0x30000001 | Start |
Start |
0x30000002 | Stop |
Stop |
0x50000002 | Fejl |
Error |
0x50000003 | Advarsel |
Warning |
0x50000004 | Oplysninger |
Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-ShellCommon-StartLayoutPopulation |
Microsoft-Windows-ShellCommon-StartLayoutPopulation |
0xB0000001 | Initialisering af samling: %1 er startet. Årsag: %2 |
Initialization of collection: %1 has started. Reason: %2 |
0xB0000002 | Samlingen med navnet %1 nulstilles. |
The collection named %1 is being reset. |
0xB0000003 | Følgende valgdata blev brugt til at vælge en indledende samling: %1 |
The following selection data was used to choose an initial collection: %1 |
0xB0000004 | Initialisering af samlingen Start er startet i logon-opgaverne |
Initialization of the Start collection has started in the logon tasks |
0xB0000005 | Initialisering af samlingen Start er afsluttet i logon-opgaverne med følgende resultat: %1 |
Initialization of the Start collection has finished in the logon tasks with the following result: %1 |
0xB0000006 | Samlingens initialiseringspipeline forsøger at finde en indledende samling. |
The collection initialization pipeline is attempting to find an initial collection. |
0xB0000007 | Samlingens initialiseringspipeline fik en indledende samling fra udbyderen af den angivne samling med navnet: %1 |
The collection initialization pipeline got an initial collection from the specified collection provider named: %1 |
0xB0000008 | Samlingens initialiseringspipeline fik en indledende samling fra følgende udbyder: %1 |
The collection initialization pipeline got an initial collection from the following provider: %1 |
0xB0000009 | Samlingens initialiseringspipeline fandt ikke en indledende samling, der svarer til udvælgelseskriterierne |
The collection initialization pipeline failed to find an initial collection that matched the selection criteria |
0xB000000A | Starter efterbehandling af den valgte indledende samling. |
Starting post processing of the selected initial collection. |
0xB000000B | Efterbehandlingen %1 har afsluttet sin efterbehandling af den indledende samling. |
The %1 post processor has succesfully completed its post processing of the initial collection. |
0xB000000C | Efterbehandlingen %1 fandt følgende fejl, da den indledende samling blev efterbehandlet: %2 |
The %1 post processor encountered the following error when post processing the initial collection: %2 |
0xB000000D | Markeringens indledende samling er efterbehandlet. |
Post processing of the selection initial collection complete. |
0xB000000E | Samlingens initialiseringspipeline starter med at skrive samlingens data til det permanente lager. |
The collection initialization pipeline is starting to write the collection data to permanent storage. |
0xB000000F | Samlingen skrives til datalageret %1 |
The collection is being written to the %1 data store |
0xB0000010 | Feltet %1 er skrevet til lageret. |
The %1 tile was successfully written to storage. |
0xB0000011 | Under forsøget på at skrive feltet %1 til lageret blev der fundet følgende fejl: %2 |
Attempting to write the %1 tile to storage encountered the following error: %2 |
0xB0000012 | Samlingens initialiseringspipeline har skrevet samlingens data til det permanente lager. |
The collection initialization pipeline has finished writing the collection data to permanent storage. |
0xB0000013 | Et sekundært felt i det valgte layout med følgende oplysninger initialiseres: %1 |
A secondary tile in the chosen layout with the following information is being initialized: %1 |
0xB0000014 | Det sekundære felt er initialiseret. |
Secondary tile initialization complete. |
0xB0000015 | Følgende fejl opstod under initialisering af et sekundært felt: %1 |
The following error occurred while initializing a secondary tile: %1 |
0xB0000016 | Følgende fejl opstod under initialisering af fortolkning af XML-filen: %1 |
The following error occurred while initializing parsing an xml file: %1 |
0xB0000017 | Installationen af appen for pladsholderfeltet %1 er startet, fordi feltet blev aktiveret. |
The installation of the app for the placeholder tile %1 has been initiated due to tile activation. |
0xB0000018 | Pladsholderfelt-appen er installeret. |
Placeholder tile app installation has completed. |
0xB0000019 | Den livscyklushændelse, som angiver, at et pladsholderfelt er installeret, blev set. |
The lifecycle event indicating a placeholder tile installation has succeeded was seen. |
0xB000001A | Den automatiske installation af pladsholderfelter er startet. |
The automatic installation of placeholder tiles has started. |
0xB000001B | Den automatiske installation af pladsholderfelter er afsluttet. |
The automatic installation of placeholder tiles is complete. |
0xB000001C | Følgende pladsholderfelts automatiske installation blev filtreret fra, fordi programmet allerede er installeret: %1. |
The following placeholder tile's automatic installation was filtered out as the application is already installed: %1. |
0xB000001D | Følgende pladsholderfelts automatiske installation blev sprunget over på grund af programmets størrelse: %1 Programstørrelse: %2. |
The following placeholder tile's automatic installation was skipped due to the application's size: %1 Application size: %2. |
0xB000001E | Installationen af denne app for pladsholderfeltet %1 er blevet sat i kø med Store. |
The installation of the app for placeholder tile %1 has been sucessfully queue with the Store. |
0xB000001F | %1 apps er sat i kø til automatisk installation. |
%1 apps have been queued for auto-install. |
0xB0000020 | Installationen af denne app for pladsholderfeltet %1 fandt en fejl. |
The installation of the app for placeholder tile %1 encountered an error. |
0xB0000021 | Begynder at hente Store-metadata for følgende programmer: %1 |
Starting to retrieve Store metadata for the following applications: %1 |
0xB0000022 | Metadata er hentet for Store-app. |
Store app metadata retrieval successful. |
0xB0000023 | Der opstod fejl under hentning af Store-metadata: %1 |
An error occurred while retrieving Store metadata: %1 |
0xB0000024 | CDSLayoutInitializationPolicy afgør, om den skal levere den indledende samling. |
The CDSLayoutInitializationPolicy is determining whether is should provide the initial collection. |
0xB0000025 | CDSLayoutInitializationPolicy har afgjort, om den skal levere den indledende samling. |
The CDSLayoutInitializationPolicy has completed determining whether is should provide the initial collection. |
0xB0000026 | Følgende felt blev fundet i cloudens CDS-samling, men blev ikke vist i den endelige lokale CDS-samling: %1. |
The following tile was detected in the cloud CDS collection but did not appear in the final local CDS collection: %1. |
0xB0000027 | Begynder at hente Store-aktiver for følgende programmer: %1 |
Starting to retrieve Store assets for the following applications: %1 |
0xB0000028 | Store-aktiver for programmerne er hentet. |
Finished retrieving Store assets for the applications. |
0xB0000029 | Følgende aktiv blev downloadet: %1 |
The following asset was downloaded: %1 |
0xB000002A | UnattendLayoutParser fandt en fejl under behandling af følgende felt: %1. |
The UnattendLayoutParser encountered an error processing the following tile: %1. |
0xB000002B | Registreringsdatabasenøgler angiver, at en opgradering af operativsystemet skal behandles. |
Registry keys indicate an OS upgrade needs to be processed. |
0xB000002C | Der var en uoverensstemmelse i dataene i registreringsdatabasenøglerne til opgradering. Opgraderingen af operativsystemet bliver ikke behandlet. |
There was a data inconsistency in the upgrade registry keys. The OS upgrade will not be processed. |
0xB000002D | Følgende mappe blev skrevet til samlingen: %1 X: %2 Y: %3. |
The following folder was successfully writen to the collection: %1 X:%2 Y:%3. |
0xB000002E | Der opstod en fejl under skrivning af følgende mappe til samlingen: %1 X: %2 Y: %3 fejl :%4. |
An error occurred writing the following folder to the collection: %1 X:%2 Y:%3 Error:%4. |
0xB000002F | Baggrundsopgaven for initialisering af samlingen har startet behandlingen. |
The collection initialization background task has started processing. |
0xB0000030 | Baggrundsopgaven for initialisering af samlingen har afsluttet behandlingen. |
The collection initialization background task has completed processing. |
0xB0000031 | Følgende felt blev registreret til baggrundsbehandling: %1 |
The following tile was registered for background processing: %1 |
0xB0000032 | TDLMigrationInitialCollectionProvider forsøger at oprette en indledende samling fra TDL-dataene. |
The TDLMigrationInitialCollectionProvider is attempting to create an initial collection from the TDL data. |
0xB0000033 | TDLMigrationInitialCollectionProvider har oprettet en indledende samling fra TDL-dataene. |
The TDLMigrationInitialCollectionProvider is has successfully created an initial collection from the TDL data. |
0xB0000034 | Et felt med følgende data blev overført fra TDL: %1 |
A tile with the following data was migrated from TDL: %1 |
0xB0000035 | Et felt med følgende id blev ikke overført på grund af ugyldige egenskaber: %1 |
A tile with the following identifier failed to migrate due to invalid properties: %1 |
0xB0000036 | En gruppe med følgende data blev overført fra TDL: %1 |
A group with the following data was migrated from TDL: %1 |
0xB0000037 | En gruppe med følgende data blev ikke overført: %1 |
A group with the following data failed to migrate: %1 |
0xB0000038 | Følgende gruppe blev skrevet til samlingen: %1 X: %2 Y: %3. |
The following group was successfully writen to the collection: %1 X:%2 Y:%3. |
0xB0000039 | Der opstod en fejl under skrivning af følgende gruppe til samlingen: %1 X: %2 Y: %3 fejl :%4. |
An error occurred writing the following group to the collection: %1 X:%2 Y:%3 Error:%4. |
0xB000003A | Overførsel af StartNonLayoutProperties mislykkedes med HRESULT: %1 |
StartNonLayoutProperties migration failed with HRESULT: %1 |
0xB000003B | TryMigrateTDLData blev kaldt, selvom overførslen allerede er fuldført. |
TryMigrateTDLData was called even though the migration is already complete. |
0xB000003C | Der opstod følgende fejl under forsøg på at opdele den lokale standardlayoutfil. Resultat: %1 |
The following error occurred trying to parse the local default layout file. Result: %1 |
0xB000003D | Der blev ikke fundet nogen layouts i den lokale standardlayoutfil. |
No layouts were found in the local default layout file. |
0xB000003E | Der var ingen layouts i den lokale standardlayoutfil, som stemte overens med udvælgelseskriterierne. Resultat: %1 |
None of the layouts in the local default layout file matched the selection criteria. Result: %1 |
0xB000003F | GetCollection blev krævet til samlingen %1, som ikke findes, og vil blive initialiseret. |
GetCollection was called for collection %1 which does not exist and will be initialized. |
0xB00003E8 | CuratedTileCollectionTransformer opretter en objektbeholder til en samling, det ikke har set før. |
CuratedTileCollectionTransformer is creating a container for collection it hasn't seen before. |
0xB00003E9 | CuratedTileCollectionTransformer har oprettet en objektbeholder til en samling, det ikke har set før. |
CuratedTileCollectionTransformer has created a container for collection it hasn't seen before. |
0xB00003EA | En CuratedTile er blevet initialiseret for id: %1 med GUID: %2. |
A CuratedTile has been initialized for the identifier:%1 with GUID :%2. |
0xB00003EC | En CuratedGroup er blevet initialiseret for id: %1 med navnet: %2, indeholdt gruppeantal: %3, indeholdt feltantal: %4. |
A CuratedGroup has been initialized for the identifier:%1 with Name :%2, contained group count:%3, contained tile count: %4. |
0xB00003ED | En CuratedRoot er blevet initialiseret for id: %1 med navnet: %2, indeholdt gruppeantal: %3, indeholdt feltantal: %4. |
A CuratedRoot has been initialized for the identifier:%1 with Name :%2, contained group count:%3, contained tile count: %4. |
0xB000044C | En netop oprettet gruppe med guid: %1 blev føjet til samlingstræet. |
A newly created group with guid:%1 was added to the collection tree. |
0xB000044D | En gruppe med navnet: %1 med guid: %2 blev fjernet fra det overordnede samlingstræ: %3. |
A group named:%1 with guid:%2 was removed from the collection tree parent: %3. |
0xB000044E | Et netop oprettet felt med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev føjet til det overordnede samlingstræ: %3. |
A newly created tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was added to the collection tree parent: %3. |
0xB000044F | Et eksisterende felt med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev fjernet fra det overordnede samlingstræ: %3. |
An existing tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was removed from the collection tree parent: %3. |
0xB0000450 | Et felt med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev fjernet fra det overordnede samlingstræ: %3. |
A tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was removed from the collection tree parent: %3. |
0xB0000451 | En eksisterende gruppe med navnet: %1 med guid: %2 blev føjet til det overordnede samlingstræ: %3. |
An existing group named:%1 with guid:%2 was added to the collection tree parent: %3. |
0xB00004B0 | En opdatering af feltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev gemt lokalt og formidlet til lytterne. |
An update to the tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was saved locally and communicated to listeners. |
0xB00004B2 | En opdatering af gruppen med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev gemt lokalt og formidlet til lytterne. |
An update to the group with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was saved locally and communicated to listeners. |
0xB00004B3 | En opdatering af roden med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev gemt lokalt og formidlet til lytterne. |
An update to the root with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was saved locally and communicated to listeners. |
0xB00004E2 | En opdatering af feltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev gemt til CDS. |
An update to the tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was saved to CDS. |
0xB00004E4 | En opdatering af gruppen med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev gemt til CDS. |
An update to the group with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was saved to CDS. |
0xB00004E5 | En opdatering til roden med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev gemt til CDS. |
An update to the root with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was saved to CDS. |
0xB0000514 | En opdatering af roden med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev modtaget fra CDS. |
An update to the root with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was received from CDS. |
0xB0000515 | En opdatering af gruppen med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev modtaget fra CDS. |
An update to the group with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was received from CDS. |
0xB0000517 | En opdatering af feltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev modtaget fra CDS. |
An update to the tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was received from CDS. |
0xB0000578 | Feltet %1 med id'et %2 blev fjernet fra %3 på grund af afstemning af datakilde. |
The tile %1 with ID %2 was removed from %3 due to data source reconciliation. |
0xB000076C | En mislykket opdatering af feltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev modtaget fra CDS. |
A failed update to the tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was received from CDS. |
0xB000076D | Startlayoutroden er fastgjort, men mangler i samlingens objektbeholder. |
The Start Layout Root is pinned, but is missing from its collection container. |
0xB0000770 | Det formodes, at der findes et felt med følgende data-id, men det indeholder ingen data: %1 |
A tile with the following data ID is supposed to exist, but has no data: %1 |
0xB0000771 | Det formodes, at der findes en gruppe med følgende data-id, men den indeholder ingen data: %1 |
A group with the following data ID is supposed to exist, but has no data: %1 |
0xB00007D0 | CloudInitialCollectionProvider forsøger at finde ud af, om det kan levere en indledende samling. |
The CloudInitialCollectionProvider is attempting to determine if it can provide an initial collection. |
0xB00007D1 | CloudInitialCollectionProvider har afgjort, om det kan levere en indledende samling. |
The CloudInitialCollectionProvider has completed determining if it can provide an initial collection. |
0xB00007D2 | CloudInitialCollectionProvider kunne hente konteksten i et abonnement. |
The CloudInitialCollectionProvider was able to get a subscription context. |
0xB00007D3 | CloudInitialCollectionProvider kunne hente et abonnement fra konteksten. |
The CloudInitialCollectionProvider was able to get a subscription from the context. |
0xB00007D4 | CloudInitialCollectionProvider-abonnementet har indhold. |
The CloudInitialCollectionProvider subscription has content. |
0xB00007D5 | CloudInitialCollectionProvider kunne pakke indholdet ud af abonnementet. |
The CloudInitialCollectionProvider was able to extract the content from the subscription. |
0xB00007D6 | CloudInitialCollectionProvider kunne fortolke det udpakkede indhold. |
The CloudInitialCollectionProvider was able to parse the extracted content. |
0xB00007D7 | CloudInitialCollectionProvider kunne fortolke en indledende samling fra indholdet. |
The CloudInitialCollectionProvider was able to parse an initial collection from the content. |
0xB00007D8 | CloudInitialCollectionProvider er ikke tilgængelig, da forudinstallerede apps er deaktiveret for denne computer. |
The CloudInitialCollectionProvider is not available as preinstalled apps are disabled for this machine. |
0xB00007D9 | CloudInitialCollectionProvider er ikke tilgængelig på denne SKU. |
The CloudInitialCollectionProvider is not available on this SKU. |
0xB0000802 | Der var intet indhold i abonnementet. |
There was no content in the subscription. |
0xB0000803 | Den maksimale tid, der er tilladt til at hente indhold, blev overskredet. |
The maximum time allowed to retrieve content was exceeded. |
0xB0000804 | Der opstod en fejl opstod under forsøg på at hente indhold fra abonnementet: %1 |
An error occurred trying to retrieve content from the subscription: %1 |
0xB0000805 | Der opstod en fejl under forsøg på at fortolke XML-indholdet fra abonnementet: %1 |
An error occurred trying to parse the content from the subscription: %1 |
0xB0000806 | Der opstod en fejl under forsøg på at fortolke XML-indholdet fra abonnementet |
An error occurred trying to parse the XML content from the subscription |
0xB0000807 | Der blev ikke fortolket nogen gyldige layout fra abonnementsindholdet. |
No valid layouts were parsed from the subscription content. |
0xB0000835 | En opdatering af pladsholderfeltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev gemt lokalt og formidlet til lytterne. |
An update to the placeholder tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was saved locally and communicated to listeners. |
0xB0000836 | En opdatering til pladsholderfeltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 er gemt til CDS med version %3. |
An update to the placeholder tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was saved to CDS with version %3. |
0xB0000837 | En opdatering af pladsholderfeltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev modtaget fra CDS. |
An update to the placeholder tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was received from CDS. |
0xB000083E | Oplysningerne om logoet til pladsholderfeltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev indlæst. Størrelsen var: %3 |
The data for the logo of placeholder tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was loaded. Size was: %3 |
0xB000083F | Logoet til pladsholderfeltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 med størrelsen: %3 blev gemt lokalt og formidlet til lytterne. |
The logo of placeholder tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 with size:%3 was saved locally and communicated to listeners. |
0xB0000840 | Logoet for pladsholderfeltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 med størrelsen: %3 blev gemt til CDS. |
The logo of placeholder tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 with size:%3 was saved to CDS. |
0xB0000866 | En mislykket opdatering af pladsholderfeltet med id: %1 og guid: %2 blev modtaget fra CDS. |
A failed update to the placeholder tile with identifier:%1 and guid:%2 was received from CDS. |
0xB0000867 | Et billedaktiv blev downloadet til følgende placering: %1. |
An image asset was successfully download to the following location: %1. |
0xB0000868 | Installationens status for pakken: %1 er ændret til tilstanden: %2. |
Install progress state changed for package:%1 to state:%2. |
0xB0000869 | Installationen er fuldført for pakken: %1 med tilstanden: %2. |
Install completed for package:%1 with state: %2. |
0xB0000BB8 | RetailDemoCollectionProvider forsøger at finde ud af, om det kan levere en indledende samling. |
RetailDemoCollectionProvider is attempting to determine if it can provide an initial collection. |
0xB0000BB9 | RetailDemoCollectionProvider har afgjort, om det kan levere en indledende samling. |
RetailDemoCollectionProvider has completed determining if it can provide an initial collection. |
0xB0000BBA | RetailDemoCollectionProvider fortolkede en indledende samling. |
RetailDemoCollectionProvider successfully parsed an initial collection. |
0xB0000BEA | RetailDemoCollectionProvider fandt en fejl under fortolkning af xml-filen. |
RetailDemoCollectionProvider hit an error parsing the xml. |
0xB0000BEB | RetailDemoCollectionProvider fortolkede xml-koden, men fandt ingen gyldige layout. |
RetailDemoCollectionProvider successfully parsed the xml but found no valid layouts. |