ppioobe.dll.mui PPIOOBE 程式庫 61c6733fb75563053794ef0308cc0f4b

File info

File name: ppioobe.dll.mui
Size: 13312 byte
MD5: 61c6733fb75563053794ef0308cc0f4b
SHA1: 74574b6845139b6879db9ef2c1e1980b3586134c
SHA256: f7353649d2a5c1da3aa4294dfa27af2d3c0083518ef7dfa6c57f338fb40c4897
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
200輸入裝置帳戶資訊 Enter device account info
201下一步(&N) &Next
202使用者主體名稱或「網域\使用者名稱」 User Principal Name or Domain\Username
203密碼 Password
204若您尚未這樣做,請為此裝置建立一個新的帳戶,然後在下面輸入資訊。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup 找到如何建立帳戶的指示。您也會找到此裝置上所使用之其他帳戶的資訊,以及其他裝置設定資訊。 If you haven’t done it yet, create a new account for this device, and then enter the info below. You can find instructions on how to create an account at https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup. You’ll also find info on other accounts used with this device, and other device setup information.
205輸入使用者主體名稱或「網域\使用者名稱」。 Enter a User Principal Name or Domain\Username.
206使用者主體名稱的格式必須是: [email protected] 或「網域\使用者名稱」 The User Name needs to be in the format of: [email protected] or domain\user
207輸入密碼。 Enter the password.
208我們已嘗試驗證此帳戶,但其認證對於您輸入的租用戶/網域而言無效。請確認認證正確且帳戶已啟用,然後再試一次。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 We tried to authenticate this account but its credentials are not valid for the tenant/domain you entered. Please make sure the credentials are correct and the account is enabled, then try again. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
209[email protected] 或「網域\使用者名稱」 [email protected] or domain\user
210輸入密碼 Enter password
211自動旋轉此帳戶的密碼,之後就不需要手動變更。 Automatically rotate the password for this account so it doesn’t have to be manually changed later.
212啟用密碼管理 Enable password management
213裝置似乎沒有連線到網路。請將裝置連線到網路以驗證裝置帳戶。 It looks like the device isn’t connected to the network. Connect the device to the network so we can verify the device account.
214跳過裝置帳戶設定 Skip setting up a device account
215確定要跳過此步驟? Are you sure you want to skip this?
216是,跳過此程序 Yes, skip this
217否,回到上一步 No, go back
218若未設定裝置帳戶,此裝置的使用者將無法: If you don’t set up a device account, people using this device won’t be able to:
使用「商務用 Skype」進行多方通話
See a meeting calendar on the welcome screen
Start a meeting from the welcome screen
Email whiteboard contents
Have conference calls using Skype for Business
220若決定現在跳過此步驟,強烈建議您在建立裝置帳戶之前讓裝置離線,因為使用者將無法使用它來進行已排定的會議。您稍後可以在 [設定] 中設定裝置帳戶。 If you decide to skip this for now, we strongly recommend taking the device offline until the device account is created because people won’t be able to have scheduled meetings with it. You can set up the device account later in Settings.
222我們已嘗試在 Azure Active Directory 中尋找提供的帳戶,但找不到。請確定使用者名稱正確,或嘗試改為以「網域\使用者」格式指定使用者。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 We tried to find the provided account in Azure Active Directory, but couldn't. Make sure the username is correct, or try specifying the user in the domain\user format instead. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
223我們已嘗試連線到指定的目錄,但無法連線。請確定使用者名稱正確、嘗試使用完整 DNS 網域名稱 (subdomain2.subdomain1.com\user),或嘗試改為以 [email protected] 格式指定使用者。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 We tried to reach the specified Directory, but we couldn't. Make sure the username is correct, try using the full DNS domain name (subdomain2.subdomain1.com\user), or try specifying the user in the [email protected] format instead. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
300設定系統管理員帳戶 Set up an admin account
301完成(&F) &Finish
302使用者名稱 User name
304重新輸入密碼 Re-enter password
305建立新的本機系統管理員帳戶—您將必須使用此帳戶的使用者名稱與密碼登入,才能變更此裝置上的設定。選擇名稱時,請不要使用下列字元: " / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * % @。而且,我們建議您使用強式密碼。 Create a new local admin account—you’ll need to sign in with this account user name and password to change settings on this device. When choosing a name, don’t use these characters: " / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * % @. Also, we recommend using a strong password.
306輸入使用者名稱 Enter the user name.
307使用者名稱不能包含下列字元: " / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * % @ The user name can’t have these characters: " / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * % @
308請輸入密碼。 Enter a password.
309這不是有效的密碼 This is not a valid password
310請重新輸入密碼 Re-enter the password
311密碼不符。 The passwords don’t match.
315該使用者名稱已被使用。 That user name is already taken.
316使用者名稱不能是下列任何文字: CON、PRN、AUX、NUL、COM1、COM2、COM3、COM4、COM5、COM6、COM7、COM8、COM9、LPT1、LPT2、LPT3、LPT4、LPT5、LPT6、LPT7、LPT8 及 LPT (這些字已保留)。 The user name can’t be any of the following words: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT (these words are reserved).
400請為此裝置命名 Name this device
402易記名稱是當使用者想要連線到此裝置時將會看到的名稱。您可以變更該名稱,但是最好使用和裝置位置類似的名稱,以方便使用者辨識。有些裝置 (例如膝上型電腦、平板電腦與手機) 只會顯示名稱的前 15 個字元,但您最多可使用 32 個字元。 The friendly name is the name that people will see when they want to connect to this device. You can change it, but it’s a good idea to keep it similar to the name of the device's location so that people recognize it. Some devices, such as laptops, tablets, and phones, only show the first 15 characters of the name, but you can use up to 32.
403易記名稱 Friendly name
404名稱不可空白。 The name can’t be blank.
405名稱只能包含 UTF-8 字元。 The name can only contain UTF-8 characters.
407您輸入的名稱太短。請選擇長度超過 3 個字元的名稱。 The name you’ve entered is too short. Please choose a name that’s longer than 3 characters.
409裝置名稱是用來將裝置加入網域。加入網域是選擇性的,但如果您計劃要加入,則裝置名稱長度必須介於 1 到 15 個字元之間,且不包含下列字元: ( ) \ / : * ? " |。請確定該名稱與網域上已存在的裝置名稱不同。 The device name is used to join the device to a domain. Joining a domain is optional, but if you plan to join we need a device name that’s between 1 and 15 characters and doesn’t contain these characters: ( ) \ / : * ? " |. Make sure it’s not the same name as a device that’s already on the domain.
410裝置名稱 Device name
413如果您想要將它新增至網域,名稱就必須介於 1 到 15 個字元之間。 The name needs to be between 1 and 15 characters if you want to add it to a domain.
414如果您想要將它新增至網域,名稱不能包含空格或這些字元: ( ) \ / : * ? " | The name can’t contain spaces or these characters if you want to add it to a domain: ( ) \ / : * ? " |
415名稱中有您不能使用的保留字。請嘗試使用不同的名稱。 There’s a reserved word in the name that you can’t use. Try a different name.
416裝置名稱是用來將裝置加入網域。加入網域是選擇性的,但如果您計劃要加入,則裝置名稱長度必須介於 1 到 15 個字元之間,且不包含下列字元: ( ) \ / : * ? " |。請確定該名稱與網域上已存在的裝置名稱不同。我們已為裝置帳戶提供別名 -- 您可以將它做為裝置名稱,或者變更它。 The device name is used to join the device to a domain. Joining a domain is optional, but if you plan to join we need a device name that's between 1 and 15 characters and doesn't contain these characters: ( ) \ / : * ? " |. Make sure it's not the same name as a device that's already on the domain. We've provided the alias for the device account -- you can use that as the device name, or you can change it.
417裝置名稱是用來將裝置加入網域。裝置已加入網域,因此無法變更它。若要變更它,您需要完成設定並重設裝置。 The device name is used to join the device to a domain. This device is already joined to a domain, so it can't be changed. If you want to change it, you need to complete setup and reset the device.
700我們需要多一些資訊 We need a little more info
702若要為此裝置設定行事曆,我們需要 Exchange 伺服器位址。 To set up the calendar for this device, we need the Exchange server address.
703Exchange 伺服器位址 Exchange server address
707若要移至下一個步驟,請輸入您的 Exchange 伺服器資訊,或選取下面的連結以跳過 Exchange 服務設定程序。 To get to the next step, enter your Exchange server info, or select the link below to skip setting up Exchange services.
708我們已嘗試尋找您提供的 Exchange 伺服器,但找不到。請確定輸入正確,且裝置已連線到正確的網路。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 We tried to find the Exchange server you provided, but couldn't. Make sure you entered it correctly and that the device is connected to the right network. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
709為了保護您的資訊,不支援 http。請使用 https。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 To protect your info, http is not supported. Please use https. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
710跳過 Exchange 服務設定 Skip setting up Exchange services
714若未修正此問題,將關閉 Exchange 服務,且此裝置的使用者將無法: If you don’t fix this, Exchange services will be turned off and people using this device won’t be able to:
See a meeting calendar on the welcome screen
Start a meeting from the welcome screen
Email whiteboard contents
716您稍後可以在 [設定] 中設定 Exchange 服務。 You can set up Exchange services later in Settings.
717您稍早提供的裝置帳戶認證無法用於向提供的 Exchange 伺服器驗證。請提供其他 Exchange 伺服器,然後再試一次。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 The device account credentials you provided earlier cannot authenticate into the provided Exchange server. Provide a different Exchange server and try again. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
718我們已嘗試連線到 Exchange 伺服器,但發生連線問題且傳回 HTTP 逾時 (錯誤碼 0x80072EE2)。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 We tried to reach the Exchange server, but there was a connectivity issue and a HTTP timeout was returned (error code 0x80072EE2). You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
800正在設定此帳戶 Setting up this account
801Caps Lock 已啟用 Caps Lock is on
803%s 請連絡您公司的支援人員,並提供錯誤: %s。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 %s Please contact your company’s support person and mention error: %s. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
804開啟 On
805關閉 Off
900已為您設定,以節省時間 Set up for you, to save you time
902已為此裝置啟用下列建議的設定。您隨時可以透過 [設定] 來變更: The following Recommended settings have been enabled for this device. These can be changed anytime within Settings:
904深入了解(&L) &Learn more
905已啟用自訂的語音、輸入及手寫輸入,這會將輸入資料傳送給 Microsoft。Microsoft 會使用該資訊來改善建議與辨識平台。 Customized speech, typing, and inking is enabled which sends input data to Microsoft. Microsoft will use that info to improve the suggestion and recognition platforms.
906Windows 與應用程式會要求此裝置的位置 (包括位置歷程記錄)。裝置會將部分定位資料傳送給 Microsoft 與信任的夥伴來改進定位服務。 Windows and apps will request the location for this device, including location history. The device will send Microsoft and trusted partners some location data to improve location services.
907已啟動防護以杜絕來自惡意網站的內容與下載項目。 Protection is enabled from malicious web content and downloads.
908裝置會傳送錯誤和診斷資訊給 Microsoft。 The device will send error and diagnostic information to Microsoft.
909已啟用 Cortana (若可用),並且會將語音和鍵入輸入資料傳送給 Microsoft。Microsoft 會使用該資訊來改善建議與辨識平台。 Cortana is enabled (if available) and will send speech and typing input data to Microsoft. Microsoft will use that info to improve the suggestion and recognition platforms.
1000使用「網域加入」設定系統管理員 Set up admins using domain join
1002決定您要讓此裝置加入的網域,然後在下面輸入網域資訊與認證以加入該網域。在下一個步驟中,您選取該網域上能夠管理此裝置的安全性群組。 Decide what domain you want this device to join, and enter the domain info and credentials for joining that domain below. On the next step you’ll select the security group on that domain that will be able to manage this device.
1004網域 Domain
1010加入網域 Joining the domain
1011我們已嘗試尋找您輸入的網域,但找不到。請確定輸入正確,且裝置已連線到正確的網路。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 We tried to find the domain you entered, but couldn't. Make sure you entered it correctly and that the device has a connection to the right network. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
1012裝置已加入網域。 The device is already joined to a domain.
1013請輸入網域名稱。 Enter a domain name.
1014請以下列格式之一輸入使用者名稱: 、\ 或 。 Enter a user name in one of these formats: , \, or .
1015我們已嘗試使用您提供的認證加入網域,但該認證無法用於驗證。請確定認證正確,或使用其他認證。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 We tried to join the domain using the credentials you provided, but they couldn't be used to authenticate. Make sure the credentials are correct or use different credentials. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
1016我們已嘗試使用您稍早提供的裝置名稱加入網域,但另一個已加入網域的裝置正在使用該相同名稱。請選取 [上一步] 按鈕,並改為嘗試其他名稱。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 We tried to join the domain using the device name you provided earlier, but another domain-joined device is using the same name. Select the Back button and try a different name instead. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
1100輸入安全性群組 Enter a security group
1102您在這裡輸入之現有網域安全性群組中的成員將能夠管理此裝置上的設定。 Members in the existing domain security group you enter here will be able to manage the settings on this device.
1103安全性群組名稱 Security group name
1105選取(&S) &Select
1106正在搜尋該群組 Searching for that group
1107我們已嘗試在網域中尋找該群組,但找不到。請確定該群組存在於您的網域中,然後再試一次。您可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 找到更多資訊。 We tried to find that group on the domain, but couldn't. Make sure the group exists in your domain, and try again. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
1108請輸入群組名稱。 Enter a group name.
1300此帳戶發生問題 There’s a problem with this account
1301重試(&R) &Retry
1302請按一下這裡以繼續使用不受支援的原則。(&C) &Click here to continue using unsupported policies.
1303您提供的帳戶已設定此裝置不支援的 ActiveSync 原則。 The account you provided has been configured with ActiveSync policies that this device does not support.
1304請確定 DevicePasswordEnabled 原則已設定為 False。您可以重新設定原則,然後再試一次,以確保裝置帳戶已正確安裝且您可以使用 Exchange 服務。 Please make sure that the DevicePasswordEnabled policy is set to False. You can reconfigure the policy and retry to ensure the device account is setup properly and that you can use Exchange services.
1305如果您選擇繼續,而不重新設定原則,裝置將無法同步處理其行事曆或傳送電子郵件。 If you choose to continue without reconfiguring the policies, the device will not be able to sync its calendar or send emails.
1306按一下這裡以在不進行原則驗證的情況下繼續。(&C) &Click here to continue without policies validation.
1307正在驗證原則 Validating policies
1308我們正嘗試連線到 Exchange 伺服器以驗證指派給您提供之帳戶的原則。 We are trying to connect to the Exchange server to validate policies assigned to the account you provided.
1400發生問題。 Something went wrong.
1401無法讀取目錄。 Unable to read Directory.
1402無法探索 Exchange 位址。 Unable to discover Exchange address.
1403無法驗證 Exchange 位址。 Unable to validate Exchange address.
1404無法儲存帳戶資訊。 Unable to save account information.
1405無法驗證「Exchange 主動式同步」原則。 Unable to validate Exchange Active Sync policies.
1500設定此裝置的系統管理員 Set up admins for this device
1502此裝置上的設定只能由系統管理員變更。請選擇設定系統管理員的方式: Settings on this device can only be changed by admins. Choose how you want to set up admins:
1503使用 Microsoft Azure Active Directory Use Microsoft Azure Active Directory
1504使用 Active Directory 網域服務 Use Active Directory Domain Services
1505使用本機系統管理員 Use a local admin
1506若要讓 Azure AD 上的使用者成為此裝置的系統管理員,請選擇此選項。您將擁有的系統管理員將取決於您擁有的 Azure AD 訂用帳戶類型。如需詳細資訊,請移至 https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup。 Choose this if you want people on Azure AD to be admins for this device. The admins you’ll have will depend on what type of Azure AD subscription you have. For more info, go to https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup.
1507若要指定特定網域上的安全性群組做為此裝置的系統管理員,請選擇此選項。如需詳細資訊,請移至 https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup。 Choose this if you want a security group on a specific domain to be the admins for this device. For more info, go to https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup.
1508若沒有 Azure AD 或不想讓此裝置加入網域,請選擇此選項。如需詳細資訊,請移至 https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup。 Choose this if you don’t have Azure AD or don’t want to join this device to a domain. For more info, go to https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup.
1600快速開始 Get going fast
1602從您的設定檔選取裝置帳戶和易記名稱,我們將會執行剩下的動作。 Select a device account and friendly name from your configuration file, and we’ll take care of the rest.
1603選取設定 Select a configuration
1605裝置帳戶 Device account
1608此易記名稱已被截斷。易記名稱長度上限是 32 個字元。 This friendly name has been truncated. The maximum length of a friendly name is 32 characters.
1610手動輸入裝置設定 Enter device configuration manually
1612此設定檔中的項目格式不正確。行的格式必須像這樣: ,, Items in this configuration file are malformed. Lines should be in the format: ,,
1613確定此裝置已連線到網際網路。 Make sure this device is connected to the Internet.
1614無法使用此裝置帳戶登入。請選取其他帳戶,或手動輸入裝置設定。 We couldn’t sign in with this device account. Select a different account or enter the device configuration manually.
1615無法連線到此裝置帳戶的網域。請選取其他帳戶,或手動輸入裝置設定。 We couldn’t reach the domain for this device account. Select a different account or enter the device configuration manually.
1616在 Azure Active Directory 中找不到此裝置帳戶。請選取其他帳戶,或手動輸入裝置設定。 We couldn’t find this device account in Azure Active Directory. Select a different account or enter the device configuration manually.


File Name:ppioobe.dll.mui
File Size:13 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
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Initialized Data Size:12800
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:PPIOOBE 程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:ppioobe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:ppioobe.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is ppioobe.dll.mui?

ppioobe.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file ppioobe.dll (PPIOOBE 程式庫).

File version info

File Description:PPIOOBE 程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:ppioobe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:ppioobe.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200