aplikacija trenutno ne može da odabere kontakte. Something went wrong and this app can’t pick contacts right now.
10118Došlo je do neke greške i ova aplikacija trenutno ne može da vrši deljenje. Something went wrong and this app can’t share right now.
10119Pokušajte ponovo kasnije. Try again later.
10120Došlo je do neke greške i ova aplikacija ne može da podesi postavke štampanja. Something went wrong and this app can’t set print settings.
10121Vratite se da biste nastavili štampanje. Go back to continue printing.
10122Došlo je do neke greške i ova aplikacija ne može da podesi postavke kamere. Something went wrong and this app can’t set camera settings.
10123Vratite se da biste nastavili sa korišćenjem kamere. Go back to continue using the camera.
10124Nešto nije u redu. Something went wrong.
10201Zatvori Close
23569Instalirane slike naloga Installed Account Pictures
23570Podrazumevane slike naloga Default Account Pictures
38304Javne slike naloga Public Account Pictures
38305Slike naloga Account Pictures
38306Slika naloga Account Picture
38320Potvrda promene slike naloga Confirm change to account picture
38321Promeni Change
38322Otkaži Cancel
38323Aplikacija %1 želi da promeni sliku vašeg naloga. The %1 app wants to change your account picture.
38324Ovo će vam promeniti sliku naloga. This will change your account picture.
38326Preuzeti slike iz aplikacije %1? Get pictures from %1?
38327Aplikacija automatski bira slike koje se pojavljuju na zaključanom ekranu. The app will automatically choose which pictures appear on your lock screen.
38329Dozvoli Allow
38330Ne dozvoljavaj Don’t allow
38336Greška na slici naloga Account picture error
38337U redu OK
38338Podešavanje slike naloga nije uspelo. Pokušajte ponovo. Setting the account picture failed. Please try again.
38339Greška prilikom zaključavanja ekrana Lock screen error
38340Podešavanje zaključavanja ekrana nije uspelo. Pokušajte ponovo. Setting the lock screen failed. Please try again.
38341Konfiguracija projekcije slajdova zaključanog ekrana nije uspela Lock screen slide show configuration failed
38342Postavljanje projekcije slajdova zaključanog ekrana nije uspelo. Pokušajte ponovo. Setting the lock screen slide show failed. Please try again.
38343Nekim postavkama upravlja administrator sistema. Some settings are managed by your system administrator.
38344Postavkama za projekciju slajdova zaključanog ekrana upravlja administrator sistema. Settings for the lock screen slide show are managed by your system administrator.
38352Podešavanje slike naloga su onemogućile smernice grupe, postavke privatnosti ili je korisnik otkazao odziv za potvrdu. Setting the account picture is disabled by Group Policy, Privacy settings or the user cancelled the confirmation prompt.
38353Neophodno je podesiti veliku, dinamičku ili obe slike naloga. Either the large or dynamic or both account pictures must be set.
38354Dimenzije okvira video zapisa su previše male. The dimensions of the video frame are too small.
38355Datoteka slike naloga je prevelika. The account picture file is too big.
38915Sinhronizovana slika Synced Image
38916Podešeno pomoću aplikacije %1 Set by %1
38917Pristup slici za zaključavanje ekrana zahteva mogućnost deklarisanja u manifestu. Access to the Lock Screen Image requires a capability to be declared in the manifest.
38928Postavi prema smernici Set by policy
0x10000031Vreme odziva Response Time
0x30000000Informacije Info
0x30000001Pokreni Start
0x30000002Zaustavi Stop
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUIImmersive Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUIImmersive
0xB0002210Iskačući prozor je registrovan pomoću hwnd (%1) sa zastavicama (%3) i u procesu (%2). The popup was registered with hwnd (%1) with flags (%3) and in process (%2).
0xB0002212Iskačući prozor (%1) je odbačen zbog %2. The Popup (%1) was dismissed because %2.
0xD0000001nepoznatog razloga of an unknown reason
0xD0000002prethodno evidentiranog otkazivanja of a previously logged failure
0xD0000003iskačući prozor je izgubio aktivaciju kada je drugi prozor postigao aktivaciju the popup lost activation when another window gained activation
0xD0000004pokretač je promenio vidljivost the launcher changed visibility
0xD0000005prikaz je promenjen the display was changed
0xD0000006druga aplikacija je postala aktivna another app became active
0xD0000007prikazan je novi iskačući prozor a new popup was shown
0xD0000008unos mišem ili dodirom je poslat izvan iskačućeg prozora touch or mouse input was sent outside of the popup
0xD0000009napušten je proces u lancu vlasništva a process in the ownership chain exited
0xD000000Aiskačući prozor se sam zatvorio the popup closed itself
0xD000000Bsistem se isključuje the system is powering down


File Name:Windows.UI.Immersive.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:13312
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (241A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is Windows.UI.Immersive.dll.mui?

Windows.UI.Immersive.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Serbia (Latin) language for file Windows.UI.Immersive.dll (WINDOWS.UI.IMMERSIVE).

File version info

File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original Filename:WINDOWS.UI.IMMERSIVE.dll.MUI
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x241A, 1200