tapiui.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API UI DLL 6690965886b4c739179a1e291abc000f

File info

File name: tapiui.dll.mui
Size: 28672 byte
MD5: 6690965886b4c739179a1e291abc000f
SHA1: 4a1a0d30b479ab440e2e9ba367e45a5d91a181d8
SHA256: 95daaa61f0b67355a65cc0d0a8345bf20ff85ba73860acf8b49b9ebd88f1e61c
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1電話和數據機 Phone and Modem
2設定使用您的數據機的撥號規則及內容。 Configure dialing rules and properties for using your modem.
3位置 Location
4如果您要建立一個新位置,請按 [新增]。 To create a new location, click New.
5新增位置 New Location
6編輯位置 Edit Location
7新增電話卡 New Calling Card
8編輯電話卡 Edit Calling Card
9區碼 Area Code
10首碼 Prefixes
11規則 Rule

正確的字元是 0 到 9、*、#、及逗號。
The character you entered is invalid.

Valid characters are 0 through 9, *, #, and comma.

正確的字元是 0 到 9、*、#、空格、及逗號。
The character you entered is invalid.

Valid characters are 0 through 9, *, #, space, and comma.

正確的字元應介於 0 到 9 之間。
The character you entered is invalid.

Valid characters are 0 through 9.
15您輸入的字元不正確。 The character you entered is invalid.
16撥號 %1 Dial %1
17撥號 %1 及區碼 Dial %1 plus area code
18撥號區碼 Dial area code
19只撥號電話號碼 Dial number only
20所有 All
21已選取 Selected
22編輯區碼規則 Edit Area Code Rule
23請從上列清單中選擇一個規則以檢視它的描述,或按 [新增] 來新增規則。 Select a rule in the list above to view its description, or click New to add a rule.
24撥號到 %1 區碼時,必須在電話號碼前先撥 '%2' 及區碼。 Dial '%2' plus the area code before the number for all calls within the %1 area code.
25撥號到 %1 區碼時,必須在電話號碼前先撥 '%2'。 Dial '%2' before the number for all calls within the %1 area code.
26撥號到 %1 區碼時,必須在電話號碼前先撥區碼。 Dial the area code before the number for all calls within the %1 area code.
27撥號到 %1 區碼時,只需撥電話號碼。 Dial only the number for all calls within the %1 area code.
28撥號到包含您所指定首碼的 %1 區碼時,必須在電話號碼前先撥 '%2' 及區碼。 Dial '%2' plus the area code before the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified.
29撥號到包含您所指定首碼的 %1 區碼時,必須在電話號碼前先撥 '%2'。 Dial '%2' before the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified.
30撥號到包含您所指定首碼的 %1 區碼時,必須在電話號碼前先撥區碼。 Dial the area code before the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified.
31撥號到包含您所指定首碼的 %1 區碼時,只需撥電話號碼。 Dial only the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified.
32撥號到其他區碼時,需要先撥 1,且所有首碼前均需加區碼。 Dial a '1' before calls within all other area codes, and include the area code for all prefixes.
33新增首碼 Add Prefix
34請輸入一些首碼,並以空格或逗點來區分每一個首碼。 Enter one or more prefixes separated by spaces or commas.
35指定數字 Specify Digits
36請輸入一些要撥號的數字 (包含: * 和 #)。 Enter one or more digits (including * and #) to be dialed.

正確的字元為 0 至 9 及空格。
You tried to enter an invalid character.

Valid characters are 0 thru 9 and space.
38等待 %1!d! 秒鐘。 Wait for %1!d! seconds.
39撥號存取號碼。 Dial the access number.
40撥號帳戶號碼 Dial the account number.
41撥號 PIN 號碼。 Dial the PIN number.
42等候撥號音。 Wait for a dial tone.
43等候語音訊息結束。 Wait for a voice message to end.
44撥號國碼 (地區碼)、區碼、和電話號碼。 Dial the country/region code, area code, and number.
45撥號國碼 (地區碼) 和電話號碼。 Dial the country/region code and number.
46撥號區碼和電話號碼。 Dial the area code and number.
47撥號國碼 (地區碼)。 Dial the country/region code.
48撥號區碼。 Dial the area code.
49撥號電話號碼。 Dial the number.
50正在撥號長途電話。 dialing long distance calls.
51正在撥號國際電話。 dialing international calls.
52正在撥號市內電話。 dialing local calls.
53目前沒有任何規則來定義這個電話卡的使用方式。 There are no rules defined for how this calling card should be used.
54您必須輸入這個位置的長途電話公司代碼。 You must enter the long distance carrier code for this location.
55您必須輸入這個位置的名稱。 You must enter a name for this location.
56請輸入這個位置的區碼。 Please enter the area code for this location.
57您必須選擇要撥號的號碼以停用電話插撥。 You must select the number to dial to disable call waiting.
58您必須選取撥號所在位置的國家或地區。 You must select the country or region that you are calling from.
59遺失資訊 Missing Information
60您所輸入的位置名稱已在使用中。請輸入一個唯一的名稱。 The location name you have entered is already in use. Please enter a unique name.
61這個電話卡遺失一些所需的資訊。如果您要使用這個電話卡,請按 [編輯] 以提供其他的資訊,或選取不同的電話卡。 This calling card is missing some required information. To use this card, click Edit to provide more information, or select a different card.
62您必須選擇預設的電話卡。請從清單中選取電話卡,或按 [新增] 建立新的電話卡。 You must select a default calling card. Select a card from the list, or click New to create a new card.
63您必須輸入電話卡的名稱。 You must enter the calling card name.
64您必須輸入帳戶號碼。 You must enter the account number.
65您必須輸入 PIN 密碼。 You must enter the PIN number.
66目前沒有定義這個電話卡的規則。如果您要建立一個規則,請選取 [長途電話],[國際電話]、或 [市內電話] 的索引標籤。 There are no rules defined for this calling card. To create a rule, select the Long Distance, International, or Local Calls tab.
67您的長途電話規則需要您電話卡上長途電話的存取號碼。 Your long distance rule requires your calling card's long distance access number.
68您的國際電話規則需要您電話卡上國際電話的存取號碼。 Your international rule requires your calling card's international access number.
69您的市內電話規則需要您電話卡上市內電話的存取號碼。 Your local rule requires your calling card's local access number.
70 None
71您確定要移除選取的電話語音服務提供者嗎? Are you sure you want to remove the selected Telephony Service Provider?
73您必須輸入套用這個規則的首碼。 You must enter the prefixes for which this rule applies.
74數字(&D): &Digits:
75首碼(&P): &Prefixes:

正確的字元為 0 到 9、空格、及逗點。
You tried to enter an invalid character.

Valid characters are 0 thru 9, space, and comma.
77確認刪除 Confirm Delete
78您確定要刪除這個位置嗎? Are you sure you want to delete this location?
79您確定要刪除這個電話卡嗎? Are you sure you want to delete this calling card?
80您確定要刪除這個區碼規則嗎? Are you sure you want to delete this area code rule?
81您必須輸入要撥號的數字。 You must enter the digits to dial.
82您所輸入的電話卡名稱已在使用中。請輸入一個唯一的名稱。 The calling card name you have entered is already in use. Please enter a unique name.
83Windows 需要您撥號所在位置的電話資訊。如果您取消且不提供這項資訊,此程式可能無法在撥號時正常運作。另外,有些程式會在您取消時立即重新顯示此對話方塊。您確定要取消嗎? Windows needs telephone information about the location from which you will be dialing. If you cancel without providing this information, this program might not work correctly when dialing. In addition, some programs will immediately show this dialog again when you cancel. Are you sure you want to cancel?
84確認取消 Confirm Cancel
85我的位置 My Location

正確的字元為 0 到 9、A 到 D、*、#、+、!、 空格及逗號。
The character you entered is invalid.

Valid characters are 0 through 9, A through D, *, #, +, !, space, and comma.
88您必須輸入這個位置的國際電話公司代碼。 You must enter the international carrier code for this location.
89您必須輸入這個位置的電話公司代碼。 You must enter the carrier code for this location.
This page is attempting to make or monitor telephone calls or other multimedia connections on your computer.
Do you want allow it to continue?
This page is attempting to access directory information on your network.
Do you want to allow it to continue?
This page is attempting to access or change network conferencing information.
Do you want to allow it to continue?
This page is attempting to access or change registry information.
Do you want to allow it to continue?
1064無法開啟電話和數據機控制台,您可能無法啟動電話語音服務。 Phone And Modem control panel can not be opened. You may have a problem starting telephony service.
1065移除提供者 Remove Provider
1580023 23
158010,"無 (直接撥號)","","","","","","","","",1 0,"None (Direct Dial)","","","","","","","","",1
158021,"AT&T Direct Dial via 1010ATT1","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010288","1010288",1 1,"AT&T Direct Dial via 1010ATT1","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010288","1010288",1
158032,"AT&T via 1010ATT0","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010288","1010288",1 2,"AT&T via 1010ATT0","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010288","1010288",1
158043,"AT&T via 1-800-321-0288","","G","J$TFG$TH","J$T01EFG$TH","","","18003210288","18003210288",1 3,"AT&T via 1-800-321-0288","","G","J$TFG$TH","J$T01EFG$TH","","","18003210288","18003210288",1
158054,"MCI Direct Dial via 10102221","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010222","1010222",1 4,"MCI Direct Dial via 10102221","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010222","1010222",1
158065,"MCI via 10102220","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010222","1010222",1 5,"MCI via 10102220","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010222","1010222",1
158076,"MCI via 1-800-888-8000","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18008888000","18008888000",1 6,"MCI via 1-800-888-8000","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18008888000","18008888000",1
158087,"MCI via 1-800-674-0700","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18006740700","18006740700",1 7,"MCI via 1-800-674-0700","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18006740700","18006740700",1
158098,"MCI via 1-800-674-7000","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18006747000","18006747000",1 8,"MCI via 1-800-674-7000","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18006747000","18006747000",1
158109,"US Sprint Direct Dial via 10103331","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010333","1010333",1 9,"US Sprint Direct Dial via 10103331","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010333","1010333",1
1581110,"US Sprint via 10103330","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010333","1010333",1 10,"US Sprint via 10103330","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010333","1010333",1
1581211,"US Sprint via 1-800-877-8000","","G","J,,,T0FG,,H","J,,,T01EFG#,H","","","18008778000","18008778000",1 11,"US Sprint via 1-800-877-8000","","G","J,,,T0FG,,H","J,,,T01EFG#,H","","","18008778000","18008778000",1
1581312,"Calling Card via 0","","G","0FG$TH","01EFG$TH","","","","",1 12,"Calling Card via 0","","G","0FG$TH","01EFG$TH","","","","",1
1581413,"Carte France Telecom","","T3010,H,0FG#","T3010,H,0FG#","T3010,H,00EFG#","","","","",1 13,"Carte France Telecom","","T3010,H,0FG#","T3010,H,0FG#","T3010,H,00EFG#","","","","",1
1581514,"Mercury (UK)","","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","","0500800800","0500800800","0500800800",1 14,"Mercury (UK)","","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","","0500800800","0500800800","0500800800",1
1581615,"British Telecom (UK)","","J$H,0FG","J$H,0FG","J$H,00EFG","","144","144"."144",1 15,"British Telecom (UK)","","J$H,0FG","J$H,0FG","J$H,00EFG","","144","144"."144",1
1581716,"CLEAR Communications (New Zealand)","","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,00EFG","","0502333","0502333","0502333",1 16,"CLEAR Communications (New Zealand)","","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,00EFG","","0502333","0502333","0502333",1
1581817,"Telecom New Zealand","","J,0FG?H","J,0FG?H","J,00EFG?H","","012","012","012",1 17,"Telecom New Zealand","","J,0FG?H","J,0FG?H","J,00EFG?H","","012","012","012",1
1581918,"Global Card (Taiwan to USA)","","G","0FG","J,102880$TFG$H","","","","0080",1 18,"Global Card (Taiwan to USA)","","G","0FG","J,102880$TFG$H","","","","0080",1
1582019,"Telstra (Australia) via 1818 (voice)","","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,0011EFG#","","1818","1818","1818",1 19,"Telstra (Australia) via 1818 (voice)","","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,0011EFG#","","1818","1818","1818",1
1582120,"Telstra (Australia) via 1818 (fax)","","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,0015EFG#","","1818","1818","1818",1 20,"Telstra (Australia) via 1818 (fax)","","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,0015EFG#","","1818","1818","1818",1
1582221,"Optus (Australia) via 1812","","FG","FG","J@TH,0011EFG","","","","1812",1 21,"Optus (Australia) via 1812","","FG","FG","J@TH,0011EFG","","","","1812",1
1582322,"Optus (Australia) via 008551812","","FG","FG","J@TH,0011EFG","","","","008551812",1 22,"Optus (Australia) via 008551812","","FG","FG","J@TH,0011EFG","","","","008551812",1
0x0要求已被接受 The request was accepted
0x0000E000操作順利完成。 The operation completed successfully.
0x0000E001線路裝置已在使用中 The line device is already in use
0x0000E002不正確的線路裝置識別碼 Invalid line device ID
0x0000E003無法使用所要求的 bearer 模式 The requested bearer mode is unavailable
0x0000E005沒有可使用的撥號外觀 No call appearance available
0x0000E006太多未結束的撥號 Too many call completions outstanding
0x0000E007會議人數已滿 The conference is full
0x0000E008不支援 '$' 撥號輔助按鍵 The '$' dial modifier is not supported
0x0000E009不支援 'W' 撥號輔助按鍵 The 'W' dial modifier is not supported
0x0000E00A不支援 '?' 撥號輔助按鍵 The '?' dial modifier is not supported
0x0000E00B不支援 '@' 撥號輔助按鍵 The '@' dial modifier is not supported
0x0000E00C不相容的 API 版本 Incompatible API version
0x0000E00D不相容的延伸版本 Incompatible extension version
0x0000E00E無法使用 TAPI 設定資訊 The TAPI configuration information is unusable
0x0000E010電話號碼不正確或它的格式不正確 The phone number is invalid or not properly formatted
0x0000E011不正確的位址識別碼 Invalid address ID
0x0000E012不正確的位址模式 Invalid address mode
0x0000E013目前的位址狀態不允許這項操作 Operation not permitted in current address state
0x0000E014不正確的 TAPI 線路應用程式控制代碼 Invalid TAPI line application handle
0x0000E015不正確的應用程式名稱 Invalid application name
0x0000E016不正確的 bearer 模式 Invalid bearer mode
0x0000E017不正確的撥號完成模式 Invalid call completion mode
0x0000E018不正確的撥號控制代碼 Invalid call handle
0x0000E019LINECALLPARAMS 結構不正確 Invalid LINECALLPARAMS structure
0x0000E01A不正確的撥號特殊權限 Invalid call privilege
0x0000E01B不正確的撥號選取參數 Invalid call select parameter
0x0000E01C目前的撥號狀態不允許這項操作 Operation not permitted in current call state
0x0000E01D不正確的撥號狀態清單 Invalid call state list
0x0000E01E不正確的電話卡識別碼 Invalid calling card ID
0x0000E01F不正確的撥號完成識別碼 Invalid call completion ID
0x0000E020不正確的電話會議控制代碼 Invalid conference call handle
0x0000E021不正確的諮詢撥號控制代碼 Invalid consultation call handle
0x0000E022國碼 (地區碼) 不正確 Invalid country code
0x0000E023不正確的裝置類別識別元 Invalid device class identifier
0x0000E024不正確的裝置控制代碼 Invalid device handle
0x0000E025不正確的撥號參數 Invalid dialing parameters
0x0000E026數字清單不正確 Invalid digit list
0x0000E027數字模式不正確 Invalid digit mode
0x0000E028數字不正確 Invalid digits
0x0000E029不正確的延伸版本 Invalid extension version
0x0000E02A群組選取識別碼不正確 Invalid group pickup ID
0x0000E02B不正確的線路控制代碼 Invalid line handle
0x0000E02C目前的線路狀態不允許這項操作 Operation not permitted in current line state
0x0000E02D不正確的位置識別碼 Invalid location ID
0x0000E02E不正確的媒體清單 Invalid media list
0x0000E02F不正確的媒體模式 Invalid media mode
0x0000E030不正確的訊息識別碼 Invalid message ID
0x0000E032不正確的參數 Invalid parameter
0x0000E033不正確的 park 識別碼 Invalid park ID
0x0000E034不正確的 park 模式 Invalid park mode
0x0000E035無效的指標 Invalid pointer
0x0000E036撥號特殊權限的選取不正確 Invalid call privilege selection
0x0000E037不正確的速度 Invalid rate
0x0000E038不正確的要求模式 Invalid request mode
0x0000E039不正確的終端機識別碼 Invalid terminal ID
0x0000E03A不正確的終端機模式 Invalid terminal mode
0x0000E03B等候逾時值不正確 Invalid timeout value
0x0000E03C不正確的音調 Invalid tone
0x0000E03D不正確的音調清單 Invalid tone list
0x0000E03E不正確的音調模式 Invalid tone mode
0x0000E03F不正確的傳送模式 Invalid transfer mode
0x0000E040沒有符合指定需求的裝置 No device matches the specified requirements
0x0000E041這個撥號不屬於會議的一部分 The call is not part of a conference
0x0000E042裝置已移除,或無法辨識裝置類別 The device was removed, or the device class is not recognized
0x0000E043已移除服務提供者 The service provider was removed
0x0000E044記憶體不足,無法完成操作 Insufficient memory available to complete the operation
0x0000E045並未擱置輔助的電話語音要求 No Assisted Telephony requests are pending
0x0000E046應用程式沒有撥號的 OWNER 特殊權限 The application is does not have OWNER privilege on the call
0x0000E047應用程式未登錄來處理要求 The application is not registered to handle requests
0x0000E048不明原因造成操作失敗 The operation failed for unspecified reasons
0x0000E049下列的服務提供者不支援這項操作 The operation is not supported by the underlying service provider
0x0000E04A無法使用所要求的資料速率 The requested data rate is not available
0x0000E04B無法使用完成要求所需的資源 A resource needed to fulfill the request is not available
0x0000E04C要求佇列已滿 The request queue is already full
0x0000E04D應用程式無法配置足夠的記憶體給最小的結構容量 The application failed to allocate sufficient memory for the minimum structure size
0x0000E04E轉接撥號失敗,因為找不到指定的目標 The call handoff failed because the specified target was not found
0x0000E04F沒有較高優先順序的目標來轉接撥號 No higher priority target exists for the call handoff
0x0000E050電話語音服務尚未初始化 The telephony service has not been initialized
0x0000E051使用者間的資訊數量超過最大允許量 The amount of user-user info exceeds the maximum permitted
0x0000E052必須等到所有的 TAPI 應用程式都呼叫 lineShutdown,才能完成操作 The operation cannot be completed until all TAPI applications call lineShutdown
0x0000E053您沒有這個號碼的撥號許可 You are not permitted to call this number
0x0000E054電話卡號碼或有關收費的資訊被拒 The calling card number or other billing information was rejected
0x0000E055裝置特定功能不正確 Invalid device-specific feature
0x0000E056您無法建立兩個有相同服務提供者的例項 You cannot have two instances of the same service provider
0x0000E057不正確的代理程式識別碼 Invalid agent ID
0x0000E058不正確的代理程式群組 Invalid agent group
0x0000E059不正確的代理程式密碼 Invalid agent password
0x0000E05A代理程式狀態不正確 Invalid agent state
0x0000E05B不正確的代理程式活動 Invalid agent activity
0x0000E05C不支援 ':' 撥號輔助按鍵 The ':' dial modifier is not supported
0x0000E05D使用者取消要求的操作 The user cancelled the requested operation
0x0000E05E不正確的位址類型 Invalid address type
0x0000E05F不正確的代理程式工作階段狀態 Invalid agent session state
0x0000E060線路裝置已中斷連線 The line device has been disconnected
0x0000E061無法連絡語音服務 The Telephony Service cannot be contacted
0x0000F000操作順利完成 The operation completed successfully
0x0000F001電話裝置已在使用中 The phone device is already in use
0x0000F002不正確的電話裝置識別碼 Invalid phone device ID
0x0000F007不正確的 TAPI 電話應用程式控制代碼 Invalid TAPI phone application handle
0x0000F009不正確的按鈕或 lamp 識別碼 Invalid button or lamp ID
0x0000F00A不正確的按鈕模式 Invalid button mode
0x0000F00B不正確的按鈕狀態 Invalid button state
0x0000F00C不正確的資料區段識別碼 Invalid data segment ID
0x0000F00F不正確的 hookswitch 裝置識別碼 Invalid hookswitch device ID
0x0000F010不正確的 hookswitch 模式 Invalid hookswitch mode
0x0000F011不正確的 lamp 模式 Invalid lamp mode
0x0000F013不正確的電話控制代碼 Invalid phone handle
0x0000F014目前的電話狀態不允許這個操作 Operation not permitted in current phone state
0x0000F016不正確的特殊權限 Invalid privilege
0x0000F017不正確的鈴聲模式 Invalid ring mode
0x0000F01B應用程式沒有電話 OWNER 的特殊權限 The application is does not have OWNER privilege on the phone
0x0000F023必須等到所有的 TAPI 應用程式都呼叫 phoneShutdown,才能完成操作。 The operation cannot be completed until all TAPI applications call phoneShutdown
0x0000F024電話裝置已中斷連線 The phone device has been disconnected
0x0000FFE9找不到指定給這台伺服器的電話語音服務連線 The telephony service connection point for this server could not be found
0x0000FFEA指定給這台伺服器的電話語音服務連線已存在 A telephony service connection point for this server already exists
0x0000FFEB已安裝電話語音服務提供者 The telephony service provider has already been installed
0x0000FFEC操作無法使用,另外的程序正在更新 TAPI 裝置安全性 Operation is not available, another process is updating TAPI device security
0x0000FFED沒有 TAPI 伺服器上的系統管理員權限 No administrative privilege on the TAPI server
0x0000FFEF要求已取消 The request was cancelled
0x0000FFF0要求失敗,原因不明 The request failed for unspecified reasons
0x0000FFF1無法辨識的要求識別碼 Unknown request ID
0x0000FFF2無法辨識的視窗控制代碼 Unknown window handle
0x0000FFF3撥接的號碼無法接通 The called number could not be reached
0x0000FFF4要撥接的對方沒有回應 The called party does not answer
0x0000FFF5所撥的號碼正在忙線中 The called number is busy
0x0000FFF6裝置已在使用中 The device is already in use
0x0000FFF7指定的裝置無法使用 The specified device is unavailable
0x0000FFF8裝置類別無法使用 The device class is unavailable
0x0000FFF9不正確的裝置識別碼 Invalid device ID
0x0000FFFA不正確的裝置類別 Invalid device class
0x0000FFFB不正確的視窗控制代碼 Invalid window handle
0x0000FFFC電話號碼不正確或格式不正確 The phone number is invalid or improperly formatted
0x0000FFFD撥號要求佇列已滿 The queue of call requests is full
0x0000FFFE沒有可用來處理要求的程式 No program is available to handle the request
0x0000FFFF撥號已中斷 The call was disconnected


File Name:tapiui.dll.mui
File Size:28 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:28160
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API UI DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:tapiui
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:TAPIui.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is tapiui.dll.mui?

tapiui.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file tapiui.dll (Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API UI DLL).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API UI DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:tapiui
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:TAPIui.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200