wmpnetwk.exe Windows Media Player 網路共用服務 621b379c4d759b6bc6e55c423829457c

File info

File name: wmpnetwk.exe.mui
Size: 21504 byte
MD5: 621b379c4d759b6bc6e55c423829457c
SHA1: d877b22af95fd449829d2548285a863c0d082596
SHA256: a1a50b27de46350d5bf47ac65832d41e64b9dfb77be33a0be4b3923946e07ca7
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: wmpnetwk.exe Windows Media Player 網路共用服務 (32 位元)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
101Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
102與其他網路播放程式和使用通用隨插即用的媒體裝置共用 Windows Media Player 媒體櫃 Shares Windows Media Player libraries to other networked players and media devices using Universal Plug and Play
103不明的錯誤 %1!d! Unknown Error %1!d!
199不明裝置 (%1) Unknown Device (%1)
203Windows Media Player Sharing Windows Media Player Sharing
300共用的視訊 Shared Videos
301共用的音樂 Shared Music
302共用的圖片 Shared Pictures
303共用 TV Shared TV
304根目錄 Root
305音樂 Music
306所有音樂 All Music
307內容類型 Genre
308專輯演出者 Album Artists
309參與演出者 Contributing Artists
310專輯 Albums
311評等 Rating
312音樂播放清單 Music Playlists
313資料夾 Folders
314視訊 Videos
315所有視訊 All Videos
316視訊內容類型 Video Genres
317視訊演員 Video Actors
318系列 Series
319所有播放清單 All Playlists
320視訊播放清單 Video Playlists
321圖片 Pictures
322所有圖片 All Pictures
323圖片拍攝日期 Pictures Date Taken
325圖片播放清單 Picture Playlists
326播放清單 Playlists
327關鍵字 Keywords
328錄製的節目 Recorded TV
329所有錄製的節目 All Recorded TV
330錄製的節目內容類型 Recorded TV Genres
331錄製的節目演員 Recorded TV Actors
332錄製的節目播放清單 Recorded TV Playlists
3431 顆星或以上 1 Or More Stars
3442 顆星或更多顆星 2 Or More Stars
3453 顆星或更多顆星 3 Or More Stars
3464 顆星或更多顆星 4 Or More Stars
3475 顆星或更多顆星 5 Or More Stars
348未評等 Not Rated
369作曲者 Composers
399所有演出者 All Artists
402Invalid Args Invalid Args
404Invalid Var Invalid Var
477[未知的作曲者] [Unknown Composer]
478[未知的內容類型] [Unknown Genre]
479[未知的演出者] [Unknown Artist]
480[未知的作者] [Unknown Author]
482[未知的專輯] [Unknown Album]
483[未知的評等] [Unknown Rating]
484[未知的系列] [Unknown Series]
485[未知的日期] [Unknown Date]
486[沒有關鍵字] [No Keywords]
501Action Failed Action Failed
701No such object No such object
702Invalid currentTagValue Invalid currentTagValue
703Invalid newTagValue Invalid newTagValue
704Required tag Required tag
705Read only tag Read only tag
706Parameter Mismatch Parameter Mismatch
708Unsupported or invalid search criteria Unsupported or invalid search criteria
709Unsupported or invalid sort criteria Unsupported or invalid sort criteria
710No such container No such container
711Restricted object Restricted object
712Bad metadata Bad metadata
713Restricted parent object Restricted parent object
720Cannot process the request Cannot process the request
801Access denied Access denied
850Invalid Certificate Invalid Certificate
851Revoked Certificate Revoked Certificate
854Transmitter Failure Transmitter Failure
3000設定裝置或電腦播放您電腦上的媒體時要使用的電源設定。 Configure power settings for when devices and computers are playing media from your computer.
3001多媒體設定 Multimedia settings
3002指定當裝置或電腦播放您電腦上的媒體時,您的電腦要如何做。 Specify what your computer does when a device or computer is playing media from your computer.
3003共用媒體時 When sharing media
3004當您的電腦處於睡眠模式時,裝置或電腦將無法播放您電腦上的媒體。 Devices and computers will not be able to play media from your computer while it sleeps.
3005允許電腦進入睡眠模式 Allow the computer to sleep
3006除非讓您的電腦進入睡眠模式,否則裝置或電腦可以播放您電腦上的媒體。 Devices and computers will be able to play media from your computer unless you put it to sleep.
3007避免我的電腦在一段時間無作用之後進入睡眠狀態 Prevent idling to sleep
3008當您的電腦進入離開模式時,裝置或電腦仍能播放您電腦上的媒體。 Devices and computers will be able to play media from your computer while it is in Away Mode.
3009允許電腦進入離開模式 Allow the computer to enter Away Mode
3010已透過 Windows Media Player 啟用媒體共用。 Media Sharing has been enabled through Windows Media Player.
0x10000031回應時間 Response Time
0x10000038傳統 Classic
0x30000000資訊 Info
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x400D3778已安裝 '%1' 服務。 '%1' service was installed.
0x400D3779已安裝完成 '%1' 服務。 '%1' service is already installed.
0x400D377A已解除安裝 '%1' 服務。 '%1' service was uninstalled.
0x400D377B已解除安裝 '%1' 服務; 然而,必須重新啟動電腦才能完成程序。 '%1' service was uninstalled; however, you might need to restart your computer to complete the process.
0x400D377C已啟動服務 '%1'。 Service '%1' started.
0x400D377D已停止服務 '%1'。 Service '%1' stopped.
0x400D377E媒體伺服器 '%1' 已成功初始化,並且正在與網路媒體裝置共用媒體。 Media server '%1' was successfully initialized and is sharing media with network media devices.
0x400D377F媒體伺服器 '%1' 已經移除,並且已停止與網路媒體裝置共用媒體。 Media server '%1' was removed and has stopped sharing media with network media devices.
0x400D3780接近偵測成功。發現的最佳接近偵測時間是 %1 毫秒。 Proximity detection succeeded. The best proximity time detected was %1 milliseconds.
0x400D3781IP 位址為 '%1!S!' 的裝置已順利登錄本身以進行受保護的內容抓取。 A device with IP address '%1!S!' successfully registered itself for protected content retrieval.
0x400D3782媒體伺服器 '%1!S!' 上受監視的資料夾已變更。Windows Media Player 正在更新包含的所有資料夾的安全性權限,以啟用媒體共用。 The monitored folders on media server '%1!S!' changed. Windows Media Player is updating security permissions for any included folders to enable media sharing.
0x50000005詳細資訊 Verbose
0x800D3714已停用 WMPNetworkSvc 中的 IPv4 支援,因為網路位址變更監視發生錯誤 '%1'。 IPv4 support has been disabled in WMPNetworkSvc because network address change monitoring encountered error '%1'.
0x800D3715無效的要求碼 %1。 Invalid request code %1.
0x800D3716解除安裝 '%1' 服務時,類型程式庫因發生錯誤 '%2' 而無法取消登錄。 While uninstalling service '%1', the type library was not unregistered due to error '%2'.
0x800D3717解除安裝 '%1' 服務時,登錄機碼 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0' 因發生錯誤 '%2' 而未刪除。您必須手動移除這個登錄機碼。 While uninstalling service '%1', the registry key 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0' was not deleted due to error '%2'. You must remove this registry key manually.
0x800D3718Windows Media Player 網路共用服務無法處理從 IP 位址 '%2!S!' 發出的 URI '%1!S!' 要求,因為發生錯誤 '%3'。 The Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service cannot process the request for URI '%1!S!' from IP address '%2!S!' due to error '%3'.
0x800D3719未使用的媒體轉譯器裝置未從裝置清單移除,因為附加偵錯工具時無法執行必要的 DRM 元件。請從電腦或 WMPNetworkSvc 服務中斷連結偵錯工具,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 Unused media renderer devices were not removed from the list of devices because required DRM components cannot run while a debugger is attached. Detach the debugger from the machine or from the WMPNetworkSvc service, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D37DC服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為 OpenSCManager 發生拒絕存取的錯誤 '%2'。請嘗試使用提升的管理員帳戶來重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because OpenSCManager encountered access denied error '%2'. Try using an elevated administrator account to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37DD服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為 OpenSCManager 發生未知的錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because OpenSCManager encountered unknown error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37DE服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為 CreateService 發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because CreateService encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37DF服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為 RegOpenKey(HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%1) 發生錯誤 '%2'。請確認此機碼確實存在,而且 Administrators 群組具有修改此機碼的權限,然後嘗試重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because RegOpenKey(HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%1) encountered error '%2'. Verify that this key exists and that the Administrators group has permission to modify this key, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E0服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為 RegisterTypeLib() 發生錯誤 '%3'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because RegisterTypeLib() encountered error '%3'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E1服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為 LoadTypeLib() 發生錯誤 '%3'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because LoadTypeLib() encountered error '%3'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E2服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0' 下面的登錄機碼因發生錯誤 '%2' 而無法建立。請確認 Administrators 群組具有修改此機碼及其父機碼的權限,然後嘗試重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because registry keys under 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0' could not be created due to error '%2'. Verify that the Administrators group has permission to modify this key and its parent keys, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E3服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為登錄 Windows HTTP 伺服器所需要的 ACL 無法建立 (因發生錯誤 '%2')。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because the ACL required to register with the Windows HTTP server could not be created (error '%2'). Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E4服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為 HttpInitialize 發生錯誤 '%2'。請嘗試使用提升的管理員帳戶重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because HttpInitialize encountered error '%2'. Try using an elevated administrator account to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E5服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為 HTTP 保留發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because HTTP reservation encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E6服務 '%1' 尚未安裝,因為 HttpTerminate 發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not installed because HttpTerminate encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E7服務 '%1' 尚未解除安裝,因為 OpenSCManager 發生拒絕存取的錯誤 '%2'。請嘗試使用提升的管理員帳戶解除安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not uninstalled because OpenSCManager encountered access denied error '%2'. Try using an elevated administrator account to uninstall the service.
0xC00D37E8服務 '%1' 尚未解除安裝,因為 OpenSCManager 發生未知的錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not uninstalled because OpenSCManager encountered unknown error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to reinstall the service.
0xC00D37E9服務 '%1' 尚未解除安裝,因為 OpenService 發生未知的錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試解除安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not uninstalled because OpenService encountered unknown error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to uninstall the service.
0xC00D37EA服務 '%1' 尚未解除安裝,因為 DeleteService 發生未知的錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試解除安裝此服務。 Service '%1' was not uninstalled because DeleteService encountered unknown error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to uninstall the service.
0xC00D37EB服務 '%1' 的控制處理常式因發生錯誤 %2 而無法登錄。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 The control handler for service '%1' could not be registered due to error %2. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37EC服務 '%1' 尚未初始化,因為 CoInitializeEx 發生錯誤 %2。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 Service '%1' was not initialized because CoInitializeEx encountered error %2. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37ED服務 '%1' 尚未初始化,因為 CoInitializeSecurity 發生錯誤 %2。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 Service '%1' was not initialized because CoInitializeSecurity encountered error %2. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37EE服務 '%1' 尚未初始化,因為發生未知的錯誤 %2。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 Service '%1' was not initialized due to unknown error %2. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37EF服務 '%1' 並未啟動,因為「群組原則」阻止 Windows Media Player 與其他裝置共用媒體。 Service '%1' did not start because Group Policy is preventing Windows Media Player from sharing media with other devices.
0xC00D37F0服務 '%1' 正在關閉,因為「群組原則」阻止 Windows Media Player 與其他裝置共用媒體。 Service '%1' is shutting down because Group Policy is preventing Windows Media Player from sharing media with other devices.
0xC00D37F1服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為發生記憶體不足的錯誤 '%2'。請關閉其他程式或是重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 Service '%1' did not start correctly due to out-of-memory error '%2'. Close other programs or restart your computer and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37F2服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為 MFStartup 發生錯誤 '%2'。如果可能,請重新安裝 Windows Media Player。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because MFStartup encountered error '%2'. If possible, reinstall Windows Media Player.
0xC00D37F3服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為 MFCreateWMPMDEOpCenter 發生錯誤 '%2'。如果可能,請重新安裝 Windows Media Player。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because MFCreateWMPMDEOpCenter encountered error '%2'. If possible, reinstall Windows Media Player.
0xC00D37F4服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為 CoCreateInstance(WindowsMediaPlayer) 發生錯誤 '%2'。如果可能的話,請重新安裝 Windows Media Player。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because CoCreateInstance(WindowsMediaPlayer) encountered error '%2'. If possible, reinstall Windows Media Player.
0xC00D37F5服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為 QueryService 發生錯誤 '%2'。請關閉 Windows Media Player 中的媒體共用,然後再開啟共用。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because QueryService encountered error '%2'. In Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, and then turn it back on.
0xC00D37F6服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為事件資料庫建立發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because the event database creation encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37F7服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為背景工作執行緒初始化發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because worker thread intialization encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37F8服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為背景工作執行緒的處理常式因發生錯誤 '%2' 而無法新增。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because a handle to a worker thread could not be added due to error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37F9服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為登錄因發生錯誤 '%2' 而無法更新。如果可能的話,請重新安裝 Windows Media Player。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because the registry could not be updated due to error '%2'. If possible, reinstall Windows Media Player.
0xC00D37FA服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為此服務正在執行錯誤的二進位檔案,或者正由錯誤的帳戶執行 (錯誤 '%2')。服務的二進位檔案應該是 wmpnetwk.exe 且帳戶應該是 'NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService'。如果可能,請重新安裝 Windows Media Player。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because the service is running the wrong binary or is running with the wrong account (error '%2'). The service binary should be wmpnetwk.exe and the account should be 'NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService'. If possible, reinstall Windows Media Player.
0xC00D37FB服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為 CoInitialize 發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because CoInitialize encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37FC服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為 CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPDeviceFinder) 發生錯誤 %2。請確認 UPnPHost 服務正在執行,且 Windows 的 UPnPHost 元件已正確安裝。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPDeviceFinder) encountered error '%2'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D37FD服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 Service '%1' did not start correctly due to error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D37FE服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為 IUPnPDeviceFinder::CreateAsyncFind(MediaServer) 發生錯誤 '%2'。請確認 UPnPHost 服務正在執行,並且 Windows 的 UPnPHost 元件已正確安裝。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because IUPnPDeviceFinder::CreateAsyncFind(MediaRenderer) encountered error '%2'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D37FF服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為 IUPnPDeviceFinder::CreateAsyncFind(MediaServer) 發生錯誤 %2。請確認 UPnPHost 服務正在執行,而且 Windows 的 UPnPHost 元件已正確安裝。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because IUPnPDeviceFinder::CreateAsyncFind(MediaServer) encountered error '%2'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D3800服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為 IUPnPDeviceFinder::StartAsyncFind(MediaRenderer) 發生錯誤 '%2'。請確認 UPnPHost 服務正在執行,並且 Windows 的 UPnPHost 元件已正確安裝。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because IUPnPDeviceFinder::StartAsyncFind(MediaRenderer) encountered error '%2'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D3801服務 '%1' 並未正確啟動,因為 CreateMediaDevices 發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動此服務。 Service '%1' did not start correctly because CreateMediaDevices encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then try to restart the service.
0xC00D3802新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為 CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPRegistrar) 發生錯誤 '%1'。請確認 UPnPHost 服務正在執行,並且 Windows 的 UPnPHost 元件已正確安裝。 A new media server was not initialized because CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPRegistrar) encountered error '%1'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D3803新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為 QueryInterface(IUPnPReregistrar) 發生錯誤 '%1'。請確認 UPnPHost 服務正在執行,並且 Windows 的 UPnPHost 元件已正確安裝。 A new media server was not initialized because QueryInterface(IUPnPReregistrar) encountered error '%1'. Verify that the UPnPHost service is running and that the UPnPHost component of Windows is installed properly.
0xC00D3804新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為 GetFriendlyName() 發生錯誤 '%1'。請關閉 Windows Media Player 中的媒體共用,並變更共用媒體櫃的名稱,然後再開啟共用。 A new media server was not initialized because GetFriendlyName() encountered error '%1'. In Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, change the name of the shared library, and then turn sharing back on.
0xC00D3805新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為 GetSerialNumber() 發生錯誤 '%1'。請關閉 Windows Media Player 中的媒體共用,然後再開啟共用。 A new media server was not initialized because GetSerialNumber() encountered error '%1'. In Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, and then turn it back on.
0xC00D3806新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為發生錯誤 '%1' 而無法抓取型號名稱。請刪除登錄機碼 HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0 中的值 'ModelName',然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A new media server was not initialized because the model name could not be retrieved due to error '%1'. Delete the value 'ModelName' in the registry key HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3807新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為發生記憶體不足的錯誤 '%1'。請關閉其他程式或是重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A new media server was not initialized due to out-of-memory error '%1'. Close other programs or restart your computer and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3808新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為 WMCreateDeviceRegistration() 發生錯誤 '%1'。電腦上的 Windows Media DRM 元件可能已毀損。請確認受保護的檔案是否可從 Windows Media Player 正確播放,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A new media server was not initialized because WMCreateDeviceRegistration() encountered error '%1'. The Windows Media DRM components on your computer might be corrupted. Verify that protected files play correctly in Windows Media Player, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3809新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為裝置文件產生發生錯誤 '%1'。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務,如果問題持續發生,可能的話,請重新安裝 Windows Media Player。 A new media server was not initialized because device document generation encountered error '%1'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service. If the problem persists, reinstall Windows Media Player if possible.
0xC00D380A新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為 RegisterRunningDevice() 發生錯誤 '%1'。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A new media server was not initialized because RegisterRunningDevice() encountered error '%1'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D380B新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為無法更新 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0\\Media Servers' 登錄機碼 (錯誤 '%1')。請刪除這個登錄機碼,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A new media server was not initialized because the registry key 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Media Player NSS\\3.0\\Media Servers' could not be updated (error '%1'). Delete this registry key, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D380C新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為發生錯誤 '%1'。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。如果問題持續發生,請關閉並重新開啟 Windows Media Player 中的媒體共用功能。 A new media server was not initialized due to error '%1'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service. If the problem persists, in Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, and then turn it back on.
0xC00D380D新的媒體伺服器尚未初始化,因為 Windows Media Delivery Engine 因發生錯誤 '%1' 而未初始化。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。如果問題持續發生,可能的話,請重新安裝 Windows Media Player。 A new media server was not initialized because the Windows Media Delivery Engine did not initialize due to error '%1'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service. If the problem persists, reinstall Windows Media Player if possible.
0xC00D380E無法初始化新的媒體伺服器,因為附加偵錯工具時無法執行必要的 DRM 元件。請從電腦或 WMPNetworkSvc 服務中斷連結偵錯工具,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A new media server could not be initialized because required DRM components cannot run while a debugger is attached. Detach the debugger from the machine or from the WMPNetworkSvc service, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D380F具有識別碼 '%1' 的媒體傳遞引擎尚未初始化,因為發生錯誤 '%2' 而無法抓取內容提供者的序號。請關閉 Windows Media Player 中的媒體共用,然後再開啟共用。如果問題持續發生,可能的話,請重新安裝 Windows Media Player。 A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because the content provider's serial number could not be retrieved due to error '%2'. In Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, and then turn it back on. If the problem persists, reinstall Windows Media Player if possible.
0xC00D3810具有識別碼 '%1' 的媒體傳遞引擎尚未初始化,因為發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。如果問題持續發生,可能的話,請重新安裝 Windows Media Player。 A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized due to error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service. If the problem persists, reinstall Windows Media Player if possible.
0xC00D3811識別碼為 '%1' 的媒體傳遞引擎尚未初始化,因為新增 URL '%3!S!' 時發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。如果問題持續發生,請盡可能重新安裝 Windows Media Player。 A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized due to error '%2' when adding the URL '%3!S!'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service. If the problem persists, reinstall Windows Media Player if possible.
0xC00D3812具有識別碼 '%1' 的媒體傳遞引擎尚未初始化,因為發生記憶體不足的錯誤 '%2'。請關閉其他程式或重新啟動電腦,然後嘗試重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized due to out-of-memory error '%2'. Close other programs or restart your computer and then try to restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3813具有識別碼 '%1' 的媒體傳遞引擎尚未初始化,因為 MFCreateNetVRoot() 發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because MFCreateNetVRoot() encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3814具有識別碼 '%1' 的媒體傳遞引擎尚未初始化,因為 RegisterDelegate() 發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because RegisterDelegate() encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3815具有識別碼 '%1' 的媒體傳遞引擎尚未初始化,因為 GetSupportedProfiles() 發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because GetSupportedProfiles() encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3816具有識別碼 '%1' 的媒體傳遞引擎尚未初始化,因為內容設定檔的列舉發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because enumeration of content profiles encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3817具有識別碼 '%1' 的媒體傳遞引擎尚未初始化,因為 AddProfile() 發生錯誤 '%2'。請重新啟動電腦,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A media delivery engine with ID '%1' was not initialized because AddProfile() encountered error '%2'. Restart your computer, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3818已停用 WMPNetworkSvc 中的 IPv4 支援,因為 NotifyAddrChange 發生錯誤 '%1'。若要啟用 IPv4 支援,請重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 IPv4 support has been disabled in WMPNetworkSvc because NotifyAddrChange encountered error '%1'. To enable IPv4 support, restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3819已停用 WMPNetworkSvc 中的 IPv4 支援,因為 IP 位址表抓取發生錯誤 '%1'。若要啟用 IPv4 支援,請重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 IPv4 support has been disabled in WMPNetworkSvc because IP address table retrieval encountered error '%1'. To enable IPv4 support, restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D381A接近偵測失敗,因為服務無法開啟網路連接埠以與裝置通訊。請等候兩分鐘,然後再試著連線到該裝置。 Proximity detection failed because the service could not open a network port to communicate with the device. Wait two minutes, and then try to connect to the device again.
0xC00D381B接近偵測失敗,因為裝置的回應無效。請確定裝置使用的是最新版本的韌體,且電腦與裝置之間的網路連線已正常運作。然後再試著連線到該裝置。 Proximity detection failed because the response from the device was not valid. Verify that the device is running the latest firmware and that the network connection between the computer and the device is working properly. Then try to connect to the device again.
0xC00D381C接近偵測失敗,因為裝置與電腦之間的距離太遠。發現的最佳的接近偵測時間是 %1 毫秒。 Proximity detection failed because the device is located too far away from the computer. The best proximity time detected was %1 milliseconds.
0xC00D381D接近偵測失敗,因為發生不明的錯誤 '%1'。發現的最佳的接近偵測時間是 %2 毫秒。 Proximity detection failed due to unknown error '%1'. The best proximity time detected was %2 milliseconds.
0xC00D381EIP 位址為 '%2!S!' 的裝置無法登錄本身以進行受保護的內容抓取,因為發生不正確的資料錯誤 '%1'。請確定裝置使用的是最新版本的韌體,且電腦與裝置之間的網路連線已正常運作。然後再試著連線到該裝置。 A device with IP address '%2!S!' failed to register itself for protected content retrieval due to invalid data error '%1'. Verify that the device is running the latest firmware and that the network connection between the computer and the device is working properly. Then try to connect to the device again.
0xC00D381FIP 位址為 '%1!S!' 的裝置無法登錄本身以進行受保護的內容抓取。可能是因為裝置傳送的憑證已損毀,或無法驗證憑證的簽章。請確定裝置使用的是最新版本的韌體,且電腦與裝置之間的網路連線已正常運作。然後再試著連線到該裝置。 A device with IP address '%1!S!' failed to register itself for protected content retrieval. Either the device passed a corrupted certificate or the signature on the certificate could not be verified. Verify that the device is running the latest firmware and that the network connection between the computer and the device is working properly. Then try to connect to the device again.
0xC00D3820IP 位址為 '%1!S!' 的裝置無法登錄本身以進行受保護的內容抓取,因為裝置的憑證已撤銷。請聯絡裝置製造商以取得如何更新裝置的指示,然後再試著連線到該裝置。 A device with IP address '%1!S!' failed to register itself for protected content retrieval because the device's certificate has been revoked. Contact the device manufacturer for instructions about how to update the device, and then try to connect the device again.
0xC00D3821IP 位址為 '%1!S!' 的裝置無法登錄本身以進行受保護的內容抓取,因為憑證撤銷清單不正確或已損毀。請重新啟動電腦,然後再試著連線到該裝置。如果這個錯誤持續發生,您可能必須重設電腦上的 Windows Media DRM 系統。 A device with IP address '%1!S!' failed to register itself for protected content retrieval because the Certificate Revocation List is not valid or corrupted. Restart your computer, and then try to connect to the device again. If this error persists, you might need to reset the Windows Media DRM system on your computer.
0xC00D3822IP 位址為 '%2!S!' 的裝置無法登錄本身以進行受保護的內容抓取,因為發生不明的錯誤 '%1'。 A device with IP address '%2!S!' failed to register itself for protected content retrieval due to unknown error '%1'.
0xC00D3823IP 位址為 '%1!S!' 的裝置無法登錄本身以進行受保護的內容抓取,因為附加偵錯工具時無法執行必要的 DRM 元件。請從電腦或 WMPNetworkSvc 服務中斷連結偵錯工具,然後重新啟動 WMPNetworkSvc 服務。 A device with IP address '%1!S!' could not register itself for protected content retrieval because required DRM components cannot run while a debugger is attached. Detach the debugger from the machine or from the WMPNetworkSvc service, and then restart the WMPNetworkSvc service.
0xC00D3824媒體傳遞引擎未初始化,因為無法從本機電腦系統憑證儲存區抓取 SSL 憑證。發生的錯誤是 '%1'。在 Windows Media Player 中,關閉媒體共用,然後重新開啟媒體共用。 A media delivery engine was not initialized because the SSL certificate could not be retrieved from the local machine system certificate store. The error encountered was '%1'. In Windows Media Player, turn off media sharing, and then turn it back on.


File Name:wmpnetwk.exe.mui
File Size:21 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:20992
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:12.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:12.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows Media Player 網路共用服務
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:WMPNetwk.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:12.0.15063.0

What is wmpnetwk.exe.mui?

wmpnetwk.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file wmpnetwk.exe (Windows Media Player 網路共用服務).

File version info

File Description:Windows Media Player 網路共用服務
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:WMPNetwk.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:12.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200