p2p.dll.mui 对等分组 62f554db7921b9b6ae3d250ec632b4a8

File info

File name: p2p.dll.mui
Size: 8704 byte
MD5: 62f554db7921b9b6ae3d250ec632b4a8
SHA1: 733726aee19a0d7c9fc01c78a6a9f7e7cbaab0f1
SHA256: 2b44d9dafd63e72592eb4d4a86f126d849041ddbcdfd75d3ee351bb07b374fc7
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
0x00002CED请求的群不存在;请查看配置的 IPv6 地址,并验证是否存在相应范围的地址。%0 A cloud requested is not present; review the configured IPv6 addresses and verify there are addresses of appropriate scope.%0
0x00002CEE请求的群已被管理员禁用。%0 Requested cloud has been disabled by your administrator.%0
0x00002CEF用于在群中注册名称的标识无效。%0 Identity used for registering a name in the cloud is invalid.%0
0x00002CF0解析失败,因为系统当前超载。%0 Resolve failed because the system is currently overloaded.%0
0x00002CF1正在已配置为仅解析的群中注册名称。%0 Registering a name in a cloud that has been configured to be resolve only.%0
0x00002CF2正在默认分段外的分段中使用 PNRP。PNRP 仅在默认分段中运行。%0 Using PNRP in a compartment outside of the default one. PNRP only works in the default compartment.%0
0x00002CF4正在同一群中多次注册一个对等名称。%0 Registering a peername more than one time in the same cloud.%0
0x00630001为打开的图形创建的图形属性。请注意,在该本地节点与该图形中的其他节点进行同步之前,某些操作将会受到限制。%0 Graph Properties created for the graph that was opened. It is important to note that certain operations will be limited until this local node has synchronized with other nodes in the graph.%0
0x00630002事件数据不存在。%0 The event data is not present.%0
0x00630005登录成功,但是此时没有可用的 IPv6 地址。%0 The sign-in succeeded, but there are no IPv6 addresses available at this time.%0
0x00630006本地对等计算机多次根据密码尝试加入某组。%0 The local peer attempted to join a group based on a password more than once.%0
0x00632000本地对等计算机已连接到该组或图形%0 The local peer is already connected to the group or graph%0
0x00636000已订阅指定的终结点%0 The specified endpoint has already been subscribed to%0
0x80630001IPv6 未安装在此计算机上。Windows 对等基础结构需要 IPv6。%0 IPv6 is not installed on this machine. IPv6 is required for the Windows Peer-to-Peer infrastructure.%0
0x80630002未初始化 Windows 对等基础结构。需要调用相关初始化函数。%0 The Windows Peer-to-Peer infrastructure is not initialized. Calling the relevant initialization function is required.%0
0x80630003无法初始化一个或多个独立模块。必须启动模块 pnrpsvc、p2psvc、p2pimsvc 和 p2phost。如果未启动,可以手动启动这些模块。%0 One or more of the dependent modules could not initialize. The modules pnrpsvc, p2psvc, p2pimsvc and p2phost must be started. If not started, these modules can be manually started.%0
0x80630004Windows 对等基础结构未经许可,无法在此平台操作%0 The Windows Peer-to-Peer infrastructure is not licensed to operate on this platform.%0
0x80630010所使用的图表句柄无效。创建或打开图表后请使用返回的句柄。%0 An invalid handle to the graph is being used. Use the handle returned after creating or opening the graph.%0
0x80630011已使用不同于初始打开时使用的数据库名称在同一进程中打开一个图形。%0 A graph has been opened in the same process with a different database name than it was opened with initially.%0
0x80630012已尝试使用以前在同一进程中使用的图形 ID 创建图形。创建操作将需要新的图形 ID。%0 An attempt has been made to create a graph with a graph ID previously used in the same process. Creation will require a new graph ID.%0
0x80630013对等计算机尝试执行需要连接的操作,但是未连接到该图形。%0 The peer has attempted to perform an operation that requires that requires connectivity, but is not connected to the graph.%0
0x80630014正在关闭图形。无法执行图形相关的操作。%0 A graph shutdown is in progress. Graph-related operations cannot be performed.%0
0x80630015在该图形仍处于连接或侦听状态时,尝试导入图形数据库。必须在此操作之前关闭该图形。%0 An attempt to import the graph database has been made while the graph is still connected or listening. The graph must be closed prior to this operation.%0
0x80630016数据库中导入的图形 ID 与到数据库的路径中发现的图形 ID 不同。%0 The graph ID in the database being imported is different from the Graph ID found in the path to the database.%0
0x80630017已将数量超过最大允许值的属性添加到记录中。%0 More attributes than the maximum allowed have been added to a record.%0
0x80630103已尝试断开不存在的直接连接。%0 An attempt to disconnect a direct connection that does not exist has been made.%0
0x80630106已尝试与你自己的计算机建立直接连接。%0 An attempt to establish a direct connection to yourself has been made.%0
0x80630107本地对等计算机已在网络上进行侦听。%0 The local peer is already listening on the network.%0
0x80630108已尝试对不存在的节点执行图形节点相关的操作。%0 An attempt has been made to perform a graph node-related operation for a node that does not exist.%0
0x80630109连接到图形或组已失败,或者图形或组中的直接连接已失败。%0 A connection to the graph or group has failed, or a direct connection in a graph or group has failed.%0
0x8063010A在图形或组中建立连接或者根据组中的 IP 地址建立连接时发生错误。%0 An error has occurred while establishing a connection in a graph or group, or while connecting based on an IP address in a group.%0
0x8063010B图形或组中的邻居不接受连接。%0 The neighbor in the graph or group are not accepting connections.%0
0x80630201分类器长于所允许的最大值。%0 The classifier is longer than the maximum allowed.%0
0x80630202系统无法创建其他标识。%0 The system cannot create additional identities.%0
0x80630203无法访问存储密钥的目录。%0 No access is given to the directory where keys are stored.%0
0x80630204已尝试删除具有一个或多个关联的组的标识。必须在删除关联标识之前删除这些组。%0 An attempt to delete an identity which has one or more associated groups has been made. The groups must be deleted prior to the removal of the associated identity.%0
0x80630301本地对等计算机正在使用不存在的记录。%0 The local peer is using a record that does not exist.%0
0x80630302数据库引擎无法打开此数据库文件。此文件可能正由其他进程使用,或者调用方可能没有足够的权限打开此文件。%0 The database engine cannot open the database file. The file may be in use by another process or the caller may not have sufficient privileges to open the file.%0
0x80630303由于以前的操作系统中使用的数据库无法加载,因此对要在 Vista 中运行的应用程序升级失败。%0 Upgrading the application to run on Vista failed as a result of the database used on the previous OS being unable to load.%0
0x80630305已尝试使用以前创建图形时使用的图形 ID、对等 ID 和数据库名称来创建图形。%0 An attempt has been made to create a graph with the same graph ID, peer ID, and database name as a graph created previously.%0
0x80630401本地对等计算机正在使用不存在的标识。%0 The local peer is using an identity that does not exist.%0
0x80630501使用不存在的事件句柄。%0 Using an event handle that does not exist.%0
0x80630601为搜索字符串指定的格式无效。%0 The format specified for a search string is not valid.%0
0x80630602添加记录时,为属性指定的格式不正确。%0 The format specified for attributes is not correct when adding a record.%0
0x80630701用于加入组的邀请无效。%0 The invitation used to join the group is not valid.%0
0x80630703已尝试创建邀请或颁发长于最大允许期限的凭据。从组创建者检索的凭据优先。%0 An attempt has been made to create an invitation or issue credentials that are longer than the maximum allowance. Credentials retrieved from the group creator are preferred.%0
0x80630705创建邀请或凭据过程中提供的时间值不正确时将返回。%0 This is returned when the time values supplied during the creation of invitations or credentials are incorrect.%0
0x80630706该邀请是非法循环链。例如,A 邀请 B,然后 B 邀请 A。%0 The invitation has an illegal circular chain. For example, A invites B, and then B invites A.%0
0x80630801标识存储已损坏。将 idstore.sst 从 %appdata%\\peernetworking 文件夹中删除。%0 The Identity Store has been corrupted. Delete idstore.sst from the %appdata%\\peernetworking folder.%0
0x80631001已尝试访问不存在的群。%0 An attempt has been made to access a cloud that does not exist.%0
0x80631005存在多个具有相同范围的群。必须以特殊方式访问该群。%0 There is more than one cloud with the same scope. The cloud must be accessed specifically.%0
0x80632010记录无效。%0 The record is invalid.%0
0x80632020已尝试执行未经授权的操作。%0 An attempt has been made to perform an unauthorized operation.%0
0x80632021指定的密码不符合域策略要求。%0 Password specified does not meet domain policy requirements.%0
0x80632030此时,图表安全层无法验证该记录。%0 The graph security layer cannot verify the record at this time.%0
0x80632040指定的组属性无效。%0 The group properties specified are invalid.%0
0x80632050指定的对等名称格式无效。%0 The format of the peer name specified is invalid.%0
0x80632060指定的分类器无效。%0 The classifier specified is invalid.%0
0x80632070指定的友好名称无效。%0 The friendly name specified is invalid.%0
0x80632071指定的角色无效。%0 The role specified is invalid.%0
0x80632072当加入组无效时使用邀请中的分类器。%0 The classifier in the invitation used while joining the group is invalid.%0
0x80632080指定的记录过期日期无效。%0 The record expiration specified is invalid.%0
0x80632081指定的凭据信息无效。%0 The credential information specified is invalid.%0
0x80632082为加入组指定的邀请无效。%0 An invitation specified for joining the group is invalid.%0
0x80632083指定的记录大小无效。%0 The record size specified is invalid.%0
0x80632090这个版本不支持。%0 This version is not supported.%0
0x80632091尝试执行要求连接的操作时,如果未连接到该组,将返回该错误。%0 This error is returned when not connected to the group while trying to perform an operation that requires connectivity.%0
0x80632092当该组仍处于连接状态时,已尝试导入该组数据库。必须在进行此操作之前关闭该组。尝试加入已打开组时,也将返回该错误。%0 An attempt has been made to import the group database while the group is still connected . The group must be closed prior to this operation. The error is also returned while trying to join a group that is already open.%0
0x80632093组句柄无效,或该组已被标记为删除。%0 The group handle is invalid or the group has been marked for deletion.%0
0x80632094连接到该组时失败,因为该组中没有活动的成员。%0 A connection to a group has failed because there are no active members in the group.%0
0x80632095连接到该组时失败,因为找到的成员无法接受该连接。%0 A connection to a group has failed because the member found could not accept the connection.%0
0x80632096本地对等计算机无法进行侦听。所需的端口可能不可用。%0 The local peer is unable to listen. The port requested may not be available.%0
0x806320A0在操作中使用的标识已被删除。%0 An identity being used in the operation has been deleted.%0
0x806320A1对等协作基础结构不可用。%0 The Peer-to-Peer Collaboration infrastructure is not available.%0
0x80634001从对等名称的转换失败。该名称过长或格式无效。%0 The conversion from a peer name failed. It has an invalid format or is too long.%0
0x80634002从主机名称到对等名称的转换失败。可能是该主机名称的格式不正确。%0 The conversion from a host name to a peer name has failed. It is possible the format of the host name is incorrect.%0
0x80634003没有剩余终结点。%0 No endpoints left.%0
0x80634005对等名称已多次在同一个群中进行注册。%0 A peer name has been registered more than once in the same cloud.%0
0x80636001未找到所需的联系人。%0 The contact requested was not found.%0
0x80637000已取消应用程序邀请。%0 An application invite has been cancelled.%0
0x80637001响应不可用。请等待向该事件发出信号。%0 A response is not available. Wait for the event to be signaled.%0
0x80637003该操作要求用户进行登录。%0 The operation requires the user to be signed in.%0
0x80637004该用户已通过拒绝隐私对话的方式选择不启动“网络邻居”。该隐私将在下次该用户尝试登录时出现。%0 The user has chosen not to start People Near Me by declining the privacy dialog. The privacy will appear the next time the user attempts sign-in.%0
0x80637005本地对等计算机在尝试连接到要向其订阅的终结点或要邀请的终结点时超时。%0 The local peer timed out while trying to connect to the endpoint to subscribe or invite to.%0
0x80637007指定的地址无效。%0 The address specified is invalid.%0
0x80637008防火墙例外(Windows 对等协作基础)已禁用。可以通过接受网络邻居隐私对话框,或者直接从防火墙 UI 内启用例外。%0 The firewall exception, Windows Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Foundation, is disabled. The exception can be enabled by accepting the People Near Me privacy dialog or directly from within the firewall UI.%0
0x80637009防火墙例外(Windows 对等协作基础)已被组策略阻止。请与管理员联系,启用此例外。%0 The firewall exception, Windows Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Foundation, is blocked by group policy. Talk to your administrator about enabling this exception.%0
0x8063700A防火墙策略中未创建例外。%0 No exceptions made in firewall policy.%0
0x8063700B如果在“设置网络邻居”对话框中单击“取消”,你将无法登录“网络邻居”。若要重新打开设置对话框,请尝试再次登录。%0 If you click Cancel in the \"Set up People Near Me\" dialog box, People Near Me cannot sign you in. To reopen the setup dialog box, try signing in again.%0


File Name:p2p.dll.mui
File Size:8.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:8192
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:对等分组
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:p2p.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:p2p.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is p2p.dll.mui?

p2p.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file p2p.dll (对等分组).

File version info

File Description:对等分组
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:p2p.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:p2p.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200