0x40000020 | 啟動器收到非同步登出訊息。傾印資料中有提供目標名稱。 |
Initiator received an asynchronous logout message. The Target name is given in the dump data. |
0x40000022 | 與目標的連線中斷,但啟動器已順利重新連線至目標。傾印資料包含目標名稱。 |
A connection to the target was lost, but Initiator successfully reconnected to the target. Dump data contains the target name. |
0x40000040 | 嘗試使用 iSCSI NIC Boot (iBF) 來啟動 Windows |
Attempt to bootstrap Windows using iSCSI NIC Boot (iBF) |
0x40000043 | 如果已針對 iSCSI 工作階段選取摘要支援,將會使用摘要計算的處理器支援。 |
If Digest support selected for iSCSI Session, Will use Processor support for Digest computation. |
0x40000047 | 啟動器在收到要求後並未啟動修復工作階段。傾印資料中包含錯誤狀態。 |
Initiator did not start a session recovery upon receiving the request. Dump data contains the error status. |
0xC0000001 | 啟動器無法連接目標。傾印資料中有提供目標 IP 位址及 TCP 連接埠號碼。 |
Initiator failed to connect to the target. Target IP address and TCP Port number are given in dump data. |
0xC0000002 | 啟動器無法配置資源給 iSCSI 工作階段。 |
The initiator could not allocate resources for an iSCSI session. |
0xC0000003 | 最大命令序號的順序沒有大於登入回應中的預期命令序號。傾印資料包含預期命令序號,後接最大命令序號。 |
Maximum command sequence number is not serially greater than expected command sequence number in login response.Dump data contains Expected Command Sequence number followed by Maximum Command Sequence number. |
0xC0000004 | MaxBurstLength 的順序沒有大於 FirstBurstLength。傾印資料包含 FirstBurstLength,後接 MaxBurstLength。 |
MaxBurstLength is not serially greater than FirstBurstLength.Dump data contains FirstBurstLength followed by MaxBurstLength. |
0xC0000005 | 無法設定啟動器入口。傾印資料中有提供錯誤狀態。 |
Failed to setup initiator portal. Error status is given in the dump data. |
0xC0000006 | 啟動器無法配置資源給 iSCSI 連線。 |
The initiator could not allocate resources for an iSCSI connection |
0xC0000007 | 啟動器無法傳送 iSCSI PDU。傾印資料中有提供錯誤狀態。 |
The initiator could not send an iSCSI PDU. Error status is given in the dump data. |
0xC0000008 | 目標或搜索服務沒有即時回應啟動器所傳送的 iSCSI 要求。傾印資料中有提供 iSCSI 函數碼。如需 iSCSI 函數碼的詳細資訊,請參閱《iSCSI 使用者手冊》。 |
Target or discovery service did not respond in time for an iSCSI request sent by the initiator. iSCSI Function code is given in the dump data. For details about iSCSI Function code please refer to iSCSI User's Guide. |
0xC0000009 | 目標沒有即時回應 SCSI 要求。傾印資料中有提供 CDB。 |
Target did not respond in time for a SCSI request. The CDB is given in the dump data. |
0xC000000A | 登入要求失敗。傾印資料中有提供登入回應封包。 |
Login request failed. The login response packet is given in the dump data. |
0xC000000B | 目標傳回無效的登入回應封包。傾印資料中有提供登入回應封包。 |
Target returned an invalid login response packet. The login response packet is given in the dump data. |
0xC000000C | 目標提供無效的資料給登入重新導向。傾印資料包含目標傳回的資料。 |
Target provided invalid data for login redirect. Dump data contains the data returned by the target. |
0xC000000D | 目標提供不明的 AuthMethod。傾印資料包含目標傳回的資料。 |
Target offered an unknown AuthMethod. Dump data contains the data returned by the target. |
0xC000000E | 目標提供不明的摘要演算法給 CHAP。傾印資料包含目標傳回的資料。 |
Target offered an unknown digest algorithm for CHAP. Dump data contains the data returned by the target. |
0xC000000F | 目標指定的 CHAP 查問包含無效字元。傾印資料包含所指定的查問。 |
CHAP challenge given by the target contains invalid characters. Dump data contains the challenge given. |
0xC0000010 | 在 CHAP 交涉期間,收到無效的金鑰。傾印資料有提供 key=value 配對。 |
An invalid key was received during CHAP negotiation. The key=value pair is given in the dump data. |
0xC0000011 | 目標指定的 CHAP 回應與所預期的不符。傾印資料包含 CHAP 回應。 |
CHAP Response given by the target did not match the expected one. Dump data contains the CHAP response. |
0xC0000012 | 啟動器需要標頭摘要,但目標沒有提供。 |
Header Digest is required by the initiator, but target did not offer it. |
0xC0000013 | 啟動器需要資料摘要,但目標沒有提供。 |
Data Digest is required by the initiator, but target did not offer it. |
0xC0000014 | 與目標的連線已經中斷。啟動器將重試連線。 |
Connection to the target was lost. The initiator will attempt to retry the connection. |
0xC0000015 | 標頭中指定的資料區段長度超過目標宣告的 MaxRecvDataSegmentLength。 |
Data Segment Length given in the header exceeds MaxRecvDataSegmentLength declared by the target. |
0xC0000016 | 偵測到指定 PDU 的標頭摘要錯誤。傾印資料包含標頭及摘要。 |
Header digest error was detected for the given PDU. Dump data contains the header and digest. |
0xC0000017 | 目標傳送了無效的 iSCSI PDU。傾印資料包含整個 iSCSI 標頭。 |
Target sent an invalid iSCSI PDU. Dump data contains the entire iSCSI header. |
0xC0000018 | 目標傳送了包含無效 opcode 的 iSCSI PDU。傾印資料包含整個 iSCSI 標頭。 |
Target sent an iSCSI PDU with an invalid opcode. Dump data contains the entire iSCSI header. |
0xC0000019 | 偵測到資料摘要錯誤。傾印資料包含所計算的總和檢查碼,後接所指定的總和檢查碼。 |
Data digest error was detected. Dump data contains the calculated checksum followed by the given checksum. |
0xC000001A | 目標嘗試傳送的資料多於啟動器要求的資料。 |
Target trying to send more data than requested by the initiator. |
0xC000001B | 啟動器在所收到的 PDU 中找不到啟動器工作標記的相符項。傾印資料包含整個 iSCSI 標頭。 |
Initiator could not find a match for the initiator task tag in the received PDU. Dump data contains the entire iSCSI header. |
0xC000001C | 啟動器收到無效的 R2T 封包。傾印資料包含整個 iSCSI 標頭。 |
Initiator received an invalid R2T packet. Dump data contains the entire iSCSI header. |
0xC000001D | 目標拒絕啟動器所傳送的 iSCSI PDU。傾印資料包含所拒絕的 PDU。 |
Target rejected an iSCSI PDU sent by the initiator. Dump data contains the rejected PDU. |
0xC000001E | 啟動器無法配置工作項目來處理要求。 |
Initiator could not allocate a workitem for processing a request. |
0xC000001F | 啟動器無法配置資源來處理要求。 |
Initiator could not allocate resource for processing a request. |
0xC0000021 | 目標指定的查問大小超過 iSCSI 規格中所指定的上限。 |
Challenge size given by the target exceeds the maximum specified in iSCSI specification. |
0xC0000023 | 目標 CHAP 秘密小於規格所要求的大小下限 (12 位元組)。 |
Target CHAP secret is smaller than the minimum size (12 bytes) required by the spec. |
0xC0000024 | 啟動器 CHAP 秘密小於規格所要求的大小下限 (12 位元組)。傾印資料包含所指定的 CHAP 秘密。 |
Initiator CHAP secret is smaller than the minimum size (12 bytes) required by the spec. Dump data contains the given CHAP secret. |
0xC0000025 | 無法初始化 FIPS 服務。將無法處理持續性登入。 |
FIPS service could not be initialized. Persistent logons will not be processed. |
0xC0000026 | 啟動器需要 CHAP 來進行登入驗證,但目標沒有提供 CHAP。 |
Initiator requires CHAP for logon authentication, but target did not offer CHAP. |
0xC0000027 | 啟動器傳送了工作管理命令來重設目標。傾印資料中有提供目標名稱。 |
Initiator sent a task management command to reset the target. The target name is given in the dump data. |
0xC0000028 | 目標需要透過 CHAP 來進行登入驗證,但沒有設定啟動器來執行 CHAP。 |
Target requires logon authentication via CHAP, but Initiator is not configured to perform CHAP. |
0xC0000029 | 目標沒有在安全性交涉階段傳送 AuthMethod 金鑰。 |
Target did not send AuthMethod key during security negotiation phase. |
0xC000002A | 目標為連線傳送的狀態序號無效。傾印資料包含預期狀態序號,後接所指定狀態序號。 |
Target sent an invalid status sequence number for a connection. Dump data contains Expected Status Sequence number followed by the given status sequence number. |
0xC000002B | 目標無法即時回應登入要求。 |
Target failed to respond in time for a login request. |
0xC000002C | 目標無法即時回應登出要求。 |
Target failed to respond in time for a logout request. |
0xC000002D | 目標無法即時回應登入要求。此登入要求是為了新增連線至工作階段。 |
Target failed to respond in time for a login request. This login request was for adding a new connection to a session. |
0xC000002E | 目標無法即時回應 SendTargets 命令。 |
Target failed to respond in time for a SendTargets command. |
0xC000002F | 目標無法即時回應透過 WMI 要求來傳送的 SCSI 命令。 |
Target failed to respond in time for a SCSI command sent through a WMI request. |
0xC0000030 | 目標無法即時回應 NOP 要求。 |
Target failed to respond in time to a NOP request. |
0xC0000031 | 目標無法即時回應工作管理要求。 |
Target failed to respond in time to a Task Management request. |
0xC0000032 | 目標無法即時回應為了重新交涉 iSCSI 參數而傳送的文字命令。 |
Target failed to respond in time to a Text Command sent to renegotiate iSCSI parameters. |
0xC0000033 | 為回應目標發出的非同步訊息,而傳送了登出要求,目標無法即時回應該要求。 |
Target failed to respond in time to a logout request sent in response to an asynchronous message from the target. |
0xC0000034 | 啟動器服務無法即時回應要求,為 iSCSI 連線設定 IPSec 資源。 |
Initiator Service failed to respond in time to a request to configure IPSec resources for an iSCSI connection. |
0xC0000035 | 啟動器服務無法即時回應要求,釋放為 iSCSI 連線配置的 IPSec 資源。 |
Initiator Service failed to respond in time to a request to release IPSec resources allocated for an iSCSI connection. |
0xC0000036 | 啟動器服務無法即時回應要求,以將資料加密或解密。 |
Initiator Service failed to respond in time to a request to encrypt or decrypt data. |
0xC0000037 | 啟動器無法配置資源來傳送資料至目標。 |
Initiator failed to allocate resources to send data to target. |
0xC0000038 | 啟動器無法將使用者虛擬位址對應至核心虛擬位址,導致 I/O 失敗。 |
Initiator could not map an user virtual address to kernel virtual address resulting in I/O failure. |
0xC0000039 | 啟動器無法配置必要資源來處理要求,導致 I/O 失敗。 |
Initiator could not allocate required resources for processing a request resulting in I/O failure. |
0xC000003A | 啟動器無法配置標記來處理要求,導致 I/O 失敗。 |
Initiator could not allocate a tag for processing a request resulting in I/O failure. |
0xC000003B | 在啟動器能夠轉換至完整功能階段之前,目標即已斷線。 |
Target dropped the connection before the initiator could transition to Full Feature Phase. |
0xC000003C | 目標以 SCSI 回應 PDU 來傳送資料,而不是以 Data_IN PDU 來傳送。唯有探測資料可以用 SCSI 回應來傳送。 |
Target sent data in SCSI Response PDU instead of Data_IN PDU. Only Sense Data can be sent in SCSI Response. |
0xC000003D | 目標將 DataPduInOrder 設為 NO,但啟動器要求 YES。將無法登入。 |
Target set DataPduInOrder to NO when initiator requested YES. Login will be failed. |
0xC000003E | 目標將 DataSequenceInOrder 設為 NO,但啟動器要求 YES。將無法登入。 |
Target set DataSequenceInOrder to NO when initiator requested YES. Login will be failed. |
0xC000003F | 無法重設目標或 LUN。將嘗試修復工作階段。 |
Can not Reset the Target or LUN. Will attempt session recovery. |
0xC0000041 | 從 iSCSI 開機,但是無法在分頁路徑設定任何 NIC。 |
Booting from iSCSI, but Could not set any NIC in Paging Path. |
0xC0000042 | 嘗試停用 iSCSI 連線的 Nagle 演算法失敗。 |
Attempt to disable the Nagle Algorithm for iSCSI connection failed. |
0xC0000044 | 接收來自目標的非同步登出後,嘗試重新登入工作階段失敗。傾印資料中有提供錯誤狀態。 |
After receiving an async logout from the target, attempt to relogin the session failed. Error status is given in the dump data. |
0xC0000045 | 嘗試復原意外終止的工作階段失敗。傾印資料中有提供錯誤狀態。 |
Attempt to recover an unexpected terminated session failed. Error status is given in the dump data. |
0xC0000046 | 處理 iSCSI 登入要求時發生錯誤。並未重試該要求。傾印資料中有提供錯誤狀態。 |
Error occurred when processing iSCSI logon request. The request was not retried. Error status is given in the dump data. |
0xC0000048 | 非預期的目標入口 IP 類型。傾印資料包含預期的 IP 類型。 |
Unexpected target portal IP types. Dump data contains the expected IP type. |