FXSCOMPOSERES.dll.mui Sastavljanje faksa 5ee58a5619016d551ed52701cb7be660

File info

File name: FXSCOMPOSERES.dll.mui
Size: 49152 byte
MD5: 5ee58a5619016d551ed52701cb7be660
SHA1: 4b540352ac94ec6f6033a51543225a1a74210866
SHA256: c9217a10f99fe96ea14ea04edc46ffeb52692026d3eddc3d71d15a33ec586c5a
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Serbia (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Serbia (Latin) English
1Sadrži komande za rad sa izabranim stavkama. Contains commands for working with the selected items.
7Sadrži komande za kreiranje stavki za uređivanje. Contains commands for creating editing items.
8Sadrži komande za pronalaženje poruka, osoba i teksta. Contains commands for finding messages, people and text.
9Sadrži komande za promenu prikaza. Contains commands for changing the view.
15Sadrži komande u vezi sa porukom. Contains commands relating to a message.
19Sadrži komandu koja vam pomaže dok radite sa poštom i diskusionim grupama. Contains command to assist you while working with mail and news.
22Sadrži komande za dobijanje pomoći. Contains commands for getting help.
24Sadrži komande za umetanje stavki u poruku. Contains commands for inserting items into the message.
25Sadrži komande za oblikovanje stavki u poruci. Contains commands for formatting items in the message.
26Sadrži komande za postavku prioriteta poruke. Contains commands to set the priority of the message.
39Sadrži komande za podešavanje trake sa alatkama. Contains commands for configuring the toolbar.
100Otvara izabrane poruke. Opens the selected messages.
116Štampa izabranu poruku. Print the selected message.
122Prikazuje svojstva poruke. Displays the properties for the message.
123Zatvara Windows poštu. Closes Windows Mail.
124Kopira izabrani tekst u ostavu. Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
125Izabira sve stavke ili tekst. Selects all items or text.
128Briše ovu poruku. Deletes this message.
134Pronalazi osobe u vašem adresaru ili na Internetu. Finds people in your address book or on the Internet.
135Pronalazi tekst u trenutnoj poruci. Finds text in the current message.
145Prebacuje na prethodnu poruku. Switches to the previous message.
146Prelazi na sledeću poruku. Switches to the next message.
171Odmah šalje poruku primaocima. Sends the message to the recipients immediately.
172Privremeno zaustavlja slanje ove poruke. Pauses this message for sending.
173Nastavlja slanje ove poruke. Resumes this message for sending.
174Ponovo pokreće slanje ove poruke. Restarts this message for sending.
175Ponovo dodeljuje ovu primljenu poruku. Reassigns this received message.
176Odgovara pošiljaocu. Replies to the sender.
180Prosleđuje ovu poruku. Forwards this message.
181Prosleđuje ovu poruku kao e-poštu. Forwards this message as Email.
182Označava poruku kao pročitanu. Marks the message as read.
183Označava poruku kao nepročitanu. Marks the message as unread.
199Otvara adresar za upravljanje kontaktima korisnika Opens the Address book to manage the user’s contacts
200Otvara dijalog „Opcije faksa“ za konfigurisanje postavki poruke Brings up the Fax Options dialog to configure settings for the message
226Prikazuje informacije o programu, broj verzije i autorska prava. Displays program information, version number, and copyright.
227Čuva poruke u vašoj fascikli radnih verzija. Saves the message to your drafts folder.
228Zatvara prozor. Closes the window.
229Opoziva poslednju radnju. Undoes the last action.
230Uklanja izabrani tekst i kopira ga u ostavu. Removes the selected text and copies it to the clipboard.
231Umeće tekst iz ostave na izabrano mesto. Inserts the text from the clipboard to the selected location.
233Prikazuje ili skriva statusnu traku. Shows or hides the status bar.
234Prikazuje ili sakriva traku sa alatkama za formatiranje. Shows or hides the formatting toolbar.
235Menja font i oblik razmaka između znakova u izabranom tekstu. Changes the font and character spacing formats of the selected text.
236Prebacuje se u „Prikaz rasporeda“ ili „Normalni prikaz“ Switches the view to the Layout View or to the Normal View
237Umeće datoteku kao prilog poruke. Inserts Files to include as an attachment to the message.
238Umeće tekst iz izabrane datoteke. Inserts the text from the selected file.
239Umeće sliku u poruku. Inserts a picture into the message.
240Umeće prelom stranice u poruku pri slanju faksom Inserts a Page Break into the message when faxed
241Umeće horizontalnu liniju u poruku. Inserts a horizontal line into the message.
244Postavlja prioritet poruke na visok. Sets the priority of the message to high.
245Postavlja prioritet poruke na normalan. Sets the priority of the message to normal.
246Postavlja prioritet poruke na nizak. Sets the priority of the message to low.
247Poravnava tekst poruke nalevo. Left justifies the text in the message.
248Centrira izabrani tekst u poruci. Centers the selected text in the message.
249Poravnava tekst poruke nadesno. Right justifies the text in the message.
251Postavlja redne brojeve na izabrani pasus. Sets numbers to the selected paragraph.
252Postavlja znakove nabrajanja na izabrani pasus. Sets bullets to the selected paragraph.
253Uvećava uvlačenje izabranog pasusa. Increases the indent of the selected paragraph.
254Umanjuje uvlačenje izabranog pasusa. Decreases the indent of the selected paragraph.
255Umeće stranice iz skenera u poruku Insert pages from Scanner into the message
261Menja izabrani tekst radi pridruživanja kao hiperveze. Modifies the selected text to associate it as a hyperlink.
264Proverava adrese sa omogućenim nalozima za katalog korisničkih naloga e-pošte. Checks the addresses with the enabled directory service accounts.
265Otvara adresar za izbor primalaca. Brings up the Address Book to choose recipients.
267Otkazuje akciju prevlačenja i otpuštanja. Cancels the drag and drop action.
272Otvara prilog sa aplikacijom sa registrovanim brzim prikazom. Opens the attachment with a registered quick view application.
283Premešta izabranu fasciklu na izabranu lokaciju. Moves the selected folder to the specified location.
322Dodaje dopunske stavke kao priloge poruke. Adds additional items as attachments to the message.
323Uklanja izabrani prilog poruke. Removes the selected attachment from the message.
454Menja poravnanje i dodaje/uklanja znakove za nabrajanje u izabranom tekstu. Changes the alignment and adds/removes bullets to the selected text.
465Kreira novu poruku. Creates a new message.
466Otvara dijalog „Informacije o pošiljaocu“ za konfigurisanje informacija o pošiljaocu za poruku Brings up the Sender Info dialog to configure sender information for the message
2102Upiši poruku Write Message
2104Odštampaj Print
2111Pronađi Find
2116Prosledi kao faks Forward as Fax
2118Odgovori Reply
2119Odgovori svima Reply All
2122Opozovi Undo
2124Pošaljite faks primaocu ili primaocima koje ste izabrali. Send a fax to the recipient or recipients that you’ve selected.
2126Iseci Cut
2127Kopiraj Copy
2128Nalepi Paste
2129Potvrdite informacije o primaocu pomoću stavki iz fascikle „Windows kontakti“. Confirm recipient information using entries from your Windows Contacts folder.
2130Izbor primalaca Select Recipients
2131Umetnite dokument, datoteku ili sliku u trenutni faks. Insert a document, file, or picture in the current fax.
2132Prethodno Previous
2133Sledeće Next
2151Izaberite primaoca faksa iz fascikle „Windows kontakti“. Select fax recipients from your Windows Contacts folder.
2159Umetni prelom stranice Insert Page Break
2171Naznačite važnost trenutnog faksa da biste pomogli primaocima da odluče kako da ga pregledaju ili da na njega odgovore. Indicate the importance of the current fax to help recipients decide how to review or respond to it.
2173Kontakti Contacts
2174Oblikujte broj faksa da biste ispravno koristili pravila biranja broja za lokaciju. Format a fax number to correctly use a dialing rule for your location.
2176Sačuvajte kopiju faksa u fascikli „Radne verzije“. Save a copy of a fax in your Drafts folder.
2177Umetnite sliku iz fascikle „Slike“ ili neke druge fascikle. Insert a picture from your Pictures folder or another folder.
2178Stavite skenirani dokument ili sliku u trenutni faks. Insert a scanned document or picture in the current fax.
2179Prosledi kao e-poštu Forward as Email
348610 10
3487Arial Arial
4001Opcije faksa Fax Options
4018Greška opcija faksa Fax Options Error
4019ID e-pošte ne može biti prazan. The email id cannot be empty.
4033Visok High
4034Normalan Normal
4035Nizak Low
4204Informacije o pošiljaocu Sender Information
4205Ove informacije će biti uključene na vaše naslovne stranice This information will be included on your cover pages
4211Windows faks i skener Windows Fax and Scan
4222(Nijedno) (None)
4223Novo pravilo... New rule...
4225Za: To:
4226Cc: Cc:
4227Tema: Subject:
4228Adresar Address Book
4230Pravilo biranja: Dialing rule:
4231Nalog: Account:
4232Od: From:
4233Naslovna stranica: Cover Page:
4251Napomene na naslovnoj stranici: Cover page notes:
4260Windows je sačuvao kopiju faksa u fascikli „Radne verzije“. Windows saved a copy of the fax in your Drafts folder.
4266nijedno none
4267Faks poruka Fax Message
4268Izaberite primaoce sa liste Select recipients from a list
4269Izaberite naslovnu stranicu Select a cover page
4270Otkucajte temu Type a subject
4271Otkucajte brojeve faksa razdvojene tačkom i zarezom Type fax numbers separated by semicolons
4272Otkucajte beleške za primaoce Type notes to recipients
4273Koristite pravilo biranja (opcionalno) Use a dialing rule (optional)
4274Želite li da sačuvate promene u ovoj poruci? Do you want to save changes to this message?
4277&Ubuduće ne prikazuj ovu poruku &Don’t show this message again
4278&Ne pitaj me ponovo. &Don't ask me again.
4286Datum: Date:
4297Neki od priloga ove poruke nisu uspeli da se ispravno prikažu. Some of the attachments failed to display correctly for this message.
4298Novi faks New Fax
4299Priloži: Attach:
4300Sačuvaj prilog kao Save Attachment As
4301Umeće prilog u ovu pouku Insert the attachment for the message
4332Prilog (*.*)|*.*|| Attachment (*.*)|*.*||
4345Prosledi Forward
4347Odgovori pošiljaocu Reply to Sender
4351eml eml
4354Sačuvaj poruku kao Save Message As
4355Nije moguće sačuvati poruku. Unable to save the message.
4407Ovo je neprihvatljiv znak. This is an unacceptable character here.
4430Napišite grešku broja za pomoć Compose Number Helper Error
4431Nevažeće ime primaoca. Invalid Recipient Name.
4434Re: Re:
4435Fw: Fw:
4436Izabrana zemlja zahteva pozivni broj. The selected country requires an area code.
4437Neispravan pozivni broj za zemlju. Bad country code.
4444U imenu primaoca nije dozvoljena tačka i zarez. Semi colons are not allowed in Recipient Name.
4445Ovde možete otkucati samo broj. You can only type a number here.
4446Nevažeći broj faksa. Invalid Fax Number.
4453Tekstualne datoteke (*.txt)|*.txt|| Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt||
4454Sve datoteke (*.*)|*.*|| All Files (*.*)|*.*||
4455&Priloži &Attach
4456Umetni prilog Insert Attachment
4458Ne možete ovde otpustiti direktorijume. Želite li da kreirate prečice ka njima? You cannot drop directories here. Would you like to make shortcuts to directories?
4459Potvrdite da želite
da uklonite ove priloge.
Please confirm that you wish
to remove these attachments.
4477Želite li da sačuvate promene? Do you want to save your changes?
4502Morate navesti neke primaoce poruke. You must specify some recipients for the message.
4505Opšti podaci General
4506Detalji Details
4507Došlo je do greške tokom odgovaranja ili prosleđivanja ove poruke. An error occurred replying to or forwarding this message.
4519(nema teme) (No subject)
4525Primalac Recipient
4536Polje „Tema“ ne može da bude prazno. The subject field cannot be blank.
4537Pošta (*.eml)|*.eml|| Mail (*.eml)|*.eml||
4538Mora da sadrži barem naslovnu stranicu, neku poruku ili priloge. At least a cover page or some message or some attachments need to be present.
4576(nijedan) (None)
4577(Nijedna) (None)
4578(sastavljanje u toku) (Under Composition)
4615Nije moguće otvoriti adresar. Moguće je da adresar nije pravilno instaliran. Unable to open the Address Book. The Address Book may not be installed properly.
4644&Primaoci poruke: &Message recipients:
4645Došlo je do greške. Nije moguće dodati neke primaoce u adresar. An error occurred. Could not add one or more of the recipients to the address book.
4646Nije moguće doći do svojstava za ovu adresu. Could not get properties for this address.
4647Neki od primalaca u ovoj poruci nisu važeći. Proverite imena. Some of the recipients for this message are not valid. Please verify the names.
4649Nije moguće odabrati primaoce. Unable to choose recipients.
4650Ova osoba već je u vašem adresaru. This contact is already in your address book.
4657Izaberite fasciklu: Please select a folder:
4658Potrebno je da izaberete štampač da biste automatski odštampali faksove koje primite. To automatically print faxes that you receive, you need to select a printer.
4659Nije moguće pronaći navedenu fasciklu. Potražite fasciklu ili odaberite alternativnu fasciklu. The specified folder cannot be found. Search for the folder or choose an alternative folder.
4660Navedeno ime je predugačko. Navedite kraće ime. The name specified is too long. Please specify a shorter name.
4661Nemate bezbednosne dozvole da biste dovršili ovu operaciju. Obratite se administratoru faksa za više informacija. You do not have security permissions to complete this operation. Contact your fax administrator for more information.
4662Došlo je do greške. Pokušajte sa izvršavanjem operacije kasnije ili se obratite administratoru. An error occurred. Please try the operation later or contact your administrator.
4663Nema dovoljno slobodne memorije za dovršavanje ove operacije. Zatvorite neke aplikacije i pokušajte ponovo. There are not enough memory resources available to complete the operation. Close some applications and try again.
4665Ako izbrišete ovaj nalog, nećete moći da šaljete ili primate faksove pomoću ovog faks modema ili veze sa serverom. Želite li zaista da izbrišete ovaj nalog? If you delete the account, you won’t be able to send or receive faxes using this fax modem or server connection. Are you sure you want to delete the account?
4667Da biste poslali faks, morate prvo da se povežete sa faks modemom ili serverom. Da biste videli kako da podesite računar za slanje i prijem faksova, pogledajte opciju „Pomoć i podrška“. To send a fax, you must first connect to a fax modem or server. To see how to set up your computer to send and receive faxes, see Help and Support.
4676Poruka nije mogla biti poslata. The message could not be sent.
4677Nije moguće pronaći navedeni nalog u programu „Windows faks i skener“. Ovaj faks morate poslati sa drugog naloga ili dodati ovaj nalog programu „Windows faks i skener“ i pokušati ponovo. The specified account could not be found on Windows Fax and Scan. You need to either send this fax with a different account or add this account to Windows Fax and Scan and try again.
4678Nema konfigurisanog naloga u programu „Windows faks i skener“. Sačuvajte ovaj faks kao radnu verziju, konfigurišite nalog u programu „Windows faks i skener“, otvorite radnu verziju i pokušajte da ga pošaljete. There is no account configured in Windows Fax and Scan. Save this fax as draft, configure an account in Windows Fax and Scan, open the draft and then try sending.
4679Nije moguće preuzeti naslovne stranice povezane sa izabranim nalogom. Unable to retrieve cover pages associated with the selected account.
4680Ovaj računar nije povezan sa faks štampačem na izabranom faks serveru.

Povezivanje sa faks štampačem na faks serveru obavezno je za prikazivanje sadržaja faksa. Izaberite stavku „Da“ da se odmah automatski povežete sa faks štampačem ili stavku „Ne“da se vratite na stranicu „Sastavljanje faksa“.
This machine is not connected to the Fax Printer on the selected Fax Server.

Connecting to the Fax Printer on the Fax Server is required to render the fax content. Click Yes to connect to the Fax Printer automatically now, or No to return to the Fax compose page.
4681Nije moguće dodati faks štampač. Could not add the fax printer.
4682Windows ne može da sačuva kopiju radne verzije ovog faksa. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije. Windows cannot save a Draft copy of this fax. Please try again later.
4683Došlo je do greške tokom slanja faksa.

Do ovoga je možda došlo zato što pokušavate da pošaljete faks sa potvrdama o isporuci koje server ne podržava. Pokušajte da ga pošaljete bez potvrda.
There was an error sending the fax.

This can be possibly because you are trying to send the fax with delivery receipts which are not supported by the server. Please try sending without receipts.
4723Došlo je do greške. An error has occurred.
4724&Cc: &Cc:
4734Želite li zaista da pošaljete ovaj faks bez teme? Are you sure that you want to send this fax without a subject?
4745Izbriši Delete
4753%1 - %2 %1 - %2
4766Bcc: Bcc:
4770Nema dovoljno memorije. There is not enough memory.
4771Nema dovoljno prostora na disku. There is not enough disk space.
4779Neki od primalaca ove poruke ne postoje više u adresaru. Some of the recipients for this message no longer exist in your address book.
4790Prikaži pomoć View Help
4953U redu OK
4954&Da &Yes
4955&Ne &No
4956Otkaži Cancel
5025&Za: &To:
5026&Od: Fr&om:
5070Neke datoteke nisu mogle biti pronađene i ne mogu se priložiti uz poruku. Some of the files could not be found, and could not be attached to the message.
5234Operacija nije mogla biti dovršena. Dogodila se greška tokom učitavanja RICHED32.DLL. Ponovite instalaciju. The operation could not be completed. RICHED32.DLL failed to load. Please re-install.
5235Učitavanje adresara nije uspelo. The Address Book failed to load.
5236Adresar se nije mogao pokrenuti. The Address Book could not be launched.
5237Smer tela poruke nije mogao biti postavljen zdesna nalevo. The body direction could not be set to right-to-left.
5238Naslovne stranice obično sadrže informacije kao što su ime, broj faksa ili e-adresa da bi pomogle da primaoci identifikuju ko šalje faks. Želite li odmah da dodate informacije? Cover pages typically contain information such as your name, fax number, or e-mail address to help recipients identify who is sending a fax. Do you want to add your information now?
5239Nevažeći prilog, proverite prilog i pokušajte ponovo. Invalid attachment, please check the attachment and try again.
5240Pregled Preview
5241Štampa se drugi dokument. Pokušajte ponovo nakon određenog vremena. Another document is being printed. Please try after some time.
5242Čeka se da se druga štampanja dovrše Waiting for other print jobs to complete
5243Štampanje faksa za generisanje pregleda Printing fax for generating preview
5244Prosleđivanje faksa u redosled štampanja Submitting fax to job queue
5245Da biste slali faksove pomoću štampača koji ste izabrali, prvo morate da kreirate nalog za faks. Windows će umesto toga poslati ovaj faks pomoću podrazumevanog naloga za faks. Za više informacija potražite stavku „Podešavanje računara za slanje i prijem faksova“ u okviru opcije „Pomoć i podrška“. To send faxes using the printer that you selected, you must first create a fax account. Windows will send this fax using your default fax account instead. For more information, search for 'set up your computer to send and receive faxes' in Help and Support.
5261Sistemski podrazumevano (nepoznato) System Default (Unknown)
5403Komanda nije uspela da se izvrši. The command failed to execute.
5421&Bcc: &Bcc:
5422Došlo je do greške pri otvaranju ove poruke. There was an error opening this message.
5583Dokument sadrži okvire, koji ne mogu biti uređeni. Original dokument je priložen. This document contains frames, which cannot be edited. The original document is attached.
5596Ovo ime nije moglo biti pronađeno u adresaru. This name could not be found in your address book.
5598Da biste poslali faks koristeći pravilo biranja broja, morate uneti brojeve primalaca u kanonskom formatu. Na primer: +1 (111) 111-1111 To send the fax using a dialing rule, you need to enter recipient numbers in canonical format. For example: +1 (111) 111-1111
5599Izabrani server ne podržava potvrde o isporuci. U dijalogu „Opcije poruke“, u opciji „Tip isporuke“ izaberite stavku „Nijedan“ ili promenite server. Delivery Receipts are not supported by the selected server. Please select Receipt type None from Message Options or change the server.
5600Nije moguće priložiti faksu HTML tip datoteka HTML type files cannot be attached in the fax
5601Windows ne može da pošalje faksom ili da pregleda priloženi tip datoteke. Pokušajte da instalirate program koji dozvoljava da štampate .tif datoteke, sačuvate priloženu datoteku kao .tif datoteku i pokušajte ponovo. Windows can't fax or preview the attached file type. Try installing a program that allows you to print .tif files, save the attached file as a .tif file, and then try again.
5718HTML datoteke (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|| HTML Files (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html||
5733Prilog Attachment
5861%lukB %luKB
5981Datoteka '%s' se ne može otvoriti zato što ne postoji ili je već koristi neka druga aplikacija. The file '%s' could not be opened because it does not exist, or is being used by another application.
6160Nekim primaocima u grupi nedostaje broj faksa. Ako kliknete na dugme „U redu“, faks će biti poslat samo primaocima sa važećim brojevima faksa. One or more of the recipients in a group is missing a fax number. If you press Ok, the fax will just be sent to the recipients with valid fax numbers.
6161Nije moguće pronaći SMTP adresu za ovog primaoca. Izaberite drugu adresu. An SMTP address cannot be found for this recipient. Please choose an alternative.
6162Lista distribucije se ne može koristiti kao primalac. Izaberite jednog primaoca. The distribution list cannot be used as a recipient. Please choose a single recipient.
6163(Lično) (Personal)
6193Telo ove poruke nije moglo da se prikaže. The body of this message could not be displayed.
6294je niskog prioriteta is Low Priority
6295je visokog prioriteta is High Priority
6541Čuvanje '%s'... Saving '%s'...
6542Neki primaoci nemaju faks adresu. Proverite adresar i uverite se da svi primaoci imaju važeću faks adresu. One or more recipients do not have a fax address. Please check your Address Book and make sure all the recipients have a valid fax address.
6617Priloži Attach
6624Proveri Check
6625Prioritet Priority
6649Ova poruka %s. This message %s.
6895Neke datoteke nisu mogla biti pronađene i nisu mogle biti priložene uz poruku. Želite li ipak da pošaljete ovu poruku? Some of the files could not be found, and could not be attached to the message. Would you like to send the message anyway?
6903Unikod tekstualne datoteke (*.txt)|*.txt|| Unicode Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt||
6904Pošalji Send
6906Da biste pregledali faks, prvo morate da se povežete sa faks modemom ili serverom. Sačuvajte kopiju u fascikli „Radne verzije“, podesite Windows da šalje i prima faksove, a zatim pokušajte ponovo. To preview a fax, you must first connect to a fax modem or server. Save a copy in your Drafts folder, set up Windows to send and receive faxes, and then try again.
6907Nije moguće prikazati pregled za ovaj tip datoteke Preview cannot be displayed for this file type
6908Datoteke rasterske slike (*.BMP)|*.BMP|GIF (*.GIF)|*.GIF|JPEG (*.JPEG;*.JPG;*.JPE;*.JFIF)|*.JPEG;*.JPG;*.JPE;*.JFIF|PNG (*.PNG)|*.PNG|Sve datoteke slika |*.BMP;*.GIF;*.JPEG;*.JPG;*.JPE;*.JFIF;*.PNG;*.ICO|Sve datoteke|*||| Bitmap Files (*.BMP)|*.BMP|GIF (*.GIF)|*.GIF|JPEG (*.JPEG;*.JPG;*.JPE;*.JFIF)|*.JPEG;*.JPG;*.JPE;*.JFIF|PNG (*.PNG)|*.PNG|All Picture Files|*.BMP;*.GIF;*.JPEG;*.JPG;*.JPE;*.JFIF;*.PNG;*.ICO|All Files|*|||
6909Slika Picture
6910Došlo je do greške tokom slanja faksa. Greška je možda nastala zbog različitih rezolucija štampanja koje se koriste pri slanju različitih delova ovog faksa. Koristite istu rezoluciju za sve priloge u okviru faksa. There was an error in sending the fax. The error can be because of different print resolutions used in sending various parts of this fax. Please use the same resolution for all the attachments in the fax.
6911Poverljivo Confidential
6912Hitno Urgent
6913Obaveštenje FYI
6914Generički Generic
7001Nije otkriven nijedan skener. Ako je skener instaliran, uverite se da je uključen i povezan sa računarom, a zatim pokušajte ponovo.
Za informacije o dodavanju skenera ili rešavanju problema sa skenerima pogledajte opciju „Pomoć i podrška“
No scanners were detected. If a scanner is installed, make sure that it is powered on and connected to the computer, and then try again.
For information about adding or troubleshooting scanners, see Help and Support
7002Odredite položaj stranica na skeneru. Kliknite na dugme „U redu“ kada budete spremni da započnete skeniranje. Please position the page or pages on the scanner. Click OK when you are ready to begin scanning.
7003Skeniranje nije moguće. Proverite da li je skener ispravno konfigurisan. Ažurirajte ili ponovo instalirajte upravljački program ako je potrebno i pokušajte ponovo. Unable to scan. Please check if the scanner is correctly configured. Update or reinstall the driver if required and try again.
7004Skener ne podržava podrazumevane postavke skeniranja za faks. Kliknite na dugme „U redu“ da biste skenirali uz podrazumevane postavke skenera ili na dugme „Otkaži“ da biste napustili program. The scanner does not support the default settings for scan to fax. Click OK to scan with the scanner’s default settings, or Cancel to exit.
7005Skeniranje stranice %d. Scanning page %d.
7006Skeniranje nije moguće. Proverite da li se papir zaglavio u skeneru i ponovo pokušajte da skenirate. Unable to scan. Please check the scanner for a paper jam and retry scanning.
7007Skeniranje nije moguće. U skeneru nema papira. Ponovo pokušajte da skenirate tako što ćete postaviti stranice u skener. UUnable to scan. The scanner is out of paper. Retry scanning by placing pages in the scanner.


File Name:FXSCOMPOSERES.dll.mui
File Size:48 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:48640
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (241A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Sastavljanje faksa
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:FxsComposeRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original File Name:FxsComposeRes.Dll.MUI
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is FXSCOMPOSERES.dll.mui?

FXSCOMPOSERES.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Serbia (Latin) language for file FXSCOMPOSERES.dll (Sastavljanje faksa).

File version info

File Description:Sastavljanje faksa
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:FxsComposeRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original Filename:FxsComposeRes.Dll.MUI
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x241A, 1200